(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi Peng,
I understand what you mean. They are simply in their extreme naughty stage now. Zavier would also wail to want to go playground in the evenings but he doesn't cry out loud, jus that kind of low tone whinning. N he also doesn't want to come out of the bathroom each time! Kept playing with water, transfer from one pail to another. I was so afraid that he would slip n fall. Faintz. Nowadays, also kept running round n refuse to change diapers at night. Would run away from me mischieviously and expect me to play catching with him. So tiring.....sigh.

So is the outing tmr at JC garden still on?
Bearyhugs...they really same pattern..either he will stuck in the bathroom or run out the bathroom then i have to chase him all over the hse running nake! ask him to come over he will answer back "NO"! his speech is getting better each day, now he say very clearly gonggong, ah mah, yeye, nainai, gugu,jiejie, meimei, gege, didi, ah yi, auntie, uncle, Ah PEK! hahahaa....
mycrysania, voted liao... jia you...
thks all mummies...

well, still a tiring days 4 me..it is not easy to handle 1 bb n 1 toddler at the same time..especially our toddlers that at this stage..so called 'trouble 2'..my gal also start to throw tantrum..like throw the spoon or a bowl of rice on the floor..really angry n pek cheh sometimes..n my bb s kind of kan giong spider..kenot wait wen he is huner of milk..now still got the help of confinement lady to help up...really duno if i can cope after she goes back in two weeks time...

somemore my maid kept on falling sick lately..dunois real sick or 'geng' one..guess i never tell u all that my maid ever fake fainted at home n cos us to call the ambulance, rite? she is the best actress of golden horse award....Luckily i sent yao to CC last month..now she not so attached to my maid liao...

Congratulation that ur boy can walk now...anythoer phase to headache,,like my gal...always fall down....

Havent download the pic yet..will upload soon

went to this japanese cum western resturant today and find that the food is quite nice is pretty reasonable.. the set cost around $12-$16 with a coffee and tea. Brownie is 1 for 1 free but must charge using DBS credit card. Mummu got a free desert , father got a beer and toddler got a small toy.....
Just brought andrea to sentosa n vivo.





She liked it so much n dun wan to leave.

Chin Chin, wow e food looked delicious. Is e restaurant at bugis?
my maid "faked" a fainting session before too. her narration of the session simply dun make sense. all of us, including my SIL's maid knew she made it up. we just smiled and let her think we believed her. meanwhile, we called agency to change her. i can tahan lazy maid, but not one who lie.
1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. xiaoyang (born:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (c-section :15-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
9. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08; Gender: "To be surprised" )
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)

xiao yang, my turn soon. (dun mind i changed your EDD to born?

have tentatively fixed c-section on 15 Aug. hubby just now slipped from his mouth that c-section is "less torturing than natural". perhaps i was too sensitive, i feel very sad when heard this. martin was emergency c-section. took up 24+15hours (too long, every time have to re-calculate the time) to wait for the full dilation and when saw his hair from bottom, gynae said the face position wrong, have to go operation theater immediately. @%#*^#. so this time ops straight for c-section, to save the bill (just in case got to be emergency again). but i never tot that he feel this is 'less pain'.

martin watching TV like staring enemy
hi Angeline..
yes , sorry forgot to write down the location, yes is at Bugis.if not wrong should be at the corner 2nd floor. next to the chinese food resturant.
chin chin

Ma Masion is a really good restaurant. I have been there since my "pak toh" days with hubby. They also have one at Central.

Actually, m #1 was c-sect too. I'm okie wif c-section..but this time round i chg gynae n he said it is up to me to choose whether is nornal or c-section but have to bear in mind that if c-sectiion..next one will b c-section..that is not my concern lah cos i might consider to close factory liao..so tiring...my worry the same lol..scare normal kenot then got to go for emer-c-section..but..still i dun mind to try lol..

To me, c-section is much easy aft experience induce n assisted delivery..cos c-section bi pain at all for ne bn 15mins gal dim..so easy..i suffered 4 more than 8 hrs b4 asking 4 epi..n that is really terrible experience...
Congrats and ur baby is very chubby ya and really make me feel like biting his cheeks.Keke.

Chin Chin
Noe wat my gal first word tat came through her mouth when she see the pic u post of urself was jie jie.
So any rewards for her???Wahaha.
I'm so happy. My girl has a place at Chiltern House! She's going to start next year.

I can rest easy now. Wah, I can't believe that it is so stressful looking for preschool.
Hi all,
Xiaoyang, your boy looks very chubby indeed. So how r u coping now? I'm also started to get nervous as my due date draws nearer. Zavier is getting very sticky to me these days. He's alright when I'm not ard but not the other way round. Sigh... My main concern is tat I really hope I can breastfeed my junior for long.

Bblush, congrats! Which branch of chiltern house did u enrol Chloe into? I just went for a tour at Gracefields Kindergardens Gilstead Road (newton). Was super impressed by the principal. She can remember every kid's names from Nursery to Kindergarden (all classes). Zavier seems qutie comfortable with the classes and kids too. He was playing by himself while I toured ard with the principal. I'm quite set to sign Zavier up there but the only concern is the after school transport cos the place is not very accessible without a car just like St James at Demsey Road. So still considering abt tat. They have schoolbus services but charges extra 100bucks per month. I thnk tat's too ex. By the way, so r u enrolling Chloe to N1 or normal playschool next yr? How much is the fees at Chiltern?
Chloe will be attending CH East Coast next year for N1. I'm placing her for half day pm, which costs $781 after subsidy. Class is 3.5 hrs, from 2pm-5.30pm. Schoolbus usually costs 100+.

I've also decided to work part time in my current job, so I'll coincide my hours with her school.

Problem with CH is that they need children to be toilet trained first before joining, which I think it is crap (literally). Some other schools that I spoke to were so different. One said that they would help to toilet train for mummies, if you want.

Oh, St James is good. You should try there. They have kindermusic teachers once a week, right? But agree location is important.
Babyblush, after subsidy still $781, quite expensive. Me have some arguement on choosing the nursey with my hubby. l suggest to chose the nearby one like YMCA , my aim just to let my gal attend something to occupy the time and let my MIL to have some rest time as well as easlier for her to bring my girl there. But hubby insist that those nearby void deck nursery will somehow 'illtreat' his baobei like that..He said that those nusery will just throw a group of kids there and play themselves and very easy kenna virus. But l think the accessibility is very important, taking school bus is another concern from my MIL, and she said this is an add on risk if she is so young and take schoolbus now.. Oh..too many idea and suggestion.. headache

Garfield, wow first time got xiao mei mei called me jiejie.. usually kids call me aunt liao..
l will hug and buy her a vanilla ice cream when l met her...
chin chin

i know exactly how u feel. cos i had a big headache for the last few weeks. my hubby was quite bo chup, so he left the choice of pre-school largely to me.

aside from location, u may also like to think long-term (as in placing your child there all the way from N1 to Kindergarten, rather than uprooting and placing the child elsewhere where she has to start forming new friends again). So when i visited these schools, i asked to look at the worksheets their Kindergarten kids do. Look at their curriculum when you visit. They usually have a mix of Eng, Mandarin, Maths, Music, PE. Some have extras like Speech & Drama, Computer, Cooking, Early Science.

Even good schools, children will also fall sick easily. Try one that does not use air-con, if your hubby is concerned.
kelly, where did you get those wooden ABC blocks? i think that would be nice for my gal to play with. she's into this ABC phase now.

i have finally enrolled my gal into half-day childcare this week, at the ctr downstairs my PIL's block. i want a convenient location for them to help me fetch my gal everyday. i admit it wasnt a wise choice, since the kids like not doing much activities there.

that's why beginning next year, i will switch her to MMI at my office bldg. then i can personally fetch her everyday. cannot send her to MMI now, cos i still got my confinement coming up soon.

i bot it from suntec 3rd level (one of the shops near toy r us) at $9.90 per set. got 10% if show suntec card.
but i dare not let him play unattended coz he might run run and fall down and if kana the block, then chia lat liao.

anyway, he not seems to be love the block very much
hi peng

So u are experiencing Terror-2 now hor. YH is quite a smart and active boy, guess u will have more surprises to share. Can tell Owen is the quiet type, and he still enjoys to see flower pots, or go downstairs to step on grass and find bigger friends to play with him. His new interest now is MOOOON, and this is the NO phase. Always say NO. MOON. Everything oso says NO, brought him to toilet and asked him to pee, he will say NO while peeing. Asked him want somemore porridge, he will say NO and opens his mouth for another spoon.

Strangely, he doesn't like toddlers of his age, dunno why. Abit concern now bcos I have signed him up for the daily 2-hour lessons with AppleTree at one of those void deck RC. The lesson will start in Jan08.

Chin Chin, bblush,

My hub oso the bor chup type. So I made the decision to sign him up with AppleTree otherwise it will neber happen loh. If not wait everything see flower pots so boring.

wah, everyday see flower pots! can train to be a botanist.

Chloe likes to mix with older toddlers as well. She would probably be one of the youngest when she starts N1, cos 2006 babies all in the same class. I'm a bit worried that she may not be able to do the things the Jan 06 baby can, and feel frustrated.

Chloe was once in the No phase as well. Now she will repeat the words that I say, which makes it easy for me to teach her new words.
It also means I have to watch my words carefully! She also loves singing, and can sing a few songs on her own.
Any mummies going for NDP? I will be going with hubby and Chloe. Heard that once seated, cannot get out until end of show! Die ah, my babe can't sit still for so many hours!
Hi mummies,

Wah this thread still so active... :p Have not pop by here very long liao.

CC, when my boy saw ur pic.. he "oooo" there... hahaha... how is ur gal shicida lesson? Iggy attending little notes class. He enjoying it.

My babies will pop anytime from mid sept... the gals are not going to be oct babies anymore... gynae doing the csection by 35 weeks ( thats the longest i can tahan )

Well..i'm indeed tired now..cos sharing room with my boy n CLn my boy will wake up 3x for feeding n he has the habit of doing stretching n making noise while sleeping at nite. Poo at nite n get angry when CL clean for him n bup him...i nvr BF him oledy since i got sore nipples..juz express out n bottle feed..so i pump out ever 4-5 hrs..n sometimes skip the night session..

But really duno how to cope after CL leave next week..cos at nite also my boy will need my CL to carry him walk ard 2 hrs then he will sleep..siao liao
Strawberry...YH also attending Apple Tree in jan 09! he got typical 'boy' behaviour ..rough and noisy...luvs to play catching, throw up in the air, piggyback...few weeks back attend a macdonald bd party and so crazy playing with the older kids..

BBblush..how u going to handle Chloe at the NDP hur? YH guaranteed cannot sit still, so i cant be bother to join the balloting hahaha..as if i so lucky can get the tickets...YH now also learn to repeat the words i teach him :D now still learning to say 2 yrs old in mandarin, but he manage to say it in english when i ask him how old is he kekeke..initially when i ask him he will answer 'yi' immediately but now he think twice b4 answering me...so funny...

can spot where is he? kekeke
i will let u know my experience after tomorrow! haha. i didn't ballot for them actually. my boss had extra tickets and pass it to us.
Good leh bblush, peng, your bb can repeat after u oredy. Best time to faster quickly teach them as much as possible.

Actually, I am quite happy too that Owen can say more words now. His vocab now has :
Or-Oh, daddy, ah mah (or niah mah?), ah gong, bao bao, NO!, moon, yes, apple (finally!!!!), bony (name for his bolster), balloon BONG!, book, go go go!

But still dun wan to call Mummy
my gal is also beginning to speak a lot of single words but she is very stingy with the word mummy. Only call me when she really needs me. But she loves to call daddy non-stop. *unfair*

Just brought my girl to sengkang CC swimming complex last week grand opening. Facitities are with jucuzzi , adult ,shetler pool and slides for older kid
