(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Wendy, I've no idea the number of pax yet cos I have yet to invite. haha. Really behind time for things...Will put a proper invite on this thread soon...And hope to get respond by end of the month...I thought of purple sage too, must see how many I'm inviting and then plan the budget...

icic..but if really purple sage also need to book their slot, right? time really flies..i m sure it will be a memorable party for Coen..hope u get a easy planning & co-ordination..
hi dor,

wow, going traveling with the 2 kids...
think i will only start to plan for traveling after tristan is 2 yrs old.
I can provide you another catering contact. It's my friend's brother and the food my relatives always say nice..
Last time they used to have alot choices but now they cut down..
Maybe u can give me your email and i send you the price list..
One of your consideration?

Same as you i do not have the courage to travel with kids.
just genting i feel very jia lat already hahaa.. but i might be planning a trip for them this coming october for kim's 4th birthday!
so fast our kids turning 4 yrs old ya! hehee..

Yes triumph is 5kg and quest is about 5.5kg.. not much diff there just that triumph can shoulder carry lor..
i always use neogarden.
my poor guests muz b so sick & tired of the same caterer. I tried angeli catering b4 too. its gd as well!
so fast coen turning one!
hi adeline,

hahaha... even going genting now, i also dare not think... cos tristan has not started eating outside food, a bit difficult and i dun want to lug along his raw food materials and slow cooker.:p furthermore. think this boy does not like eat those pre-packed ready-to-eat food.
ya, times pass very fast, our toddlers are turning 4 this yr...

Gain IQ $3 voucher
anyone interested? Got it from OCBC as i have an CDA account with them.
hi jenny,

got heard that though chillipadi food not bad but their service attitude sucks..

hi crystallised,

hahaha... same here, for 1st mth and 1st yr old bday, i'm been using neo garden too...
Thanks Mummies, know I can always depend on you ladies!

jRRt, you got the neogarden discount card? I've not tried them before, so maybe I can try, cos seems a few of you like them.
Cause my girls have been exposed to outside food even before they turn one (not under my control cause my aunty!)
Now they back home, they eat more school food and home cook for dinner cause my MIL cook.
Last time my aunty always bring my girls out to eat mac, kfc etc.. cause she bring them shopping which i dont like and i cant control cause she will not be happy.

so now at home, they seldom eat fried food already BUT always eat PEANUTSSSS.. u know kat's skin sensitive so i dont really like to idea of her eating peanuts.. not me.. is either my mil or fil.. they like to eat nuts so they are always feeding my kids with it.. i say many times le.. but still no use.. aiya just close one eyes..

until yday my aunty tell me news got come out a china kid less then 1 half year, almost died cause parents eat peanuts and in the end the kids intestine got holes because cant chew the nuts properly and just swallow..
that made me scared.. so now.. no matter what i will say them liao..

you can try neogarden since u haven tried. the food is not too bad..
but i prefer purplesage!
The food is much more yummy then neogarden..
last time my office always order from purplesage...
Recently kim very poor thing..
Kat have been biting kim so badly until bruises!..

Tr's are complaining my 2 girls backside sharp one.. during assembly also cannot sit still.. run about and esp running to toilet and play with water then keep getting scolded..

I hope it's not hyper active.. lol..
didn't know abt their attitude. I tried once during my colleague's son full mth. I'm going to propose to my mum/sis to use them for the lunch at home.
Frankly speaking, I'm sick of neo garden. Go everywhere also neo garden. My cousin's upcoming wedding lunch buffet also neo garden...
yes i got the member disc... but i dun rem the card ID... its some alphanumeric combi. i gotta check fr home... i hope i kept it somewhere!

yeah, tts my hb & MIL's all-time fav caterer. my hb said tt its better to order fr someone tt has been tested & "approved" by the adults. aiyah watever lah.
my mum is opp yr hb. If we used the same caterer twice, she would tell us to CHANGE. She said see the dishes also sian, let alone eat hahaha...
wah..u hvnt let Tristan take outside food yet ah..i cant control much as at times it's my MIL that bot Brod out so when i m not ard, i cant really "see" what was fed to him..but i guess it's not those "heavy-duty" ones la..also this little boy is really greedy at times..even aft milk, he can say he want to eat bread..really non-stop eating..

neo garden..
i guess as long as no prawns, i m pretty ok with any caterer..hehe..but indeed aft eating for a few times same caterer, maybe it's gd to hv a chance too..at least something diff & memorable to the guests too..
I always use Neo Gardens and am still using them for baby K's first birthday this Sat. Anyway, it is just for family members and they like their food, so it is fine ;)

Everyone meh? Around me, only I use Neo Gardens leh. haha. Anyway, even if always pick the same food, it is only during those catering occasions. Think about it, when we eat our daily food, it is almost the same thing everytime but no one really complains right? ;)

Oh yes, we love the cereal fish too! It is an item for this saturday. haha.
hi wendy,

partially becos tristan only have 8 teeth now, so afraid that he cant really eat outside food, so we still cooking porridge for him... and this boy har, cant really sit still in high chair when outside, can foresee that it will be a challenge to feed him. :p
u allergic to prawns?

hi pups,

wow, baby K turning 1 liao, that's very fast... your 4 mths ML was just like a few months ago only...
Hmmmmm why huh my parents also likes to eat peanuts leh. N really really like nuts 1 lor forever also like got nuts n eating nuts 1.
Then Ember so far i have not really let her eat nuts yet cos she allergic so I haven go n try nuts for her so when go my parents place I must watch her closely cos they intro peanut to D when he was quite young now he also like nuts.

N that day my idiot hubby let E eat something with big pieces of nuts inside in the evening. Heng nothing happen else he sure kanna BIG time from me.

Wah Kat got sharp teeth huh. Poor Kim kanna bitten.

So good u still can keep cooking for Tristan, Ember is exposed to outside food long ago n she will keep wanting to eat our stuff. But she also dun really like porridge n cannot eat same food more then 2 days kind (same as D) so very the mahuan to cook for them too.
dunno leh, my relatives and friends always like to cater from neo garden.
I'm one who can't eat the same thing everytime.
I'm surprised for cereal fish cos all along I tot cereal goes with prawn.
Brod has (i think) 6 teeth & growing more? but he simply cannot stop eating..right even aft milk..Mav is a totally "No..no..noo.." to any food but Brod is a totally "No stop..no stop" to any food..
if i take prawns, i will vomit immediately..some yrs back i had a bad experience aft eating prawns kept by my MIL frm CNY till like Apr kind of prawns..so 1 mouthful, i ran to toilet & merlion out..ever since then..i cant take prawns liao..so u hardly see me commenting abt eating dim-sums whc mostly have prawns..

u change ur HKG dollar already? today i go chk at Arcade, still at 5.5 leh..hw abt ur side?
Dun think will have change on my side ba.
Oh its at the raffles place mrt area?? Which side??
Cos I should be going over there to pass some stuff to my friend then I can shun bian change as well!! hehe

I might be getting a Maclaren Volo so let u know after tml if I still borrowing the stroller from u k. Thanx so much.
Arcade is right abv the Raffles Place MRT wor..icic..okok..i m not sure abt today but if u r passing by, can change liao..cheers~
Thanx, maybe I will be going tml.

Poor thing leh u like that cannot take prawns liao, miss out on alot of nice food. Even products with prawn inside u also cannot take??
okok..ard wat time u coming? my colleagues & i might b visiting a colleague that just gave birth at kkh during lunch, if u not coming ard that time, i can go meet u & bring u to the ones i go change for my sis..let me know ah..

ya..cannot take anything with prawns leh..got used to it along the yrs la..hee..
Wah u the best lah I sms u, Thanx....hehe

I be going over during lunch lor cos I drop D in sch at abt 12pm then i go over. Then must rush back to fetch D also n not let him know I went shopping ....hahaha
hi dor..
sorry that i cant hv a chance to have lunch with u & E, nxt time, ok? pie-say ah..but i m glad u got a pretty good exchange rate..cheers~
oh..i guess it's lunch time crowd that makes u "giddy"..u went back straight aft that ah? too crowded to shop?

it's 5.515 today..u shd..nowww... :p
Hi mummies, been a while since I logged in. Just saw discussion on forex. I good place to change currency with pretty favourable rates is at Chinatown. I dunno what is the place called but it is just next to the old majestic cinema. There's a forex change outlet there run by Chinese just by the corner. Always long q but pretty good rates so far. you might wanna try.
I changed at 5.515.....hehehe
thanx to Wendy, she bring me there 1. Was 1 with 5.2 but long queue lor. N sooo crowded I see liao wanna faint lor.....haha
Long time never see lunch crowd liao....hehe

I did go shopping at UOB plaza n spend on boliao stuff.....hehe
N plus the crowd I think I see liao I feel very tired n E was naughty keep wanting to walk.

N today was a very bad day, my fault too lah for going out after D went to sch n so far somemore.
D had diarrhoea n think not in time to go toilet so dirtied his clothes. N my phone was not loud enough for me to hear so I missed the call n hubby got his mum to go n bring D home.
So I rush back afterwards already like siao to go home n find my dog came out from the kitchen n ate the japanese dried scallop we bought and have not kept. Then vomitted n peed n pooed all over the hse.

Piang eeh really not my day man. N now I dunno if D really kanna new virus for tummyache or what cos back home he went toilet once n say his tummy was very painful. So I gave meds n now he's coughing with phlegmy sound somemore..........sigh...........very the sian lor

N think I too tired not enough sleep I feel a sore throat coming n I'm really very tired lor...sigh
Take care and rest as much as you can. I was looking after K for a few days followed by baby K for almost 2 weeks cos the poor girl kept having very high fever, started with throat infection and led on to fever. Really had very little sleep at night cos sponging the baby and caring for her, the next day still full day at work. Ended up I was down with very bad cough. From my previous experience, this is my body's manifestation of chronic fatigue syndrome. The cough is so bad that doctor even put me on steroid to control it quickly. So please, catch any possible moments you have to rest.
I'm trying to but now like headless chicken doing last min stuff. N I haven bought the travel insurance YET!!!!
Damn!! Yest jus updated their passport details n I still have alot of stuff not done yet.......sigh
N I can't leave it alone cos hubby will wait till Wed night to pack n see what we need n I still have to make magic for them to appear.....sigh
Not wanting the kids to have a blur n do nothing holiday so must find all the places to go 1st as we dun have alot of time n I want to let the kids try EVERYTHING!!!......hahaha

See lah I have SOOOO much on my mind at any 1 time and I'm sick of the kids catching something else the minute they seem to have recovered from something......arghhhhh!!!!
N the stupid air!!!! I dun really know if D is coughing cos of the bad air(cos I also feel itchy dry throat) Or that he caught it from E or he caught something else from school cos it sounds phlegmy jus now n he vomited something during dinner........arghhhhhhh

Sooo sooooo irritating!!!! N I really really wanna go on this holiday......sigh........
Stress stress stress........n the stupid internet have to give me problems.....arghhhh
indeed it was super crowded during lunch time + it was super sunny that day..ah, u went to OUB centre to walk-walk ard ah..i also forgot to tell you to chk out this shop at level 3 that sells alot of those Hello Kitty, Thomas & Friends, Mickey Mouse items like water bottles etc..sorry abt it..

oh dear..is D getting better on the LS? have he seen a doc? i guess u must be worried abt him..cld he have caught the virus from school?

u better really take extra care..the weather is super bad lately..either too hot or too hazy..drink more water..boil some barley water put in fridge..can help to cool ur body too..

where did u "park" the japanese dried scallop? how come teddy can have "easy access" to it..next time make him "get access card"..

wah..sounds serious to be on steroid..u too shd take gd care & try to rest as much since it's wkend already~
My hubby bad habit lah he likes to put things on the floor(even our food when buy home). Then if I dun touch them sometimes they will be there until.........god knows when.

N Teddy is locked inside the kitchen 1 I only open gate when we are at home n I think D unlock the gate lah before he left for sch. N teddy likes to do crazy stuff when we go out lor..........sigh
So very very fustrating when I am already soo soo tired then gotta clean the whole hse n I park the kids in the toilet bath tub lor cos E say she wanna bath while I handle the hse......hahaha

N my dog actually poor thing lah cos D always leaves the sweet or jelly he gets all around the hse.(cos I dun allow them to eat 1) N sometimes when Teddy escape, he will eat them n sometimes lao sai or vomit.........sigh
oh...ok..i do agree men are just "lazy"..they will do illegal parking for the "items lying" on the floor..not only ur hubby la..my hb even a hanger drop on the floor, he can "leave it" there for 2days till i nag..

can understand ur frustration esp the cleaning up part..coz if u dun "park" them somewhere..the area u cleaned up will be mess up before u realise it at the blink of ur eyelids..haha..

Teddy also very smart to "sneak" out while u r out to snack..but indeed doggies cant digest our food well so he will even LS or merlion out lo..

really can pull hair at times..hope D is getting better liao + u managed to get some rest while the kids nap too...
The weather is real bad, making everyone sick. Do brew herbal tea to drink. I've been brewing yin hua + ju hua for all to drink these few days, especially after Jo kena mild HFMD last week. Last week was a bad week, all of us were sick except for hb.

I know the money changer you mentioned. At people's park complex, near the lim chee guan right?
Jaslyn is okie??
Jo 1 is mild aah that's why the doc is blur aah?? But sian lor if u never suspect n believe then Jas n u all jialat aah if caught it.

Really aah? I tot is jus my hubby's bad habit nia. So adapt u say illegal parking.
I always nag my hubby abt taking the stuff out n leave the plastic bag there too. Cos last time my dog was younger he likes to play with plastic bags. Very the funny 1 lor cos suddenly u see 1 plastic bag run across the room.....hahaha
Machiam like got ghost like that 1.....hehehe

I have been nagging him abt that for very long liao cos I will always concentrate on the kids once go home so he will be the 1 to keep the stuff lor since he dun help with the kids. But he will still leave some stuff 1 lor then I still have to pickup after him.
Esp food we just bought he can just put them on the floor in the room or living room then he dun tell anyone 1 lor. Piang eeh then dunno step on it hw?? No dinner lor.
N now this E is sooooo kpo she will go n take all the food to me 1 by 1. Spill on the floor hw?? Then I gotta clean again lah.

Yah lah my naughty dog likes to sneak out esp when we go out. We had to try ways n means to block all ways of exit....hahaha
Cos I use the playyard to block so he can push his way out at the side cos he is small size. N sometimes I really wonder if the playyard is to keep him in or keep us out....hahhaa
Cos sometimes he can escape out liao then go back in n we won't realise he was out until we find his pee somewhere lor.

Then yest bopian lah really whole hse all over pee n his vomit n shit so I must keep the kids away. Else this E always will fall when I mop floor n this D will keep walking around then u see all the dirty footprints.....arghhhhh

At least now I clean my hse clean clean liao lah so happy enough.....hehe
haha, the way u describe teddy running around with plastic bags on the head very funny.

ya lor the weather really bad. When I went out yesterday morning, have that kind of burn smell in the air leh. Must be some forest fire somewhere. Is jo better?
Yah lor is really very the funny lor. Cos he actually bite the plastic bag n run with it.
Then last time when we talk halfway u suddenly see 1 plastic bag run across outside the door....hahaha
Like so funny 1 lor we always endup laughing at our 'ghost'.

The air smell very bad hor. My throat also feel so dry n itchy lor n D will keep clearing his throat. Think cos itchy n E will cough when we go out.
So very fan lor cos I really dunno if I wanna continue giving E meds cos I think she's fine liao but then go out she will cough then hw.....
Now even thinking to buy air purifier liao else the kids keep getting sick.
disney on ice

hi i remember someone has password for discount. still available? do you mind sending me? thinking of bringing the kiddos to go thanks in advane
your situation now reminded me of my aussie trip last year when on the morning of departure, zac merlion. a few days before, lele also kept having ls. however, when we touched downed on aussie land, all their illness disappeared. isaac only fell quite sick on the last day of the trip. i think just cross your fingers and bring all the medicine with you. i think you guys will enjoy yourself. i can still remember i packed their luggage till 3am the night before. damn xiong as we are going for 10 days trip, really lots to pack. i am also looking forward to my june trip. now then i realise there are 2 langham hotel. think the one i have corporate rate is not the one you are staying. cant decide now too. when are you leaving for your trip?

ya i agree with u that indeed the weather is sickening..extremely warm & seems like there's 9 suns back in the tiny city..hope Jo is getting better frm mild HFMD..the cleaning is crazy..phew..

alamak...that can be rather scary..ur dog wont fall down wearing the plastic bag costume?

esp for food, must be more careful coz usually it can be rather hot (if u hv those soupy ones) that other than spill can also accidentally scald the kids "knocking" into them lo..the rest ok la..can understand la..the cleaning can be crazy for me when each of the boys will take turns to "walk" over the wet area aft i stopped the other one..it's like a routine..argh..hey indeed a gd ideal to chk out on air purifier..but will it be expensive?

wah..u went for 10days ah..really hv to do a gd packing..but indeed must ensure all items got bring if not wait missed out anything also headache..
seems like this langham hotel is a if got chance shd-stay hotel leh..hope u get to book this hotel for ur upcoming trip..
