(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

so envy abt the swimming gathering tomorrow. so many of u stay in ponggol or sengkang and too far for me. If i am driving i sure lost my way and too dangerous if R is w me.
Would like to join but just too far

hi delphine,

i know. can file with Singpass. if i'm not wrong, Singpass have to constantly used one, or else it will be inactivated and u need to go down CPF/go online to reapply. i think i got one but long time never use, think inactivated liao. that's why i rather use the IRAS password.
I called just now and the function room is available. Now rain stop liao. Will go down and book after i'm done with pumping.

Can feed bb in the function room. There's a tables / chairs / sofa / tv in there. We can buy food and eat there after that also.

As for hot water in the shower, i need to check later. Never shower there before. i'm assuming have cos most condos have it. Starz, would your mum know? hehe... Will report back tonight. Don't worry, i'll work something out. If you all need bathtub, i can bring down.

After the swim, towel dry bb and best to give bb something warm to drink. maybe some warm water, after that can shower.

The pool area is not quite stroller friendly. Remember the entrance where u met me that day? you've got to take an escalator up after u enter the glass door to the pool area. Then, there is a short flight of stairs to go down.
If you want to avoid the stairs, another alternative would be to enter from the ground level from mrt station control. Enter from the ground level and take the lift to 3rd floor where the pool is.
And there is a flight of stairs going down to the function room also (stupid design). but then again, there are lots of us around to help out by then.
vivian yeah lah, ask u faster give birth another one since ur mum taking care, the gap very near and only xin ku for a few yrs ba
I used the old design mag mag to train Joshua when he was 5.5 mths.
I love the old design also and mine is the japanese version one which the quality of the plastic is very good. Dunno about the new one but it looks more bulky.
how many mths bb will outgrow cot?
When can i use the bedside guard instead of the cot.
I saw the mattress with side Selina mention at kidsmall at IMM this Tuesday, I was small and will outgrow very fast, very exp also
<font color="0000ff">Wei Kuan</font>
Wah! Thats far for me
<font color="0000ff">Shirley</font>

Poor u .. My runny rose was cured by my 6 cups of He Ren Ke Cha cos when the doc saw me on thu, she confirmed that I have no flu liao, din even subscribe flu med

wow, u r setting off soon, have an enjoyable flight !

take care leh, try to see a doc asap b4 the illness escalates, cos I think Jenny is rite that it is dangerous to travel while still sick..

even now i am staying away from heaty food n cold drinks..still having poridge for my meals.
<font color="0000ff">Delphine</font>

Gemini is rite, huijun too, can use singpass, cos i called IRAS for my hard copy
ask them abt the singpass too
<font color="0000ff">starz</font>

High 5. i am working from home as well

2 days of mc really cause a lot of trouble, somemore flying off nect tuesday..

trying to clear as much as i can so that my colleage wun be inconvenineced
my mum told me e toilet "below", outside got a switch (tat looks like a heater switch).. but she never go n try reli got hot water or not mah... so she asked me to try tat one.. but im abit "confused" cos only got instructions n i never been there before...
very sian to work from home leh... A is so near yet so far... wana play with him but muz make sure i submit my orders today.... but *phew* finish liaoz... now checking thru n submit liaoz i can dedicate wats left of my leave to relax lor.....
<font color="0000ff">starz</font>

i agree ! I just saw Kelicia..she looks so dif from 3 days ago leh..like more big gal :p

i m also trying to finish as much as i can
<font color="0000ff">jackiejon</font>

Jonathan and Joanne are a pair of good looking siblings
still remember seeing him at starz's hse that day, very cute looking boy

hehe, i think Kelicia could like him in future too :p & i think u make a very pleasant in laws

thanks for ur well wishes

u r rite bat the singpass
Sekali your Issac like the Avent leh.
Ergo Carrier, I raised my both hands and legs to support!!! It is fixed price unless there's a BP ongoing. It cost $168 to $198 ?? I bought mine at $168. My hb used it for 3 days shopping at BKK, you said leh kekeke...
** http://www.bayXsupplies.net/productitem.asp?idProduct=99&idcategory=31

**bayXsupplies the X replaces with b

Hi-5! I'm using the Japan version too! The Thailand and China version cannot make it!
Mummies and Babies who are going swimming tomorrow,

Enjoy your swimming ya...

me will prob drop by after desiree's jab, will see how...

can I msg someone here to see if you ladies are still there?
u can msg me... stil got my number????

im going off liaoz... ta ta n see some of u tmr!!!! (if im not logging in tonite...)
<font color="0000ff">Jo</font>
Thank you.

Nowadays Jonathan is very naughty (sigh), I dont mind cause Kelicia is very sweet gal. I can still remember the picture of her smiling.

Their age gap is only 4 years different
<font color="0000ff">ladies</font>

felt very sad, was just told that my english sucks..

and becos i calulated my rest time as 4 hrs cos it was fr 10 to 1 plus , i m labelled a liar

<font color="ff0000">once again, thanks for the listening eye u gals have provided me </font>
Think of going to the Tumbletot too... since is nearby only... you all sign up on 15 apr 930am ???? Will chk with my hb... most likely can.. heheee!!
<font color="0000ff">Delphine and hui jun</font>

many many thanks , i really appreciate it..

when i saw those remarks, i felt as if some1 has just boxed me on my head
today Raean first time taste her ikan bilis. really thks for ur advise. It taste and smell heaven but a bit salty. I mean the soup taste a bit salty. She like it a lot.
this is what i did:
I dry fried and some portion I make soup and throw away the ikanbils, The soup I freeze it in the cube and can be used till a mth.
<font color="0000ff">Delphine & Huijun</font>


Vodka Orange, I SAW TOO!!

Jo, yuor Elgnsih scSku!

4 hours of rest, wow shiok! hope you've rested well! aye?! ahhh that means Oct thread got your GHOST in there posting for you just now ahh!!! heehee.. aiyo...

Oct thread WU GUI* le! hooohoooo..

Wu Gui* - Not Tortise ahh!
<font color="0000ff">Hui Jun</font>

My number changed liao, u call me directly when u coming down..i can't receive sms to my old number.

but if u call my old number, i can still receive ur call
sorry it my post agin.

need to ask u, did u buy organic or normal food for Caleb? I start off organic for R and now just start to mix organic and non-organic food. It was SO MUCH CHEAPER. anyway in this modern world i dun believe there are 100% organic anymore and how to prove they are really organic.
<font color="0000ff">huijun</font>

thanks for comforting me , really appreciate it

It is a pity, becos most of the ladies in the sep thread are very nice people

hehe, but i realise oct thread are ALL nice ladies
<font color="0000ff">Huijun</font>

once again, my heartfelt thanks.

i admit honestly here that i m tearing as I typed this

in this world there are all kinds of pp, some are more direct etc so it depend u can take it or not. Like my work place I duno kena stab etc how many times but I will not let it spolit my mood espeically now got my dearest bb. everything I must think of her first and I MAKE SURE i always let her see my happy face.
the only time I very sad, cranky and moody are during my menses duno y. Now i am okay liao.

U still have lovely family and friends, it is okay now, dun think abt it. "Hugs"
