(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Huijun</font>

Thanks for ur hugs .. received with thanks

I am glad u r okay too

backstabs are common in workplace, but for name calling this is my 1st time encountering..maybe I sound like an awful person in the forum, that is y kenna attack until like ...
raean is so pretty! she's got so much hair! C fm birth till now her amt of hair remain the same. i nv even shave but still botak. alamak
who was that who posted that nasty post?? that person sounded awfully childish judging fm it. dun be upset over these ppl. not worth it.
<font color="0000ff">Huijun</font>

thanks you for your reassurance

kudos to all your kind heartedness and comforting words.
Sorry 4 intruding..happened to read e posts so just pop by to cheer my pal Jo up..no need 2 feel sad over those remarks..they r made by pple who do not know u nor even care abt u..so take heart..all sorta pple in this world, if we were to let them affect us, the world will b such a miserable place 2 b in.
It all began becos of a puree making class that is due to take place tmr.

I signed up for it.

Posted yesteday that I have seen a doc and were on 2 days' mc

when one of the mum advised me that better be safe than sorry, dun come for the class, I agreed

then dun noe y the issue went on and on alto I already emphasised that i wun turn up liao
April thread, that mean ur bb going to be ONE YR OLD. so nice, how u intend to celebrate?

mine still have to wait for so long
<font color="0000ff">Shylyn</font>

u still there, here the mums r very friendly

hehe, they def dun mind u sharing how u accomapny ivec thru the past 12 months
<font color="0000ff">storm</font>

yupz, hubby also enlighten me liao. Huijun is rite.

Hubby said in a forum, people can said all kinds of things..i must not be too sensitive

In his forum even worse, got framing and war zones, then one of the guy offends another guy who is also the Moderator, kenna banned fr the thread somemore

i am feeling so angry on ur behalf! intially dont understand what u meant and then follow ur link and read thu the postings. hmm some people are just tactless.

i agree with storm/ jo/ huijun that the mummies here are all very friendly.

sayang sayang. da ren bu ji xiao ren guo.

eh but i am also a bit of running nose leh will the mummies going to the swim mind?

now suddenly very aware of my social responsibility. die lah but really looking forward to the swim meet leh. pray hard hard the runnning nose stop. will do take medicine now.
ya.. coz sometimes we can misinterpret the postings hence miscommunication. like for eg, BOLD letterings in postings can be misinterpreted as hostile and anger altho the person who posted it just wanted the post to be seen, so put in bold lor.
last time when i was in a doggy forum also encounter similar prob. there was this lady who always offend ppl in her postings coz she's too direct and abit hao lian in her postings. best thing is she is one of the moderator! then lesser and lesser ppl frequent the forum, and yesterday i recieve an email saying that the forum is closing. hahaha
hehe.. after so many mths of following this thread its like all hv become like "invisible" friends liao.
i will try to make it to one of the gatherings soon and put a face to my nick. haha. im a very nua mummy.. lazy to go out in afternoon kind. sommore no car very troublesome to bring baby out..

wow u active in doggie forum too? me only read but never join.


Cheer up! Today is friday! now u going for holiday soon!
<font color="0000ff">Shirley</font>

thanks Shirley
u actually went thru the links for my sake ?
did u get the whole picture..

if i m wrong, feel free to tell me off
at least i will learn from it
last time was quite active in the arctic pawz forum, even met up for a few gatherings. but as i mentioned, i dun like that ms know-it-all so i stopped. as for doggiesite, i read only.. nv participate.

i cant bring my dogs for doggy gathering, they always pick up fights one. then me and my hubby will pick up fights with humans also. haha, a vicious cycle.
<font color="0000ff">Storm</font>

hehe,i can put a face to ur nick lah
just like u can also put a face to my nick ..thanks
wo3 xiang3 tong1 le4

<font color="0000ff">Isaac</font>

u confirm will scare the bully off with ur top

<font color="0000ff">Shirley, wow, another nice top </font>

I see all the kind words and cute children photos, can't help smiling at the PC

U ladies & babes really rocks

ergo looks good. wow $168 expensive hor. but isaac likes to be front facing, this carrier cannot right? hmm will check it out again. can use till quite old right?


ur dogs must be very playful. i organsie 2 doggies parties for my dogs annually. usually will invite friends with doggies to come by. next time can chio u


feeling better?

u must be feeling regretful to drink so much last nite right? i always tell myself when i have hangover " no more nick next time" and when next time come u know what happen lah!

oh long time never go drinking liao. almost 1 year....
i hope i can.. yr dogs male or female?? my female mal hates other female dogs and my male mal detests other male dogs. how to go gatherings?? haiz..
haha! same same! now i think of alcohol also wanna puke. but when next time comes, will still drink lor. hehe.. last nite damn funny, me and hubby both came home drunk and both vomitted. today two of us like dying
I think Brenda from Sep06 pop by to see what we have written (not sure y lah) and she was sad too.
So jo it really a misunderstanding so both of u mean no harm so the problem is sloved and closed.
I am here waiting for NGM and no soul is around at all.
I can't login for a few weeks starting monday cos Yr end closing and deadlines again. so now I must come often but then nobody here to chat with me
r is getting prettier and prettier le..i like her hair, she really got beautiful hair no wonder u dun wana shave her..hehe so long never see you wonder how are you leh..hope to see you and R soon hor

Cheer up, wherever we go in this part of the world there will be all kinds of people, dont take remarks into heart ya..it will only hurt more nia, try to think of more of compliments received here, will definately make your day
I use to receive many kinds of remarks / compliments in my property days, but i just dont take it too serious machiam words said and what happen next is wind blow away liao hehehehe..else how to survive in this society ne
Come on cheer up man!! <font color="0000ff">HAPPY MUMMY = HAPPY BABY</font>
