(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi ladies

Didint have chance to thank you for opening ur house for us. Zac was super cranky towards the end, this boy when come to his napping time can be super cranky and fussy. He went home and nap a striaght 2 hours.

Daily activities
Actually, i ever have the same sentiments as you about his day. so i went to check out with my close girlfriends, the activites they do with a 15mth boy. The feedback is A and Zac's routine are perfectly normal. Like some of the mummies mentioned, I dont restrict zac's movement since young and i understand abt the part repeating the 'no' to them a thousand times. It sometimes drive me to the wall too but we have to believe that they will eventually get it. My mother always say that they know they cant do it but purposely test their limit so we must be very firm. Zac has this habit of biting his shoes in his car seat which i really hate it. I beat his legs till red red also no use but i still repeat it everyday and try to distract him with other toys. To me, its a test of my patience and his stubborness.

Discipling toddlers
My mother just told me, I am quite heng xing when come to disciplining him. Like at the gathering, I know if i carry him, his crying will stop but i need to let him know that i cant be possibly carrying next time if i need to carry mei mei. I dont think its unfair on him since now he can walk he should walk as far as possible and i have been carrying him for the past 1 year! so now when i bring him out, he will walk with me unless crossing the road or climbing up the stairs. Sometimes he will throw tantrums and throw himself on the floor, i will walk away and he will follow behind after sometime. this process can be repeated a few times and i can tell u it can be quite embarressing in public but i want him to know that i cant be carrying him forever. haiz, i hope i am doing the right thing but my parents think otherwise. really headache!


I have been looking around too. The few i have shortlisted are as follows:

1) Young Elite Childcare & Development Centre @ Sengkang Singapore Fees after subsidy is $375 for half day
2) Character Montessori. Fees after subsidy is close to $600 i think

Zac, my hubby and myself have visted the first one and we personally like the teacher there. We prefer land and house cos we like the outdoor space. We have not visted no. 2 but we will check out in Feb. My considerations for the CC are as follows:

1) Distance to my parents' place, whether there is bus to the CC cos most likely my dad is going to pick him up.
2) The teacher turnover in the centre. I prefer zac to have the same teacher at least for a year so that the teacher will know his habits easily and can feedback to me on areas to look out for. So i usually as to speak to the teacher who is going to be taking care of zac.
3) Teacher child ratio. The first childcare i visted is abt 1:6 so still within my expectation
4) Space. The CC must not be too cramp and disorganised.

I am planning to send Zac to the CC when he is around 20 months, which will be 2 months after LeLe is born. Hopefully by then my mum can take over the bottle feed and taking care and i can concentrate in helping zac to settle in the CC.

I think you are overwhlemed with all the events in your life. I understand how stressful it can be when belle refuse the bottle. You may have to prioritise things now. you may want to bring ayden to visit your granny or dog. Maybe when u are not in the house, belle will take the bottle better? the last time zac refuse the bottle, my mum ask me to go compasspoint to shop and when i am back, he finish the bottle with no fuss. U may wanna give it a shot. at the same time can spend some 'alone' time with ayden.

My nephew n niece was in Cherie before but that was donkey yrs ago liao hehehe.

So wen xing ur pic.
Above 37 consider fever already aah?? Actually I very toot leh dun really know how high is consider fever jus wait for te themometer to beep n tell me got fever anot....haha
D still on n off leh. Wanna give him abit of medi touch again fever down liao.......sigh

So cute Rhys carry the bag he looks even bigger liao. D also got 1 small backpack my sil bought for him he carry it very happy dun let us take it off 1.

Actually hor I also dunno how I put on weight 1......hahahha
Cos really alot of things dun feel like eating lor eat for the sake of eating only. Somemore now I hooked on salad leh keep buying it for supper.
My tummy wise not very obvious maybe cos I put on weight very easily kind. So once I preggy only hor my pants all tight liao so dun even need to dream of wearing my old clothes.
Normally at home I will wear singlets that are abit fitting 1 lor so definately can see got tummy 1 but I always carry a sling bag downstairs to hide my tummy. That day my mil say she saw my tummy I was wearing a normal loose T-shirt hor.
But I still can't really wear my maternity pants 1 bought when preg with D cos its quite loose lor so also bu san bu si. Wat I wear is either too tight or too loose.......sigh....

Its normal lah. When D cries my mum also can scold me dun beat him lah. But she never think last time she chase us around the hse with a cane somemore.....haahahha
Jus do wat u feel is right lor dicipline wise I feel every child is different n everyone's thinking is different ma. For me I dun care wat other ppl say about me or wat they think. Wats matters most is I know wat I am doing and I feel its the best for my child.

Thanks for opening your house for the gathering.

R really looks like big boy going to school liao. so cute.

that pic really very wen xin. J looked so sweet in the pic.


This boy recently very funny, he loves to climb up and down the stairs. he can walk all the way down fr 10th floor and some times want to go back up and down again. I also notice recently he loves to climb up tables, chairs, etc... Just find it funny cos no one teaches him that (no other kids at home also) but he will just "explore" in climbing. how i wish he has the same attitude towards walking. sometimes i just feel that he dont know how to walk but want to fly liao.

Huggies Dry promo at Seng Siong Tekka
Just saw SS Tekka selling Huggies Dry at $12.95. Lowest i see so far, but i already overstocked.

Want to share a sad story...

My hubby's fren TTC for 5 years, finally got pregnant. EDD supposed to be end Oct 07, but contraction started early, around 6mth plus. The wife's body had bad reaction towards the medicine to stop the contraction and went into ICU. So they had to deliver the baby at 26 weeks or so. baby only weighed like 700g at birth. In Nov, baby contracted virus for 2nd time, doctor told them baby can't make it liao. The Fren prepared for the worst but his wife still placed high hope and baby really won the battle! by then baby already hit the 2kg mark! BUT just one day after recovery, baby contacted another virus and now his lungs fully distroyed. he is now fully supported by machine and doctor said there is no chance for the organs to recover unless there is a miracle. The Fren again prepared for the worst but his wife still full of high hope. i just saw the wife and indeed she looks very normal, not sad/tired at all. they are now very worried that if the worst come, the wife might not be able to take it. and by now, baby already crossed the 3kg mark. i really pray for a miracle to happen. so sad......
Carpe Diem @ punggol
have taken a look yesterday. the swimning pool is surrounded by a fence, which the height is about to my shoulder, so it's still considered quite safe.
the outdoor is quite big, but 1 thing i find that is the interior & equipments are quite old.
but 1 thing make it v attractive is that the charges will remain the same thro' out the yrs, meaning, if went in under toddlers, the cost is $400+, then this will be the price till K2.
there's still vaccanies for toddlers but i have not signed up yet.

hi coolmum,

really hope that a miracle can happen...

hi crystallised,

time will pass v fast one, in a blink, soon it will be apr....

hi dor,

i know on the part of wearing/not wearing maternity clothes. now i'm in this situation also...
<font color="0000ff">coolmum</font> so sad. praying for your friend. my god-bro also went thru something like that. he's 2nd bb didnt make it when the wife went thru pre-term labour at 20+wks. Now she just delievered to another bb ger at 24 or 26 wks. bb now in NICU since birth almost a month liao. this is very traumatising. their 1st child was born with no complications at all since pregnancy hence it is really hard to accept that both the 2nd &amp; 3rd bbs had to go thru so much.
oh dear, 2nd and 3rd one similar experience? really not easy for them. now i everyday hope not to receive any sms, hoping that no news = good news. but one fren mentioned that the baby might have relied too long on machines and now just continue with that. if this drags on and ending is not going to be favourable, this is going to be even harder for the parents.

when the Father told us he hope to end his son's suffering but s'pore law not allowing mercy killing, keep asking people to help talk to his wife, could only cried infront of us but have to behave strong and optimistic infront of his wife, etc... really very sad lor.

child care
i've not decided when to send KB to CC, but recently my fren told me if want to send at 18 mth, must q now.

anyone knows what's the difference betweem Julie Gabriel and Carpe Diem?
<font color="0000ff">coolmum</font> my uncle went thru something similar when his brain vessel bursts and we managed to get the hospital to stop the machine. think if can proof the person is dead, brain dead for my uncle's case, then should be able to bah. but like parents, we always hope for miracles. but really how long shall we wait for miracles? i wouldnt know what to do if it is me. i think guys being guys will react like that but i really think it is ok for him to cry infront of his wife so at least the wife knows he cares too.

from my own experience, when i went thru a miscarriage b4 caleb came abt, i cried everyday but hb like nothing happen like that. i started blaming him for not being bothered abt the whole thing n tension started to surface between us cos he also nv explain. only until a friend told me then i realised he also sad but dare not show infront of me.
Hihi mummies

Its been a long time since I log in liao... cos my coy banned this particular website.. dunt noe why.. and whenever I m home, hubby need to use the PC..

1. Thanks for sharing info on the shildcare centres.. I also planned to let Brayden into the centre whne he reaches about 19/20months.. reason being.. I want him to learn things..and also I can bring him bcak everyday but my parents really cant bear to put him in the centre..
Hi coolmum,
So sad to hear abt ur hubby's fren. It will never be easy for any parent to let go esp for the mummies since we were the ones who could feel our bb way before the daddies even saw them...
Hi coolmum

After reading your post.. I feel so sad.. it was really heartpain to hear this.. really hope tt the baby can pull through and miracle will happen...
So sad to hear this kind of news esp when we are parents ourselves. Really hope the bb will be able to survive through since he's managed so far. Definately devastating for the if anything mum esp when she's pinning so high hopes.
mummies who had read my sad story.... sad to tell u that baby has passed away this morning.

it set me thinking alot. on one hand i hope not to hear any news but on the other hand i keep thinking that if outcome is going to be negative, better to let it happen early. i know it is easier said than done. now every sec that i'm with KB, i think it is god blessed lor, esp we just had a cold shaved from the fan incident.

The Father actually wanted to have a proper funeral for the baby but the grandparents disagree or so. i thot if too young cannot have funernal???

selina, i do agree man are usually more rationale and they will try to act strong lor. but after listening to his fren's pt of view, i now look at man differently liao. (i also always complain hb like no feeling one) ha ha ha...

KB's walking liao!!! ........... but only when we "lure" him into it, like give him food or hp. but that's enough to make my day!!!
<font color="0000ff">ccolmum</font> oh dear. mixed feelings. happy that bb no need to suffer anymore but sad that this lil warrior has finally given up.

tough for the parents i can understand. my god-bro did a simple ritual for his 2nd bb n the ashes was disperse to sea. yes agree, every minute i have with Caleb I thank God for it and pray for his blessings on Caleb every single seconds.

sad things aside, congrats on KB walking. at least he respond to your luring. no matter how we lure Caleb to talk, he just wont burge. he only talks when he likes it. no forcing hor. he will complain if we force him.

KB also the same, cannot tell him to do things, he will sure won't do it. must always "pian" or "hong" or when he likes it then he'll do it. but when i "lure" him with food and hp, i felt like what Shirley said, felt like treating him like a dog. so far still can't make him call papa and mama.
Cos SK/Punggol are new areas, a lot of new couples with young kids.
For mature areas, most kids grown up, so not so competitive when it comes to enrolment for sch.

You looking for queenstown area? Have time I check for you. FY closing soon, my super peak season is up

dun say yourself heng xing. I'm another one. I won't let the gals overtake me one lor. When it comes to disciple, I can really be very strict with them till they fear me. I dun have a good temper, nor am I patience with them. My hb always told me last time Jolene very ke lian one, cos she kena the most from me. I changed a lot after Jaslyn arrives. One thing I dun like abt kids who throw themselves on floor and scream out of hell. I hate that and mentioned to hb before. Think my talking does help, cos hb also can't take it now. Now, if Jolene talks to hb rude or scream at him. My hb really disciple her, unlike last time he just takes it as a joke. My hb super dote on Jolene last time till Jolene overstep. I told him, if he dun do the disciple now, Jolene will never take his words seriously. Now, hb is too strict with Jaslyn till I have to told him off. He just uses the wrong amt till Jaslyn scares of him. Hb now complains I more strict with Jolene and lax on Jaslyn. And I feel he's the other way round. I'm a bit lost at this part.

For kids, their body temp is higher. I think 38 and above for them then consider. Damien ok already? Jaslyn's temp is abt 37.8 for the past few days, body warm only, now ok liao. Glad to plan properly to avoid having the MMR jab near CNY period.
I hate the stage where the tummy da bu da, xiao bu xiao. Wear maternity clothings too big. Wear normal clothings too tight. If spend $ to buy bigger size, later a week or 2, can't wear.

Kids at this age love staircase. Be careful hor, they can chiong very fast. Actually KB is observing from the way you carry him up and down the staircase. I feel they dun need to teach, but they need to observe and figure out themselves.
I read the sad story. It's really very sad. On one hand, hope miracle will happens. On the other hand, I wish the bb will just go and end the suffering. But, he's a strong baby. Hope the parents are accepting the fate now. How's the mother now? Now the baby is gone, is she accepting it well? Need to have someone to look after the mum, cos the stronger a person try to put on, the most unexpected thing she will does.
I'm not sure with the funeral issue, but I do heard before bbs no funeral/wake cos the grandparents/parents are still ard. Usually they have a simple ritual session and then arrange for ashes to place somewhere where the parents wish to, but not at home. Some just arrange to disperse into sea.
A friend's colleague, they lost their boy at 14th mths old. Death is caused by flu. The virus hit the brain and the baby went in coma. It all started with a normal flu, and it refused to go off after seeing PD several times. By the time, the boy collapsed, everything was too late. So happened, the boy was abt the same age as my friend's kid, when the parents see my friend's kid, it sort of reminded them of the sad memories. So my friend changed his routine, not to go buy any kids stuff (FM, diaper) during his lunch time.
I have nothing more to ask for, I just want my kids to be healthy and happy.
Lastly congrats on KB's walking. That day you still complain he is not walking hee hee..

Men are just men. They dun dare or rather no courage to accept the facts. Don't you find they choose to escape? What's wrong with cryings in front of their wives, families, friends. Sad means sad.
But then, I believed Les was trying to put up a strong character to help you overcome. He didn't dare to break down in front of you. And we, women, just tot men do not care.

Answering Phone
Jaslyn loves to answer phone. Now toy phone doesn't work on her. She will snatch for the phone and said "hello", then when the other party reponses, she keeps laughing. Ok, I admit my fault also, cos we have a real phone at home which we dun use, so she actually plays with that. Just few days back, I was on phone with my mum, as usual Jaslyn snatched over. So my mum gave her and told her to say "hello mummy", and the words really came from her mouth. My heart melted. I think Jaslyn's development is faster than Jolene. Perhaps she's the younger one, has the privilege to learn from jie jie. Jolene is a slow learner in terms of talking. I think she only started to talk well at ard age 2, and only started to talk few words at 18th mths old, talk like bu qing bu chu like tat.
Hi mommies

Just to share.... My boy has mastered a new skill - Climbing. He is so good at it now that he can even climb up the bench, bed, sofa in the house... within a sec! And before I could grab my "weapon" or raised my voice at him, he is already standing on the bench, or whatever.. and smiling cheekily at me.. Then he will parade on the bench and start meddling with the windows ledge and pane. Luckily, my mum insisted me to install the window grills that time when my hosue was under reno.. even not it will be very dangerous..
Hi mummies, been a long time since i post. I couldn't post since last christmas, error in the page.

Viavian, Selina

Saw your studio photos in your facebook making mi guilty for not getting one for Max when he turned 1. No birthday celebration (cos my granny passed away) &amp; no present.


The latest trend in the forum now. After visiting a few, we decided on NTUC childcare. Abt $450 after subsidy. Couldn't put him in a good one if we want a 2nd kid.

Planning for a 2nd one now. Hope to get another OCT bb.


So sad i missed the gathering cos i couldn't get into the forum at all.
Hope to have another gathering soon.

Updates on Max:
Learning things fast (but only bad habits pick up fast), likes going to library (cos a lot of jie jie and kor kor there), stagnant weight since 1 yr, 12.7kg (are yours stagnant too?) but growing taller 82cm which means thinner now. Able to let us know if he wants to eat, drink milk and poos. Still training him to inform us before he pees (he always let us know after that). Super BAD TEMPER, even if we use cane to threaten, he will throw tantrum.

Some of his latest pics:



Hope ur friends are able to take it esp the mum. Part of me feels its time for the bb to go too since he's been fighting for so long finally can rest in peace but of cos would rather a miricle happen instead.

Glad jaslyn fine liao. Damien didn't develop fever at all actually he jus keep having a warm body on n off for 2 days then clear liao.....heng aah
Yah lor I also glad D took the jab well before CNY.....hehehe
Now got another BIG headache lor cos my cousin's wedding on fri. N I got nothing to wear....damn!!
N I ordered some maternity clothes from GAP before new yr n now I'm still waiting for them to come dunno in time anot.....arghhh
But even if come liao tummy not big or not small also dunno can fit in anot...hahaha

Last pic wat was he doing?? So cute....hahahaha
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> i think so bah but sometimes, they dun realise that by putting on a strong front we wont feel good either. personally i prefer to have someone to grief wif me as it helps me to recover faster. otherwise i will keep blaming myself for being useless etc n also feel lonely too. strange woman hor.
Personally, though w/o window grills look nice, but for safety purpose, no matter if there's kids at my home or not (cos I take into consideration friends and relatives' kids coming), I will get them install.
This is one of the impt point that I will take note if I'm looking for a nanny.

You may wanna check out Maternity Exchange for rental for the upcoming wedding dinner?

Maybe men think otherwise. They may scare that if they grief with women, may make women even harder to accept the fact.
Thanx for the link but I very yim jim 1....hehehe
Dun like 2nd hand things. Sigh jus pray n hope my clothes come tml lor. Else I sure curse n swear them liao ....hehehe
forum these few days very quiet hor.

ok i'm here at this hour cos i fell aslp while settling caleb n on his bed then woke to move to my own bed then now i cant slp anymore as my mind is super active, thinking of work and many other things. lucky later no need to work cos took full day time-off to attend my aunty's funeral later (she lost the battle with cancer on sunday). she really lost so much weight until beyond recognition. went to visit her once while she was in hospital sometime last year n if not for bunny being there, i wouldnt be able to recognise her at all. life is so fragile.
Dear Mummies...How I miss this thread.

Been really busy at work and home so no time to come in to chat, in fact I'm now slimmer than b4 wedding.Haiz, no rest.

Only manage to browse thru and saw the sad news. May the family stand up again and be blessed with happiness.

Char is still too afraid to walk on her own, only when she forgets, she'll stand up and walk around, the moment she's conscious of it, she quickly grab something or sit down. My inlaws had her fell a few times once from the high chair so she's now extra timid. She had her MMR jab a week ago,good thing no rxn. This gal is extra active and everyone at home is afraid that she's the hyper active kind who'll be rejected in school...I'm thinking of sending her to CC just below my Mum's blcok, either at 18mth or 24mth...no time to check out the school.

Wish all well and happiness...Hope to be able to log in again soon.
Morning ladies,

Me on course since tues and today last day liao.
Really glad that I went for the course as I get to learn a fantastic software, Adobe After Effects.
It can really produce fantastic video effects. Too bad, I only get to learn the basics.

So sad to hear abt the sad stories from CoolMum, Jenny and Selina. Sigh...
Well, maybe I share a happy news lah...
NOPE, I am NOT pregnant... haa...

Just that my cousin has given birth yesterday to a healthy baby girl, 2.355kg.
She had extreme tummy pain and diagnoised with pre-eclamsia during her 35wks and cervix opened to 2cm then. But baby wasn't even 2kg yet. So no choice was admitted to MAH and hospitalised for a week.
Jab her to hold the cervix opening as it is too early to give birth.
Finally after 1 week, she was allowed to go home but on tues during check up, her BP went up again and got no choice but to fast fast induce her.
12am put in pill, 4am contraction pain becomes intense, 7am took epidural,9am cervix 3cm open, 10+am 10cm open! 11.14am, baby arrived in 4 push.
So envy that the labour was so fast. Anyway this is her second girl.
I will be bringing my mum to visit her on sat so yeah, can see baby liao... hee... exciting hor...
The MMR Jab at 15 months

Hi mommies
May I know where all of you bring your toddler form the MMR jab at 15months?? Polyclinic or PD?
I understand that PD is charging abt $75 for the jab and poly is free.. whats the diff har??
FY closing soon mah. Most are busy during this period.
Yr aunt fighted bravely for the battle. Life is fragile.

So nice to see you here again

ha you still thinking of your long labour ah?

From what I know, compulsory jabs done at polyclinic is free, or charge at a min charge. They are heavily subsided by Govt.
PD usually charge more ex, you need to take acct of the PD consultation fee. Norm is $40-$60.
I got Jaslyn jab at GP, $35.
Caleb had his MMR at his regular PD on 5 jan. Dunno what's the difference cos i very lazy to check. just go back to PD for all his jab cos the records are there already. personally i'm not one to go check on such things cos i think children better to have regular doc who knows their history.

as for rxn, nothing so far.
hi mummies,

have not been posting. been quite biz at work, so sometimes can only read through. furthermore, been v tired till no mood to do anything. *sigh* really feel the difference between expecting tricia and #2.
now a bit regret doing my lasik, not sure whether it also contribute to my tiredness..

MMR jab
tricia has taken hers on wed. so far so gd... no fever..hopefully it will remain so even after a week.
btw, an update on her ht &amp; wt: she's 80cm (PD is saying she's a tall girl) and 12.2kg.

tricia finally want to walk. but not that steadily yet. her hands still need to stretched out, for balancing. but hor, this girl still dont know how to walk steadily, but sometimes reach her destintation, she will "chiong"...
hi mummies,
Just bought Alvis for his MMR jab. Discussed wif PD &amp; decide just take MMR jab. While 2nd dose pneumococcal will take together wif his 5 in 1 booster jab when he reach 18 mths.
Now he sleep. Hope he wun get fever.

Update on his ht &amp; wt:
84cm &amp; 10.2 kg.

PD suggest i give him fresh milk, cheese or yoghurt since he reject milk. Because he shld take 400ml min milk intake.
Congrats on Tricia start walking!
you still in 1st tri,right? Think when you reach 2nd tri, will b better ba..
rest more..

Alvis took all his jab wif his regular PD since his birth cos all his record there.
He will follow up everytime we went there.

Cheepo mommy even get a free tin of Gain IQ frm the nurse there. kekeke....
mummies who read the story.... not sure how the parents taking it now... just hope they will get over it soon. guess they will only get over it when they hv a healthy #2.

selina, sad to hear abt your aunt. i've been feeling really down with office politics. really feel like telling these pp, life is so short why not make it a happy one for everyone!

Gemini, rest more and look forward to 2nd trim. maybe count down will make u feel better?

KB also hv been taking all his jab fr his usual PD. But i think going forward will just bring him to GP cos waiting time at the PD's clinic was really long and exp.

Update on KB

1. Finally, today he is walking willing by himself!!! and he does that quite often. Really makes me very happy and throw away all the unhappiness in office. i find him walking quite ok, but he will still revert back to walking after few steps.

2. i add in cereal into his last milk feed and he slept thru the nites for a few nites. but after that he goes back to waking up 3-5am for milk again. sigh...

3. jenny, the in between size for diapers really a big headache man. remember i told u for EQ large i had to trim the sides and still tight? so i let him wear huggies L, but still abit too big. quite a few times his pee pee came out fr the side! hai....
hi mummies....

wana ask, any of ur tods getting super bad-tempered recently??? we dunno is it A getting teething pains again... we can see 2 teeth (on top beside his existing 4) juz coming out, can see white white liaoz... then his bottom inner gum very swollen n red leh... sometimes he'll let us apply e teething gel for him, but other times, juz simply refuse to open his mouth..
he's been very very very cranky this week.. small small thing will throw big big tantrum. then will cry for very very long time, until panting type... distraction doesnt work anymore..
and i thought if its teething pains, then its not fair/right for me to be "disciplining" him now too.... any advise pls?????

<font color="0000ff">walking</font>
A been walking for abt 1+ month liaoz... still showing no signs of "slowing down". he 'chiongs' everywhere... fall so many times liaoz (even once @ Punggol Park, fall until forehead bleeding cos abrasion).. still not scared n still chionging... then altho we r letting him walk all e time liaoz, he still will not sit down even tho' when he's tired n continue wanting to walk, leading to more falls.... *haiz*.. dunno when then he'll learn....
Aiyoh jus went to a horrible wedding dinner yest. Invite say start at 7.30pm but we reach nearly 8pm cos hubby came back late. N still had to sit there 9.30pm still haven start dinner.
So hungry man even though I had instant noodles at home cos I was hungry else I dunno how I can survive plus D can't sit still for so long me n my cousin keep bringing our kids to walk around outside.

My dress came in time but endup I wore my existing VS dress that hubby feels is too revealing.......hahahaha
I tell hubby after this birth dunno still can fit in anot so now still got it jus show lor....kekeke
Waste my time to go all the way to the post office to lug my parcels home with D somemore.

Now u can song yi kou qi liao since Tricia start walking but need to start chasing her already. Nemind lah ask ur hubby to chase lor......hehehe
Actually for me this pregnancy seems to be......*touchwood* better. N now in 2nd tri liao my MS already like nothing much n I didn't puke at all. Tiredness managable liao unless D cranky at night then I will be zombie.
But if carry D abit more still will backache lor. Jus dunno why I can keep on putting so much weight.....sigh
So hang in there lah while more only.

I think it might be teething. Cos the dracula teeths take very long to come out 1 won't come out in 1 shot.
But dicipline wise hor I believe even though he is teething still must exercise abit cannot totally lack cos later become his habit keep telling u his gums sore n he can do anything.
Walking wise hor D been walking since he 13mths leh but he still look abit like the bu dao wong.
Not zai like that sometimes will still topple 1 lor so until now he still doesn't really run cos cannot sure fly before he reach me 1 esp when he feeling sleepy.
sorry, have been v busy, so here's a quick one to reply some of the qns.

Joshua goes to Character Montesorri. He only went in last sep at 2 yrs 7 mths so taking school bus is no problem. The bus has seat belts and 1 booster seat for one of the younger kid. It all depends on your comfort level in letting A take the school bus. I've got a friend who let his son take the school bus when he started childcare at 18mths.

Did u pay a visit down to Character Montesorri yet? Josh is there. So far, i'm quite happy with the school, except for the fees. haha!

If you are looking for childcare around queenstown area, the popular ones (read expensive) are around alexandra road / gillman heights area. There's carpe diem at royal rd (quite a few expat kids) and Lorna Whiston at Winchester Rd (this one is ex, $1000 plus for full day programme). Try to do a search around that area instead.
hihi mommies

Recently, my boy has lost interest in his porridge.. He will spit out the porridge after a few mouthfuls.. He used to love porridge and will finish whatever we cooked for him.. I have been giving him porridge for lunch and dinner since he was 8 months.. mum said maybe he grew tired of it liao..

what shall I do??
Hi Karen,
You can try giving him some noodles? Rice with soup?

Hi Jenny,
Poor thing, must be very irritating cos all precious contacts &amp; photos are usually inside the phone.
But how do i search for a comprehensive list of childcare centres in queenstown? Goodness... cant afford to spend so much on R alone. i need to plan for #2 oso.
There r pre-schools in alexandra area? hopefully there is sch bus so tt my niece can attend same sch as R n they can both take sch bus tog.

wah really sway man.. hope aft the last time i lost my HP, u lock ur HP so whichever idiot tt picks up ur HP can 4get abt selling/using it.
Desiree looks so much like u leh......hehehe
She so vain somemore can pose aah.

Damien already outgrew my porridge liao....hehe
HE doesn't take my porridge anymore so I've stopped cooking for him for a long while. Think he's bored lah cos at my dad place if they cook normal porridge he will still eat.
Now I normally jus feed him abit of wat we r eating instead. Jus now I fried noodles for dinner n gave him a bowl to play with. That was the best dinner I had we finised our dinner n he was still busy playing n eating.....hahahaha
not sure if i am lucky or unlucky cos caleb still enjoys the porridge my dad cooks for him for lunch n dinner (same porridge for both meals cos cook together using slow cooker) but he also enjoys the food we eat.

never do any research on childcare but i am personally not in favour of those frequent by expat. my sis did her internship at eton house (frequent by expats too) while doing her dip in child development n she observed that those frequent by expats, the way they manage n handles the child very different from eg the centre my nephew n niece attends. too westernize to her comfort. i personally have some friends whose kids attends centres frequent by expats children n most (not all) like a 'brat'. but of course i also dun like those too cheena ones. troublesome me...

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> aiyo.

lucky not a single of pic inside my hp cos is a brand new one which I just bought a mth ago. Been lazy and busy to save inside haha. But I lost all my contacts cos I lazy to do backup.

I din lock for the convenience lor. Did a police report about 3 hrs after I lost it. So qiao, the uncle beside me also lost his hp, but he more sway than me, he din do police report and the idiot who took his hp, used it to call overseas and those 1900 calls, the bill was few hundred dollars.
I dunno where I lost it, cos went out for farewell lunch with colleagues. Then when reach destination, I took out my hp to check today's date to tear the carpark coupon lor. I realised my hp not with me when we reached the restaurant, and I tot was in car, went back couldn't find. Tried calling for 2 hrs, the phone was ringing, but no one answered. I even SMSed to my own phone to ask whoever picked up, pls return my SIM card will do. No reply, so bo pian lor, terminated my # and went to do a report.
