(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Wayne also wake up for night feed the past 1 month..and he is not as gentle as Chloe, he will scream and cry his lungs out, and he refuse to say he want milk. Then I tell him, Mummy go make milk.

Once I out of the room, hubby say he stop screaming and lay happily on the bed. Recently he want to sleep with us too. I will let him sleep on my bed, then after he sleep soundly, put him on his mattress but he will wake up for milk and come onto my bed again.

And if we din on the aircon, he made a fuss too. This boy getting more and more mischievous.

Last night my hubby say if he scream tonight again, will cane him hard..aiyo..he always want to learn thru the hard way...headache

Wayne's Mum....think boy are more notti then gals...YH these few days appetite super good..every dawn wakes up for milk, i give him 8oz he not enough will cry and kick ask for more! then i have to make another 2-3oz for him to satisfy his tummy..then he happily say 'bao bao' then goes back to sleep again...
Peng, YH so cute. I only give Wayne 170ml in during midnight and 200ml in the morning.

But then after a while, he will ask for bread and biscuits.

Nowadays, after dinner, he will eat fruits, biscuits and other snack until his milk time, his mouth cannot stop for a min...and I run of out food for him liao..heee
Hi all
didn't know so many babies still wake up for milk. My Zhe Lei stop drinking fm since 1yr old. So no more night feed n I stop giving him pacifier n he already get rid of it lor, hehe! But now he is very money face, when he saw me holding notes or coins, will keep shouting money. And want to grab it, so terrible!
oh yah agree with Peng and Wayne's mummy that boys really have good appetite recently...

JK's usually have only at most 210ml of milk.. recently after he finished, he will tell me "hai yao nen nen"... then i make another 60ml for him and he finished all!!! so nowadays i make 240ml at one go for him and no more asking...

he also eat non-stop, always asking for biscuits and bread.. my mum always say him "teeth itchy" :p
hmmm.. so now how many times and how much u all give your bb milk?

Owen is drinking 9oz or 270ml, 3 times daily. Sometimes he left 2 oz so is 210ml for last feed.

Now it triggers me to wonder if his midnite calls are actually making requests for milk. I did not understand so juz re-position him, tidy his clothes and pat him back to sleep.
bblush. Can meh? Chloe can sleep b4 9pm? How nice if Owen can sleep early.

I ever tried to put him to sleep at 9pm but in the end I got so tired I slept way ahead of him. By the time I woke up, it's already 10:30 aro & he was still sitting on the bed reading books.
Strawberry, wah, Owen can drink quite a lot hor. Wayne only drink 200ml in the morning, 170ml in the afternoon and same for the last feed. He did not wake up every night for midnight feed but maybe abt 2-3 days per week.

Yes, Serenemeow, teeth very itchy, my mum ask me give him bread. But then he just finished a big bowl of rice then followed by bread, i think is too much lor. So i either give him eat those kelocks cornflakes or fruits.

I bought the snackcatcher by munchins so that he can eat snacks on his own without spilling...and he is holding it everywhere he goes. And keep asking him to refill for him..faintz!
Cao Mei:
JK now having 4 times milk consumption daily.
Morning when wake up, before morning nap, before afternoon nap and final one before sleep.

har? u puts books around his bed? wah Owen can read without lights on?
JK has nothing on his bed except for the bolsters that use to block him from falling to the floor. so he can do nothing except to stare at the ceiling and talk on his own.

Wayne's mummy,
yeps JK oso has the snackcatcher.. he really eats very fast if we give him biscuits especially his fav Gerber's Stars... pop 2 in the mouth and within 2 mins, finish at least 20 of them... u know wat.. sometimes he finds the snackcatcher's cover a burden, so he will always take off the lid and eat directly... save time
Serenmeow..hee..luckily Wayne still dunno how to take off the lid, else i even more headache liao.

He knows where is the tibits cupboard, and after dinner, he will run there, take tibits and ask me to open. I want to change my tibits cupboard but no other place liao..
yeah i agree...my gal recently got addicted to those healthy mixed nuts with raisins....I gave her once and now she know I put it in the fridge, she will run there and keep pointing to the fridge. I will pretend to take her biscuits to give her and she will shake her head. Then she will ask me to carry her so that she can take whatever she wants from the fridge.
Hi all,
So nice to be reading some of the common woes that we Mummies face with our kiddos. Zavier doesn't wake up for night feeds anymore except once in a blue blue moon. But he would say. "Mummy, Make milk milk" if he really wants it n like wat Bblush had said, if I don giv it to him, he would jus sit on the bed n stone for a good hour. Might as well make so that he can go back to sleep faster... haha...

Mousy pig, I guess kids at their age now are learning to take sweet tibits. I feel guilty too using these tibits as baits to make my Zavier do things e.g. take off his own shoes, calling ppl in the lift. I would tell him if he does all these, I would giv him his fav sweets or chocolates. N each time he completes these tasks, he would run to the fridge n say "Mummy, chocolate where?!"

Heh Mummies, do any of your kiddos talk in their sleep? I wonder why Zaiver talk so much during his sleep leh. He can say things like "Who's coming? Its Thomas train, Percy, James, Henry!" but with eyes closed n still sleeping. Think he's too addicted to Thomas&friends series already. Few months ago it was Barney&friends, now its Thomas.

Twendy, Congratulations on your delivery! Tell us abt it and show us pics of your boy soon! Its a waiting game for me now.
my gal is only taking 3 milk feeds per day. morning milk 3 scoops cos can go childcare to take their breakfast, dun want her to be too full. mid-afternoon after nap another 8 scoops. nite time before sleep another 6 scoops. she will take the usual lunch & dinner. in between, i dun really give her any titbits, have stopped buying gerber stars & biscuits. however, i'm not sure if my gal is snacking while under my MIL's care. i did stock up on those fruit sweets that babygal recommended - these are just to "entertain" her while we are out dining.

my gal is crazy over ABCs (instead of snacks). she will wail for my hubby to carry her up to see the books on her bookshelf so that she can choose one to read. she looks darn serious when making her selection :) so farnie.

i delivered my #2 via natural w/o epi. was admitted to labour ward @ 3:30pm and bb came out @ 5:45pm. totally no time to administer epi. luckily the labour process was fast, otherwise cannot imagine how i can tahan. lazy to download photo to my laptop leh. gimme some more time before i "publish" my mickey's photo.
<font color="ff6000">Cayden was in a good mood to take some photos last night.. Too bad it was on a 2 mega pixel camera. Not too good quality for me to send for developing... </font>

<font color="0000ff">Here's to share, have nice weekends mumies !!</font>



yalo, there's a platform infront of my bedboard, I place all his books there so that we can read together every nite. If I fail to make him lye down, I will leave the light on so that he can read on his own. Most times, he will sit on the bed and flip the books. After sometimes, he gets tired he will pick up his bony and lye down.

Wayne de ma,

What is snackcatcher? How does it look? Thot of going Kiddy Palace to take a look. Anyway, until now we still not comfortable letting Owen holds and eats on his own so that feeds him if he wants biscuit or bread. Partly because it's messy and partly because we are afraid of him getting choked as he big bites.
hi strawberry

I think now you can slowly let them eat on their own.. I think they are able to self-feed oredi. Well, it will be messy though..

If you get those kiddy biscuits or bread, I think generally OK.

We have been letting Ashley self-feed if the food isn't too messy..sometimes she prefers using hands.. in fact, when she eats on her own, she usually can finish all her food..slowly

It is a contact with a lid with opening so that their little hand can put in and take out the snack. Under the brand munchins (not sure if spell correctly)

I also let Wayne eat biscuit and bread on his own. But then not for his meal because i ever let him try and he just stir very hard, almost spill, guess he not ready yet.
Hi Twendy

Laurent looks so comfortable in that sleeping position. Nice features.

Yesterday was my company's family day @ the Singapore Flyer. Was quite a nice 30 minutes ride. Ashley enjoyed it a lot..last night she has been telling people she went "Singapore Flyer"

hi Wayne mummy

thanks. Yesterday we went Marina Kiddy Palace. Spent $150/- but aiyah forgot all about the snackcatcher thingy.

agree bbroom. So over weekend, I let Owen held his own biscuit to eat. He gripped well and put it into his mouth, together with his fingers. Messy start.. Oyes, yesterday we passed by the Ferris Wheel. Got to see only. Wah, your company good leh, family day at S'pore Flyers. Ashley not much change from the last time we met at the Gymboree. What did she do for half an hour in the ride..?
I heard Chloe talk in her sleep twice. She said "See-saw up and down.." from the song that they sing at Gymboree. Farnie, probably overly stimulated during the day.

strawberry, yes, Chloe is asleep before 9. I believe kids their age need to start establishing good sleep habits (10-12 hours of sleep) at night. Even if she protest, I will bring her up to her room and sing some songs or read with her. She knows that's part of bedtime routine. If we are watching TV and didn't bring her into her room by then, she will automatically ask for her blanket, her 'tutu' (pacifier) and milk. Then she pull my hand and say 'Wanna sleep in Chloe's room.'

Pauline, Cayden is so handsome and fair.

bbroom, kids are not at all afraid of heights, right? I brought Chloe to Flyer for company function as well, and she kept holding the bar and looking down. She was very happy and started pointing to cars and people below. Because there were quite a lot of tourist there, one Indian couple just grabbed my Chloe and kept pinching her cheeks! I was quite shocked cos they didn't ask me. They took out their camera and carry her and started asking their relative to snap pictures of them with Chloe. Ai yoh.
BBblush...kekeke so u and i similar in enforcing good sleeping habits! true loh...when hits 8pm if i did not put him to bed...he will also auto say want to sleep liao :p
was terrible since sunday coz martin got HFM. He was like 'kena ghost' for the past 2 days. couldn't sleep and eat/drink. kept kicking , screaming, crying. i hope i was him to fall sick. today he recover a lot. but we still worried about the little marcus who is only 3 weeks old. hope he will not be infected. due to this. we dun carry him and feed him, i dare only see see him 2 meter away. sad
after confinement nanny go back this weekend, i think i need to choose either take care martin or marcus ONLY. then MIL will help to take care the other one
damn bad luck. kid got HFM during confinement
real tired
take care of urself... don't think too much.. remember u r still in confinement... Martin will be fine. We have to bear with their screaming and crying cos that's the only way they can vent out their uneasyness...
Jia You!!
wah, peng, yuheng sleeps at 8pm, even earlier than Chloe! Can he sleep all the way to 7-8am? We tried to make Owen sleeps early these days. It improves but den, he will wake up at 4am, or 7am. Looks like the earlier he sleeps, the earlier he wakes.

Kelly, OMG, how did Martin get HFM? Did U put him in childcare?

These weeks, Owen dunno why hates to wash up after pooh pooh. Every time got to end up with a struggle dragging him to the toilet. Whenever he has the feel, he will find a cousy corner to hide to do his business and cannot be disturbed. Told him so many times that he has to tell but all the more he disobeys. Jiat lat abit out of hand here.
babyblush ~

Cayden only willing to go to bed after 10.30pm !! I will already make my way to bed at abt 9.30pm, den when Cayden want to sleep, he will wake me up to put him to sleep (accompany him in his room)..


Owen still with his diapers when doing business right? Cayden will sometimes pat on his diaper and tell us that he wants a "wash" after poo. Otherwise, when we smell a foul smell, we will check on his diapers. Guess he is still not ready to toilet train.. Put him on his potty, nothing will come out..
my gal usually sleeps between 9-10pm. Yesterday she told me she wants to or or, I told her wait mummy want to watch TV. hahaha.

My gal can tell us after she poo. So far quite accurate except sometimes she let out gas she also thought she poo.
bad luck never end yet. haha

i start having blisters, i expect it coz taking care martin. but my blister quite itchy. confinement nanny said more like chicken pox, which is worse for me. how / who / where to take care 2 kids if i got chicken pox?

u never have chicken pox before? Better u go and see doc..Yao2 childcare also got 2 cases of HFMD..i stopped her from going to cc since last wed till now..will monitor but teacher said that both that kena aledy back to cc..maybe will let her go to cc these few days as i will be back to work next monday liao...do take care yea

i have started placing Chloe directly on the adult toilet bowl. I placed a baby toilet seat over the bowl. Chloe has used it a few times to pee and poo. We are taking potty training slowly. I give myself until end of this year to fully toilet train her. No choice, her nursery will only take in kids who are toilet trained.

One useful tip: We bought a VCD on Elmo using the potty. The whole show is about Elmo teaching kids to use the potty with lot'sa songs. Teach kids to wash hands, flush toilet etc. Chloe likes to watch it, and when she is on the potty, she will sing the 'Potty Time' song. You may like to go to VCD shops to look for it. I bought mine at Mothercare Harbourfront.

Please take care....realy poor thing to have all these during confinement.


what is the VCD's name? see can get one to teach NQ or not as so far she still don know how to tell when pee or poo....

NQ recently addited to TV!!!! once step in our house, I must on her favorite vcd for her and must on till she sleep leh.....I know this is really no good for her eyes especially when she lie down to watch!!!! Who's bb r like that too???.....I just checked with cc teacher how to solve this problem and she told me must not give in to her if she cry when I off it..gonna to try it tonight see how long she cry!!!!.
Strawberry....YH nowadays usually sleep thru from 8pm plus till next morning 7am, did not wake up for feed.If i bring him out gai gai i also by 9pm reach home, bathe feed then go bed straight away..I usually laze in bed wait till he wake up when he will call loud loud " MaMa nai nai" :D

Mousypig...so ur gal still poo in diaper hor..my one only tell me after he poo in diaper..MaMa hmm hmm...one thing i luv watching the korea drama at 7pm, but usually cannot watch finish cos he will protest say one to sleep liao, so boh bian have to switch off my tv then accompany him to bed :p

PPP...the cc teacher is correct loh...must not give in to her, have to let her cry if she protest or else it becomes a habit..
Sorry to disturb.
Anyone uses Bliss confinement agency before? Any feedback? Appreciate with sharing ur experience with me. Pls PM me. Thanks!
Morning all Mummies,
Xiaoyang, your boy looks real chubby. Take care...

Kelly, take care too. Think you must be having a hard time. Take things easy, soon it would be over. Have more family members to help you out.

Bblush, I've seen that vcd before. Is it really that useful? Maybe I would get that to show Zavier too. I'm also potty training Z but main job done by my mum of cos. He can say he wants to pee but when we bring the potty to him, no urine! Then he would ask us to put on diapers for him,"wear diapers pls!" Think he's still not used to peeing in the potty. As for poo-ing, his usual poo times are early in the morning just after the first feed, so just nice he would poo in his diapers. For tat, he would only say after he pooed. Habit already. No choice.
Heh, do you have to attend any orientation for your Chloe's school next yr? Z's kindergarden actually asked me to go down for an orientation programe this Sat for next yr's intake. Thought it was a bit early leh.

My tummy is getting so big and bulky now. Just went for my gynae check yesterday, gonna "bomb" anytime. Wish me luck!
ppp, bearyhugs

The name of the VCD is "Elmo's Potty Time". This is the cover.

It worked for Chloe. You can try it. You can also try to put your kids on the potty every morning (or their usual poo time). It's ok if the first few times, there is no urine, just let them get used to sitting on it first. Chloe also follows me to the toilet, so she sees what I'm doing
Then she will want to follow and use the adult toilet bowl.

Orientation? I still have to bring Chloe for an admission interview end of the year first. hahaha. so kana sai right??? Imagine, they need to 'assess' if the kids are ready for their school first. If the principal thinks that she is not at the right maturity level, the school will recommend you postpone your child's admission, and guess what... you go back to the bottom of the waitlist!
bblush, Pauline

Owen still on diaper, not toilet trained yet.

At times, we let him wear pants w/o diapers but bring him to wee wee every half hourly. Once, he was playing toys on the floor and suddenly I saw him jerked and held his pants at the birdy area. Saw his pants abit wet so I brought him to toilet and he started to pee. Can see he is trying to control his urine wen w/o diapers.

But cum to pooh pooh, over wkends, if I see him hiding at a corner tipping toes sticking butts out, I will make him sit on potty (with diapers still on). It's juz an action to let him associate pooh pooh with potty. Unfortunately, he will struggle to get up n turn the potty upside down.

Too bad, I know he will pooh aro the same time in the morning but juz no time to make him sit on potty esp weekdays morning.

Hmm.. good idea, I will go hunt for the Elmo VCD this weekend.

U n teacher r right! Firt night, NQ cried for about 40mins till she fall asleep and next day after 10 30pm, when I off the tv, she got made noice but a while only then play with other toys lioa..hehe....


Thanks for the pics. will try to get one.
martin become very very very wild ever since he got HFM. now he is still screaming, crying outside. i am waiting for him to cool down then i appear. i am very sad, why he suddenly become this. totally diferent person. he got no reason to be that since he already recover. i am really sad
Hi kelly,

Perharp he see his little marcus brother, he is abit jealous of him. Maybe give him a little more time and keep showing your affection toward him might help to cool him down.

Take care

My confinement nanny very goof leh..she just finished doing for my friend's wife. And my friend also rem her to his friend..when is ur due date.? got to chech her schedule..she will back to Msia today..
Hi xiaoyang

Tks for the recommendation. But I've already confirmed with ppp's nanny when ppp recommended her to me yesterday. Cannot fly her kite lah.. As you said, KIV your nanny for my #3... hahaha
Hihi Mummies

Just wish to share gd news with u all. My baby gal has just reported to tis wonderful world last sunday. Now she is one wk old.
