(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

oic. then must try to ask vp then. but guess she won't confirm anything yet. u gals go ahead 1st. more than 4 ppl liao.

like that?
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Playnest</TD><TD></TD><TD>Playnursery </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>English</TD><TD>Mandarin</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piyo</TD><TD>Wk1 3-4.30pm</TD><TD>Wk2 9-10.30am</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kelly</TD><TD></TD><TD>Wk1 9-10.30am</TD><TD>Wk1 8.30-11am </TD></TR><TR><TD>Augbb</TD><TD>Wk2 9-10.30am</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>racoon</TD><TD>Wk1 11-12.30pm</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cocomo</TD><TD>Wk1 3-4.30pm</TD><TD>Wk2 9-10.30am</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>amberlyn</TD><TD>Wk1 9-10.30am</TD><TD>Wk2 9-10.30am</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erin</TD><TD>Wk2 3-4.30pm</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Erin, when can you cfm? by next week?
u 1 2 bring megan 2 bird park huh? not scared hot?

i tot of changing 2 week2 too cos i juz realised tat if e boys r occupied in e very 1st wk of school holidays, then i dunno wat 2 let them do for e remaining 5wks.
i'll go for english. just one week. currently, i'm ok with both wks. is the english one in week 1 or week 2? i'm abit confused now.
they haf english for both week 1 and 2 so can choose, same for their mandarin classes.. jus that week 1 is underwater world and 2nd week is Bird park...so which week you looking at?

I so scared I will melt under hot sun so I decided to bring her to Bird Park in the morning at 9am in Week2...megan likes birds leh
worse come to worse if I can't take leave, then my mum bring her to class? hehe.. c how...

so you want to put both in week 2 or 1 in week 1 and 1 in week 2? week 2 is bird park leh
come join me n jay for the english session for wk 2 lah..hee hee...since our timing is same and u are ok with either wk...:p then we both can keep each other company mah...heehee
I planning to take half days for the classes...then if I take half days for the week2, I got to go back to work after that.. sian leh...if take afternoon off, go bird park I will melt leh and it's english classes.. then defeat my purpose of trying out both their mandarin and english classes?
aiya I dunno what I am babbling .. ignore me
so the $240 do not include GST lah...how abt does it include the entrance fee to the excursion alr? anyway i call JG to ask if i register alr and want to change the wk i attend can it be done and they say can as long as there is slot available lor..too bad i cant join u n cocomo for afternoon session for english still coz that time is usually jay time for nap...
hi augbb,
actually, it's also megan's nap time. Her naptime changes again
I am going to push up her nap time for that week...yes $240 does not include GST but dunno got registration fees not.. can you call n chk?
JG just called me cos i emailed them yesterday abt this. The lady told for the day of the excursion, if i opt for the 11am slot, then the excursion will start at abt 9am and end abt 1pm. Basically, the day of the excursion is abt half a day. I think they are trying to group all the kids together for the excursion irregardless of their timings.

Wow, that means i hv to handle Justin from 9am all the way to 1pm all by myself on the excursion.

not sure leh, she just told me it wld be 1/2 day. And she also said it could be any day of the week. mmmmmm...must check with them if can get hubby to join and if need extra costs or not.

1/2 day a bit too long leh for Justin, I'm afraid he would be cranky leh. But will see how lah, i believe a lot of parents wld hv the same concern.....or am i thinking too much again......
ok..later i check n then let u know ya too..
i try not to disrupt jay nap time for in the afternoon lor..coz nowadays he hardly nap in morning so think morning is better for him to attend classes lor..:p

Underwater World and Birg park got diaper changing facilities or not. I dun remember Underwater World got leh........ 1/2 day trip, Justin sure kenna 1 "big" diaper change outside one.........
cocomo, think me wont join the JG program.. coz too far for me. maybe i'll just spend a day at the bird park on the wkend to show my girl the birds.. =P

thanks for jio-ing ar! =) *hughug*
hi mummies,

it's been very long since i posted in this thread. been very busy with work and packing my stuff ready for bb's birth. in fact, i'm now on standby mode since i'm already now 37.5wks...popping any moment.
personally, i'd been spending alot on boy stuff, but definitely not as much as what i spent on dresses/skirts for my girl.

congrats on having a girl this time round!!

continue to take care still...since you're popping soon in oct. TMC right? i'm gg GlenE again.
hi mummies,
i might not be able to bring kay for the lessons liao. was told to leave the 2 weeks for meetings and workshops. most prob will be full days liao.

re: outings
perhaps we can choose a day to bring them out for picnics or watsoever. think will be quite interesting.
hi cocomo,
thanks for jio jio ing me... but too far and not convenient for me too... agree with erin, maybe we can org our next gathering?

i am back!! geez!! so happening you women!


Holiday program @ JG!

I am also waiting for it to start as i intend to bring jadelle to test out Evans outlet plus the chinese class, so, YES! I am in even though Jadelle is attending 2x a week liaoz for english!! (Cos holiday no class mah!)

<font color="0000ff">Piyo</font>,
count me in ok? I will ask on Tuesday when i go back to playnest on how to proceed at counter for holiday programme. Is it confirmed they will give 20% discount?

Regarding playnest, the whole term is ~10 weeks like what you say.. I like the class lah.. but i think cannot continue too long on it as might be boring @ Forum (all indoor playground leh), of course, Jadelle after this semester ends, will start on playclub programme then..and i will decide whether to continue.

I can pay for you girls 1st since they accept credit cards.. juz remember to TT to me the $$ lah.. otherwise, i need to resusicate my hubby when he see my bill again..

I will also ask if member intro member can get more discount.. (They have this incentive also for normal playnest/ playclub registration..)
i bought jay for his jab on sat n he developed fever again..hiaz....seems like most jabs he sure will have fever one..fever on sat n sun..hope he is better today...
anyway finally took his weight n height..he is 80cm and 10.16kg now liao at 13mths...wt for his height, means he is only in the 50percentile and his height he is in the 97percentile...haha..but hor, he has a fork tongue, mean his tip of the tongue is stick to mouth a little..same as his daddy lor...so it means we need to do a little snip for him...sigh...was hoping he wont have but seems like it is hereidiary...so sad n worried...need to go consult the infant n bb surgeon...heard its a simple procedure but still worried...

Hope Jay is fine soon. Wow, he's tall. i measure Justin on the height chart and he's only abt 75cm. How will a fork tongue affect his daily life? Is surgery really necessary?
well not reali..juz that speech might not be reali clear..thou PD did say that alot of bb hav fork tongue n still can talk very clearly lor...so we juz hav to go for a consultation to see lor...

anyway does anyone know for the pnenomo jab ah...how long shld a fever last ah?
hello mommies, today is a beautiful day coz IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! kekekeke.... just wanna share my cake with u all, coz it's from Pine Garden, n i know alot of mommies patronise this shop. it's a beautiful design tat u all can consider to order for your female frenz or moms or sisers.. =) i find the design very feminine..
hi cocomo..

thanks for the sms.. forget to check with hubby over the weekends.. will ask him tonight..

hi leobbsmon..

Happy birthday!!

hi augbaby...

Zorian also always kena fever after all his jabs.. his fever usually last for 4-5 days... have not brought him to see his PD yet.. once i know, will post it here okie.. dun worry lah.. Jay will be fine one..
Hi, Leobbsmom

Happy Birthday to u.... have a nice day...

Hi, Augbaby, Kris,racoon

Jia Hui also kena fever for the last 2 pneumococcal jab... her fever usually last abt 1 day & she will be fine....

did u use a warm cloth to clean the injection spot when reached home? normally i will do that as heard that it can prevent fever... or u can boil some barley water without sugar for Jay to drink....

Hope Jay will be fine .....

Happy birthday to you!

The cake is pretty. But isn't it sad that you're now known as "Shervonn's mommy" instead of who you are? Lemme guess, the cake is from "Shervonn's daddy"? I'd be protesting big time if I were you. Demand for another cake for another occasion! :p


About forked tongue, I noticed it in one of Jay's pic on your blog. Wouldn't the procedure be done by a plastic surgeon? Well, you'd be surprised but some people actually opt to get their tongue forked by plastic surgeons cos it's trendy.
Hi Leobbsmom

May all your wishes comes true & stay healthy!Love the cake... 2 tier.. so nice.. ur hubby order for you? Must be

Haiz when is the last time I have these lovely cake...

Been busy recent at work so hardly log in. Hmm I will gotta skip JG prog though Bird Park is near to my hse. Hubby prefer to make it family outing instead of excursion only me and natalie which makes him lonesome man! haha.
hi leia,
ya lor...the pic shld be the one where jay is sticking out his tongue...well the main concern is that it might affect jay speech in terms of not talking clearly lor...so we hav to let the surgeon take a look n see how...but the gd thing is that jay is not quiet and he has been talking...unless his daddy that time, dun talk that is y his parents suspect sometimes n hence bring him to see a doc...so jay one might be a small problem only lor..
thanks augBB, Kris, racoon, jesline, leia, cynthia and all mommies for your well-wishes! =)
yes very happie indeed! actually i was the one who requested such a birthday message on the cake! =P coz i'm a proud mommy like u all now! =P

also bcoz hubby also calls me "mommy" now loh, i also call him "papa"! haha.. i'm sure some of u also the same, rite? ^_^
lobang to share:

Isetan is selling a lucky baby high chair @ $39.90, usual is $80.15. the design is under the sea (aqua color). isetan member enjoys additional 3% off... $38.70.
Hi Butter8,
Regarding solid food, seems like you have no choice but to try and try. Just like me, last weekend, tried Aden on Friso 3. Still unsuccessful. Dun know how to make him wanna drink milk.

Hi augbaby,
I got use dry shampoo. Find it better than not using cos' I'm only allowed to wash hair once very week. If dun use, I would itch till I die.

Hi Piyo,
Regarding JG programme, they really bring the kids to Birdpark and underwater world? Do we need to pay extra charges for it or it's included in the fees?

But the programme is 1.5 hr per day, the excursion timing also so short?

Sorry. I a bit slow recently. So, you all have close registration among yourself?

my zac also refuses to drink formula milk. Changed a few bottles liao. Think must try other brands of milk powder too.

Were you breastfeeding prior to this?

Did your hb's parents got the procedure done for him? If yes, I think you shldn't worry cos someone has done it before and is fine. In any case, medical science very advanced now.
Hi morning mummies,
Looks like most of you are signing up for the holiday JG program, so nice, wish I could take leave to let Hannah attend too.

Hubby and I decided to make friends with the Zoo and we did it last weekend. The plan is to bring Hannah to the Zoo for breakfast pinic every Sat or Sun so that she can be close to nature and get to know the animals. Good thing is we stay close to the zoo thus its very convenient for us and we enjoy the morning walk as well, good workout and exercise! Hannah was quite excited last Sun morning when we saw squirrels running up and down the tree where we had our pinic, will introduce her to one animal per week, last week was Tiger, think this week we'll do the bear. :")

Happy Belated Birthday to you! :")

Don't worry too much, I'm sure Jay will be fine, maybe don't even have to do anything since he is already talking fine.
Hi Leia,
yups hubby parents done it for him when he was younger...anyway we just ask a friend whose bb also having same prob and the specialist say that wait till abt 2-3yrs old and then see coz some babies will outgrow it themselves...so hoping there is no need for surgery lor...

what is the brand of the dry shampoo that you used and where did u buy it from...for JG, i juz check with the lady yest and she told me that the entrance fee to the excursion is already included in the program fee that we pay and there will be a bus from the school transporting the teacher and the kids n us there lor...As for the timing, irregardless of what timing you choose for the class, all excursion will start at 9am and i think it be about half a day ba...so if for example you choose to put Aden in the session that is 11am, then on the day of the excursion, u still have to be at the school at 9am for the excursion lor...hope u understand what i mean...N nope registration not close yet...

Piyo and rest of the mummies interested in JG class, the lady told me the registration form is upload liao so how shld we go abt doing it ah so that Jas can pay for us at forum?? Better sign up soon coz the lady was telling me its rather popular...

how much did u hav to pay to be Friends of the Zoo ah and is the breakfast picnic part of what is being offered when u signed up or its yr own plan etc? So u pack a picnic?
The Zoo menbership is $150, we have the Ikea Friends card and that entitles us to a $15 discount, thus we pay $135. This is only valid for 1 year and includes parking fees so not too bad if you frequent the zoo. I saw a couple of areas that are suitable for pinics but have not checked them all out yet and yes we packed our own pinic basket there. Hannah usually wakes up around 7.30am, we'll leave at around 8.15am and be home by 10.30am just in time for for her morning nap.
The pinic is our own idea, main purpose is to do some exercise and introduce nature to Hannah, something different for us to look forward to every week :")
so the membership is for how many adults and babies? is it only 2 adults and 1 baby? Is it for a year? Think i might consider something like this too soon...seems reali a gd idea..
piyo, augbb,

I've just applied for leave on 19th Nov for a week liao so can go ahead and register liao. Just tell me how much to pay Jasmine and I'll tt okie
jas just called me...jadelle having fever so not going to JG class today so cant help us pay the fees yet..anyway was telling her we haven confirm our schedule yet so its ok..she now monioring jadelle coz her temp quite high...juz feed her fever med too...
They have different rates and combinations. I think for the 1 child rate, you can bring in either 2 parents w child, 2 parents w child and 1 maid, 2 parents, child and 2 grandparents, 2 parents, child, 1 grandparent and 1 maid, something like that.
Hi mummies,

Can anyone care to share the cupcake recipe please? I'm from the sep thread & thinkin of baking some for my DD birthday too a/f seeing the delicious cupcake that you mummies had made. Thks alot!

Mummies who r joining the JG class, jas say pls go fill up the form from the website with preferred slots and also indicate a 2nd choice timing in case no more available. N by tomorrow, pls scan form wif signature and email to her by tom so that she can help us pay on thur when jadelle go for her class. and classes r filling up fast...
