(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

No need isetan card to pay to get discount. Too bad u are too far from me, else i can pass u mine tix. I'll be in chinatown area on thurs afternoon. you want?

actually now that the kids are older, no need diaper bag liao lah. i still prefer carrying tote bags compared to haversack. But tote bags gu niang lor, hubby cant help carry.
I'm now using an Agnes b tote bag as a diaper bag.
<font color="ff6000">Happy Belated Birthday to Able and Caleb!</font>

I am actually wanting to buy a haversack, think easier for me to carry when i am using the ergo. now zac will like to pull the strap of my diaper bag when he is in ergo. then the strap keep slipping down. can be quite frustrating! but hor, think haversack nt chio leh, in front got ergo, behind another lump! no more fashion sense liao! haha so till nw still hesitating to buy the haversack, unless i can find a stylish one.
No need, dun think I have time to go Isetan on Thur. Thanks ya.
Bingo, that's wat I think lor. Anyway all along I never use the stuff in the diaper bag kekeke... I've been "normal" bags as diaper bag all the way. I prefer tote bag cos easier to slot into the basket on the pram, must find the right size lah. My hb ok one lah, he dun mind being gu niang hahaha...

You speak my mind... haversack mei you nice nice one leh... been looking ard and I want light weight one leh
when bb is younger, haversack is more useful cos hand free mah. Now my 2 "big" liao, no need haversack. But my mum keeps telling me to get haversack so easier for me when I go out alone with the 2 gals.

Or I got pasar malam get a chiong LesSport bag lah, $18 only hahaha...
Ya lor, i was gg to suggest those chiong LSS ones if you don't mind. haha!

If you want to splurge then those Coach reversible tote or Burberry Blue Label totes are quite nice also. Can carry for work some more.
Wonder if those chiong one can tahan weight or not? Dun give way if not I die... Am using the "I'm not the plastic bag" now, chiong one lah, the handles hor, 3 out of 4 gave way liao. The workmanship cannot make it man. $18 only, use liao throw also won't feel pain. Waterproof right? Maybe I just buy 1 bah.
Coach/Burberry too heavy for me liao. Just the bag weight I can't tahan. I have a 80 years old ah ma back, can't carry too heavy stuff for long. Most impt, I dun want to carry big bags to office cos very troublesome for my office area due to security reason.
my mum told me to bring the "I'm not a plastic bag" to those shoe shops where they can tie a new string or do something to the handle... but where to find this old lao kok kok shop now lah?!
Hi babygrace,
I like the burberry also. Waiting for my colleague to go Japan buy. I too cheapskate to pay the handling fee required by the spree organiser...
Last time used to splurge on LVs now cant afford already, my $ all go to my son liao. So can only afford burberry. so sad.

My MIL bought me one chiong LSS. the inner lining quite lousy very thin mine torn after few use but the handle still ok lah.


Haiz me no more travel liao if nt can go japan help u buy. kinda miss travelling to japan nw. Ah yah i am like that, when i was travelling i will keep complaining too much. Now totally stop, also complain. Hahaha
i haven seen the isetan sale brochure yet. no gd buys ah? i will b gg, but most probably not early morning as i hv a few errands to run. most likely will only b there in the aftn too. i went there yest. din really see anything i wan... but will still b gg there.
now tt i hv switched dept, i no need to buy any ofc wear or heels liao. i look v unglam now. on a few occasions when i go shopping aft work, the sales person oso cant b bothered to entertain me coz i looked so casual in tee, jeans n a backpack.
my money used mainly on R's stuff.

i feel EYS chix essence not as powerful as Brands'. I drink EYS one no effect one. dunno if u feel the same. so i am not gg to stock up on theirs alrdy.
if u need anything fr isetan then u let me noe.

u haven found a cake shop willing to do A's cake ah? hope u find it soon.

yah which kid dun fall? juz a matter of how serious it is only. my niece falls down everyday w/o fail. most times its naughty R tt caused her to fall down by either pulling her clothes or grabbing her legs! i instructed my mum to beat his hands whenever he does tt. i dun wanna make it a habit 4 him. so young yet bullying mei-mei liao.

yah isetan sale again tmrw...
oh you change dept already but office still the same place?
i'm the reverse, going back to work liao so got reason to shop for office clothes but i don't think i have the energy to jostle with the crowd leh. It's either i go in the morning after dropping Joshua off at school and come home in time to pick him up or go in the afternoon after i've settled the kids.

I don't take as much chix essence these days after starting on spirulina supplements some months back. I feel that spirulina helps to keep me going also.
yep, chg dept but still same ofc. but i am def happier.

yah u need to shop all the more. might b a better idea to go only aft u hv settled the kids. at least u dun hv to keep a lookout for the time. can shop at ease.

i seldom take chix essence anymore. its only occasionally. i will still survive if i dun take anything! i will juz age faster! kekeke
Me vainpot mah, scared age lines will show on my face if i don't take anything with all the lack of sleeep and i have every reason to be scared cos i'm older than you

Spirulina is supposed to help with complexion also lor :p

Go in the afternoon also quite rush lah cos by the time i settle Joshua for his nap, it's 1.30pm, also only got about 2 hours plus to shop only cos need to come back and prepare dinner.
haha no worries with that cos I can ask my mum to sew for me, she always did that for my sis kekeke...
I make up my mind liao after talking to Crystallized just now, I go get one chiong one from pasar malam tonite kekeke...

Me nothing to buy liao. I used to it liao, I drink anything also won't make me awake haha... And I dun drink everyday like last time, now is like want to drink then drink haha...
which woman is not vainpot? i am def one too. i used to b so diligent wif facials, scrubs & masks. but now, simply cant spare time. hopefully things will get better soon lah. then at least can hv undisturbed sleep.

Hehehe, dun cook dinner tmrw lah!
isetan sale once every few mths only! ur hubby will kill me if he reads this.

but u dun stay over at ur mum's plc, so at least during wkdays can hv undisturbed sleep rite? i am hoping it will b better when i wean R off.
4 me, can feel the difference when i drink chix essence daily. even my hb commented how come i like wonder woman, wake up so many times 4 nite feeds, dun take aftn naps, how come i still so much energy?!
hi mummies...

<font color="aa00aa">jenny</font>
i stil got no news on e photographers... e 1st 2 i tried, no reply, n e other one overseas, so i sms only.. also no reply...
e other one say amateur one i juz emailed.. waiting for reply lor....
i saw e jellies at concourse too... mickey mouse "zhou yang" liaoz.. dont like... i wan a 3-D mickey mouse themed cake... all told me cos of copyright issues they cannot do... now down to 2 "home-bakers" liaoz... if they also cant do then i give up lor...
for bag repair hor..my recommendation is Shukey (at Far East Plaza or Lucky Plaza).. far east 1 cheaper, but lucky plaza 1 workmanship better...

<font color="aa00aa">dor</font>
ya.. i got to wait at least 5yrs then can bring both to travel... hb said so... but if i strike toto n i pay for everything, then dont need to wait so long.. hahahahaha....

<font color="aa00aa">bbgrace</font>
u caught my attention with <font color="0000ff">"Spirulina is supposed to help with complexion also lor"</font>... wat exactly is "spirulina" and wat does it do huh??? can "ti shen" also 1 ar....
btw, when r u starting work???

<font color="aa00aa">jRt</font>
ya lor, stil havent settle A's cake... hopefully by nex week can settle liaoz...
dun ask me why? Cos I tend to sleep late when kids not ard. Dun ask me I busy for wat, I also dunno but time seems to pass very fast when I'm using PC hahaha... Ok lah, I also ying chim lah, can't stand my place messy, so will be busy with housework also. Worse I'm light sleeper, and my hb snores in his sleep. How to sleep well?
how many times u wake up for nite feed?
last nite i tried not to A latch when he woke up at 2.30a.m. guess what he couldnt sleep, end up awake and play till 4a.m. OMG...
after feed him, he finally sleep till morning.

now i super zombie..
I think most probably I take pics myself haha... or ask my god bro and sis to snap some will do.
Very "chiong" mickey hor hahaha... Hmm so far I've yet to come across 3D for Mickey cake leh.
Nah, think I forget abt repairing, waste my $. There's this pooh white gold bangle, my hb bought for me during our dating times. It broke, so we sent back to Lee Hwa for repair, still broke after repairing. Ended they suggest to change the design to bracelet... repaired 3, 4 times liao. Ended I gave up, and threw it aside. I really love it but spoilt... spent so much $ repairing this stupid thingy
I think most probably I take pics myself haha... or ask my god bro and sis to snap some will do.
Very "chiong" mickey hor hahaha... Hmm so far I've yet to come across 3D for Mickey cake leh.
Nah, think I forget abt repairing, waste my $. There's this pooh white gold bangle, my hb bought for me during our dating times. It broke, so we sent back to Lee Hwa for repair, still broke after repairing. Ended they suggest to change the design to bracelet... repaired 3, 4 times liao. Ended I gave up, and threw it aside. I really love it but spoilt... spent so much $ repairing this stupid thingy
Spirulina is a micro algae that has high nutritional value.
Actually i'm not really a pill popping person so i was a little sceptical about all these supposed supplements that boast of all sorts of benefits. And there are so many different types of "green" supplements eg barley green, wheat grass, chlorella etc. So which one really works?

The reason why i chose spirulina is because my CL takes them. She has to wake up so many times at night and sometimes don't even nap during the day and she told me taking spirulina helps. Plus she's in her late 50s and yet she hardly has any age spots.

So I read up about the benefits of spirulina. It claims to boost immunity, is a rich source of iron for anemic pple, lowers blood cholestrol, contains anti-oxidants, can improve complexion just like how eating fruits and veg can etc. Of course i still take all these benefits with a salt i read thse mainly off the net and you cant verify it's claims. But i decided to take it a few months back, thought no harm lah, at most waste money only. So far i think it helps to keep me going and also *touch wood* my immunity has been quite good compared to hubby and maid who has more sleep than me.

i'm starting work on 15 oct, after Emma's birthday
<font color="aa00aa">jenny</font>
i juz posted i emailed u the contact of e amatur photographer leh.. but duno how come tat post never come out... his "price" quite reasonable..

my "new" problem now: don't know how to tell hb i wan a photographer @ A's birthday.. cos i didnt even have a pro photographer at my own wedding!!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">bbgrace</font>
oic... sounds quite good leh.. can find this at GNC tat kinda supplement stores??? im also anemic (b4 pg) n needs watching on my cholestrol level.. hehehe.. n of course e "vain" side is attracted by e improved complexion part lor...

for me & hb, these 2 consecutive weeks also waking many many times a nite cos A still waking up crying... we given up on finding out e reason liaoz.. my mum suggested that i "talk" to A not to do that.. tell him he's going to be "gor gor" liaoz.. cannot bully didi/meimei like tis, cos mummy no sleep = didi/meimei no sleep also....
lastnite i tried 1st time... he actually only woke up once leh (n tat was bcos duno which idiot drivers downstairs was screeching tyres n there was a loud sound like collision...) then after tat he only woke up again in e morning @ 6.30am liaoz....
they say 1st child usually gets very "attached" to mummy, or very cranky/notti/attention seeking when mummy 1st n last trimester.... seems like quite true leh??? 2nd time mummies here got comments????
HAHAHA.... Never mind I company you cos I din tell hb also hahahaha...
Price reasonable hor? Hmm but mine is this sat evening dunno if too rush for him? How, you wanna take him, err... I mean his service for photography hahaha...

You over 4 mths already? Elderly said usually wait till after 4 mths preggie leh. For me, Jolene was sticky to me when I was approaching 5 mths preggeie with Jaslyn.

YOu make the Spirulina sounds like a "shen dan" to me kekeke... where to buy and how much? How many pills per day? I never into such supplements but recently I find myself getting tired easily... Told hb and he told me is normal to feel tired when one is going to enter 30. He said he was like that for the past few years.
hi babygrace,
Think i muz go try the spirulina also. Think age really catching up liao. At this rate, dunno how to survive if I ever get preg again...
Come to think of it... I've some colleagues siao photography. What's your budget like? I can ask if they wanna do for you?
<font size="-2">I think I forgo the idea of getting one, just take the pics myself after viewing the work kekeke</font>
<font color="aa00aa">jenny</font>
im 7.5mths liaoz... another 2+mths will "tuo li ku hai" liaoz... hehehehe....
alamak, both emails i sent to not correct ar... ok, go update my "record"... ya, his price quite reasonable... i got reply from e jun-kang.com photographer liaoz.. they charge $198 for 3hrs.. but only return 100photos in cd format leh... *funny*.. if take more than 100 photos then how???

<font color="aa00aa">freshpoison</font>
i hope so lor.. actually A nowadays i think sort of understand already leh... sometimes i juz lift up my top n show him my *HUGE* tummy hor.. tell him didi/meimei inside.. ask him to sayang.. he will sayang leh...

why i asked tat abt #1 being difficult when mummy preggy is also bcos my (upstairs) neighbour hor, got tis 2yrs old girl, n mummy preggy with didi... she's been throwing terrible tantrums to e extent we can hear her very very clearly 1 leh... but since her mummy give birth liaoz hor, we dont hear her tantrums anymore... my mum said cos baby born liaoz.... so i very curious, any "accuracy" to such "old wives tale".....
hahaha... wat tuo li ku hai? I think you tiao jin da hai ah!!!

You sent me 2 emails? I got 1 in snowpooher acct. Anyway I dig out the password and saw the email liao.
Wah liew so ex for jun-kang... that means you need to pay additional for those over 100 pcs lor... Talking abt this photography thing... boils my blood with double up at IMM. They dun deliver what they promised. Their service sucks also!
hi mummies,

a quick post, need to go back work...

hi jenny & starz,

saw ur post on photographers, i dun think u will want to use my photographer for my wedding, cos his charges are quite ex.for my AD, pay abt $1k. but i got one, he's freelance, my friend use it for her wedding.
Kelvin Lee: 97939079.
maybe u can try calling him.

ok, going back work cos later need to leave @ 6pm for my facial...
<font color="aa00aa">jenny</font>
im okay with e $100 range for total duration... BUT problem is really explaining that guy's presence at e party... let me go "test test market" with my hb first before i decide.. hahahaha... else he think where this "man" come from.....
hehehe... i thinking "tuo li ku hai" cos now suffering with e aches n pains.. i machiam carrying a huge "bola" with me for 2 yrs consecutively.... very tired leh...
double up at IMM is a studio ar??? wat happened???

<font color="aa00aa">gemini</font>
thank u very much for e contact... hehehe.. like i said, gotto convince my hb first.... then i continue liasing/searching...

go home liaoz... continue tomorrow lah...
<font color="0000ff">photographer</font> actually i also wanted to hire a photographer but end up did not cos no time to go ask around. hence not many pictures taken during the party but lucky i had a couple of friends who are into photography so asked them to help snap some pictures with our cam as well as 1 of their own. if u have someone who can help, think normal digital cam will do just fine. just need someone 2 b dedicated on that day to do it that's all. this is my view.
Starz / Jenny,
No lah, spirulina not "shen dan" lah. I think there are other supplements that will work as well too. Those mother of 2 kids that i know usually need supplements and some tell me that the multi-vit from Centrum works for them too. I guess these multi-vits or nutritional supplements work about the same way, maybe just different components of nutrients.

You can find spirulina from health stores. But just watch for the source cos since it's a micro-algae, it will absorb the toxic stuff if it's grown in water that has mercury in them. Best to buy those that are cultivated under stringent environment. The one that i'm taking has several certifications for its manufacturing process

Jenny, it can come in differnt forms, some come in green powder. Mine is a small green tablet which i take 5 each day and sometimes more if i feel that i've not taken enough greens.
I'm taking the same ones as my CL is taking since it works for her. i think they are similar ones available in the market

If both of u are interested to know which one i'm taking, i can PM you all. A bit sensitive to market it here.
I spoke to hb, he said up to me but I think I can do the job myself and save the $ cos I feel not worth lah. But I think my mum will nags if she knows I engage someone to take pic.
That studio ah... today no mood to tell you... I tell you tomorrow hor, cos long story... I need to get some stuff to work later on, and worse a pile of clothes waiting for me to iron.

Yr friends took nice pics! I'm thinking cos very tired recently. Jaslyn full mth shower, I delicated the job but ended the person din do the job, ended I took back my camera and took some myself... so not much pics also.

I told hb this "shen dan" while on our way for dinner.. he said dun mind trying, so we went to Unity which was nearby. The Unity staff showed us 2 brands. Dunno which brand to take leh. Ended I bought the Red Sun brand cos this is the only brand that I saw my aunts taking (their products). Unity staff told me is small pills, can take 5 to 10 pills each day. Can email me a pic of yours? And where you buy?
wah... photography fees is $198 for 3 hrs, u girls still considered it exp? er, mine is $300 for 2 hr job. n i paid almost $1.5K for my AD wedding. hehe....

i v bad one... u engaged liao then tell ur hb! hahaha... ur hb dun look like the sort tt will hv violent objections so i think can go ahead!

R siao siao one... min wake up 2 times. usually 3 times. thnkfully sofar though R wakes up at nite, he has not woken up to play n refuse 2 sleep b4. else i think i cant handle it.

i am oso light sleeper... my mum snores in her sleep too. when i stay over, she sleeps wif me & R. at times i find her snores unbearable but then will psycho myself tt its 'music' n i can go to zzzz... li hai boh?

i cant stand messiness but sleep is more impt 2 me, so when R sleeps, i oso do tt! hehe...

heard abt spirulina b4 abt 4 yrs back. in fact tt time when i bot, it was a MLM pdt... bot alrdy i juz din consume n threw it away!
<font color="0000ff">spirulina</font> my views on this is since as algae, it eats wastes in the water, than why are we eating it instead?

<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font> there's another MLM pdt called noni juice = no need juice. so no need to drink WAHAHAHAHA!!!! i very naughty. no offence hor just cracking a joke here.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> nice but not as many as i would like. would love to have pixs of all the guests but no choice. 1 of the guy came late cos working so only managed to get him to take some while the other was with daughter so last minute asked him to help with his own camera.
Halo ladies...

Sorry har.. MIA for a few days.
Now on vacation and got to full time take care of Rhys at my mum's place. So no internet... stuck at my mum's place to help out with chores and my sis's bb too...

Plus these few days, Rhys got flu and cough... super tiring...

Anyway, I finally done uploading some pic from Rhys' party to yahoo group.
Only a few lah coz the rest are more family shots so din upload... so enjoy lah... hee...
Dun buy haversack lah. U know hor we change a free samsonite haversack thinking we can use it on holiday n normal outing but then when we use it in HK hor I find it so laychey. When we carry tote hor anything we need jus reach in to take can liao with haversack hor even not carrying D also must take the whole bag off before I can take something.

I never buy any headgear...haha
Jus try for fun nia keke
hehe... my ILs r taking this noni juice! i haven tried it n suspect i dun like it... noni juice = no need juice!

btw i am not using the huge #1 candle... its 2 big.. how much issit anyway? will try selling it later.
I just checked with a colleague who did wedding and birthday pics... I think you won't even consider him cos of his price. He charged 1/2 day for $500.

You so good. Sometimes when my hb snores super loud like thunder, you know what I do? I wake up and push him to make him sleep sideway, so the snoring will be lesser. The prob is, he dun even know I push him to sleep sideway. Sometimes, I very bad, beat him to make him wake up, then I tell you "oei, your snoring very loud leh, I can't sleep"

Ok lah, at least got nice pics, less is ok. Mine hor is less pics and worse no nice pic keke...

Thanks. I'll check email later.
Oh yes, my favourite mushroom hahahaha...

was thinking where were you and your pics. Will take a look at yahoo group.
You gotta take care of yourself too hor.

Is today Damien's birthday? If so, Happy Birthday to Damien!
You are right with haversack. Last time infant time no choice cos easier with haversack. Now I also find it laychey with haversack.
