(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Morning ladies...

I am back from MC yesterday due to serious infection and ulcers in my throat.
Today one shot lesson from 8am to 1pm... now still pain like hell.... sigh..

you still sick lah... take care leh... too bad cannot see ted this time...

Your boy so cute! I like the last pix... handsome little boy...

congrats on the upgrade!! Actually if it is not peak period, Banyan usually will try to upgrade you esp. when you are first-timer. Make you happy so that you can come again mah... haa.... The best upgrade hor, is in Banyan Tree Phuket.. they almost upgrade everyone from singapore to POOL VILLA!! First time I have a personal pool right at my door step... erh.. should be 1 step from my room... ENJOY gal... and thanks for booking the buffet...

tricia's pix so cute!! I love the pic which she smile till the bunny teeth shows...

If your maid's contract has not ended, we dun need to pay for their airtix. They have to pay themselves.
For mine, I went back to my old agent, and they told me that since I am getting a replacement maid, my maid who is leaving got to pay for half of the new maid's course fee and agent fee. That is to discourage maids from anyhow decide to go back before their contracts end.
You may want to check with your agency. But the air tix is CONFIRM to be paid by the maid. You can deduct it from her salary.
I totally understand your headache... very sian rite...sigh....

actually Rhys' feeding schedule and amt is very similar to yours. I am not worried. As long as he takes his solids and milk, I am fine. Dun worry too much.

your boy so li hai ah.... came up 2nd ah... so solid... by the way, he very handsome leh... i like the mirror pix...

Updates on my problems
Thanks everyone... I guessed whatever it is, things still got to move on.

Yesterday was down on mc so went to settle the maid thing as well.
Picked a new indo maid who have experienced in taking care of stroke patient so hopefully she is ok with my dad.
Got to wait for approval etc the next few days liao.... praying hard that everything will go smoothly.

Good news is that I might not be shifting to Bedok until Dec08 as my current batch of students will be staying in macpherson.
Bad news is that the boss who is more reasonable is going to Bedok and I will be reporting under the "blur" boss... sigh...
Give and take lah...

Somehow after my mum bathe him with yu zi ye etc, he seems better liao. And we kinda found out the better nap timing pattern for him so that at nite, he wun be hyper and will fall asleep right after his nite feed at 10pm... so happy... hopefully this will sustain... but still need 1 nite feed ard 2am. But I got used to it liao...

Enuff of my problems... see some cheeky ah beng's pix lah...
1. His first horse ride... look like big boy hor...

2. His first driving lesson

3. Ah Beng in action... "I wack you then you know.."

4. Favorite Pix: Stunned look in ikea... with a "bird"?
Congratulations to Kennedy!

I think it is fine to give more bm, it is fm that I am afraid of cos they are so much more fattening. But anyway, K is the type if give too much milk he will end up vomiting them out later. Too little, he will cry the house down. So, that is what I use as a gudge to see if he is having enough.

Rhys does look like a big boy! Do you take manuka honey? Try using it to soothe your throat if all else fails... Take care!
how long has ur current maid with u. Cos i ask my agency and they say according to the MOM we have to pay for their airtkt leh....

So u go back to ur old agency to get new maid rite and they say that ur current maid need to pay for the new maid course fee as well??

Is it becos all the terms u mentioned is stated in ur contract?
hi mummies,

finally my overseas trip is confirmed! I'll be going phuket, 3D2N during the 1st wk of Aug. it will be tricia 1st plane ride. a bit excited and worried...

my current maid is with me close to 1 year. I had another maid before this current one and she also left after 1 year. Same thing, my maid pay for their own air ticket. According to what I know, we only pay for their air ticket when they completed their contract and decided not to stay on OR we wanted to send them back home forcefully.

When i go back to my old agency, they told me that my current maid will need to pay HALF of my new maids course fee + agency fee. She told me that they already told all their maids abt this regulation before they start.

I think all these are in my contract from my agency. I can check my contract tonite if you want to.
Good that you found a new maid...
Hope she will be better than current one & can work longer ...

I like all the pix above... especially the one at ikea... damn funny... looks like he just kill the bird!! heheee!
It always bring a smile to me when i see his pix... you really capture all his cheeky look.

Btw which agency you look for ? I might want to stand by your agency & Aspialle's recommended one if my new bbsitter got any problem.

Wow your Tricia can do "Yi Zi mah"? Great Ballerina in the making?

Congrats your Kennedy for coming in 2nd place...
Something worth to remember in future when he grows up.

Hi all,
After alot of "struggle" with my current bbsitter, she official tendered her resignation to me instead of me surrender first :

Few incident happen within last week :

1)I confronted her my Able still having blue black on his right upper arm & leg area...
She insisted that the upper arm one is a birth mark(dare to accuse me being his mummy doesn't know about it) but admitted again that the leg area is during his bathing time she hold him hard that is why there is a bruise there... I informed her not to hold too hard and she rebarked back dun worry no one will pinch your bb one...

2)She bot Able out to her relative hse at AMK area and did not inform us ahead and bring him there the whole day and even informed us to pick him up at her relative place... did not bath Able during that evening, hb very angry and showed her a black face...

3)So far we have paid her twice additional $50 for bb porridge and did not see her cook any extra ingredient for Able porridge but only when her grandson comes, she will then add meat to porridge.. during her latest pay, we make it a point to inform her the extra $$ is for bb porridge ingredient, upon hearing this, she insisted it should be her increment and not for bb food... (some more tell us to confirm with agent)

With above happening within 1 week, I really buay tahan her... decided die die must look for other people liao.... however, she call it quit first before we informed her so as to make it sound as if she quit instead of we retrench her... anyway, hope these will not happen to my new bbsitter... lets look forward to a better days ahead..........

juz saw ur msg. ya pls help to check ur contract.
will go and check mine too.

what is the name of ur agency, sound like they protect employers right....very good for us....

have not ask my maid what is her decision, if confirm she want to go home i need to source for maid liao. my current agent tell me now veri little biodata for maid, it is true? how come u can have a new maid so fast?

Hi Mommies

Went for kim's 9th assesssment. Nurse commented that she is too tall and overweight. Now at 74cm and 9.4kg. and very attentive to noises around her. Hearing also very good cause when noise is at minimun level she can keep staring and listening.

Good that she quit on her own will. There are ALOT more responsible babysitter out there!
the forum is up again, was trying to login in the morning but i think it was down...

hi grace,

so ur babysitter was recommended by the agency? u know, this is the 2nd time that i heard abt "poor feedback" of the babysitter from agency. i'm not trying to assume all bbsitter recommended from agency are no gd, it's that i already heard abt 2 cases of poor atitude.

hi adeline,

strange, why did the nurse mentioned so? tricia was around 9.4kg when she's 7mths plus and the PD was saying that the wt is ok for her as she is tall.
Glad your bbsitter quits on her own!!!

I heard a few cases liao. Usually better to get those by recommendations thr friends or neighbour. Same as getting a CL.
Funny hor? Remember I mentioned the GP at my place also mentioned Jaslyn overweight? Jaslyn's weight and height are ard tat too, but the PD din say she overweight. My mum said hor sekali tat GP seldom see bb, so he said Jaslyn overweight haha
Bebe_ong, I can certainly see the resemblance.

Gemini, I like Tri in the dress, she's like a big girl. Hehe, she and Char both got big teeth.

Jenny, Adeline, Char vital stats also sama sama. But hor that day I took a cab the cab driver ask if I just gave birth, I said my gal already 9mths, he said 9mths still so small ah? I was lie huh? 10kg small meh? Maybe tis uncle never see bb b4.

Grace, no loss in that care giver.
The nurse got problem aah why she say kimberly overweight n too tall??
Tall is good ma can be super model leh hahahahha. N she's not overweight lah D was 9.8kg at 70cm leh. The nurse I went to said his weight was VERY GOOD. 75% percentile hahahha

Gathering tml
Jus wanna let u ladies know I'm not bringing the playyard tml as I'm not driving there liao gonna take the bus n wait for hubby to fetch me so I can stay longer to chitchat hahahaha.
Anyway I think u all more interested in having the playmats hor kekeke

Anyway I should be there at 2pm to chop place....hahaha
No lah cos my place upgrading n they hacking my corridor for lift so very noisy. So I will bring D there early to touch water n kpo around lor.
See all the cute babies n pretty mummies tml!!!
Sorry ladies, i made a mistake on which lobby to park. It should be lobby E and not H. will make the amendment in the yahoo group also.
dear ladies

evening evening....

looks like i wont be seeing all the bbs again. Will give this gathering a miss since i have another gathering on tomorrow.

Havent had a chance to post anything..bit too busy with everything and CY...

Bought CY for his 9mth assessment...sob sob..
CY is officially off the growth chart. he's dipped below the chart.the PD has referred him to a dietitian.

Im soooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo envious of all the bbs with good appetite. CY is still not eating much...yes, that's why he is still latching on so many times a day when im around.

CY's feeding schedule is pathetic (but so is his weight). You cant force him to eat anything, when we did, he'll puke everything out. so far, have been giving him bite size food so he'll feed himself...he refused porridge, however yummy...chicken stock, pork rib, veggies...fish soup...nothing.we tried giving him more than merely plain rice cereal, he refused.

i was so desperate i started feeding him all those contraband items: cakes, sweet stuff etc...he takes a bit bit, before giving me the "are you trying to murder me???" look then clamped his mouth shut.i also tried to trick him into eating some taost smeared with olive oil.he licked at one suspiciously then from then on refused to let me feed him anything..now he'll only eat anything he has poked and assessed with his tongue...

the only few solids he takes are: bread, cheerios, bb biscuits, and avacado. anything sweet or higher in calorie, we can forget about it.

sorry for ranting here. am soo sooo desperate into getting him eat something, but he just refused. my schedule is really bad still despite working part time. i hardly have time to pump and he refused formula. and the moment he sees me home, he'll go "meh meh" then hit my chest..then it'll be latching once every two hourly. he is hungry but so damn stubborn. im at my wits ends!!!!


in fact, one friend commented that CY looks like lollipop, coz head big but very skinny...
Is it!! Means kim is normal lah!! hahaha.. I dunno why she say that leh.. then my aunty down there argue with her. But during the hearing test they commented she very attentive my aunty so proud.. keep on hao lian there -_-


Sorry ladies i gotta skip tomorrow's gathering. Have a doc appt in noon time last minute one.
Couldnt bring the bumper mat liao. Sorry to pull out last minute.
Hi all,
Thks !!!

Actually the agent is a aunty who happen to be a bbsitter herself. She really have a way of getting all the aunties contact who are stay in Punggol. She is only interested to get the 50% of 1st mth pay of the other bbsitter she recommended. Other then that it is none of her business.... been bbsitter hunting abt 6 bbsitter last weekend.. finally set wif one who seem ok... hope she is good at handling my Able ...

Wow gathering tomorrow?? Hope all of you enjoy..........
Just curious what a dietitian can do. Afterall, you know what type of food is good for him, the problem is getting him to eat it. Is he too young for appetite booster?

Anyway, i'm just throwing up some possible causes / solutions. Not sure if it'll work.

1. Have u tried varying the texture or temperature of the food that u give him? Some fussy babies are particular about this.
Last time Joshua would not drink water if it's not warm.

2. It seems that he's "addicted" to latching on to your boobies. Any plan to wean him off your breast and do exclusive pumping? I know it's a difficult choice to make, afterall, part of the reason why some of us choose to bf is the bonding. But i'm juz thinking that if he knows that the option of latching on is no longer there, maybe he'll have to look for other sources of food.
It's a battle of wills here. See who blink first.
Well, i had initially thought i would slowly wean him off when he is more on solids,since his weight is a bit low all the while. im just not too sure if i want to wean him now when he's got no appetite for anything else.

Well, will try to vary the temperature. i know he likes hard and crunchy food, just cant seem to find many that he wont choke on and is high in calories.

argh..thanks so much for the suggestion. actually not sure what a dietitian can do. we are going to give him appelin.maybe the dietitian can suggest some miracle cure??? heheheh..who knows?
sounds serious if your CY going to continue with "food strike".
I share the same views with babygrace that CY is "addicted" to your boobs and refuse anything. Same case like my colleague's friend's gal.
Not sure if you wanna try to wean him off. My view is wean him off now is better (and easier) than he grows older and faces a big problem that he refuses food (he may turn to be a fussy eater when he grows up, and you got more headaches with this). Afterall, he can't just take BM alone.
It's a chicken and egg situation. On one hand you want him to be hungry enough to eat solids but on the other hand, you cant bear to see him starving. It's easy for us to say to let him go cold turkey but when it's our own child, it's inevitable to go soft-hearted and cave in.
Hmm.... maybe you need the dietitian to tell u the same thing also? :p
No offence hor. Jenny and I are not insisting that it's the only solution or that it'll work. We are just voicing our views as a bystander.

My experience is that the later you introduce food to baby, the more fussy they tend to be. Joshua started solids at 4.5 mths and compared to Emma who started at 6 mths, he was easier to feed in the beginning cos he juz blur blur eats them. Emma tends to be a little more cautious when you put new things in her mouth. It could be a personality thing but my friend told me that her PD also shares the same view.
Jenny, babygrace,
i understand where you are coming from.

Am weaning him slowly so he'll take other food. Well, hes not exactly on food strike. he is an extremely fussy eater and just refused to have people feeding him. He;ll want to feed himself. and there are very limited things that he can feed himself, not choke and is high in calorie. What makes it worse is that he doesnt like sweet stuff so cant feed him anything like sweet potato or mangoes (read high calorie food).

Today he stuff himself silly with potato and cold watermelon (yes, changing the temperature of food helps here) for dinner, so i hope this trend persists.

you see, he actually eats the whole day. we do nto restrict his biscuits and cheerios, so he's practically eating the whole day.

The PD didnt seem very concerned, just his calorie intake daily is presumably too low. He asked me not to give any porridge, as it has very little calorie. you need to eat a lot of rice and porridge to get sufficient calorie and most bbs dun take that much.

he just doesnt eat like other bbs, with porridge and stuff. i just have to try other means to give him food.

so sighzz..but thanks for you suggestions, think its working. so i;ll persist loh.
Starz and Christine
Thanks for the advice past few days.

I didnt attend as i went to my gynae. I am 6 weeks preggy!!!!! Another blessing from the god.
Initially was lost and stress but now!! I am very delighted!!
Hi all

How was the gathering? I am sure there are plenty of fun and laughters, babies and photos. Post some soon, okay? I am so sorry to miss it, but I had fun at my friend's party for her one-year old too.

Ooh <font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>, quick work! Good job and huge congratulations! When is your EDD?
Thanks! Yea she now big jie jie already hahaha..

EDD is in March'08. I am gonna be very round during CNY.

Although 2nd time being mommy but i am very excited.

When i have kim, for the first 5 months i only go polyclinic or KKH for checkup. After which i switch to specialist.

But now for this 2nd one i went to specialist straight. Scared next time kim will think it's unfair haha..
I am sure Kim wont pinpoint such a tiny oversight
Are you hoping to have a son or daughter this time round? Are you choosing KKH as the hospital you are delivering in??
CNY round - all the more reason to down the bak kwa and love letters!
Nope my choice is mount A. Kim was delivered in Mount A as well. I went back to the same gynae.
I guess i gave my family a big scare.
Anyway my HB was in shock for days till he couldnt get to sleep hahaa.
Ade! My hubby was also a Mt A baby

So I guess Junior #2 was unplanned huh? Ah well, anyway it is physically better for you to have kids early.
Hey go to bed soon, preggy must have lotsa rest...

Is unplanned right? That's why shocked everyone! Anyway is a GOOD NEWS!! Rest more, you still studying right? Go rest early!!
Mummies "aiming" for #2, what you are waiting for??

I went q late cos Jaslyn was sleeping. Hee, din took any pics, maybe gotta check with the rest of the mummies.
hello mummies...

jer n adeline,
not sleeping yet?!?!

hehehe... glad tat u r happy now, n hv decided to share e news here... hehehe... too bad today u didnt drop by, else we could hv chatted more....

thank u for booking ur function rm, bringing e playmat & yard, n clearing up after us... n thank u so much for loaning me e jumperoo... A only lasted 10mins inside juz now... but duno is it cos he's too tired... kinda made me glad i didnt allow hb to buy 1... hehehe...

all e mummies who turned up at e gathering today..
nice meeting jasmine, pups, babe_ong (did i miss anyone out) for e 1st time, n its great seeing all e rest, especially wendy n esther again!!!
i need to do a "headcount" of those who came today hor.. so to split e cost of e food & drinks...
1) starz & hb
2) doreen
3) shirley & hb
4) selina & hb
5) bbgrace
6) vivian
7) esther
8) gemini
9) delphine & hb
10) pups & hb
11) jasmine
12) babe_ong & hb (??)
13) jenny & hb
14) wendy

sorry ar, its late n im forgetful.. did i miss anyone out??? btw, jasmine & wendy, did u eat at all????
e cost of e mini buffet was $160, and bbgrace spent $14 on drinks.. so total of $174 will be split between us... so let me know if i missed out anyone, or if anyone didnt eat then i can calculate e "final" figure to be shared hor...
some photos of banyan tree bintan tat i can share here....

view from my villa

beach pool

e romantic 4-poster bed...

lounge area beside bed..
Jerene and Jenny
Ya was unplanned. "miss" one time and we got it! Same as how we got kim.
Sleeping soon. was coaxing kim to bed earlier on.
Thanks for the blessings!

There will always be other chance cause i will need to learn how to cope with both! Now my relatives worry about me but they are all very supportive. Glad that things turn out well.
Thus my HB also accepted it and awaiting for this new arrival. Hehee..
Good news are meant to be shared

Really thks alot!
sorry to be "bombing" e thread at tis hour.. some photos taken today tats not too blur & doesnt show any mummies...




unfortunately i dont reli hv any nicer photos.. turns out alot of them are blur, anyone with nicer/sharper photos share hor.. hehehe...
Thanks for organising the gathering and sharing the photos

Littlekid smsed me this afternoon to include her share for the food. She could not come cos her Kennedy is sick.

Try A again on the jumperoo tomorrow when he's less tired. Good thing that you try first. My jumperoo is not getting much milege. Emma doesn't like it.
So you can save the money on the jumperoo and spend on the play yard instead
No wonder we were still thinking why u haven come....hehehe
Congrats!!! another bb soon hehehe

Jus curious. Since u actually am trying to make CY eat hor but seems like he is snacking the whole day.
If u see it from another point of view snacking is not a good habit right becos they will not feel hungry at all. Maybe this might be 1 of the reason why he doesn't take in much food as he constantly has them so is not hungry enough to take in much food.

Introduce FM to my BF bb
Jus to share I have successfully introduced FM to Damien n he takes them for 1 night feed a day at most. He rejected the first few nights n wants my breast instead but I jus refuse to give him n keep telling him the bottle is his milk so if he doesn't want it he does not get any milk. Either I feed him water or I jus rock him to sleep without feeding.
I didn't try other FM at all n jus keep trying everyday. Some nights he might 'forget' n drink a little FM before he refuse.
N now finally when he sees the bottle of FM at night he will gladly take it as his milk although he still drinks average of 90ml I'm jus glad I persisted n he's accepted FM. So I dun have to dread the day I stop BFing which I haven decided when...hahaha
<font color="0000ff">Starz</font>
I didnt know you went to Banyan Tree Bintan for a babymoon! Sweet gesture from hubby, no doubt. And thanks for sharing yesterday photos with us here, most of the babies looked happy enough.

<font color="0000ff">Dor</font>
Congratulations! I am also still nursing but gives FM most of the time now. However I think alexis still prefers nursing, maybe not so much because of the taste but because of the comfort level.

<font color="0000ff">Ade</font>
Soon you will be joining the ranks of Jenny, Babygrace and Starz...can ask them for advice on coping with two. They can be your Jo Frost!
Hi mummies,
Really glad to see so many of you for the first time yesterday. Didn't really get to chat with most of you and I had to leave earlier cos need to pop home for K to take his VERY short nap before we head out to in-laws place all the way in Jurong! Hope to get around to doing that in the next gathering

Thank you for organising the get together. I do have some photos but I don't have time to download them from my camera yet. I am doing ironing half way and just pop in to check up something on the net. Need to get back to the ironing board! Will do the downloading soon.

Thanks for the place, playmat, playyard and everything
Didn't bring K to swim this morning and it was raining in the early morning and was afraid the water will be too cold. Wanted to bring him for a late afternoon swim but the sky still looks overcast. Hiaz. Anyway, instead of swimming, he had fun snuggling in bed with us for his early morning nap whilst hubs and myself catch some more sleep! Haha.

You forgot to take the milk powder home! Anyway bbgrace has graciously agreed to help safekeep it cos it is nearer for you to pick it up from her.

Though unplanned but it is a lovely surprise nevertheless, ya? ;)

Okie okie.. back to do ironing before K wakes up. Also need to prepare his dinner and tapao over to my parents' place later... *pant*
Yo ladies

Great gathering! Thanks babygrace and starz for organising. Wanted to stay longer but hubby wanted to show off isaac to his client so bo pian have to go early


Seems like if i want to see u in person i must prepare to stay longer ya... didnt have chance to see you again. next time ya

Opps went off in a rush and really a big thank you for the milk powder, appreciate it will get it from bbgrace. Bbgrace thank for the safekeeping

Wow number 2 Congrats! How exciting! Take care ya. We will see you at the next gathering.


sorry cant advice much here but i will give you my moral support. i understand the frustation and worries u are facing cos zac went on milk strike once and i hope that will be his last time. I guess when our baby is not consuming much, we wont not care much abt discipline, creating good habits, first thing tat come to mind will be how to stuff more food into him.
from ur posting i know u have been always an optimistic mum, keep that optimism going and pray that CY will wake up his idea and simply LOVE food one of these days! Add oil ya!
Hi Adeline,

congrats!!!! no wonder didnt see you at the gathering!! take care ya to manage 2 now.

Hi Babygrace/Starz,

thanks once again for organising the gathering, do let me know the cost to transfer.

Hi Gemini,

Tanks for the nestle porridge. glad that Desiree do take them.


nice meeting all the mummies and babies!!! see them all grown up liao...
Thanks mommies

Yea i will need ALOT advice as in how to cope with 2. But now i am trying to cope with this pregnancy as i am feeling abit different from the 1st one. This one the sickness like quite strong. In fact when i have kim i dun face any sickness at all.
I cannot eat chicken or smell durian. Will feel nausea.
Get tired VERY easily as well. Sighz..
Adeline, COngrats!!!!!!!!!!!! Great news!!! by the time you are in your forties, your bbs would be grown and you and your hubby can go enjoy your life liaoz...envy envy...

heheh...yes, its a vicious cycle thingy. initially when he refused porridge, we just did the desperate, give him whatever he wants, just as long as he eats something...

Like what shirley says...

just as long as he eats....i'll deal with the habit thing later.

thanlks for the oil shirley...i need that!!!!
My maid agency is Citizen FamilyHelper at Hougang Green Mall. The 2 ladies there are very helpful. You can ask them to recommend suitable maids instead of going thru the stacks of biodata.

I saw stacks of biodatas at my agency leh. In fact, on that day I went to choose a new maid, they just got a few fresh new ones from indo and they are interviewing them over the phone. Maybe different agency different lah...

CONGRATS!!! Wah... so exciting!!! Kim will have company very soon... so happy for you! Dun worry too much, I think we have quite a few mummies here who had lots to share... Jia You!!!

Sorry, I din bring the playmat too, coz last min, hb fly me aeroplane.... anyway, too bad Rhys din get much nap before that so damn cranky that day... sigh... this big gor gor no use lah...
Anyway I din get to take any pix too so I guess, Leslie (Selina's hb) took the most... so SELINA!!! post all the pix up in yahoo hor... i can't wait to see the pix!!

Had so much fun that day... times flies so fast and 6pm liao... haa.... I am totally impressed by Caleb's crawling skills... solid ah....no fight... Ayden also such a good boy in the play yard... and sweet sweet desiree... and of coz the baby who wanted me most... Tricia... haa..... oh... still got all-eyes-on-food-only Damien, cute handsome Kaelen.... Sexy Isaac... Cute chubby cheeks Jovan.... pretty sexy Jaslyn... Fierce fierce Pearlyn... Guest star Joshua with mei mei Emma... Quiet Alvis and loud-as-ever Maverick.... haa....

Not forgetting to thank Babygrace for the place, play yard and buying the drinks too... and Starz for the ordering of the food... rem to let us know the $...
Hopefully we can have another gathering real soon....

LASTLY, CALLING FOR ALL PIX TO BE UPLOADED TO YAHOO GROUPS... I have created an empty album liao... JUST ADD!!!
I managed to get 2 or 3 pictures of you and Rhys (side profile). I think it is a bit grainy cos hubby changed to camera setting to capture "high speed baby movements"... but photos still turn out blur. Bleah. But then again, all photos with our little ones are still precious no matter grainy or slightly blur right? Haha. At work now, will send them to you when I am at home.

Oh talking about loud, I don't think Maverick is louder than Kaelen. Soem of you have heard him on Saturday... Tricia will never forget his cry. Haha!
