(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi everyone,
TGIF! me MIA for so long cos got internal audit this week and next... siong ah! now scanning thru posts! how come thread so quiet? a friend from another thread told me our thread contracted cancer going to die liao... so I come in and c c:p

I hope all the babies are getting well soon! recently alot of babies sick! haz very heartpain when it happens! I also worried when megan started having slight runny nose some weeks ago.. started her on multivits.. so far so good...

Hi itsy bitsy,
Welcome! *me reporting too* when is your bb born? boy or ger? my baby's ger!born on 15 Aug 06

Hi Superdad,
Congrats!!!Your princess so beautiful! how's everything going with 2 in your hands? btw, when cleaning the private parts, make sure you clean thoroughly.. else easy to kenna UTI like megan that time..

Hi erin,
how's your class obervation going? ho bo?

Hi Fio,
wah long time no c you ard! now your eyes even prettier liao loh!*blink blink* but denise eyes still nicer :p

Hi SK and Crispyapple,
My megan also cant walk and stand very much without assistance yet... late last week, she did walk unassisted about 5-6 steps to daddy...but buay zhai.. my dad keeps telling me babies on FM can walk faster...

Hi Whitelady,
Megan still has the last pneu jab not taken yet.. going to bring her soon..

Hi Cat,
My menses came back straight after confinement.. differs from person to person...

Hi Jas,
oops! I last one ah? paiseh.. dun hang pig's head on me hor! this whole week really busy so din log in... I will tt to you over the weekend ok? paiseh paiseh...

Yo wish all babies get well SOON!!!


My mensus came back only when Jay was already 8mth old.

Anyone intent to bring your baby to ZOO? Tot of bringing Jay there once again since now he seems to like the animal a lot. Any comment?
hi erin..so busy..oni login now...u can get karvol from pharmacy..v cheap oni for 10 capsules i think...
wah!! piyo....i've been lurking in ur blog for a long time..and no updates....finally u updated ur blog..hehehehe

you must come in more often to give this thread the kiss of life


Observation huh? Haha... one thing which I def. won't miss


Zoo's fun... have gone there so many times as I fren fren with the zoo

Tomorrow, Vivocity got lantern fest... can take Jay there. I would give it a miss as going to Bottle Tree for another lantern fest.


Actually the worst has yet to come... wait till the terrible two phase. However, that's also the fun phase as you could hold a decent conversation with them.

Having no. 2, don't wait too long. I think when the older child is 2 or 3 yrs old, is a nice time to hv no. 2.

Itsy Bitsy,

Piyo,leo & cocomo,

My menses came back after the confinement.
But since april my menses did not come till now.
I am not breastfeeding so my menses shouldn't stop.
maybe i wait for charlotte to be 2 or 3 then decide whether to have no.2. also got to plan for financial, if i where to let charlotte go to childcare.
Hi cat,
hmmm.. like that better go see gynae...he can gif better advice than all of us! update us ya?

Hi Augustmum,
you very farni!YOU should come in more often cos I know you got lots to share! I like to read your postings! and btw, why no update your blog??? I am your avid reader lei!

I agree with you that zoo is fun for kids! Megan enjoyed it so much when we brot her there on her actual birthday but I melted in the hot sun!

Vivo got lantern fest?which part? organised by Vivo? Bottletree lantern fest is by online mummies? where else got lantern fest??

Hi handi,
You lurker! haha! I have so much to blog but really no time! Just updated ALOT (to me) of posts
and alot of pics recently
you should be able to see familiar faces in it too

Hi cocomo,
go see my blog, got updates about the zoo trip
Most likely will bring Jay to Zoo this saturday, if not to Go Go Bambini or east coast. Trying to bring him out every weekend since we are not able to keep him company for weekends due to work ;) Oh ya, what about the night safarri? You tried before? Do you think it's better to bring Jay to Zoo or Night Safarri?

I brought Jay to Chinese Garden to see the lantern last monday. It was great and Jay likes the lantern and lights very much! Unforfunately I am the most suffered as Jay only wants me to carry. Poor me whole body aching after that! Will post some photos in Jay's blog this weekend if I free.
Jasmine - thanks for encouragement - I aso tend to worry a bit for my girl's physical devp cos she was born 1 month premature and a lot of her milestones also slower than others. I understd how u feel that your bb weight also dun seem to catch up!

Catherine,Aden's mummy - yeah, it's good to think positively about slow walkers

piyo - what is FM har? sorry I very bad with acronyms!

I never put my girl on a walker, so I was wondering if maybe it's becos of that.

Catherine: Don't worry about your irregular menses. My gynae told me that it can take a while to stabilise after giving birth. But if you feel worried maybe u can take a pregnancy test just in case!
din you tell me you going back malaysia this weekend???? you pian4 me!

How is Chinese garden? worth the $12? what time you go?

Hi SK,
FM stands for formula Milk
I dun put my girl on walker too...
hi piyo - oh I see! My girl is now on FM, but was on BM when she was younger... haha, oh well!

hi augustmum - wat's your blog addy? I'm curious cos seems like everyone's an ardent fan!
(only if you r comfortable sharing of course)
Ya, intent to go today one but at the end my boss decided himself to go instead. So I am planning to go Msia only next weekend coz no SM class, but not sure also as my hubby will need to work next Saturday. Sian ah. . .

We went to Chinese Garden on Monday night, reached at abt 8pm. Not much people tho (I heard weekend very crowded lo). If not because of Jay I will NEVER go to see lantern coz not my type but as Jay likes lantern and lights so bo bian.
hmm, then our GUG trial class how? this sat or next sat? fainted

Do you need to pay for Jayden too when you went to Chinese Garden? same here... brot Megan to Riverside c lanterns last weekend too...and my parents actually bot so many dif types of lanterns for her...fainted again...I know this weekend sure go see lanterns again just dunno where!

how long was your ger on BM? I just started her on FM after she turns 12mths!
ltsy bitsy,
welcome! You are the same itsy bitsy running one of the BP thread or business thread before?

wah.. so long then come in.. confirm must be a lot of work! No worries.. i not going to sak my FIL for pig's head yet.. haha!!

ya augustmum,
what's ur blog huh? BTW, what happened to Noelle huh? she sooooo long no come in liaoz.. miss her alot leh.. i saw her sending in a letter to one of the magazines a few months back!
oh ya, forget got the trial hor, no wonder you so concern when I go to Msia!!! This sat ok ma??? paiseh paiseh. . .

so gynae din say anything abt it rite? so it's normal? did gyane give u any medication?
think maybe u didnt rest well?

i drank turtle soup after my menses ended, and my ovulation cycle skipped! hahaha... like tat so hard to know liao.. coz i wanna try for no. 2 mah... =P

Yupz, that's ME!

Ur gal 2days older than mine. She walking yet? Talking?

My gal just started to stand without support on Mon then within 2 days she's taking her 1st steps!! Just this morning she managed 4 steps without support hehehehe.... I can forsee that she's gonna be a little terror when she starts to run
. Already before she starts to walk, she crawls around like nobody's business liao.
piyo, cocomo,

GUG just called me yday to go for trial class tomorrow at 4pm. I emailed them sooooooooooo long ago until i forget abt it and now then they call.
itsy bitsy,
My Jayden born on 2 August, same day as Crisann and Cheer's BB, one day older than your BB. BTW, yours is BB name, boy or gal?
Let us know if it is good after your trial. I might just sign Jay in for next term without trial if it's good. TIA
Hi jas,
Paiseh for the delay! You wait for me hor!

Hi jesline,
not yet...you?

Hi handi,
i have the old version when everyone was popping last year not sure if I still keeping it...

Hi racoon,
when did you email?
Hi itsy bitsy,
welcome to e board..

thanks fyi..ya..tat's wat e nurse and some of my frenz had mention to me as well..very scare if we didn't take care well lor..

and bb Vivian is 1 week old now..wow..so fast..
and of cos..tiring too..haha
cos tis gal very unlike her gor-gor Dickson..nd to latch on non-stop, will cry whenever we try to place her down on the bed..
have been many nites w/o gd sleep again..

will take few photo tis wkend and posted here lor..

btw, how is Cheers har..
tot she induce last Tue..?
do upload photo's here to share too...

and lastly..hope to hear more gd news if any mummies has "strike" for their no.2..haha
Hi Cocomo,
I also got think of bringing Aden to zoo cos' he starts to understand more things now. We got consider whether to apply the membership card.

Hi SK,
My mil also blame us for not putting Aden in walker, thus, Aden walks slower which I dun agree. I just 1 ear in, 1 ear out.
hi all,
long time never log in liao..sigh..jay having fever since last sat...PD say virus fever but he no rash...fever like rain bb also high till once 39+...been super tired coz every nite i wake up 3 hrs to measure jay temp...sigh...

congrats...yr little girl is v cute..think i be joining u n sophia for sleepless night liao soon...haha...
Mine is bb gal, name is Yuhan. No English name
hmmm.... going to GUG? Dunno gd anot, I've tried Julia Gabriel's bilingual playgroup, son enjoy it very much.

thx for the welcome. Maybe bb Vivian not having enuf milk? Your wifey can try express milk & feed with bottle. Advantage is you will know how much bb is drinking at each feed, cos some bb cry not becos of hunger but just want to suckle for comfort. Another advantage of feeding with bottle is that ur wifey can catch some much needed sleep & rest while other family members help to feed. I tried Tracy Hogg's Baby Whisperer sleep training method & my bb was able to sleep thru the night since 3mth old, u may wanna try her method too. Just some suggestion, hope I'm not too kaypo

Thank you all for your welcome.
Jasmine and SK,

sorry, I don't post my blog site here. will pm you.


I brought the kids to nite safari. Think they were too young too appreciate it. Too dark and they were tired at night. haha... a bit waste of money.


You check out the newspaper, life section. They have the listing. Noah's school is participating in the longest lantern procession held at Vivo tomorrow. I think at 7pm , skypark. Not going though, too far.

The one at Bottle Tree is organised by the CC at my place.

I updated today. Very short though. A bit busy recently so not much update.
Have updated Jay's blog with the Chinese Garden's Lanterns photos and some July and August events.

Hm. . .then I better vring Jay to the day Zoo then. Thanks!
hi cocomo, piyo,
tell GUG staff to arrange for you to be in "Room 2" if got slots next term le then we'll be in same class!

read yr blog. post my comment here since it's gonna be loongggg.

I like what your mummy does with magan everyday. think it's good for megan and yr mummy. If my mother-in-law has such energy and doesn't mind the hassle to take Noah out to play, I would not have send him to childcare.

Previously, under her care, he would just sit at one designated chair, eat and watch TV. Think he was basically not stimulated and think my mil will 'rot' too if she just sit there and watch him.

But can't blame her lah... got high blood, pain here and there, cannot carry heavy things (not even two packets of soup noodles)...

To make it short, I think yr mummy is providing very gd care for megan, no need for childcare. Comparing to granny's love, childcare really pales.

Yr mummy wanna to babysit next Oct????
augustmum - sorry pai seh, I don't know what is PM...I presume some msging thing?

But you can mail me
Pls put subject head -"Augustmum" so I won't delete it!
Tx and sorry 4 e trouble!!!
piyo - I breastfed her till about 7+ months, but bcos she was 1 month premature and weight was dangerously low in first month, I was advised to feed formula also. So in the end I 'mix' until 8 months, then now fully on FM. It's great you could fully breastfeed her for a year

Oh, my girl is a 25 aug baby - but was supposed to be END sep originally! haha!
Brought Jay to Zoo this morning, super tired now. Jay enjoyed himself very much when saw those animals he familiar with from his baby can read VCD. Have updated some photos in Jay'sblog.
hi all & welcome to itsy bitsy,

finally! i'd given birth to my darling son on the 18th.
i'd jus returned home on fri, as we stayed extra 1 night cos bb had juandice.
the nurses and hospital procedure were so familiar that it's hard to believe that i last went there 1 yr ago.
now i'm enduring with sore nipples, engorgement all over again..and interrupted sleep too...hope he'll sleep thru like his sis, when she was 3wks old.
gtg..will update again..
Hi Cat,

Oh never come? got test preg? Last time i used to be like this too.. menses come every 6mths horrible right.. till when I decide to conceive den i look into this prob. done alot test & took hormones pills. Mayb its stress for u if this is ur 1st time. Mine is some prob. Now after giving birth to Nat seems alot better.. come every month just late few days lo. Relax, seek ur gynae advice okie.

I think MMR must wait till 15mths..

itsy bitsy,

Congrates! The feeling is sure back again even though just a year away.. recently went to frd full mth & see newborn kinda wonder hw do I manage to handle in the past! hehehehe. Post up more pics okie while u r rest! Take well care!

Walking barefoot / Walking with shoes
Any else toddlers able to walk with shoes?
It seems a tough task for tod to switch from bare foot to shoes? Previously Nat was handicapped with shoes on... till y.day when we go shopping She is tempted to come down & finally a few steps with her shoes on!!! Normally its better to start walk wit shoes or bb sandals okay too? WAs afraid she might wan to tip top pattern lo..
hi augbaby,
thought u delivered cos din see ur posting. hope jay is feeling better. kayden's better but his runny nose still bad lor. still battling with him during every medicine feed. haha...

did u go to the lantern festival at the park yest? we went there for a short while. very crowded and kayden was sleeping so we came back shortly.
hi cheers,
Congrats! must post pics of ur handsome boy.
do remember to have plenty of rest and nutritious food. Ya, can't imagine how we went through the stage.
hi cynthia,
re: walking
kayden can walk unassisted for a while if he wants if he is barefooted. if he's wearing shoes, can't walk very well leh and he's reluctant to walk. a few mummies at the park told me to let him wear hard sole shoes and let him practice walking cos it's easier. He's wearing shoo shoos or disney size 3 shoes which are all soft soles. actually, am a bit confused now with regards to the type of shoes he shd wear.
hi cocomo,
glad jayden enjoyed his zoo trip. feel like bringing kayden there too but guess won't be so soon.

hi piyo,
observation's finally over but still have to meet up with vp to do a post-observation conference. need to do reflection on my lesson. my supervisor told me the lesson was well-planned and teaching was good but the activity for the kids wasn't carried out as well as planned. haiz... they were supposed to use plastic cups and ice creams to do division by sharing. however, the wind was very strong that day and pupils sitting near the window have a hard time doing the work as the cups kept 'flying' until I asked them to close the windows. somemore some pupils were rather loud during the activity as they were very excited. so worried now. dunno what she would say on mon.

hi augustmum,
ya, if i leave teaching, that's one thing I won't miss too. haha... am pondering abt adjunct teaching. how do u think abt it? am also thinking of alternatives such as working part-time. would like to spend more time with kayden but just concerned about finances.
Hi mummies,
me juz went for checkup on sat...haha...n gynae say i am 3cm dilated liao..dun even feel anything but she say 3cm sometimes can be more than a wk too so now juz waiting for signs lor...guess after i pop, initially might be too bz wif bfing to come online...so anything interesting, call or sms me ya...

thanks..ya jay is better liao...finally...so relieved...sleepless nights for 1wk while he is having fever...u may wan to let kayden try hard sole coz i realise that once they wan to walk, harder soles shoes are actually better...maybe u can get those from bata..coz jay likes it and can walk rather well in it and the soles are not as soft as the shoo shoo shoes and not that very hard that the kids find it diff to walk lor...i bought the disney pooh shoes and i think its rather gd..I din bring jay anywhere coz PD say his immunination might b low coz he juz recover and hence i scare he might get another virus so din bring him anywhere at all...but might bring him for a walk with lanterns on tue itself...i hav been trying to find nice lanterns for him let but cant seems to find...
anyone knows where i can get ah...not too far thou...

Thax for all the welcome

Congrats kekeke.... your 1st one is only 1 yr ago. My 1st born was 5yrs ago lor, imagine me having to do everything again after a 5yrs break but luckily the mei mei is such an easy baby compared to her gor gor...... hmmm.... or.. maybe is becos 2nd one I not kencheong anymore, can take it easy haahaa...

Regarding walking, definately a soft sole shoes for prewalker. I even let my 6yr old son wear soles that can bend, no hard sole for developing feet. Your tod just need some time to get use to having some strange object clinging onto her feet. My bb was not used to hving socks on too, but after a few times, she now tries to put them on herself. One time she fell over backwards when she sticked her foot too high hahahaha.... luckily she was on a mattress.

Maybe you can try letting your bb walk around in those anti-slipped socks when she's at home to get use to the feel of not walking barefooted.
