(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Congrats SuperDad!!

Jasmine, aiyo, my gal also high fever on friday night.. me and my hb are so gan chiong. Dunno what to do. In the evening the temp is still ard 37.5, we feed her medicine at 9pm and let her go to bed.. At 4am, she cries for milk, my hb measure her temp, shoot up to 39.4, I was like freak out.. suddenly dunno what to do. Shall we bring her to hospital? My hb then ask me whether did I buy cold pack for her? I go to the medicine drawer and found the cold pack. Luckily I bought it months ago at robinson sales. Then i think of sponging her.. BUT I DUNNO HOW TO DO IT?!!! I just use a wet towel and wipe her body... my hb use 2 wet towel and put it on her armpit.. luckily within 30mins, the temp went down to 38 degree....

In the morning, I call my sister, she told me if 40 degree need to bring to hospital, else the it will affected her brain... and told me her friend nephew got blind after that... WOW , she realli scare me....

hi augustmum,
mine was done by Dr Lee Hung Ming of Parkway Eye Centre in Gleneagles, a really nice & confident guy (he told my hubby my chances of ever getting myopia again is less than 1%...hahaha).

Cost me near to 4K and the procedure was painless but I was teary eye for around 6 hrs after the surgery, but most of the time I was asleep. And when I woke up, VOILA! I can see without any aid.

Cat & erin,
the long-sightedness was due to over correction, which can be corrected with what they call enhancement. ANd it could also happen if the person have a much higher degree of myopia or his/her cornea is bigger than norm in size.

hi fiona,
thanks for the advice and congrats on ur perfect eye sight now. oic. ya, heard of the enhancement but my friend was saying it's very minor so she doesn't see the need lor. perhaps i shd go for it. then no need to wear contact lens. so ma fan having to put on contact lens. can still carry on with normal activities after the op? my friend was telling me that the op can't correct astigmatism. is it true? sorry for asking so many questions.
HI, erin

can i ask u some qns on primary 1 enrolment? If hubby is an ex student of the school, does it mean that Baby will have a higher chance of getting into the school even thot we live far from the school?
hi all,
just back to work after 3 over month of spending time with my baby... really got withdrawal symptons...

i hope i will be able to take work positively and also have enuf time for my boy...
so sad now..
at first, i was afraid that i cant find a job... when i got offers i was happy, but now not so happy..

Shervonn is also parroting us, i realised.. whenever my mom is on the phone, she will say "haro" and starts to talk her baby language loudly.. so sometimes when i called home, i can hear her "talking to herself". hahaha... very funny rite!

just love to hear her babbling in this manner.. can fall in with their baby talk, rite?! =P

Catherine, my boss also did her lasik, and she also complained tat she cant see near, but can see pretty far now!! really lau hua now. then i better think twice abt doing it too.

all mommies hv a good evening, ciao!
hi erin,
i think wavefront lasik is for correcting astigmatism. and yes can continue with normal activities but no swimming for a month. and don't rub eyes for a month too.

re: baby parroting
denise copy alot of action and facial expression, and always try to join in when i'm on the phone or having a conversation with my hubby. and i agree, it is so cute to see her baby talk with so much expression and hand, body movement.
Alot posting.. didint manage to log in as was adjsuting to my new environment and unable to use MSN too lo..

1st must CONGRATES TO Superdad to ur newborn darling! she is lovely.... post more & update us okie.

Nat contracted it b4 too. Starting is fever, den the rash all come out and after that ok.Takes about 1 week time. Meantime try restrict her outdoor activites worrying her immune system need time to be built up.

Lasik... cool! My frd she do it too. she say cant sleep for 1 day when she go back as her DR tel her to keep using eye drops for every 1 or 2 hrs till the next day she revisit him again. Cost about e same range 3k onwards. Would love to do it but.. dono y hesitate leh.. The pain only temporary how to compare to giving bith which is more painful! Heehee.

Baby parroting
I believe now our toddlers are learning more & more n follow what we do... Do they really totally understand what we are doing and how we are doing? Like for example, Nat saw me & hb hug in bed, the next moment she see my nephew she keep hugging him! Gosh....
Don't know when can stop stressing. Nat til date only have 2 bottom teeth!!!! Recent she seems to have sign of teething again.. haiz no teeth also stress. She already so skinny, now teething didnt drink much milk too. Cant imagine if she grow more skinny. She stil have her 3 meals a day.. wonder is she really what we have a say "Gam Zhe"
my boss say at first she ok but as time goes by dunnoe why become lau hua. she now still can see far far but near will be her problem. she was not told any correction can be done leh.
mummies & a daddy
i need ur help. there's a local website which offers 50% disc for kid's 1st bday. i suddenly cant recall wat it is. can any1 pls help me? thks a lot
Wow din log in for sometimes, thread is so active.

Congrats to you and Sophia. BB Vivian is so pretty.

Congrats.....Mine is still considering on whether to do or not.... Painless izit?

How is jadelle now? Fever subside?

Relaz.... Every baby has its own pace....most importantly she active and healthy.

Does the JG holiday prog still on?
Hi Superdad,

Recently I bring Aden to my friend's daughter 1st month celebration. He's not interested in the bb leh. Wonder when his turn to be gor gor, what would be his reaction.
Been a long long time since i came in here.

Superdad - Congrats to u & Sophia..ur girl girl looks so cute. Happy Family.

My girl oso not interested in other babies oso, but when she watch TV ads with babies she is very excited & will say "baby"..but in real life she is more keen to see those kids below 7yrs old haha
hi cecelia,crispyapple,MH..
Thx..guess all bb is sweet and cute lor..

Guess this period would be more busier for us..of cos..will be lesser in taking photo as well lor..

just hope we still can cope with 2 bb at one go..haha..now den i know tat it's tough n lot of energy to take care of them..
hi cat,
pardon me but is your boss in the older age group? lasik doesn't prevent the natural course of aging in human which means there's a chance we'll get long-sightedness in future just like everyone else. or else is the doc or is the machine got problem lor...tink got different types of method in lasik.

hi cecelia,
thks...the procedure was painless but the discomfort sets in only after which lasted for near to 6 hrs but i was asleep most of those hrs.

hi cynthia,
it's not necessary to put the eyedrops non stop, it was an old fashioned way the docs adopted back then.
Hi fiona,

hi jasmine,
how's jadelle? has she recovered? Now, kayden is the one sick. i've passed my virus to him so now he's having viral infection. it's so difficult to feed him medicine. haiz... sleepless nites for me and hb liao.
hi mommies..

zorian had his jab last saturday.. for penu and hep A.. he kena fever today.. at 38.3oC... sigh.. so upset.. initially he no fever i so happy.. then yesterday night suddenly fever.. is this normal??


congrat for getting back perfect eyesight.. i m also thinking but never dare to go for it.. keekee...

hi erin..

how is kayden?? hope he recover asap..
Hi kris,
kayden kenna fever the 2nd day after the jab. doc says can occur anytime from day 1 to day 5. his fever subsided the next day. hope zorian will be well soon.

Kayden's having fever, runny nose and cough. very cranky. woke up many times during the nite. think he can't sleep well due to blocked nose. just hoping he'll recover soon.
hi everyone,

Jadelle iz better liaoz, thks for the well wishes.. her "measles" are gone in 3 days as predicted..

we already sign up for JG leh and got 20% off...
Hi Fiona

Congrats on the perfect eyesight. I'm also thinking to do it for quite a while but also dun dare to go. Same as Kris....

Hi Kris

How is Zorian. How he get well soon.

Hi Erin

How Kayden get well soon as well....
Hi Jasmine..

Glad to hear that Jadelle is getting better...

Hi Erin..

thanks.. hopefully he gets well soon.. he either kena flu, diarrhoea or cough.. now fever.. sigh.. see him eat so much medicine i very heartache.. sobsob..

for Kayden, did doctor give him some nose drop?? tat time zorian blocked / runny nose, doc give the drop.. zorian slept peacefully think the drop helps..

Hi Crisann..

thanks.. i really hope he gets well asap..

*pat* *pat* i know the feeling manz... lun a bit.. when child fall ill, parents suffer..

hope Kayden will be back to his lively self soon!
hi fellow Aug 06 mums,
I presume everyone's babies are already 1 year old? I'm a bit worried about my girl's development cos she hasn't started walking yet or cannot even stand on her own yet.
My friend's babies already take first steps at 11 months... so I was wondering if anyone's Aug baby still not walking? And how to encourage her to walk? Tx!

mine iz not walking yet.. but she is born 3rd september.. actually babies will walk at their own pace. no need to worry. Just let them explore around places on their own and they will soon pick up the trick to walking and start giving you headaches!

left you not yet TT to me yah for JG?? i receive from all other mummies liaoz.

confirm you not going ahead yah for JG.

mine iz not walking yet.. but she is born 3rd september.. actually babies will walk at their own pace. no need to worry. Just let them explore around places on their own and they will soon pick up the trick to walking and start giving you headaches!

left you not yet TT to me yah for JG?? i receive from all other mummies liaoz.

confirm you not going ahead yah for JG.

mine iz not walking yet.. but she is born 3rd september.. actually babies will walk at their own pace. no need to worry. Just let them explore around places on their own and they will soon pick up the trick to walking and start giving you headaches!

left you not yet TT to me yah for JG?? i receive from all other mummies liaoz.

confirm you not going ahead yah for JG.
confirmed. i may sign edward up at forum's playclub (billingual) next jan. cant decide cos husband not willing 2 bring him during my confinement.
Hi Fiona,

Really? Maybe can consider... my Company has some corporate rate for one of the lasik clinic.. cant recall the name i think is "The Lasik Surgery"?? THink cost about $2500, fee borne by us. I think slightly cheaper, have not really look in depth what other more changes like follow up etc etc..

Hi SK,
It depends individual. I used to be damn super hyper worry for my gal too. she begin everything very slow which almost all the mummies frds here know i been worrying & complaining hehehe. Natalie start crawl well only when she is 10mths plus. She stand on her own when she is 11mth plus and now she gg to 13mth finally can walk on her own but unstable. She is super skinny too. BUT telling myself each development is different. Some when reach 15mths start walk. If over 2yrs old, still unable to walk, seek your PD advise. Meantime I feel its coming soon after what the older people love to say "after 1 yr old b.day alot changes !!!!!"

Hi Erin,
Kayden will be fine real soon. Kiss him more for me hehehehe. U too must take care okie.

Jadelle is getting better i believe is one of the greatest relief for you now. You must take care too.
at least nat can walk on her own, my girl dun want to walk on her own if she walk she want to hold on something, see nat crawl later then charlotte but now nat is walking on her own.

Different baby got different development so don't worry.
how come like alot of baby still got jab to take after 1years old ? cos my son , we took the 6 in 1 . and after he is 9 mth , the pd say there is no jab anymore ? am i wrong or miss out anything?
hi erin,

hope kayden will recover soon, they feel very uncomfortable with cough, fever n running nose.. Shervonn also kenna tat last mth, and all of us were affected by her emotional. all so tired and gave in to her alot until she was so spoilt.

think most imptly, feed their medicine timely and let them hv supple sleep. =) u take care too, ok.
hi kris, jasmine, crisann, cynthia and leobbsmom,
thanks for your concern. he seems better today. the nose drops helped but it's like fighting a battle with him when we have to put the nose drops into his nose. haiz..

guess i'm a bit stressed by work recently too. my vp's gonna observe my lesson tmr. so worried. hopefully, everything'll be alright.

hi whitelady,
guess some of us only took our child for the pneumoccal jab after they turned one. besides that, think there's the MMR jab which is to be taken between 1 - 2 yr old. for me, i might be giving him the chicken pox jab before he goes for playgroup.
hi erin..u might wanna try the karvol drop...not to put into his nose...oni need to dissolve one capsule into water...then put the bowl in the room when kayden is sleeping..might help..
i tell u hor..my kids hor..3wks oledi leh..still not fully recovered..one after another...almost recovered...kenna again...heard from pd tat this virus is v potent...will last for 2wks...
Hi SK,
Mine also not walking yet. He only walk and stand with support. And mine is born in 19/08. Hope Aden is like what Catherine says old folk says bb walk later have good life :)

Hi White Lady,
Aden also need to take a jab after 1 yr old. But 6 in 1 is completed by 9 mths liao. This jab is the pneumoccal.
hi erin,
hope kayden is fine and getting well soon..

u may try to let him hv some warm water to clear his block nose...or add few drop of lime juice s to his fluids to increase his immune system..
tat's wat i did when dickson hv running nose and flu..
It's help..no medication needed..it clear within 3days..u may wanna try this
Hi Cat,

Ya. Only till recent these few days she walk by herself. Sometime come and find me when I was in kitchen. She also see mood one la. Temper getting very nasty too. Cant take her in hand. Make me having 2nd thoughts to have another one seeing her like this.

Hi Whitelady,
It depends on what jab. like what we mention the pneumoccal jab, 15mths & 18mths MMR. Some give flu shots & chicken pox.
hi all,
hope all the babies are feeling beta now, so mummies & daddies can take a good rest.

me down wif viral flu, very bad lost voice liao...was so afraid i'll pass to denise, keeping my fingers crossed.

re: jab
so at 1 yrs old there's no jab for our babies? MMR can wait till 15 mths issit? thanks
Hi superdad,
thanks. may try that out.

hi itsy bitsy,
welcome to the aug'06 mummies and daddies' thread.

hi fiona,
oh dear. do take care. seems like the virus is spreading around. have a good rest and hope u recover soon.

me too thinking don't think i can handled second one. charlotte also very demanding and nasty. things she want means she want if u dun let her have it she will cry until the roof or sky drop.
and my hubby also don't know how to handle her if i got to handle two myself i don't think i can do it.

Don't know is too clever or too stubborn.

now i also have a big problem. my menses never come for 5 mths going to 6 mths liao next week going to see gynae to check.

hi itsy_bitsy, good morning! your so cute! i like your style also...reporting huh?? =P

cat, r u still BF-ing? for me, my menses came back right after i stopped BF-ing.. but my mom said every woman vary, some can still menstrate while BF-ing, some didnt hv their menses back after they stopped BF-ing for mths.. so i guess u belong to the latter.

but it's good to check with gynae and hv peace of mind, ya! do keep us posted of your result k. do take care.. =) but think it shld be fine la, dun worry.
