(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi cocomo,

but aidan still cant walk properly yet leh... he need to be carried... how ah?

Mini gathering on Sun (16 Sept) 10:30am at Go Go Bambine at Dempsey Road :-
1) cocomo, hubby, Jay and maid
2) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
3) Augbb, hubby, Jay and maid
4) tentative-jokojoko, hubby, aidan and maid

Hi Mummies

Long time never login.... Was so busy with work....

Hi Jasmine

Hope Jadelle get well soon.

Hi Mummies

So sad. Can't join u all to Go Go Bambini this Sun. As hubby got something on....

thks for concern, crisann!

Jadelle got false measles! someone was sharing about this some time ago??

i buay tahan lor, when the rashes appeared, i quickly go kkh a&e liaoz..
hello, can i still join in to sign up for the JG holiday programme with 20% discount?
i'm interested in Playnest, and English EduDrama. (2 kids)
hello mummies, long time didn't login.

Kelly, congrats on ur pregnancy

augustmum, my gal also refuses formula, i'm still breastfeeding her. I dont know how to wean her off. she cries non-stop if i dont breastfeed, doesn't even want to drink from bottle. today n yesterday i tried a sippy cup, and she managed to drink only 60ml of formula, but she took abt half hr to drink that. drink a few mouth then play, then i hv to encourage her to drink again.

any mummies here still 100% direct breastfeeding?

Louisa started to walk at 11 months. very steady now and looks forward to playground every evening, and she aims for the slide!

mummies, how do you entertain your 13 month old now? i mean, what sort of toys do you let ur bb play with now? Louisa seems bored with all her hand-me-down toys from her brother. thought of getting her some new ones, but dont know what to get. the only thing that she really likes till now is her brother's Lego set. both of them can play together for quite a long time. she seems fascinated everytime her brother build something with it.
hi piyo,
i just browsed through old posts and read that u're going to send megan to some playgroup rite? also saw that u listed a few centres ard this area
just to mention, i visited seedlings at dawson place last year, and after talking to the principal for an hr, she finally admitted to me that the centre doesn't hv a full-time montessori trained teacher and the part-timer only comes in twice a week. i'm not sure if the centre has a full-time montessori trained teacher now or not.
there's actually a lot of montessori centres in sg that are not 100% montessori, i.e. like the one at dawson place. those which are 100% montessori, like the one my cousin sent her daughter to (in the east side), are quite expensive, fees are abt $700plus per month for 3 hr class everyday.
so if u're looking to send megan to a montessori centre, be sure that u're getting ur money worth.

by the way, i attend st james church at holland V. the kindergarten moved to harding road coz of the construction of the circle line (church carpark is now half the original size). the harding road plot of land is much more spacious and there's also a pool.

am thinking of enrolling Louisa at SJC, but not sure if i need to put her at child care or not. my older boy is at full day child care this yr.
Hi jasmine,
oh gosh! false measles. think u'll have more sleepless nites these few days. do take care of jadelle and urself. hope she'll get well soon.

hi cocomo,
i can't make it this wkend cos still on mc. dun want to spread virus to the kids. are we organising another gathering soon after the one at GGB? hope to meet up with u gals again.

hi cheers,
hope u have a smooth and safe delivery. do take care.

hi smlow,
my friend is working there at seedlings(near Alexander). she's montessori trained(has taken double diploma - early childhood and montessori). but think she's only teaches half day everyday. actually, just met up with her last wk and she mentioned that a lot of so-called montessori schools are not 100% montessori. most have modified their programme such as including worksheets to help the kids adjust to primary school life. she says that the school is quite focused on academics. if it's pure montessori, the children are actually given freedom to choose whatever topic that interests them and the teachers will act as facilitators.
Hey Jas,
hope Jadelle get well soon..did the doc explain when jadelle contracted false measles? is it bec she started attending classes already?
hi hi mummies..
it's being long time nvr log in here..
cos quite busier at work..just back here not long ago..

thx kris for keeping me in e loop of e latest outing..

btw..sophia just gv birth to bb girl tis [email protected]
everthing is very smooth...water bag burst @4am..
deliver @7am..
e doc nearly can't make it on time...by e time he reach..e bb head pop out liao..phiew!!

cheers..all e best..
hope u will have a smooth and safe deliver as well..
hi honeyhaven,
kayden's cute and chubby as usual. how heavy is he now? he can walk on his own liao?

hi superdad,
Congrats. do post pics of ur lovely daughter.
Hey superdad,
congrats to u n sophia...so did yr bb girl arrive earlier? Did dickson arrive earlier that time too? Coz for jay he arrive earlier and i wanna know if this bb girl will too lor...heard that 2nd delivery will be faster too so i guess sophia one is true...did she take epi this round? how abt that time for dickson..do post pic of yr bb girl ya...congrats once again..
wat is yr kayden weight n height now ah? my jay is 10.16kg at 80cm...dunno if he is too heavy or too light too leh...
hi augbaby,
kayden's 10.2kg and 77cm as at 12 month plus. Both at 75 percentile. Think jay is fine. dun worry. he looks just right, so handsome. really love his dimples. me a dimple person. haha...
thanks..haha...the 1 dimple he has is reali a surprise coz i never ever think he will have coz we both dun reali hav..hubby seems to hav but like not those define one..haha..in fact we din even notice jay has dimple n its my gynae that told us, hey yr son has a dimple when he juz born n my doc carry him...haha...i din even notice when i was carrying him in my arms...anyway i be switching jay to stage 3 FM liao...hope he takes to it well..he is also in the 75 percentile for wt but height is in the 97percentile...
Hi jasmine,

my girl also got false measles last 2 months ago. Dun worry, its quite common and she will recover in a few days time. My PD was quite assuring and confident. The moment I bring my girl to him and tell him her fever is 40 degree and over, he say its probably false measles. And he give fever medicine and say if its false measles, she will have fever for 3 days, and after that, fever will be gone and the measles will appear for 3 days. Then everything will be ok.

I think a gd Pd is important, i went to GP b4, and they cannot point out problem and medicine also no use. Now i always go PD when my girl is sick.
Hi Augbaby,

I didn't ask my PD how babies contracted false measles. But i dun think its because of contacts with other babies. Because for the few days b4 she had fever, didn't really go anywhere. But I was not alert enough, bring her to swim just after she kena and recover from fever, then the next day, fever come back again.

No way to prevent, but its not dangerous unless baby cannot eat and drink. If baby still eat and drink, just a bit cranky, its ok. As the rashes will definately appear and will disappear within 3 days.

Happened to my girl, and was exactly what the PD said. 3 days fever over 40 degree, and 3 days rashes. initially i thought its chicken pox when she got fever, but Pd say if chicken pox, fever will not be 40 degree, it will onlybe slight fever. So he confidently say its false measles and its true.

But false measles can happened more than 1 time.)

long time no see. Think we are the few who direct breastfeed now.

Zac uses a straw cup to drink his formula milk. He doesn't know how to use a bottle and he dislikes sippy cup.

Think he made some progress. We have just discovered that if we put him in his stroller and take him out, and at the same time, give him his milk, he's able to drink 180ml.

Told hubby we couldn't take him out everytime he takes his milk. However, hubby said let him get use to the taste first.

Really cannot feed him milk at home as he would crawl, walk or try to climb onto me to latch on. Think in a stroller, with me behind, he 'bo bian' and hence obediently, drink his milk.
symptoms of false measles:
- low grade fever <38.5>38.5
- active still during daytime
- caused by having sore throat virus but babies tend to breakout in rash when they are < 3 yrs old.
- spread by adult who have a sore throat!
- fever will last for 4-5 days.. then rashes will breakout and babies will then be on recovery path. After rashes, fever will become low grade fever and logic iz more rashes, faster recovery!
- do not apply anything on the rashes.
- will spread to face and behind ears too and starts on the back mostly.
- the lymph nodes at the lower skull at the nape of the neck will be swollen..

this is what our old folks called, ooh, once rashes after fever, will be better liaoz and they tend to give ling yang.. for once, i admit defeat.. kekekekeke
hi, augbaby
saw u asking abt weight/height. just brought my boy to PD for chicken pox vaccination. he is 80cm too but weight is at 9.9kg. about the same as jay but thinner
augustmum, smlow,

My girl will not drink her milk when i carry her on my arms.
she prefer i put her on stroller or pillow slanted one, then she will finish drinking her milk, otherwise i carry her on my arms she will start screaming. so u got to find out ur baby way of drinking milk.
Hi Jasmine

U are most welcome. Oh Crisann has false measles twice already. The so called rashes will go off in a wk. Dun worry. That time Crisann also have fever than the false measles. As per the GP, cos after virus attack is normal to have false measles. Than no medicine to take for cute false measles one.

Hi erin

Hope u get well soon... Take care.

Hi Superdad

Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!
here is e baby girl photo..

her EDD is on 25th sep..earlier by abt 10days..
sophia opening is very fast..fr 4cm to 10cm in 15min times only...tat's y e gynea can't rush to hosp on time..luckily e bb girl still can wait lor..

dickson is 1 day early only..
tis round is too fast...no time to react lor..
cos e nurse say..if wanna take epi...they nd to call doc..by e time e doc reach here..too late for it liao..sophia hv to take e full pain lor..
guess e laughing gas not effective lei..can see tat sophia is quite in pain..cos e bb is popping out..but e nurse is holding it back..as e gynea is not in yet lor..

when gv birth to dickson..sophia do take e epi..
cos tat time she was in deliver suite for more than 10hrs lor..dun think sophia can take it lor.
Hi SuperDad,
Congrates to you, Sophia and Dickson! Ytday I just posted wonder your girl shd out by now coz I remember Sophia's EDD ard Sep/Oct. . . so qiao!
congrats to u, superdad! wow, your princess is very sweet-looking.. hmmm...reminds me of my girl when i delivered her.. everything just seems like yesterday! we mommies n daddies have grown so much thru parenthood, and learnt alot from it..

hahahaha... sometimes go clubbing also feel pai sei to see so many youngsters! hahahaha!! =P dun feel i belong there anymore, sometimes will miss my girl when i dun see her for too long! =P

augBB, my girl is 79cm, weigh abt 9kg. more on the skinny side leh...

Congrats! Your girl v sweet.

Now you can get to "enjoy" the late nights all over again. But fear not, one year will fly by before you know it, just like how it was with Dickson!

Send my regards to Sophia.
jasmine and leobbsmom,

zac is also to the 'light' side. 77cm but only 9.05kg. Think he's too active liao.

Pd suggested giving him whole egg everyday (he's not allergic to egg white, had tried on him). She also said FM is the fastest way to help babies gain weight. Another method is to feed every hour.

However, she mentioned that if babies eat a lot and still on the light side, then it could be cases of 'eat and still won't gain' type and hence no worries. Anyway, I'm those 'eat and still skinny' type and thus, zac could be like me as his appetite is rather big.
Yo mummies & daddies,
I finally had my LASIK surgery done last fri, and guess what? I have a 6/6 eye sight now! I'm so excited about it. Although I'm still experiencing some light halo symptom, it'll eventually goes off.

Goodbye to days when Denise grabs my specs...woohoo!
hi erin,
thanks for ur wishes..

hi honeyhaven,
kayden looks very cute and chubby!! i'm sure he enjoyed the sand and beach very much.

hi superdad & sophia,
congrats to you both on the birth of ur little princess!! so qiao, if she had comes out on EDD: 25Sept, it's mooncake festival!
btw, how do you intro dickson to his mei-mei, i'm afraid of the older one being jealous, etc.

my edd: 24Sept, inducing this Tue.
i'd prepared 2 toys to give my girl when she visits me in the hospital..hope she wun be jealous when i carry my newborn.

is the surgery painful? Hubby and I were thinking of lasik too but worry that it will not be successful and have to wear glasses and no contact lenses anymore.

Where did you get it done? How much?
Congratulations!! Your baby girl is so pretty. Makes me miss the moment when Hannah was still tiny.

Just last weekend, we realized that Hannah is beginning to pick up our speech. She was putting her little finger into her nose and I told her "why are you digging again, dig dig dig..." and guess what, she turned to me and repeated "dig dig dig", than I said to her "you are so dirty" and she again repeated to me "dirty dirty" smiling at the same time...hubby and I looked at each other, laughing and not sure to get angry or not...guess this is the start of her talking back to me already...
hi superdad,
she looks so sweet.

hi augustmum,
i've been thinking abt it for a long time too. i have a number of friends who went for it. all of them seem to be happy with the lasik results but i've 1 who's like catherine's boss, ended up with long-sightedness. but she's still ok with it cos it's very minor.
Hi all miummies...
Thx..Sophia and bb Vivian is fine..back hm on Sat noon..

Both mummy & daddy like a bit lost..cos dunno how to clean bb girl mah..may seek help/advise fr e expert mummies here..thx in advance ok...

And 1st nite is very "shiong"..she dun wan to sleep at nite...guess still nd some time to adjust herself ba...
luckily yesteday can sleep well..

I didn't bring Dickson to visit his mei-mei lor..
only Sat he got the chance to see mei-mei..
He seem like very excited abt tis mei-mei..and when ask him to kiss mei-mei..haha..he really kiss her chin..haha..and laugh so happily, now..he will clamp up to our bed whenever our room's door is open..wanna see mei-mei lei..

will fine 1 day to take photo of ger-ger & mei-mei..haha..
congrats 2 u & sophia. such a pretty girl!

hannah's parroting now. she has yet 2 talk back. she's listening 2 all e words n repeating after u if she can. wait til she's abt 2yrs+, like my gabe who talks back 2 me now. now whenever she parrots any word, praise her, encourage her 2 say more n even try 2 correct her pronounciation if possible.

edward has been saying some words n parrot some too. very fun cos u never know when or wat he'll parrot. last nite, i also told edward, "dirty". he repeated after me n my husband & sis heard him too. e impt thing is praise, encourage & ensure proper pronounciation.
I see, yes Hannah is repeating whatever we say, just like a parrot. I praise her when she repeated the word but I find it difficult to fine tune her pronounciation, I'll repeat the same word to her and she will still say it her own way. How do you train gabe to speak the right word, by repeating to him until he gets it right?
