(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Thks for your advise.
Understand your good intention.
If it is own siblings/MIL/my mum, i
will not mind but if it is from stranger, i will have a 2nd thought loh...
Think you all need to be in my shoes to understand how i feel.
I just dun feel it is right to pay them to punish my son lor...(my heart ache leh).
I do not wish to see my son having blue black pinch mark on his thigh(somewhere near groin area)like what previous bbsitter did.

Nvrmd, will see how things progress .... they will need time to get adjust with each other anyway.

This is a mummy's dilemma.

Hi Grace,

Guess it's ur bad experience with ur previous bbsitter that make u so worry this round.

Normal discipline is acceptable but not physical abuse like pinching at hidden area.

Guess u hv to be alert, and observe how ur child & the bbsitter get along.

Hope this round, things are be better than before.
Yes, i am now more cautious cos i have bad experience with my 1st bbsitter...
current bbsitter was recommended by one of the forum mummy in another thread..
she mentioned this aunty is ok so got to wait for time to tell whether true anot loh.

Thks for lending a listening ear ...
hi grace,

i agree with agnes, normal discipline like beating on the hand or leg is ok but got unknown blue black marks, to me this is unacceptable...

can understand ur situation cos of the experience with the previous nanny...

have PM u.
yes yes..i also told my mil tat dun 'cong' Alvis, normal discipline like beating on the hand/buttock/thigh is ok for me. Even myself also do tat.
e.g. A learn how to climb out frm play yard few mths back. i beat his thigh n ask him down. when he do it again, i din beat but just show my hand that i will beat him if he did, he will hesitant n stop his action.

but <font color="0000ff">Grace</font>, understand that u r more cautious now cos u had bad experience with the revious bbsitter. think u can monitor for the time being ba...dun worry, mayb her intention is good. but of course we will heartpain when see someone beat him (although just yi shi yi shi).
hi mummies.. thks
These days i think A suddenly super active.(get scolding from aunty also good lah)
He will try climb out of his playpen too.
When he is outside the playpen, he will attempt to climb into it ... slap him on his hands
but within minutes, everything forgotten and he will try to climb again.

Now climbing up/down my bed is a breeze to him..bth

He even want to eat tissue leh..
keep tearing them into small pieces and then put into his mouth. scold and beat him too
but again forgotten after a few days...

He will also trick & pretend to pick things up to eat.Eventhough nothing was in his hands/mouth.
When we ask him to show what is inside his mouth, he will show then laugh at us...

Think now they are at their exploring & mischevious stage..
everything must repeat many times "NO" then they will remember.
I think yr previous nanny experience scare you off, hence you are putting a guard at this current nanny.
Give her some time and you monitor. If you find her no good, then change the nanny. Dun be like the earlier time, keep hestiate.
Re the blue black marks, I feel you need to be responsible for them also, not only your nanny. Cos remember the earlier time you posted and said how the nanny "look after" your boy? A few of us told you to change but you still wanna stay with her. You give her your trust and say to "continue with her doings" (she will take it as you approve her doings!). I dunno how you and the nanny communicate. On one hand, if being too nice to nanny, you scare she will overstep. If not nice, scare nanny dun take good care of your boy. For me, I prefer to talk openly. Tell the nanny what you expect, but telling alone doesn't help, cos tell is tell, do is another issue. Usually if still acceptable, just close one eye. If not, tell her what you dun like.
Every parent is protective over their kids, that's what we parents' responsibilties are. But dun spoil the kids by being over protective. You need to know your parent's responsibility is where, you as the parent has the right to ask how the blue black mark came from, if answer made you suspect, you should ask further.

Talking abt your boy climbed the playpen, will you be happy to see your new nanny ignored him and let him continued for fearing the knocks and falls? Or you prefer her to stop your boy? Ask yourself.
I'm not trying to side yr nanny lah. But I feel (from your earlier post) this nanny quite experienced. Just give her more time.
Having a good nanny is hard to come by, just like getting a good CL or maid. I've a very bad experience with CL, but this doesn't mean every CL is bad. If you entrust your boy to this nanny, give her your trust that she will take good care of your boy. Who knows she may dote your boy too much till you jealous.
Yes, I agree i need to change fast loh..
but interviewed many of them dun seems to get one soo
drag until now loh..... the blue black issue,
tat aunty keep insist she hold him very hard during bath time to prevent him falling and
when i asked further she like buay siong and say
no one beat my son... and threaten not to take
care of him last min while i have no choice but to give n
take it till i really find a good one.

Anyway that is long story lah.. keep recall that
bbsitter makes me sick... just hope tis current aunty will be better n no regrets...
If I not wrong hor the COE now go up alot already for van so if u really compare it with buying a small car its not much diff leh. Somemore car can take 10 yrs loan van only 7 yrs. So expenses wise I dun think will be much diff. But anyway ur hubby doing calculation lah so lucky u when we buy I gotta do all the maths...haha
I mean hor even if U not driving u must visualise lor how u gonna take care of bb n Kim together. All sit at the back of the van?? Cos Kim still young lor like D now he sit at the back hor very itchy hand 1 n u must remember u gotta be carrying the bb all the time leh.
Personally feel car safer lor if u carry 1 at least the other in car seat. But must see they willing to be in car seat anot lah. That's another prob liao.....hehehe
U jus think lah cos I got van already ma so tell u the cons for u to consider lor.
If not for hubby's work I wouldn't consider getting a van.

Why now 2nd tots liao?? Work too stressfull??
If now too busy for #2 then wait till Char is older lor. Since u same as me dun like having strangers around the hse the other solution is having #2 when Char is older so she is more independent n ur mum can take care of #2 n Char will be able to help then. Me abit stupid lah I tot D n #2 diff will be 3 yrs so still very happy until hubby pointed out only 2 yrs diff n D might be in the terrible 2 phase. But I will perservere lor if our parents can do it last time why not use lor. When there's a will there's a way......hehehe
I definately cannot have a maid 1 lor cos we used to have a few last time for yrs n I still can't get used to it. So its definately a big NO for me.

Dun worry too much. I think ur new bbsitter is good at least she even show in front of u how she decipline A. Better then infront of u act then behind scold right.
Since u have decided to leave A in her care I believe the best thing U can do is to trust her. If u keep wanting to show her how to do things U might as well be the bbsitter lor. Everyone has their own way of doing things there is no right or wrong so long as it serves the same purpose.
But having marks on ur son is definately a big NO lor 1st time accident still okie 2nd time no more liao. If it was me 1 mark only I will take my son away from the bbsitter already.
That's why I am a SAHM.....hahahha
hi mummies,

Went for my gynea checkup today n saw the bb n heartbeat. So happy cos the liquid is not a concern anymore cos the womb is growing bigger n pushing the very small n not very visible liquid away already.......heng aah....
I dun have to be on hormone pills anymore....hehe

N when gynea let us hear the bb's heartbeat. D was abit shocked.....hehehe
Cos he was kpo pointing n talking n suddenly he hear the sound he jus turn back n stare. Gynea also disturb him purposly let him hear it again....hahaha
N I got another tin of free FM for D.....save my milk powder money...wahahahahahha
hi doreen

really happy for you that everything turn out fine.
now u can look forward to be a happy mummy

any news of any upcoming gathering at Starz's place?
would love to join if I can make it.
Switching Cars
Looks like all mummies think alike
my hubby has been mentioning for the longest time that he want to upgrade to the Wish.
I also dun see to need to upgrade now. Maybe when #2 arrive then different story la.
thats good news.
happy for u.

is there gathering at Starz place? haven been following the thread the last few days... din catch up yet...
Glad to hear the good news! But you still need to guai guai stay at home to rest hor, dun anyhow run run...
No difference for the 10 yrs and 7 yrs car loan meh? I tot the interest for 10 yrs is much more?
I'm not sure with van, but hor I saw quite a no of van convert the space to passenger row, it that more worth? Something like a 4 seater car ands till have big "boot" space haha... I like tat

Hee hee you miscalculate for the age gap is it?

babe ong,
which area you staying ah? Wanna ask you but forgot.
hello mummies,
ok... i will be more patience... think this aunty shld be ok...

You must be super excited to hear the heartbeat..... congrats again!
Hi Doreen,
Glad that the liquid doesnt pose any prob. Very amazing right to see the blinking heart beats.. though 2nd time liao, still feel very amazing lor,there is a small life growing in you.
so when is your EDD?

Hi Babeong/Jenny,
Starz offer her place for gathering near christmas period. she will leave it to the mummies here to decide which nobody has suggest a date & time yet.
Congratz! happy that the liquid is gone.
btw for van right, ya like what jenny say my plan was to convert the back to some seats. is it worth it? Thanks for the cons leh.. cause i only think of bigger back space can pick everyone up wherease small car is more difficult. Aiya now cab fare prices go up again and cab so hard to wait. i cant imagine i myself carry 2 kids and wait for cab alone leh. Sighz.. if HB working, i am the one bringing my girl to and fro aunty place.

2nd time mommy
i agree that seeing the heart beat though 2nd time still feel great! ehehehe.. esp feeling the kicks and toss (though hard to get to sleep now)
hi mummies...

where is everyone today???
me these few days got time to read but not post cos rushing some reports out... now finally all sent to boss liaoz.. then can spare some time to post b4 either e prince/princess demands my time/attn...

<font color="ff6000">gemini</font>
actually, e maid is ok.. its juz me tat hv a problem... im very resistant against having a maid in e 1st plc, n still cannot bring myself to trust her till now.. i dont let her handle belle yet, cos belle like too "fragile" for me to trust her with now...
she is quite "close" to my mum so she dare to ask my mum to give her e things that we "don't want"....

<font color="ff6000">shirley</font>
hehehe... Ayden already taking average 3 walks per day liaoz.. morning, afternoon n evening... but recently keep raining, so sometimes no walk...
abt e maid, i think no matter what, i'll stil be on my guard against her 1 lah... its juz me lor...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
thanks for e contact...
ya, maid got a son, 3yrs old.. she eyeing ayden stuff i think cos she's intending to have another kid when she goes back... or to sell, cos clothes n toys all quite new n nice, think can sell for pretty decent amt back there lor...

<font color="ff6000">coral</font>
y not bring char along to visit ur hb in US nex yr?? by then she older liaoz mah.. easier to travel with liaoz lor...
belle ok lah.. mayb cos during e day she feed very frequently.. between 1.5-3hrs.. then evening ard 6+pm to 10pm she does "cluster feed" (like ayden used to too..), so she can "last" longer in e nites bah...

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
happy 4 u tat everything is well now... but still dont go "gai gai" too much for now la... eh, ur gynae so good always got free FM for D.. u "tan diok" lor.. hahaha..

<font color="0000ff">gathering at my place</font>
hehehe... <font color="ff6000">babe_ong, jRt, jenny</font>,
yes, im offering my place for a gathering after Xmas... anyday/time is fine with me cos im on ML mah... so asking those interested to come to propose their convenient day/time.. so far tis e "list"...
1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele
4. Coolmum + KB
most of u working rite?? so a Saturday or Sunday afternoon? say, ard 2pm or 3pm??? these are e dates...
29th Dec (Sat)
30th Dec (Sun)
5th Jan (Sat)
6th Jan (Sun)
Hi gals,
Me super busy this week so MIA for a while hor... coz need to rush out all the marks and lesson records before next week's vacation... dun even have time to eat...
2 more days before vacation!!!! woo hoo...

count me in for the gathering!!
Vivian + Hubby + Rhys

Me ok with the dates.
I around but seems that most mummies not around leh.
your confinement going to over soon?
I confirm the date for gathering when nearer to the date. Just go ahead to confirm the date then let me know.
me stay toa payoh
near doreen at bishan

i can make it on 29th dec afternnon. evening going to Fish Leong concert.

u still picking up the baby clothing?
dear mummies

its been a loooong time since my last post. congratulations to all mummies expecting their 2nd darling! its good to see all babies here growing so well and lovable!

anyway, i will be opening a new stall in the newly ugraded Whampoa hawker centre starting this sat Dec 15th. Will be selling Lor Mee.. haha..

hope mummies here can lend us yr support if you happen to be near the area
Wow...time really flies man. still rem the first gathering was last yr end at selina's place!

1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele
4. Coolmum + KB + hb
5. Vivian + Hubby + Rhys

Vote for any Sunday.

Today my KB makes me so happy. I bot the Playskool walker so many months back but only today he happily pushes it for the 1st time! and he even knows how to pull backward! i'm so happy
think i'm the only mummy hopping that bb can walk soon.

mummies, can i just know how "solid" is the food u giving your baby now? that day i was serving KB kueiteow soup and i cut the kueiteow until small small and cooked until soft soft. my fren scolded me saying it is too "hard" for KB! i thot some babies even taking rice already?

also, can u all advice am i over feeding him?

8am : 1 slice of bread with water
10am: 120ml milk
1pm: 1 bowl porridge/noodle
3-4pm: 120-150ml milk
7pm: 1 bowl porridge/noodle
10pm: 90-120ml milk
1230am: 90-120ml milk
3-5am: he will want another 90-120ml milk (this started only after the tokyo trip

between 10-1230am feeds, i tried giving him more and thicker milk but he just won't take more.

bb heartbeat - makes me recall that wonderful feeling and hb told me he almost cried out at that moment.


u make me feel like not to know the sex of my future #2 also, but dont think i can tahan the suspense for 10mths.
1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele
4. Coolmum + KB + hb
5. Vivian + Hubby + Rhys
5. Adeline + kim
Hi Storm,
Really?? my mil stay very near whampoa market. let me know the stall no... i will go "peng chang peng chang:

Hi starz,
will try to make it for the gathering cos year end closing for my co, can be real busy. let me know the exact date and time ya.
1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele
4. Coolmum + KB + hb
5. Vivian + Hubby + Rhys
5. Adeline + kim
6. Jasmine + Alvis

okie..if i happen to go there, sure will support u. we used to go to diff market during weekend.

I really envy u, both Ayden & belle doesn't need nite feed.

Your KB feeding schedule almost same as Alvis. But his last nite feed will b 9pm & i give him 180ml-200ml. it will last him till 3am. i will latch him directly then.

why not u giv him more for 10pm feed, e.g 180ml and skip the 1230am feed?
I tot you stay west haha...

wow boss le...
Sheng Yi Xing Long hor!!

haha I just sold away my playskook. I have 2 actually, but sold off 1, and give the other brand new to my hb's nephew. My gals dun like it at all. Hardly touch.
As for solid food, Jaslyn is eating rice, we eat what, she eat wat. But like kuey tiao, mee, mee tai bak, I will cut smaller pc so easy to feed.
Jaslyn's food/milk intake abt same as KB just that her last milk intake is at 10pm, then all the way till 8am the next morning, no night feed for her.

Star's place is at WHERE???
so quiet here..

not yet. think today ba..

talking abt playskool hor, sigh..hb bought tat for A to learn walk. who knows A bo hiew it n start walk at 11 mths. now it in my storeroom.
this boy hor, dun like ride on too..
MIL even ask me to sell off all his toys. wahaha...

Starz's place is at Hougang.
so long ah... tot will be yday.
I feel playskool this walker cum rider no use de. My 2 gals dun even give a look to them hahaha
at the moment, the dates indicated are ok with me.

1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele
4. Coolmum + KB + hb
5. Vivian + Hubby + Rhys
5. Adeline + kim
6. Jasmine + Alvis
7. gemini + hb + Tricia

hi jasmine,

actually i wanted to get the giraffe rocker for tricia too, but my hb was saying it's quite ex, so did not buy.
finally finished with my quarter closing...

Contact Lenses
check with you mummies first before i put up in the other thread, i have about 4 boxes of daily disposable contact lenses to give away. Degree: 6.5 and 5.5.
Cant remember the brand name at the moment. anyone interested?
Jasmine, Gemini,
That rocker horse mei yong de. I think you can get something cheaper than this Fisherprice one. Some more outgrown very fast. I'm glad ended I din buy cos it will be too small for Jaslyn.

My gals prefer ride on. And both like the cheapo one which my friend got it for me from Msia, according to her, that ride on is less than S$10. I dunno why but I have 2 ride on at home, all gifts from neighbour and friend. But the gals just like tat cheapo red ride on.

If you gals wanna buy rocker, might as well buy a ride on at least can sit till quite big lor.
Hi Gemini,
Luckily u din buy. no use de.
looks nice but bb dun like. wat to do?

ya lor..mei yong de.

i kanna cheat by Alvis. wahahaha..
we (me, hb & sils) went out cos they wanna buy something for his b'day. when we reach toyrus, sils place him on this roker giraffe, he happily sat there n kept laughing. we all tot tat he love it, so buy lor.
who knows, when we put him on tat rocker again at home, he scream n refuse to sit on it.
BTH lel..

last sun, he happily hug the elmo soft toy when we give him, cried when we put it back while shopping. hb wanted to buy for him as christmas gift, luckily i stop him. if not, 1 more item in my store room. wahahaha....

Ride on
battery operate or manual one? is it something like playskool one? can get frm neighbourhood shop, rite?
i wanted to buy that horse one! but i scared my aunty dont want cause take up space then i did not. anyway the playskool walker, kim got as her birthday pressie + the buggy car and she loves it wor. She tend to sit inside them herself and start playing with it.. like horning and move herself. then we have one musical horse. she also cry for us to put her in and she will start rocking and play the music of the horse.
hi jasmine,

know what u mean. there was once we went toysrus and tricia was hugging a Barney. we take it away from her and she cried. i thought she liked it and nearly wanted to buy, but who knows, 5 mins, she lose interest in it. Phew luckily, never buy, or else going to waste my $50~ on a dinosaur which going to be in my storeroom...

hi jenny/jasmine,

me v sua ku one. what's a ride on? brand name or a toy??
hi mummies...

<font color="aa00aa">babe_ong</font>
yes yes... only juz confirm with hb.. if he come on tis saturday late afternoon/evening time is it convenient???
if not then mayb i come n pick up from u after Xmas, cos nex weekend is already quite close to Xmas already....

<font color="aa00aa">agnez</font>
also wana ask u if its convenient for hb to drop by this saturday afternoon??? if not its ok too... we'll reschedule...

<font color="aa00aa">storm</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Congratz on being ur own boss!!! wish you "sheng yi xing long", "ke shi yun lai"!!!</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">coolmum</font>
hehehe... its actually quite easier to tahan e suspense leh... cos im so occupied with ayden most of e time.. then dont need to buy anything cos can use everything ayden have... 10mths pass in a flash liaoz!!

<font color="aa00aa">jenny n delphine</font>
no prob... u all can decide to drop by or not once we confirm e date/time lor...

<font color="aa00aa">jasmine</font>
belle need ar.. juz tat now im not working,i can do midnite 12 or 1am before i sleep.. then 3-4am she'll feed (sometimes more too..) then after 6am, so her "schedule" is not reli fixed yet... aiyah.. cannot say too early.. ayden also started waking up in e nites when he turn 8/9mths not for feedng, but crying/fussing episodes mah....

<font color="0000ff">gathering</font>
wah.. e list getting longer liaoz.. but mummies, u all havent decided on e date/time leh!!!

1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele
4. Coolmum + KB + hb
5. Vivian + Hubby + Rhys
5. Adeline + kim
6. Jasmine + Alvis
7. gemini + hb + Tricia
Alvis not interest in any kind of toys. he prefer walk n walk.
or the CDs inside tv console. tat's his favourite 'toys'.

Look like the rocker horse so popular, i shld consider to sell it since A dun like it.
I prefer non battery one cos smaller. neighbourhood shop can get.
This is one of the fisherprice ride on.

Ride on basically something that a kid can sit on it, is considered ride on. Those rocking horse, some ppl called it ride on also. The above pic is one example. My gals love this kind of ride on lor.
Jasmine ah,
Just now I saw Giant at Vivo City still got one pack of huggies pull up with the free penguin toy leh, last pack but size is M.
