(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Here is Sheen's magazine cover tat her dad create for her...


Y'day was unforgetful day for hb & me cos A had a small cut at his lips. OMG..
y'day i was having my lunch after put A inside playyard. he didnt sleep since woke up and a bit blur liao. dunno who brought him out and let him walk ard. afterthat what i heard was hb scream tat A bleeding. I guess he fell down & *kiss* the mable floor lol. i rush out but they already clean him. altho just abit nia but very heartpain lol.

hb sclod his sis for brought him out as him mommy (me lar) alreayd knew A a bit blur & can't let him walk liao and else they still brought him out (guess they wanna show to BIL who haven see A walking lal.)

Now A's lip a bit swollen but lucky he still managed to eat his meal. I never witness all his accident (he fell off the bed while we still in our dream), if not, i lagi heartpain.
hi mummies, anyone knows where to get sesame street apparels? or elmo? i cant seem to find it at the stores here

saw one nice tops from a pushcart yesterday,, too bad my chloe cant fit it

HELP! her brthday theme is sesame street
<font size="+1">We r back!! Share some photos first report later cos D is awake already. I think he miss going shopping once he wakes cos he's screaming at me now.....hahaha</font>

hi doreen,

welcome back! so how was the 1st trip with D?
the last pic, caption can be : "Pls bring me home, I'm being left behind"... kekee...

hi selina,

Wow, the cake is indeed V nice! so only the ship is the cake? how do u manage to cut it??
post some pics of Caleb leh..
Hi Doreen,
Welcome back... D seems like enjoying himself!!
love his expression while wearing the different head gears..

Hi Selina,
Wow... the cake looks too good to be eaten!! i would not bear to cut the cake!!
both R n my niece can hold the milk btl by themselves n finish it. i think R can lah, coz i usually dun get 2 c it as i will latch him when i am ard.
yah tt girl is super greedy n cute lah. she can do many tricks like sayang R's head, pat R's bum n best of all, she can point to the food she want eg. bread n banana! i couldnt believe it until i saw it wif my own eyes. my mum says the greedy girl will do anything 4 food!

i noe lah, dun compare but u cant help it when i see them together 5 times a wk leh. its hard not 2 compare lor. but i am hoping R will wanna learn after seeing how fast my niece picks things up.
PM-ed u alrdy.

thats a cute mag cover. i like it.
r girls more greedy? i juz noe they develop faster than boys. but u can really see the vast difference b/w the 2 of them. not only tt, my niece's weight surpassed R's 2 mths ago! hahaha... the only thing she din catch up was the height n fighting skills!

take heart... they will sure meet small accidents at this stage. R kena many buah-lu ku (bruises) on his forehead n limbs liao. i hv gotten used 2 it.

A is a strong boy... will get well soon lah.

seems like u had lotsa fun! i like the headgears... so cute... my sis bot the same lilo & stitch soft toy back 4 R.
any gd buys? ur D seemed well behaved leh.

caleb's bdae theme is v special...
i dun hv any theme 4 R. quick post some pix of the bdae boy leh...
dunno if girls are more greedy but my girl definitely is! She will also point to the food she wans to eat esp banana which is her favourite. Wow, R can fight! Not bad hah...hahaha

the headgears are so nice. D looks cute with those headgears but he din seem to like them...hahaha

Ur pirate cake is very nice. I cant bear to cut it. So cute. Share some caleb's bday pix lei

Can I hv the balloon contact or helium gas rental contact. Do u know the price?
thanks for the compliments on the cake. it is my pride and joy tho' i didnt come out with the design. was glad vivian (the baker) could do this design from the cake kit which i got from birthday direct.

review on the cake (outlook) is great, the taste is good. mix of chocolate n oreos. the cake is made of 3 blocks of butter cake. everything is made of butter. no refridgeration required.

remember i was saying hb was complaining i mad to spend so much $$$ on the cake. guess his reaction when he saw the cake? he went WOW! after that i asked him so how, worth it? he went YES. hee hee...

the decor on the cake is part of the cake kit, except for the wooden plank & the shark fins & sea are ideas from the baker to make the cake more interesting. the skeleton candle is also from birthday direct.

the cake is separated into 2 parts with a cake board in between so quite ez to cut. but it is too big. only managed to serve half the cake.

here's a collage of the decor to share. didnt do much but think good enf cos with all the guests, the place was quite crowded n cant see much of the decor. only those who came early can see the decor more clearly.

had all the party stuff too. here's a model with all the items.
hi mummies...

<font color="ff6000">CY's mom</font>
hehehehe.. sooo cute, e messy photo... is that e "eden organic alphabet pasta" i see on his face???

<font color="ff6000">cneo</font>
wah... ur hb sooo "on"... do such nice invite plus magazine cover somemore... i think tats most of "our" (e mummies') job here in tis forum...

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
dont b too hard on urself lah... our babies/toddlers at tis stage will be quite prone to some accidents 1 lor... as long as within reasonable limits n not too serious ok lor.....
(i know.. easy to say, hard to do... i try to psycho myself to think tat way too...)

<font color="ff6000">landy</font>
hi... r u back in SG already??? sorry, i can't think of any at the moment.. but if i recall any place tat sells sesame street clothes soon, i'll let u know...

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
welcome back!!!
seems like u had lotsa fun hor... ya, share with us how was e (shopping) trip wth D leh...

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>
now we know why its $260... definitely looking at it also worth it liaoz.... plus got e toys to keep as memento afterwards rite???
hehehe... seems like e "older" guests had more fun playing "dress up" hor....
ya.. post more photos of Caleb leh.. my mom also say caleb so handsome.. eyes can "electrocute" pple one leh....
Wow! What an impressive cake! I wouldn't bear to cut it up.

Welcome back and hope u had fun!

Each child develops different and while i hate to compare, i realised that Joshua and Emma are quite different in their development.
Maybe it's really true that girls develop faster. Emma's fine motor skills are better than Joshua's on the same age. Just like Rochelle, she developed her pincer grasp very early. One small speck of brocolli she also can pick up. Emma is also v greedy (despite her size). Always asking for bread. So i'll give her a small slice for her to hold and nibble by herself.
Your R got character mah, he'll do it when he wants to
The party seems like a success!
Oh, the cake is so lovely that I will just want to keep admiring it and never to cut it up :p I think I better stay away from 3D cakes! Haha.
They will choke when they first start 1 n when drinking sweet drinks hor they will no prob 1.....hahhaha
ANyway that was wat happened with D lah. but I realise he use the magmag will choke more often cos the straw at the top is longer. But now he's okie liao cos expert already....hahaha

No worries on holding lah even though D know how to hold hor I dun let him hold his own bottle cos he will keep pulling out n putting back in or sometimes shake the bottle then drink.Faint aah.

HK Trip

We had fun thanx all.
N hor alot of ppl tell me the HK disneyland is VERY small compared to the others even the tour guide says he can finis it in 3 hrs.

BUT we took more then half a day n even rushed to finis it cos we were going to the Peak.(I think partly I shopped too much...keke) N I think if we were to go when D was older its better to stay at the hotel liao so we can slowly queue for all the rides. N D really enjoy the rides lor I was so worried he will be scared of the height. But he liked it so much when he sees any rides he will point point n jump n talk n laugh......hahahahahha
But end up we only took 2 rides nia cos it was hot n hubby didn't wanna queue lor.

Damien was really very excited with all the new happenings that he keep waking to check out his surroundings sleep bout 30mins only each time. Lucky he was okie with the hotel n at night was so tired he slept through the 1st night.
Jus that the flight there was not so good cos he was too tired n cranky but still got the mood to play n laugh with the stewardesses. Super PR man this boy keep smiling with the ladies n girls lor. No prob with the air pressure for him.
Flight back was okie but he refuse to eat the bread when he saw me eating Haagen Dazs icecream. So I dip the bread into the ice cream n he willingly finished it. Really enjoy man this boy.

N now that we r back. Becos he was really enjoying practicing walking in the hotel room he screams to be on the floor now. N he's still not THAT stable yet lor can walk a few steps only but he screams at me when I hold him....sigh
N he wants to go shopping lor scream n cry every once in a while n look for daddy once he wakes up.
Dunno how long then he can go back to normal aah. But then this Fri Sat another happening again. Really tired sia.
<font color="0000ff">doreen</font> wow u really had a good trip. can i know which travel agency u use? you took the package? i looking for a free and ez package leh. cos i know most of the places n can bring hb & caleb around plus we have friends there so easier. dun mind share wif me your agency so i can contact them. tks.
<font size="+1">Starz
I jus post all the pic here lah okie cos I lazy to email.....hehehe
Anyway think the Nemo 1 is the nicest leh n the whole mickey 1 but hor....dun kill me aah I cannot remember if it was at the airport shop.
N I didn't see price also.....hehehee



These is 4 in 1 pack, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto

I took free n easy too we went around everything on our own. Cos with Damien I dun wanna plan anything lor work around his timing better.
My package is jus airtix n hotel with free halfday tour which we didnt take up.

Focal travel at People's park center #02-56
Tel: 65363033
They dun open on sundays but weekdays open late till 7pm. So far they r the cheapest for those I checked.
Infant airtix for Damien is $331 I took SIA but think should be same for all.
So nice you do up all these for Caleb. He really has the toddler look already while Damien still has that baby look......hahahahha

Anyway jus wanna tell you not to book the Disneyland tix from travel agencies. They will tell you its the same price as buying urself there but its not lor. Cos buying urself there is only about SG$50 n dun really have to queue when I went on a Fri. The travel agencies will charge you $60-$100 for it.
so emma's pincer skills r v advanced too! think if both girls comes together, it will b amazing! hehe...
the worst thing abt R is tt he is not greedy, so its hard to entice him 2 learn anything. he adopts the 'simply bo chup, bo hew' attitude. even when put R with the babies similar 2 his age like caleb & jovan, the 2 boys can do more things than R.
hey isetan sale again... gg to cheong again? i happen to b on leave this thurs, so will def make a dash there!

i actually got photos of them fighting. let me find time 2 upload them.

wat r those figurines? magnets?
so gd tt yr D is so well behaved. heard many pple say they r too young nowadays so no pt to bring them to such places. but seems like D noes how 2 enjoy.
trip was worth it. i dun dare 2 imagine bringg R there.
oh the HK disney entrance fee is quite cheap compared to japan's.

the montages r nice. i like caleb's expressions n his birthday top. nice.
Not cheonging isetan this time round. nothing to buy at the early bird specials leh. Hubby not on leave so no one to help me send and pick joshua from school.
Maybe i'll just go in the afternoon just to replenish skincare stuff.

i think those figurines in Dor's pics are those jelly lollipops.
The rental for the tank of helium gas is $40 for the smallest tank, can top up abt 30 balloons. If you ask them to fill, they charge $1.10 per balloon, delivery is $10. I PMed you the contact, call to check.

I've not been to HK Disneyland but my sis went and she also commented it is very small... and she said nothing to play and was out within 3 hrs wor. In fact, I went to the biggest one at Orlando, stayed in the resort hotel for 7 days and yet I never finished all the theme parks! Some more I went on off peak period leh. Can't imagine if din stay in the resort hotel how. I think it's q fun to stay inside Disneyland. Kids will love. Adults suddenly become kids also haha... I think I'll wait for the gals to be older, then bring them there. Already told hb to save up haha... but then he dun like HK. The $50 entry fee is the 1 day pass or unlimited pass for Disney entry? 1 day right?

Since you dun need a package and know the place well, why dun you just book online for the air tickets and hotel?
Re the growth chart, of cos got changes lah, you din realise your ah boy's eyes getting more and more beautiful and BIG. I very envy leh... and yes I agreed with Starz's Mummy, your boy's eyes can "sock" ppl.

you only want to cheong for early bird specials ah?

How much discount off this round? I wanna get a new diaper bag.
For those interested...

EYS Roadshow at Causeway Point

Date: 27 to 30 Sep 2007
Time: 10am to 9.30pm

Chicken Essence at $11.50
Premium Concentrated Bird Nest at 2 for $110
Tri Color Heart Shape jin Si Yun (1 tael) at $178
Gold Label Bak Foong Pills (2 boxes) at 2 for $68

20% off selected products
10% discount for Codyceps

Min purchase of $300 to be VIP Member

T&C for Home Delivery
- Min purchase of $200 and above
- Orders thr phone/email/fax are not acceptable
- Payment before delivery
- Delivery on weekdays during office hr (9am-6pm)
- Delivery of good takes at least 1 week from date of purchase
The last few times when i was down at isetan when it opened was when i wanted to get the early bird specials for myself or friends. This time round got nothing much leh. I want to buy shoes but i don't fancy squeezing with the crowd, smelling the stale air unless i got time to go on wed to reserve what i want first.
I think Caleb's eyes got bigger and his cheeks less round as the months past
Very alert looking boy.

Love the picture of Damien on the trolley. Beautiful photo moment
haha... ya lor, the crowd... wah liew... I can't take it...

did you check out the photographer? Saw your posting on that and a Mummy replied you.
hi hi...

duno wats happening to my office PC... e mouse keep "hanging", i restarted 4 times since and so fed up keep losing my post...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
yupz, checked it out liaoz... hv left msg and will be calling later... u wana know e charges too?? let me know then i can share once i got it...

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
its ok, good enough liaoz... thank u very muchie!!!
wah.. reli sounds like u all had loads of fun there hor... D can sit on e rides ar??!! *envy envy*.. i also wish to go on holiday with A... but think got to wait till he's older liaoz le....

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>
ya lor... Caleb's eyes growing bigger n bigger, more n more attractive leh...i also envy.. A's eyes so small.. smile already cannot see liaoz... hahahaha....

<font color="ff6000">jRt and bbgrace</font>
ya.. those are jellies.. i asked Dor to help me take photos, so can tell my colleagues which ones to help me buy... to decorate A's cake... cos i CANNOT find any mickey/minnie characters in SG.. n no cake shop dare to do my "design"...

speaking of isetan private sale... like getting less n less attractive leh... tis time round i dont think im going... nothing to buy...
Thanks for the info. Will check it out.

My hb is the creative one. I cannot lah. Not creative one. He loves to do art and designing stuff.
As for cake, Bengawan solo has Disney Characters cakes. U can check it out at their website
www.bengawan solo.com.sg.
If u receive the Singapore post phamplet, there is a 10% discount coupon in it. I jus receive today. If u dun hv, I can send u the coupon. I dun need it. Jus let me know and pm me ur addr.
<font color="ff6000">cneo</font>
thank u for e offer... i know "BS" got.. but they don't do customised designs... im still liasing with a number of cake shops/bakers.. *haiz*.. price also an issue.. else i also not so headache liaoz...
I dunno wan or not leh, still thinking.. but hor no time le cos is coming Sat leh. But if you call, share with me the price? If really really cheap, maybe can consider haha...
Most probably will ask my god bro to help take some pics while I take some myself lah. Actually hor, my god bro's neighbour is a prof camera man, but I guess his charges must be very ex!
What design you are looking for your cake? So hard meh? BTW, I just came back from Party City Raffles City outlet, they have a mickey candle selling at $10.95 wor, like figurine, very cute.
I saw those jellies before at concourse, but theirs is a bit bigger and looks a bit "chiong" haha
crystallized & Starz,
hehe...actually i m ok wif his fall lal. like my mil said, which kids didnt fall, right?
but hor, still a bit 'sim tia' --heartpain lor...

Caleb's eyes really 'mi ren' --attractive lel..
handsome boy..
Caleb is growing more handsome definitely..

Hi all,
Glad to come in n see Caleb pix... and the
beautiful ship cake... time flies... we have
celebrated Rhys, Caleb and
i have just celebrated Able's birthday on Sunday...damn tired..
will share pix of Able Birthday too once i am free.

Today is my Able and Caleb actual birthday... (not yet 12am)


Who's next?
Aiyah go HK dun need to save up lah your hubby dun like HK tell him jus stay disneyland nia lor....hahahha
I think aah personally HK is more for those with young kids then worth it cos the rides hor I dun really see much adults 1 there anyway we can't play anything with our bbs there liao.
but I did tell hubby lor next time if we go when D is older definately need to stay in the hotel liao then can spend the whole day there n he can queue for as many rides as he wants....hahahahha
The Orlando 1 the resort is in disneyland itself?? so the 7 days u go in r together package is it?? Wah I cannot imgaine I go there man sure shop till I broke aah. Wahahahha. But hor my hubby not into rides 1 so HK okie for us liao no money to go further also hahaha.
Yap $50 is 1 day pass n the hotel not in disneyland itself also.

I checked book hotel n airtix separate its about the same or slighty more ex so I jus book agency lor lazy ma...hehe

That pic very sweet hor but is hubby put him there jus to take pic 1......hahaha
N only managed to take 2 nice 1 cos he keeps moving.

The rides hor is we all sit together lor D sit on my lap lor. This boy likes to sit in those car rides ALOT ahh.
U wait a while more can bring 2 kids together liao....hehehe

Thurs isetan sale again ahh??
Aiyah still duno wann2 get my crocs anot cos should have 20% but still very ex leh.....hahaha
Actually if you go HK disneyland on certain super off peak days, don't even need to queue for long. I was there on a monday, most rides bo lang one, at most wait 5-10 mins for some. We finished ALL the rides (Joshua and pregnant me didnt take the Space Mountain but waited for hubby who did) by about 4pm and that includes a leisurely lunch where Joshua napped for over 1 hr.
u looking the isetan admission ticket??
i have one extra one to spare
but i will only reach there at 6pm
if u keeen can pm me for my contact no


No lah, I ask him to save up for Japan Disneyland kekeke... Unless I no $ to afford then settle for HK Disneyland hahaha...
HK one the rides are mild mild type, more suitable for kids. US one more shiok, scarely haha... Even those teapot that spin ard can spin till very "hiong" lor, come down will vomit one.
But you are right, stay inside the resort better, save time on transport etc and can play till the theme parks close.
Orlando one is the biggest Disneyland. If you go there, no need to go other Disneyland liao. Cos one will tend to compare lor. There's 6 theme parks and I only managed to cover 4 during the 9 days there. I remember wrongly, I went for 9 days, so I bought the unlimited entry tickets which cost me S$300+++, can't remember the actual amt. The resort hotels are inside the Disneyland, and there are many resort hotels there. Then every morning if you go breakfast early, you will meet those disney characters joining for breakfast. I remember the waffle, haha Mickey Mouse shape, very cute. In fact, everything in the hotel is Mickey lor, mirror is Mickey shape, bed frame also Mickey shape and so on. Like adults becoming kids.
Like what babygrace mentioned, go super off peak days no need to q for rides. I purposely chose to go on super off peak period that time. In fact, I love to go holidays during off peak season. But now can't liao unless I leave Jolene behind.
Ya you are right, somehow go HK, seems to take package from agency is cheaper hor? That time I checked, we booked online for hotel and air tickets more ex than taking a package from agency. Ended I took agency package also haha...

Oh a mum in my area offer me but I din take cos I suddenly remember a friend going for C-section on Thur. May be going to visit her instead. I actually wanna take a look at Allerhand bag, anyway I heard no discount unless I use Isetan Card for payment is it?

Looking for Diaper Bag to replace mine now, I dunno to buy haversack or tote type leh... And still dunno which brand to get... or just get a normal bag.. Sianz.
