(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

the disney on ice pass already expired..

Not easy to be SAHM + u have 2 kids and a dog to care for..
One sick means all sick.
Make more liang teh for this kids this 2 days ba..
Weather is indeed horrible like my kat have flu and cough back again..

Aiya it's really complicated lah... long story leh...
I dun think the doc is blur. He said is, but the prob is, it didn't look like. It looked like fake measles and somemore only burst out after she took antibiotics (so suspected rashes also). We stopped antibiotics and she's ok.
Jas had fever last Tue, so didn't go sch on Tue and Wed. During this period, sch had 2 cases hfmd. Then after that Jas had fake measles confirmed by doc on Fri (I was worried of chicken pox (my mum's suspect) and hfmd (my suspect), so I brought both gals to chinese physician to double confirm).
Jo got fever on Thur night due to throat infection. The rashes came on Sat night, no blisters that kind and it looked like the outbreak of fake measles. And during this period, I had stop her antibiotics and the rash went off a bit (my friend was suspecting allergy to antibiotics), and Jo was taking the chinese medicines. I asked the chinese physician if is case of chicken pox or hfmd or fake measles, shd I bring her back. The chinese physician told me the medicine she prescribed were the same for these 3 illnesses. I think cos of the medicine, jo's hfmd was under control bah? So it wasn't that bad. She's as per normal, except for those rashes. She said is not painful, not itchy wor. And, I got to know hfmd may not have ulcers lor. My friend's gal also no ulcer when kena last time.
Anyway, Jas is ok though with close contact with Jo when we were still unaware of the illness. But, my sis caught it. Weird was, my sis caught it (mild, only rashes like Jo) few days after Jo was back home with me.
And... the gals got to enjoy themselves at home cos Jas was banned from sch as well hahaha...

is from thailand lor. The haze at my place is quite bad. And the weather is super hot!!!!

Not much cleaning for me to do. But after I heard that my sis kena, wah piang, I washed all the stuff at home on Fri hahaha... Everything smells like Walch!
But I think on the long term should be worth it.
Every Pd visit cost me abt $60 n they go abt every week once now. Think get air purifier is more worth somemore I have so many pets at home.

yah very fan leh plus D hor sometimes guai lah but sometimes really feel like struggling him when I talk to him. He ask something U ans liao he still keep asking n asking n asking.....aiyo
Then I say NO..........He will say YES YES YES CAN CAN....sigh
I dun have any patience now when I am sick n tired n with alot of things to do
I am flying on Thurs so D is staying home this whole week too. Not gonna risk liao.
D still having watery poo but maybe cos he took antibiotics before. So I'm bringing all meds too lah......haha
N his cough now n he keeps clearing his throat.....sigh.....sian manz
Just hope E dun catch anything lor else really dun have to go liao.

I'm staying at The langham at mongkok. U can check out their website cos I booked direct myself online. N since rate is good now will be booked at a good rate too.....hehe

Oh yah n thanx for the stroller...haha
Ur maid told u hw afraid D was of ur dog?? hahaha nobody would have guesses we have a dog too judging by his fear.
Oh dear, so many kids are down. Lets hope all will be well soon.

I think I may have spread my cough to baby K. Heard her cough a couple of times last night. Sigh... I hope it is just coincidental.

K gave me problems last night. Kept screaming for me to sit by his bed while he sleeps. When I wanted to "change shift" with hubby so that I can go and bath, K woke up and kicked up very big fuss cos he only wanted mummy and don't want daddy. Cried so much that baby K also woke up. Luckily baby K only observed the commotion and didn't join in the symphony. He went on nagging and whining for a long while before he was willing to sleep. By then, baby K was awake and rolling around in her bed. So, I got hubby to give her the night feed whilst I go bath. After I finish bathing, the kids are finally settled and I can finally start on the work which I had brought home to complete! That was 12.05am.

I managed to complete my work at 1am and when I lay my sleepy groggy head down on my pillow, K screamed for me again. I dashed over to their room, plonked myself down on the sofa next to his bed and knocked out until a bad backache woke me up. When I woke up, baby K stirred and was staring at me... so I pretended to sleep.... within a couple of mins, the alarm clock in my room rang. The day which had not properly ended has started again. I thought I can lie down on my bed for a while to soothe my aching back and neck and legs... but just when I did that, K SCREAMED for me again.....
hi dor,

think the bad weather + haze make it worse...
do try to keep both kids at home before flying off your trip...

hi pups,

poor you. still have to bring your work to complete. is K coming down sick or he has a nightmare?
last week, tricia wake up in the middle of the night, crying for her daddy (receive a last min call and went to work), in the end, wake up didi. i was so angry and scolded her, cos i did tell her to stop crying or else will wake didi up. so in the end, have to pat both back to sleep again...so can imagine how tired u are...
hi ladies..
this morn hubby brought Brod went for his review at KKH (coz his last x-ray, KKH doc called to say got shadow patch at his lungs so wanted to make sure all is fine)..so that doc mentioned that he has phelgm maybe it's due to his FM..althou Brod is taking NAN HA 3 but doc said maybe he's not suitable & wanted us to switch to soy based..to try out & see if he will get better in a few days or wks time..for at least 6mths..not sure if i shd go with soy-based leh..or shd i try goat milk's instead..hmm...headache..must think & research to chk what food cld he be allergy to that cause him to be phelgmy frequently..not easy..
oh..okok..actually i think the chances of kiddos getting it as compare to we adults is higher...i do not mind suffering for the kids if they can dont have HFMD la..the ulcers is the killer...Mav's ulcers are on the side of his mouth while Brod's ulcers are on the tougue whc is really painfull & he really cnt take water/milk well when he needs to "curl" the tougue to drink/suck..

chk ard the mkt ba..i m not very sure on the purifier..
maybe Shirley's dog is of a diff breed or he didnt expect to see a dog there so he got scared?
hi wendy,

ya, i got heard about that FM may cause phlegm. that why i also thinking whether to change tristan FM too...but i'm afraid if change FM, another set of problem...
u may want to stop giving cod fish, not sure whether this is the case, but after tristan eat cod fish for a few days, he seem to have phlegm.
ya..but i rather give it a try lo..no harm also trying out..if FM is really the cause then at least we switch le then see hw along the way..so now we r changing his FM to Isomil 2 & monitor him..in fact i tried to ask for singulair but doc said not neccessary & at the same time, he rather we buy him cordyceps instead of spending it on singulair whc is more on a preventive drug..i guess each doc has each analysing method so at times it can be rather confusing to us mummies..
<font color="aa00aa">hi mummies..</font>

<font color="ff6000">i saw this brochure from toysrus last wk &amp; was very tempted to get the motorcycle for Mav as he simply love anything associated with uniforms groups such as police officer, army officer &amp; even firemen..</font>

<font color="119911">not sure if i shd..so was wondering if mummies here with battery operated vehicles such as car or motorcycle can advise me if i shd go for this motorcycle (from toysrus) or car (got to source on my own) instead?</font>

<font color="0000ff">Now Toys R Us selling at S$69.95..</font>

Dear Mummies, I'd like to invite you and your kiddos to Coen's first birthday celebration. Information as below, please RSVP by 9 April (pls PM or sms me as I don't have much time to log into the forum to check), Fri so I may plan the food and activities accordingly. Hope to see you there. Thank you.
Somethign wrong with the map, location is not marked by the star but by the compass(blue cross with circle.)


Actually i wanted to bring A to there, but somehow at the end didn't managed to bring him there.

hmm....Alvis also got a toy car which quite bulky &amp; it's just a decorate at home cos he not fancy abt it.
If let me choice, i will prefer the motobike, at least you can bring it downstairs &amp; let him having fun.

thanks for the invitation.

will pm you..
You have a large open space near your home, and you are ok with the wheels getting dirty? If so, not a problem for you.
You see, you have 2 boys and I'm sure they will enjoy "riding" bike around. So, the bike is shared by 2 kids, quite worth. Can play till abt age 5.

My IL's place has one left by my hb's nephew. My gals love to ride on it whenever they are back. However, will need to charge the battery quite often. IL place is big, so they ride inside the house, no need me to wash, so I have no complains.

But if you ask if I will buy? My answer is definitely no. Because:
1) noisy (to me)
2) charging the battery takes a few hours
3) I will never allow the gals to play outdoor cos I have to wash the wheels before bringing it home
4) I prefer hand and legs co-ordination ride (eg. bicycle)
5) need a big area to store the bike/car
hahaha....that's why A's big car become white elephant at home now especially IL move out frm their previous place. and yeah...we have to on and off charge the battery.
Now dunno what to do with that.
Wendy, Char has a similar bike, but she seldom use it. I use to ride her in it when she was younger along our balcony, now she grow older, we sledom use it as she doesn't like to ride on her own. And she's got a scooter and a bike, and like Jenny I prefer those as it exercise her...

jass, I'll wait for your PM. Thanks.
Personally I feel those who stays in landed is fine to have this lah, the space area big, more space to ride around. Actually, I almost bought the car version when Jolene was younger, luckily I didn't. If not, I won't know what to do with it.
And recently, I cleared some of the toys to give away, which the gals outgrown or have not been playing for many months. Realised they are more into scooter and bike now, so the rest just gotta go to clear space.
If you are sure that you wanna let go the car, sell away or pass on to any relatives/friends' kids to play.

I let you know if can make it nearer to the date hor. Cos my gals have swimming class till 11.30am. by the time we reach home and settle down, usually close to 1pm liao.
yup, Jas is still continuing with the swimming. I won't withdraw her cos I will be sending her the wrong message. She must at least knows how to swim. She had improve during her last lesson, managed to swim with board on her own for a short distance. Although still lack confident, but at least she is willing to try.
On the other hand, Jolene is going for her next round of test to proceed to next level next week. It seems like Jolene just started her swimming class not long.
hi coral,

thks for the invite. at the moment, i can't confirm anything. cos if my hb receive a last min service call, he has to go off work, so very hard for me to bring the 2 kids.
Agreed with you cos if stay in landed can just park the car outside, if not imaging have to clean the wheels after used. so 麻烦!
Can't let go the car cos it's bday gift from his aunts. right now we still have s spare room to keep it, maybe in future then plan what should do wif the car.
luckily u didnt buy it, if not 后悔。。
huh, you mean gift from Alvis's aunt, though he outgrown/not interested liao, cannot give ppl ah? Hee... I dun care cos it blocks my way hahaha...
Oh you know why? I learned from mistake ok. My hb was into gym last time, so we actually bought a 3 station gym set and converted a room into gym room. When the interest died, he wanted to get rid of it and faced lots of problem! Ended had to call AIBI staff over to dismantle and it costed us 500 bucks. We had a hard time getting rid of it leh... So now whenever it comes to bulky stuff, I will 三思而后行. The lesser things at home, the better it is
Gemini, understand...I often face the same issue. i'll check with you closer to date...And I'm sure adding a few extra pax last minute is not a major issue.

Jen, glad to hear that...Char's been asking for ballet lesson, but this mummy no time to bring her for trial before enrolling her...
coen is soo chubby..it's soo nice to see 1 yr old baby so chubby coz my Brod darling slimmed down a lot when he's near to his 1st yr old birthday celebration..

sorry i might not be able to make it, my MIL will be going for her holiday from 17-26 Apr, during her absence, hubby is the only one to take leave to take care of Brod since i cant take leave at all..so he will hv to go back to work when it's on wkends coz i can handle the kids..i will try but if my mum is ok with taking care of Mav for me, i will go down with Brod..

let me find a good time to chk with my mum &amp; update u again by next wk..actually we hvnt tell my mum that my MIL is gg for her holiday..in fact, we are just thinking if we shd tell her abt it or just say she's travelling becoz she needs to "perform" for her opera singing perfomance tour, i know it's not gd not to tell her the truth but if i tell her and she also want to do the same trick to travel aft my MIL, then hubby cant take another long period of leave..

my boss is not undetstanding &amp; i cant apply long leave of max 2 days when he's not travelling..sian..even my MIL not ard for the long period, i cant take a single day to help take over my hubby too..sigh...

oh..i m just thinking aft reading the postings if i shd get the motorised one now..althou i do hv the space for now..since i do not hv much funitures but it's pretty resisted within the house since i do not intend to bring it downstairs leh..lazy want to wash the wheels aft that..

thks for the valuable advise..i guess u r right..they will probably get excited over the 1st few moments but right after a while..they want to try "the self-paddle" version so the motorised one wont be fun anymore..i guess i will look into a non-motorised one..thks..thks..appreciate it..
Thanx for the invite, I'll let u know again.
I'm abit scared of far places now cos D gets carsick on long journies............sigh

Aiyo sian aah u cannot take leave to help. But lucky ur hubby can take leave to help.
Ur mum cute leh if she knw ur mil like that she also will chu pattern 1 huh......haha

Sometimes I think cos they are old already they tend to sua pi qi too. Like my mum used to do to my sis when she took care of my nephews. What kind of pattern she also will do even though we all stay together. Which is 1 of the reasons why I dun even want my mum or mil to help with the kids, I dun want to suffer their patterns.....haha

N on a side note hor, I have a motorized motor too but quite BIG as in I can even sit on it n it will still move......hahaha
IF u are keen to try out u are welcome to borrow it but but we never wash the wheels cos we let D play with it downstairs only.......hehe
Wendy, it's very tough to be FTWM when we do not have good support right? I face similar issues as you. This yr I gotta take lotsa of leave as my mum needs freq visit to the doc, and Coen also has his first yr vaccine and a few follow-up checks. And Char's childcare has 6 days closure. In addition, my mum has two holiday trips. My boss nvr make noise but I feel really bad. And I may have to take no pay leave towards yr end..Been asking my mum if she can go on 1 holiday trip this yr and next yr when she has no more check up then go for more trips...

Dor, I hope D will grow out of it. I used to have car sick too out grow it in my 20s....
I still keep all the things that A outgrown. hehe..can keep for his sibling or my cousins lol..

but i think if you buy that motobike that u posted still ok because it's not that bulky. those motorised car is really bulky and need a big space to really enjoy it.

huh..you cant take leave more than 2 days? not easy for us who are FTWM right? but luckily your hb can handle on his own, but how abt their meals?

I also used to have car sick since young and like coral, out grow it in my 20s. I cant take all the transports except my dad's motobike. keke..
Coral, Jass
I doubt D will outgrow his lor.........cos....
I will get car sick if on those super old bus n long long journies. But D's 1 is very easy he gets carsick 1 lor like when we start to feel abit gasy nia D is already in the stage where he feels he needs to vomit already.

N then my idiot hubby recently let me know that he also has very bad carsickness that NEVER outgrew!!!!! He still gets carsick!!!!!!!
Which is why he sleeps the moment he gets on the car or plane. N the reason why he is okie most of the time is cos he is the 1 driving!!!!!!
So......I dun ever count on D outgrowing his carsickness n have even bought the seabands for him. Not sure if it worked though cos he did vomit on the plane(but my hubby fault cos he let D drink alot of water plue his ribena drink with the child meal) n we put it on him after that n on the flight back.
Dor, then D has to sit infront beside drier to feel better...Poor thing. It's such a nasty feeling. When I was younger, my mum always scold me for being a trouble....maybe she didn't know it's such a terrible feeling to hae motion sickness...
I try to but can't let D sit infront when we are on taxi n when my hubby is driving sometimes when I need to latch E then we will all sit behind.
Sigh......very cham lor, that time D has class at Marina Sq n we took cab there almost everytime cos too early for us n he always when almost there complaining n complaining liao lor.....sigh
Hi Coral,

Thank you for the invitation, will let you know again nearer to date if we can make it. Time flies hor, coen is 1 year old soon.

anyone knows a good private driving instructor who can pick up from the place i want? haha going to learn driving after my last failed attempt 14 years ago. lost a bet so no choice
U should have picked it up earlier....hehe
Dun have any contact sorry. Oh n will be harder for u leh cos AMK centre gonna be close already right so left Ubi n woodlands. Both far for u.
Ted is so cute, when i am drinking birdnest, he came over and said: "Mama cannot drink the birdnest, later the bird bird fly back cannot find the nest, they will cry cry and they will bite you...."

Going to switch him to 3 hrs session instead of attending childcare...

Realised that since i stayed home, his progress is faster and in better control. He is now able to count 1 to 100 in English and learning different country flag names.

I am also trying to correct his pronounciation, previously he is close to the helper, thus the accent is like Philippino hahaha e.g. come back, is said as "come bak"....black colour becomes "blak color"
Selling 1 unopen GNC Childlife Essential Fatty Acids Natural Butterscotch flavor.

Expire date: 23 Oct 2010

For pregnant or nursing mum and infants 6 month up to 12yrs old kids.

Product detail: http://www.childlife.net/node/53/

Original price: $ 43.50
Selling cheap now: $ 38

Pls PM me if u interested. Collect at my blk (hougang). Thanks!
hi mummies..
i wanted to ask if anyone of u have any wkend (sun) part-time cleaning helper to recommend..the current one i was using went back to her own country for visiting..not sure when she's coming back..can sms or PM me? thks..
Cos D everyday ask me what day it is ma. N I did tot of getting those calendar but then forgot to buy until too late. N now totally cannot find liao lor n he's still asking.
So wanna find 1 so he can go n see n shun bian learn numbers lah......hehe
If really cannot find those day by day type, what about using normal table calendar and crossing out the days as it goes by? He can still learn numbers that way right? Alternatively, find those day by day type of calendar but not tear ones.... it is more like those which there is a button for you to manually "turn" the date with each passing day. Don't know if you know what I mean. They usually come in the form of pen holders.

Thanx for the suggestion but my aim is actually not numbers.....hehe
Numbers is shun bian learn kind.
Is it the days of the week. Cos D has been asking me that since he started sch n every morn he will ask. I tried writing on a note pad which he can tear off everyday but it ends up being thrown around n Ember sometimes tear it.

Anyway I finally got 1....was abt to post in WTB to ask for it liao then my hubby FINALLY asked his mum if she has a spare.
