(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font face="Comic Sans MS"> Shirley,
Is the slimmer one? Sorry, I din follow that thread anymore, is she preggie?
Frankly speaking, during pic taking session, she is very quiet type. She dun really cheer, create noise for attention etc. Is the other colleague and we ourselves making the sound to get the kids attention. But then she was snapping all the way lor. The pics turn out very nice. Though I enjoy more with their partner studio, the photographer I took was very good, but pics dun turn out nice lor.</font>

<font face="Comic Sans MS"> Shirley,
I checked out the thread already. She unlike other photographers who are more active and talkative. She's the quiet type.
The other photographer is more cheerful. Mine is taken by this preggie lady.
After finishing our shots, we spent quite a long time to choose pics. She just sat quietly at the staircase. And waiting time for collecting the prints was long, 4mths leh, cos I asked if ready as Jas's bday coming. But the produced work were nice lor. The only complaint was she didn't take any pics for bubbles, which I requested during my call to her, she even told me where to get the bubble gun and I "chiong" down to buy leh. Anyway by then my gals were starting to get cranky also lah, so I just forget it lor. If I come across other cheaper package, I will love to try other studios, not tied to just 1 studio. But so far, I find their work not bad with not so ex pricing, but waiting time for products delivery can kill.
By the way, they engage a replacement photographer or the other lady is doing the shots ah?
Is the other lady Axxx taking the photos and the preggy is the 'director'. i think the preggy is better at taking but since the other one is taking, no one to cheer and create noise for attention. hmm so her character is like that then cannot help it lar. i tot she is angry cos we are late for 10min. ya i think i will try other studios too if the price is right. wait till lele is older then i will search for others. heehee i quite like to take family photos this is called "capturing the moment" hard to do it on our own lar.
thanks all

after ted slightly recover, the rest of the family got diarrea...i got fever as high as 38.6 degree yesterday

seems like recently tings have not been going too well for me. on and off ted still have fever , wonder when will the teething ting stop cos sometimes duno if it is really due to teething or someting else....
<font face="Comic Sans MS"> Shirley,
I tot there's only 2 photographers? M and C? M is preggie right? Saw her edd in jun thread.
Is there another photographer? Who is Axxx? I refer to M has a quiet character but her photo skills very nice.
I din search ard if got any nice studios with cheap package recently. Cos no plans yet. If have, share share hor.</font>
Mummies.....I sian leh cos yesterday I chiong sales in Isetan n Taka hor now regret big time aah.
Cos I reach home n found I got bloody discharge. sigh......so worried man n somemore (sorry to gross anyone out) it was a big piece of bloody mix with transparent discharge. Totally freaked me out cos I was very worried it was my mucus plug.
So jus came back from gynea kanna jab on back side n BAN from shopping till bb is born....sigh
dor dor,

oh dear.. did you carry heavy loads?? better heed gynae advise, rest well. bet you have done enough shopping for your princess leh ba..
aiyo.. u better rest as much as possible. not ez preggy and looking after D.. then now u still shop so much!!..

Time for me to update my birth story and kathlyn's photo!

I was at my gyne's clinic at 3pm. When at his clinic i can already feel abit contraction but i tot is normal pelvic ache so i brushed it off. when i told my gyne, he did a scan and mentioned that baby is still very comfortable in me thus tendancy is that she wont pop so early!! *He said 10% chance only for the previous visit*

So at 4pm i left his clinic, i can feel contraction but blur me.. thought it's braxton hicks so i just brushed it off. 1 hour about 1 time contraction.

10pm i feel that it's more frequent (my pain threshold is very high) so i went to bed thinking that BH will go away!.. not painful just uncomfortable.

at 12midnight - receive call that my uncle passed away, rushed down to SGH and had a glimpse of him, i cried and after that the contraction got worse. i still tot nothing serious!!!

3am i reached home.. pain is like once in 10mins no matter i walk, lie or sit.. i told HB might be fake one.. wait more and see! then i called my gyne.. he ask me what am i waiting for !! and got me to admit. ok fine.. i waited for hb at home until 4am.

4am.. hb reached home. bathe and brought me to Mt A.

4.30am .. at Mt A changed, broke water bag.. 3cm dilated.. loosen my stool etc etc.. until 5.30am..

From 6am to 7am, i got off CTG and was walking ard in the labour ward. pain still manageable. although more intense but i feel bettr when i'm not lying down!

7am, got striped up again, used laughing gas and requested fo pethidine.. well wel it works very well for me and guess what!! only 3 - 4 cm dilated.. ok fine.. wait further more. i was telling the nurs.. WOW so long only 3 - 4 cm!! must be kidding me..

8am.. ok 4cm dilated.. pain i still can endure leh! lol!...

8.30am.. 5cm dilated.. my hb told the nurse.. aiya still can sleep more. so long..

who knows at 8.45a i FEEL like pushing and pushing so i shouted immediately.. 'oh my god i wanna push!! i feel baby coming'.. the nurs checked immediately and she went 'shit fully dilated'.. she ran out and quickly shouted.. 'fully dilated! faster get doctor back!!!'

My gynae was with me since i admitted till about 7am.. then he went for a surgery!

from 8.45am to 9am.. it was HELLl!!!!!!!!!!!! they pushed me to my side to prevent me from pushing baby out and keep massaging for me! ask me to control!! i had a good midwife who encouraged me alot and ok fine.. i control.. i told all of them to shut up and let me relax and think properly.. i used laughing gas! breathe like crazy and i wanted them to kill me man! baby is coming but i cant push!!!!! i keep shouting out for my gyne..

9am.. he reached hosp in 15mins! quickly turned me over.. i was still enduring not to push!!
when i was told to push, i pushed 3 times and baby was out! i felt damn relieved!!
i grabbed my hb hand while waiting for gyne.. that period was like hell!!!

0928 - baby kathlyn was born and crying vry very loudly!!! 2.775kg! 3 weeks earlier..



your pain threshold is really very high!! and congrats again...

natural birth w/o epi!!

Kathlyn so cute. love to see baby's pics especially 3rd pics..blow bubble.hehehe
abit assembly frm Kim..
COngrats!!!! Kathlyn is really cute...not sure if she is like Kim yet, but what are the relatives' comments?

if i dun have epi i would die ah, kudos kudos...

aiyoh, you better take care leh. if you wanna shop, shop online loh. then your princess will be wearing imported clothes somemroe.....heeeee...

but damien's ok with his coming mei mei now?

the kindermusik lessons are ok only. but more sitting thanmovement. if you want something with more movement, you can try Rhythm in Me, at UE sq...CY is with them now. they are very good. rhythm with movement and story telling...the parents get to learn a new instrument every term too, so they can play with their tots...this term is ukelele
I sian liao already restrict my shopping to once a week liao n still. Think I really think of it as my last chiong for Isetan sales before bb born liao. N really walked alot lor from morn 11.30am I reach Isetan until I took the train back to Bishan to wait for hubby at 5pm. Only rested for lunch.
Didn't carry anything n D abit only cos all on stroller ma. So is really walk too much lor.

But lucky bb is fine la n my bleeding not from bb or womb is only that 1 time nia. But my gynea paranoid cos she say #1 early got chance the rest even earlier so she not taking chances. Me will be J8 queen for now.....hahaha

Already did that for D liao most of his woredrobe r from ON.....hahaha
But hubby trying to limit my buying leh so sian lor gotta wait for ON sales again then I can spree.....hehehe

Damien aah dunno leh so far I haven tried carrying other's bb so dunno how he feels but he still not happy when hubby touch my tummy. But he loves bbs he sees outside.

I think cos is #2 hor like nothing much to buy leh so me abit sian lor didn't buy much leh cannot satisfy my shopping craving hahaha

U eeh sai leh can tahan so long ur contractions. N baby's so cute look like u huh??
yea my relatives all commented that this time round baby look like me! haha..
But she has kimberly eyes lor.
After this exp, i realise that yes my threshold is really high. i didnt even thought that it is real contraction when i at gyne clinic.. i still went taka fair and wisma makan..
At home still happily rotting away.. was until after midnight then i time the interval cause like more and more frequent.. if not i would have ignore it! What if i deliver at home? lol!
<font color="aa00aa">adhoc meeting up</font>
hi mummies, me will be on leave on Mon, 17 Mar &amp; Thurs, 20 Mar cos mum &amp; dad in Taiwan for their holiday so i had to alternate with hb to take leave to look after caleb.

any mummies, keen to meet up for coffee or anything? those who has my mobile# can sms me. those who dun can pm me. will be ard orchard area on Monday afternoon after sending my parents to the airport.
Dor dor,
ya lor.. me too also like nothing to buy.. somemore it's a gal, so can wear jie jie one. only brought milk bottles so far.. hmm.. what else?? hehe..

wah, you really can control ya.. if me ar.. sure push like hell and the tear will be worst.. i CANT control
Hi Caleb's mum,
this is AugLeo from April thread

wonder my few emails (from hotmail) reach ur singnet a/c? coz hv been sending few emails over but there isn't any reply from u.

FYI: mummies are waiting for your application in order for the PIC to process all in 1

pls advise if u din rec any email from my hotmail. thks.
hi mummies...

again sneaking in during lunchtime to post...
very busy weekend for us..

saturday we brought ayden to the ZOO!!! hehehe.. plus e entire family &amp; extended family.. just to share, i bought the family package for friends of the zoo, which entitles 4 adults (2 parents, 1 grandparent &amp; 1 maid) unlimited access for 1yr.. (children under 3yrs old is FREE) and with the Ikea card got 10% discount, i paid $135 for this. cos already expected 1 trip cant finish all e exhibits mah.... it was quite a good trip cos A quite enjoyed himself.. but got cranky abt 2+pm cos its his nap time... he had a short nap while we had our lunch, and then continued on till abt 4pm... overall, quite a good experience, n now with e membership, think we'll be going more often liaoz... hehehe... money well spent!

yesterday brought him swimming at e public pool... initially he was abit hesitant, think too long never bring him go swimming liaoz... took him abt 20-30mins to warm up to e pool.. then after that he enjoyed himself so much tat he didnt wana leave! somemore tis boy know how to "sian" girls already leh!!! there was this jiejie (think abt 3-4yrs old), ayden kept following her around, then can do those "show-off" things like "chionging" around in e water (i.e. walk fast fast), then splash water high high.. like trying to catch her attention n show off! me &amp; hb down there laugh until wana *peng* liaoz... his actions reli reminds me of animals during their "mating" period....

<font color="ff6000">adeline</font>
kathlyn is really really SOOOOOOOO adorable!!! and i reli "pei fu" u for ur all natural birth... without epi i cldnt dilate at all....
on handling kim &amp; kath.. think u take it easy on kim lah.. ayden's reaction to his meimei is very contradicting. when we first bring belle home, he actually gave her a kiss when we step in.. but after tat, he was almost completely bo-chup about her (i.e. as if she does not exist). initially, sometimes when im carrying belle, he will ask me to put belle down n carry him.. but after awhile he's ok with us carrying belle liaoz... i've always bf belle in front of him (since day 1), plus think he doesnt remember i bf-ing him.. he treats it as nothing now when i bf belle... after so many months, he seems to have accepted tat belle is here to stay for good.. he's been abit more loving towards her (also now tat belle got abit more "reaction"), sometimes he will play "peek-a-boo" with her.. other times, juz walk past n sayang her abit.. otherwise, he stil most of the time bo-chup her...
most imptly, dont push kim to accept kath, nor pressure her to sayang kath.. let her take her time to adjust... e situation will improve 1...

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
aiyooo.... u better be guai guai liaoz.. dont chiong anymore sales already ok...
hi dor,

oh dear, u better guai guai listen to your gynae, dont go shopping too much, u can rely on onlne shopping... i remember i got buy some tricia clothes from J8, one of the push carts, not v ex and quite nice too...

hi adeline,

wow, your pain threshold is much higher than me... i remember i have not fully dilated but the feeling of pushing was there, dun care, think i have started pushing, which resulted i have 3 or 4 tears...

hi starz,

i have also signed for Friends of the Zoo. so far, most of the times, we went down is during wkdays, so as to avoid the crowd and also, free tram rides on wkdays.
Think I old liao aah dunno why these few days very easily tired again esp if I walk abit. Sian leh dunno how I managed to walk that day in Orchard leh n I dun feel tired leh.
Hubby said "U woman see the word SALES will never be tired 1"...Humph.....

Jus now lazy to walk to the lift at the other side so I climbed 4 storey home slowly with D but wah piang eeh my leg 'seng' already. ALamak 3rd tri how. Lucky lift outside flat getting ready soon....hehe
THink I definatelty confine liao in 3rd tri....sigh

Did u bring Ayden to the Zoo before Isabelle was born??
Cos I remember u thinking of going but cannot remember if u actually went....hehe
But belle was okie at zoo also aah??
<font face="Comic Sans MS">starz,
enjoyable at the zoo! My gals love too. Everyday we passed by mandai, Jolene will tell me "I want to go zoo" haha... Jolene and Jaslyn also had lots of fun at zoo. Some more my company got corp pass. We go for free de kekeke..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Adeline,
I realised your #2 contractions happened same timing as me during Jaslyn time kekeke... Me also at gynae clinic at 1pm+, CTG showed mild contractions start kicking in then. I went Plaza Sin for bratwurst sausage after the checkup cos couldn't eat after that mah (cos gynae also told me he would call me in evening to check). Just after finished, contractions pain till I couldn't walk. But gynae told me "go home and wait and admit hospital at 10pm cos you are only 2cm dilated" I was like huh. I went back to my mum place to wait until 9pm+ then admitted to hospital. My mum was then worried sick, she scared I delivered at home or on the way to hospital hahaha... cos I was in deep pain. Jolene still came to "talk" (still dunno how to talk then) to me and sayang my tummy.
I remembered I was sent to the ward to rest. Then SMSed crystallized telling her "me admitted liao". She was at level 3, me at level 4 haha.. She still asked me wanna go to her ward haha... drama lah. My gyane came at midnite to insert the pill to soften cervix, after that was pain like hell!! And my hb was sleeping so soundly like a pig while I was in deep pain the whole nite!! **angry** I got up at 7am, bathed and washed hair before I was sent to delivery ward. My dear gynae told me he would speed up the process for me, broke waterbag and induced me by drip at 10.30am when I was 3cm dilated. After that was really like hell hahaha..1hr later suddenly 8.5cm dilated and midwife told me could start to push. I felt like scolding her 8..5cm you asked me to push will kena tear de and I wanna wait for my gynae. Then from 1140hrs to noon, everything was so fast.
Till now, I'm still amazed by what we women could do! My hb said women's strength is actually very strong one. If not how to push a bb out! If is men ah, maybe they die liao lor kekeke...</font>
you so funny.. man if possible should go through labour.. haha.. the pain that not everyone can go through.
My bro's gf also have corporate pass to the zoo, so as and when we will go if she got the pass.
but see see look look like all the same leh.. animals so "hao ming" everytime go see them, they sleep..

<u>Wheels on the bus</u>
i am very amused at how this series of dvd can draw so much of D attention. she can sit there diam diam 30mins to finish the show.
every weekend morn gotta to watch, sometime, 3-4 per day. wah piang. good also lah, i can do my work.
somemore now we sing, she will do the action. if i stop singing, she will go "hey hey" telling you to sing.
kim only like the twinklestars one..others she bo hiew and dun watch hai..

hahaha... i purposely wait till midnight then admit.. save $$.. but i also dunno i having contraction! didnt get me on CTG at gyne's clinic also.
+ he say baby still very comfortable.. tendency is wont pop so fast.. hahahaha..
Then in delivery ward.. i tell him 'u say baby very comfortable and wont pop!'.. he say.. 'yes baby is still comfortable.. thats why contraction whole day not intense.. hahahaa'

My threshold too high le.. imagine if i tell hb dun go hosp.. i might deliver at home loL! i sent whole day trying to figure out is it real contraction.
If u lazy like me hor go try the Brainy bb vcd on Desiree. Cos Damien likes it n they teach those body parts he learn most of it from there. I dun need to teach him.....hehehe
Once in a while I jus ask where are ur toes see if he knows anot n surprisingly he can learn it from the vcd very fast. Haha I so lazy hor...keke

Must post this pic to show u all.
See Damien so COOL!!! He gotta wear shades....hahahha
I also wanted to bring A to Zoo cos BIL told me he can give us their co. corporate pass. but it's super far from my hse, so i would to get some info frm those mommies who went b4
1) Will they scare when see those animal?
2) Any interesting in Singapore Zoo?
3) Any different if go weekday compare to weekend?

aiyo..Alvis too. last time we only let him watch 30min and strict to one time per day.
but now very hard lor. he kept grab our hand and ask us on the 'the Wheel on the Bus' vcd for him. Sometimes he dun let my MIL to watch her favourite 7pm show. bth ...
But now he addict to 'baby channel'. very colourful program. 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' is his favourite song.

Wonder is it 2nd pregnancy will have fast delivery huh? If so, i can try natural w/o epi in future hor..whahahaha...

Damien so Cool!!

Aih..din manage to see him last weekend.

we have to subscribe to bb channel right? how much per month, scare under utilise cos only let her watch during weekend when i am back home.
btw, which channel?
<font face="Comic Sans MS">delphine,
well in that case, then men will know how much pain we women went thr mah. If not they only see see nia, never experience leh.
1st few times went zoo a bit sianz, but as the gals grow older, each time we went was different experience. Enjoy watching them so excited over the animals. The last trip, we went on the horse carriage. The gals were super excited keke. Not all animals sleeping lah. We went different timing. Most late afternoon they are awake leh.
You make me curious with wheels on the bus leh, but me still not tempting to buy haha..

Haha.. save $ so admit after midnite? I know TMC is after 10pm, and got to know only after my delivery. Gynae didn't tell me leh. In fact delivery was so fast, he even asked the nurse to let me rest at the delivery ward till "time was up" haha.. Actually for me, CTG detected got mild contractions, and I tot was BH. Then hor from 4pm, I pained till admitted hor, midnite my gynae came, suddenly became mild contractions again. Machiam like saw my gynae, the pain went off haha.. Then immediately after inserted the pills, pained all the way till delivery. Same like you, my threshold q high also. Just felt the contraction pains like super menses pain. Maybe all along since young, I got menses pain till couldn't do anything, so kena "trained" liao.

I also lazy mummy... till now Jaslyn dunno the body parts but I not willing to spend anymore $ on vcd leh keke... leave the teaching job to my mum haha..

1) Dun push Alvis to the animals. Leave him alone to let him observe himself, if he's interested, he will go forward.
2) Bascially nothing interesting to adults haha. Bring lots of water and food, they sell very ex there. Even my cousin who works there also complain abt the price, staff price still very ex and worst, the food not nice de.
3) So far I went on weekend. Surprising, Sat is less crowded. Sun a lot of ppl, especially group tourists! I went once and met them, cannot tahan.

What is baby channel? I'm an idiot when comes to such program cos my TV is under utilised haha..

Usually for #2, delivery is fast. I said USUALLY nia hor. So far, my friends who delivered 2nd time and 3rd time quite fast. But I do read somewhere got mummies complaining theirs are slow.</font>
Damien so cute with the shade.. hehe.. desiree also vain, when she put on the shade, she will go in front of the mirror and see see look look.

hmm.. there is a vcd called twinkle twinkle little stars?

desiree knows her body parts but in chinese version.. bet if the PD test her in english, there will be lots of question marks on her head.
Also heard that child growing in mutli language family tends to be slower in understanding one item cos got diff language to it.. haha.
me-mixed chinese &amp; english
my mum- hockchew
desiree blur blur liao..
I din subcribe anything. keke..it's my SIL who record for alvis. 'The Wheel on The Bus' frm Kids central every sunday mrng (but she said now no more liao), then baby channel preview (no need to pay one). she buy a DVD recorder to record those canto movie for MIL and baby program for my A lor. save $$..

i kpo answer for Adeline, think she refer to one of the series of 'The Wheel on the bus'. there is a song 'twinkle twinkle little star. am i right?

i think it's called baby tv channel. A new channel on cable tv. they now having preview. a lot of songs and program for baby/toddler.
me oso lazy lal, never teach A abt body part. just ask him 'hands up' or 'where is your leg' when change his clothes. tat's it! haha...
<font face="Comic Sans MS">delphine,
Oh I heard before. Cos they are exposed to too many languages, so they got blurred.
Aiya English Chinese both language Jaslyn dunno one lah. She only knows those notti action nia. Bo pian, my sis bf and my bro teach one keke..
Then hor, now Jaslyn everything also copy Jolene. Do something she can't, she won't try few times. One time only, she will turns to us and said "arrgh.. 不会" then give us the 可怜 look.
I can officially declared Jaslyn got super bad temper. Worse than Jolene.

Incident 1 (happened last Fri)
I reached my mum place after work. Jaslyn just returned home with grocery shopping with my mum. She saw me she very happy and said "hello" and smiled.
Then she came in, I questioned her "jiu jiu say you watch tv sit like watching concert ah, sit so near, bad for eyes you know?"
Guess what actions she gave me?
She looked down on floor, didn't wanna look at me despite how hb and I talked to her. Then her mouth started to be 偏偏 then started her "wahhhhhh" cryings. After that throughout the dinner time, she sat on her highchair with her head bent at right side, face looking on floor. She IGNORED everyone no matter we kept asking her to eat. It went on for an hr!
I told her “你很有骨气, 你厉害, 你赢, dun come for me” I was super pissed off. Hb told her to watch out for her actions, if not she's gonna get beating from him.

Incident 2( Happened last Sun)
My cousin and sis were playing with Jaslyn, at the same time were feeding biscuits. Jaslyn, being a greedy gal, kept stuffing the biscuits into her mouth (She has this bad habit). My cousin just said one comment to my sis only, telling her Jaslyn's mouth got a lot of biscuits, didn't chew and swallow. Jaslyn heard that and she 恶人先告状, she started to cry loud loud. Then clinged on to my sis, IGNORED everyone. She threw her temper for another 30 mins.

One more time from her, we are going to cane her liao.
Jolene although is notti, but she never dare to throw her temper by being silence and ignore ppl. She ever got one time throwing her temper at home, by throwing herself to floor, kena caned once by hb, she never try to do it anymore.
I think I have been too lax on Jaslyn. Hb always said I dote on her too much till she not scare on me. I really dunno what to do with Jaslyn haiz...</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Oh bb channel is from cable tv, I dun have. So can't watch.
Kids Central got wat nice show and what timing huh? I think my TV dun have Kids Central leh. Only got Channel 5, 8 and U nia. Didn't go and program it at all.</font>
Jasyln 很有性格! She just like my niece. Now she grow up, not so notti liao.
think it's just a growing phase ba..
Sincerely i also dunno Jids Central got wat nice show and the timing. all these are contribute by his aunt.
let me know once you receive tat cd. i take risk to send it by normal post. hehe..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
This kind of 性格 I don't want. 臭脾气!
I think she's going into Terrible 2 stage now.
Oei, you haven't give me acct #</font>
Think Alvis already in Terrible 2 stage now.
All dote him so much. i hav to b the bad person, punish him.
aiyo...不用客气lol. only one local stamp nia. hopefully you will receive it in good condition.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
ok lah, 我不客气了.
Bo pian lah, when every1 dotes on our kid, we have to be the bad person lor.
Just like Jolene, I'm the bad person role. For Jaslyn is hb lor. What to do, Jaslyn not afraid of me leh. Maybe I have to give her a good smack, before she really scare of me. She only scare of me when I have cane on hands haiz...</font>
you not sian to see those animals huh? noticed you went to zoo quite frequent hor.

think i must plan proper..wanna bring A to Zoo, bird park, botanic garden, Msia. but all those place so far for me! hump..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Ok lah, the gals enjoy the zoo trip, not very frequent lah, once in a few mths time nia. Usually go with their little friends mah. They never get sick of zoo de, everyday pass by mandai, Jolene will said she wants to go zoo.. then Jaslyn will "zoo zoo zoo..."
After moving, dun think will go so frequent liao.
I was at the zoo on saturday also! What time were u there?
Was there early at 9am and left by noon.

i usually spend at most 3 hrs at the zoo, anything more than that will be too tiring. That's why I got the membership last time, now I just use corporate pass.

i'm quite impressed with our zoo, there's always new things to see.
I usually go early in the morning at 9am cos it's cooler and less crowded and leave by around lunch time. If you want to catch the animal shows, they start around late morning.

I think the Children's zoo is under renovation now (i din walk to that side on sat). Last time, Joshua used to spend quite a while there feeding the goats, patting the guinea pigs etc.

There is also a playground there with water fountain for the kids. Sometimes i go there mainly to let him play there. Remember to bring a change of clothes in case u want to do the same.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">babygrace,
I agreed our zoo quite efficient, everytime I go something new.

I more "hiong" than babygrace. My longest record is reach 10am+, leave when they are going to close keke... Shortest record is about 4-5hrs.

Not exactly Clementi, but somewhere in between Clementi and Jurong East. Hopefully end May/Jun, easier for moving cos sch holidays... provided I manage to sell my current unit. My "new flat" sellers will be getting their new flat keys end of this mth, then they renovate their new flat, target end May/Jun to hand us keys. I dun intend to do any reno except for repainting, then just move in lor. Cos I dun think we will stay too long bah.
BTW you tried the movers? I will need to engage movers although we can move ourselves, but I dunno how to move the big items.
me also just finished print out yearly report. now waiting auditor to come on next monday.

hmm..i must bring A to zoo once.
think he will love to play in the playground. he won't leave altho we 'threaten' him tat we wanna go off. last sunday he even went to hug those kids bigger than him.
hehe during my maternity i will try to bring kim to the zoo and leave the little one to my aunty.. need to spend more time with kim. 1 whole week didnt see her liao..
Now i realise kathlyn look like kim when she is young.. really miss kim badly.. hahaaa..

ya i refering to twinkle twinkle lil stars in wheels on the bus VCD.
Kim only like this song.. if this one finish liao.. she just walk off and heck care the TV already.

Jaslyn 'you gu qi'.. When kim throw temper now, we just put her to one corner and ask her stand there until we say can move. She stand there dun dare move, dun dare cry or shout. when we ask her to come.. then she slowly like very ke lian like that walk to us.. hahaa.. only this method works for her.
And, i've no choice but to place kim in CC liao. My aunty refuse to look after both. She ask me to choose. put kath in infantcare or kim in CC.
wow...u stay there so long hrs huh? my hb will faint cos he cant stand the hot wether!!

if i go, will just like babygrace, go early morning &amp; left b4 noon. but waste hor, come drm so far but spend such little time.
hi hi...
again only hv time here during lunchie...

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
ya, been saying wana go zoo for very long time liaoz but nope, didnt go zoo b4 belle arrived... she was ok lah, most of e time she's in e stroller or being carried... i bf her on e way there, during lunch n on e way back.. other than that not much lor..
but hor, tis girl very "hong sim" 1... whenever we r outside hor, she can dont drink milk 1... last up to 4 or even 5hrs even.. but at home muz b 2-3hrly... at zoo also lor.. keep looking around, dont wana sleep, dont wana drink...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
wah... so shiok ar, free entry...
ur girls reli enjoy e zoo hor.. think ayden didnt reli enjoy it that much yet.. he prob enjoyed e freedom of walking around, sitting on e tram.. n seeing some animals, but he wasn't particularly interested in any of e animals tho... mayb few more times bah...
im one of e "unfortunate" ones that 2nd delivery took much much MUCH longer than 1st delivery... ayden took 4hrs to arrive after i was admitted, but belle took 15hrs!!! luckily it wasn't 15hrs for e first one.. otherwise i wld hv seriously considered before having #2... hahahaha....

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
1) Will they scare when see those animal?
depends on ur tod.. most of e time ayden only see e animals for awhile, but he got scared for abit when we pass by some monkey exhibits cos they were making loud noises.. n also during e polar bear feeding cos we were right in front... e polar bear too big so he got scared..

other than that, he was alright...

2) Any interesting in Singapore Zoo?
animals lor... hehehehehe.... n ayden liked e tram ride...
ya, i agree with jenny food n drinks there very very EX!! 1 drink cost $3.. luckily we filled up lots of mineral water bottle from home, n put into freezer, n bring along in a cooler bag so we have cool water to drink. but we had lunch at e aircon restaurant there.. $20++ per adult for buffet (no choice cos wanted aircon so ayden can take his nap).. with e friends of e zoo card got 10% discount tho..

3) Any different if go weekday compare to weekend?
not sure leh..have only went once on saturday.. quite crowded.. not sure if weekdays will be less crowded. but cos ayden cant take those animal rides yet... so no need to queue for anything..

Hi jasmine

the zoo is really fun now. when the still-under renovation children's zoo opens, they will have an entire area devoted to better waterplay and sand play facilities. it looks good from the pics.

the family membership actually better for weekdays i find, coz of the free tram rides. alternatively, you can wait a while, coz bird park is going to merge with zoo membership soon, so you can get an all-in-one!

you moving to the east?! wow, welcome to the east! you used to stay around here?people dun usually move out for long, once they have been living in the east :p

dun neglect kathlyn oso ok? coz your heart may be with kim even when you are with kath...heeeeee...then poor kath will have your 'person', not your 'heart'
