(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

i dont take beef leh... the only meat tat i take is chichen pork and fish. i take lots of fish.

Janice, Jenny,
Dr Ang oso ask me to call the clinic no. cos he say the hp no. he gave me during my 1st preggie is not in use liao. he say if the clinic is closed, the phone will be diverted to his hp.

but hor, im tinkg if the clinic is open, den most prob Mdm Chan will pick up the call, she always sound so impatient over the phone, dunno we'll get to speak to Dr Ang anot leh.
hehehehee, thats why its time 4 u to start packing liao lor. actually me oso dun feel any sense of urgency. if not for tt nite of false contractions, i still dilly dally man.
but it certainly feels more at ease now tt i hv settled most things. so i need not worry when i am really in labour.

hahaha, i wonder if i can remain so calm like u when real labour sets in leh. but then i guess b4 admitting, muz grab sthg to eat, else later no strength. but tt day when i so kan cheong, mind all blank. cant think at all. so funny.

oh drinkg the chix essence w/o warming up is better? i din noe tt. but eeeee, so scary taste. i sure dun dare one.
Ya, Dr Ang's HP no tat starts with 80XX XXXX is no longer in use. Just call emergency no. lor.

Not sure leh, I din ask. My aunt know this ah pek from China (retired liao lah) who is a sinseh. He said best drink w/o warming for normal days. He taught my aunt a lot of things wor. He even gave my aunt a slip with some chinese herbs names written on it, ask my aunt to bring to medical hall to get the staff to pack. He said is very good for confinement women. But I din try lah. Then he said women who had their menopause already, eg. stop menses, shouldn't bath with hot or warm water. Must bath with cold or normal temp water.
Crystallized, really must grab food man. That day when I lay on the hospital bed and my tummy making noise I realise I forgotten to eat something and I felt so weak and faint. Then I think if really going into labour sure no strength.
u dun take beef? hmm... then how abt u try take more pork cos pork also considered red meat so mayb will help ba.

i need to start taking more fish cos i realised since preggie i take very little fish as compared to pre-preg though i dun have negative effects on fishy smell. also dunno y. think lazy ba cos must watch out for bones etc...
Actually I'm amazed that I was so calm that time. Maybe becos my gynae's instructions were very clear. So I not gan cheong bah.
Yes, eat a bit, if not no strength to push but remember not to eat too much. The gas mask will make you throw out everything. Also in case of c-section. After delivery, no food will be "served". So prepared to go hungry for 1 day... anyway too tired le, food dun even come into our minds, we only wanna sleep/rest.
Wah liew, that nite when you said you think you going to due, my BH were attacking me. Made me so anxious also wor.
hi ladies,
something to share. published in today's Today. hb wrote the 1st draft, i edited and further edited by the paper. we had been wanting to write in but no real opp to do so until the story on the Marina Bay came on then we quickly seize the opp... let's see what response we get from this.

Punggol 21 still doesnt add up

I REFER to the article The green thumbsup
(Sept 7).

It is nice to know that within just nine
months, the Ministry of National Development
(MND) has chosen the two winning
masterplans for the Gardens by the Bay
project. Im sure the area will be an international
attraction that will make Marina
Bay a vibrant, exciting location with the integrated
resort as its backdrop.

I live in Punggol, or as it was touted in
the late 1990s, Punggol 21. In the late
1990s when the MND proposed the development
of Punggol estate and was out
to get people excited about it, it had projected
the estate as a 21st-century town
integrated with many components of modern
living, embracing innovation in the
planning and design of public housing.

But in the three years I have lived here
and the two years of monitoring the estate
before that, only one plaza (which has an
NTUC Fairprice supermarket and a Food
Court) and three coffeeshops have sprung
up. One would have expected a shopping
mall at least as big as Sengkangs Compass
Point. There are no real recreational
or sporting facilities to speak of, no petrol
stations, no fast-food outlets, nothing we can
relate to the theme of Town of the 21st Century.

There are limited buses going to other
estates from Punggol. This new estate,
with more young families, would also appreciate
having more infant/childcare facilities.

The residents were told that the town
is not populated enough to warrant such
amenities. During the recent General Election,
none of the candidates (from the ruling
or opposition parties) raised this issue
at all. Even the Singapore Sports Council
commented that there are no plans for a stadium
or sports facilities in Punggol.

An archery field opened two years ago,
only to become an eyesore as no one seems
to be using it. Its good to hear that the Singapore
Rugby Union is trying to build its
headquarters and fields in Punggol, but we
can only cross our fingers and hope this
plans comes through.

If the Government is willing to fund
the relevant agencies to build amenities in
Punggol, people will come and eventually
the town will evolve and become more vibrant.

It is a chicken and egg situation. How
can one attract more residents to the estate
when it is still seen as a dead town?

I believe many residents like myself
are wondering if we should just sell our
flats after five years and move to more established
estates. But who would want to
buy our flats if the area is as quiet then?

I hope the MND will show as much enthusiasm
for this town as the attention
given to Marina Bay, even if Marina Bay is
hailed as the next big attraction for Singapore
that can bring in the big bucks and
boost the economy.

If the Government is still committed to
its initial plans to transform Punggol, I
am sure that with a concerted effort, in
nine months or less we could choose a masterplan
for Punggol, and the transformation
of Punggol could happen as quickly as
the Marina Bay project.
i noe muz eat sthg, but tt day i so kan cheong tt i cant rem wat i am supposed to do except to rest in bed.
but muz rem we cant eat too full, else might vomit later.

i heard babies weight is + or - 400 to 500 grams. so they can weight more or less at birth.
heee, u oso popped into sep thread? the mummies there v funny, all cant wait to pop and waitg 4 signs to show.

hahahaha, u oso freaked out by me tt day huh? so funny!
dun say lah, juz tt u cant see me, my hands & legs were so cold man. really thot i was gg into labour.

i sure will flip when real labour comes. cant rem wat i am supposed to do liao. hehehehehe
mayb i go and list down the things i am supposed to do when contractions hit me since my brains sure cant function by then.
write down is one thing. make sure you paste the list somewhere visible so u can go refer. otherwise later panic then cannot find the list

mayb paste a few at different places ba
so no matter where u r, sure can see one.
btw Jenny
can think of the things we need to do b4 admitting ourselves into hospital?

all i can think of is
1) Eat something
2) Double check on the items to be brought along to hospital
huh... remember to stay calm lor, bring admission letter and NRIC. Bag and the rest can come in later...
Jacket is a must for your hb, if not he freezes to dead man.
so funny! i can imagine writing da zi bao and pasting all over my room! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
machiam like da yee long chasing for payment! hahahahahahaa
yah wat. later actual thing come u freeze again then at least it is big enf there for you to see mah. if not, hb or other family members can see n remind u also lor... gd idea right. i think i also shld do it hor
my dad will say i siao liao
i oso initially went in to kpo only, but now i hv joined their waiting bench!
juz dunno my queue number! hahahaha

huh? formula to calculate BM?> wah v stressed one leh. din take note of tt. i got a rather useful BFG bk at home, so i will refer to tt.

oh yah, thks 4 reminding me, muz take the last bath & wash my hair!

yah my bag & my hb's one packed alrdy. i kept reminding him to wear long sleeved and bring jacket, else when he freezes, i oso cant help him. hahahaha

stay calm ah?
er, i will write this down but no guarantee it will work! heheehehehhe
oh ya. just remembered. my gal friend says if wanna register bb's name in hopsital then must bring orignial marriage cert wor. though can get hb to bring later but just to remind u lah...
i make sure my hb sees it and remind me. hehehe... but da zi bao can only paste in my wardrobe lah. else if my MIL sees it, she will laff! so kua zhang!
we wun b registering our baby's birth cert immed coz need to get shifu to calculate his name. but anyway the marriage cert is alrdy in my hb's bag.
Selina, its "The Complete Book of Breastfeeding" by Marvin S. Eigner & Sally Wendkos Olds.
i find this the best bfg bk i read so far. bought myself a copy to keep aft i returned the library's copy.

The one i bought is the latest edition. bigger in size than the library version and more updated. And for useful tips and reminders, they actually box it up so we can refer to them later easily. i used stickers to bookmark them so i can easily refer later. Not exp, abt $20+ only.

i find this bk v reassuring and encouraging.
Actually today I already print out some notes for my inlaws. Pasted on the paper bag with stemcord items for hem to help bring to hospital if hb not around. And maybe i'll really do a check list for myself and paste around. Cos like crystallised, i was stunned and only thing I remember was catch a cab and go hospital.
Thats why i wondered how come mummies whom got contractions can remain so calm?
all i can think of it, "pls baby, not now, wait till next wk ok? mummy not ready." then tried to use deep breathing but end up trembling! hahahaha
Crystallised, I was trying to take deep breathe too, but end up feeling the breathe kena stuck can't breathe then end up shivering...
wei kuan
u din read our earlier postings? i think can go when u r abt 15 mins interval. BUT if u need longer time 2 travel to the hospital, like got jam etc, then dun wait till its so late. anyway by the time contraction hits, u might freak out, so go when u feel u can tahan, i think.
hi jenny
dun scare me , my EDD is 25/10 but i already experience the sharp pain....if i deliver 2 weeks frm now, my hubby may not be in sg yet...now im 33 weeks only i tink
it is very impt to know when there is real contraction as doc have drugs to stop contractions if baby is still small. have to faster rush to hospital.(unless waterbag did not break)
hi mummies

have anyone started taking coconut juice yet? my MIL say that after 32wks can start to take "cooling" stuff coz after delivery we hv to take heaty stuff.. this is to somehow "neutralize" it.. haha..

the last time i went to see my gynae, she said bb is very down, engaging soon. but im only in my 32wk!

everytime i stand up now can feel pain at my pelvic/groin area. hv been peeing every 2hrs too.. wonder if these are signs of bb already engaged???
Hi storm,
think most mummies already taking the coconut juice. About 1 coconut per week. Shouldn't have restrictions ba. I eat when i feel like eating lor. They said must take the normal green big coconut, not the small one from Thailand. Said to aid smooth delivery and baby will come out "cleaner".

I also pee alot. Pelvic pain too, especially when wake up at night to go toilet. Not sure if baby engaged, but mummies said the tummy will look "lower". Mine still round and "perky". Hee hee..
<font color="aa00aa">hi hi ladies..
sorry for not being able to log-in today..was very stressed up at work yesterday..i cried at work aft a mtg with my finance mgr..she just cant see some "agreement" i had with the new MD..anyway, i think it's beyond my control..coz even if now i can do things within my control..she will surely change things when I m not ard lor..so i will try not to get affected by it..since i will be gg on my annual leave starting 27-sept..it's less than 3 wks from now..so dun want to stress myself further..so i got to learn to "take things more easy" &amp; just do her way..when things dun work, then it's not my prob anymore..sorry to make such a comment, but i guess maybe she wasnt in the sales support line b4..so the way she see things is very diff lor..sigh..</font>

Hi hi jasmine..
Thks for sharing the link with us..thks..i will go &amp; take some time to read abt it..btw, my appt this fri is at 7pm, wat abt u?i will have to decide on the beds, will be gg for 2 bedded..btw, i phoned up kelly to find out more abt charges on inducing..coz i was thinking if i really cant take the stress at work..i might opt to be induce..see how things goes..

Hi hi crystallized..
So to be exact..ML is considered as 12wks or 84 days..coz if u count by mth..also got to deduct wkends &amp; PH..more or less the same..just a matter when u r gg to clear the "3rd mth" or last 4 wks of ML only...I dun think I can ask abt the 2 days childcare leave..coz i also understand some companies they calculate the 2 days childcare leave at the beginning of the yr..so my HR can also tell me as at 1-Jan-06, my child havnt born yet..so can also dun allow me to claim that 2 days lor..even thou I know that by right I can at least find out lor..but forget it since my HR sure go &amp; find out from my finance mgr, then I just want to forget abt it in this case..esp now at work, sigh..forget it lor..as long as I get to clear the 12 wks ML, I think I'm more than contented liao..

Hi hi Gemini..
Some of the co already calculate at the beginning of the yr those PH that fall on a Sat to "add" in as leave to our annual leave..so u got to chk with ur HR..coz if not, then u wont be entitled to the "extra" day's leave coz we will be in out midst of ML liao..we wont get "extras" when we are already in ML lor..

Hi hi selina..
Never mind, we can claim the 2 days childcare leave next yr..so better than nothing..actually based on what I understand, actually that 2 days childcare leave is claimable up to the child reach 7 yrs old or 14 days in one co that u r gg to stay with for at least 7 yrs..like in ur case..if u will be working for ur co for the next 7 yrs, then u can claim up to a max of 14days..hope u r feeling better..i think u dun walk so much from now onwards..rest more, ok?

Hi hi jenny..
Thks for ur "tips" and clarification on the ML..i think we got to understand fully on our rights...I feel it's very impt..at least i get to understand from my HR friends that my co cant sack up during my ML..if they really do, we can sue them lor...sigh..i think i better dun stress myself so much now on this...sigh..

Hi hi coolcoolmum..
Based on what I understand as at now when everything is under talk with IBM, we might be "under" them wef Nov..so I really duno how things will be lor..for my case, to be safe, I rather take one full shot then to take any chance to take 8 wks, then deduct AL before yr end then take the remaining 4 wks later lor..since u get to enjoy this welfare..then I think u can plan as per wat u have in mind, this is really gd for u also..

Hi hi wei kuan..
Can u PM me the contacts of SCBB?thks ahh..diff co calculate the start of ML differently..some co start on the 1st workday of that wk..some start the day of ur child's birth be it a wkend or wkday like urs..but at least u got to know when it will be "fair" for u to come back to work lor..

Hi hi jo..
Diff co take it differently when it comes to childcare leave..some "add" in the 2 days childcare leave at the beginning of each yr, some declared it as 1 day for the 1st half of the yr &amp; the 2nd day at the 2nd half of the yr..so for ur case, ur co only "acknowledge" it aft u have cleared ur ML lor...never mind, next yr can start taking..also not bad..keke..

Hi hi esther..
Ya, I actually bought raspberry tea but hvnt start drinking..was thinking of drinking it daily when I reach my 36th wk next wk...hehe..heard one of my friend mentioned that it will help in a smooth delivery leh..
Wtan, don't cry and be upset ok. Don't let your work affect your baby. Health more important.
So its true to drink raspberry tea. Me thought of buying at the Taka basement..

Hi storm, can start drinking coconut le. Me already start drinking when reach 33weeks. Like most mummy here mentioned, its kind of cooling and help cleanse the baby ba..
Take it easy okie? Try lah... few more weeks only... endure...

Me today dun know how come so tired and no mood to teach. So when hb told me he is on half day leave today, I decided to tell boss that I am not feeling well and left early to get my breastpump.
Finally got my Ameda pump from BMSG. Really very quiet... satisfied.

On top of that, I received a wonderful surprise from a friend of mine who ordered a personalised tatty bear from UK for me. Took some photos with the bear. Will try to upload tomolo. =)

Anyway, going for checkup tomolo morning. 37weeks liao... hopefully Rhys dun put on weight too much... I dun want to be induced... but cannot help wishing him to come out early... sigh... confused....

As for cramps and false contractions, I have so many BH and pains until i also cannot differentiate which one is which liao... all either pain or uncomfy... you ask me what and where is it, I also dun know how to say... think hor, even when the real contraction comes, I will also be clueless lor...

Ok lah.. update you all tomolo... nite nite.
