(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

got your chim chim directions keke... will go directly to Lobby H lah, trouble the security guards will do. Actually we can all go directly to Lobby H and get the security guard, no need to intercom you right? Save the hassle mah.

You know what? We (mum, me and hb) taught our gals to climb down from bed, sofa by moving their bums to the end and down by legs first. My mum taught Jolene when she's very young and she told me bbs got to learn. If not, they will go down by head and knock against the floor. I think is a good practise. After some practises, they will know.

I got bookmark the thread too. But was too busy these few days at office, so it din occur to me forum was down hahaha...

hahaha....thanks to ur aunty, i got chance to see ur 'da xiao jie'.

got bf arr..then very soon u can kio ka liao...

i pm u my h/p no. then u sms me back, can? cos i 1st time go there. hehe...
hahaha....thanks to ur aunty, i got chance to see ur 'da xiao jie'.

got bf arr..then very soon u can kio ka liao...

i pm u my h/p no. then u sms me back, can? cos i 1st time go there. hehe...
Yes,easiest to go directly to lobby H. Should be no problem unless the guards wanna "tekan" us lah and decide to be strict about it.
Yes,easiest to go directly to lobby H. Should be no problem unless the guards wanna "tekan" us lah and decide to be strict about it.
hi vivian
tink u are going thru a hardtime, bear with it it will go away in time. Jia You!

i have been sick since last week till now , bad cough and flu and will give the gathering a miss

my situation not any better as my BIL blood cancer comes back again and this time he needs to find a suitable blood marrow then can recover.

my dad has not yet fully recover from lymphoma cancer......

it makes me feel hw life is so fragile
although i dun like MIL keeps popping by but nw i feel contradicting cos if now she dun comes means something bad is happening and she is too busy to pop by...so those minor unhappiness seems so small compared to a person's life

i am still doing home searching in Bedok and waiting for the property bubble to burst :p
hi vivian
tink u are going thru a hardtime, bear with it it will go away in time. Jia You!

i have been sick since last week till now , bad cough and flu and will give the gathering a miss

my situation not any better as my BIL blood cancer comes back again and this time he needs to find a suitable blood marrow then can recover.

my dad has not yet fully recover from lymphoma cancer......

it makes me feel hw life is so fragile
although i dun like MIL keeps popping by but nw i feel contradicting cos if now she dun comes means something bad is happening and she is too busy to pop by...so those minor unhappiness seems so small compared to a person's life

i am still doing home searching in Bedok and waiting for the property bubble to burst :p
Hi ladies,
A pity I cant join the gathering. Too busy wif work. Haiz.... But I still tryng to convince my hubby to go. Dun count me in for the buffet, if can, I will juz drop by.

Dear Vivian,
If you r really unhappy, then perhaps it's time to move on to another job. Nothing can be worse than dragging ur feet to work every day.

Dear Starz,
Enjoy ur trip...

Dear aspialle,
Good luck wif ur house hunting.... BUT hor... I dun wan the property bubble to burst yet leh. I wan make $$$$ from my place... haha. My retirement funds all inside my house already!!!
Hi ladies,
A pity I cant join the gathering. Too busy wif work. Haiz.... But I still tryng to convince my hubby to go. Dun count me in for the buffet, if can, I will juz drop by.

Dear Vivian,
If you r really unhappy, then perhaps it's time to move on to another job. Nothing can be worse than dragging ur feet to work every day.

Dear Starz,
Enjoy ur trip...

Dear aspialle,
Good luck wif ur house hunting.... BUT hor... I dun wan the property bubble to burst yet leh. I wan make $$$$ from my place... haha. My retirement funds all inside my house already!!!
I'm still waiting for my bb to let go. He still cruising wif whatever he lays his hands on. Now my free time is spent running aft him as he cant sit still. I seriously suspect he might be a little hyper...
I'm still waiting for my bb to let go. He still cruising wif whatever he lays his hands on. Now my free time is spent running aft him as he cant sit still. I seriously suspect he might be a little hyper...
The first pic of your boy looks a bit like Caleb at first glance.
You waiting to cash out on your place?
My yet-to-shift-in place has already appreciated a lot in price. I'm very tempted to cash it out if it goes up even higher.
The first pic of your boy looks a bit like Caleb at first glance.
You waiting to cash out on your place?
My yet-to-shift-in place has already appreciated a lot in price. I'm very tempted to cash it out if it goes up even higher.
<font color="0000ff">freshpoison</font> agree with babygrace that the 1st pix looks like caleb at the first glance.

<font color="0000ff">property bubble</font> those wanna cash out plse do so soon. there are plans to cool off the property market which is hotting up way beyond control and as a result causing a rise in inflation as well. me on the other hand hoping to cash in on my punggol flat while the prices are good now then hold on n wait till it cools off then look for a place in dover. all so that caleb n attend a good school next time. me super KS hor.
<font color="0000ff">freshpoison</font> agree with babygrace that the 1st pix looks like caleb at the first glance.

<font color="0000ff">property bubble</font> those wanna cash out plse do so soon. there are plans to cool off the property market which is hotting up way beyond control and as a result causing a rise in inflation as well. me on the other hand hoping to cash in on my punggol flat while the prices are good now then hold on n wait till it cools off then look for a place in dover. all so that caleb n attend a good school next time. me super KS hor.

haha sama sama i also suspect zac is a bit hyper but most mummies here said it is normal. so i guess i have concluded that it is part of parcel of growing up

Grinding teeth
came across this artice which mummies may want to read on grinding teeth. hope it helps



dont let work pull your spirit down. if really unhappy can start looking for another one. i have gave up my bonus cos i really very tired of the travelling, all my colleagues said i am very stupid cos 2 more months can get bonus liao still want to go. haiz i agree the timing is not strategically planned but in life cannot be everything sui sui right. See now i quit i dont have to go india haahaa super happy.

so think through it and once decided just go for it. I am confident with your optimsim, things will go smoothly soon. Its always the down that makes the ups looks better.

Property bubble

me hope that the property bubble dont burst so fast for selfish reason cos my hubby is a realtor mah! hee hee. but i agree that the prices are too high now esp in certain locations, really crazy.

haha sama sama i also suspect zac is a bit hyper but most mummies here said it is normal. so i guess i have concluded that it is part of parcel of growing up

Grinding teeth
came across this artice which mummies may want to read on grinding teeth. hope it helps



dont let work pull your spirit down. if really unhappy can start looking for another one. i have gave up my bonus cos i really very tired of the travelling, all my colleagues said i am very stupid cos 2 more months can get bonus liao still want to go. haiz i agree the timing is not strategically planned but in life cannot be everything sui sui right. See now i quit i dont have to go india haahaa super happy.

so think through it and once decided just go for it. I am confident with your optimsim, things will go smoothly soon. Its always the down that makes the ups looks better.

Property bubble

me hope that the property bubble dont burst so fast for selfish reason cos my hubby is a realtor mah! hee hee. but i agree that the prices are too high now esp in certain locations, really crazy.
Hi Selina,
wow.. start thinking of good sch for caleb liao ar??? me still hope Desiree remains as a toddler forever, keke no need to worry about her sch work. haiz.. sian when come to think about it.

Property Bubble:
Yup now really going crazy.. imagine HDB of the same level, same block which i brought 2 years ago, the price diff is about S$25 grand. so really depends on your timing of buying/selling flats.
Hi Selina,
wow.. start thinking of good sch for caleb liao ar??? me still hope Desiree remains as a toddler forever, keke no need to worry about her sch work. haiz.. sian when come to think about it.

Property Bubble:
Yup now really going crazy.. imagine HDB of the same level, same block which i brought 2 years ago, the price diff is about S$25 grand. so really depends on your timing of buying/selling flats.
going to disappoint you again... my aunt just smsed me asking me to send Jolene to her place on Fri.

haha... if the guards dun let me in, I ring his intercom till he opens the door hahaha...

haha me also waiting for bubble to burst! The prices are crazy. A clementi 5 years old 4 rm flat and a ghim moh 5 rm resale price asking for $600K. SIAO!!
going to disappoint you again... my aunt just smsed me asking me to send Jolene to her place on Fri.

haha... if the guards dun let me in, I ring his intercom till he opens the door hahaha...

haha me also waiting for bubble to burst! The prices are crazy. A clementi 5 years old 4 rm flat and a ghim moh 5 rm resale price asking for $600K. SIAO!!
Ha ha... then can pass off as sibling to both caleb & ted.

Hi babygrace,
Yup, my place's valuation appreciated by abt 0.5m but nt sure whether can actually sell @ that price. Anyway, my hubby & I waiting till yr end c how. If can double what I paid, will definitely cash-out and move back to my mum's place.

Hi selina,
I also thinking of his sch already. Both my hubby & I fr kampong sch leh... Now banking on church affiliations. I targetting SJI Junior

Hi shirley,
Haha... so ur hubby made a lot recently!!!!
Ha ha... then can pass off as sibling to both caleb & ted.

Hi babygrace,
Yup, my place's valuation appreciated by abt 0.5m but nt sure whether can actually sell @ that price. Anyway, my hubby & I waiting till yr end c how. If can double what I paid, will definitely cash-out and move back to my mum's place.

Hi selina,
I also thinking of his sch already. Both my hubby & I fr kampong sch leh... Now banking on church affiliations. I targetting SJI Junior

Hi shirley,
Haha... so ur hubby made a lot recently!!!!

Then again, we dunno what our dear 'garmen' will do. 1 word fr them can cause the prices to rise or dive... If prices dive... too bad lor. But I dun think my place will lose cos i bought rock bottom. Minimum will break even. My neighbours all paid more than me.

Then again, we dunno what our dear 'garmen' will do. 1 word fr them can cause the prices to rise or dive... If prices dive... too bad lor. But I dun think my place will lose cos i bought rock bottom. Minimum will break even. My neighbours all paid more than me.
Wendy wanna me to pass you this message "Jasmine, sat gathering you must go ah".

And the rest of the mummies, Wendy wanna send her regards to all.
Wendy wanna me to pass you this message "Jasmine, sat gathering you must go ah".

And the rest of the mummies, Wendy wanna send her regards to all.
I agree very exp now!! I wanna buy resale actually from sengkang or punggol but the prices are killing me especially the Cash up front!!!!

So now we are looking at New flats at punggol. Have already applied NUMEROUS times but always cant get any Q number! Kill me ahhh..

Imagine government earn $10 for EACH person and everytime it is like 4k people applying.
I agree very exp now!! I wanna buy resale actually from sengkang or punggol but the prices are killing me especially the Cash up front!!!!

So now we are looking at New flats at punggol. Have already applied NUMEROUS times but always cant get any Q number! Kill me ahhh..

Imagine government earn $10 for EACH person and everytime it is like 4k people applying.
You're lucky that you bought at the bottom. i'm just thankful that i went to buy 2 weeks after i gave birth to Emma, cos 9 mths later, it has appreciated by almost $500K based on the price the surrounding properties are selling.
i'm very tempted to cash in, use the profit to generate an income that can let me rent a decent place and wait for the next property crash.

So hopefully the property bubble will only burst after i cash in. haha! *wishful thinking*

i've also started planning for schools already. That's why i've got to shift latest by 2009.
You're lucky that you bought at the bottom. i'm just thankful that i went to buy 2 weeks after i gave birth to Emma, cos 9 mths later, it has appreciated by almost $500K based on the price the surrounding properties are selling.
i'm very tempted to cash in, use the profit to generate an income that can let me rent a decent place and wait for the next property crash.

So hopefully the property bubble will only burst after i cash in. haha! *wishful thinking*

i've also started planning for schools already. That's why i've got to shift latest by 2009.
aiyo..my hope burst! nvm lal...can see her next time. think hor my A next time will b like ur Jolene. cos my sils already told me next time can let A spends some days at their place.

hahaha...i must pass wendy's msg to my hb. anyway, i m going lal...if i still didnt turn out this time, scare u all boycott or dun friend with me lel.

i dunno contribute how many $10 to HDB liao...and my application success during my confinement. haha...
sometimes i will think each time so many ppl apply huh?
aiyo..my hope burst! nvm lal...can see her next time. think hor my A next time will b like ur Jolene. cos my sils already told me next time can let A spends some days at their place.

hahaha...i must pass wendy's msg to my hb. anyway, i m going lal...if i still didnt turn out this time, scare u all boycott or dun friend with me lel.

i dunno contribute how many $10 to HDB liao...and my application success during my confinement. haha...
sometimes i will think each time so many ppl apply huh?
then Emma & Alvis (same b'day) are our lucky star.

i went to view sample hse with my huge tummy (2 days b4 due)and got the approval letter 1 mth after gave birth to A.
then Emma & Alvis (same b'day) are our lucky star.

i went to view sample hse with my huge tummy (2 days b4 due)and got the approval letter 1 mth after gave birth to A.
Hey babygrace,
Sama Sama... My hubby also wan rent till nxt crash but i prefer to stay wif my mum though a bit squeezy.

Keep our fingers crossed then... Hopefully will nt burst too soon.
Hey babygrace,
Sama Sama... My hubby also wan rent till nxt crash but i prefer to stay wif my mum though a bit squeezy.

Keep our fingers crossed then... Hopefully will nt burst too soon.
Hi mummies

My boy coming to 9 months soon.. but still does not know how to crawl. Any tips to share with me on how to train/encourage your baby to crawl?
Hi mummies

My boy coming to 9 months soon.. but still does not know how to crawl. Any tips to share with me on how to train/encourage your baby to crawl?
tot you stay at punggol? Not yr own place ah?

Haha yep, show the msg to your hb.

HDB earning fat fat from all the $10 "donation" mah. But I think they will give priority to those newly wed couples, then those with kids right?

huh, that means gonna shift again ah? aiyo I very scare to move hse, so much barang to pack and unpack. But I dun mind if got ppl help in packing/unpacking keke
tot you stay at punggol? Not yr own place ah?

Haha yep, show the msg to your hb.

HDB earning fat fat from all the $10 "donation" mah. But I think they will give priority to those newly wed couples, then those with kids right?

huh, that means gonna shift again ah? aiyo I very scare to move hse, so much barang to pack and unpack. But I dun mind if got ppl help in packing/unpacking keke
yep, they will giv prority to those newly wed couple but then there are so many newly couple, rite? Tat's what HDB staff told me when i called up them to quiry as my application failed.
yep, they will giv prority to those newly wed couple but then there are so many newly couple, rite? Tat's what HDB staff told me when i called up them to quiry as my application failed.

My friend taught me that when u place ur baby on tummy and he is struggling to crawl. use your thumb to push against his feet to give him a push so that he can edge forward. that is how i taught zac and was quite effective, if not he will be pek chek if he cant move forward and loose interest in crawling. hope this helps.
by the way i also sign up with dor for the gymboree sun class so can see u guys there!mayb i can demostrate to you during the gym class. if not can check with the instructor there too!

My friend taught me that when u place ur baby on tummy and he is struggling to crawl. use your thumb to push against his feet to give him a push so that he can edge forward. that is how i taught zac and was quite effective, if not he will be pek chek if he cant move forward and loose interest in crawling. hope this helps.
by the way i also sign up with dor for the gymboree sun class so can see u guys there!mayb i can demostrate to you during the gym class. if not can check with the instructor there too!

How i wish they give priority to newly wed!!!!!
When we got married and with kim right! they say have priority but i try so many times wor.
i currently staying with mom in sengkang as she is staying alone..
After having kim we wanna get own flat lor
