(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

hi ladies...

back from swim meet...as i've promised.. am back here as early as possible to make my announcement....
its a BFP...

im happy, but abit in a "confused" state... n abit sad... happy tat im blessed with another bb... confused n sad cos im reli reli worried tat Ayden's 1st yr would b compromised by me not being "physically-able" to do alot of things with him..... also worried how to tell boss...
"suan le... yi bu yi bu lai bah...."...

gotto go nap le... chat again...

hi storm

Not cute lah, very noti.... like to bang head when she wanna sleep. she has lots of hair but now drop alot. Nid to trim every month. kekeke

Congrat.... I have followed the Nov and Oct thread closely..... then out of sudden c u disappear in the Nov thread...... and then here u are - at oct thread..... hahah
<font color="0000ff">Huijun</font>

hehe, i m settiing off on tuesday 5am, now still trying my best to finish the newsletter from home before i fly off
<font color="0000ff">yoko</font>

remember to post more pictures of carissa

1 picture is def not enuff

<font color="0000ff">starz</font>

when is the EDD ?

<font color="0000ff">babygrace</font>

wow, u ladies must have a good time at the swim meet
btw, u ladies went to a restaurant ?

lucky u all started early, it started raining heavily at the west from abt 3pm
<font color="0000ff">Huijun & yoko</font>

Kelicia's hair has never been trimmed ever since she is born ;)

but i kind of wish she has more so that i can trim frequently like Rui En & Carissa
Hi all,
Think alot of u who went to the swimming gathering all knock out liao har? heheee... quick.. post all the pix of swimming darlings leh........
Hi all,
Think alot of u who went to the swimming gathering all knock out liao har? heheee... quick.. post all the pix of swimming darlings leh........
I think everyone knocked out after a long but fun day.

Shirley, Starz, Selina, Doreen, Esther, Vivian, Delphine, Jackiejon, Mango, it was nice meeting all of you. Hope you all enjoyed yourself today. Sorry if i hadn't been a good host today.

We adjourned to a restaurant cos my place is linked to the shopping mall.
This is so funny I had to post it. Their expressions so cute

Issac: HELP!!!
Rhys: Pssss pretend never see
Damien: Okie I pretend to see my feet

Congrats! You and your hubby are very efficient :p

Think there is no girls, should have brought alexis to be the "star"...hehhee...
<font color="0000ff"> Doreen </font>

the captions are apt, so funny

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>

how come din bring Alexis in the end ?
That is because I had to go househunting lah! I am exhaustead going to so many apts in one day. How's your Sat??
forum are usually quiet during weekends. most pple wont login as they are spending time with family. sometimes we dont know the answers.
didnt go in the end, too tied up. So you dont have to work this Sat? That is great...joining us for the Botanic Gardens picnic??
Puree making is very simply de, alot of expert here, Selina, Huijun, Doreen, all can help abt puree thingy dun worry ok
hope you are ok and be real happy to chiong all out to Japan
jo, puree making is just a piece of cake(like real) dun worry lah somemore ur mum help to care for jo. I no choice nobody help me. So just think of ur holiday
<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>

sigh* I am working that sat..desperately trying to get my colleague to cover me so that I can join u ladies at the park.

He said he must check with his wife, wish me good luck

<font color="0000ff">Hui jun</font>

hehe, just to sum up my situation

tues : running nose
wed : running nose, drank 6 cups of herbal tea
in office }
thur : see doc, no more flu, so din prescibe me
flu tablets, only panadol cos feeling
feverish, but no temperature the doc
fri : throbbing headache, slept early cos my
headache was really splitting
<font color="0000ff">sat: as good as new
<font color="0000ff">ladies</font>

to double confirm, it is 28 April, a sat hor

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>

u finding a hse near which part of spore ?
hi ladies...

all at NGM????

ya, i knocked out after e swim meet, cos lastnite A was quite fussy.. for e 1st time ever, he woke up at 1am (juz as i was going to sleep..) n fussed till 3am... duno y leh, finally put him to sleep on my bed, tis morning he woke up SUPER EARLY at 7am....
he knocked out while still in e pool.. i had to carry him out cos he zzZZZzz liaoz... then slept for awhile on n off throughout e showering, our mummies chatting in e function rm.. n our lunch...
i can only knock out when we came back, slept from 5-7pm.. RELI RELI THANKFULLY my hb took care of A as he still refused to sleep!
am downloading e pics now... will try n share a few here....
