(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

i also want to see u. missss u. the last time i saw u is on 31/12/2006 at selina house. been 3mths liao, but all the gathering here very far and timming not rite..haizz

no, y ? ALL mummies on msn?

I want to move next yr cos 5yrs liao. My flat loan from hdb and deduct cpf only. monthly only $286 from hb and me. 5room falt first hand. we want to download to resale 4room, will kean tax from hdb or not?
are you on MSN ?? If yes lets add in i think the night is still young the committee members havent fall in yet WHAHAHAHAHAA
me and my hubby got together coz of dogs, and then got married also becoz of "dog"! hah! maybe this is what we call fate??
Will you be buying 4rooms new direct again from HDB?? Or just open market re-sale flats? Cos if you are going to buy another new flat from HDB again yes, you will have to pay a levy of S$45K to your current 5room flat to HDB likewise if you are not buying another new flat you dont have to pay any levy at all. But sad to say you will not qualify for HDB loans anymore, you will have to go for bank loans!! In order to enjoy HDB 2.6% consessionary rates you have to upgrade yr flats and not downgrade..
we want to buy 4 room reslae but we dun want bank loan.
I thought 2nd time is bank loan, I also dun want to uograde to executive. siannn. 5rm to 5rm resale also cannot huh?
You take care ok.... rest well... really feel upset on those comments from the other thread.... think they r really harsh on their words.......why r they like tat huh?

Your Kelicia looks like your hb when born but slowly change and look like you now.... so sweet.....

Looks like your R needs to layered her hair tooo... heheee!! I love her hair leh........

Ur emma & jo does have some similarity.... think both their radiant smile looks alike...
But they still have their individual features too...

Your Char can go into water har! Think she is well trained & know not to breathe in water now..
Wow i really admire her leh.... me dun know how to swim leh... my hb taught me many times.... still think i "cha cha one" not flexible in water, hands & legs dun coordinate one....got Sulami(dun noe how to spell) i first one to die.. hehee! Now he gave up teaching me......hope my Able dun b like me... he must beknow how to swim like daddy, ... got Sulami can have two person to save me... heheee!
How I wish i can join tmw....... now coming to tmw liaoz..... can break the good news.... hehee!

Me super siao today after coming bk to work from two days MC... work piled up like no business... tmw need to go work .. shall chat from my office then......... c ya.. gd nite..... super sleepy now....
hi ladies....

all gone MSN for NGM liaoz...??? my email addy is [email protected] (i hope its tis one i used to sign on msn.. cos donkey ages nv use liaoz...)
hehehe.. nvm, catch up liaoz then i go zzZZZzz... tmr got to go swimming!!!!!
dun think abt it liaoz... over le.. juz concentrate on getting well so u can enjoy ur trip!

wah... u e most happening mummy here liao lah... i so long nv drink liaoz, dont dare to.. confirm 1 cup i "to4" liaoz...

post more more more R's photos here leh.... it does cheer all of us up here...

i bought a evenflo snugli carrier at e taka bb fair.. ok leh, it can be used quite a number of ways, front/back facing.. even newborns can use cos got tis "extra" piece to support a newborn's neck... vivian highly recommend one.. see if i can manage, tmr bring n show u...

not tat i dont wana break e news lah... i haven't test yet... will do e test tmr morning...

hehehehe.. cant wait to see Isaac tmr.. he looks quite "fierce" in tat pic hor...

i think i better go zzZZZz liaoz.. else tmr u all see a "panda" starz...
i muz hv remembered my email addy wrongly too.. paiseh ar.. reli very very very long time nv use msn liaoz...

nitez nitez ladies...
promise will try to log in as early as possible tmr to inform u all okay.... i still think im not.. (or rather hoping not yet...)...
ta ta...
Hi, a big welcome, post some photos of your baby here!

Added you to my MSN

Swim-fest Buddies
Sorry I cannot join tomorrow

Back from my cruise and absolutely missing my forum pals! We enjoyed ourselves tremendously - ate loads, swam loads, listened to nusic loads and slept loads. A photo of Alexis 'surfing' taken on the ship here...

so happening here man.... wat time did the ngm conclude last nite? i am up so early to express milk again n fetching R fr my mum's.

hope the swim fest proceeds n do post photos 2 show here. weather looks gd man!
NGM ended about 2am. Emma woke up at 5.30am for milk and refused to go back to sleep.
Everyone will see a panda by the poolside today.
<font color="0000ff">grace, shirley, selina, esther, storm, starz</font>

after a long sleep, I am def better liao

rushing out to run some errands, must drop by here to say a BIG thank you to u ladies

Thanks for the sms, Huijun

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>

Alexis really enjoyed the cruise too
how u get that pic ?

<font color="0000ff">Welcome, Yoko</font>

ciao ladies
hope u enjoyed the cruise, see tat alexis must be v happy

i read those mean posting.....feel so sorry for u, dun understd y thry blow it so big...cheer up
still got us in oct thread! u feeling better?

btw we can have puree making session in oct thread rite??

my plc here got dark clouds, may not be goin later for the swim
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">UPDATE on SECURITY CAMERA - Wireless internet camera </font></font>

Pls PM me if u r interested. I'm getting this to monitor my maid and bb while i'm at work

Brand: D-LINK
Model no: DCS 950G
Specs: http://www.dlink.com.sg/products/?pid=422

Jus need to buy e cam and set up thru wireless internet. you can view wot is going on at home from anywhere, as long as u have internet access. can even record onto computer.
Create thru: http://www.dyndns.com/account/create.html

Retail Price: S$199
Bulk Price(w GST): S$175 each (10 sets) S$170 each (20sets)
No installation included.
For installation, can try to do it urself, instructions r quite simple to follow, or call NG 91379535 (pls call to ask him abt rates)

Zenn + fren = 4 sets
Mrs Wong = 2 sets
higherlove = 1 set
celk = 2 sets
joodiff = 1 set

Those who r interested pls PM me how many sets u wanna get BY MONDAY (2nd APRIL 07) 12noon ok? Can get the stock by Monday evening.

Those who wanna see demo, can go to Sim Lim L5. Got a few shops doing demo there
<font color="0000ff">aspialle</font>

i appreciate your kind words. Puree making can do it at my place if u gals wana (but of cos i can't teach}, u gals can fix up a date after my japan trip. just that some weekends i am working..

<font color="0000ff">yoko</font>

i just went to check my email
Thanks for the comforting words.

not only me, but all the mummies here are happy to see carissa's picture
we can never get enouh of babies

have met this group of mummies when Kelicia is in my tummy and met up as couple of times after delivering Kelicia.

They are really a very kind & friendly group. We share our happy moments and our down moments.

There is never any sarcasm or meaness from any posting, u noe wat i mean since u have been following this thread

once again, kudos to u ladies, may our kids grow up like all of us here ..compassionate, understanding & kind
u feeling okay? rest well. i now not at hm, at my sis house, not able to take the thing fm u today
nvm i can wait u came back from japan.
puree making is so easy, we don't need any teacher, we share our views.
Hi, added you to MSN!
Re meeting: Yeah, a few women can yak for hours!!
I am going off for my lunch now, ta ta!!

Evon, Vivian, Selina, Esther
So what time did you guys finally stop?!

Selina, Starz, Esther, Doreen and Mango are still enjoying their lunch now after the swim

Sorry, we all thought it was time to go back already but in the end, juz keep chatting and adjourn to restaurant some more.
