(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

1 week later? luckily A get his jab next week, 3 weeks b4 CNY. of course no fever is the best!
btw, i bought a pack of huggies ultra last week, already tried on A. not bad, can use for the whole night, quality same as pampers premium.

poor kim. I myself kanna constipation during pregnancy, i knew tat it's really uncomfortable. Hope she get well soon!
Nowsday A refuse water & milk, so i always monitor whether he poo or not. scare he kanna constipation.

such a handsome boy..i like the 1st pics. his smile so sweet & so happy.

ya she really very ke lian. see already also dunno what to do and cannot help her. She cry until voice also break down. She poo everyday soft soft one leh. dunno how come yday will suddenly constipated.

his smile is indeed very sweet. He loves taking photo? guess i can nv capture such smiles on kimmy lol
Huggies Ultra ok lah, except that I dun like that "piece of paper" at the side. When I try to wrap, always kena pull out by me. I tot I so rough, then realised my mum and hb also face the same issue. No wonder my mum dun like huggies ultra.
MMR Jab, the effect takes place 1 week later after the jab. So, usually (I said for mot cases) there shouldn't have any fever right after jab. If got fever, pls observe cos the fever is going to be a high type.

Try to give Kim some fruits and lots of water. Maybe she's too heaty.
hi mummies,

i think my postings have been on-off. been v tired and feeling down...
cos tricia is not sleeping well at nite. nowadays, she sleep at 11 pm plus, then can wake up in the middle of the nite 2 or 3 times. sometimes, she can wake up crying..
*sigh*....was telling my hb whether now the correct time to have #2. i'm really v afraid that i cant cope with another one who going to be as naughty as tricia.
forwarding on behalf for a friend...

De Character CNY Family makeover photography @ special rate $128 (U.P $300+). Include makeup, hairblow, 8 family shots, 1x8R with free frame and 4x2R to put inside your wallet. Max. 2 adults and 2 kids. Couple/buddy makeover @ only $99. Visit www.decharacter.com or call 63349477 for an appointment.
Tricia is not naughty lah. They go through different phases. K has also been waking up very often during the night. And the worse part is he refuses to go back to sleep after waking up. On Sunday night, he woke up 5 times between 12.40am to 1.20am. Thereafter, he woke up and cried big time until 2.10am before he was willing to sleep on my bed. Sleep on my bed still ok, he insisted on sleeping in such a strange position (carry him to sleep properly he will wake up wailing again) that hubby had to go sleep on the sofa that night. Between 2.10am to 5.45am when I usually have to wake up and get ready for work, he stirred a couple of times. Sigh... terrible for me. Didn't help that Monday was a super long day for me cos I had to attend a wedding dinner which lasted until 11.30pm!
hi pups,

sayang u. poor mummy. normally when tricia wake up, we give her water and after a while, she go back to sleep. nowadays, have been going into office even later than before, *sigh*...
really hope that they outgrow this phase v soon!
We still maintain reaching office at same time everyday but it can be quite siong lor. I can usually last through the day cos there is so much to do at work! But I really crash by the time I pick up K and go home. Then back to the trying cycle of making him sleep and all his night wakenings.

Oh dear. Remember to keep Kim hydrated ya?

Love the photo of Caleb sitting on the bamboo chair. Very nice
Hi Ladies,

Me started work yesterday liao... Sigh... super bad day to start so din come in here to spread my suay-ness.

Sorry for not able to join you all on Sat. After R's jab, he super cranky. Refused to nap and finally went to sleep liao, 30 mins and he came out of the room crying liao... whole day so tired... so sad that cannot join you all. Super miss all those gathering and babies...

Congrats! I also want girl girl!!! As for the flu jab, I also not too sure. Think better to reconfirm with your doctor lah. As for personal view, think me kiasi, dun think will jab myself if I preggie at that time, just to be safe lah. As for giving the flu jab to Megan, since you mentioned that she is quite exposed to flu virus often, think jab her lor. Actually I got consider giving R the flu jab too but he still got a lot other jab so will concentrate on the impt ones first. If the vaccines can really help her, think can give her lah, they cry a bit, very fast forget one... hee...

R just went for his MMR jab last sat and I have asked PD regarding giving him the prevenar with MMR ok or not. Actually she say both jabs might give fever so better separate them to be safe. Your prevenar jab is 2nd one somemore. This is the one that is the most painful. Think better to split them.

R also now sleeping ard 10+ to 11pm. Now me and hubby change our approach on his sleeping hours liao. Last time we force him to sleep early and sure end up cry cry cry one. And then we realised that nowadays, when we asked him whether he wants to sleep now, and he nodded, confirm he will KO in 5 mins time, WITHOUT CRYING OR FIGHTING. So we decided to give the control to him AS LONG AS it is not over 11pm. If after 11pm, he still not interested, hubby will bring him in the room liao. No choice lah, this boy follow my genes. I am a night Owl... hee...
Maybe Tricia either too tired or played too much in the daytime liao, so keep waking up in the night. R sometimes also like that. He also get thirsty easily so will wake up to drink water like Tricia. Dun worry, it will go away one. As pups has said, passing phase nia.
Dun think so much abt #2. You can do it... maybe #2 super guai leh.... cheer up ok...

poor Kimmy. Hope she is better now. Actually it is quite common to have diarrhae after constipation, even adults too. Dun worry too much. Rem to give her water to prevent dehydration.
Went for my checkup today n sigh.....BIG sigh of relieve lor.
Cos this D has been elbowing, pressing, lying on my tummy lor n gotta wait so long for this gynea appt then can see bb.
Lucky bb is well n very active. Gynea comment bb big n my edd pushed forward to 18 july liao.
Really tot won't feel much reaction for this bb cos #2 ma but when I saw bb jumping dancing around on screen really so happy n excited lor but this D jus blur blur stare nia think he dunno wat we asking him to see.....hahaha

Same here D took MMR on wed n till now *touchwood* no fever. The nurse tell me the fever for MMR will come only 3-6 days after jab so if dun have means dun have. I need to bring the van for servicing tml so hopefully he skip the fever this time lah....hehe
But I do realise D's body temp is slightly warmer these few days when he's tired so I must make sure he gets enough water n nap cos once he naps body temp back to normal liao.
Yah lor at least got 1 girl for me to play with ma. N I tell hubby home all males even my dog also male I bu ping heng leh.....hehe
Now I buy things also everything can buy lah cos got 2 bb using ma....wahahahha

All along at home D has been using L size n its still abit loose lor that's why that day I bought L again but who knows its tight leh.
So I have 3 packs of L but 1 pack diaper bigger then the other 2 packs. I never buy BIG before.

Dun think too much lah already preggy liao wat. Maybe Tricia can sense u preggy liao n she need time to adjust herself lor.
These few nights I also didn't have a good sleep cos my aircon spoilt n this poor D who even sweats when he sleeps in aircon keep tossing n turning lor didn't sleep well so poor me also cannot sleep.....sigh
Imagine lor he sleep infront of me facing the fan I'm not warm but his whole head is wet lor. Really BTh leh.
sorry couldnt make it on sat

Hope my 2nd one also princess like yours.

already email u the photos
thanks a lot
hi mummies...

u are all most welcome on my "open-house"... hehehe.. tis e only way i can "participate" in gatherings for now mah... A enjoyed himself very much too.. when hb brought him down to zzz, he fell asleep in his stroller immed.. muz hv been reli shagged out liaoz... no problem for those who miss it... i'll see if i can open-house another time before i go back to work or not.. else, can stil hold it during weekends nex time ar....
i notice during e gathering hor.. all e boys seem to b quite gentle except for mine leh... especially zac.. n all e rest interact with each other also.. except for mine... *haiz*.. seems like i'm raising a mini-antisocial-barbarian leh...

<font color="ff6000">mango</font>
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!!</font> u got ur wish for 2 princess liaoz... ur health better liaoz???
paiseh, i dunno anything abt vaccines.. but during pregnancy better not take e risk.. as for our toddlers, i'll give watever e PD recommend... also considering giving A the flu vaccine when he's 18mths, or 2yrs when i send him to those playgroup/childcare... but until now stil havent recce.. so no action yet...
on e cam, also no "action" yet.. most prob not for e time being lor... see how it goes before i consider tis again...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
paiseh i forever asking u for contacts for stuff... mind sharing with me e TCM u used to visit that's good??? my mum been coughing for ages liaoz.. its no longer infectious, juz irritating her... tried seeing western doc &amp; 1 chinese physician liaoz stil cant cure... so remembered u had a reli good TCM last time.. tot of bringing her there.... Thanks in advance!!!

<font color="ff6000">adeline</font>
is kim stil taking mamex gold?? i tot with their added "imunofortis" it was suppose to help with their digestive system or something like tat...?? mayb u can try giving kim some full-fat yogurt once in awhile, or cook oats for her meal.. it works for ayden if he never poo for 1 day, nex day we'll cook oats instead of porridge.. n usually he'll poo liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>
caleb's photoshoot soooo nice!!! at least he's smiling inside tat white basket... hehehe..

<font color="ff6000">gemini, pups</font>
ayden also went thru e same phase a few months back... waking few times everynite, n sometimes crying until very badly on occassions... PD recommended we cut down activities in e evening.. no games/activity to make him laugh too much, dont play too much.. it did help quite abit... now on top of all these, i bought tis "calming" and "overtired n cranky" bubble bath &amp; spritzer from california bb spree.. n use tis for his before sleep bath.. tink to some extent it helps a little too...
hope u all dont mind... i need to release some "stress" here again...

it seems like everything is not going too smoothly for me recently..
mayb part of it is e stress of coping with 2 such young kids..
Belle still refusing to take e bottle without waging a crying-war with my mum.. tis is making Ayden very "angry" n "moody" whenever she start..
then Belle's cries also disrupted Ayden's sleep => more cranky ayden...
office is rushing me to go back liaoz, been "throwing" tons of report asking me to do recently.. super sianz... but as long as belle not taking bottle, i cant go back... => stress on both ends...

my granny was hospitalised on sunday.. her condition quite bad, doctors say "critical" liaoz...
my dog also.. been diagnosed with heart problem....
everyday passing soooo quickly coping with e 2 kids at home.. wana go hospital visit my granny also difficult, cant bring belle there too...
wana go back my mum hse n see my dog more often also not possible...
im e very sentimental kind of person lor... im so scared of living in regret in future if i dont visit/see more of my granny &amp; my dog now.... but circumstances makes it sooo difficult... *haiz*....
Just a quick one before i crash into bed.

Don't stress yourself too much. we are not super-beings. Recognise and acknowledge our limits is the best way to cope with it now.

As for Belle's cries waking Ayden, how about letting them sleep in different rooms? I do that for emma and joshua so that they don't disturb each other.

as for cameras, i just found a simple and yet cheap way. If u have a webcam, can go to http://web1.homecamera.com/web/Home.do

It's currently free for now to use. Just install the software, hook up your webcam and then u can remotely log on from office to view snapshots / videos taken with ur web cam. Pic quality not v good lah, but that's better than nothing and very easy to setup.
Oh dear, there is so much going on for you now. But like what BBgrace says, don't stretch yourself too much. Whatever will be, you have done what you can under the particular circumstances and there is no regret ;)

Ya, we understand it is a phase. We have been careful all the while not to overstimulate him. And on days where he is really stimulated like attending gatherings in the evening and so on, he didn't behave differently from nights where he wasn't stimulated. So, we don't know what is going on also. Anyway, we will ride it out
**pat pat**
Usually preggie is like that. I'm also feeling very tired recently, no energy at all, and sleeping late + waking up early is doing no help.
Tricia might be cranky for the next few mths. Elders said cos the elder kid tend to know abt mother's pregnancy, so need more comfort etc. Just bear with it for the time being.
The makeover photography package sounds good, but no mood/time to go for one now.

aiya Kim so poor thing. You take care also. Recently like many sick cases.

You all very good liao. My 2 gals never sleep before 10.30pm one hor. Very bad routine cos my mum place, my siblings dun sleep early, not helping cos my bro working nite shift and on days he dun work, he's an owl!!! I tried and failed many times to make both sleep early like between 9.30 to 10pm. So, I gave up long ago. They will go to sleep when everyone at home sleeps with lights off. Sometimes hb and I slept le, they still playing. I no energy to go after them to make myself angry, so I just let them be. They will sleep when they feel like or when tired.

Yeap, so far so good hor **TOUCHWOOD**
Yes, their bodies will feel slightly warmer but is ok lor. Jolene didn't have fever when she had hers, so I'm crossing my fingers for Jaslyn (a week liao hor)

So far, I went to 3 TCM, one at Yishun, one at Bt Batok, another one at Clementi. Now, I stick to this weird uncle TCM at Bt Batok. He's really weird lor!!! But I still go to him haha cos his medicine works on me.
The other time my coughing, I seen the TCM at Clementi Ave 5 #01-143. Tel: 67770058. Is a medical hall just beside Emicakes, along the stretch where's the famos Botak Jones is.
I don't have the contacts for the Yishun and Bt Batok one. In fact, I have stopped going to Yishun one few years back cos of the long waiting hrs. Bt Batok one is at Blk 644, I dunno the unit cos I just followed my hb along. Anyway I think there's only 1 TCM there, it faces the road, along the stretch has a baby clinic.
It's not easy to handle 2 kids with close age gap. I separated the 2 gals when they slept in the early phrase. This is to prevent one from waking up from cries from the other one. Though I really dun like the idea to separate them, but no choice, cos adults will be very tired thr day and nite. So, for now, try to get some rest when the 2 sleeps.
jenny, are the two Js sleeping together now? I separate my boys leh cos they do wake up in the nite to cry or look for pacifiers sometimes. Even though they are sleeping on the different side of my bed, when one wake up, he will climb onto the bed and go over the other side to 'meet' his brother. If they start clapping and laughing.. leow. Morning i sure or-bak-kak. So usually I will only let them sleep together if I am not working the next day.
Take one thing at a time within your limits. we are not robots, we are just human being. Take a deep breathe whenever necessary to calm oneself down.

It's just a passing phase.. they will be fine after a while. most prob Tricia knows that she is going to be jie jie already, is their way to show their emotions.
D also like that, everynight she will cry with her eyes closed for nearly 1 hour. also dun know what happen. last night lagi worst, wake up at 4am refuse to sleep till 5am. We working parents jia liat lor.. next day still have to force ourselves to wake up. but this is part of parenting lor.

Glad that your little one is growing well. Desiree also like that, step on my tummy, sometime worry that how's the little one inside me.

Caleb looks so handsome in the photo shoot.. very cheerful boy. guess me gonna wait for my 2nd one then take together..
aiyo..i really jinx myself lel. just told u tat huggies ultra can last thru night. but Alvis got wet wet cos his diaper leak. OMG..i have to clean him n change everything. Think i din wear him properly..

Thanks for your effort to check with your PD abt take both jab.

yeah..i also worry since both jab will cause high fever. I think i mostly will let him take the MMR jab 1st then prevenar jab after cny ba..
How's Rhys now after took MMR jab?

I see. Then how? you still got 3 packs of L size but cant fit on D liao, right?
Have you know the gender of your #2 already?

Don't stress yourself too much! It's just a time being nia. Just think of very soon you will enjoy both of them playing together (xiang qing xiang ai)..

At least you got no problem going out with both gals at night.
I have to rush back to let A sleep when we attend wedding dinner last mths. bo bian, he kept make noise n rubs his eyes. at the end, my bro hav to ta bao food for us cos din eat enough..keke..
Yes, they are sleeping in the same room with me and hb. Till now, Jaslyn still sleeps in cot, the most is she wakes up and scream and yell at Jolene, then wake Jolene up, then both start playing.
Ya, the gals sleep late, so night outing is ok for us. But actually it is really a bad habit for them at such young age. They usually sleep after 11pm leh.
Actually Jolene wakes up early like 7am+. Most time, give her a bottle of milk and ask her go back to sleep.
She's in afternoon session, so she just need to be ready by 10.45am, sch bus comes to fetch her at 10.55am.
Intend to switch her to morning session perhaps next year or the year after when Jaslyn joins her in sch =P
try not to stress yourself too much. Take things one at a time. I understand abt having a baby can really affect a toddler. Coz when my sis's baby (3mths old) cries, Rhys also starts to fuss or wake up from his nap, and when Rhys cries, the baby sure wake up crying too. My mum and maid everyday also bth... keep complaining to me and my sis. No choice lah. Maybe as what bbgrace suggested, try separate them when they nap or sleep.
As for your grandma and dog, just try your best lah. With 2 kids, i know is not easy but just do whatever you can. Bad times will pass so jia you ok? Come here and fa xie also can... we are here for you.

Rhys now ok as normal after the MMR jab. Still monitoring for any fever. PD say fever may come within 10days after jab. But that day that he took the jab, super cranky lor. He din cry (for the first time) when he was jabbed but when reached home, refused to sleep and keep crying, wanted this and that and sometimes he dun even know what he wants... so that day was really tiring. After that was ok. Just hopefully no fever within these few days.
Poor Rhys also ke lian liao coz he is going for one jab every month. Next mth taking chickenpox, then following mth take prevenar 1st jab, then follow by 18mth compulsory jab, then lastly the prevenar last jab. Poor thing but no choice...
Hee... me finally went for a photoshoot for Rhys 2 weeks ago. Was tiring but fun. Haven collected the touch up version of the pix yet but I did managed to collect the raw files from the lady and did a bit of touch up myself. The pix are quite well taken so I do up some very quick and simple wallpapers (again...) hee...
Here are some of my favorites... dun scold me for bombing here with pix har... long time never post Rhys' pix liao.... hee...
1. Mummy and Rhys

2. Cool Rhys... machiam like CK model like that... haa... poster boy...

3. Bubbles! (Jenny... you wanted something like that for the girls rite?)

4. Cool Rocker Look...

5. Cheeky face...

6. Sitting on the bench...

7. Close up shot...
Hi Vivian,
rhys machiam like poster boy leh.. next time sure have model agency looks for him for ad.

you all make me so "gian" to go for photo shoot but now cannot lah, too fat.. must wait till i slim down after my #2
yeah...thye all so poor thing. have to take so many jabs. but luckily A took his chicken pox jab when he was 12mths, then 3 mths later take this MMR jab. not so xiong..

aiyo...very nice photoshoot.

tat's what i want..diff background, mine all white nia.
as usual , Rhys full of face expression.
told you liao, worth to take photoshoot, right? how abt your hb? rmbr you said he not keen on it, right?
WOW, lighten me up leh
Finally you had your studio pics ah. Ya, I wanna those bubbles theme but I want big big bubbles. Can't remember where I saw before, but is big big bubbles in black backdrop then can see the light reflection from the lights thr the bubbles, sort of reflects a handful of colourful lightings. But guess I won't do that liao. My bubble gun spoilt at BG on New Year's Eve and I threw it away

I like the font you used for Rhys, what font is that?
Well, I intend to schedule Jaslyn for her Chicken Pox Vaccine next mth, just few days before CNY. Then 1st Apr her last blooster jab, May for Hep A, then rest until 1st Oct for prevenar. That will finish the jabs for the time being. Is like that lah, better than last time, at least now got 5 in 1, 6 in 1 unlike last time monthly jab.

Never mind, wait for #2 then got excuse to do a nice family pic mah!!

Usually if you want different backdrops, you need to communicate with the photographer. If you din, they will just use 1 backdrop. I say they lazy.

CNY Buffet + Cake
Can I ask a qns one this? Anyone knows any catering service functions on 2nd day of CNY? And any cake shop will open? From my past experience on bakeries, seems that most close till few days after CNY then open for business and most times no cake cos the staff are mostly Msians, and they are back for CNY.
aiya..pregnant lady where got slim one?
u go to take maternity shoot lal..then can bring D along. then hor wait ur #2 going to 1 yr old, take family shoot together lol...tha't even nicer ...hehe

good idea hor?
ya lor..din know abt tat.
no more photoshoot unless i got #2 lol. wahahaha...
Are you planning for Jolene's bday? my col also celebrate his son 1st bday on cny 1st day. he get headache when think abt bday cake.
wow all the pix , ur boys look so handsome
i still keep shaving my boy's head, hahaha cos his hair grows too fast and perspire a lot
Ya lor... I'm having headache. Poor Jolene may not get a proper cake this year
I was all along thinking of getting a doraemon theme for her cos she loves doraemon so much.
My mum was suggesting to have her cake cutting on the 2nd day of CNY cos all relatives will gather at her place. I was telling her where got bakery shop opens??!! Then she told me can collect on eve and keep in fridge. So now, I need to check which bakery can do the cake and collect on eve. And since will be doing the celebration for Jolene, my mum suggest to cater, she's not going to cook to save hassle. So ok lor, I tot she was joking mah, so my sis and I were saying "ok lor, order Mac, KFC and Pizza". Who knows she said ok!! **faint**
at least 1st day CNY not so bad leh, your colleague can order and collect on eve and keep in fridge...
But your colleague no need go 拜年meh?
how abt those homebaker? Can request them to bake on eve or not.
I'm sure a lot of relative come to your hse on 2nd day, better order food form outside, save hassle to ask your mom cook. haha...
ya lor..my col said he will order one &amp; keep in fridge. think he celebrate with his close relative ba...
Alvis just got a Doremom plush toy frm his uncle but he dunno how to 'xing shang', just throw aside nia.
hee... thanks. You can always take pix when #2 is out. The more ppl the merrier! hee...

Thanks. The photographer only change 2 backdrop actually. 1 black for our white tees and 1 white for our black and red tees. The purple background for the bubble pix is actually his studio wall. He just turn all the lights to the facing wall and it becomes a nice backdrop. As for my hb, after hearing that it is not the ex, he say ok lor. hee... anyway i pay mah...

ic... big big bubble ah... must blow by ourselves one lor... siong leh... when the lady took out the bubble gun and started shooting the bubbles, Rhys was so shocked coz he never seen so many bubbles one shot shoot from a gun... hee... so the bubble pix hor, all blur and stunned look from him... until we managed to make him laff by being monkeys behind the camera... haa.... siong sia...
This is the one which he laff...

thanks. long time never see ted's pix liao. post some here leh...
Me finally waited for his hair to stay down and not stand stand type. So die die dun want to shave him liao. hee... but his hair getting long too lah. So maybe before CNY will go trim lor. This boy go cut hair is my nightmare... sigh...
Oh, Jenny, my relative already been ordering from Neogarden on CNY 1st day for 2 years liao. They even have yu sheng included. FYI.
As for cake, I not sure leh...
Am checking now lor! Sending emails and calling like mad woman now! What a bomb my mum gave me! I tot she joking hor!! In fact, I have planned for some ideas for the cake, looks like Jolene won't get her favourite doraemon cake this year!! My BIG mouth for throwing the jokes!!

The bubbles pic nice leh, you dun "gek" me can!!! Or post all the bubbles here to let me envy, quick!!
I dunno if I will be going for another studio pic, cos very siong and tiring!! But fun leh.
I check Neo Garden Website, nothing on CNY menu leh... you know how much? I just found a few, damn ex! I'm checking a home made one, not sure if she can do and I collect on eve. Called a few bakeries, they said I have to collect on eve and keep in fridge.
haa... he din take a lot of the bubbles one coz after a while, he dun want to stay in the "birdnest" chair liao. hee... want to tempt you further also cannot... haa...
I also agree that the studio shoot is siong and tiring lor, but fun. Me dun think will take again unless I can get a very good deal or I suddenly become very "miao diao"... haa.... see how lah...

I also not too sure abt the CNY menu leh. Nothing special actually lah but the price should be extremely "special" lor. Expected lah. CNY mah... wack and earn more money for them. I not very close to the relative (one year only see once in CNY) so can't find out much for you. Why dun you call them directly to find out better.
huh, only 2 bubbles? Aiya better than me none lah

Cos usually they schedule the bubble shots at the last session. Kids already cranky liao how to take nice shots!! There goes my bubbles pics BOO BOO BOO
I called Neo Garden and a few catering liao. Waiting for Neo Garden to email me. Anyway, the prices are really "SPECIAL" lor, 吓死人喔!
wow..your pics really make us so envy lel.

CNY babies really not easy hor.
when they born, hard to find CL, then when their bday, hard to get all the stuffs, expensive man...keke
the home made I'm checking, told me she can't do the cake for me to collect on CNY eve... sob sob sob... But luckily I have a backup now. Need to talk to ah lao tonite... if not wait my last backup also 没有了.
Now, I'm checking if I can book the homemade for 15th (actual day). I need to check with sch on the bday party arrangement. I hope in time to book her cos she said someone is checking on the same date!
Ya lor, learn my lesson liao, I'll ask my siblings and cousins never plan for bb born near CNY period or in fact near any special dates. Everything so ex! Anyway, I din plan for CNY bb hor, is Jolene who insisted to arrive early!!
got more than 2 bubble pix lah. hee... you sure you want to see them? haha... they are quite similar actually for some shots. Just some small expression changes nia.
Here's 2 more. You want me to make you envy one har... haa...
1. "Let me feel the force..."

2. Closer shot

hee... actually every photoshoot sure very nice one lah. Professional photographer, professional camera, professional lighting plus props, and of coz every babies are so cute in their own ways... so no need to envy mine... Alvis one also make me envy before mah...
hi muumies,

thks for your console. really hope that it's just a phase.

hi jenny/vivien,

the package that i posted v attractive, right? go for it lah. i know this friend personally, i have taken my IC fotos over at her studio before.
哈哈哈。。and also tell me tat better plan '水水' for #2. joking nia...
actually i prefer baby born early of year instead of end of the year lel.

I still love the montage u done for Alvis.

yea...plus nowsday very hard to capture them in nice shoot cos they keep moving.
thanks for your contact on decharacter. Actually I bot a package for my mum's 50th birthday makeover from them sometime ago. Not too bad. They are quite experienced in taking kids pix, from their samples pix they shown us. Really very nice. But I personally prefer those that can return all softcopy so that I can keep all pix rather than pick a few nicer ones and take hardcopy nia. Of coz cheap is one very impt factor. hee.. If want to buy the copies from them still need to add money so I din consider them last time. Anyway, me already taken liao... hee... so wun be taking again any soon... hee... thanks anyway.
You leh? Since is your friend, can get a better bargain mah... :p

hi mummies...

thanks for listening to my "lao sao".. tis my only "channel" to vent.. cos hb doesnt understand my position (its NOT his dog, nor his granny..) always stress me further by nagging at me not to neglect e 2 kids.. (as if i will lor)!!!

A &amp; belle are sleeping in seperate rooms at nite liaoz.. juz e daytime naps.. A sleeps in e playpen in e living rm... we've taken to "hiding" belle in e bedroom liaoz.. but stil will wake A up, cos he's a super light sleeper... bo pianz.. hoping for e day tat A will learn to "tune out" her cries, or become a deep sleeper...

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
thanks for e cam info.. my webcam is built-in to e laptop.. n very embarrassed to say, i've not learnt how to use it till now... i stil hv a couple more weeks at home, so monitoring closely before i decide again whether to install or not lor... helper does seem abit better after hubby spoke to her again last weekend.... think she's more afraid of my hb...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
thanks for e contacts n info... now tat i ask liaoz, my mum dont wana go.. say too far even tho i say i drive her there... *haiz*

<font color="ff6000">vivian</font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">NICE!!!!!</font></font>
esp e ones R looks soooo cool.. reli machiam CK model.. potential huh...

btw, which studio u went to???
