(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi Jasmine,
Feel so comforting when you say that statement, " where got pregnant women slim one" keke..Ya hor.. good idea hor but i dun dare to take maternity photo shoot, keekee, scare all the flaws are being shown.

Hi Jenny,vivian,
Will definitely go for it when #2 is older.

Hi Vivian,
Which studio did you go?

hi vivian,

have to "brainwash" my hb. he dun quite like to take fotos one...anyway, tricia has taken her foto shots at the "singaporemotherhood fair" last yr (v simple one), so i shld think if want to take, also have to wait till #2 is out...
i have taken my makeover before, v tiring one...so if ask me to take again, really have to consider...
back to Ayden ar... paiseh, i think i stay at home too long liaoz.. become "wen ti mummy" liaoz...

do u all let ur tods walk around e whole house??? how long did it take for them to "learn" that somethings are forbidden, n stop touching them???
currently A always wana walk around, but he stil not very "zhai", so when he's walking, some1 always gotto follow him around..
i close e bedrm doors to prevent him from wandering in, cos so many things for him to "itchy hand" with!
now even tho restricted to living, dining area, im still saying "NO" to him until im tired liaoz.. he keeps trying to touch e DVD player & SCV box.. pull his highchair tray, touch e standing fan, e rubbish bin, etc etc...

how about falling & knocking???
even tho i've already done my best "childproofing" e hse, we r stil quite scared that he'll fall n knock his head.. he was walking quite stably for a few days liaoz, but e problem with him is, he still insist on walking when he's tired... n he'll fall. he fell a few times these few days liaoz.. fall till whole body lie flat face-down n end up with "ba lu ku" on his forehead.. my mum super scared he fall backwards, cos she say cannot knock e back of e head... how badly hv ur tods fell before??

{daytime activities}
wat do they do/ wat do u let them do???
A's average day at home goes like this:

7+am wake up, breakfast
then my mum will let him watch TV Ch8 for awhile
9+am - go down for a walk/playground if weather permits. otherwise, stay at home & play in playyard/ walk around in e hse
10+am - milk & MAKE him take his nap..
wake up liaoz its "play time at home" again
1pm - lunch
TV time watching his "wheels on e bus" VDs and "playtime at home" or sometimes go downstairs for another walk
4+pm - milk & nap time again
Playtime and/or TV
6pm - sometimes go downstairs for another walk while waiting for whoever to come home..
7pm - dinner
playtime n watching watever we r watching on TV
9+pm - milk & bedtime..

his "playtime" = playing with some toys/ books in his playyard.. either my mum/maid will stay in e playyard & sing / read to him then he'll stay there...
when out of e playyard, his "playtime" while we let him walk around e house = throwing his toy ball/cube/watever "far far away".. then walk (or rather chiong) to retrieve it... then throw again.. (machiam doggy playing throw-n-fetch)

while i understand play is most impt to our tods at tis "age"... but i find his day like very "boring" like tat... so curious how are ur tods spending their days???
<font color="ff6000">delphine</font>
aiyooo.. pregnant is e time we can be FAT without apologies... why dont take maternity PS?? i did it for both pregnancy... and i gained SO MUCH weight for both somemore... its very memorable now tat i look at those photos..
few days ago kim just fall on the back of her head. Cause she overly tired and insist on walking then fall lor. She fall quite a few times already. When she sleepy she will fall more =/ but hard to stop them i think.

nice shots leh! where did u take them huh?

Eh i would like to chk. Cause #2 coming out in March and i'm planning to put kim in childcare in May. What do u think?
Good choice? CAuse i afraid kim will thought that younger sister is here and we dont want her. but i plan to put her in is cause i dun wanna tire my aunty out.
You made me envy of the bubbles pics!!

Ya, package is attractive but my hb isn't keen to go for another package now cos he said the gals look din change much. Perhaps wait till Jaslyn is older but me not keen to take liao cos not cute le.

Me too leh, I also prefer early year kids... I actually wanna plan for Nov bb cos hb's bday in Nov, but I blur lah, calculate sala haha. Never mind lah, more excuses for celebrations.

Dun say your mum complain far. Me also feel far for you to travel leh.
Hmm my gals have all the freedom to walk everywhere. I used to restrict out of bounds for kitchen and toilet, but no more liao. Sometimes let them touch touch something for a little hurt is a lesson to them to stay far from dangerous stuff. Ayden is at the age to explore, not notti or itchy hands lah.
Jaslyn had very bad fall before, not once but many times. My mum said her head is like iron head, fall so many times going to rot liao. We are used to it liao.

Jaslyn's usual days at my mum place goes like this:

7am+ wake up, bath, sometimes got milk
8.30-9.30am go coffeeshop for breakfast
10.45am company jie jie to wait sch bus then go back for nap + milk
1pm lunch then playtime + TV etc (her free time)
2.30pm go downstair play and wait for jie jie
3pm nap + milk
4pm bath + dinner
5pm go downstair play
6pm playtime + TV etc (her free time)
8pm milk + wipe body and change clothings
10-11pm sleep

At home on weekends, no routine one lah, cos we usually go gai gai.

I would advise you to start Kim earlier for CC if you have the intention. Dun wait till after #2 arrives. You will have a hard time adjusting yourself. And having #2 around, Kim may feel adults dun care for her.
Starz, my boys' schedule almost the same. This is the reason why I want to put them in cc/ playgrp when they are 18mths. Let them mix with other children, learn more things. The con is not unfamiliar.. fall ill more frequently *choy* I will probably start them with 3 hrs or half day session first. Fyi, my boys fight with each other quite alot esp my elder one, always bullies the younger one. I hope both will learn to socialise with other kids.
<font color="ff6000">adeline</font>
aiyoo... kim fall is e "slow motion" type, or hit hard hard 1... dunno leh, my mum keep telling me fall in front nevermind, dont let him hit e back of his head...
i think if u wan, either start kim in childcare earlier, or much much later... cos i think, from wat i observe of A, he does feel neglected when e adults show attention to belle... he'll start throwing his own tantrum / do somethings to get our attention too... dont let kim feel tat meimei come liaoz, tats y she gotto go childcare...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
hehehe... i know they r curious n exploring n learning abt all e "new" stuff... but after telling him for e millionth time NOT to touch e DVD player.. can get quite pek chek 1 lor.. or else e thing wld be reli TOO dangerous, i.e. our standing fan (which has metal blades).. tis one will lose fingers 1 leh... how to let him "try" n learn from e pain??? my hse reli not safe leh...

<font color="ff6000">jlyn</font>
at least ur boys got each other to interact with... tat day during e gathering @ my plc, A almost completely ignored all e rest, unless its to snatch back a toy... or to get a piece of biscuit... other than that, e other tods at my place are like completely invisible to him.. he juz go about playing his own game, walking his own way....
im also afraid tat he'll fall sick more often in cc/playgrp... so trying to finish all his jabs.. mayb consider a flu jab juz b4 starting him lor...

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
can i ask where u send J to?? i rem u say dont wana post here... can email to me pls??? can i also ask, u mention J takes e school bus... how old was he when he started taking e school bus?? does e sch bus come with seatbelts on all e seats? otherwise how the "auntie" look after so many tods in e bus??? my A still not listening to instructions leh... dunno how to put him on a sch bus if need to....
<font color="0000ff">gemini</font> think is passing phase. caleb has gotten so used to sleeping ard 8+ 9pm. that once changed into pj, he will grab his bobo, go give everyone else at home big hug n kiss then follow me to room for his nite feed n to slp. m glad he is so used to this routine even on wkends.

<font color="0000ff">starz</font> Caleb has all the freedom at home. firstly he doesnt like to be locked in so even with the play yard, i told you the door part was removed to aid him moving in n out.

he get access to all the rooms. he touches my mum's computer mouse, keyboards, my dad's back scratchy in the bed room, climb up n down my mum's bed etc. the only place OB to him is toilet n kitchen. bro's dog is in the kitchen n we have a gate to prevent the dog from coming out. toilet wise we will tell him NO n if he still tries to go in, we will smack his feet so after zillion times, he knows he cant go in but at times he still tries his luck lah.

i share the same belief as jenny in allowing them to explore. they need to learn that fire is hot, ice is cold etc. only way to learn is for them to feel n touch. of course all within our watchful eyes.

we nv follow caleb everywhere ard the house. if we dont hear or see him, we will shout for him n most time, he will respond by running out of where ever he is unless he is super engrossed with whatever he got in his hands. it is only than we will go check him out.

to be frank, both my mum's hse n my place in punggol super child unfriendly but caleb has learnt that when he bends down to pick something under the dinning table, he has to crawl out first or risk hitting his head against the table which he did many time before.

he has had a couple of bad falls on the back of his head. both times cos the floor was a lil damp after my dad mops it n this boy just move too fast for us to react to stop him thus he slipped n fell on the back of his head. like cartoon cos we literally see both his legs lifted up from the ground n he lands. now everytime we tell him floor wet wet, he will start to walk very slowly n cautiously even when we are holding his hands.

his daily activities at home think more boring than Ayden lor

8am - wake up, drink some water than breakfast n watch his vcds or dvds
9am - shower n play time (running ard at home, messing up the house, bringing out all his shoes n wear ard the house, play golf n basketball or soccer, reading with my mum)
10.30am - morning nap
12noon - wake up
12.30pm - lunch followed with playtime again
2.30pm - afternoon nap
4.30pm - wake up n playtime again
5.00pm - shower
5.30pm - dinner
6.00pm - downstairs for some soccer n slides n jogging
8.30pm - shower prepare for bed

as along as he is not asleep, he will be running ard the house doing things he likes. he has been trained to not enter the rooms when they are dark so night time, to prevent him from entering the room, we switch off the lights n he wont enter anymore. so we have less place to monitor him... lazy lah cos tired after a day's work i have no more energy to run after him.
I have that "overtired n cranky bb" bubble bath n spritzer too seems to help a bit.....hehe
I also use the sleep balm from Badger when he keeps waking helps sometimes too.
N ummmmm Damien is consider 'gentle' meh. U never hear him scream aah??.....hahahhaa

Oh dear so many things happen in so short time.....sigh
No choice lah take things 1 day at a time lah dun rush urself must still relax abit else too stress later no milk aah.

YAP Passed 1 week liao yippeeee........hehehhe
Heng aah cos fri my unit kanna power down cos they changing electrical wire so I die die must go out......hahahha

Same here intending to wait till tummy big enough n take family n maternity photo together.....hehe
But then I already look so fat now leh dunno if I will still wanna take when tummy is big enough....haha

I still have 1 pack which is bigger L size can wear 1 pack L open liao which is tight and the other L tight 1 I will go back NTUC to change to BIG lor.
SO far gynea scan the leg open big big but dun see anything sticking out lah so cross fingers nothing grows there lor.....hahaha
Cos that time for D also scan see nothing but detail scan got lor....hahaha

U have to let ur tod walk around the whole hse(as if we can stop them) n even if they know the thing is forbidden they will still touch!!! That's why they are toddlers.
EVen now D finally knows I mean it when I tell I will beat him if he touch something but I need to stand right beside him then it will take effect n he will move away but my dog's drinking water wise I definately have to beat his hand before he is willing to move away 'slightly' n trying again a few secs later.
Although D quite 'zai' with his walking liao he will still 'ma bok' sometimes lor. Esp when he's running away from me.
N talking about baluku hor D jus had a fall on the back of his head yest n got 1 very BIG baluku. N few weeks before he played with the FM tin n when I took it away from him he fa pi qi n lie back hit his head against my metal book end n got 1 small n powerful baluku on the top of the head plus a deep cut on his thumb on the FM tin.
Jialat hor the blood is still on my bedsheet.....sigh
Sometimes no matter how u prevent accidents will still happen lor esp with active toddlers so jus be more careful lah cos they at this itchy hand stage now.

I also think D's time at home very boring. Somemore he only naps AT MOST 1 time. Mostly I jus bring him down for alittle walk when I buy our breakfast then we'll go back home to eat our breakfast n watch some TV on kidscentral. When he's bored he will walk around the hse throwing things to the floor, playing with his toys, or if he plays with his books I will try to read to him abit.
Sometimes too bored I will bring him to NTUC for a walk or else he will be playign around at home n waiting for his Papa to come home at the door everytime my dog barks.
Now I'm in the precess of teaching him to keep things so now that he understands when I ask him to 'put it back' he got more things to do lor walking to n fro......hehehe
When I tell D the floor is wet he will walk VERY VERY small steps n will be sort of crying as he walks........hahahha
He's so scared he will fall he sometimes will jus stop there n scream/cry for me to fetch him.
<font color="0000ff">dor</font> haha... so cute. caleb will take small n very cautious steps even when i holding both his hands.

just today my mum told me he knows how n where to throw his soiled diaper. mum asked him to throw his smelly n he picked it up, brought it to the room n threw the diaper into the bin. his dirty clothes if we leave on the floor, he will pick it up n put inside the laundry bag. they really learn at an amazing stage right now hor.
dun fancy ice cream cake. hee so happy, confirmed my order for 15th Feb and Jolene will gets her doraemon cupcakes for sch keke...

Keep away yr standing fan. I never like standing fan at home where there are kids ard cos of the blades and also the danger of the standing fan falling when kids go and do "pole dancing". Get those that mount on wall, safer. Even if you get those cover to cover the fan, I feel it still doesn't help cos if kids go and play with the fan, it will falls.
No need to worry abt interaction, when belle is older, ayden will share.
Toilet is the place I dunno repeat how many times not to go in, but Jaslyn feels I'm unfair to her, why Jolene can go in as she wishes and Jaslyn can't. She loves to step up to the stool and reach the washing basin, and pretend washing her hands like what jie jie does. I caned her she also not afraid...

Jaslyn has the same freedom as Caleb. We also din follow her, just her run and mess the whole house until she goes sleep, then I start cleaning.
talkign abt throwing, whatever in Jaslyn's hands, go into the washer, you know those 1/2 automatic washing machine? My mum's place used that. Last time mum taught Jaslyn to throw her dirty clothes into washer, so practically, anything she got, she went to throw into washer. There's once w/o my mum's knowledge, this gal went to play with her diapers and took out a lot from drawer. The next time, my mum said she said a big fat "pillow" in washer. Jaslyn went to throw a clean diaper into washer lor, then you got to see how much it ballooned up when contact in water hahaha...

Jaslyn had a slight fever last nite, and she was listless for the whole day. Hope she's ok today, later gonna call home to check.

Then you shld take family PS together with your #2 when she older.

Alvis' schedule almost same as Ayden, only A take 1 nap nia so most of time he is awake. But lickily he got a 'personal' babysitter aka his grandpa to accompany him. morning &amp; evening he will place him in tricycle and walk ard our housing estate.
But my hse very child unfriendly, so we still use play yard to restict him. of course he will scream n crying but no choice..but once i free, i will let him explore ard But follow behind him..

I bought fan cover for all the standing fan but tell you hor, no use de. cos A can go behind (din cover) n touch it.

Doremon cupcake must b very nice de..must share wif us the pics hor.
I'm sure those kids must b bu she de to eat the cute cupcake.
Keke.. ya lor, can eat without gulit. the only reason i like about prgnant.
ya... agreed with most mummies here to let your kid explore more of cos with supervision.
Desiree also like to on/off the tv and usually if i am watching the program, she would not dare to do it(hehe, beaten her for a few times liao for switching off my fav tv program).

Anyway, i believe once they got bored they will walk away and find new staff to play.

As for activities, during weekdays where she is at my SIL house, she will have her cousins to play. For weekends, either, sleep, eat, watch tv or go gai gai.. quite boring also..

Dor Dor,
Ya lor, for #2 think our tummy are more abovious as compare to #1 since it has already been stretched.
hmm.. now am tempted to go photo shoot with my big big tummy.
I'm excited but gotta wait till mid of next mth then get to see. Next week shall make a trip to bakery to check out design for 2nd day of CNY.
thanks for e advise... looks like i gotto convince both my mum &amp; hb tats its alrite to let A fall/get knocks... then let him "roam free" lah... hehehehe...

any mummies interested to catch the coming Disney on Ice in march 08?
i have the email for 10%. PM me and i will forward to you the mail
Hi ladies!!!

Me here again :p

CY like most bbs here will walk around the house tearing it apart. i usually dun stop him unless it is something dangerous (like electric points, but even that has protectors attached). He has fallen a few times, usually backwards. he even fell and hit the chair before hitting the floor once. scare me

i usually feel quite safe coz CY is very cautious. it's his temperament. he will not even walk over the grate on drains.think he thinks he will fall through it
Photoshoot Studio
We took the studio shots from Funshotz.
Here's the link to their biz thread in forum.
The studio is in Arab St. Small and cosy. The lady in charge, Cindy is very nice.
She even deliver the raw pic to my place the next day as I requested for it.
Too bad they already changed their package details. Now they dun include the 5R size photobook in the package.
Instead, is 3 8R hardcopy instead. But all softcopies are still returned in CD-ROM.
Their website is http://www.funshotz.blogspot.com

true lah, studio shoot very tiring, esp. when we need to act like monkeys just to make these kids smile. siong... hee

walking ard the house
Rhys is free to roam ard the house except for 2 places, kitchen and toilet. R sometimes will scared of dark places so usually at night we will close the kitchen door and off the room lights when we are all in the living rm. So he usually will stay in the hall with us where his toys are, if he wants to get his books in his room, he will come to either of us, grab our finger and pull us to accompany him to the room and get whatever he wants. We never follow him at all. More of he follow us leh. hee..
As for forbidden things like dvd player, fan etc, we just say NO and warn him. Most of the time he will listen but FAN! He just simply LOVED the fan so much that we got to go and pull him away from there lor. Beat also no use. The rest, as long as it is not dangerous, we just monitor. This boy also loves to off the tv and RUN away from it. We got to ask him to on it back and he will do so. Like that also fun to him... bth... If saying NO dun work, just distract him with other things, usually will work for kids.
falling and knocking
R also falls easily when he is tired. We can't do much. His play area in the hall at my mum's place has playmat so ok. The other places cannot help liao. Actually falling and knocking is part and parcel of walking stage so sure have one. To me, it is only when they fall, then they know how to pick themselves up on their own. Of coz fall until very jialat also cannot lah. But somethings just cannot help. Things like covering sharp pointed furnitures, covering power points we can do but we can't possibly put mats for the whole place, right? Just do what you can.
So far, R's worst fall is the one he kena the edge of the door at my sis's house. Big big baluku on the forehead with "harry potter's scar". Stays for 1 week. Heng he ok, just cry at first and after that, play with the ice that we used it to put on his baluku liao. Distraction does work for R... bth...
R also similar to A. Except my maid and mum seldom read to him. Now he glued to the Wheels on the Bus DVD. One day must see more than 3 times, otherwise, will cry the whole house down.... sigh... only when he reached home then we read to him.

haa...your "pole dancing" sounds so familiar... haa...
Hope Jas is feeling better today.
Sian lor we still so happy pass 1 week liao but D also feels a bit warm from morning. Now I let him nap n monitor. But dunno is it kanna other virus leh. Cos I very lack of sleep n seem to be falling sick also....sigh

Yah lah jus supervise Ayden when he walks lor cos he also need to learn how to stand up on his own then he will walk more stable.

Yah man tell me about the eating without guilt part....hahaha
I waiting for the part when my appitiate comes back then I can jus eat n eat liao....hahaa

Talking about tummy hor. Jus yest I was complaining to hubby lah. NOBODY knows about my pregnancy leh in our family. I mean I gained 2 kg in 1 mth leh n I see my family n inlaw like once or twice a week only. After D I was back to pre preg weight liao n no tummy now got tummy n put on weight nobody suspect ANYTHING meh??
I even hint to my mum until I sian liao I told hubby I not gonna tell her liao. If she dun wanna ask I dun bother also. Outsider 1 look can know I'm carrying #2 leh my mum see me 1 a week can't tell aah.
Only today finally my MIL called my hubby n say she saw me bring D downstairs n say she saw my tummy ask him if I'm pregnant. But I think more like 1 of the shop owners tell her 1 cos jus now the lady still gege look at D's shoes. Cos I sling D sideways so his feet on my tummy. D wear the same shoes everyday lor the lady can suddenly ask very weirdly Ohhh he can wear shoes aah. Bo liao.
Received, thanks!

you used the right word "monkeys"!
There's a few times Jaslyn had some knocks and falls, very bad kind till baluki popped out and blue black some more. Xia Si my mum. Took a week before the swell goes off.

Is Damien still feeling warm? If is just warm body, then is ok. Jaslyn had slight fever last nite, fed her some medicine. My mum was saying Jaslyn so restless for the whole day yday. Today she like "dragon" liao.

Haha.. that auntie must be guilty of something, thats why talked rubbish.
you mean your mum still dun know?? but she should be able to see right?
Thanks.. cause i guess early march i'll be deliverying. if go into CC now cannot get slot. i want her to go cherie house at upper serangoon/kovan area bt it's packed already. So they told me either May/june or next year jan. My aunty told me May put her in and let her know time to go to school. At the same time i scared she and the younger one not close also if they seperated.

Sometimes i just turn my head and kim down there crying liao lol!.. mostly is soft soft type cause she knows how to prevent herself from falling hard. We saw her using her hands like put in front of her before she fall but she cry to sai nai only.
if A and belle together A already feel negleceted. I cant imagine how kim will feel. Moreover she is those that require alot attention and very bad tempered. My aunty carry other kids, she not happy and will beat my aunty or the other children. Thats what i am worry about lor. Later she beat her own mei mei how.

huh why so funny one. Or they know but didnt want to say anything only? If not sure can tell ma.. They can possibly be thinking u put on weight tats why tummy so big right?

Now when we wanna go get, we tell kim gai gai already.. she will say 'gai gai'.. walk to the shoe rack, take her shoe and sit on ur lap ask u wear for her -_- after wearing she must IMMEDIATELY get out of house if not she will tear the house down. Now everyone go out she also want to follow. Jia lat..
He still warm warm leh temp 37 nia. But still active lah now calling Papa liao I gotta bring him down to fetch Papa home already.

My parents not so pantang 1 lah anyway my preg for D 6weeks only the whole market opp knows liao lor. Lucky that time I dun go downstairs 1.
I put on weight is the very kong bu kind lor think so far maybe put on 3-4 kg liao. Actually jus preggy my sis suspect liao but I dun wanna say then till now more obvious right.
I actually told my mum once "This time also put on so much weight so fast" but she still ignore it lor. So I sian liao tell hubby I not going to tell them already. If they not bothered to ask I dun bother telling also. ANyway by CNY confirm will show liao ma......haha

D also now ppl go out he also wanna follow he will jus stand there n cry lor. Or postman come I pick the things liao close door he dun allow me to close lor cos he never go out jus stand there cry lor.

I feel can see lor abit of tummy when I wear clothes but dunno why my mum cannot see leh. My inlaws I attribute it to they "only have eyes for D no use for DIL unless she is having grandkids" syndrome...hahaha
hi dor,

lol at your statement "only have eyes for D no use for DIL unless she is having grandkids" syndrome. u can even think of this...

talking of tummy, when i was abt 6 wks plus, my neighbours keep on asking me whether i'm preggie with #2, cos they say that my tummy along was flat, then they saw me again, my tummy slightly bigger already... aiyo, i was jokingly telling them at that time, i have grown fat with a tummy.... but then not sure whether my colleague can see that i'm preggie or not...
maybe it's the types of clothes u wear, slightly tight ones, can see my tummy now, so that why now i've left with not too type clothes to wear...

wah, u put on weight, l lost about 500g within 2 wks. tell me how u do it leh, cos i thought i saw u post that u not much appetite? me definitely not much appetite to eat.

hi adeline,

cherie house! that was 1 one of my choice too, but it's a bit too far for me
<font color="ff6000">adeline</font>,
think u hv to be "mentally prepared" to some extent bah... A at times can be very loving to his meimei, like tis afternoon, meimei crying (cos we still trying to get her to drink from botl).. A was roaming ard e hse.. he walk to meimei, sayang her leg.. when i told him "meimei hungry, wan milk milk...", he went to look for my mum (cos only my mum was doing e botl feeding) n went "eh eh eh"... as if telling her to go n feed meimei... tat was reli heartwarming...
but other times, if meimei cry... A might throw watever toy he was holding in her direction too! tat had happen a few times liaoz, luckily we kept all e "heavier" toys in e playyard, n only allow him to play those light toys outside... but we always got to watch him closely in case he hurt meimei unintentionally too lor...
but then again, kim afterall still a girlgirl mah... mayb she'll be more sisterly like Jolene.. be possesive of her lil sis too..

u done ur research on CC/playgrp liaoz n chosen cherie hse??? can share wat u find good abt cherie hse? cos its near enuf for me, can consider... do they only have CC or hv those few hrs kind of playgrp??? thanks in advance for sharing!
Jaslyn also same pattern as Kim when she knows we are going gai gai.
Since after you preggie, do you tell Kim that she's going to be jie jie, and tell her there's a mei mei in yr tummy, ask her sayang etc? I was a bit worried at first when preggie with Jaslyn. Told Jolene abt mei mei, she like 似懂非懂 like that. But things not so bad after Jaslyn arrived. Just that Jolene super anxious with mei mei, a bit gek gek from Jaslyn, Jolene would run over and tried to sayang mei mei, hence the playpen will like shaking. Jaslyn got frightened by this act. In the end, we need to separate the 2 sisters for a period of time. And we let Jolene carried mei mei occasionally. Can really see she really sayang and dote her mei mei, and proud being a jie jie. Show you a pic of Jolene carried mei mei later.

Jaslyn's highest temp is 37.6, considered fever liao, but after taking medicine, it dropped. I think temp is ard 37. Monitor, if temp still dun drop, maybe bring Damien to see PD.
Think your mum is waiting for you to tell her the news herself bah. She may scare you not happy if she asks?

1st trimester MS bah, some preggies will lose some weight. Is common. After that the weight will increase liao. Usually for 2nd time MTBs, very fast tummy will show out. I think ppl around me started to ask when I was 6,7 weeks preggie with Jaslyn.

Talking about CC, Playgroup... Suddenly came to my mind, our little ones are due for Pre-Nursery in Year 2009. Very fast hor??!!
This is the 1st time Jolene carried Jaslyn when she visited us after my delivery. It's very heartwarming for me when I saw these pics as it reminded me the scene.
I think dun worry too much. Kim will be around Jolene's age when she's an elder sis.
Ya that photo Jolene so sweet hehee..
Cause by the time I give birth, kim only 16mths. I scared she don’t understand.

I’m going down to have a look next week. Spoke to the branch director, she’s very friendly lor. I will update u once I go down ok? But I heard from the other staff that the branch at kovan is always pack. Very hard to get in. However, the director say if I really interested, I can book 1st.
Initially I wanted to place her in bubblehouse cc which is just beneath my house. But I went there, all china people looking after and like not very friendly lor. The kids there also quite rough and they don’t stop them. Though it’s near and convenient but I think better not. Montesorri is too ex.
I wanna try carpe diem at punggol but heard it’s towards high end side. They have swimming pool also. But after work I go there pick kim also difficult.
Next is NTUC child care. Also near my place.. so if cherie hearts kim cannot get in, most prob is ntuc cc lor. But I have yet to go down and have a look.
hi jenny,

the pic very wen xin and sweet!
hopefully, by the time #2 come out, tricia will be like jolene, know how to sayang baby...

hi starz/adeline,

my friend did put her boy at the cherie house at upper serangoon. think should be not bad.. sidetrack a bit....it should be last yr, there was a program on Ch 8, i think looking for the best childcare teacher, 1 teacher from cherie house took part in it.
as for carpe diem, will be checking it out tomorrow. i know that carpe diem got provide transport for the kids.
Hello mummies, i am oso researching on pre-school/nurseries now. Actually it din occurred to me to start looking now until a fren reminded me to start registering coz she had delayed the registration for her daughter, and now she has to attend at one tt is furthur away from her home. So if any of u r researching, pls keep me in the loop. And i haven made up my mind whether to search for one near my own place or my mum's.

I saw this pix b4 and i think though Jolene was barely 2 yrs old then, she really know how to sayang mei mei &amp; looked like da jie jie.
and Jaslyn looked like a giant baby when Jolene carried her. keke

I heard 2nd time pregnancies, the tummies show earlier. tt time mine showed only aft 18 wks. i cld still fit into most of my pre-preg clothes then. not much ppl cld tell i was preggy. u dun intend to tell ur boss or colleagues abt this gd news yet?
Dun give yourself too much pressure. You should spend more time with Kim now, cos after #2 arrives hor, not much chance liao.
Jolene was 19mths then, also dun understand, we just kept telling her. Got chance, expose Kim to more kids and bbs. I feel that siblings sure will dote each other one. This moment quarrel, next moment ok liao.
The best thing that Jolene did (not sure if she understands then). When I was in contraction pain, waiting for time to admit to hospital for delivery at my mum's place, Jolene would on and off ran into the room to "talk" to me. I dunno what she's trying to say cos she's a late talker. She just "talked" something which I dun understand to me, but her actions was like, sayang my tummy, then bend a bit to "talk" to me. I thinked she was trying to tell mei mei dun be notti to make mummy pain pain something like that. It moved me to tears, and I felt the pain was worth!
Actually after my delivery, while still in labour room, I was worried if Jolene would be angry or sad when she first saw Jaslyn, or rather how come Mummy's big tummy suddenly no more. I waited for the moment, when my mum brought her to hospital to visit me. She pushed the door in, the first thing from her mouth was "Hello Mummy" with a BIG smile. My heart melted. My sis led Jolene to see Jaslyn, told her was her mei mei etc. Jolene got so excited and started to "tell" everyone. Then hor, she hecked care me liao lor. In her eyes, mummy no longer exist, only mei mei. She carried her and refused to let anyone touched mei mei.

Vivian, Gemini,
My pretty sweet gal now is a rascal! I missed that period!!

Ya, a series of pics, was searching to show Adeline, and saw those "old" pics, bring back a lot of memories haha... so fast our little ones 1+ liao. Remember I told you b4, we were all surprised by the way Jolene carried Jaslyn that time. That's her first time carrying a bb, somemore a 4hrs newborn bb!
hi crystalised,

i also hear abt 2nd time mummies tummy will show earlier, indeed it's true for me loh. now me 9 wks plus, cant fit into most of my pre-preggie clothes already. while with tricia, i only started wearing maternity clothes when i about 4 mths plus...

only my team leader knows, my boss is in sydney, so will wait for team call, then tell him. the rest of the colleagues, wait till after my 1st tri. they will definitely know when i start wearing maternity clothes...

hi jenny,

ya loh, the baby that i was carrying in my arms 1 yr ago also have become a little tyrant!
Aiyo jenny,

the pic so sweet.. and jolene already know how to carry a new born. peifu peifu..
Some adults dun even dares to carry new born bb cos they say very fragil, indeed they are.
my mum has been taking care of a girl who is in carpe diem in punggol. They do have school bus coz the centre location is quite inside of punggol end. Unless got car, otherwise quite inconvenient. But then again, she is already 5 years old, so ok with school bus. Think our kids too young to go on school bus leh... for me, I will bu fang xin lor. On top of that, I saw her "contact/report" book where her teachers will feedback abt her in school, wah lao... the only thing i noticed most is a lot of extra payment for this and that lor. Everything is money. Few hundreds for what art class, few hundred for some storytelling etc... so my impression of the centre was not very good. Then again, it is just the money part. The girl enjoys her school lah. But I do heard that their fees are really not cheap, and that is excluding those EXTRAS which i mention above. Just a note for you.

Most likely I am sending R to CC in March or April bah coz he turns 18mth in March. Already almost confirm the CC but still need to go down personally and take a look. I have only a few concerns which are my highest pritority. Erh.. these are just my personal views lah... different ppl different pritority and views...
1. Distance and convenience of the centre coz my mum will be the one fetching him (I will be putting him for half day) so I dun want it to be troublesome for her. Supposed to off load her, not to tax her further... Therefore, Carpe Diem is out for me. I got consider that actually.
2. Teacher-Child ratio I consulted R's godma who is a childcare teacher on what are the things to look out for when looking for CC. She mentioned the most impt thing is the Teacher:Child ratio. Coz regardless of what things are offered in the CC, more or less should be ard the same as they are still very young. Standard ratio should not be more than 1 teacher:8 children. The centre which she works in Kovan is 1:5 (I was quite impressed). Thats why she highly recommend her centre.

On top of that, if I send R to her centre, at least I know that someone I know personally is there with him, even though she might not take his class but if there is any emergency, at least she is there and I not so worried lah. That is one of my main reason why I prefer this arrangement.
The centre is LearningKids in Kovan Heartland mall. Now I just need to go down and see and talk to the teachers there and decide lah. And hor... I also too lazy to search ard liao, since most of the CC in punggol are almost all on waiting list liao.... hee... lazy mummy...
Maybe i go liao then share with you all again... if you all interested.
i just called to check. Before subsidy is 616. After subsidy is 446. Transport fee is $100.
Think the not safe part is the swimming pool.

Can update me once u go see Learningkids? I wanna place her in childcare in Kovan thats why i chose Cherie hearts.
Cherie hearts after subsidy is $570.
Moreover my job scope might be changing and i might need to OT on and off. i prefer Kovan so that in laws can fetch her. Schs in sengkang are out for me.
I wanted to place her in May.. but my concern is that she will feel neglected.

Now i hope kim will be like jolene!
hmm... fees wasn't that high as ppl claimed hor... I also agree swimming pool not safe but then they should have measures to ensure it is safe lah.

btw, LearningKids dun have outdoor space one hor. Although they are considering expanding too. Will double check with R's godma again.

No problem regarding the updates.

Dun think too much abt the neglect lah. Actually neglect or not, really depends on the adults so just do your best lor.
but like what u say the ++ here and there. Scared later alot hidden course. So must find out more 1st.. Just now the teacher tell me "wah.. u so fast doing your homework for your child already ah" I was like huh.. now she going 15 mths.. i might put her in 18mth.. early meh??
ya lor... actually i think those are extra classes lah...can dun take one but if you dun let the kid take those classes, wait they say how come her classmates got this and that, why she dun have... sigh... whatever it is, all money lah.

hee... think this boy hor, really like the idea of going school A LOT leh... maybe becoz everyday he goes down to wait for the little girl's school bus and every night see my mum carry the girl's school bag and send her home...
When we asked him "Want to go school?", he will nod his head, then go and find his backpack, pass to us telling us to put it on for him, go take his shoes, wear liao, stand at the gate and WANT TO GO SCHOOL LIAO... haa... bth... that happens EVERYDAY...
Here's a pix of him carrying his fav school bag. Everyday he will carry this bag to my mum's place (acting like going to school) and carry this bag back home in the evening (like leaving school)... so funnie... those passerby saw him walking with the bag always laff coz so funnie...
I tell you hor, when I preggie with Jaslyn hor, I start maternity clothings at 3rd mth, Jolene's at 5th mth. Huge difference haha..

Ya, what you said is true. Last time b4 I have my own kids, I also dun dare to carry newborn.

I heard carpe diem charge q high, personally I never been to there but passed by one newly opened not long ago, somewhere near alexandra, q nice environment wor, like 鸟语花香。
My priority is same as you, distance and convenience is my top priority. I dun want to tax caretaker and my gals on travelling. Travelling is quite tiring, especially it is a daily event. And yes, it is very hard to find ratio of 1 teacher to 5 kids. Most places are 1:8.

Kim will be da jie also, dun worry. Give her more support. Young kids settle fast.
Seng Kang/Punggol CC
think due to these are new towns, lots of young couples with kids. hence the demand is higher for CC, almost all i enquire are full, have to be on waiting list. I just put desiree on waiting list while waiting for my own flat to be ready in year 2009, hopefully by then should have some good news.

Meantime, will send her to my MIL house's nearby CC. Whampoa area is so diff, think it's an ageing neighbourhood, still have a lot of slots in most of the childcare.
hi vivian/adeline,

carpe diem after subsidy not that ex. Ntuc childcare after subsidy also about $400++...
vivian, same as u, will be putting tricia for half day also, so the location is impt for me too. there's quite a number of CC in punggol end but so far i only hear about carpe diem feedback.

actually sengkang NTUC childcare outlet (rivervale) is quite ok, been there but it only offer full day, so dont think i will be considering. i did not know that NTUC CC is offering full day only.
jolene looks so pretty and sweet in the photo!! such sweet photo maybe should send to mcys for use in promotion! heee...

Reg CC
wow...really ex....

i heard from someone even 600 plus is no guarantee for good CC. hb's colleague's boy's CC apparently serve plain bee tai bak every day...the CC (at bt timah, 800 plus somemore)..kinda sad...so must also take into account the kinda food they provide leh...

Does any mummies know how to search for pre-nurseries/childcare centres in my mum's area only? i tried MCYS website, nothing much leh, or i too idiot?
realised i am super lousy at searching for things, usually dun yield wat i wan!

Aiyoh, u all preggie make me v itchy oso!
but not time yet lah... wait till aft Apr!

Rhys so cute &amp; cartoon!!!
