(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

About leave.

Something we can do is to apply MC. Get it from gynea if really very near the birth but not here yet. Must as well apply MC before due when the body start to have "feel".

I myself intend to apply ML one week before due date. and if really 38th week cannot tahan then ask for MC from Gynea.

hi jenny,
u really durian lover oo..even mooncake too.
i did my experiment yesterday .. ate durian. but then bb no response lel. (normally bb love sweet taste, rite?)
my hb said bb fainted after smell the durian smell.
both of u must b looking forward to shop together. when ur hb come back to sg? mayb u can make a list on wat do u need to buy. then will b easy for u. i'm sure will b tired coz our tummy is so big liao.
Just got a news from a Sep 06 Mum whom I know, she popped last Sat to a bb gal at 2.87kg via natural delivery w/o epidural by Dr Ang.

It was risky for her to opt for natural birth cos her No 1 (born in Mar 05) was delivered via emergency C-Section.
My grandma used to take durian with rice too.
Hee... super filling sia...
Super high dose of carbo also.. haa...
Make me want to eat durian now... yummy...
jasmine, jenny,
i love durian with rice. eat it since young. mum n me loves durian so durian season, dad buys a lot then she lazy to cook, we just have durian n rice... yummy!!!!

last weekend like some auspicious date to give birth. saw lots of Sep mummies giving birth. i think if can u go slightly b4 7 ba. cos the buy who explained the thing to me yesterday talk so bloody fast hardly can really understand what he saying so in case my info wrong then at least u still can get the $20 voucher.

yah. think u better prepare a list of the items you need to get and where to get them then easier for hb to bring you around. faster also.

how i wish i can apply for MC. used up all my MC since 1st tri cos hospitalised and kana bed rest at home for 40 days

coral, janice,
my own SIL hopes my boy comes out end Sep then got chance same bday as her. my hb sis wants my boy to come out in oct so can same bday as her. my gd galfriend ask me to tahan until 10 oct so can same bday wif her. aiyo... how to plan... he wants to come out then come out lor. i cant do anything right...

hospital bag
discuss wif hb n mum n we conclude that i shld just leave my hospital bag at home. my mum will bring it down for me when the time comes if i not going from home. will just keep the admission doc wif me that's all. also no need hb to bring bag down cos scared not in time for him.
i never try it. really nice arr? jz ask jenny to try.
yeah... i think shld leave the bag at home. we cant bring the whole bag wif us, too heavy. me lagi easy, my gynae said no need to bring admision letter. jz direct go to hospital will do. they will contact him .
I ate durian with rice when young too, now i prefer just durian else no space in tummy liao.

janice, since my dad want my delviery to be delayed, then i need not try any method only need to ask bb to tahan.

Selina, actually my best fren also tell me to give birth on 6oct same bday as her, my colleague say 10 oct same as her daughter...ya lor so many requests how to plan?
nice. no lah cos hb usually dun carry bags to work. only his mobile n a card holder. so no place for him to keep my admission doc lor. so since i always have a handbag, he said better for me to keep so he no need to rush home to get it then come hospital. he can meet me there straight.
Selina, coral..
Now whatever date also not up to us lah..
Only the one inside us can decide lor...

BTW, try to bring the doc's reports including those blood test reports leh. Coz if *touchwood*, your gynae cannot come in time and you need medical assistance immediately, they can at least check your reports first and act in time. My doc told me those reports are impt lor. My SIL also reminded me abt this too.
i can understand ur worry. what i mean is if u r not planning to take leave before delivery, why not first take the 2 mths ML first, then your leave, then the balance 4 weeks ML. in that case, u will still be clearing ur AL this yr and 3rd mth ML with 6mth. And u get to spend more time with ur bb. if u dont get to stay with the co (**touch wood!**) they should still let u take the 3rd mth ML and encash the bal leave to u since ur delivery date falls under the old company?? if u get to stay under IBM, i would think that their HR benefits should be not bad. hee hee, this is what i'm going to do, so i'll be take 4 mths off, back to work only in Feb!

10-15min sounds like the contraction is quite bad liao. this is my first pregnancy, so i'm not sure will it be too painful to walk? would the contraction/pain get intense shortly?

yes, got the joke liao. have not been ML for a long time, so didnt think of the big tummy problem.

just thot of 2 qns.

1. anyone knows it is true that if go for induction, usually only admit to hospital at night?

2. i always hear pp having problem with breastfeeding at the beginning. why no one ever mentioned compliment baby suckle with breast pump to make milk flow comes faster??
Hi CoolCoolMum,

1. Never heard of this leh. So also not sure whether it is true.

2. What you mean by compliment baby suckle with breast pump ? you mean instead of latch on, just pump the milk out?

what i mean is that i heard alot of cases whereby baby suckle takes 5 days or longer to get the milk flow. so, i'm just wonder if compliment with breast pump to stimulate it, will the milk flow comes earlier??
coolcoolmum, I heard that with bb suckle easier for Mum to achieve let down. Cos the mother more stimulated when she look at the bb than a pump...
Reagrding when bb coming out, this morn also quite irritated with my sis who called fr abroad..

She is in Sydney for studies and need to get her tickets back to Zingapore..she asks me if my bb first month falls after 19 Nov, she will book the ticket for 18 Nov and rush back..her sch exams over on 17 Nov

but if bb first month is earlier tahn 17 nov, she will stay back in Sydney to do her attachment before coming to Singapore in Jan..

I was telling her BB's first month depends on when she is born..I can't sew her back into my tummy if she chooses to come out earlier mah...I also cannot predict the date if it is a natural birth

end up we get irritaed with each other lor

If not

I think it is a good choice of venue 4 proposal ; )

when we were inside the cable car, i TOT he was going to propose to me, cos perfect ambience..somemore present me with a heart shape box with many handmade hearts and he asked me to look for something inside the heart

end up it is a pendant and not a ring =p
1) not necessary. my sis both kids induced but she admit in the morning. induction u can choose the day and time what.

i read in sep thread that some of the mummies do that but still like pump out very little. seems like their milk supply increase after 4 or 5 days.

yah lor. depend on the little one inside us. not up to us to decide.
no lah. i think 10 - 5 mins shld be still quite ok. cos most of my friends also like that. still can walk, go makan then go hospital type. anyway seems like even 10 - 5 mins, dilation might not be significant for 1st time mummies.
wat i heard during class was if we push b4 we reach 10cm, it will cause cervix to swell. so when swelling occurs, means its like expanded, thus the dilation will drop back to say 7 or 8cm. u hv to wait for cervix to cease swelling and tt will take some time. so the best is to wait 4 instructions when to push. but of coz i heard many mummies say cannot control when the urge comes to push!

yah lor, i think my hb is afraid of hurting baby and he feels guilty ML as he is so near baby. hehee

eh u really ML expert leh!

i din noe TMC got penalty charge. my gynae din even gimme her #. juz say when there r any signs of labour, proceed to TMC 4 admission leh. then TMC will contact her.

eh i ask u ah, we can drink chix essence during confinement rite? my mum says best to drink 1 btl in the morning & at nite. even during BFG oso can rite?
aiyoh, u gals can stop talkg abt durians anot? i controlled myself v well since i am 31 wks... all the talk abt durians, BUEY TAHAN leh!
I have already sign up to donate to SCBB.

Glad you are fine.
Did doc give u MC or HL? Can we ask for HL instead?
I was in kk in the morning, when u sms me, I was in taka market having my lunch.
From the lesson, it is no no to go to hospital when the contraction is 5mins apart, it is too late already. Have to use strength to push, if not enough strength, gynae will use vacuum or forceps like that.

I am in my 36weks tomorrow and already pack my bag when I am in my 34weeks.
Vomit today morning and feel faint the whole day.


thanks =) i quite like the dress ;) somemore last piece..

childcare leave accordin to my HR is only valid if u have cleared ur ML..so let say if i pop on 17 oct, my ml will be till jan..so no CL for me this year

sometimes we r paying for the ambience =)
Good Morning MTBs

Hi Coral

Hope you are feeling better now? You got to take good care of yourself.

Hi Jo

Happy Belated Birthday.

hi coral
glad that u r fine
yesterday i went kkh too to see dietician and monitor blood sugar level
i was having difficulty to get to slp even slpg on sides...experience pain, tink bb pressing on it
can't walk properly cos vaginal area got sharp pain on and off ...

Went OG albert court to get my OG card and redeem points.....the bedsheets quite cheap, got sale

hi jenny
talking abt durian with rice, have u tried a thai dessert , ie durian with glutinous rice? v yummy, tink can buy from thai express. btw confinement cannot slp in air con room is it? hw cum? tot hospital also air con mah

hi jo
wow....tink u have a great birthday!!! Every year my birthday is v v simple , never had tings like tat, so envy u !!! if my bb decides to come out early i hope he comes on my birthday 7/10/06 hehe
Happy belated birthday!!!

hi all
my hb will be flying off to ireland tomorrow.....will miss him v v v much......only coming back end of sept...hw i wish all the flights will be cancelled and he dun need to go butnot possible ...haiz
This is the first time I heard of durian and rice combination leh. Nice ah?
Hmm dun care the $20 voucher lah, sekali by 6pm+, no more mooncakes haha...

Dun wan... my bb weight q heavy leh, no more durian for me liao

Actually I read somewhere it says 5 mins contraction leh. Just call your gynae to double check when contraction strike.
Usually can walk one lah. The contraction is on and off like menses pain. Unless you diluate very fast, if not, still got to wait for hrs before bb delivers.
My induction was carried out in the morning, and my No 1 was born in the afternoon, 4 hrs after induction.
BB suckle is better than pump. But if one has inverted nipples, then got to use pump. Milk usually comes in on 4th day.

wah liew, pls lah, me not ML expert hor.
Your gynae or nurse din tell you abt the penalty charge ah? I was informed by my gynae and nurse many times. You dun have the emergency no. of your gynae? I tot every gynae will give one.
Yes, can drink. I drink 1 bottle in the morning and 1 bottle in the late afternoon. Before sleep, I drink DOM. Just express out the milk before you drink, then wait for 2 hrs later then express the next session.

Yeap, the ambience is far too ex! But I got to admit, very nice ambience at Dr Cheng.

durian with glutinous rice, yes! Nice. There's another type is mango with glutinous rice, right?
whether can sleep in aircon room, up to individual. For me, I dun sleep in aircon room for normal days. Cos my nose will kena struck. I only on the fan. According to my hb, aircon is cold air, if compare with fan, which circulates normal air (which is room temp), cold air is no good for us (not only women in confinement but normal ppl and kids/bbs). Dunno how to explain, but breathing in cold air, our lungs tend to be weaker.
dun hv leh. my gynae seriously din tell me got penalty charge. she says anything juz come down to TMC. they will noe how to rch her. then i better ask her during my nxt visit.

how abt the rest of the ladies whom r delivering in TMC? any such instructions fr gynae?

wah u drink 2 btls of chix essence and DOM at nite? u stocked up alot of chix essence the other time rite?
hi mtbs,
My collegues who now 33 weeks ++ already admitted to KKH waiting for C-section. actually on wed, she already feeling uncomfortable. & yesterday bcome worst.
but her gynae wanna to observe tat whether her bb can wait or not coz now only 33 weeks.
waiting her news now..
Selina, it's ok. I was scared so trying to get some advise from you ladies.

Like Jenny, I remeber we were told to go hospital only when contraction is 5mins interval or when the pain is unbearable or when water bag broke or if we bleed (not stain).

Thank you for everyone's concern, basically I'm feeling alright but tummy still pain form the excess wind and the acid is causing alot of discomfort. After my false alrm yday, my HB dreamt that bb is born and looks like him. I say ya lah you win bb likes you and looks like you.

Wei Kuan, they gave me MC but I came back to work cos I want to clear the stuff before I leave the company for good.

Jasmine, hope your fren and her bb will be safe. If possible hope her bb can tahan longer.
Hmm, better double check with your gynae. Maybe cos your gynae's clinic is at TMC, so no need to call her? So no need to inform her advance?
Ya, I stock up 2 ctns of chicken essence during the Yu Ren Sheng Roadshow few mths back.
Brands chicken essence is having a promo now. 1 box for $16.50 for 8 bottles and New Moon is $15+ with free box and dunno wat voucher.
If you want to buy from Yu Ren Sheng, I have the VIP card. Think I have a welcome voucher for being their new member at 20% off for the chicken essence. You want? Can meet you at C'way Pt branch one of the days.
If you dun take wine (Martell, DOM or whatever), best to intake at least 2 bottles of chicken essence, 1 in early morning and 1 before sleep. It really makes a great difference. I didn't take at first. Then later I got leg cramps, on the front, not at the back of the legs. Very weird hor, usually women in confinement, body should be heaty. My CL and massage lady kept telling me to drink chicken essence and DOM. Remember to warm up the chicken essence before drink.
Jasmine, initially my bb cot was to be delivered on 30 Sep when I'm abt 38wks, now I've move forward to next Sat when I'm abt 36wks. So should be ok ba. My Mum has helped me wash some bb's clothes, this wkend I'll wash her bedsheets and some clothes too.
Hi ladies,

Me today very very tired... dun know how come like that... read the post here also cannot keep my eyes open leh...

Today still got 1 full day of lesson to teach. Sigh... cannot rest somemore.

Dun know how come... maybe becoz my friend suddenly also got some guts feeling that I will be giving birth this weekend or very very soon leh.. I also feel it like that...
Somemore, today hb told me like my tummy went lower leh.. dun know is it Rhys engaged liao.
Hmm... can only know tomolo during my 37wk checkup. Sigh... suddenly dun feel like waiting any more... dun know how come suddenly like that leh... weird hor??

btw, just in case, today i packed a pants, towel and pad to work liao, so if waterbag burst still can change to something comfy. Too many students here lah... will be very malu...
I oso dunno why no need to call gynae when signs of labour shows. checked wif another fren whom is oso delivering in TMC and she oso said her gynae nvr mentioned such thing. her gynae and mine same instructions. to call TMC and almost 99% the nurses will ask us to b admitted so they can check issit false alarm.

anyway hor, i really leh, dun even noe wat # to call my gynae. all i noe is to call TMC when an emergency occurs.

i dun like Brand's chix essence leh. hate the smell. but there is a brand my ILs buy wif cordyceps and i love it. surprisingly for someone like me tt doesnt like such things. in fact, i craved 4 this chix essence wif cordyceps during 1st trimester but cant drink it then mah. btw issit ok we take the chix essence wif cordyceps?

is Yu Ren Sheng chix essence nice? how much per box ah? thks 4 offering to share ur disc wif me.

hope ur coll is ok and can wait for a few more wks b4 delivering.

wah 5 mins interval v close leh. i dun dare to wait till so close then get admitted.
there is an emergency no which u can call them to direct u to ur gynae. that was what i did when i had the sudden bleeding. only problem is that u hv to wait for ur gynae to call u back. if u can, try to get ur gynae hp no. cos that time they called me back to say my gynae in meeting even thou i already told them i was bleeding badly. then they call back again to tell me call another clinic. i know my gynae only has one clinic in TMC so i asked why call that clinic and where should i go, and they told me to just call that clinic! luckily that clinic's nurse was good, she managed to contact my gynae fast and told me to go TMC direct.

on the contraction part, my only worry is that it would be too painful to walk and dilate too quickly. my fren told me by the time she reached hospital, she was already 4cm dilated. and i thot above certain cm cannot take epidual liao?? actually do we usually get contractions days/weeks with longer interval before it get to 5-10min interval? and how is the feeling different from BH? well, i'm going for my gynae visit later, will check with her what is the contraction interval to start heading to the hospital. over the week i hv add so much till 1 gain abt 2kg. hope that majority goes to the bb.

i hv the same thinking as u on the air-con part. hb and i will try not to on the air-con unless weather really hot and humid. even then, we usually only on it for 1-2 hr.

i just heard that we should stopped taking "bu pin" at 3rd trimester. is that true? one thing i do realized is that my body dont seem to be able to take too much heaty stuffs as compared to 2nd trimester. after taking durian for a few days (just few seeds per day), my face now start to hv alot of pops pops and last night whole night stomachache till cannot sleep.
i will take chix essence coz my mum told me its v impt. oso helps tt it will ti shen since we will definitely hv lack of sleep during confinement. i will try to see if i can drink DOM lah. i hate such things. if i cant stomach it, then cook wif dishes lor.

actually we can take chix essence now rite? i am getting tired easily these 2 wks significantly as compared to the last few mths.

i oso chased my mum to help me wash some bb's clothings. hehehe

dun tell me ur instincts kicked in liao? actually even if bb is engaged, doesnt mean he will come out so fast. but then again, hard to say. juz wait 4 1 more day to see gynae liao. but its gd u r prepared. i oso brought a pad wif me in case water bag burst. nvr thot of bringing extra set of clothings. but mayb ur instincts v strong liao. if u do pop, muz sms one of us k.

i think if there is really an emergency, i wun wait to call my gynae lor. straightaway admit to TMC liao. i dun think i got the time and patience to wait for my gynae to return my call in such a situation.
therefore, i nvr noticed wat # to call my gynae. only hv TMC's #.

i think depends on wat tonics u take bah? throughout pregnancy, i only take bird nest (once a mth) and chix soup wif cordyceps + pao shen wkly. other stuff i nvr take. so far so gd.
