(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Update on deposit.

Let me know if you've TT, but I haven't update status.

1) Jenny - Jaslyn --deposit received
2) Crystallized - Reubern --deposit received
3) Jlyn- Dagon --deposit received
4) Jlyn- Jadon --deposit received
5) Esther - Jovan
6) Delphine - Desiree --deposit received
7) gemini - Tricia --deposit received via ATM
8) pups - Kaelen --deposit received
9) babygrace - Emma Grace --deposit received
10) huijun - rui-en --deposit received
-- CLOSED --


1) Vivian - Rhys --deposit received
2) Doreen - Damien --deposit received
3) Freshpoison7 - Kayden --deposit received
4) Jackiejon - Joanna
5) Coolcoolmum - Kaibin --deposit received
6) Starz - Ayden --deposit received
7) ling1312 - Maximus --deposit received
8) babe_ong -Pearlyn --deposit received
9) Selina - Caleb
10) Jasmine - Alvis --deposit received
-- CLOSED --</font>

Adeline, the sk blk 23+ place is your own place or your aunt's? Bubblesland Playhouse got flexi-care (9-12pm or 2.30-5.30pm). $181.90 (after working mum subsidy &amp; gst). I have been going round sourcing for one. The 1-2 hrs playgrps are not available for our lil ones yet.. many only accept 2 yr-old onwards. Others, who take in 18mth old, are not very near blk 23+. Punggol Plaza has tumble tots. Fyi, the ntuc at blk 230 dont have flexi and half-day. I very cham.. cc for two easily 1k.. not to mention my other times two expenditure.
hi jenny,

I have make the TT# via ATM yesterday evening. thks. normally, wkdays nite seldom login at home (IB device @ home), so that why use ATM to transfer.

ok, going back work... happy chatting, mummies!
Jenny, so sweet of jolene.. know how to sayang mei mei. My two fella very jiak lud one. They mimick each other actions. Laugh, cry, scream.. very noisy. Until neighbour walked past and commented, "oh.. they fighting again hah".. very paiseh. But it's fun to watch them interacting with each other in the language only they understand. One minute i see them putting their foreheads together like 'hao xiong di' the next minute, they pulling each other's hair like enemies. My in-law said so young put in cc wait kena bully by older children. I laughed. These two rascals dont hit other children, I very happy leow.
that is my place.
My aunty stay potong pasir.

i am also against the idea of sending kim but my aunty keep reminding me and ask me when. In fact to the extent that for the kids i wanna quit my job and just look after myself..
thanks for the advices.. Ya it's tough perio now.. and now during my confinement, my aunty will be full time looking after kim. After my confinement then i'll bring kim back and look after both of them myself.
So sweet to hear both J's action! i wonder when will mine be.. hahah hope Kim dun big bully can liao.. Kath's character nw is different from kim when born.

when i bf-ing i tried to do it in front of her and i guess just like joshua, she not taking it wel too. She throw temper.. bang things. snatch to sit on my lap.. i did explain to her that she finish drinking milk and now mei's turn.. then i let her sayang.. but she from sayang become beat! then my hb keep snatching kim away from me..

The only heart warming time is before kim go back home, she tend to kiss me 1st..

though she like kids.. but she just cant take her mei mei well..
Think i gotta slowly explain to my aunty and let her see the picture..
hehe, boy or gal is ok for me &amp; hubby so long they grow up healthy and good.
wouldnt try for a bb for the sake of having a boy, as mentioned before will stop at 2 unless choy choy "accident"(now already thinking of brith control).

as many mummies mentioned, can really save $$ on clothings and shoes. some clothing i brought for desiree still brand new but forget to let her wear, by the time i found, desiree already outgrown. so left for her mei mei lor.

Hi Adeline,
slowly.. believe adeline will accept her mei mei very soon. I am planning to send desiree to playgroup before her mei mei arrive, i feel that in this way it is a routine for her to go to "sch". rather than after #2 is born then put her in, she may feel that we dun want her liao.
aiyo, the way you describe the relationship between your 2 girls hor, really bring smiles to my face. So sweet lor, still sayang leh... having 2 girls will be like that so nice... but 2 boys hor, I cannot imagine leh... probably hit each other nia, and laff at each other when one kena hit.

take it slow ok... not easy to juggle with 2, esp. when kim is still so young...
Come in here if you need someone to talk too.
I can't help you much here with advises but you have my number right? Call me if you need to talk ok... Take care.

my relative also have the eyelash problem last time. Will be fine. Dun worry so much.

I totally understand abt this maid issue. Must be so stress for you. Take one step at a time.
Concentrate on little Ted first lah...
Come in here if you need someone to talk to...
juz realised tt i 4got to reply u on the Huggies promo. Thks 4 informing.
I cut out the barcodes but best thing now is i dunno where i kept it.

i am gg isetan aft my driving lesson in the morning. So will probably reach there b4 11am. i dun see much things i wan, hope i control my spending this time round.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jlyn,
sweet hor, gals mah. When Jolene kena beat and cry, she will go tell Jaslyn "mei mei, sayang wo" haha.. then Jaslyn will hug her de.
Yours ah, different story hor, 2 boys sure fight haha.. Fight until sec sch I tell you. Mine going to start soon.

think yr aunt also feel stress to look after 2. Talk to her and find a good solution.
Oh, I tell you hor, Jaslyn's character also different from Jolene de. Taking care of both gals during their infant times are totally different. Ways that work for Jolene don't work for Jaslyn.

I agreed. Me also bought clothings, put one side and forgot, now Jaslyn wears haha

then you go try #2, then you tell me how's Rhys relationship with siblings hee hee</font>
I dun want to test out having 2 boys leh... hopefully can get a mei mei for Rhys and I will be able to tell you what happen when mei mei kena beat, and how the gor gor react... haa...
I WANT GIRL!!! haa...

So far, with my sister's boy (6mths old now), Rhys react quite well. He simple loves to kiss him lor. But then again, if own sibling might be totally diff lor... haa.. can only wait and see liao...
I WANT GIRL!!!... haa...
Quick update on Kindermusic

Can i have a feel of how many mummies interested in trial class on Kindermusic? I'm waiting for them to come back on which of the following 2 date is available. if response is good, i'll try to push for both dates.

$25.47 inclusive of gst/baby (organizer free, ie 1 get free) => $23.35/baby

Possible trail date: (duration 45min)

23 Mar 10am
1. Coolcoolmum - KB

30 Mar 10am
Think i've tried the session b4. R cant sit thru n refuse to do wat the other babies were doing. It was damn tiring to carry him thru'out the session. Somemore 10am is his nap. Cant sleep sure will b cranky so will give this a miss.
10am the only session? It's too rush for me, usually by the time I'm ready to go out already 10am+ le.

Wat's the class about, why so tiring?

ok, I check tomor. Thanks.

I just went to trade in the milk bottles. Is trade in for those plain pigeon bottles lor, both wide neck and standard bottles. I traded in mine for standard bottle and paid $4.
hi mummies, i am vivian's sister. just to share to beware of this person in WTS/WTB BP,spree or even free items thread

pls bear with me for a while it will be a very long posting.

Recently there is this thread with regards to a mummy call joanne, She was said to be suffering from depression because when she went back home from the hospital after delivering her daughter on 2nd mar, she witness her BF (nt married yet) in bed with another gal on their bed. She went back to her mum;s house for confinement with no money no job nothing. Her fren nicked Darling being nice tried to help her raise a donation drive for gals clothes and stuff .She mentioned that there is a mummy name Shirley who was a counselor previously is helping her and Joanne refuse to see anyone except Shirley and herself. She urge all mummies to send the items to Shirley for her to wash and pass to Joanne. A lot of mummies responded including myself who almost wanted to buy milk powder for her.

after i started posting., one of my friend who is a mummy in smh MSN me to tell me that the so call counselor Shirley is the same person who CHEATED HER $100 when she wanted to buy a bumper mat from her!!! <font color="ff0000">THAT MUMMY'S NICK IS SHIRLEY8084.</font>This make us suspicious abt her identity and thus we tried all means to google n search all her posting, nicks, email and study her type of writing etc.
As some may knw the thread is deleted by moderator, i felt that i should tell all mummies here abt the issue and to prevent more mummies being cheated.
Below are our findings how can we be so sure darling = Shirley8084 = cutie_baby mummy = p_darling
we have all supportive evidence and links but because i am worried that she might delete the post before we go to the police, thus i am only disclosing some here

1) all the posting by the above mentioned nicks have a common writing style. they always like to end with ... We can say almost ALL her posting is like this.

2) We found out that the above mentioned nick always order items on the BP or WTB/WTS thread and claimed that she already transfered the funds. giving a <font color="ff0000">FAKE IB TRANSACTION NO.</font>. This is supported by a couple of links including small small world who is cheated over ard $700. If the organizer is careful, she will nt send the items then the above mention nick will MIA.
This info is further supported after we manage to contact a couple of organizers including Kiasu_Mum who even post on the SCAM THREAD to ask for money. She also use the same trick on Fau and we have the email evidence.

3) WEird things in the thread:
- we can only send the items to shirley and cannot see joanne in person cos she claim that joanne will lock her self in the room.
- she claim that a mummy nick cutie_baby mummy went to visit joanne and joanne slam the door at her. --> we went to search cutie_baby mummy's nick and found out that her email is [email protected] which belongs to Shirley8084 too. we have a couple of links to prove that the email belong to her verified by her hp number
- darling post a pic of so call Joanne's baby. and we manage to find shirley's own bb photo which she posted in another website. <font color="ff0000">so that baby is Joanne's or Her's</font>
- she told me joannes baby drinking NAN 1. I have manage to find evidence that Shirley's bb also drink NAN 1.
- DArling claim that Joanne stay CCK. coincidently Shirley's MIL stay in CCK too.

4) DArling post to buy certain things from a mummy, end up shirley reply to thank her for delivery the things to her. Darling post want to reserve the mothercare shoe, shirley ask seller can reg post or not. i think it is more like she forgot she use wrong id to log in. Even confuse one of the seller too.. we have the evidence as well. we also have the contact of the seller.

5) Darling post WTS thread Shirley help to UPZ.
6) when questioned by one of the seller/ spree organizer, she then admit that shirley is her far relative. Cousin's cousin's cousin.
I also realize she use this cousin word very often always so and so is her cousin.

7) when ye chin went back to her house at DOver to collect the mats which she did nt pay for, she claim that her cousin (again) bring back to indonesia already. Coincidently, darling also mention she just came back from indonesia. OK FINE. RELATIVES MA..

There are many more evi which i cant disclose much here..but mummies pls beware of this person. she will very high likely create another nick. she have many different email too.
she also owns baby_lucky, relaz, relax_joanne ,emmamuelle and other nicks in SMH and brides forum and many more not disclosed.

<font color="ff0000">AND WE MEAN IT!</font>

If you do knw any spree/bp organizer, pls help to spread the word. till date we have found out that she have cheated abt at least $1600 and i believe there are more.

hi mummies
i have been searching for interesting activities to engage Caleb next week while my parents are in Taiwan and happen to come across www.nationalmuseum.sg website and found they have interesting program for toddlers which i have signed Caleb for 1 to try out. of course, they have other programs for older children as well. if u are interested, can go check it out. just to share
Quick update on Kindermusic

Can i have a feel of how many mummies interested in trial class on Kindermusic? I'm waiting for them to come back on which of the following 2 date is available. if response is good, i'll try to push for both dates.

$25.47 inclusive of gst/baby (organizer free, ie 1 get free) => $23.35/baby

Possible trail date: (duration 45min)

23 Mar 10am
1. Coolcoolmum - KB

30 Mar 10am
1. babe_ong - Pearlyn
D hor the las time he was sick once he see the syringe only he shake head n run liao.....hahha
Then like war like that n I gotta feed him alone most of the time cos hubby working.

Urrrr not all got girls ma. Huijun got boy leh n gemini haven confirm sex yet ma....hehe
But hope u get girl also lah.......hehehe
Now seems to be the season for girls leh quick try lah u already go HK holiday liao ma....haha

haha yah lor I also enjoy seeing D now. He sort of really enjoys most of the commercials liao n sometimes he will suddenly laugh very loudly n keep talking so funny lor.
My mischevious Damien
I tell u mummies hor I feel D really da bai me already.
Cos if he hits me accidentally when playing I will pretend to cry n he will sayang n hug me. Then now he also know how to pretend to cry. Bth lor but heng he's jus being playful jus cover his eyes with his hand n make the crying sound but he's laughing 1.
When see him like that hor I really dunno to laugh or wat so michevious lor.

N recently he learnt how to say 'milk milk' n will tell me when he wants to drink milk. But not good lor cos that day bout 9pm tell me he wants milk then I make him sleep dun sleep until 11+pm tell me he wants milk again. No matter how I bluff he jus keep telling me he wants milk. So bo pian make for him 150ml n he finis.
Wah really dunno leh he never drank so much milk 1 but when he can say milk liao he drink leh. Weird hor n he like so fun n happy he can say milk milk. sigh........
<font face="Comic Sans MS">phoebelow,
You've PM.

Ops, paiseh, I forgot to check that.

Jasmine, Doreen,
Heng ah and **TOUCHWOOD**, I never have any prob feeding medicine to my gals. They drink those chinese med like water... YUCKS! You know lah, usually chinese med is like 10ml, 20ml like that. They drink from their cups. Western medicine will just take from teaspoon.</font>
Hi ladies,

Just in case you are wondering who is this phoebelow or is the person real or not and why she suddenly post here, she IS my real sister and she is from Sept 2007 thread.

And hopefully, with the help of she and her friends, you can take a lookout for that horrible woman who cheat ppl out of sympathy and kindness.
haha...it's a WAR when feeding him medi. n i told hb, i hate to do it.
hehe..yes yes, actually planning to ttc n hope to get a early year bb. but all depends on luck?? cos my menses only came back twice since i gave birth lel.
oo..ya. i kept forget to sms u. later hor.

U really heng lel.

actually A used to 贪吃one. he will 'mum mum' when we feed him medicine. then dunno why suddenly reject medic at all (maybe hb n me jinx ourselves, kept telling ppl tat he no prob wif feeding medicine)
No matter i use syringe or teaspoon, he will look at the colour of the liquid and refuse to take it. 2.5ml of medicine already make me sweat.
How you make them take their medicine so easily?
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
I hope I'm don't jinx myself!! **TOUCHWOOD**
The only prob I had was when Jaslyn was younger. She saw the color and she knew especially is western med, she ok with chinese med though.
What I did was took 1 cup of water and 1 cup with the medicine. I took a bit of medicine to mix with some water and fed using teaspoon. Few times after that, she ok liao, guai guai took those western med directly from teaspoon.
For chinese med, cos usually quite a lot, I just pour into cup for her to drink. She very er xin one, after finish the chinese med, no need water to flush down the er xin smell and taste de. **YUCKS**</font>
hi mummies,

managed to glance thro the postings, still busy with my closing...

hi coolmum,

i'm interested. but the timing for kindermusic is only in morning? got say, late morning or afternoon?

hi jlyn,

saw your posting, Sengkang CC got 2 hrs playgroup but starting from 20mths toddlers. will be putting tricia when she's 20mths. my mum do not want me to put her in childcare yet, wait till she's 2yrs old.

ok, see whether i got time later, then i post again...
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Sans MS,">Mummies who signed up for MyGym Trial Class,

The classes are confirmed. Just went to make deposit this afternoon.

Pls check your email for the class confirmation date, time and points to note.</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">delphine,
wah liew hahaha... I shall see how big your tummy is hahaha.. Erm by then how many mths huh?</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">I had dim sum buffet for lunch today. So call buffet, but hb and I only ate 1 round and we surrender. Find that the older we are, we tend to eat lesser. It's been ages since I last went for buffet. Really "lao you" man. Even the waitress also said "your table ate the least".
Till now, we 2 still very full. I just told hb I couldn't intake any dinner. Die man... I prepare the dinner ingredients but haven't cook yet.</font>
hahahaha, not only u, i oso kena wat!
i got a shock when i read phoebe's posting n wondered aloud,"Did i cheat anyone?! how come i dunno?!!!!!" hahahaha.. aft reading, then i know the full story.
<font color="0000ff">karen</font> no i have not signed up for the mozart one yet. i signed him for the museum toddlers one first. the 6 apr one to let him try out.

<font color="0000ff">shirley &amp; crystallised</font> haha... my thoughts were slightly different after reading vivian's sis posting... i thought someone trying to create trouble by using both your names and guess who i thought this person was? haha...

hope the police catch her man.

Looks like cant form a class. Jenny/Babyong, guess we have to sign up for the trial class on our own.

i also prefer other timing, but these 2 are the only available ones for booking a class.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Selina,
Who were you thinking?? That franster Jolene?

never mind then. I think they also know timing bad, that's why never organise for their normal class.

From the start, knew the whole story was fake. Cos I had a bad experience with that person.
Ppl being kind, posted to question about the truth abt the story, kena bombarded by other mummies haiz.. Some mummies even qns Mods why deleted the threads w/o investigation. Doesn't it sound fishy when the threads, created 3 times were all deleted by Mods within the day or 2?
Anyway when I pointed out that thread to another friend, she also said was a scam. If the depression so serious, still can stay at home??
Another friend of mine was asking if that person was trying to look for free babysitting, beside getting free stuff from mummies cos she even asked for volunteers' duty roaster to take care of baby... sarcastic remarks haahaa
I think this franster has been around in this forum so long (she has many nicks, those suspended accounts, she re-registered new ones), that she saw how helpful the mummies here are.

I just wanna warn all mummies out there, pls dun let their pityness overtake your kindness. Read and think before donations. This is not the 1st case already.

And be extra careful when joining BP. BP prices are no longer attractive. To your horror, if you happen to see the selling prices outside, you will then know how much profit some BP organisers are earning. Some BP price can even double or triple the selling price. Pls join BP only if you are comfortable with the organiser.
Hi ladies

Just wanna share my sister and parent's experience with this popular studio with the female photographer.

Recently, i booked the promotion package for my parents and sister to take photos with zac. On that day, our dear prince overslept so reach the studio 10min later than appointment time. I have called the photographer half an hour before hand to inform her and she sounded ok on the phone. When my sister arrived, she told me the photographer was quite rude and asked her "why so late". I was nt around so I am nt sure how rude is her tone but i tot i already called her to inform her?

Then this photographer becos she is preggy, her collegue is the one takng the shoot. My sister was saying she didnt try to make zac smile, just direct her colli how to shoot. so turn out the photographs zac nt so smiley as compare to the one taken with us. haiz.

My sister general comments is that she seem to only like cooperative and smiley children. haiz but i think one thing good is the session stretch more than 30min which is the alloted time.

Any mummies who have taken photos with them can share with me? I have heard good comments abt them so i wanted my parents to try out. I actually prefer female photographer cos i tot they are better at getting good children shoots.

I intend to do another round of shoot when lele is older so wanna garner some feedbacks. Is she better at shooting than her colli?
i know which studio u talking abt. its the one tt i complained earlier abt their lousy service. go to the thread to see how she replies makes me boil.
The photographer tt u mentioned was rude; issit the preggy one or her coll whom was replacing her?

its the same studio.

i totally 4got abt the prankster...
oh u complained their service before me must have missed the thread u posted. the one who was rude to my sister is the preggy one. i went to read their thread and realise there are complaints abt her. haiz shld be more hardworking and read up the thread before i sign up but luckily nt very expensive but bad experience for my parents and sister lor. My parents kept scolding me that i waste money. Sign... pay money still kena scolding damn suay.. hahah

Hee i forgotten abt her too....


Belle has grown so much since the last time i saw her. Chubby and smiley now. Really make my and lele's day. Lele was kicking away when i was watching the video haha
