(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

I also using Combi (orange in col) for Joanna since she was born.

I tried to look for the picture in the website but cannot find it.

Sorry to add that we bought the stroller for about $160.

At first, I thought you want to buy for yourself too
i have a massage lady which i am using now. u want her contact? she does for my family and i intro friends to her. feedback is that she is good.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">aspialle,
If teething won't LS so long. Actually my PD mentioned teething won't cause LS. LS is caused by germs/virus transmit thr finger/hand by putting into mouth.

I let Jaslyn tried on the "chiong" crocs also. She also loves it. But then I won't let her wear outside. Cos I feel they are like humpty dumpty can fall anytime. I let Jolene wears when she's 2.

Ya, lucky my mum caught her, but leaving a huge wound on her shoulder. It's like kena hot water scald like that.
Me also thinking to bring the gals to airport this weekend keke..
From what I heard ah, my friends' feedback ok.. the space for Combi stroller is quite small. Easy to handle. Some models are q light weight, some are heavy. Combi is good for newborns and infants. But can't use for long. Kids outgrown quite fast. My friends who used combi, upgraded to another stroller after their kids turned 15mths.
Actually if you compare combi and lucky baby, lucky baby spacing is bigger, so can use longer.</font>
Oh ya. I remember you talking about Joshua when he was younger. Anyway, I managed my uninterrupted sleep on my trip, so it is fair and square. Haha!

Talking about language, though hubs and myself speak a mixture of mandarin and english when together, K somehow just picks up the English bits.

Wow. I am not hoping for K to want hubby entirely at night but I really hope he will learn to soothe himself to sleep rather than manja-ing me.

K where got guai. Now that I am back, he is back to his nonsense of crying bloody murder when daddy even dares pat him.
Yah D also Hi5 fan lor but seems like weekdays now kids central nothing much to watch other then Hi5 hor he will be walking around the hse only if he hear songs maybe will walk over to TV n watch a few sec.

OKie thanx so the seal is really jus cut the super small seal aah. Cos I scared need to cut more things then wasted sia
Urrrr dunno is it compared to the Drypants I wear the L Nepia for him still consider okie lah.....hehe
But for huggies Ultra I tried the XL I was given for free n it feels a bit loose leh the bottom like got alot of material so I jus stick to the L for now lor since still okie jus nice.

Actually sometimes I guage by the absorbancy. Like I used to let D wear Fitti Basic for daytime which is super cheap. N his diaper change schedule is after bath 12pm, Evening 6pm, Night 2am.
So when he starts leaking before 6pm for few days means he needs to upgrade already. So I upgrade until XL still no use cos the cheap diaper cannot tahan his pee already.
Otherwise ahh will see until how low he gotta wear the diaper lor cos I normally also dun wait till I gotta stick till the edges before I change size cos D got very chubby thighs last time.

Thanx thanx. Must include wat aah?? My details n address only hor?? Thanx aah.
Urrr still can fit in leh fitting lah but passable.....hehe
Bopian cos the ntuc I bought from dun have alot of stocks 1 so think hard to change size since can still fit might as well lor keke.

Desiree really looks so big now esp in that dress.....Wah big jie jie already....hehehe

Urrr actually I already upgrade D to Nepis XL but then after wearing the tight L Drypants on him before the L actually feels okie.....hahaha
Dunno why leh maybe I siao or in the stingy mode now......heehe
Jus now my hubby managed to make D sleep while I was in the shower. Then I so happy but few mins ago D wokeup n on seeing Papa sleeing next to him(I on com not beside them) cried bloody murder lor. Cry uncontrollably for bout 10mins n I gotta soothe him n make him sleep.......sigh
See hubby only he start crying again.
I know how frustrating that can be. It is really sweet that our kid wants us but we do need breathing space as well. Last night I don't know is it K was afraid I will go away. I was lulling him on my bed. After a while, he got up, flop his head on my tummy before going to sleep. *faint*
hopefully the scar will go off.
hee..u also want to go airport huh? T3 or? see we got fate to meet bor. hehe...
ya lor, actually i also notice combi stroller only suitable for infant cos very small space, tat's why din buy initially. hmm..i still prefer capella, price wise also reasonable n quite steady. will go see see look look 1st.
thanks for your feedback.

haha..thinks all the boys bully mummies lol. A too, he always do fake crying.

oops..sorry. forgot to mention. u can paste all the nepia seals on a paper, then write down your name, address and send to that address will do.
forgot to check wif u, did vivian pass u the huggies ultra barcode?
aiyo like that if #2 come out u will worry how D react? Yday i came back home.. kim was at home.. she see me carry #2.. wah she cry like someone raping her. when i BF.. she must sit on my lap also and want me to hug her.. so i one hand carry baby, the other cuddle her. But thats the only way to make her feel comfortable man..
she tries to be friendly with baby.. she kissed baby.. shake baby hand but she too rough liao.. she ALMOST press baby tummy to push herself to stand up leh..

i getting new stroller. now i'm using lucky baby. i agree it's spacious but mine is heavy. hard to carry if i am alone.
Now i searching which model to buy. Spacious but light. Recommendation?
you can try graco. there is a range (cant rem which one), 3.5kg only, and can open and close with one hand.so convenient to bring out even if you are alone.

thanks for the info. if D has big thighs, you not using huggies? good for big thigh bbs right, since it has such high cuts.
GOOD NEWS!!! D called me mama this morn... think my MIL has been teaching her these few days, she speak in front of MIL but not me. But this morn, when i say call "mama", she said that to me. Am so thrilled!!Siao hor this mummy.

y against it?? becos too big headed?? or the accident issue?

ya.. initially when D wear. she like dun koe how to walk.. cos too big headed in the front. But after a while, she is ok.

Dor Dor,
big jie jie ar.. hoepfully lor can help to take care mei mei when born.
Melt your heart when heard D call you 'mama', right?
me too..now every day A saw me, sure call 'mama mama'..non stop. but hor he funny lol, call hb 'papa' then call FIL also 'papa'. hahaha...

yup..the accident issue lol.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Busy day, do until my head going to explore liao.

I remember Nepia cutting is bigger.
Me going to try the huggies ultra XL after finish my last pack of Mamy Poko L.

Me thinking tomorrow or sat afternoon to airport. See how first. If rain, not going, cos I'll be bringing them on bus ride instead.
I like capella too, easy to use.

How heavy is your lucky baby? Mine only 3.5kg nia, single hand control, I like. Some more can stand on its own, unlike Maclaren.
You are searching stroller for Kim or Kathlyn?

Hee is me who scare. Like what you mentioned the head area is big, I scare lor, though Jaslyn wears it nicely.
I tell you something very funny hor, Jaslyn calls mummy super sweet de. She calls once, my heart melts once haha... most time, she calls me "mi mi" then the end sound drags very long de. Sometimes she calls me "mummy" also lah.
The funny thing is, I like to make fun of her. I always tell her "叫我” and point to myself. She will follow me and say "叫我” and point to herself keke...</font>
ya lah, the accident issue also got me worry when i 1st still deciding to buy or not. but after looking at the design very cute le..the smaller the cuter, cannot resist just buy lor.
will have to take note when taking escalator. even myself also scare when wearing. just stay as far as possible from the edge.

Aiyo.... so sweet, listen liao, my heart will sure melt. am just contented enough to hear her call mama, Mummy maybe later ba.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> aiya too bad I cannot make it tmr. bringing caleb to sentosa to play sand. i might go over the wkend instead. but caleb always go T2 wif hb to pick me up n he will run ard like xiao like that. think if he goes T3, he will go bonkus.
Yah feels nice that they only want us but we dun get enough personal time. Like today D didn't get his nap today n slept at 7+pm to wake at 8+pm for milk. I tried to make him sleep back after milk but couldn't cos hubby was leaving for work. Hubby still ask me why I wanna make D sleep.
Hello I didn't get any rest the whole day leh then D wake hubby go work liao means I gotta jarga again on my own until D sleep at 12am.
N hubby got the cheek to ask me to get some rest when he was leaving for work. I look at D n ask him "HOW TO??"

Thanx. Vivian haven pass to me yet cos she forgot to bring it out.....hehe
But that 1 until April end so still can wait till she comes back.

That's why I worry how at night lor. Daytime wise think still not big problem cos D can bargain 1 but I worry for nights lor cos at night D before sleeping also lie beside me watch tv until he sleep 1 so i already predict I no need to sleep liao......hahahhaa
N yest hubby tell me his reservist cannot defer. Siao liao lor.

D used to have big thighs now slim down liao not that big already...hehe
I using huggies ultra only for nights never tried the rest before.

Haahhaha. Not siao lah is good news ma. Very song hor to hear them call....hehe
Now I also happy happy will ask D to call me. Hear liao so shuang. Free trials.....hahaha

Re. Crocs hor
The accident issue very scarry but its true lor my niece crocs kanna afew nearly before cos her leg also itchy n the shoes too soft liao n cos its rubber the grip very good.
But I bought it for D precisly becos its soft n light. N for now think the accident issue still not big issue to us lah cos we will not let them walk on escalater for now ma right when they start the shoes also outgrow liao. Jus dun get for them after they started going on escalater on their own lor.
why reservist cannot defer? all reservist can defer one mah, high or low key, if your wife is delivering around that time....

ask you hor, when you use huggies ultra, the sides dun meet right?

CY has skinny skinny feet, so cannot wear crocs. a pity coz i would want him to wear that to the beach for sandplay....his only sandles from clarks now and not suitable for sandy area...

any other skinny sandles to recommend?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Jasmine,
What's that article abt?
I can only see the looney tunes pic. Saw they have those characters at 12pm, 2pm and 4.30pm for phototaking.

can lah, Jolene use the lucky baby stroller last time also.

Hee I went today. T3 a lot of ppl. But hor I still prefer T2, bigger viewing mall.

As long as we dun stand near to the edge of escalator, I feel is safe. Not only to crocs only, I think same applies to other shoes lor.

Only valid reason then can defer for reservist. Actually got to see situation one. For now, they are recalling many guys for reservist cos they need to strengthen security issue now. As for delivering hor, they can say, they will defer if the wife deliver during the period of reservist lor. All up to them for approval.
Huggies Ultra sides dun meet. Unless the diaper size is too big for the bb/kid.</font>
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> issit? see if i can make a trip there on sunday. tmr not free cos morning caleb gtg for vaccination n evening got full moth party

<font color="0000ff">crocs</font> agree with jenny. as long as they dun stand on the yellow lines on the escalator should be fine.

i let caleb walk onto the escalator but will make sure he doesnt stand near the edge. i believe all shoes have the danger when on escalator if we stand too close to the edge. it is a matter of personal carefulness instead of blaming the escalator or shoes.

<font color="0000ff">lilboymum</font> caleb has an aprica shoe which is very good for water play as well. not sure abt sand play but it should be ok as well. u might wanna check it out. it is called "water La'Socks" here a picture.

here's some information for your reference:
Uncompromised pursuit of a dryness-maintaining structure - supporting and nurturing a baby feet in summer, while encouraging a gait as near to barefoot walking as possible.
Drain mesh: offering fast moisture absorption and evaporation
Soft 3D mesh: offering brilliant ventilation and moisture removal
Pump hole: for enhancing moisture removal action
Saratto (CoolDry) insole: which absorbs and disperses perspiration and moisture
Tri-grip: for stimulating arch formation
Roomy "round" shaping for free toe movement
Stabilizer: offer a flexible bending point in line with an infant's gait
Size: 14cm /15cm /16cm
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Selina,
ya lor,especially come to late afternoon, long queues for the restuarant. Even Ya Kun also need to queue.

Ya, realise kids like to stand near edge of escalators, Jolene and Jaslyn both have this prob. I have to keep remind them.
Not only shoes, but need to watch out for skirt or long pants too.

personally I feel wear crocs to play sand, easier to clean. Just wash with water and the sand will come off. That's what I did last time lor. Hate those sands that got struck inside shoes or even sandals.</font>
Hubby's reservist

From what I know that if husband is on reservist when wife deliver, SAF will give red packet of about $100 or $150.

That is what happen when I deliver Jonathan that time.
here's to share pixs of caleb at the beach today. he really enjoyed himself very much. look at his dreamy eyes cos he missed his morning nap. but knocked out immediately after we shower him n slept on the beach mat. everyone passing by was so amused by him...




after beach, we went on to swim in the late afternoon and after dinner, caleb knocked out in the car and slept till now... or till tmr i shld say...
aiya...A spoilt my plan y'day. din wanna take nap n cranky all day. when i diecided bring him to T3, he KO liao. hmmm...mayb bring him this afternoon or 2molo ba..
yea..it's baby looney tunes at basement i guess.

waa..sia. Caleb so guai, just sleep on the beach mat. i love 2nd pics. how i wish A willing to wear hat. no matter how i coax him, he always pull of the anything on his head. bth...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">babe_ong,
We were there at 1pm+ all the way till abt 5pm before leaving. We, the adults were like crazy ppl, chasing after 3 kiddos, especially Jaslyn haiz..

So beach boy look. I still can't find a nice cap for the 2 gals. They got hats, but I prefer caps leh, look more 有性格。</font>
sigh...they all said A only throw thurtum when i m ard, refuse to sleep, cry n cry, ask for latch on when sleep. so said to hear tat. but on the pro side, think he too 'glue' to me liao. whenever he saw me, sure 'mama mama' non stop. i shld happy, rite?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Jasmine,
Actually hor, I hate this kind of comments lor. It's either saying "you are not a good mummy" or saying "I (caretaker) is more li hai to handle your kids".</font>
i also hote this kind of comments but bo pian. last sat A also cry loud when i look after him n y'day too. I know the reason: he can't kick off the habbit of latch on when he want to sleep or woke up frm sleep. he addicted liao.
Told hb, the only way to kick him off is hb sleep wif him alone for 1 week n must tahan his cry.
Sian lor somemore hubby's reservist timing is around my due date somemore. They say got promotion so he definately has to go back but if I deliever they will let him go back. Sian lor means like D's time hubby also on reservist cos D was early ma then rush here rush there.
They say by right is can defer 1 but for this they need him to be around.

Ur wat u mean by the sides dun meet?? U mean when U tape the diaper already the tapes dun meet each other?? If meet then I think too big already.
Crocs skinny feet also can wear mah no meh?? Will be too loose aah??

Yah lah the kid itchy leg wear wat kind of shoes also will kanna 1 but crocs more prone lor cos the rubber if caught the grip is very good n since its soft very easily caught that's why I think more accident prone.

Really????? That time when I deliver Damien nothing leh. U mean they bank into their a/c together with salary??
I must go n check hubby's account liao.

Must hen xing lor cos that time I stop latching D for night feeds he also cry n cry. Once he accept the bottle then okie liao but D seldom latch to sleep 1.
<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> last time he also dun like to wear anything on his head but think cos he vain so when we say "nice nice, handsome boy" n ask him go look at himself in mirror, after some time, he ok with it liao. bth hor.

he guai cos he really tired so think he hack care also.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> the cap is from adidas. special edition with fisher price. les bought it. the jungle hat is from esprit in HK. think cost S$10 only so we bought lor.

agree hats very hard to find nice n 有性格one. cap easier but i prefer sporty type. actually wanna buy a trucker cap for him cos now fashion but dun think they have so small one. more hip hop...
I like the jungle hat. and caleb's dreamy eyes can also mi xi ren.
Think when kids are tired, they can sleep anywhere so long they can rest.
D jie jie ar.. hmm.. hope so lor, still think tat she is consider young when #2 is born.

Dor Dor,
she got mood one lah.. sometime she will call sometime she would not. she still call daddy the most though he seldom looks after her. haiz.. BTH..
hi delphine,

haha... tricia can call daddy v accurately whereas for mi (mummy), also depend on her mood also. she see my foto, will call mi but ask her to call me in person, she dun want....
dor, jenny
think CY looks like a duck when he wears leh.even the smallest one, the front is bit duckish...

you mean reservist so siong one?i thought by the time you have reervist, they should be quite relaxed about it?hb says they can reject your request, but you can appeal again and again. see if you give them enough time (at least 6mths) to find replacement. then make a lot of noise. nasty biz...

dor, your hb officer?difficult to find replacement?coz my hb's reservist also around my delivery. high key overseas. but he is quite confident they wont reject leh...
Ur hubby reservist also so zun around ur edd aah. My hubby's reservist always very siong 1 leh but lucky the 1 during D birth still okie cos can go back every night 1.
Hubby already email them long ago they called him to tell him they need him around lor that's why sian. Cos think they told him he will be promoted this reservist so he need to be there. The guy on the phone actually say by right they cannot reject 1 will approve 1 but they want him to be around.
Hubby not officer n he says he dun wanna be promoted cos he dun wanna do more things but duno how he gonna achieve that lah....sigh

I dunno if will deliever early for #2 but if his reservist during confinement worse lor cos I will need his help at night if D decides to be difficult. HE already mian chiang allow hubby to hold him some nights now so I dun even wanna try other ppl sure cry until siao 1.

I jus gotta pray hard hard #2 find a good time to come out.

Delphine, Gemini
Although Damien calls me more often n volunterly now he still calls Papa more often lor. Still calles me Papa sometimes.
WOrse thing is he only call Papa when he sees our wedding photo refuse to call me even though I will tell him Papa n Mama there. U ask him where's Mama in the photo he refuse to ans 1.
He look at the photos above my bed he can tell u Papa, Dog dog n baby(himself) but no Mama.
So sad lor means I look so diff from my wedding photo fatter n uglier liao......hahahha
hi mummies,

looks like everyone is busy w their kids..looks fun to go to the zoo.. hmm..

can i ask if anyone has a leapfrog pad? is it educational for ur kid? cos i tot of asking a friend to buy from USA for me..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">lilboymum,
Reservist depends on the unit. Some are quite siong lor.
Actually hor, it all depends on the officer who does the approving lah. If happen during the appeal time, is a good and nice officer, they usually approve. But recent years hor, defer is a bit hard, I guess cos the guys are lesser lor.

Chloe so shiok! haha..
Personally I feel for leapfrog system pad. It suits older kids. Unless you have time to sit down to play it with Chloe, if not is not much use to me. Quite "chim" to use for young toddlers. Find leapfrog English pronunciation more accurate than Vtech.
I prefer leapfrog DVDs instead.</font>
My hubby also received a $200 gift from his unit cos K was born during his reservist. But I think it defers from unit to unit cos we were told that he is the first one in his unit to benefit from this cos they just implemented it.

I would say you need to select the correct book for the leapfrog touchpad. When I first got it for K, he didn't quite appreciate it but nowadays, he does press around to hear certain songs or sound effects though some other features are still too advanced for him. Some of the easier books will include 'Lulu the Letter Spinning Spider' (which teaches ABC) and 'One Day in a Bedroom' (which teaches numbers). But the second book which I mentioned came with the system, so I do not know if you can buy it separately. I bought mine from the states as well.
Caleb so guai, willing to wear the cap. K will just pull it off. He is amazing to be able to nap on the beach. Next time NS no problem, anywhere also can sleep. Haha.
yes, but i think his is easier to defer coz it's overseas. they cannot possibly ask him to fly back when i deliver mah...

eih, which leappad system are you buying. there are different kinds.im using my first leappad now. the very very basic one. CY likes the one with animals (Cant rem the title off hand now. coz he can hear his favourite animals

wow, so shiok!!!!can go onsen!!! lucky lucky girl...the onsen is the best experience in winter/spring i must say!!!!
Thanks mummies..think i will check out the leapfrog myself if i m gog to LA .. hehee nearer to fly to LA from tokyo..

Ya..chloe is enjoying herself in the onsen..cos no swimming pool ..haha its expensive n inconvenient for me to bring her to a heated pool now..

but sakura coming, so weather is warming up.. cant wait to wear my short sleeve tops..
hi cherfang,

wow, onsen! chloe must be enjoying herself...
i got a leapfrog pad but i think too "chim" for tricia. at the moment, she just enjoy flipping the pages, we want to read to her, but she refuse to wait for us to finish the page.

hi dor,

got hear before, mummy is the last word that toddlers will learn. Papa to them is easier. but tricia is the other way, will only call mi (muumy) when she see my foto, will call daddy in front of my hb.

Angry incident
was v angry with my MIL yesterday. she brought tricia to buy newspaper last nite alone. my hb still ask her whether she can handle her, she say can, cos she can walk already mah. ok, we went home and while changing tricia into her pyjamas, then i realise that she has scratches on her left kneecap. me see already v heartpain... my hb called up my MIL and ask her whether she had a fall... ya, she say yes and i asked my hb why she never say anything after she brought tricia back. my hb say maybe she has forgotten to say it. wah piang, such a short memory mah?
this is the 1st time that tricia has scratches, cos even my parents bring her out, also no problem. but my MIL just bring her out once, then she had a fall. dun think next time i will let her bring tricia out alone.

HI Gemini,
guess ur MIL is paisay to tell u that Tricia fell? dun think she was that careless.. sometimes our kid can be quite playful too..

but of course i will hv the same reactions like u..haha.. i dun allow my father inlaw to bring chloe to the playground alone too..i will follow suit..haha
