(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Been a little fustrated with my parents recently cos they dun seem to feel anything. Dunno is it cos of generation gap n their old ways of thinking.
Coral, jus like you mentioned ur mum say u very troublesome when u have motion sickness.

My mum tag along D's dental visit n I actually wnated to take the train as D was carsick the 1st time we took cab there. N my mum still keep insisting I take bus cos she says there is bus there from my hse. N she says go outrum only VERY near. Please lor take cab I already scared D carsick still want me to take BUS.

Endup we were late n had to take cab cos I brought them for lunch 1st. Then came this very old cab n I was so worried cos those old cab with bad suspension is a sure trigger for his carsickness. N cos we were already late n there were no other cabs so I suan le jus take n made D sleep on the cab. But my mum jus bochap 1 lor, still as D to sit in the middle but I jus refuse lah n ignore her.

Then now we are going on a cartrip with them. D is very keen lor but I'm abit worried cos the long time in car ma. N plus E's fussy toilet habits, I abit worry she will refuse to pee.

N my mum say why I keep thinking abt these things. But I dun think abt these things then I should think abt what things??
N jus let my son get carsick if he cannot tahan then vomit lor....is it??
N if my girl dun pee then dun pee lah is it??

Then when we visit my dad he gave D durain cake those roll kind. So fine I jus made D eat only 1. Then he gave 1 to E n I realise jus in time n took it away from her.
I dun even know if E has outgrow her durian allergy n he gave her durian the 1st time that made her allergy flareup n I made sure they knew abt it but still..........
N E didn't get to eat the durian but she put my toothpick into her mouth only, she had red patches on her face in the evening. Lucky it went away after awhile...........sigh........
Feel so very fustrated leh.

Don't feel so frustrated over these.... these are very real and important issues to us cos we are talking about OUR children. But we just cannot expect others to have the same degree of concern. We just do our best to protect our kids for as long as we can, or they allow. The other things that happen along, we just have to take heart.
Dor, as mothers of course these are the things that preoccupy us all the time...Grandparents seem to be more concern about having fun with the kiddos now...

Wendy, I have the same situation as you...but mine is the part-time helper just disappear, her mobile also can't be connected...I suspect something happened at home and she went home...But it's a shock cos we were waiting for her over the weekend and she didn't come, and we can't contact her...So any recommendations?
same situation as yours. My PT helper just didn't come one Sat last Nov and MIA till now, uncontactable thr HP too.
Thought she was sick or what, cos she had never been late. Tried calling her next few days, HP was off. I can't be bothered after waiting for a mth.
Weekdays and weekends different rate. Mine was cheap, only charged $10/hr for weekends, min 4hrs. She worked for me for 3 years+ lor, very clean job and hardworking, but MIA liao.
Normal market rate for weekend ranges between $12 to $16/hr, depends on if you go thr agency (still need to pay agency fee).

different lah, I dun remember recommend her to any of you here leh.
Dor, I don't think so. Jen;'s disappeared in Nov, mine just last week.

Aspialle, mine charge $12/hr regardless of wkday or wkend, but most of the time she works for me on wkend...Now I gotta search again.
Hi ladies,

I guessed most of you had already heard my good news in FB...
Thanks for all the congrats and well-wishes...

Actually I was intending to share the good news with all of you here once my 1st trimester is over but I guess good news just can't wait... hee...

Yup, I am going to have an OCT 2010 baby... currently 11weeks jun jun today...
baby doing fine from last scan which is few weeks ago... as for me, just no appetite lor... lost 2 kg in 3 weeks... but good for me lah... very effective weight loss... anyway you all knew that these extra weight will come back with revenge one lah... haa...

Me now is Even-day single parent liao.. coz hb on reservist and on shift work... so its going to be a hell-of-a-mth for me... will try to log in more then...

Thanks ladies for all the encouragement!

Pups! actually the April fool joke was abt something else at work but looks like you had a good guess... hee...

Coral, actually wanted to reply you when you asked abt any news on #2... but coz its still early, so din reply you on that... and apparently you are the earliest to ask abt it! hmm... buy any 4D lately? keke...

the previous pt helper, both of u get frm agency?
hm...im a bit worried if such helpers are honest , do they clean when ur at home? how do u all pass keys to them?


congrats to u on ur second

how i wish i can have second too, i suffer v bad bad pain after first birth cos i have curve spine since young, i did not know pregnancy will cause wear and tear to muscles and nerve...maybe bb is heavy and tat time i do alot of house work eventhough heavily pregnant.

after so much tat have happen, i realise someting, to protect myself and son is more impt irregardless of some unnecessary nagging frm elderly. in the past i want to please everyone, in the end i suffer all the consequences and no one understands.
Hmmm, not so gd at home. R has been coughing since b4 CNY, recovered the wk b4 sch holidays and started again aft he went back to sch. we brought him to western & chinese doc, none really cured him. a few days back, he started coughing badly again and yest a visit to the doc said he b under mycoplasma attack. sigh. now on antibiotics.
meanwhile my niece is oso coughing and my 10 mth old nephew juz fever last wk and now running nose. Poor RN is surrounded by so much virus but thankfully she is well despite the last few rounds where everyone was sick. Hopefully my BM will continue to keep her strong.

Poor u taking care of Rhys alone... will b v tough! I still rem I was literally like a dead walking duck last yr this time! hahaha.
Your good news is making everyone excited LOL

my 1st pt helper was from agency (dun ask me which one, I forgot, only remembered link to ntuc something like that). Paid a one time agency fee and the pt helper was a local. She stayed near me, so she's willing to work 3hrs min, $12/hr.
I told her not to come when I was in confinement after giving birth to Jas and to resume after my confinement. Due to some miscommunication between my hb and her, she went to take up another job which clashed with our original timeslot. Then she offered her timeslot for Sun PM, but the timing wasn't good with me, so I went to look for another helper.

The 2nd pt helper was introduced via my cousin's bf (she's my cousin's bf's pt helper's SIL). Not local. She worked 4hrs min, charagable at $8/hr then latered increased to $10/hr.

The pt helper came only when I'm at home. I didn't give them the keys, partly because of the alarm at home (this means I had to give them password).

Anyway after 2nd helper went MIA since last Nov, I didn't bother to get another helper in liao. I'm doing myself now, still managable.
hi vivian,

was suspecting when i saw jenny post in FB..Congrats! Indeed its very good news!!
do take care

hi crystallised,

aiyo, see kids coughing, very poor thing one... is R allegeric to some food? cos tricia is now seeing a chinese physician who say her is an allergic cough and has some forbidden food that she cant eat. so maybe u want to see is it the food that making R coughing??

Congrats! Feel so happy and excited for you. People around me is getting pregnant. i have 3 good friends all going to due in June and all of them expecting baby gals. Can access facebook from office and weekend seldom have time to check too. haha can only come in here to get the latest update.

Zac is down with cough and running nose too but think not very serious. didnt feed him with medicine hoping he can build up the immunity. it is going to take a long time to recover but somehow i find the medicine all doesnt work. haiz
hope R recovers soon ya!

the other day i saw u sending rhys to sch r u preggie liao?
Cause u look quite pale and tired!!
If yes u really need to rest more while u can.

the other day i saw u sending rhys to sch r u preggie liao?
Cause u look quite pale and tired!!
If yes u really need to rest more while u can.
oh..sorry to hear that your R is sick. Rhys also coughing on and off. And we noticed that TCM helps so we will try both western and chinese too...
On top of that, we restarted Rhys on Manuka honey. We notice that after he took manuka every day, his cough are lesser and immunity is much higher.
Not so prone to that liao... maybe you want to try?

ya.. that time you saw me I already preggie...
bo bian leh, this time round very different from the time having Rhys.
During preggie with Rhys, I just got sleepy very easily. Eat small but multiple meals.
But this little one now hor, aiyo.. tired but cannot sleep... cannot eat... entirely no appetite... walk a bit can pant one lor...
then sometimes feel pukey... i also dun know what to do ah...
Hopefully it will clear up soon when I reached 2nd trimester...
Yup, I also agreed that TCM helps with cough and phlegm.
Must remember to maintain a cheerful mood, the puking feeling will be over soon.
Haha. Ok, but something did tell me you have good news. Whatever the case, just take really good care of yourself despite your busy schedule. I am one whose severe morning sickness lasted until 5.5 monts but still, I want to encourage you to look forward to a better tomorrow. All these sufferings are nothing once you carry your little one in your arms
hi mummies..
sorry for the late reply..i was really busy earlier..forgot to mention that usually mine is a tag-team, meaning 2 person will come over to my place for cleaning but apparently they do diff thing, one will wipe windows, the other will wash toilet & etc..

part-time helper for wkends cleaning session..
i didnt hv a chance to get in touch with the recommendation, in fact the usual helper i used whom left her hp with her sisters since she went back visiting..the sisters came to help me out yest..even thou not very thorughly clean but still better than nothing..haha..but i must get in touch with the recommended ones..just in case ah....hehe..

once again, CONGRATS!! so happy for u..i love Oct kiddos..so sweet to learn someone i knew is having a Oct kiddo..hehe..wish u a smooth pregnancy & eat well & enjoy..

did u try to stop gorgor taking fish too? heard better to avoid when one is coughing too..do hope the kiddos will get well soon..in fact recently Mav is coughing again & Brod too..i hates it when Brod gets sick coz he's younger thus it really pains my heart..pls continue to bf as long as u can & i m sure aft drinking mummy's milk, she will grow strong..take gd care hor..

mine also came when i m home..coz i can tell the person what to do..easier..
btw mummies.
sigh..such a sad thing to learn Mav started lying..yest he wiped his mucus using his fingers then he just swipe it at the sofa..i caught him & ask him who taught him that..he told me "teacher"...i asked firmly again..he said "teacher"..so i asked him to tell me whc teacher because i m gg to ask that "teacher" and if i found out he lied, he's gg to get "the cane" from me..at 1st he said his music teacher..then 2nd questioning..he said "chinese language" teacher..it was bad..i told him he said a lie, how can he lie, it's wrong..i told him that if the next time round he has mucus, he should use tissue to wipe it instead..then perhaps i was in a mode of anger, i told him if he lied again, i wont want him call me "mummy" because it hurts my heart when i know he lied..

what shd i do?
Don't get too upset over this. Kids are just trying to "push the blame" so that they will not get punished. Just continue to guide him like you are doing. He may still lie once in a while but kids are like that... just continue to guide. May have to carry out punishment to drive your point, it all depends. But so long as you remain firm and those around you also help to drive the same message across, the child will get it one day. Don't take it too hard for now. He is just a "first offender"! :p
hi wendy,

ya, dont be too sad. i agree with what pups has said. kids at this stage tend to deny what they have done. just be firm and if there's a next time, excerise the punishment what you have told him.
dor and crystallised, think you have bring your kids to the dentist at outram, right? do i need to call and make an appointment? Or walk in?
cos realise that tricia front teeth are a bit black and also at the same time, wanted the dentist to tell her the correct way of brushing.
Vivian, haha, I should have bought 4d...somehow just think that you might be preg...

Aspialle, my #1 maid from agency, #2 maid from introduction. They only come when I'm at home. After a few mths I get use to them, I'll soemtimes go out after they arrive and come back before they need to leave. I left my ket with her on 1-2 ocassion after she has been with me for more than a yr. No maid for now, has been doing it myself the last two weeks. Still prefer to find someone ANYONE CAN INTRODUCE PART-TIME MAID FOR THE EAST?

Sharing a sad news
My cousin who's #1 is blind in 1 eye sort of made her lack the courage to have #2....but recently she got enough courage to have #2 and is delivering next mth was just informed at today's routine check that her bb is gone...My heart really sank for her.
yeap, need appointment. They dun entertain walk in. I'm bringing the gals in Jun (called in early Mar). Usually you need to call about 2 mths in advance.

that's a sad news. Somemore is the last mth... so sad.
DUn be so sad. D is also prone to lying now. But mostly he pushes the blame to Ember. OR he will say he didn't disturb meimei when I know he did. I will just keep asking him again n again until he admit. I even went as far as to make him stand outside the frontgate to prove my point. Cos I told him that if he were to lie again I would send him out of the hse. So now when he tells a lie he will suddenly remember n admit immediately. So far so good lah.

Omg I feel so sad for ur cousin. Really hurts to hear this kind of stuff happening.......
Hope she stays strong although its really heart breaking.

Yah cannot walk in, u jus call to see when is their earliest appt.
But hor dun think they teach the kids hw to brush leh cos they never teach D. Or maybe they know I brush for him everyday......hahaha
But u can ask them to bah.
Ummm tricia teeth black?? dirty black or inside the teeth kind??
Not scaring u lah but D has a front tooth that is kinda greyish which is dead cos he knocked on it before. 1 of the reasons why I wanna bring him to the dentist n nw hoping the tooth can still be saved.
According to my hb who companied Jas for the visit, the dentist did teach Jas the correct way of brushing.
Anyway Jas was chicken feet during the last visit, so dentist didn't polish her teeth, only taught her brushing. Hopefully she performs better for the coming visit.
hi coral,

indeed that a sad new,hopefully your cousin is staying strong.

hi dor,

a bit black on the surface of her front teeth.
she refuse to let us brush properly. not sure whether is it due to the way that we handle the brush inside her mouth, she feel painful. a dead tooth? that sound bad..

hi jenny and shirley,

thanks for the info. i just call up. the consulation range about $74 - $95.60. the lady was saying cos at 4 yr old, need to see a paedatric specialist, so that why this charges. is this the price you are paying?
How come the consultation cost so ex? Thought only S$9 per visit(normal polishing) if i remembered correctly.

Desiree also chickened out the last time i brought her. Now I really cannot tahan her front teeth leh, so yellow no matter how hard i brush.

Oh really? they have free delivery for 6 tins purchase? I grabbed the last 4 tins near my office and another 2 tins near my place. Should be called in to order. didnt know about the abbott vouchers.
hi delphine,

yalor, i was asking the lady too. she said that at 4 yr old, need to see a kid specialist and also for the subsided rate, need to have a referral letter. walk-in is considered private rate.
hi jenny,

thks for the sms. ya, i have cancel the booking.
oh i think i know why i have called up national dental centre. i called up SGH and was asked to call National Dental Centre as there's no dental services under SGH.

really blur of me, did not even check with you gals on the exact place.
hehehe... called up the correct place now...
yes, it's charging $9 for the consulation...

hi jenny,

my appointment is 31 May.
Damien also lah last min always scared scared. So far never really clean teeth cos he scared of the machine n sound....haha
But heng he allow the dentist to help clean his dead tooth the last round cos must pickout the nerve n clean inside which according to dentist got pus lor.

N think his teeth quite clean cos the dentist ask if I brush his teeth everyday as she say nothing much to clean hahaha

U still using 1st teeth for toothpaste?? Cos D's teeth was quite yellow no matter hw I brush until I changed to Oragel. 1st use the teeth already can see whiteness lor so now I really condamn 1stteeth.
mine 7 Jun. Cos the timing I want dun have for earlier slots.

Dentist said Jaslyn didn't brush correctly. We didn't help her to brush. Dun want her to be dependent on us.
You realise when using first teeth, the toothbrush got black stain after a while??
Not using 1st teeth anymore cos the product discontinued liao right? Now using Earth Best but machiam the same leh. Oragel can be swallowed? Desiree still cant get used of spitting out.
WHen using 1st teeth I realise the teeth forever yellow lor cannot be white no matter what. Not until black lah else I rather dun use tooth paste for him.....haha

I tried earth best before n okie lah I think not much diff with Oragel cos D's teeth still white n E's teeth also white. But cos its more ex I just use back Oragel lor.
1st teeth still have, change packing only cos can see it in phamacy.
Yah Oragel can be swallowed.

U remember Serene frm E's thread? She say Kacey teeth also yellow cos using 1st teeth so I told her abt Oragel n she tried n say also that now Kacey's teeth whiter liao.

for guardian , if spend more than $150 they have free delivery.

For abbott, with $250 spending can get $40 abbott voucher and i ordered 6 cans at $47.80, each can savings of about $6, total savings is $76 including vouchers in!!!
I refer to the toothbrush, not teeth.
Using 1st teeth won't be white for teeth, is yellowish.
I remembered the toothbrush and toothbrush holder, after a while will have black tiny stain. No matter how I washed, after a while, the black stain would be back. I read somewhere, couldn't remember which website, 1st teeth wasn't a good toothpaste. I stopped and changed to other kids toothpaste (pureen and pigeon), and the teeth finally no longer yellowish, and the black stain found on the toothbrush and toothbrush holder were gone.
I believe not just the manufacturing company's merger issue, 1st teeth is so popular, can't stop production like that right? I'm not sure, so I switched to other brands.
Eh i agree 1st teeth is yellowish!
Kim's teeth are sooo yellow and now i change brand.. so much better leh.. she now using pigeon. Kat also using but kat always swallow. kim sometimes also.. as long as buy no fluoride is OK right?

Now i still helping kim brush teeth.. cause she brush really not clean..

i feel for your cousin to lose her bb at the last month. very very very very very sad for that to happen.

kim has been lying for the longest time.. always say teachr say can, mama say can.. daddy say can.. she fall down herself she say mei mei push.
We scolded her many times, punish her but results same..

Tooth brush aah....ummmm cannot remember got black anot cos I change very often once they chew it till open brush I will change cos hard to brush properly. But yah the holder will have some black stains 1.

I also helping D to brush after he has brushed himself cos he brush I think still not clean enough lor.....hehe
Somemore I lazy I bought electric toothbrush for him. He brush with normal tooth brush then when going in to bath I jus use the electric 1 to go over the teeth.....hehehe faster ma....keke
