(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

hi hi coral..
must still eat even thou u might throw out..but take smaller portions ba..maybe it does help..nvr let urself be hungry..
Don't worry too much or scare yourself. Rest well, ok? Now just wait for the 9 weeks to arrive for another scan.
My SIL did a scan during her 6 weeks, no heartbeat but can see sac. 9 weeks, she went for another scan, still the same. So gynae told her to wash up. She was told it was a fake pregnancy, I forgot the name. However, few mths later, she convieved again and now given birth to a healthy baby boy.

the BBcare Festival dun looks attractive enough to make me go leh. I stay in North, all the way to East, very out of the way. Last year Motherhood Fair was also disappointed. I think more and more slimming beauty saloons, bb/kids classes, insurance liao. I'm not interested in these lor.

You rest well too. I heard that is quite common for preggies to hurt the joint.

Wei Kuan,
You're so funny. Feel normal isn't it great???!!!

Dont' worry bb no food for few days. Cos bb is not intake any food during 1st trimester. But you should eat! Even if you vomit after eating, is still better than didn't eat. Haha sounds funny when you said your bb is vegetarian kekeke...

Enjoy your customary! And remember to rest well.
New to this thread and can I know when's the best time to see a gynae? I saw Jenny saying somthing like 6 weeks and 9 weeks scan, whats all these? Just tested positive yesterday and wonder do I need to see a Gynae now? Totally no idea what to do...pls give me some advice....also, which Gynae are you using? Shed some light to me pls
hi hi Jenny..
oic..thks for sharing..i guess it's really out of the way for u & doesnt make sense to travel so far from North to East..i stay in tamp..i guess will be gg down to check out ba..heehee..also looking forward to see bb lor..coz on the same day of my appt & the baby Festival..heehee...very looking forward..
hi hi doggy..
welcome to the thread! u shd go & see a gynae, so that u get to know how's the bb now if u r given a scan & also start eating folic acid that the gynae will be prescribing to u..also watch ur diet..where do u stay?i m seeing Dr Koh-Raffles Women & Child Clinic in Tampines Junction..if it's not too far for u, i can recommend him to u..cheers~
try the baby fair at Takashimaya then

baby not intaking food during 1st trimester??!! then all the food i eat is for myself??!! no wonder so fat
Gynea still ask me to eat more, maybe he thinking of building a layer of fats cushion around baby
hi hi doggiemummy...
me also very funny..the other time i went to see gynae for a scan, then gynae tried to scan using adobemen scan, then he kept quiet for a while..then i asked him " is it my fat too thick so more difficult to scan?", he laughed & said no lah, that's has nothing to do with the scanning..hubby cant stop laughing abt this..
If you are first time mum and is anxious, you can go see gynae anytime. If not, wait till week 6 then go, cos gynae will do a scan during week 6 to see for the sac. By 9th week, the scan should also show the bb heartbeat. For the time being, take folic acid every morning, it can be purchased off shelf from Guardian Pharmacy. As for gynae, which to see, is more on your comfort level. Some ppl opt for popular one, some ppl prefer female to male gynae, some are recommended by friends or read up in forum. For me, I prefer one that is near to my home.

Ya, I feel not worth going all the way to EXPO lor. Some more I still have my gal with me. Sure crowded one.

Not going to Taka bb fair unless I'm near there shopping. Firstly, I dun want and dun have place to stock up bb stuff. 2ndly, I will be using hands down from friends or my gal's clothings. I just need to buy some new mittens and booties, other than that, all things can be reused from my gal's ones.
Now is not the stage to say fat lah... just eat. You need a strong body to carry your bb for the 9 mths. Some more after delivery, women will be very weak.
Jenny I say bb is vegetarian cos I'm fine whenever I eat fruits or vegetables. bb must be very vain want to stay slim and look good. I see people eating so envious. I keep telling hb now I got license to eat but then no appetite. But I'm sure in a few weeks' time I'll eb eating like a pig.
Doggiemummy, it's good that yu can eat, but of course don't over do it. A general guide is to eat only 20% more than usual.
Aiya I think I forgot to mention this...
Pls hor, when go for scan during 1st trimester, pls make sure you have full bladder hor, if not, gynae will have hard time to do scanning.
I keep feeling hungry, and when i dont eat i will have dizzy spells until i eat...

I dont look like i am only 2months pregnant
i changed my whole wardrope liao

My conpany's recept is 2 weeks ahead of me, she has no signs of pregnancy yet
hi hi Jenny..
i hvnt been to such fair..i guess shd be ok..hopefully i get to see something there..heehee..thks for sharing..oh ya, why do we need full bladder in order to do the scan? i didnt have a full bladder & 1st appt (6th wk), gynae did a V-scan for me..then 2nd appt (7th wk) is using abdomen scan..r u a SAHM?
Hi Wendy,
I stay in Tampines too. Can you let me have the contact? WHats is his full name? Whats the operating hours?

Hi Jenny,
Thanks for the info

Be postive. Dun feel so sad & stressed up, it may turn out well.

Actually, I also feeling very worried & scared, cos I don't feel anything in my stomach except for muscle pulling. Hope everything is going well for my baby.

I do get MS on and off, sometimes when I'm brushing my teeth and can't tahan the toothpaste smell. Does anyone got this problem with toothpaste?
HI Jenny,
is it called blighted ovum? means the fertilized egg was implanted but due to adnormalities in either egg/sperm, it did not develop further. Im prepared for it, just hope it get it over soon. BTW is the washing process scary?
each preggie woman's tummy is different lah. Dun compare. Some ppl show very fast, you may be the one. Then good wah, ppl see you will siam road for you kekeke... Uncles and Ah bengs will get you a seat on public transport. Don't beg aunties
They turn blind when seeing preggies. I'll be joining you in the new warerobe sooner or later hahaha

Full bladder will make scanning easy. Can easily see the sac/bb
My gynae always request for full bladder one.
I'm not SAHM lah. I'm FTWM.

I do read in books that some preggies can't stand toothpaste.

No, thats not the name. But what you described, sounds like. The gynae told my SIL the sac which was scanned at week 6 and week 9 may be the egg only. The washing process not scary one lah, cos you will be put to GA. Everything gong gong carried out w/o your knowledge.
If things come to the worse, perhaps your fate with the bb is not here yet. Try again after regaining your health ok?
I just remembered, you wanna try potato? My first pregnancy hor, I couldn't eat anything except potato... baked, steam, boiled, deep fried... as long as is potato I'm ok. Same for this pregnancy too. I feel good after eating some.

hi hi doggy..
i cant remember offhand his operatings hrs but i know that he accept night appt whc i think it's rare to find a gynae that accept night appts..since u stayed in tamp, it will also be gd for u to see him, esp at later stage when u r heavy, not need to travel so far, also can see him aft work, no need to apply leave..Dr Koh-Raffles Women & Child clinic can be contacted at 67882288..do keep me posted once u have visited him..i know his last appt is 8.30pm..

hi hi Gemini..
sometimes when i brush my teeth, i do get alittle MS..but i guess it's normal..if u cant stand ur toothpaste's smell, maybe u can consider changing another brand?

hi hi Jenny...
oic..thks for sharing this..i didnt know abt it..maybe i will try to endure when i go for my next scan..then if doc said no need, then i go relieve out..heehee...

hi wendy,
The underwire of bra may cut into the milk duct in the last tri which may affect milk production or caused blocked ducts. And i found it uncomfortable with the wire cutting into me.

hi jenny,
my failed preg were termed as bio-chemical pregnancies. This means that fertilization took place, hence a positive test but there could be some chromosome abnormalities which cant sustain the sac and hence will be lost in week 6/7 of the pregnancy.
And my boy's name is Joshua

hi gemini,
i used to feel the same way about brushing teeth during my 1st pregnancy. Don't worry, the feelingw went away in the later part of 2nd tri,

can understand how you feel since i've gone through 2 failed pregnancies at week 6/7. Don't worry too much. Your's is not a lost cause yet. For mine previously, i could not even see the sac.
Vivian, I am in my 8weeks and 2 days. I have taken a lot of mango and "man ga" and long gan. guess it too heaty

hi hi ilovebabies..
welcome to the thread~ ur EDD is in sept or oct? sorry, just to clarify..cheers~

hi hi babygrace..
oic..hmm..okok, i guess for the time being it shd be ok for me to still put on the underwire bra..probably till the 2nd/last tri then i will change to a non-underwire one...thks for sharing abt this..i do not have any idea abt it..thks~

hi hi doggiemummy..
ya, today is friday..so nice..heehee..just discussed with hubby this morning & he's gg to have a picnic with me at east coast tomorrow..so nice..cool! do hope u have a great day ahead at work too! oh ya, thks for sharing abt the maternity clothes website..thks~

hi hi oct 06 mtbs..
<font color="aa00aa">can i just check with u on customs to be avoided for pregnant woman..i know that we r not encouraged to attd weddings esp at the 1st tri..wat abt hubby attdg weddings or birthdays celebrations? can anyone advise me on this? really appreciate it..thks!</font>
Good morning ladies!

Wendy, cannot attend weddings meh?? I got attend all weddings, bb full mth etc, except for funerals. I think is up to you lah. If you are comfortable, then just attend lor.
Hi babygrace,
thank you. i'm feeling much better today. Last nite realised that my hubby was really upset, because of me more than the 'baby'. he said he's ok to have or not to have baby, and he feels helpless that I've got to go thru this. We decided to take it that its gone, so its easier to move on.
Do you know the reason for your failed pregnancies? I'll probably go to chinese doc to pu and hopefully improve my egg quality.
Wei Kuan,
Dun take so much mango and man ga, very heaty leh. Mango considered as "poison" fruits. Some ppl sensitive to it.

hi hi Jenny..
i duno leh..heard some pple say..my ex-colleague's wedding this 11th mar but i dun think i will be attdg, somemore got to watch out on food..mostly served sharkfins etc, so dun think i will be gg, also by 9+, i already started yawning so dun think i will be attdg lor..hmm..but for birthday celebrations..i hvnt heard of it yet..that's why want to find out if anyone know..

hi hi thewife..
try to be positive..or u want to get another opinion from another gynae? u must stay strong..hubby is also there to support u..pls take gd care of urself..cheers~

I only know cannot attend funeral and visit mother under confinement. Not sure about wedding.

thanks for the site. they look quite nice. But are you changing ur warerode now?
I am at Tiong Bahru as there is night clinic over there... may change to Paragon at the later stage, since there is 3d scan machine there. But don't know if they allow
Hi Wendy,
I was told better to avoid all red and white events. My good friend just had a baby boy and I am dying to visit her but she also mention that I should avoid till her son 1-mth old. Well, for me, just take it as it is lor. All are for the good of me and bb. =) Its all up to you.

Hi Weikuan,
Dun eat too much man ga and mango. super heaty even not for preggies. can eat la but think not excessive. For me, I think I only eat a lot of junk food like fried stuff, Mcd and any other sinful food.... haha... trying very hard to cut down. But I am trying to start drinking milk (I simply cannot stand milk taste) and eating wholemeal bread... All for my bb's good la...

Hi thewife,
take it easy ok? I agree with Wendy on seeking another opinion from another gynae. you got nothing to lose. But then again, its all up to you. So happy for you that you have such a supportive and loving hubbie...

Hi ilovebabies,
welcome! Think you will be 1 mth earlier than most of us. =)

Hi doggiemummy,
I guess different mummy got different rate of tummy growth la...
But my gynae told me if less than 3 mths, usually is not the bb that is causing the bump but just gas... coz bb is only a few cm big so could not cause a big tummy at this time, plus the bb has not move up to the abs yet. So I am totally convinced that my little bump that becomes obvious recently is just fats and gas (bb just 2.5cm mah)... so sad... haha....
Me just went for scan this tues. 9weeks... bb is 2.5cm. this time, I can roughly identify the head liao, and the umbilical cord can be seen liao... very exciting...
My last scan, my bb is only 1cm... and that is just 2 weeks ago... last scan can see heartbeat... already make me so excited until cannot sleep... hee....

The only thing is that my hubby did not accompany me during my 3 scans... so my gynae make an effort to make sure my next scan, my hubby can go with me... otherwise, think he never appreciate leh... like as if carry bb very easy like that... haha... basically he just cannot relate to this pregnancy lor...

so how many mth is yours? how small is your bb? healthy is the best... too big also worrying leh... I am already huge... cannot imagine how big I will be later... haha...
doggiemum... u wearing maternity nw?? i jus started wearin my old maternity clothes today... my usual office wear is jus too tight... and it look like i am so fat with the tummy showing...

Finally saw my baby heartbeat yday.. but cldnt hear it as dr ang says the heartbeat is too soft.. schedule to go back in another 3 wks time...

have anyone of u told ur boss abt ur pregnancy?? i duno hw to break the news to my boss leh... my boss 'spy' been eyeing at my tummy for quite sometime... tink she will b 'reporting' soon.

Btw my edd is 18th of Oct'06
Hi baibies,
I have told my boss liao. At first I also felt very weird and dun know whether to tell him so early or not... but my colleague advise me to tell him so that he dun stress me too much and I guess it work a bit coz at least now I have some good excuse not to work on weekends when need to. hee...

What I did is just go to his office and tell him that he might need to arrange relief teachers to take over me after 9 mths lor...hee... ( I am a lecturer in ITE ) he got the idea and congrats me lor... just like that... and I am out of his office... hee...

Think better tell him first than let him find out thru other ppl.

my edd should be ard 3 Oct 06... =)
mine is 8 weeks 1 day today, but my last visit was during week 7 days 3 about 1.24cm. My every scan hubby is with me, but he sit at the table didn't come into the bed side. Gynea didn't call him to come in, hubby also didn't come in. Then the last visit, I told gynea i want a printout to show hubby. Then gynea show hubby on the screen, and told hubby the next time can come in n see :p

I am wearing baby doll dress... usual wear cant wear. My Gynea never let me listen to my baby's heartbeat.
My whole company knows about my pregnancy, my boss's spy told the whole world
May, doggiemummy,
What a word "spy" to use hahaha...

My boss knew my pregnancy when I submitted him my MC. He smiled at it kekeke... I think is better to let bosses knows abt pregnancy cos they will not give us so much stress on work and also will understand when we are on and off on MC.
hi doggiemummy

of cos you can switch clinics, as long as Dr Fong's assistant fax your records over ... no penalty charges. ;)

btw I realised I am in the wrong thread since my EDD is in Sept ... haha blur me
My maternity clothings all with my SIL. Dunno when she is returning to me leh. I've been waiting and waiting... If I go and ask from her, she will be wondering why I'm asking for them. My in laws side still don't know me preggie. My SIL gave birth last Dec. I told hb to find ways to get my maternity clothings back, if not he shall buy me new ones haha...
your little one is almost the same as mine la... not that small mah... you will be amazed how fast they grow. mine jump from 1cm to 2.5 cm in 2 weeks leh... haha...
For me, all 3 scans my hubby only see the photos. My gynae gave free printout after my every scan (maybe it is counted in the $30 charge la). He just take and see and din say anyting. like no feeling like that... sometimes, i have to remind him that the photo of his kid is on the table waiting for daddy to see leh... sigh... think only after i complain to him that I dun like him like that... he then say ok... he will go for the scan with me... I know he is not like that one lor... he simply LOVED kids... just dun know how come he behave like that...

You know, whenever i see couples at my gynae's clinic, i so envy... luckily my gynae also acts as my counsellor... haha... she talks to me and told me that sometimes is bcoz some guys still dun know how to be a daddy yet or simply dun know how to react yet. Felt so much better after talking to my gynae. Plus of coz this forum sure helps... *wink*
thanks for the info...

u very nice leh, pass all your maternity clothings to SIL

Mine has no reaction too when he look at the screen aith the gynea explaining to him... then i told doggie baby that daddy not interested, no face expression one... then hubby started talking to the scan photo, but his hand stroking my tummy
your hubby so sweet... talking to the scan photo and hand stroking your tummy... so sweet... tonight must ask my hubby to start talking to the photos.. haha...


hi hi doggiemummy/misterygal/Vivian..
thks for the reply..okok, i will take note of it..at least now get to confirm it..ya, also for the gd of the baby..in fact, i wasnt very sure abt the visiting mothers in confinement..i had a gf whom just had a stillbirth on v-day..i hvnt been visiting her since she got home &amp; also i got +ve news..but i call her almost every day..but she's recovering..i didnt tell her abt my pregnancy yet..think when she's more stable..recovering 1st..

hi hi ilovebabies..
oic..so u also surfed the sept &amp; oct thread..u must be very big now..wow..cool!

hi hi Vivian..
very nice to hear that u can view bb's head &amp; also the cord..so sweet..it must be very touched for u..wow..the bb is really growing fast..cool! 2.5cm..i cant wait for my next appt to come..i cant wait to see bb too...heehee..keep counting down to the dates..cheers~

hi hi May..
wow..nice to hear that u have just seen ur bb..very cute hor..u started wearing maternity already? better break the news to ur boss fast..at least he/she can start to gage the workload to be handled by u accordingly...give them time to plan also...

hi hi doggiemummy..
i m trying to find babydoll dresses..also better..some of the clothes i m wearing are beginnig to be bloated liao..haha..i think my fats at the tummy is more obivious...heehee..we r both 8wk 1 day today..i cant wait for next week to come to see bb now..heehee..ur hubby so sweet..talk to bb's scan photo..me got to tell my hubby to sayang bb then he will come &amp; sayang..i guess he's learning also..heehee..

hi hi Jenny..
u dun have plans to tell ur in-laws yet? or u plan to tell them later? or maybe can volunteer to "wash" the maternity clothes for ur SIL, coz she will be busy taking care of the bb nw..then maybe a chance for u to get ur clothes back?

