(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

I saw this in Mother & Baby Magazine, what do u ladies think, cos so far none of u have introduced meat, veg ?

<font color="0000ff">Feeding Schedule

6 Months

6am : 180-200ml of milk
9am : 6 tsps infant rice cereal mixed with 120ml
of milk
1/2 to 1 egg yolk (hard boiled or mixed in
Few tsps of water
12pm: 180-200ml milk
3 tsps unsweetened apple juice (1.5 tsps
juice diluted with 1.5 tsps water)
3pm : 180 - 200ml milk
6pm : 0.5 bowl of thin porridge
1 tsp scraped meat
1 tsp sieved spinach
1 tsp scraped papaya
Few tsps of water
9pm : 180ml-200ml milk (some babies may need 1-2 extra milk feeds at night)</font>

Botanic Gardens picnic is on 28 Apr, not this Sat, make sure you get the right Sat off, okay?
Re weaning, I introduced carrots so far under veg category, and apples, papaya and pears under fruits category. She is also drinking prune juice.
<font color="0000ff">Huijun</font>

28 april is at botanical park, timing is in archive..<font color="0000ff">Esther & Jerene, can update ?:</font>}

sigh* i can't install msn , cos my system is window ME

can install at office, but no time to access
<font color="0000ff">jerene</font>

28 april i am working , so trying to ask my colleague to cover..

timing leh ?

<font color="0000ff">esther & huijun</font>

hehe, when esther typed bunny, i confused for a moment..yupz, i wonder how she is now..

this is her 3rd kid
Not everything have to follow the book 1. Best is to follow ur baby. K will tell u when she has had enough. Just go slowly n intro bit by bit lor
Anyway hor jus leave it to ur mum lah she brought up u n ur sis mah sure know what to do 1 lah

my mum said our time is dif leh, so now wants me to ask around for advice..haiz

ok, so no one has introduced fish, yolk or meat ?
<font color="0000ff">starz</font>

i have, i noe wat u mean abt downloading fr hotmail, but this pc just cannot..haiz
Can lah actually I believe its all the same just that now ppl make a big ho ha out of the organic n home made thingy.
Jus ask ur mum to do as usual lah. Tell her she can do it. Last time n now also bb mah n food is food what.

I have fed D with fish porridge my mum made n I know can give yolk already. But I'm too lazy to give. Just make sure give 1 food at a time to suss out allergy.

fr 22 march until today, it has been 1.5 teaspoon of cereals mixed with water, then she ended up eating like quite a lot from this mixture, def more than 1.5 teaspoon

what is the next step ?
The error messaage was the msn messenger ver 7 cannot be intalled becos my system does not met the min requiremnet..

to be honest, i have been tryn 5 times liao

paiseh i cant help.. only starting A on cereal 1st time later today....

since swim meet photos i cant share... i share A's big smile photo here....
wonder if he can sense im preggy (or rather he understand as i've told him...) cos he recently "learnt" how to "sar jiao"... n today especially.. smile very very sweetly at me whenever i look/talk to him....
<font color="0000ff"> i think i have to ask really stupid qns , pls excuse me </font>

<font color="0000ff">doreen</font>

how much fish porridge per day ? at wat time..
so u din feed heinz cereals

<font color="0000ff">Huijun</font>

paiseh, how is a typical day for rui en like where food is concerned ?
Usually I give her a portion of rice cereal for lunch and fruit or vegetable puree for dinner. The rest of the time, mainly breastmilk or sometimes FM, and depends on when she wants to drink. No fixed schedule.
<font color="0000ff">starz</font>

oh yah, when is the EDD ? is it going to be oct or nov baby

Ayden looks like a gor gor, much bigger than the last time i saw him at ur hse

<font color="0000ff">Technical qn</font>
just checked with hubby, my pc is internet explorer of an older version, so can't install messenger version 7

got older version of messenger ?
<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>

sigh* i think i m too rigid when feeding schedule is cooncerned, must learn to relax and be more flexible
Must see how much u have been giving now dun suddenly increase or decrease her portion lor
I start slowly by giving puree only. Then intro cereal. I feed cereal everyday after his bath now slowly increase. N I sometimes give him apple or pear puree in the evening. Dun need to definately give 2 times a day 1. All depends on u. U have a schedule for bb that suits U.

If I am out early I dun feed D solid only when home see what time then I see wanna give anot. Like when my mum made porridge I just feed D the porridge no cereal lor. Must sui xing ying bian. Not everything is black n white. Just start slow n little n u will learn K pattern 1 trust me. I also started very unsure. Now I know D pattern liao.
wake up for school at 6am(no choice for her to wakre up so early cos i need to go work:FM
morning 9-10am: creal+FM + duno what teacher give(diff everyday)
noon(school) porridge + vege and fruits (provided by school)
3pm: FM
6pm: i cook porridge at home with cubes of fruits and veges in a rush
8pm plus: FM
Relax, dun hurry learn to pick things up one at a time we are all in the learning process..now me stop J's solid food cos he still got phelgm thingy..as for schedule is only a piece of paper for the first few weeks, after which its like normal daily routine and automatic le hope it helps
very difficult to pinpoint or state a fixed timing to feed. Even we adults take our meals at different timing. But as a guide, it should be once in late morning / noon and another time in the evening.
More importantly, is NOT what time but rather when is a suitable time to make it a pleasant experience for bb.

1. Make sure that baby is not sleepy during mealtime else may be cranky

2. Make sure bb is not too hungry else he will be impatient.

3. Make sure bb is not too full either else she wont eat.
<font color="0000ff">Huijun & Doreen</font>

thanks for the tips. To be honest, my mum also scared scared. She said 22 years never take care of baby liao, so most things forget liao

so up to now, we just feed her cereals and milk, which we are scared may not feed her nutrition needs..

ur postings help, we will be more "adventurous" ater coming back to spore next monday

the worst part is i have been reading a lot of weaning articles, end up making me & hubby so confused taht we dun even noe how to start..

The Health promotion Board pamplet actually said 6 months must start egg yolk, fish , meat etc

The dilemma is we want to feed her well, yet dun want to overfeed her

the bottomline is, i am just too kiasi :p
my schedule timing also not true everyday cos sometimes she sleep very long and skip a meal. so dun have to follow the time. I agag one. should be like that.
Relax, Jo. in no time u expert liao
Dun need to be scared. Just need to try and adjust your timings and quantity from there. No one will know K's pattern better than you. We all learn as we go along thru' trial and error.
Even if you attend puree making class, it will not make you an expert overnight.
Best is to try it yourself.
based on my own calculations... EDD shd b mid-Nov... but after i go check liaoz then confirm lah...
nitez nitez... gtg zzZZZzz liaoz... hb scold liaoz...

hehe, i noe
just relax and do it by trial and error..tahnks


thanks for the vote of confidence


hehe, hope i can join us a month later =p

<font color="0000ff">ladies</font>

sweet dreams
thanks for helping
Hahaha understand ur worries. All parents r like that. Dun read too much of it all bbs are different. The pamplet only say mah not neccary die die must do 1 mah. N K on FM alot of nutrients in there no need worry lah.
Jus read up for info n knowledge then jus start little by little n slowly will get the hang of it.
Won't overfeed her 1 lah U think Kelicia so guai sit there n be stuffed by U meh....hehehehe

Dun worry bout the nutrition needs now okie since she is not losing weight. Just enjoy feeding her n she will grow well.

Like what bbgrace say no fixed timing. K also dun wake n slp exactly same time everyday right. so be flexible just start 1 meal solid a day first lor U okie liao then increase to 2 okie. Anything ask again we try to help u.

ya i agree with doreen and bbgrace. all those schedules just serve as a guideline only. we also dun hv a fix time to hv our meals mah. also, dun hv to worry abt nutrients wise, coz now these foods only serve as first tastes.

milk is still the main source of nutrients. if feeding FM hv to change to follow-on formula at 6mths coz bb require more iron fm 6mths onwards.

very useful info (including recipes) on weaning baby

