(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

mummies so pls confirm yr slot here so we know how many pp confirm...i shall start

Augbaby: Wk 1(19-23rd Nov) 9-10.30am, 11-12.30am

Group 1 of 4 people
1. Augbaby: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) 9-10.30am, 11-12.30am
2. racoon : Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) 11-12:30am, 1-230pm

Group 1 of 4 people for English Session
1. Augbaby: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 9-10.30am, 11-12.30am

Group 1 of 4 people for Mandarin Session
1. Piyo
2. Cocomo
3. Kelly

pls add in yr list and preferred timing n 2nd choice timing in the list...coz i need to consolidate for jas...thanks..

Group 1 of 4 people for English Session
1. Augbaby: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 9-10.30am, 11-12.30am
2. Racoon: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 11-12.30am, 1-2.30pm

Group 1 of 4 people for Mandarin Session
1. Piyo
2. Cocomo
3. Kelly

Group 1 of 4 people for English Session
1. Augbaby: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 9-10.30am, 11-12.30am
2. Racoon: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 11-12.30am, 1-2.30pm
3. Piyo : Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 3-4.30pm
4. Cocomo : Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 3-4.30pm

Group 1 of 4 people for Mandarin Session
1. Piyo : Wk 2 (26-30th Nov) Time: 9-10.30am
2. Cocomo : Wk 2 (26-30th Nov) Time: 9-10.30am
3. Kelly
m reading the thread now.. you mean irregardless of which slots we take, even if it's in the afternoons, the excursions would all be in the morning?
piyo, augbb
my boys r attending very different sessions.

i juz spoke 2 JG n they r ok wif edward, being in playclub (meant for 1.5-3.5yrs). it's billingual n i've chosen wk2, 9-11am. even though edward's only 17mths then, i feel tat edward's too old for e playnest session which e lady at JG agrees.

gabe's attending playnursery, wk2 830-11am session.

so how 2 put my names down in e list?
erm, i am not sure abt the afternoon session thou...i know for the morning time slot, it is this way..meaning if u r in the 11+ timing, excursion timing will start from 9am..not sure abt the afternoon session thou...u wan me to help u call n ask?

Do we just fill up the 1st 2 pages of the form and sign? Since Jas is paying for all of us first while we tt to her separately, does it mean we dun need to fill up the page with payment instructions? What's Jas's email address?

I gotta go find a scanner tonight !!
think i juz put yr name in the group 1 for mandarin lah..since it does not matter wat program we sign up as long as there is a group of 4...U just fill up the form n indicate which group ed n gabe is in can liao...

Group 1 of 4 people for English Session (Confirm...pls fill in the form and price exclude 20% discount)
1. Augbaby: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 9-10.30am, 11-12.30am
2. Racoon: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 11-12.30am, 1-2.30pm
3. Piyo : Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 3-4.30pm
4. Cocomo : Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 3-4.30pm

Group 1 of 4 people for Mandarin Session (Confirm...pls fill in the form and price exclude 20% discount)

1. Piyo : Wk 2 (26-30th Nov) Time: 9-10.30am
2. Cocomo : Wk 2 (26-30th Nov) Time: 9-10.30am
3. Kelly: Edward and Gabriel

Group 3
ya i think we juz hav to fill up page 1 and page 2 of the form can liao...
jas email is [email protected] payment we will tt to her again coz i think she is paying by credit card...

Piyo n cocomo,
pls indicate yr 2nd choice timing...
will update the 2nd timing soon... when is the latest we need to confirm? can you help me call and ask JG on the excursions? gam sia!

my area dun have scanner! headache!

so Ed won't be in the same class as us?
Group 1 of 4 people for English Session (Confirm...pls fill in the form and price exclude 20% discount)
1. Augbaby: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 9-10.30am, 11-12.30am
2. Racoon: Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 11-12.30am, 1-2.30pm
3. Piyo : Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 3-4.30pm
4. Cocomo : Wk 1 (19-23rd Nov) Time: 3-4.30pm

Group 1 of 4 people for Mandarin Session (Confirm...pls fill in the form and price exclude 20% discount)

1. Piyo : Wk 2 (26-30th Nov) Time: 9-10.30am
2. Cocomo : Wk 2 (26-30th Nov) Time: 9-10.30am
3. Kelly: Edward and Gabriel

Group 3
1. Jas
2. CrispyApple
3. Amberlyn
4. A Jun/July mummy interested to join...

CrispyApple and Amberlyn, pls respond!!!
ya call JG liao..okie..first of all all excursion timing will be in the morning but to date they hav not confirmed if it will be 9am or what timing..but the weird thing is that ano person i called said excursion timing will be 9am...so i guess we can safely say that those register in the afternoon session, hav to still come in the morning for the excusion..juz dun noe wat time yet...

forum down, so hard to communicate!

ok, i pass the forms to JG @ Forum liaoz. i paid too also!

they are processing it and will call everyone to discuss ok, if any issues?

below are the 10 kids who signed up with 20% discount:

jasmine lau
kelly x 2 kids
kelly's fren (irvin)

all are 205.44 SGD after 20% discount except for Gabe's playnursery @ 231.12 SGD.

Please kindly arrange TT to DBS Savings plus 0640001778. Thks!

Amberlyn has backed out, so i still have crispy apple on the list who did not submit her form to me on time.
if can submit 4 forms (even if a kid is attending both week 1 & week 2, fill in separate forms), i think can still get 20%.

So far, all slots are still available yah? but i understand Kelly is having an issue with Edward in playclub now..
wanna meet for a picnic gathering this wkends? Hee hee...me n jas thnking of a picnic leh..anyone interested?
Hi augustmum,
So now, Zac still refuse to drink formula milk?

I was only partial breastfeeding until Aden around 6 months old. Actually I'm very lousy. I tried to breastfeed him during hospital when he's born but not successful. He dun suck and I seems to not carry him well too so he keep slipping down. In the end, I pump out but cos of that, breast milk not that much so must supplement with formulated milk then.

I forgot the brand of the dry shampoo. I can help you check out when I go out shopping. I bought it from Guardian parmancy. There is only 1 brand there. Should be easily found.

Hi Piyo and Jas,
I didn't receive Jas email. But anyway, after some discussion with my hb, he strongly object to it cos' I would be delivering in Mid Dec. He's afraid what if I pop out early how. Furthermore, by then my tummy would be very very big. He prefer both of us with Aden to the excursion. If I pop out early, he has to go with Aden alone only and he feel awkward.

Sigh... Really feel like bringing Aden to the programme. Do they always have this programme every holiday season? Is the next one in next year June?

Hi Augbaby,
We can't go for the picnic gathering cos' Aden sick. Actually today we took leave to accompany him for injection. In the end, cann't have injection cos' he has fever and slight diarrhoea. In the end, we see PD at KK instead of having injection there.

nice idea hor? but Jadelle having high fever and runny stools..
i bringing her see doc again tomorrow if no subside and i hope she ok by weekend...

see her so sticky to me, i sim tia!!
Me this weekend got some plans already so can't go for picnic with u mummies.

My friends just told me Dempsey Road got Go Go Bambini and there's a section for kids below 3 yrs old, can pay something like below $20 and can play for a few hrs. Maybe can go there one day.
Hi Racoon,
I brought Jay to gogo bambini two weeks back. I paid $6 for Jay for unlimited play. Adults no need money. There are one waiting corner for parents whereby you can have snacks and drinks or surfing net. Here are some photos. . .





i dun mind too....where is it located ah? either a picnic or Go Go Bambini is fine wif me...thou i like the idea of a picnic leh..where the kids can crawl or walk abt on the grass...haha
cocomo, nice pics! got one with a caucasian mommy starng at u! hahaha... must be thinking why u wanna take her pic! =P

i only go to dempsey at nite, so never hv the chance to explore Go Go Bambini. so this is how it looks like inside.. think our babies will be able to enjoy now that they can play n roam abt on their own! i dun mind to hv a gathering there leh, shall we organise one?

the dry shampoo frm guardian is KLORANE.
spray can @ $14.60
powder form @ $14.60

i bot the spray-form last yr...and used only 2-3X, when i wanted to pack for hospital bag this time...the gas had evaporated.
so this time round, i bot the powder-form instead.
thanks for the info..but is it effective n gd? coz i for sure 2wks cant wash hair one...parents in law dun allow...

anyone going to moms in mind showroom ah?

the spray smelt fresh..so i shld think it's ok. anyway, i jus tie-up my hair in the day, and showered 4-5X during my 1mth confinement.
this time round, i jus buy the dry shampoo as standby, with such hot weather lately, i dun think i can survive w/o showering.

anyway, i'm gg to induce next tue, by then i'll be 39W1D.
oh wow....yr 1st one also due on edd only or came out earlier? i cant imagine waiting so long leh for no 2 to come out..me tired out liao...so soon u can see yr bb liao...so nice
Mini gathering on Sun (16 Sept) 10:30am at Go Go Bambine at Dempsey Road :-
1) cocomo, hubby, Jay and maid
2) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
3) Augbb, hubby, Jay and maid
hello...bambini is quite crowded on weekends..and usu dominated by ang mos....but if oni going to the ball pool...then shld be alrite...inside the bambini...the ang mo kids are quite rough lor..

my girl was out on exact EDD. in fact, she was also induced as i was only 1cm dilated then, and had no other symptoms.
gynae did ask if i wanted to wait till 41W, but since i had my stuff ready, i agreed to be induced.

for this 2nd bb, EDD is 24Sep, and i dun wish to go into labour unexpectedly, since we're running our own biz. so with inducement, at least my HB can plan his appt according to schedule.
Mini Gathering

Gotta missed it. Going to friend bb full mth lo.. so need to let her nap BAOBAO! haiz..
Anyway, where is this GGB place?
Mini Gathering

Gotta missed it. Going to friend bb full mth lo.. so need to let Nat nap BAOBAO! haiz..
Anyway, where is this GGB place?
wah. . .your second one out soon! wish you have a smooth and save delivery!!!

Long time never see you post liao, your gal gal should be out already?

so fun ah......I'm sure justin will luv this. But i hv friends coming over my hse for a swim thsi Sunday leh. How abt another weekend? If not, then u mummies go ahead.
hihi mummies,

Jadelle still sick..

since monday nite fever.. and last nite it hit 40 degrees..

me so worried and in dilemma now..

PD say come back blood test tomorrow and say if tonight over 39 degrees, admit KKH

I also bring her see GP, GP give antibiotics.. but can like this prescribe meh? no stool/ urine test or blood test?

i return to BF her, cos cannot bear her crying her heart out and hoping i can pass some antibodies to her..

Ask MIL bring her to GP downstairs for follow up. end up she lie to GP about her fever duration. I was shocked cos i don't see the need to cover up, even if i just want to get an MC to cover JG's make up class!!

pls cross fingers for Jadelle.. hope she will be ok..
Sob sob... Why u all have gathering this weekend.... I can't join :-(

Anyway, enjoy yourself.

Looks like cheers info on the dry shampoo is faster than mine. augbaby, the brand name is correct. But the price I didn't check. Should be correct too. I use the spray can one. I use a lot.

gogo bambini???i wan ... i hope i can join u all - my hubby only comes back on sat nite from long biz trip away.... i ask him ok? hope he not too tired
