(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

sorry, I din send you the details yet.
You still need me to send you the details?

Last weekend was a disaster. Sigh... long story.

Actually i dun mind being the POC for 25 May.
But too late to reply. Thanks Selina for helping up.

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Vivian,
No need. I have yours.
Only those listed in above, I don't have.
Still waiting for the IC to return my call to answer for the payment issue...</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS">Updates on Trial Class Deposit

Spoke to the IC, to avoid messy payment (because cardholder has to pay using Citibank Credit Card, and the min to charge is $10). She has agreed to standardise the deposit amt to $5 per toddler.

Balance to be paid on the day of the trial class itself directly to MyGym.
- $15 --> Citibank Cardholder to pay using its card
- $25 --> Non Citibank Cardholder to pay by other credit card or Cash.

I will PM/email my bank account no. shortly. Pls TT by end of Wed. I will go down to MyGym to pay the deposit in cash on Thur as I'll be on leave.
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="ff0000">ok, I've PMed/emailed my bank account no. to all. Let me know if you didn't received.
Pls keep me informed after TT has been done. And also I need those missing details.</font></font>
babe ong
Really aah aiyah sad lah cos I jus threw away my huggies pullup pack few weeks ago if not I would have enough...Arghhhhhh

Really aah that parking so bad aah I went few times nia but dun even know if the 1 I park is Sq 2 or Novena 1 la......hahaha
But weekday so ex n lots not alot liao weekend I dun even wanna try going there.
But actually I stay so near if not for this tummy I would rather take MRT there instead.....haha
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">
OK. Going to be my turn soon
Wait you hear me complaining with packing and unpacking hahaha..

You mean weekdays for United Sq? Cos level 2 is reserved for the office staff mah. Ok lah, I went few times during weekdays office hrs cos Jaslyn's PD's clinic is there. Just need to go further up like level 4 or 5. The reserved lots at level 2 got timing one, think after 5pm or 6pm can park. Weekends also can park. I went during weekends, a lot of space leh.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">
No hurry lah. I also got to see timing first, cos going to sell my place liao.
Which branch you are looking at?</font>
Back from my detailed scan today, confirmed plus guranteed that Desiree will be having a mei mei. save money $$ liao.

Hi Jenny,
Transfer made. Transaction number is 1609878511. kindly confirm receipt when you have the time.
Thanks for organising once again.
Congrats on having a little sis for Desiree...

Hi all,
Just came back from KKH, the doc suggest we booked an appointment to meet eye specialist next week.
They suspect A eyelashes is growing inwards so need eye specialist to chk and advise...
Hope really nothing wrong with him...
Today he is not cooperative... dun wan doc to see his eyes, keep kicking at her scope
and when it is done, he waved happily at her, hinting us to leave asap... bth...
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Delphine,
I check later. Thanks.

My ex-colleague's son also has the eyelashes growing inwards, which will cause his eyes red and uncomfortable. He was scheduled for an operation just last year.</font>
Joshua also had the same problem when he was young. His lower lids is what they called as entropian eyelids, which turns inwards and it doesn't help that he has very long lashes.
He was v prone to getting eye irritation then.
I brought him to a well-known pediatric eye specialist before also.
But for some kids, they outgrow this condition when their features change and these days *touchwood* it seems better now.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Received deposit from Delphine, Pups, Huijun, Vivian, Doreen, Coolcoolmum,ling1312.

I din left out anyone hor.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Shirley,
You order for the personalised Ezcard Stickers right? Have you received and tried pasting on the Ezlink card?

I saw the stickers yesterday night and felt it, quite thick leh, can go thr the top up machine? Won't cause the machine to jam meh?</font>
hi jenny,

been biz at work. I wll try to transfer via ATM, if possible during lunch or else this evening. $5, right?

hi delphine,

congrats to desiree on having a mei mei... u must be happy too, right?
congrats on a baby girl!

Luckily without my family by my side, i still have a good helper in attending to my needs.
Kimberly is not taking kathlyn well. She wil try to snatch and push kath away when i'm latching.. yday she hit kath's head. Haiz..
Her jealousy is kicking in and she tend to cry when i carry kath.. so when kath is sleeping, i will spend all my time with kim.

I wonder how can she tk it when i send her to CC in 2 mths time.. =/ i am very worried..

Gonna catch some rest..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Gemini,
Yes, $5 per toddler.

Received liao. Thanks.

Give Kim more time to adjust. Slowly intro Kathlyn to Kim and keep telling her is her mei mei, got to sayang her. Hold Kim's hands to sayang.
At the same time, you may want to close the door while you bf Kathlyn?
Some kids accept siblings easily. Some don't, they need more time. Whatever it is, give them more time to accept. They used to have everything "belong" to them, now got to "share". Try to spend quality time with Kim alone if you have the time. Eg. sleep with her, you can rest while she naps also. Let the helper takes care of Kathlyn when you have the couple time. And most impt, dun neglect your hb too. He also needs your love and care. </font>

ya just ordered, have nt received yet shld be receiving on thursday. top up machine shld be ok cos now u only need to place the e-zlink card on a slot provided dont have to insert into the slot anymore. didnt know the material was thick but order to give to my inlaws and parents, cross my fingers that it will turn out good cos nt really that cheap leh
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Shirley,
Ok ok, let me know the quality.
Oh you mean those top up machine now no need to insert the ezlink card inside liao? Last time have to right? Sua ku me! In that case, maybe I go buy the Doraemon sticker for Jolene. When I first saw the stickers, so tempted to buy for Jolene, but I tot of the inserting for top up issue, I din order lor. Scare wait I go top up, the card kena struck then spoil the machine haha..

I'm not sure if the personalised one will be thick, but I saw those selling on BP, and I felt it, quite thick. <font size="-2">BP price not cheap.</font></font>

ya lor really nt cheap hor. haiz but me hard to go shopping nowadays so rely on BP to curb my shopping urge. haha. nt u sua ku lar think u long time neber take train bah, only recently my assignment in boon lay so need to take train and top up ezlink card then realise they change the machine liao. mayb to cater for card with this kind of sticker? haha. first time i went to top up try to find the slot to insert find so long then realise they have made a slot stand for u to place the card so u dont even have to take it out from wallet can place the whole wallet on top to top up. very advance hor.

saw u selling the cot. sold? actually wanted to get from you but nw nt sure if my mum wanna take care of lele so put on hold first lor. haiz
Maybe Kim too used to being the only 1 liao. Slowly intro lor try to have someone to explain to her why u need to carry bb n not her.
Rest well n enjoy ur ML k.

congrats! can really save money on clothings. Me now trying nt to buy too many clothings for lele in case she outgrow very fast.

Haiz all these classes zac cant go lei cos his mei mei is arriving soon next time when lele is older then i will join u guys ya!

I dont know how zac is going to react to his meimei but so far when i carry other infants he is ok but maybe there are lots of distraction. crossing my fingers that he will get along. mayb boys more bo chup.
hi Adeline

Congrats to the arrival of your baby girl. Give Kim some time to adjust to the baby.. u can try to engage her to help out example, to get something for mei mei or throw diapers etc. Dun worry, everything will fall into place soon.. meantime, enjoy your two little darlings.. cos they grow very fastleh haha..


I cant join u gals for the classes too. cos hubby gg for reservist during tt period...and the venue is quite far for me.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Shirley,
Hee hee.. ya very long ago liao. I got ahmad mah.
Good good, I shall go and buy. Cos I always headache which one is mine, which one is hb, then which one got $ inside haha..
I know they have that machine for nets payment that no need to insert the ezlink card last time, but each station only 1 machine, sometimes q very long.
Ya, selling the cot to clear space, cos I dun intend to move the cot over to new place lor. I want to buy those beds where the lower deck can be "pushed" and "hided" under the top bed... dunno what's the name for those bed though. Save space mah.
A mummy reserved the cot and arrange for collection on Sat liao. Suddenly I got a lot of offers via PMs, some even willing to offer higher price. I tot I saw many ppl selling cots leh and kept repost for sales? Haiz... you want, you should tell me first, I can reserve for you cos mine very new leh, Jaslyn only comes home on weekends, sleep 2 nites only.

Actually hor, when a new sibling arrives hor, it is not wise to get the elder at the start to help out. Cos #1 will feel how come I never need to do this kind of job. Now got a sibling, I have to do this for her/him. It will makes the elder to dislike the siblings lor. Can start after a few mths when they are more bonded. </font>
Didn't see u posted here too....hehe
Jus pass my detail scan ma so 5mths. Still got bout 4mths+ to go.......sigh
N not looking forward to a bigger tummy lor.
my new maid who came last fri, haven start work wana go back home liao cos she is new and misses home. after some persuasion, agent still ask me to take back the maid but next day still insist to go home, so send her to agent on sat morning liao....then sun my boy began vomitting, doctor says its stomach flu and give him gluclose....since sun he refuse to drink the gluclose, or eat any cereal or light porridge. His big tooth coming out too so he is v v uncomfortable ....at nite also cannot sleep well due to the pain and today diarrea twice liao

duno how, a bit helpless, i bought the soy based milk powder but after one sip, he refused to drink cos he knows its different.....everything give him also dun wan to eat.....any suggestions?
<font color="ff0000">Hi adeline</font>,

Congratulation and rest well !!

<font color="ff0000">Hi delphine</font>,

Congrats to you too !!
Thanks mango =)

thanks.. in fact now my aunty suggesting to put kim in CC in 2 mths time. cause she scared she cannot cope with 2 and kim will bully the younger one. How how?? i think kim will feel neglected. Yday kim tried to sit on my lap (i bf-ing baby) Then my hb tell kim cannot.. she keep insisting.. after that my hb punish her and let her stand at a corner.. i told my hb dont do that to her.. if not she feels that we dun want her..

kim sometimes wanna carry baby but i think she treats as a doll.. cause that day she grab kath's hand and keep shaking very hard.. wah i see already i scared.
I think mummies like bbgrace &amp; jenny shld b able to advise u better when it comes to ur situation now. I agree tt ur hb cant punish Kim like tt now. it will make her reject Kath more.

As for sending Kim to CC, muz balance the situation delicately. if it backfires, it might make Kim feel tt u send her to CC to "get rid of her"... but if u r sending Kim there for her to interact &amp; learn new things, then u can start telling her abt it now. Say she will be gg to a sch to learn new things &amp; make new frens. Juz a suggestion lah, dunno if it helps.

Take care.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Shirley,
hee hee, just now I went to buy the ezlink card stickers. $1 per pc. Very nice after pasting and also easier to know which card got $ haha... my hb loves also, no more plain plain design. But really thick sticker. Hb and I both agreed if still need to insert into slot for top up, sure will jam up machine haha..
Overall, quite nice lor. See your personalised pc quality how.

Just give the porridge water. It's quite fulling and light.
Actually hor, stomach flu hor, take porridge may worsen the situation. My hb is those kind when sick, can't intake any porridge, he can only take plain bread. You may wanna try with little bread?

Yep haha..
Oh yes, I got your deposit.

did you TT using ATM? I got one from ATM today. </font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS,"><font color="aa00aa">Adeline,</font>
If I remember correctly, my case (Jolene) and babygrace's Joshua were totally opp.

Jolene accepted Jaslyn very easily. Ever since I preggie, had been telling her many times a day, made her sayang my tummy etc. Jolene also got to mix with kids and bbs while playing at the void deck everyday. She loves babies.

I remembered mentioning to you before, it is not a wise move to send Kim to CC 2 mths after Kathlyn's arrival. It is a bad timing. It will gives Kim the impression that "becos mei mei is here, I have to leave xxx's (yr aunt) hse, I have to go CC..." or "all those belongs to me, now gotta shared with mei mei". It will be better if you can send before delivery Kathlyn. But for now, I suggest you sign up Kim for some playgroup activities to relieve your aunt. My mum went thr the phrase, I can tell you, it is really very tiring for their age. My mum got help from my bro from Mon-Wed cos my bro is off for these days and he's working nite shift. I everyday got complaint calls from my mum when I was back to work, till I saw my mum's no, I also scared.

A new sibling arrival is a big change to toddler. As parents, we need to think for their feelings. Kim will develop those feelings that "mummy/daddy/grandaunt etc etc only wants mei mei, dun want me". Dun let her feel neglected.

When I bf Jaslyn last time, Jolene insisted that she must be with me. She would sit beside me and observed, and helped me to get tissue or whatever help I needed. She never allowed me to close the door while I bf or pump. So, I just let her be with me. I don't see what's wrong with it. In fact, I would tell Jolene "mei mei is hungry, she wanna drink milk. Jie jie guai guai, dun distrub mei mei hor". Jolene would nod her head and used her finger to do those "shhh..." action.
When I napped, I leave Jaslyn to the CL. Then I would bring Jolene to nap with me. I tried to do things with Jolene alone if the situation allowed. Eg. taking nap, pump milk, eat lunch/dinner, watch TV. Let Kim gets involved with your daily life, so that she won't feel neglected. Punishing now only makes Kim "hates" her sister. Unless she really does something very bad, then punishing comes in. When Kim gets older and more sensible, more bonded with Kathlyn, you can get her involve to throw diaper, get handkerchief, get something for mei mei. She will feels herself very great being an elder sis. For now, just be more patient with Kim. The 1st 6 mths will be very tough. Once over, it's a breeze =) And you will see your 2 pretty gals growing up, then you will start to grumble they are growing so fast!! I missed that stage!</font>
<font color="0000ff">aspialle</font> caleb also once duffered from stomach flu and kept throwing up. PD told us in future in such cases, just give bb plain white porridge will do. if scared not enf then just add some fish. he says plain porridge is sufficient. just keep bb hydrated. during those times, we gave caleb pediasure n fortunately, he took to it without any probs.
Then u must stick close lor let her hold bb if she wants n keep prasing her. They like ppl to praise them so if u keep telling her she is a very good jie jie becos she sit on the floor n wait for u to finis bf Kath n all. Everything jus praise her la.....hahaha
They still dunno their strength yet so can't blame them we jus have to keep monitoring every sec when they r with bb.
Yah I also feel dun punish her now esp cos of bb things cos might make her resent bb more use the praise method better la...hehe
Tell u lor jus now D sayang my tummy then he put his hand on my tummy n like bouncing basket ball like that press a bit press abit like so fun. BTH him man.

Btw saw u selling off the spray....sigh
U never say earlier cos I jus ordered 1 leh. But why u never use aah?? Not good aah??

U miss that stage aah?? Sure??....hehehhehe
Jenny rightly pointed out the her Jolene's case is opposite from my Joshua.

Despite whatever work that i had done to prepare Joshua for Emma's arrival, he still didn't take well to her. It didn't help that it coincided with his terrible 2s stage so he was really testing my limits at times.

I don't bf in front of him knowing that he doesn't take too well to seeing me with Emma. My maid will distract him by playing with him.
I make sure that i spend as much time with him whenever i can.

I didn't send him off to school till about 4 mths later but even then, it was a 1.5hr playgroup. Felt that it was less traumatising for him than have so many changes happening to him over a short span of time.

Just hang in there. It's going to be quite tiring having to juggle both but slowly Kim will accept the fact that mei-mei is here to stay.
Just like Joshua, after many months, he was somewhat resigned to the fact that he has to share mommy with mei mei.

Both kids still have a love-hate relationship now. It's very heartwarming to see them play happily together or when Joshua decides to hold Emma's hand while walking together. They still fight a lot and these days Emma wins cos she has taken to biting gor gor when she cant get her way (i'm still trying ways to discipline her on that). Both still get jealous when they see the other person sitting on mommy's lap for prolonged period. I realised that they only fight for mommy's attention. I think it's because I spent a great deal of time with each of them during my SAHM days.

soy milk is not as tasty as cow's milk so some kids will reject it.
PD told me that porridge or barley water will do. Most important is to keep him hydrated.

No point keeping the maid if her heart is not there. Good luck on your next one.

Anyone going?
I probably wont chiong first thing in the morning this time cos got nothing much to buy.
Will probably go at lunch time.
wat a coincidence, Alvis also kanna stomach flu last weekend. He din vomit but high fever + diarhoea. We bought him to c PD. As those mommies suggested, PD also advice us give him plain porridge (can add some root veggie like potatoes or carrot), barley water, and most impt lotsa plain water to keep him hydrated.

my boy also rejected soy milk. i tasted, really sucks!! waste my $22 for a small tin of soy milk.

as for medication, no choice. i have to force him to take panadol &amp; glucose. ask my hb to hold him tight, then i use the syringe to shoot into his mounth. after few times tried, he become very clever liao. run far far to hide behind sofa.
Congrats to you!!

realised our this round all the 2nd mommies got girl wor..
hope i also got girl <font color="0000ff">IF </font>i pregnant wif no.2. hehehe..

t/t to you liao.

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Doreen,
I missed that stage BUT I don't want to repeat it hahaha...
Frankly speaking, I like the current situation, how I wish my Jaslyn dun grow up... toddlers at this age ~1.5years old very fun to play with. A lot of nonsense and stupid actions from them haha.. On the other hand, I wish they grow up fast fast, so they can take care of themselves. But at Jolene's current age, sometimes talk to her can vomit blood...

<font color="aa00aa">Adeline,</font>
babygrace reminded me, I sent Jolene for MyGym Gymster Class when Jaslyn turned 3 mths old?? Ard that age. She went once a week, and she's looking forward to every gym class. Each class is only 50mins.
Also not forgetting, my aunt would ask me to bring Jolene to stay at her place when sch holidays are ard the corner. Jolene got to play with the kids that my aunt bbsit, and my mum got some time off to relieve herself, just dealing with Jaslyn. (just like yesterday, my aunt called me during lunch to check if I could bring Jolene over to stay for this whole week. Jolene now with my aunt. And my mum is looking after Jaslyn, so she has some time to do her favorite stuff eg baking, knitting).

So for a start, you may want to consider sending Kim to playgroup. Usually is 1.5 hrs. Some playgroups have 2hrs though. Let her get used to "class" before sending Kim to CC. Less changes for her.

Like what babygrace mentioned. My 2 Js also have this love-hate relationship especially with their grandma (my mum). Every night got to fight to see who get to fight and win to sit at po po's laps to watch TV. Very funny one. 他们好的时候,可以好到屁股粘屁股。 不好时, 可以打架打到乱。 Just learn to relax and watch their comical actions. I tell you lah, when one is notti, I beat her, she will cry and run to the sister and hug hug to sayang. The other one will hug closely and sayang and orrhh orrhhh orhhh. Then crying stop liao. 患难见真情 situation very heartwarming and funny.
