(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Sign...... i have nothing to say ..... it all boils down to one word "LUCK".
There are news on bad bbsitter too, it is just how lucky we are to find a good & trusted one.
This also applies for maid as well ...

Different people will have different std of handling this issue....

Arrg.. i should not have answered your earlier
question on how is my new bbsitter (think more or less u know what is my reply)...
OK i will chose what to reply or read in future to avoid any unhappiness here.

Your mil final say will be very impt here.
Just hope she/ someone in your family is willing to persuade your sil. Wish you luck!!

Hee... I also have a lot of the gay dino VCDs, but all not bot by me. Bot by my second maid and my sister lor. OK lah, the songs some are nice... Rhys always see until dun move one... I only know the "I love you... you love me..." song nia... hee... erh, you dun find the purple dino act very gay meh? bth.. hee... esp. with his 2 short arms waving ard... haa.... as for the other 2, think still ok... hee...

no nid to pai seh lah... we can always meet up again next time. Poor desiree sick also? take care leh...
Your SIL really jialat... buay zi dong one... MIL only for her har? On top of that, her kids are so old liao... bth...

trust me, when you really have a maid, you wun be able to FANG DE XIA. I think Babygrace already said out my views too.

haa... ya, the gay dinosaur is Barney... hee...
Emma also the same when she sees Barney on tv, can watch till don't move.
And she loves going to the Prima Deli outlets cos got Barney posters. Now that the outlet at CP is closed, each time we walk past, she will show me "no more" sign.
And when she sees other kids wearing Barney clothes, she go after them. haha!

I also wonder what is the attraction of that gay dino. But i must admit the songs are nice lah and cos the kids watch it so often, i know how to sing them liao.
Hi doreen/grace/vivian,
Really hope this issue get over soon. now waiting for hubby to sit down talk to my SIL.

Hi Vivian,
Thanks for your concern.
Desiree still having runny nose and cough. got to bring her to PD tomorrow.
How's rhys? hope he is getting better liao. really sian when our darlings are sick, we too will be drained out. just pray hard that they will get well soon.
You take care of yourself too. It's very easy to catch the virus from D when you don't have enough rest while looking after her.

THe problem with your SIL is that she thinks that she got "first mover advantage" ie, the first to "chope" your MIL on caring for her kids and now she has all the say.

Best is to get your hubby to psycho his mother and get her to tell your SIL.

But better make some other alternative plans also in case this dun work out.

What about sending her kids to after school care?
If you can send D to childcare, i don't see how she can't send her to a student day care.
Wah emma likes Barney so much too aah. For D still okie only cos he not TV addict but U ask him to go n watch Barney when the show starts he will go n whenever he see the purple dino he will go 'Bar Bar Bar'......hahahha
Very funny 1 lor only when he see Barney then got reaction. I also only know the ending Love song nia....keke
Merry Christmas and a Fruitful 2008 to all Mummies and Family.

Haven't the time to catch up on the postings, hope to do so soon.

Starz, Belle looks like Ayden in the pic! Wat a nice pair of kids you have!

I agreed with your points. Having maids may have more problem with bbsitter. Having a choice, I will choose over bbsitter, then child care and maid last. At least for bbsitter, I dun get to see, so I won't get angry. But maid, I think I can't tahan. Sometimes I see my PT cleaner and my relatives' maids, I already boiling le. Think not long, I will forgo my PT cleaner after I downgrade my place to a smaller area, though she's good in cleaning, but some ways she does her work especially cleaning the windows, I have heart attack!! I already warned her few times, she tends to forget.

Your aunty very good. Gotta xin ku her for another 2 years before #2 reaches the stage where your aunty won't be that siong.. Anyway good for you lah, you can shake leg when ppl only planning for marriage or kids, your kids will be at least few years old liao. Envy you. I should have planned for kids by 2 years earlier, if so, Jolene will be at 4 or 5 when I reach 30.
It's really blessed that your aunty helps you with the bbsitting issue. Not many aunts will do that. It's not easier to take care of kids. You and your aunty must be very close right? Just like, I very fang xin to let my gals stay with my 4th aunt cos I know she will take very good care of them. But not for my other aunts haha..

Think mother usually does more for own daughter. For this case, ask your hb to talk to his mum aka your MIL. List out pros and cons, and have a nice talk.
I just feel that your SIL's kids are older, aged 4 and 9. Your SIL only need to bring them over to your MIL place (10 mins away only what). If yr SIL feels nothing for her kids to play at your MIL place, there's always solution like bring their toys over lah, they can't be possible playing all their toys everyday right, gotta change toys theme also wat. How big is her place as compare to MIL place? In SG, most flats size are abt there. My own place is an EA unit, my mum place only 3 room flat. There's no problem with my gals on space issue. And also my gals only have their toys at home, not at my mum place. But then they still can find things to entertain themselves.
Does your SIL know how her kids act? From the way you describe (feeding), they seems really spoilt. Frankly speaking, I do heard kids aged 9 still drinking from milk bottle. I used to think that is wrong, and also is caretaker's "fault" to let them continue. In fact, I was think age 3,4 drink from milk bottle is wrong... Until one day, I was reading a thread on weaning off milk bottles, then I realised many mummies mentioned there's nothing wrong to use milk bottles as long as kids are willing to drink the milk, cos milk is good for them. Some mentioned they dun care as long as kids wanna drink. More fear they dun want to drink. Then my mum and aunt are also "fighting" out with me for wanting to wean off Jolene on milk bottle. I started to realise perhaps I'm wrong?? Well, I also dunno, but I just feel it is a bad habit for Jolene to suck on the teat. My intention to wean off milk bottle is becos I realised Jolene is sucking the teat for comfort which led to sucking air into her body, thats why her tummy always bloated. I dun understand why she can drink fresh milk and full cream milk from cup but not FM. I tried not giving her milk bottle, ended she dun want to drink her FM. Then I got more worried cos she's not drinking.
And I do agreed with babygrace's point. Yr SIL may think 1) she "books" her mum first, so got to listen and follow her ways, 2) she is the mum's daughter, so she got piority.
She can send her kids to after sch centre, got big space to run, got teachers to supervise homework, got food to eat. And perhaps can learn to be more independent.

Why call Barney gay dinosaur huh? I never like the way it looks, so I never intro Barney to my gals. But recently I realised Jolene knows Barney, some more can point and say "Barney" till so happy. I wonder how she got expose to it.
hi mommies!
a quick post cos rushing to finish my report so tat can go back at 3pm. Yipee!!

i got the little penguin liao. bought a pack of huggies pull up with the free toys at Sheng Siong. very exp man...$16.

Char looks so diff in tat pics.
Very pretty with wearing the hat.

okie..chat later.
so good... me working full day today.
Oh great, but no choice. Treat as paying a few cents for the penguin lor, at least better to buy from those ppl who are selling at $5-$6 right. Too bad you din get my call tat day, cos the medical hall selling at $15 only.
But then I think the usual price for the pull up is $15.75 or $15.95 is it?
Hi Mummies

Vey long again i never post... wa...then a lot of posts.. see until i gong... haha..

Today's CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! Super Excited... coz i LOVE Christmas... haha...



Your little girl very cute.. heehee... still waiting for mine to arrive...


relax... decision is up to your MIL, but if she dun relent and insist on going over to your SIL's hse.. then i tell you, you just hiong hiong employ first... then worse come to worse, once again, hiong hiong leave your maid and two kids at your MIL's hse when your MIL goes over to your SIL's hse. Dun think too much over this.. i encounter too much conflict with my SIL, BIL when i was pregnant with Kylie.. and same type of conflict.. until now i dun speak much to my SIL already... by the way, how's Desiree? hope she's fine by now... got time for Kopi let me know hor... heehee.. i bring the two devils out...
Merry Xmas to everyone!
Been MIA for a few months cos not feeling well and was busy. Hope my dream to be a SAHM or part-time job next yr end or Yr 2009 come true.

Char look totally diff. can't believe it her! She is so pretty. Now our girls no more bbs.
Long time no see... just took a long lunch break haha... How come you working full day today? Claim off for New Year's Eve ah?
<font color="ff6000">Hi mummies</font>

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Here's wishing you &amp; your family a <font color="119911">Merry Xmas</font> and <font color="ff0000">Happy New Year!</font></font></font>
*wave* hi...
how's your little gal?

i work 3 yrs in this co. &amp; this is the 1st time i can go back early. but still dunno got new year eve or not.

Sheng Siong sells the pull up at $16.80. ya lor..since got this free toys, nvm lal. n this branch just oppo my hse nia. walking distance.
huh? You mean eve no half day? I tot most companies are half working day, but I know some like SBS etc, they work till 3pm.
ya lol..my boss very 'cat' one. she can go holiday n dun care abt us one. but we must work work work for her.

but i think mostly my manager will fight for us, probably we work as SBS staff, till 3pm ba..

but then forwarding co. is like tat one..
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!</font></font>

All on holiday mood already aah forum so quiet.
I very happy becos I gonna pickup my logcake later. Yippee can eat cake........hahahhaa

Know why call gay dino anot. Cos of the color lah but dun ask me why purple is gay color aah cos I dunno....hahahha

Char really look so diff in the cap. Ur mum so nice to make all these hats for her.
Merry Christmas all!!!!!

i love and dread christmas..love all the goodies but hate to entertain people
...but it all come in one big package, so bo bian... :p
All going party mood keke...
Hmm purple dino = gay dino haha... I called it weird purple dino, dinno ppl called it gay dino hahhaha...
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Merry Merry Christmas Everyone!!</font></font>
Guess me most fortunate, christmas and new year eve off for my office!! think becos it falls on a monday, so boss decide super long weekend. if not usually half day nia.

Hi Babygrace,
Think you have a point, sil already "chop" her mother for her kids, so she have the say.
Now my turn to get sick, sian.. having cough..

Hi Jenny,
I dun think she know how her kids behave lor and she actually not happy when her mother aka my mil scold her childrens. she mentioned only she can scold her own children. if naughty have to scold what.. really spoilt.
Re: weaning off milk bottle, i think it will takes some time but with patience and practice, i believe it will works lor.

Hi Haze,
wah, you hiong hiong ar.. i not so daring leh.. thanks for your company tonight and the ride home. Merry Chrismas and inform me when you pop hor...
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">To all mummies in Oct 2006 thread</font></font>


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"><blink>MERRY XMAS &amp; A HAPPY NEW YEAR AHEAD!!!</blink></font></font>
I also don't know what is it with that purple dino that is attracting kids. I never intro it to K as I do not like the look of the dinosaur. However, we were at Marina Square one weekend when the Barney show was on. From then on, K will go "Bar Bar" when he sees Barney and insist on going over to give Barney a pat (the Barney on the kiddy ride). Strange.

Merry Christmas to all mummies and little darlings!
For me now public holidays got nothing special for me liao cos I'm not working anyway n hubby still gotta work as usual so even more sian lor..

Damien n the Dog
Okie share something with u ladies. Few weeks ago I was real angry with my dog so I scolded him real loud n D started crying. So I tot okie he's never seen me so angry or scold so loud so he's scared.
But weeks pass n I realise that my son actually cries becos I scold or hit my dog. Seems like he feels he's the only one who can hit my dog.
The moment I raise my voice at my dog D will start crying those pathetic cry like trying to tell me "NO". N once I stop he will go over to my dog n dunno pat or hit him. Both looks the same.

Sigh....one 1 hand he's animal loving which I am glad but on the other he treats the dog better then he treats us.....
wah lau like tat very hard liao.
weaning really gotta take patience, remember when I wanna wean off pacifier from Jolene, took few mths and must be determined not to give in.

me too, but this purple dino is driving the kids crazy.
Hope all the mummies &amp; babies had a great xmas!

D so cute leh! can "voice" out tt he dun allow u to scold ur dog.

i think they all love animals. R oso like cats/dogs. Whenever we pass by n see one, he will keep pointing n making noises until we go near.

<font color="119911">Steam Iron</font>
Sidetrack abit... any mummies using Novita steam iron? i am wondering shld i invest in one. seems like its one miracle iron tt requires no ironing board.
I used to have one. If you want to do quick ironing, like going out etc, is good. But it is not as good as those normal iron. Good for ironing curtains lor, but dun think will use for curtain right cos we not doing curtain retailing. It is not good to use for sleeve and collar, especially men's pants.
Hi Mummies,

Anyone went to Robinson Great Sales yesterday??

Super long q at Robinson Centrepoint yesterday!!!

Everywhere is having post X'mas Sales!!

Too bad hv to work
can't go for the Sales.
jenny, hv just email u.

hurray, today i'm off. can come into forum liao.

got alot of post x'mas sales? hee...hee then i can consider going shopping!
good morning ladies

belated merry christmas! didnt have time to post for the longest time as was too busy handling zac zac.

Zac Zac first time falling sick

This time zac zac really give us a real scare! He had a fall on the back of his head at a party. after coming home, we fed him milk and he went to sleep for 2 hours. when he woke up, he started vomitting non-stop, really scary! rushed him to Mt A and he continue to vomit 8-10times. He had a CT scan which is another nightmare for him as he is very traumatised by the whole episode. he stayed for one night and was discharged on Monday evening. It was the worst 2 days i have been through, looking at him vomitting nonstop really breaks my heart. The whole day only manage to drink Pedilyte to keep him hydrated and can only feed him 30ml each time. he will scream for more as i think he is both thirsty and hungry.

after discharged, he is also very super bad mood and then i realised he is teething at the same time. he has 4 or more molars all coming out at the same time. he is in super foul mood. dont want to go walk walk, cling on me like a koala. lucklily he is back to his usual self last few days liao. if nt i think i will go crazy over worrying. everytime he cough, i tot he is going to vomit again.

like babygrace, i think i jinxed myself telling my husband that zac is very very healthy, never fall sick since birth. the next moment, he kena big time. i am going to zip my mouth from now on.


D is so cute, so protective over ur dog. zac loves to attack the doggies from behind and snatch their toys. I think very cute to see them play. sometimes i told my husband the way i teach zac is like how i teach my dogs. for e.g. i trained him to take off shoe when enter the house. i will say "zac zac sit down" my BIL said i machiam training my dog! haha.

isetan sale

anyone going? i am going with my friend tomorrow morning 930am. if any of u going, we can meet up for lunch or tea?
hi mummies,

was off last friday, x'mas eve office half day, but no time to post/read thro the postings... cos went to gynae for check up...

ok.... here's the news, i'm joining the 2nd time mummies club!

but very mixed feelings cos this time round, very different feeling from the 1st time pregnancy..
hi all,

hmm tis is the 1st time i'm joining tis forum. saw gemini's gd news. Congrats to u! How i wish i cn join 2nd time mummies club....
Desiree has hit her 9kg mark!! crazy me, so happy even though still below average but she has stay around 8kg for the longest time.. everytime only 0.2kg increase..

Wow... CONGRATS!! welcome!!(to the MS days,haha.. I very bad hor but it's really bad for me this time round.)

Glad that Zac Zac is fine now!! yup never never say something good about our babies. the other day still praise desiree that she finish her milk dry dry for every feed nowadays, consider giving her more. then next day, she started to have left over.. sianz.. i really must slap my own mouth!!
Gemini! CONGRATS!!! Tricia going to be big jie jie liao...

Wah lao, our thread VERY productive leh... so many having #2... haa... Next time gathering, will see a lot of kids lying ard and a lot of kids running ard liao... aiyo... can you imagine that!!! haaa....

glad that zac zac is better now... me and dor going isetan sales too but haven confirm what time yet. Should be in afternoon bah... sms you if we are there early lah...
hi sweetycute/agnes,


hi delphine,

same here, this time round, my MS is also v bad. happen more often. need to eat "sng buay". also having back ache...

hi vivian,

thks, was telling my hb next time tricia will be jealous of the baby cos daddy no longer belong to her solely already.. hehee...
hmm... u going isetan sale? can do me a favour, can help me check out the price of Safety 1st booster seat?
slowly intro Tricia to the baby while he is in your tummy lor. Can one... anyway, here got so many mummies can qing jiao... hee...
No problem on checking out the price but which booster seat you taking abt? Got pic? I scared I check the wrong thing.

Anyone facing same thing with ur babies?
I abit cannot stand kimberly. Well she's adorable in a way BUT her temper!!!!!!!!!!

When we go out and dont let her walk (cause she dont let us hold her hands.. we scared she fall or get missing) she will throw temper. Sometimes anyhow bang her head.
At home, if she not happy, she bang her head against wall or floor. i dunno how come she will do that.

i think partly cause my aunty when go out always let her walk and never control.. thats why now she like that. But i nv reprimand my aunty also.
There is a few times i tried to teach kim. I even let her cry and yell in MRT from sengkang all the way to vivo. then when reach vivo, she can cry and cry all the way if we dont release her. i just let her be for 1 hour BUT she still the same!!! haiz..
I am so scared she will be like those kids that throw temper and anyhow roll on floor outside. The thought of that irks me. >.<

Moreover now i with no.2.. into 3rd trimester already.. very tiring.. i no strength to chase or pull her. Sometimes she even kick my stomach when i carry her. Very demanding and very very naughty!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But at home she's totally different!!!!!!!
At home she sayang us and hug her dolls and go wherever we go and hold our hands.. why outside so different leh?

Congratz to the 2nd time mummy club! ^^

Robinson sales
i later going robinsons sale.
they have 20% now right? and i have voucher. Wondering if they sell maclaren's quest. me and hb wanna get one.
