(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Lee-Tung (leetung) .
congrats on your new born.
so good that u did not have episotomy.
for second child mostly don't need episotomy?

hi lee tung
is the drip compulsary? i also scared of poking needle in me...then when they cut the water bag , can u feel it?
To all the new mummies, congratulations!

Hello mummies

I've been trying to follow the thread while pumping, but just can't do the typing at the same time. Last week was really a busy week for me. Besides coping with the discomfort, I had to fight against falling sick, trying to keep a regular routine in expressing milk and traveling to and fro the hospital twice per day. I have not asked my CL to come in, so I ate out most of the times then I ganna a lot of should not eat this or that, should not be running around, should not touch cold water, etc I thot I hv been coping well with my bbs condition, but all these comments caused me to hv mild PND. Who dont want to have proper rest during confinement period, but there are so many things that I have to do them myself. Yesterday morning I woke up at 5am, couldnt get back to sleep and I started crying non-stop for 2 hrs. Hb has been helping out a lot but he is back to work today. I hv not been telling him too much cos I know he really worry that Ill hv PND. Luckily I still hv this forum to voice out my feeling.

My bb is still with the NICU, breathing with support and with all the pipes attached to him. He was also on phototherapy for few days due to slight jaundice. Last night, he finally can open his eyes wide and look at us for a long time. He cried twice and wont stop even I tried to pacify him. I really wish that I could cuddle him and give him the security and comfort feeling. Was telling my hb that maybe we are the only parents who find out bbs cry as music!! Guess we really miss him too much.

After typing out my feeling, I feel better liao. Im going to type out my birth story and post it soon. In the meanwhile, I need some advice on EBM.

1. I only started on routine expressing on Fri, every 2-3 hr. On Sat I started to hv abt 3ml of BM each pump. I did hv abit of sore feeling on my breasts but not really hard. Now each pump Ill get abt 5-10ml. Is this considered milk kicks in already? Im not sure as Im not experiencing any engorgement, let-down feeling or leaking.

2. Currently I rotate each breast abt 1-5min interval, once I do not see any milk flowing out. I remember reading someway that we should not rotate the breast every 5min when bb suckle cos the bb will not get the hind milk. So, am I doing it correctly? Or should I just keep to one breast for 15min, disregards whether got milk flow out, before changing to the next one?

3. Can I combine EBM of the same day?
Coolmum, can see that you're going thru a very tough time. Do hang in there. We may not understand your difficulties, but we're definitely here to listen and support you. YOur PND may be due to fatigue and hormone changes. Maybe you don't want hb to worry so never tell him, but sometimes it's better to let your close ones know your condition so that they may provide better support and pull you out of it earlier. If you need to cry just let it out, don't suppress it. Else can be worse. If you need to just talk to someone, PM me, I can give you my number. I've been thru this state and I know sometimes we just want to pour out our trouble without needing much advise. Hang in there.

Lee Tung, glad that it's all over for you and the recovery road is smooth. My mucus plug came off last nite, but until now still no contraction leh.

Bbgrace, I see. Ya, type C's live in space can be a little small in this case. Four ours, at least we have 2 flrs so the live in space was bigger. But those belwo us will be exactly like what you saw. Is the price good? I think prices hasn't gone up much yet.

Crystallized, I think preg is the one thing that really train one's patient. There's no way for one to control or hurry things. You gotta wait for abt a mht to know if you've conceived, then another 9-10mths to see our precious ones. I'm a go-getter, so usually I get things done asap. But now, I just hv to learn to be patient. Motherhood is not easy right from day 1 of conception. Think I saw my mucus plug came off last night as there was a large piece of mucus with blood streak...but no contraction. Dunno how much longer. Maybe tomorrow? Cos I once told Charlotte 10/10/06 quite a nice day like the chinese saying, shi2(10) quan2 shi2(10) mei2.
Hang in there. you are doing fine.
Try to pump for at least 15min on each side. You won't get letdown so quickly for pumping 5mins only unless your breast is very full.
Are u using a dual pump? i find pumping both sides at the same time works better for me in achieving letdown.
Yes, u can combine EBM pumped on the same day.

actually i'm targeting 10/10 also although my scheduled date is 11/10. My boy's b'day is 02/02 so it'll be nice to have mei mei on 10/10.

Price have gone up and now with the positive market sentiments, developers are not willing to give much discount. For the type C on that i'm eyeing, the price is about $855K. Not exactly very attractive, that's why i'm thinking if i should wait a little longer cos there should be more launches coming up.
BBgrace, wow, if I remember the size of type C & F correctly, that price is not cheap. Actually there's many launches. The newspaper a week ago show lots of development in the east too. I'm not very optimistic abt the price. Don't think it'll hold for too long leh. cos the market is so saturated now, not sure if demand is really that high. No doubt the prime area can fetch good price, but our area the price shouldn't go up too much. I keep telling my FIL the price will go down again within 2yrs, but he thinks otherwise. Still, I won't buy house as investment...unless I'm super rich and can buy the prime area to rent out. If not I think it's best to consider our needs and buy within means.

So will you go for your c-section tomorrow?
Very confused, again got mucus with blood streak. Called KKH, the nurse say I might already be in labour ask me to be admitted. But I feel no contraction leh. Dunno to go or not. My hb not contactable so now got to make a decision on my own...How?????
Think u betta go & let the nurses check to b on the safe side. @ least u will noe for sure if it's a false alarm or izzit the real thing...
Good luck!!!!
ok, managed to speak to gynae. He say no doubt I'm in labour. But he thinks can still wait no nbeed to admit now. He say bb will prob be out in a day or two. So wait and see ba. Since no regular contraction. Those aches and pain I describe to him is labour pain but the interval still ok for me to stay at home. Phew!
Hi ladies,

Sorry for MIAing these few days.
Still very sick. Just went to see doctor again. This time coughing badly. Plus busy with preparation for Rhys' 1st mth celebration this sat. Tired...

great to know that Charlotte is coming out soon... jia you!!! Dun forget to sms me leh...

Feel free to voice out your feelings here. I understand abt not telling your hb your feelings as you dun want him to worry coz I did that too. But I found that by doing that way, isnt helping me as well. So eventually talking to your hb can gather 2 persons strength and help each other out. So jia you okie? We knew that it is hard on you now, but it will soon be over ok? Soon, bb will be back with you and your hb and your bb will grow and grow... look forward to the future... That is something that I always used to motivate myself when things are not going smoothly as I wanted to be...

As for pumping milk, 5min is not enuff. I suggest at least 15mins for each breast. if you are using dual pump, just 15mins will do to simulate supply now. Soon, the volumn will get more.
Another way to increase your supply while you pump is to massage your breast. Massage before your pump (even though you dun feel engorge), and Massage while you pump.
if before 15mins, you can see that no milk is coming out, you can stop for a while and massage your breast first, then resume pumping. These works for me.
Remember to "twist and turn" your nipple to clear any blockage.
Welcome to the MooMoo club...

Always loved to read birth story... long also never mind...
I also have a minor tear too. 1 stitch and now after 3 weeks, dun feel anything liao... hee.. very happy...

gtg, medicine taking effect...
coral...bb come out soon better mah, can end all our sufferings...but the confinement also not easy.

my MIL does not allow me to wash hair , for bathing is with herbs, she just brew chicken with DOM yesterday for my SIL....scared of the smell. Tink i will secretly wash my hair with herbs as my mum says its ok if use herbs and "cang mao" (something to get rid of wind)

halo glad to see u in the forum again. Sat i just celebrate my birthday...tot if bb come out tat day even better, but too bad ....still dun wan to come out ..hehe
Yup quite smooth delivery, like you with 4 pushes, out came my desiree. yup, like you mention the injection actually didnt help much in the end.

haha.. very daring hor.. still can go watch movie. but at that time not very much contractions.

dun know leh... nurse inject for me in the end cos i cant tahan the pain liao. but again no use!!
hello ladies,
just back from PD. Baby's jaundice is back, and doc wants me to try sunning her for another 3 days and go back again on Thurs. If she's still yellow, will have to do a blood test again.... so terrified that she will have to be readmitted...

Was told to feed her more as she weighs only 3.54kg now at 2 weeks old. Weight gain not enough, must also drink more to dispel the jaundice. Was also told not to take herbs, DOM and birds nest for the time being...

Sigh... Now only praying that her jaundice level would go down and not rise again....
hi ladies,
hope everyone is doing and coping well with their little one

congrats to newly promoted mummies too!

juz a little update on myself

will be chking into TMC tonight, am oredi 2cm dilated

babygrace, same as u, we are hoping our boy will come out on 10/10 as my #1 was born on 11/11 .. hee.. :p
So good ah, no loose skin at tummy area! I started my massage today. One word to describe -- SHIOK!!! hahaha... I intend to do a longer period of massage this round, have booked Mdm Naini for 18 days and my pocket will less $1.3K! Called my hb to tell him, I expect him to say, "wah you siao is it" or something like "you spending so much". Who knows, he is very encouraging for me to give my body a full relax massage!! He said for health reason, take good care now to invest for future kekeke... Hmm... wonder is he going to pay for me hahaha...
My bb shower is on 29 Oct. Aiya, that Corinne got to be jie mei on 29 Oct leh, dunno she can make it or not. She can't make it, I will beat her hahaha... You told her about our plan to fool her is it? Cos she came over to my place last Sat and she told me "You 2 very bad hor, wanna play me"
Where are you having your bb shower? At home?
Yeap, the nurses, relatives and friends all said Jaslyn like me

Dee Dee,
Is normal for bb to fall asleep during feeds. Try to wake her up to continue the feeds. My gal's feeding time is about 3 to 4 hrs apart. My 1st gal was terrible, drinks every 2 hrs apart last time!

Yeap, like what crystallized said, get your hb to help to massage cos there are some angles we can't massage ourselves. Yes, it will be very painful during massage but endure. Pump out a little bit of milk to release some "tension", use cold cabbage to put on your breasts. It will release the engorgement.

Jaslyn no daughter yet, but got a Mummy called Jenny hahaha... No lah, Jaslyn hasn't met crystallized's boy yet. They missed each other but I'm wondering if they 2 were in the same NICU? Crystallized, same or not ah? My gal at Level 3 NICU. Your boy leh?
Think you better admit to KKH to check. Sometimes the contractions are so mild that we can't feel it.

I feel the gynae made a twist and my waterbag burst... water just came out. Not very pain.

Why you din call the CL to come in now? Dun eat too much outside food, cos salty.
You try to put hot towel on your breast, then massage before you pump. Also drink a cup of hot drink before pumping.
You can mix the EBM pump out on the same day, but not immediately. Eg. you pump out at 12pm, keep in fridge. Then 3 pm, you pump again, keep in fridge. Then 6pm,you pump again, keep this in fridge. Now you can combine the EBM that you pump out at 12pm and 3pm together, but not the 6pm one. Cos different temp.

Lee Tung,
I feel as a 2nd time mum, we know what we will be going thr again, so more scare.

You going to pop soon! Congrats in advance!

ya, i know telling him will make me feel better, but just dont want him to worry too much lor. that morning after he woke up and asked me to stop crying, i could immediately put a stop to it. dont worry, if i can't hold it any more, i'll sure let it out.

reg EBM, each session i spent abt 45min to 1hr. but within the session, i rotate between the 2 breasts frequently. my fren just told me her let down reflect came only 6 week later and her bb latched on fr the beginning. so for my case, i think my let down reflect will only come in after my bb comes home.

i din get the CL in cos i only need her to cook for me as i most prob will be travelling to and fro the hospital. given my bb's condition and i prob will face more difficulty in bonding with him, so i rather her to only comes in after my bb is back.

wah, u book for 18 sessions!! so SHIOK! i havent started mine yet, cos i might need to keep traveling to and fro the hospital this week. i wonder if i start my massage next week, which is 2 weeks after i gave birth, will it be effective.
actually i just saw the tigh area showing the "jiao jiao" skin liao.

oh dear, cannot add new EBM into those in the fridge... i hv been doing that since yest. think your way is more correct.

3 days after i gave birth i took a measurement and i only lost 4kg and my bb weights 2.5kg ==> i still need to get ride of 11kg!!!
stay positive and most inot now is to take care of your health so that u can take care of baby when he is at home.

I do not have regular contraction but mild pain the night before I deliver, that is why I was still on the forum the nite before cos too many irregualr contraction liao, in the morning, then admit to hospital cos the menses type of pain become stronger
wow, u really enjoy youeself. 18 DAYS massage!
envy envy.

coolcoolmun,for EBM, I spent 20 min for each breast. I watch tv and pump so that u will not find it bored and too tired.
Vivian, take good care. Eat more vit. C ba. Will definitely sms you ladeis if Charlotte arrives.

Jenny, I just realise the last time I also never feel contraction till the last 1+hrs b4 the bb come out and that was already very very painful contraction. So am contemplating if I should go to hospital. Am thinking may go in tonite or tmrw morn ba.

Wei Kuan, think I'll be like you, pain amd aches for a while before feeling the contraction ba.
You should consider to get the CL in to cook for you. You should bu your body first, so when bb is discharged, you are in tip toe condition to look after bb.
You can arrange with massage lady for the timing. Last time, I did the massage 2 weeks later and still can see the effect lor. Which massage lady did you engage? The loose skin will be there one lor, cos our skin stretched so much when we were preggie.
Dun add new EBM into those in fridge leh. The temp is different and the milk will turns sour. Try to use the EBM within 48hrs. TMC nurses dun advise to freeze EBM. They told me to use within 48hrs.

Wei Kuan,
Yeap, 18 sessions. Must pamper myself mah. Anyway I wanna get rid of the wind from my body.
You wanna check with your gynae does KKH charge you for a nite stay if say you admit after 10.30pm? If they dun, perhaps you can check in KKH tonight after 10.30pm?
hi gals

i sneaked back again, cos missed this forum ; )time rally flies, today is the 17th day since i deliver, 1st month in less than 2 weeks time !

to share with all the mums..


Baby has jaundice on the 3rd day after birth, which is 24 Sep 2006. Me & hubby were happily packing our stuff that day, and when the nurse tells us bb may not be discharged, we were quite upset. We waited for the jaundice test result and were discharged as it was not THAT HIGH, but have to come back the next day to monitor on 25 Sep

Hubby and my mum brought bb back on 25 Sep and doc said bb has to be admtted liao, so she stayed all the way till 29 Sep, again doc said bring back on 6 Oct, if condition does not improve, has to go liver test

We delay the appt till today due to hazy weather . Today we brought bb back to SGH to monitor her jaundice. what happens was she is still jaundiced but doc said seems better..so next appt on the day b4 hari raya

I tried Mdm Sadiah for a 5 days message from 27 Sep to 1 Oct. Mdm Khatijah from 2 Oct to 8 Oct.

Honestly, I agreed with Deedee. It is so gross with oil all over your body and the same piece of cloth for so many days !!!

that is y, i start to shower regularly from 27 sep =p

btw, my tummy got a lot of red marks from the binding. also very itchy..really admiore those ladies who can tahan that dirty piece of cloth !!
Jenny, I think it's after 11pm for KKH. My gynae was telling my hb on Sat, I never really listen. Tonite my hb coming back around 1am, then I'll ask him to see if we should admit or sleep at home till morning. I think I prob have another 10-15hrs before I'll go into labour. haha, trying to act like a gynae here. Your hb definitely wont say you siao lah. After all these that you went thru, I'm sure he understand the need for you to get your health back in shape. Who knows, tonite he might just ask you how much is it and pay for it.

Jo., hope your gal will be clear of jaundice asap. Do you have to apply nappy rash cream before putting on the binder?

Chihiro, are you admitting bcos you already feel contraction or your gynae wants you to admit since you're already dilated and he'll induce you? I very confused as to whether I should admit myself or not leh. Cos most of you 1-2cm dilated already admit. I 3cm liao, but gynae still tell me to wait...

milk flow kind of weird, sometimes 120 ml in an hr, sometimes 80 ml..

was quite surprisd abt sunning for jaundice and water for bb, PD warned me again today not to give sun & water...
Jo., that's weird hor. Some PD say sun some say don't But for water, I heard that BF bb no need.

Think there must be lots of movement in my tummy. Already poo 4 times today until last time also nothing much can come out.
Coral..din noe must apply nappy rash cream leh

very exited that u r popping in less than 24 hrs ; ) all the best & sms me when u have delivered !

PS: i realised all the entries frm 3 oct to 5 oct r mssing ?
Dun scatch the red marks wor, if not wait you kena blister hor. Your massage lady din ask you to wash or air the cloth meh? If you find yourself oily, apply some bb powder.

Then admit after 11pm bah... at least got nurses to monitor you mah. Dun forget this is your 2nd time. Perhaps it will be faster.
Hee... I already sms and call hb to inform him liao... and he knew the price to pay hahaha... I tot he will say me but he said is worth to pay the price to get back the health in good shape.
Being a MUM

honestly..i think my hubby is really much better..i am lazy and cannot hear my bb cries at nite..if hubby have breasts with milk...he is really the PERFECT parent.. =p last nte, he cuddles bb fom midnite to 3am in a bid to make her sleep..
haiz jenny,, i came here too late. my last massage was yday and i hav scartched for the past 12 days...hubby said these red marks r worse than stretchmarks
hi ladies!
wah, the thread is moving too fast for me to catch up!! anyway, maybe coral, chihiro and my baby will hv the same bday - 10/10!! O will be admitting into TMC tonight after 11pm for induction. Wish me luck! Hope to have a smooth delivery
Jo., your bb very smiley face and big eyes. All along you very bo chap type wat, your hb has always seem the very caring I not surprise when you say he takes care of bb more than you.
I think if you stop scratching now the red marks will go away. I had rashes and red marks last time too, but I tahan and dont scratch they go away soon.

Storm and Chihiro, have a smooth delivery. I still not sure if I should admit leh. If I go then they send me back very sian and also I'll have to make hb get special perm ission to be away from work and find stand in last minute to admit with me...I'm in such a dilemma. Why can't my water bag just break then it's a clear clear sign to be admitted.
must apply nappy cream before binding ah?? drapolene can? meaning ask massage lady to apply for us before they bind isit? can i ask them to use firming creams (which i bought) also? or shld i apply firming creams myself?
i very kiasu.. bought 3 types of creams n oils.. Clarins anti eau oil (for water retention), Clarins body shaping cream and mustela post partum firming gel.
gals, any idea y 3 oct to 5 oct postings vanish ? ;)

hehe, coral...i love her but it is really lack of sleep to be a mum..haiz

PS : i m thinking of going jb next week =p
Jenny, I visited Jaslyn's log. She likes to sleep doesn't she? She sleeps thru all the photo taking. Looks so sweet. Love the one she took with Daddy. And yes, she looks exactly like you!
Storm, can ask massage lady to apply nappy rash before binding. Why not keep firming cream for later? Not sure if you'll get funny reaction by mixing so many different types of cream.

Jo., I think your gal looks like you. No doubt you love her, but you just the super modern Mummy. See, now rushing to JB again. Haiz. Your hb really got two gals to take care of man!
storm, the massae lady will apply herbs one, so mixing all these will increase the grossness ; )

coral..see how lah...so \sianz to be confined... =)
but my skin is very sensitive.. i get rashes when im using products with mineral oil.. if i apply nappy cream before binding will it lessen the itch and rashes??
hi ladies,
my EDD was yesterday but i still not deliver yet.
Already spoke to gynae and he advice me to induce. will admit 2molo midnite for induce.
very sad coz thinking can try my best to deliver naturally w/o epidural. but since induce might take long time, so gynae advice to take epidural. hope tat i can hav a smooth delivery.
wish me gd luck!!!

i already sweet talk to bb so many times but he ignore me lel.

my boy will hav same b'day with ur daughter.
we both jia you!!

Storm & Chihiro,
Jia you!!!
ic ic.. ok, lucky i bought 4 tubes of drapolene to stand by.. think i'll use up 2 tubes for myself since my surface area is much bigger(read: fat)! hehehe!
Jasmine, good luck and have a smooth delivery. Induce might take longer and slightly more painful but if you want to try w/o epidural it's also possible. Last year my water bag broke and gynae inserted pills to induce, took 22hrs, but still managed w/o epi. So longas you're determined, it's possible.

Ladies, got this recipe from an ah pek who is very closed with my auntie (he used to be a sinseh when he's in China last time). Pls ask your CL to cook for you. This is very good for confinement women, according to this ah pek.

<font color="0000ff">Use chicken leg, clean and wash, then add a bottle of chicken essence to the chicken leg and go and "tun". No need to add water. Then "tun" till the chicken becomes soft soft and eat the chicken and drink the residue.</font>

You can take this everyday. No need to take other bu liao.
