(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

You made me very "giam" for holiday leh... have been thinking for the past weeks, but I only wanna go with hb and leave the kids here, so we can go enjoy ourselves. On the other hand, I wanna bring them along, so that we can have a nice holiday as a family. I wanna go Koh Samui... dunno if I should for Jaslyn to be older a bit...

Dun worry so much. Just enjoy the preggie time. I wanna be preggie again, BUT I dun wan to go thr all the confinement + nite feeding again!! You gotta get more rest hor. When I preggie with Jaslyn, I got tired very easily. Work work halfway, I would take urgent leave and went back my mum place just to sleep, and my morning sickness was terrible as compare to my 1st pregnancy. I think cos our energy are drained by No.1, so will get tired very easily.
I think with coping with No. 2, you need a lot of support from your hb as well. When No.2 arrives, Kim should be older, more independent, if your hb is more comfortable with taking care of Kim, then you take care of No. 2. Try to let both have the same napping time, so you and your hb can have your couple time or rest, to recover and "fight for next battle". The 1st 6 mths will be tiring, but things should work out after some time. Get the routine going.

That's a good news! At least you dun need to worry Damien will reject FM. You giving him which FM?

pups, Jasmine,
Great seeing you gals for the 1st time, not much time to chat. I come you gals going off.

Ops pai seh, we missed again. No wonder din see you. Cos usually Sat, I can only come out after 3pm. Some more that day, Jaslyn was taking her nap and refused to wake up no matter how hb and I called her hahaha... She woke up and "gim" us with a pissed off face hahaha...

Did you wait long for your hb?

That is play yard. Playpen is like cot, but not made from wood, and can be folded to keep.

Thanks for the pix in advance.
Have I add you in our yahoo group yet?
If you are in, then you can upload the pix into the album I created for this gathering so that everyone can view all the nice pix...
Let me know if you are not in yet.
Kaelen loud meh? I only rem him as the guai guai handsome gentle boy leh... hmmm... i must have missed something... haa...

No... I tu here and tu there and when I go up, my hb there waiting liao..haa...
But that nite big quarrel with him... sigh.. dun want to talk lah... stupid MAN!
Gd morning...

Nice to meet everyone there. unfortunately didnt chat more to u all. tot i m late but when i reach there still so many ppl not here yet.

Jenny, Esther, Selina, Vivian, ...
i sure can recognise u all cos saw ur pics during 1st & 2nd gathering ma...
<font color="0000ff">Jenny</font>, Jaslyn look like 'guai guai' gal hor.. cos she just sit beside her daddy side.

<font color="0000ff">Vivian</font>, Rhys really look like big gor gor there.
<font color="0000ff">Doreen</font>, Damien so cute! he kept clap hand in front of me..

and also sexy Isaac, chubby maverick, tricia, desiree, kaelen, ayden..all cute babies there...

count me in!! let me the the amount $$ to transfer. thanks for ordering food.

Thanks for the place, playmat, playyard and everything.

but no chance to meet Joshua & Emma...

WOW...u really can 'kio ga -- shake legs' when both ur kids grow up. envy envy..
take care of urself..

after i left, thenk only realised Alvis didnt take any pics with ALL the babies..

some more i brought camera along..
need to left cos he kept drooling & uncomfortable due to teething.
aiyo, sayang sayang...

You notti notti... lucky can recognise yr boy. Made me think so hard who are you, notti notti. We chat again.
Ha, I also brought camera but din took any pics.
<font color="0000ff">vivian</font>,
*sayang* what can i say? Men!

<font color="0000ff">shirley</font>,
Just sms me anything you wanna pick up the milk powder

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>,
Joshua and Emma only made guest appearance hehe. When i first wanted to bring her down, my maid was rocking her to sleep so i let her nap a while first. The next time i wanted to bring her, she was missing cos my parents took her to my sis' place. I had to go hunt them down. haha!

<font color="0000ff">FM</font>
I also introduced FM to Emma a few days ago. Just for 1 feed in the morning. But i mix with BM. First few days it was half strength. Today was 2/3 strength. Think i'll let her try full strength tomorrow.
I also dunno when i will stop bf her completely and though there's enough ss for her now, i still want to introduce FM to her at this stage so that she won't reject it in the future.
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS</font> Adeline!
U take care of urself, agree with jenny, most of our energy are zapped up by the 1st bb....

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font>, thks for booking the function room.

<font color="0000ff">starz</font>, count my share in for 2 person, my maid was there.

<font color="0000ff">pups</font>, no worries, tricia only taking a short nap and I all along wanted to train her to sleep in a not too quiet environment when outside.
i like kaelen eyes...

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>, not sure whether u recognise me, but i can recognise A the moment u step into the room.

<font color="0000ff">wendy, esther</font>, was glad to see both of u, and also maverick & jovan! maverick cries is still quite sharp!

<font color="0000ff">delphine</font>, dont mention. i shld be the one saying thank you for the taxi ride. since i bought the nestle porridge & tricia dun like it, instead of throwing it away, might as well give it to someone..

i also brought my camera, but only 1 shot is taken. haha.. think must be busy looking at all the babies, no time to snap fotos!
hi starz,

v nice pics of Banyan... glad to know u enjoyed urself!

hi vivian,

siao siao qi. perhaps u can go retail therapy to cool down?
You have added me in already. Thanks, anyway

...we were there earlier mah.. was actually looking out for you so that I can put a face to your name! Haha. Glad to have caught a glimpse of you and Jaslyn before we left. Kaelen was so tired that he actually fell asleep in my arms the moment I stepped into the car! He continued to sleep when we reached home and when I had to carry him up to bring him out to my ils' place, he also gave me a pissed off look like what Jaslyn did to you. Haha.

Thanks for the compliments on K's eyes.
haha.. never mind we chat again.

Any1 interested for a Trial Class for Sat 3pm class? I checked... it costs $30 for a Trial Class. If sign up for the class, the Trial Class will be free. For info, $300 for 1 term (aka 8 weeks) + one time registration fee of $55 (50% off for siblings). I have the brochure with me.
I brought Jaslyn over yesterday since I was at Causeway Point. She looked happy and envy the babies there keke... so... thinking to let her go for the Trial Class. MyGym has some bbs on waiting list. Can start for a Trial if we meet the min bbs to start the class.
PM or email me if interested.

OK, going off for today, am on leave today.
Ya lor! I agree also. Like most of my strength and energy all go to kim. But now i take pregnancy much more easily. I am gonna be round during CNY.

Thanks for the blessings ladies

Hoping everything to go by smoothly.
so brave of u to go for #2 now. me still pondering and thinking abt the arrangements IF my #2 comes. being pregnant gives u ample reason to b round! hehe

Jasmine & Shirley
missed the chance to meet u ladies during the gathering. wkg lah, so cant attend.

btw my da yi ma came liao.
no more menses free day 4 me liao. guess i shldnt complain coz i hv not had real mense since i got preggie... its almost 10 mths now, so i shld feel grateful. my hb was surprised to learn tt my menses came coz he thot as long as i BF, menses will b delayed.

hmmm, i am still wondering when i wanna intro FM to R. i rem the times tt my niece kena bad constipation coz of FM and she was crying each time she had to pass motions. poor girl, her anus bled a little due to the hard stools. seeing how she struggled, i dread to think how it wld b like when R is on FM. and somemore R hates fruits. i think i will start him when he is 11 mths bah. gosh, tts so fast, juz next mth! its so hard to wean off bfg... at least 4 me lah. i will miss the bonding.
so doreen & bbgrace, wat brand of FM u all using?
Adeline, gong xi gong xi! how I miss my preggy days.. can eat and eat and dont have to worry abt protruding tummy. But cannot afford to have another baby. Now twins already very shiong, $$ no enough. Cant imagine if I hit twins jackpot again.. I have 2 friends with 2 pairs of twins.. no joke man! scary..btw, u still lookg for sk flat? what kind of flat are u looking at? i intend to sell after I found the "right flat" in bedok.

Jenny, i also want to put face to ur name leh.. kekeke.. hopefully next time can join if got any gathering in sk again. Anyway, I got diaper prob again. Huggies no longer gd enough to last thru the nite. Leak.. arrrgh. Switching back to sealer again, cant tahan the smell though. Is Jaslyn using sealer, what size is she using now?

Selina, when i first saw ur hubby's pic (u posted long long time ago), i find him very familiar but i wasnt very sure. Now that his name is mentioned, i think i knw him leh. If I am not wrong, he's my poly classmate.

Mummies, may i know whose playyard is that in the pic? (bbgrace?) anyone knw how much cheong choon store is selling at?
Emma is on similac cos Joshua was on it previously. Both never had constipation problem while on it *touchwood*
She seems fine with similac so i'll continue with it till she turns 1 and then she can take Gain IQ together with her gor gor.

my da yi mah also came liao. i certainly didn't miss it. I didn't have it for almost 3 years! it only came 1 time after i had joshua and then kenna jackpot again. HAHA!

Yes that's my playyard. Can't remember how much Cheong Choon is selling, think it's the same as the BP. I bought mine long time ago. i think Dor and jasmine know better.
hi mummies...

<font color="0077aa">u r all welcome on e gathering.. honestly, i didnt do much.. juz consolidated e list n ordered mini buffet.. but bbgrace did almost everything else, so e biggest thanks shd go to her... </font>

no disputes on the "turn out" of the gathering???
otherwise, base on my list, there's 21 adults.. (bbgrace, no lah, dont include littlekid as she didnt come & eat mah... are all e mummies who attended ok with this???)
tentatively, $174 / 21 = $8 per head.. if u all no dispute, pls trf to me.. eh.. i'll PM u all my account number lah...

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
i tried A on e jumperoo again.. nope, he doesnt quite like it... only last a max of 10mins in it b4 he starts showing us he wants to get out... think e toys r not enough to keep him entertained.. and he can't move...

<font color="ff6000">jerene</font>
hahaha.. unfortunately, i'm e "romantic" 1 in this marriage.. wait for hb to give me a "surprise" like tis, i can wait till all my hairs turn white...
hey, u very bz ar.. hardly see u here anymore... started school already???

<font color="ff6000">rhys de mummie</font>
aiyoo... siao siao qi lah...
hehehe.. go look at rhys cheeky photos n cheer up lah!! hb also made me reli reli mad yesterday.. n i was already super cranky to start with cos not enuf sleep on sat nite... look at A n everything forgotten liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">aspialle</font>
jenny replied u liaoz...
hope everything is well with you...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
i totally understand how u feel abt wanting to go alone with hb.. yet on e other hand wana bring ur kids along... i was torn on tat decision too.. but in e end, my justification was, banyan tree is reli not a kids' place to go to.. they'll b bored out of their minds, n drive e parents up e wall probably.... so in future, if im going to this kinda place, definitely no kids. but if its sightseeing or shopping type of holidays, then will bring them along...
i'm interested in e mygym trial.. its at causeway point rite??? is it this sat??? let me know when u r back... thank you!!!

<font color="ff6000">adeline</font>
i also had worse morning sickness than ayden time for this #2... but it went off in e 3rd mth.. ya, its definitely more tiring for us now, cos looking after #1 who is so active now.. plus e tiredness of a pregnancy.. we'll b quite drained. so if possible, take more chicken essence (everyday or alternate days if u can afford it..) otherwise juz take it on days u feel especially tired lor...
then when possible, ask ur mum to cook some tonics for u...
train ur hb to look after kim, so u can at least hv abit of a sleep-on on weekends... on weekdays, once Kim sleeps, u go to sleep immed n get ur hb to do e rest (like washing/sterilising bottles, etc..)
aiyoo... preggy time is no time to worry abt being round lah... i now already very round liaoz.. n still got 4 more mths to go.. in a way hor, i've been "round" for 2 whole years leh!!! hahahaha....

<font color="0000ff">btw mummies, i need cheong choon (spelling correct?) tel number... can share pls.. got webby too?? thank you!!!</font>
hahahahaha Ya hor.. u non-stop roundness (dunno what am i saying haha)
So far i am the one looking after kim but i dun understand why hubby keep saying he very tired when he dun do anything

Kim keep pressing my stomach i so scared leh. but HB only play with her and DONT look after her only if i really really cannot tahan already then he take over. But he will get very engross in his computer and just leave kim one side playing with herself. If i see that i will rather dun rest and play with kim. So it is pretty tough lor..
Regarding essence of chicken. I can drink them everyday as my job scope is regarding that.

Let's jia you together!!!! haha plan for #2 bah!

Ya i am still looking. u stay in sengkang currently? near which part? How many rooms?
sorry, no time to post frm morning & just saw ur posting.
and i did check wif Wendy after saw ur post this mrng. she didnt eat during the gathering. and i think her name didnt included when we order food. but she just left to us to decide. (sorry...my poor english)
hi starz,

pls pm me ur acct no. Will transfer $16 to you.
here's cheong choon number: 65323855 (Winnie). After that time i ask from jenny, save in my hp.. hehee.
btw, CC do not open on sunday.
<font color="0000ff">play yard</font>, i share with another mommy to get 1.5 set, total amount $157.50 ($105 per set) thru BP.
called CC b4, think they sell at $110-120 + delivery. u can call them to check
Doreen bought at Kiddy Palace at $119.

ya lor...Jenny did told us tat u cant join. next time ba..
ur da yi ma just come to visit u? me till to date still waiting..hehe. i m enjoing 1.5 yr no menses since i got preggie.
i intend to slowly stop BF and totally stop it when A hit 1 yr old. but lately he reject FM (dunno is bcos the FM taste run out cos kept abt 4 weeks)
my niece taking similac now. previously my sis let her take Enfopro/enfalac (i dunno wats the difference). she was ok wif it initially but after my sis switched to stage 2, my niece had bad constipation. it pained me when i saw her crying each time she had to move her bowels. so i quickly asked my sis to switch back to similac. now everything is ok.

oh yah urs was delayed for so long! 3 yrs! hehehe...

i dun dare to take up ur 'challenge' yet! hehee... i intend to stop bfg, build up my body again and then go for #2. earliest to TTC will b next yr. i dun wanna kena heart attacks suddenly.
yah my da yi ma decided to visit me suddenly yesterday. last time, it used to give me warning 2 days b4 it came. now dunno why it suka suka juz come. luckily i was at home man.

its not easy to introduce FM to bfg babies... muz b patient. i am sure R wun give me an easy time when i introduce FM to him. he is alrdy a v fussy eater. aiyoh! r u supposed to throw away FM aft 4 wks? i am not sure. but muz intro it gradually. gd luck!!!
According to PD, she said Similac and Friso are two brands that are not so prone to hard stools. You may want to take note of this

Don't worry about introducing FM to R. He may take it well like Kaelen. I didn't do slow introduction like what bbgrace did for Emma. I had to introduce to him fast the other time cos I had to go on a last minute work trip. I just gave him a full feed and he took it. When I came back, I continued to give him EBM and he took it as well. Tam jiat boy.. give anything he just drink. But he self-weaned from the breast at 4.5months though. So I had to give him ebm until I finally stopped when he turned 8 months.

My da yi ma took slightly more than 8 months to visit me. It came visiting with a vengence actually. The first 2 - 3 days, I thought I was bleeding to death.
<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
okie, thanks for conveying e msg from wendy... then it will go:
1) starz & hb
2) doreen
3) shirley & hb
4) selina & hb
5) bbgrace
6) vivian
7) esther
8) gemini
9) delphine & hb
10) pups & hb
11) jasmine
12) babe_ong & hb (??)
13) jenny & hb
$174 / 20 pax = $8.70/pax...
hehehe.. i blur queen lah, say wana PM u all my ac rite.. after i post liaoz, then i close e window.. hahahaha....

<font color="0000ff">thank u all for e cheong choon contact...</font>
Adeline, I am at blk 23x.. near ur mum's plc. Dont know if u remember, i told u abt kidslink and the nearby playgrd where my boys go to sometimes. Anyway, my place 4-rm flat only, dun know if u are lookg for bigger flat. I intend to get a bigger flat in bedok/eunos. Just checked a jumbo (2 units of 3rm flat), owner asking for abt 70k+ above valuation! U SAHM now? See if got chance to see you and kim at playground.

Xie xie Jasmine and Babygrace for info on playyard. Will check with Winnie since they provide delivery.
i pm u all my account liaoz...
pups, you dont allow PM
bbgrace, u dont hv to transfer to me.. i still owe u...
can someone pls help me forward my a/c to esther??? i dont hv her contact details.. n she too long never log in liaoz... thank u ar..
but PLEASE WAIT UNTIL we confirm and agree the $/head before you transfer hor...
thks! will take note!

i doubt my fussy boy will take to FM easily. he is not like my niece. feed her anything and everything and she opens her mouth willingly. i rather R is tam jiak. He will taste the food with caution. if he does not like it, he will clamp his mouth so shut that i am not able to force anything in.

actually R has 3 bouts of nursing strikes b4 he turned 6 mths. i was not ready to wean him off and i persisted to latch. i juz din buy the idea why a baby wld self-wean. and i did not intend to stop bfg so soon then. i knew if i fully expressed and dun latch, my ss will dip fast.

actually last nite i thot i was bleeding like nobody's biz. gosh...

i thot tt was such a brillant idea. can i use this to cage R when he sleeps at nite?
he roves ard so much in his sleep!!! i dunno how to stop him fr moving abt.
hi starz,

should be 21 pax. plus my maid. so each pax is $174/21 =$8.29/pax.
my calculation correct?

1) starz & hb
2) doreen
3) shirley & hb
4) selina & hb
5) bbgrace
6) vivian
7) esther
8) gemini <font color="ff6000">+ maid</font>
9) delphine & hb
10) pups & hb
11) jasmine
12) babe_ong & hb (??)
13) jenny & hb
$174 / 20 pax = $8.70/pax...
oo..ur da yi ma is not 1st time visit huh?
actually i gave A FM when he was 3 mths old, tat time i on medic and he took it well.
then when i back to work after ml, he will take 1 bottle FM on alternative day. but after he on solid, he seldom take FM cos my supply just enuf for him. and recently gave him FM, he dislike.
and worst, he just took 200 ml ebm for the wholeday y'day. i suspect he teething again. he kept using his finger to rub his gum.

actually i use play yard to cage A and he sleep inside during daytime. we have no worries. can show u a pics here..

no mention.
Jasmine, the above pic is 1 and 1/2 set huh? Just nice to fit in a mattress hor. Think this is quite ideal to "house" my two boys.
Hi ladies,
Me ok liao... no worries... dun want to bother abt that ah siao...

you so bad... tempted me with retail therapy ah... haa..... ok ok... later me go Compasspoint to find things to buy...

I am interested in the MyGym. Keep me in the loop hor... thanks...

wah... so long never see you here leh... so busy ah... How's R? Too bad din get to meet up last sat...

me ok with the $$... anything lah... just confirm with us and we will transfer... Thanks...

Thanks Shirley for uploading 3 pix.... looks like most of us brought camera but never have time to take pix hor... me also lah... only took 1 blur one...will upload in a while.
it's just nice to fit a bumper mat or super single mattress.
but mine only single mattress, so still leave some space..

sometimes i just let him crawl or play inside, while i take a nap. wahaha...really ideal to 'house' both of us.
<font color="ff6000">gemini</font>
i was thinking maid dont count lah....

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
wah.. 1&1/2 already seem quite big hor.. can surround a single mattress... if buy 2 then can surround a queen size mattress???

yeah... end of e day liaoz... am going home le.. no mood to work today cos of my long hols... hahaha... catch up again tmr!!
Alamak, now then realised already 6+pm... think there goes my retail therapy liao...

Turn out that my one and only pic is not very blur... here it is...

And I just want to share this pix coz I like it a lot... hee....
Rhys soo cute in the bathtub!!!
yah i am v busy wif work. thus hardly got time to log in, not to mention gg to gatherings.
R super active.. hardly got time to log in on days tt i am off, coz gotta prepare his meals and do my chores...

this is the 1st time since pregnancy tt my menses really returned. the last time was when i was bfg for abt 3 mths and my menses came but it was v light. so perhaps not considered real menses.

wah i showed my hb the play yard enclosing the mattress! such a great idea! R flip and toss alot in his sleep at nite. headache as i always gotta wake up and turn him back. it happens many times a nite. v disruptive!!!
u all get the play yard fr CC? sorry ah, how much again?
When i brought the play yard down that day, i was thinking that some mommies will end up buying it after "test-driving" their babies in it. haha!
This reminds me of a friend who has a bb younger than Emma. She doesn't dare come my place now cos she's scared she end up buying things that she sees at my place.
Speaking of the play yard. Emma will only stay in it if i sit inside with her. If i really have to leave her alone for a while, i'll put her in the cot cos somehow she knows that mommy can't be inside with her.
So each time when i'm too tired to chase after her, i'll just go into the play yard with her. she'll play while i stoned out. hehe....

So mommies be warned. It's a good idea to cage them when sleeping but they may not want to stay in there on their own when they are awake. The gathering may be an exception cos of the novelty and because they got the company of their little friends.

My menses also came back with a vengence last month. i was bleeding to death for the first 3 days. I guess of 3 yrs of hiatus, that's the price to pay. I certainly didn't miss it :p
I am just curious as i heard this from my supervisor and friend twice today hor.
If preggy before 3 mths cannot tell people one? Must keep it to ownself?
Anyone knows? and what will happen? I am very curious leh.
<font color="0000ff">vivian</font> i am here. sick today so on MC. viral flu. now body aching badly. upload the pixs soon ok. bear wif me.

<font color="0000ff">jlyn</font> serious!!!! let me go ask him. is this your real name or just nick?
That's why you need to rest more.
So you due ard Apr 08?
Tell you hor, when I preggie with Jaslyn hor, Jolene always like to suddenly jump onto my tummy one... quite dangerous lor, so you gotta watch out. Also, that time, Jolene slept with me and hb. I used this opportunity (preggie) and shifted her to sleep on floor herself. So far till now lor. I'm waiting for Jaslyn to be older a bit, then I shift the 2 to the other room.
3 mths rule cos some ppl pantang, touchwood wait miscarriage or anything, gotta spread (again) for the bad news. For me, ppl dun ask, I just keep quiet abt it. But if ppl ask if I'm preggie, I just tell them "yes". I dun wan to be like my colleagues, keep saying "no" until the tummy shows. It's just telling ppl you are telling lies.

Hee you back again huh? MIA again!
Eeeks... You should have come last Sat! Then I can put your face to yr name too! Been chatting so long yet dunno your real face. I wanna see female xxxx kekeke... shhhh...
Your boys can't use Huggies ah? Which one, red packaging or blue packaging? I read got mummies saying blue one not as good as red packaging leh. So they switch back to Sealer? You using the new Sealer, still got smell? My mum is using the new Sealer, she said ok leh, but old packaging one she got complain got smell. Jaslyn is using M Sealer (new packaging) at my mum place and using L Sealer (old packaging) at my place. Going to upgrade her to L once she finishes the last pack of M, getting small liao.

WHAT??? Yr yi ma din visit you for 3 years!!! SO GOOD!!!!!

you are tempting me! Argh, maybe I should really leave the gals behind... Let me think think...
Errr... not causeway point lah, is civil centre which is the building beside causeway point. This sat??? Too rush? I gotta check with MyGym first. I email you later lah.
Note Cheong Choon only operates from Mon to Sat, 1.30 to 8pm. But pls call before going to make sure it is opened hor. Sometimes it only ard 2pm+ or closed for a period of time cos Winnie will go holiday with her family.

Hee hee... Cheong Choon # must store in HP, very useful hahaha...

If the FM you dun use so frequently hor, you better transfer the FM to air tight container like lock n lock container. Those normal FM tin will "lao hong" very fast one.

NAN taste is very near to BM. Not sweet also. I mentioned before lor, Similac is quite sweet. Yr niece using Similac, you can take some to try on R lor.

I email you later hor.

Is a good idea to have one to cage bbs, but dun over use it. Need to let bb explore and not just being cage up in the playyard.
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font> i intend to buy 1 to cage Caleb up at night so i can start to let him sleep on his own in a separate room.

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> u bought 6 panels? that's like a single mattress size?
My PM has always been enabled. In fact, I have been receiving PMs, no problem. Eih, alternatively you can sms me. You have my mobile number right? ;)

Rhys looks sooooo cute in the bathtub!

Ladies who are thinking of getting the playyard to cage babies in.... I also have 6 panels at home. K refused to guai guai play inside. He will make a lot of noise if none of us are there with him. Once the gate of the play yard is open, our baby runs loose! Haha. He is able to scale the low beam under the gate very well and he will be out in no time.

I was also bleeding so much for the first 3 days that my colleague actually asked me if I was having my menses cos I looked so pale. (that was with make-up, blusher and all the works on)
Ya lor, i save money on sanitary pads for the past 3 yrs. I didn't realise that it has been 3 yrs until i started counting. Jun 2004 was when i got pregnant with Joshua. Jan 06 was the 1st time my menses came, 11 mths after Joshua was born. The following month i got pregnant with Emma. Menses only came last month. That means that i'm fertile again. shit... better take precautions. haha!

speaking of baby runs loose from the play yard. Emma also does that. The funny thing is that Joshua now like to go into the play yard (he hated it the last time also). So when i open the door, one will be going in, while the other will escape. haha!
starz, vivian,
you got mail. let me know asap hor.

me too! The first few days of the menses machiam going to kill me... like dying from lost of blood!!

envy envy!!
The trial will be this Sat is it? If it is, I will not be able to join in. But if it is other Saturday, please let me know! Thanks!
