(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

hi adeline,

oh ok. will check out i can read and hua xia
err, what about Mamil Gold 4? got lobang for it? kekeke...
btw, what's the difference between Dumex Durgo and Mamil Gold?
<font color="ff0000">恭喜发财,万事如意 to all the babies, toddlers and mummies!</font>

sorry for my late wishes...

Hope all the kids get well asap..Alvis also got gastic flu the day before cny eve. have to brought him to KKH cos his fever shoot up to 39+c. then before that he still having some cough and till now almost 2 weeks still on and off cough. My MIL boiled some chinese pear with nan pei xin for him to drink.

others than Hua xia &amp; i can read, can check out Berry or Hess ducation centre. The latter got chinese speech &amp; drama course, think will be more interesting for them to learn mandarin.
A now slowly pick up some mandarin cos i started converse with him in mandarin &amp; he also learn when we speak in mandarin too.
use a bloster to "tahan" ur hb's back so he doesnt roll back in his sleep will help anot?

Sick Kids
like Dor, our house is wif sick kids. both tods hv been coughing on/off since b4 CNY.... western med dun work and hv brought them to TCM last Fri. then hb decided tt RB is coughing wif a thick phlegm &amp; so brought him to pd 2 days ago. My 8 mth old nephew is oso probably infected by the tods and hv running nose too. I am fearing so much for RN now. She seemed to hv caught the bug but is much milder as she can only b heard wif some occasional coughs in the early monring and none thru'out the day. Could hear that she has phlehm oso. Sigh. Its impossible to isolate the tods from the babies and all i can request is to minimize contact. oso not easy for my mum. the darn flu bug is going round and round....
Aiyo ur hse too aah...somemore you have more kids together.
Very hard to separate n prevent lah I guess. We keep reminding D not to cough at E but sometimes when he needs to cough he has to lor. Think still too young to control. Still got alot of phlegm but pd give green light to go back to sch liao.
Now is E's turn today her coughing until want to vomit like that.......sianzzzzzzzz
Dunno tonite hw......sigh

But then go back to sch liao also same thing lah cos weather not good alot falling sick. D met his classmate at the Pd also....sian lor
later go back sch also duno when will kanna again.....sighhhh
YAH lor! v hard to isolate the sick ones fr the healthy ones. even u all wif 2 kids finds it hard liao, not to mention ours got 4 kids, how to really isolate? cannot lor.

Sch is the spread of the diseases usually... but cant help it oso. imagine those kids in childcare ctr is worse coz they r there the whole day. For the last 2 bouts of outbreak, my niece kena fr sch and brought the virus home. when she kena, RB sure wun b spared coz my niece's immune system is better than RB. Looks like both my sis &amp; my BM drank by the tods r still no fight 4 the darn bug!

I am keeping fingers crossed for RN. haiz.

Aiyoh... E got it fr D liao. Agreed. Its impossible to not cough at their face no matter how much we remind them.
wah..even ur parents speak to Tricia in English ah..impressive..my mum will mixed some Malay language into the conversation like "gos-tan" for reserve or "ba-let" for try again..we tried to tell her to at least use "tui-hor" or "chong-lai" but she's too used to it liao..cannot change so when Mav wants us to re-try, he will go "mummy, ba-let"..lol..

i do hope the kiddos will get well soon from this flu bug..it's very tough to seperate them esp now that u hv gone back to work..do keep a lookout for RN since she's really younger..in fact i felt that for Brod who has caught most virus from Mav is weaker and somehow need longer period to recover well..really pains the heart when kids are sick..

unless u really want to "stop" D from going back to sch temporary till he really recovers fully but there again, when he's back, u cant prevent much &amp; then once home, also the cycle will repeat..esp for this HFMD episode for the Ricky brothers..i really think that the sch has to play a part in cleaning up &amp; accessing the kiddos when they come to sch if feeling unwell..very stressful one leh..
hi wendy,

well, my parents sometime will mix some Malay into their language too, but no choice for my parents, esp my dad, cos if he speak in Mandarin, some of his grandchildrens dont understand him and same goes for mine.
normally #2 onwards will be the most affected if older sibilings are sick, cos they are younger and immune system are weaker... almost all the PDs and chinese physisican that i seen tell me this...
yeap quite ex for the strips. So hb stops using liao.
I know which shop you are talking abt. I won't buy from there lor. The lady preggied boss damn sickening and haolian. That's the 2nd shop I went before asking ard. And the price is not cheap lor. For the same type of bicycle, they are selling ~$40 more.
Jo finally got her scooter... which we didn't want to get from her... She got it as her bday present from a friend. But lucky, so far so good and she is sharing with Jas.

Can try Berries. I'm thinking but may forgo this cos have other plan. Unless my gals complete their swimming class, if not quite siong.
Dunno the difference between Dumex Dugro and Mamil Gold. Mamil Gold should be the "premier" one, more ex mah. I dun see any difference for FM. Anyway Dugro is lao zi hao brand, has been ard since we were young.

it's useless, I tried many years ago.
hi gemini..
icic..i guess it's surely value-added since ur parents can converse with them in English..there's more pple in my MIL's place, hence Brod will somehow know more correct terms as compare to my mum's place for Mav coz my SILs will correct my PILs..only occasionally my sis will be ard to correct him if she's home..
indeed usually it's the #2 that will be more affected when the elder one fall sick..esp when it's really soo tough to split them away from each other..do hope all kids will grow strong and healtier along the way since most vaccinations or medications are not available yet for illness such as HFMD...
The teacher also told me K's Chinese is very weak...Same as for Tricia, my parents speak to K in English. Their reason for doing so is they cannot speak mandarin well and is afraid of teaching K the wrong pronounciation. Actually hubby and myself do speak mandarin among ourselves but K just didn't pick it up.

Sick kids
Sigh... same for me. Started with K having spiking fever for a day and it went off as suddenly as it came on. Now, it is baby K. Her temperature has hovered at 38.5 since this morning until now despite being on aggressive medication. So worried. Just now when I brought her home, all she wanted to do was lie on my shoulders. Very very unlike her. She has persistent phlegm, which is hypersensitive airways that I think is worsen by the bad air quality these days. She seems to have not gotten well since falling sick end of last year!
why not let the grandparents speak in dialets with our kids?

My ILs speak in hokkien with me, somehow A can understand why we are talking abt and he will translate into mandarin or english. I find it's fun.
hehe..i got try to tell my mum before la..but v hard la..she do not "allow" us to correct her one..when i happen to pick-up Mav while he's on the scooter playing games &amp; need to reverse, in a way, i will try to correct Mav when my mum said "ba-let" as in reverse..i will quickly add-on, "Mav jia-you, hou-tui..quick-quick-quick"..something like that..so not as obvious like "correcting" my mum..most of the times my mum will speak to him in mandarin..
hi jasmine,

did tell my parents to do so... same thing, tricia somehow or rather know how to speak hokkien as she listen to us talking. but dont think she understand.
actually did tell my dad to speak to tricia in Malay as he's more comfortable in speaking and at the same time, tricia can pick up malay too...

hi jenny,

thks. think will check out berries, hua xia and i can read first. location is another consideration for me.

hi pups,

at least now tricia is speaking more mandarin as compared previously, think sort or rather, she did pick up from school. so now i keep on telling my parents and hb to talk to her in mandarin.
ya, think not only Sengkang, Punggol has a bit of haze too... ya think the air pollution really is a big problem, tristan is also affected by it, his cough is back. not only him, me also, nowadays, every morning wake up will have blocked nose...
Maybe to let Tricia watch those chinese er ge songs dvds? I usually let the gals watch it in the car. Somehow i find it helps in their chinese.
I was telling hb the other day that most younger generation won't understand dialect. I'm a good example. My hokkien sucks big time LOL

Must be the weather lah, so many of us and kids are down. I still thought I'm heaty leh cos have been lack of sleep.
indeed the travelling distance do play a part in ferrying them to the enrichment places coz if need to travel alot then will find alot of time wasted..also the timing of such enrichment courses some may collide into their nap time hor.. :p

i also lousy one..i can understand dialects (like teochew or hokkien) but i m duck + chicken &amp; awaz tongue tied when u ask me to speak..lol..my hb awaz make fun of me in this manner..
haha...i m opposite with u all. maybe becos i too used to speak teochew with parents &amp; relatives. I can speak teochew wif bros, when still can converse mandarin wif SILs.
Now at ILs place, we will speak hokkien.
All my nieces nephew at msia can speak dialet very well althoguh we never teach them.

Your dad can speak malay?
hehe...my malay also not bad one...

maybe ask your sis to talk to your mum? Like me, i also ask hb to tell ILs that they can speak in whatever language that they comfortable one.
I'm used to it... always kenna make fun by friends and hb. Piangz... some more I "created" a big joke with my poor hokkien when I was in sec sch. Till now, still kena joke by my friends. I'm clueless with dialects, so don't think can teach my gals. My hb's hokkien used to be super good, until he met me hahaha...
hi jasmine,

same as u, i was brought up speaking Hokkien to my parents and grandparents. but now, my hokkien is not as good as before... mixture of mandarin + hokkien liao.
both my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunt can speak malay, cos they are born in m'sia. my own malay is maichiam like nursery level, 1 word type...

hi delphine,

i seldom see chinese er ge vcds, maybe did not really go search for them..,

hi jenny,

i agree with u. my cousins born in 80s/90s cant speak hokkien at all, cos they staying with my grandma, at least they can understand hokkien but cant really speak...

hi wendy,

ya lor, distance does play an impt part.cos there may be times i need to bring tricia to enrichment classes w/o my hb (if my hb need to go work), then i will need to bring along tristan which mean my maid has to tag along, very man fan... furthermore i dont drive
For me, no matter got drive or not, I find distance is impt.
Why? Cos once you commit to an enrichment class, it is at least a once a week commitment. Commitment means time. So to me, saving time is more impt, hence the distance time (eg. travel time no more than 30 mins) and convenience (eg. 1 direct bus or location near MRT station) is very impt to me.
Hence, I will only consider those offer near to my home or my mum's home (so can drop by). Town is definitely No-No for me.
You jus have to keep saying the correct term in english or Mandarin to Mav when he say those then he will know their correct words. So long as he know them then okie lah next time he will know he must use the correct words.

yah lah keep him at home also useless cos everytime bring him to see can see even his classmates coughing kind lor so even go back after well also will have chance to kanna. So play by ear lah. If really kanna 1 more time I think the week before we fly off the whole week I gonna keep them at home liao. LOL

But U know hw bad it is to keep him at home. I feel very bad leh cos every morn he wake he will ask me "Mama today got sch anot" Then he will say "I cannot go sch becos I am sick" so kelian lor. Then whole day he will keep saying when he is not sick he can go back to sch. He really really miss sch lor n today going back to sch he so excited he wake at 9.30am. Yest 10.30 haven even wakeup lor.

Really aah?? they sell ex aah?? Yah agree the guy very haolian. I buy long ago D's bday I think.
We didn't really go check but went there tabao crab so walk around saw then buy liao. N i didn't touch the bike, only after buy liao then I realise it was SOOOOO heavy. Then I scolded my hubby lah such a heavy bike still buy??
N he can tell me heavy then good........SIAO!!

D is still hooked on his scooter alot n I allow him to bring downstairs when we go buy food too so he jus zip around while we follow behind him.....haha
But now this naughty E keep screaming to ride the scooter too....very sian leh must push her.

Me is D like never fully recover since last yr. But D has sensitive nose according to PD n sinseh so maybe bb K also that's why with the bad air she can't really get well.
For me surprisingly even my pd says that E is stronger. D kanna so many times go n see her but E still remain strong. If not also abit of sniffles that will recover after 1-2 days. Only this time cos D really cough into her face sometimes then she kanna the phlegm n cough.
Dunno is it cos I've been giving her the vit C almost daily n she's still on BM that's helping. Cos she's allergic to Sambucus so I can't give her that to boost immunity when D's sick.
i guess the kids pick up the dialects from hearing the conversations among the adults..so somehow aft listening it for a few times, they got to learn to speak them liao..u very gd ah..i cannot make it, usually even for my granny, i will ask my hb to talk to her in teochew coz i cannot make it..."yi-yi-ah-ah"..haha..
dun think my sis can tell my mum much, actually i wont mind if my mum mixed teochew/hokkien with mandarin but like this "ba-let" for reverse..i very hard to correct Mav later one..then at times u will hear him say "ban-lai" as in smart to Brod..haha...

my hb will still converse with the relatives or his parents in teochew..i only listen and reply in mandarin..haha..i hv the same mindset as u for the distance..it's not really as important to waste time on a wkly arrangement..but if it's a mthly thing i can consider..but i dun think got any mthly ones la..haha..

wah..i didnt know u hv to bring tristan &amp; the maid along if u send Tricia to the enrichment courses..then it's even more tiring..coz tristan is still young so it's not easy to manage his nap time or even milk time leh..u power leh! that time hb reservist then i will ask MIL to help look aft Brod while i m with Mav..if not i think i will pull hair along the way man.. LOL..

ya, usually at home we will try to correct him if we can..coz if not i cant imagine he go tell teacher he is "ban-lai" as in smart..haha..sigh..then at times when Mav say such words, hubby will give me the face liao coz it's something beyond my control..but for my MIL's side..my SIL is ard hence still possible to use the correct term be it English or Mandarin..also my MIL can understand some basic English terms.. :p
i guess u got to monitor them ba..since u r travelling, then really bo biah to "keep" D at home few days before u fly..btw, the HKG rate now is 5.5, u change $ already?
i m very happy to hear that D enjoys going to sch now..it's very encouraging since he was trying to adapt well for the 1st few wks when sch started..
hi wendy,

normally weekends i try not to put tristan at my mum place, let her take a break since Mon - Fri, she's taking care of him. i will not let maid stay alone at home with tristan or tricia,so no choice have to bring the 2 kids out. if tristan is able to sit still in the stroller, i think i can manage both of them and no need to bring along my maid, but this boy backside got needles one, cant sit still, so need maid to keep an eye on him..
hi gemini..
icic..coz maybe my 2 boys are taken care by diff caretakers so i got to make 2 diff sets of arrangement ba..hee..but leaving the maid alone at home safe bo? actually i m not sure too since i do not hv one..but i doubt it's easy to manage pushing a stroller &amp; handleling another kiddo..
hi wendy,

hahaha... my maid has stayed alone at home for a few times liao... to me, as long as i closed the door liao, whatever she do inside the house, i heck care. but so far so gd. if possible, i try not to bring my maid out cos i have to take care 2 kids already, i dont want to take care of another 1 more person...
I am keeping fingers crossed for RN and my nephew. Yah coz they r so young, precisely we r more worried if they fall sick. tts 4 this time round, RN is taking the optional jabs like rotavirus and prevenar (it used to b optional but now its complusory).

I agreed wif u on speaking dialects to the kiddos. I speak to my mum in hokkien and my hb speaks teochew to my MIL. so we tried telling them to speak to the kids in dialects but they cant get used to it. will speak in mandarin coupled wif broken english. i know its hard to adjust and will correct my mum on her bad english whenever i happen to hear it. 4 my MIL, its hard to tell her off directly. 1 classic eg she always use it "open the water, open the lights" she literally translate from mandarin "开灯". headache! i had to correct R many times!!! i bet he is confused how come grandma said "open the lights" but mummy insists its "switch on the lights" :p

I oso buy chinese songs and play in the car, DVD to play at home for R. now he is hooked on chinese songs and will play it each time we get home. for certain songs, he will hv props when he sings and dance. i agree tt it helps.
now he will speak to me in chinese oso.
ya..esp RN is the youngest too..how abt asking ur mum to "spray" some dettol spray or sanitiser aft u &amp; ur sis pick up the kids at end of day when no kids' at her place? then maybe she can try to "clear" abit of the air? or can consider to let the maid stay over to help her clean up the house when u &amp; ur sis brings the kids back? at least min also need RN to take the Rotavirus if cant take Prevenar for now..

aa...in a way, at least ur MIL wont use "ba-let", "gos-tan" or "ban-lai" those terms, right?
K picked up his mandarin from school also. Prior to going to school, he can't speak a single word of mandarin despite me and hubby speaking mandarin and English pretty interchangeably.

For baby K, her temperature shot up to 39 last night. I ended up putting her next to me the whole night to sponge her and monitor her. So tired today.

I can speak Teochew very fluently, but I think this is going to die at my generation although I hope my kids can speak some dialect. They are Hokkiens... but we don't mind if they can pick up Teochew from my parents.

Yes. Baby K definitely has some sensitive airways as well, like her brother. Really don't know where they inherit this from since both hubby and myself don't have it. Today brought baby K to the PD cos of her fever and diarrhoea and PD gave her Singulair for her phlegm problem cos too prolonged liao. As for K, his sensitivity is not only restricted to his airways, apparently his eyes also not spared! He is now on eyedrops for 3 months to stabilise this sensitivity. But if he gets the flu, I think the problem will still come back.
NOT YET!!......hahaha
I dunno hw much to change leh n abit lazy. Cos I dun like to have alot of cash with me when I am alone with the kids. N wait for my hubby is the might as well do it myself kind so still hanging there....hehe
Plus my fil gave us all his leftover HKD worth abt $400 sgd....hehe
So we save ALOT liao...keke

Oh dear so serious even his eye also sensitive. Poor thing.
I find the kids these days so brave having to endure these medication.
Like for D having to spray his nose, hw uncomfortable it is but he takes it like nothing although he doesn't like it. I probably would be complaining for more then half a day just for 1 spray at night.....haha

Me n hubby have sensitive nose n some allergies so no choice the kids inherit these bad genes from us.....sigh
I'm more worried on them being allergic to medication cos it would be more problematic like me being allergic to paracetamol n only realising when I was 10+. Imagine the number of yrs I have been taking it without anyone knowing I'm allergic.
I envy those who speaks dialect fluently.
My hokkien totally cannot make it. Ppl have been asking me what's my dialect and questioning me why I can't speak or listen.

Better change more $ hahaha... so much to spend!
then u better do so soon..since the rates is still 5.5..right before CNY drop abit but now got move up alittle..think u can consider changing if u need more..so nice of ur FIL to pass u his balance..next time ask him got such lobang, pls share with us too..hee.. :p
yes yes, cute to see them singing with different actions. I place one each in my and brother's car. Just in case they asked for it.
But I jus saw on Wed the money changer at AMK hub is at 5.4 that's why I didn't bother. Funny leh hw come so much diff huh the rate. I normally change at J8 1 though cos their rate better but queue also quite long sometimes.

Aiyah u know my fil is very haolian 1 ma so I think purposely change alot n give us alot 1 lah cos he just went durin CNY period ma. Not that I'm complaining lah....hehe
But 1st time he give us lor everytime we travel also nothing, still must call them when we on the way to airport so he can tell us bye bye (when we stay with them lor). Didn't even bother to wake to say bye bye to us or give his son angbao for his 1st flight.

yah lor think must change more so can spend more....hehe
But we trying to control leh cos if spend too much jialat aah. Come back I really dun need to shop at all liao....haha

N u know hor my hubby is teochew, his mum is hokkien. Then they speak a mix of hokkien n teochew. N my hubby doesn't even know which is hokkien which is teochew. I know hokkien cos my parents speak in Hokkien to each other when we are young n know abit of teochew. N I was the 1 who told my hubby he was not speaking in total Hokkien cos some of the sounds I heard before in teochew. Imagine he didn't even know what he was speaking in lor so I rather not teach my kids these kind of mix. But cos we talk abt stuff we dun want the kids to understand in simple hokkien, D understands alittle now.
I know abit of cantonese(my dialect) but cos my idiot hubby likes to makeup words when he tries to speak in cantonese so I rather we not teach the kids this kind of nonsense. Later they growup n be laughed at.
wed i changed for my sis coz she's gg to hkg next wk, is 5.5, then yest she ask me to change for her again more so i know it's 5.5..maybe my side here more $ changer so more competitive ba..maybe ur FIL knws this is ur 1st family trip with the kids ba..so he pass all the balance he didnt spend to u lo..hee..whc hotel r u staying ah?
Not my 1st family trip lah. We also went HK with D when he was almost 1yr old.

My fil is very kang kai to his friends 1. Was told by 1 of the contractor who did our window grill cos he say my fil always alot of money n he will pay for their drinks. So i won't be surprised he got alot of leftover so he can tell his friends who went with him that he will pass all the left over to us lor cos we going. Cos hw to have sooooo much left over normally.
N this is the 1st time he has passed any leftover to us though he goes holiday every yr.
When he pass the money(to my hubby though I was jus next to them) my mil next to me keep saying got abt $500 got abt $500 there.
But good lor I told my hubby our Disneyland shopping all cover liao.....hahaha

haha talking abt hotel is another joke lor. We are staying at Langham Place in Mongkok.
My fil came back n give me namecard(I always wonder why he always tells me these things leh dunno for what also he dun tell his son who is right beside me) he keep telling me the hotel is VERY GOOD, VERY GOOD!!!!
BEST room also 400+HKD only. Asked me if we booked hotel liao n when I mention Langham he also dunno where. So I just told him its linked to MTR very convenient. Then he tell me his hotel also linked. N is opp Park Lane the park lane lor jus opposite there very good.
How the hell I know where is parklane in HK??

But still keep telling me hotel very good ask me to book there next time, he stay 8 days only paid $195. Then say its like hse like that jus a room so i tot svc apt ask him got kitchen anot. Then he say no lah jus a room lor, ur hotel got kitchen meh?
*faint man* This kind of hotel ask me n hubby to go only i won't even want to stay liao, not to mention bringing the kids along. N he tell me go night market VERY near. Walk back 20mins ONLY. Wah 20 min to me is very long leh plus the kids I think I need to take at least 30 mins liao.
this time round it's with E so it's like a 1st family trip with E ma...hee..wah..ya i m sure at least ur HKG Disneyland trip is covered lo..r u staying for just 1 night there? oh..the Langham Place u r staying is with more facilities? it's nice then..i guess maybe he didnt go with the kids hence to him walking for 20mins is fine..but i think it's better to find a hotel that's really accessible to the MRT &amp; with lift access..wah..sure bo, that hotel he stayed he only paid $195 for 8days? pretty unbelievable leh..i hope u get good cooling weather too..nice...
Langham Place is pretty new n its a 5 star hotel hence more ex. I've been trying to book there for my pass trips but always didn't get to. Finally managed to book this time so hope this trip dun have any hiccups.
But I like to stay nice hotel else I rather stay in my own flat.....hahaha
Pay money to go n suffer for what.....hehe
N its supposly linked to the MTR n a shopping center so more convenient if really cannot shop with the kids much.

My inlaws a bit stingy kind lor or should I say they like buying cheap stuff. To them CHEAP is good. So I dun even wanna knw the hotel he stay got 2 star anot n he says its VERY GOOD lor (he share room with 2 or 3 other friends).
N when we told him we staying Disneyland for 1 night he was like Disneyland go in only is abt $70 sgd per person SOOOOOO Expensive.
Yah but the trip is mostly for the kids to go disneyland only what which I told him but he still give the face like soo soo ex should not go kind lor. So our standard n his standard is different 1 lah......hahaha

Like the toys they always buy for the kids r those that move with loud ah beng music kind which the kids dislike. Until my hubby also can ask me why they always buy such toys....LOL
His own parents ask them lah ask me for what.
icic..with kids i think it's surely better to be in a newer &amp; easily accessible hotel..whc web did u use to book this hotel?since it's linked to a shopping mall, even last min u need anything i m sure it's not very tough to get something..since ur FIL went there alone with his friends i guess they do not mind walking ard to get to the transport point or even night mkt..diff gen ma so he wont understand y must spend the amt for the kids at disney..but i m sure the kids will surely enjoy it..
mummies staying in tampines or happen to be here later at tampines..

here's the route details for the chingay 2010 celebrations at 7pm: -

Float Route Details: Tampines Central 4 --> Tampines Central 1 --> Tampines Ave 4 --> Tampines Ave 5 --> Tampines St 83 --> Tampines Ave 3 --> Tampines Ave 4 --> Tampines Ave 1 --> Tampines Ave 2 --> Tampines St 32 --> Tampines St 33 --> Tampines St 32 (Blk 324) --> Tampines Ave 2 --> Tampines Ave 9 --> Tampines Ave 7 --> Tampines Central 3 --> Tampines Central 1 --> Tampines Ave 4 --> Tampines Central 4

Ummm my parents r not like that 1 lor so very hard for me to understand their mindset.
Even my hubby was like, "Why my dad get a remote control helicopter for my bro but didn't get that instead for D?"

Actually I rather they dun buy anything for us on their trips cos the things that they get for us we leave it till spoil n throw kind cos nobody want to eat or play with it. N now my hse got ALOT of those soft toy n those toys that move n make very loud noises cos every trip they make they will buy those for the kids.....sigh
Even though since the 1st time they buy D cry the moment they switch it on.

Okie lah dun complain abt them liao cos of the extra HKD they pass us.......hahaha

U so nice change money for ur sis to go HK. My sis aah......she told me she pass me her HKD n its ummmmmm 10 HKD......hahaha
maybe the way they show their love to the kids r to buy toys that's with loud music ones ba..very hard to stop them one..
since it's pretty on my way during lunch time so i m ok to help my sis change $ coz i tink so far the exchange rates near my offc r quite gd maybe there's alot of $ exchangers there ba..competitive ma..my sis will often buy things for the kids..the other day, she took Mav out also for a play or something at Esplanade..
i can also help u change if u want..let me know too..
Ohhh u change at ur office there aah??
I was still gonna ask u where u change maybe we can go tml to change cos I jus check J8 is at 5.47.

U so nice lor change for ur sis. I passed all my Thai baht to my sis when they went for holiday with the kids. Abt $100+ sgd worth......and she bought back for my family 1 small box of assam sweet......hahahha

But expected lah cos when she went HK for business trip I ask her to help me buy chewing gum back for D. N she can tell me no time to go n buy, she cannot find. *faint* lor even airport 7-11 also have what.....so forget it lah.....haha

haha u know hor I jus ask my hubby I wonder hw his parents always manage to go n find all these super loud ah beng sound toys for the kids no matter where they go.....wahahaha
Oh yah wanna ask, anyone has a light umbrella stroller for me to borrow??
Thinking of bringing to HK but dun think I wanna lug my Maclaren Quest cos abit heavy also leh.
thought maclaren quest also quite light le?
I have maclaren also.. lighten then quest u want?
think is maclaren triumph.. and another one is the $99 buy from kiddy palace one.. if u need let me know.
Thanx thanx, Triumph n Quest almost same weight kind right??
I still find Quest abit heavy leh n to have to luge it around together with my luggage n the kids......think very mahuan. So tot of trying to bring something even lighter.

Hw heavy is ur combi u remember??
Cos I saw a combi 1 quick kids if I never remember wrongly. Similar pattern is 3.9kg.
Urs is lighter or the same weight aah??
I only remember you said it was very light....haha
I chope urs 1st K maybe next weekend go n get from u if I dun find something else even lighter....haha
Thanx thanx.
Dear Mummies, can I pick your brains? Please give some suggestion for delicious catering...I'm planning for Coen's 1st yr party...but ultra busy, very afraid I might fail this round...

ya, my office area alot of money exchangers thus maybe more competitve ba..u let me knw if u want to chk the rates for u &amp; change ah..cheers~

if really very delicious one, i can only think of purple sage but ex..kriston also not bad..how many pax r u ordering for?
