(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi mummies,
just settled down for the day can use pc liao...
to update, me no preggy leh, sms augbaby that the negative sign on clearblue kit stared straight at my face...dunno to feel relieve or disappointed hahaha...

hope rain got good news!!

hi superdad,
wow a year apart is a nice gap leh! i keep mentioning the "zhu peng kou you" idiom too. even bought a piglet stuff toy and put beside her hehehe...but i'm gonna miss the pig year liao lah...

hi erin,
re: food jar
the lunch box bag is only suitable for rice but not porridge & soup, i asked the sales person bcos find that the container cover very loose.

hi cheers,
Congrats to you too!

hi piyo,
how's megan? hope she's alright.

denise simply refuse to drink water, what can i do? and didn't get good result when i tried to feed her porridge for the 1st time today. i put carrot and a bit of cai xin. she made faces and sulk, end up gave her usual rice cereal.
Super Dad,

Congrats. First time, three pushes only? Haha, second time will be even faster, like my case. I managed to make to hospital in time though. Think you better learn some delivery skills, just in case


Re: tiger container

I have one of those - they are called the porridge maker. Apparently, when you put rice and boiling water, after sometime, you will get porridge.

I tried once and it worked but din like it cos can cook porridge but what about the vege and meat? Find the container too big and deep too.

I prefer my other tiger container. Comes with two containers in the flask. One for porridge, another one for the meat and vege. When using the thermal flask, I do not like to mix the vege with the porridge as the heat will continue to cook the vege and vege becomes yellow by meal time. Hence, I prefer to separate them in diff containers.
Congrates!!! hey. . .u purposely one izit?! Normaly guys like to have kids and wife dun want then they will 'zuo shou jiao' . ha. . .

congrates! I also want to have second one too but then still no mensus yet le. Also, no one can take care of the baby for me. Dun think my maid can handle two babies.

Ong Lip Peng,
Most of the babies from this thread are born in August 06. When ur bb born? But then you are welcome to join in even if your baby not august bb la.

I also bot the same jar as yours! I also prefer this one coz got 3 compartments, can be for vege/meat, soup and porridge/rice. Then each compartment comes with cover so soup/porridge will not pour out.

Thanks. Juz back from Isetan, the $40 promo dun have liao. But then the salesman show me the jar, at the end I chosen the one same as Augustmum's coz I prefer 3 compartments.
The one you showed on the pic look really nice...how much? I bought the $40 promo one but now see yours....think the promo one a bit urgly lei....

BTW, the promo one, according to the promoter, you can put rice in there, pour in boiling water, cover for 45 mins, and you will get porridge???
Hi cocomo.. thanks..

yap.. my baby boy is born on 17-August-2006...

thinking of bringing my boy out for a swim.. can i check wat are the items i need to get before hand?
Forget to tell you Tiger one also can tahan 6 hours.

Coz this one no discount so I bot for $65 yesterday. Not sure abt the cooking of porridge part le.

I will bring float, swim suit, towels (preferbly 2 coz one need to wrap baby when get out from water and another one after bath), suncream, non-rinsable shower foam and clothing. oh ya and a small bath tub if they dun have shower facility for baby.
i also find the one you bought looks nicer, but never mind lah, $40 very worth it, me "tan xiao pian yi" hehehe...

the promoter also told me the promo one can cook porridge, i haven't experiment it. but my friend taught me to put the open container to my ear and i can hear the "won won" sound(dunno how to explain), and she told me the vacuum for the jar is good, the louder the better.
hi fiona,
i was just relieved the other time when I tested -ve. my menses was late for 2 wks cos mine was always regular b4 preggie. was rather worried and excited at the same time.

oic. asked the sales assistant and she said can put porridge, just that cannot keep warm for too long. also find the lid a bit loose but the packaging very attractive.

Hi augustmum and cocomo,
i din see that leh. perhaps shd show my hb and see if he'll agree to me buying it.

hi kris,

Mine is the same type but has only two compartment. Going to but another one with three components for zac. Can put fruits.

Hee... now when I go out with older son and need to pack food, I will put rice in one container, then stir fried vege and meat in another. Make it nice nice, like bento
hi erin,
yah...it's a mixed feeling..whenever i think abt it only makes me

women very cham...mense come very sian, dun come we worry(no matter it's pregnant or not).
My mother also told me muz listen to the wong wong sound, the louder the better!

I saw the 2 compartments one as well. Actually I was at Tiger counter for more than 20mins deciding which one to buy. Ha. . .
ya lor...when i got home told my hubby and he knows it too, how come only now then i learn haha...

porridge will turn watery ar? i oso dunno leh..
Hi Superdad and Erin,

But I have a problem. My son don't like to drink water. Everyday, we feed him water, he would try to push the bottle away or mouth don't move at all. That's way, everyday, he drank only abt 10 - 20 ml of water. Really don't know what to do to make him drink more.

There's once I tried letting him sleep on the bed with pillow on his head and let him hold the bottle and feed himself. This trick works for 1 day only. That day, he drank a lot. But the next weekend, I tried the same method. No longer work. He still play with his bottle and don't drink.

I think he's the only bb in this tread who drank the least water.

1 more query. For fruit puree that was stored in freezer, after defroze, how do we heat it up before giving bb? Is it just warm the puree in a cup of hot water? If warm, just lukewarm can already, is it?
Hi Superdad,

Barley itself don't contain sugar, right?

If we don't add sugar to barley water, then is it still ok?

Sorry for so insisting on barley question. Cos' my in-laws very insisting in giving. At first, they want to give gripe water, but I strongly against it. So, they have no choice but to suggest barley water. That's why I want to find out more. If really not good, I would stop them.
hi mummies,
anyone fed bb sweet peas already? do i need to open the pods and scrape out the peas from the pod or puree the pod as well?
hi crispyapple,
i din add sugar to the barley water. my boy din really like it though. prefers plain water more. perhaps u can let him try drinking from sippy cups or using a spoon to feed him water. my confinement lady told me to feed him water after his bath cos he'll be thirsty. and yes, he usually drinks quite a bit after his bath (40 to 60ml)after his bath. you can also feed him little water during the intervals of solid feeding. Hope this helps.

hi fiona and cocomo,
i also din know that leh. something new.

hi cocomo,
i stood there for quite a while too. still thinking of getting one leh. maybe dun tell hb. buy 1st.
hi crispyapple,
your baby's not the only one who doesn't drink water, mine flatly refuse won't open her mouth at all, as if she got super sense can tell the diff when i hold it near!
August mother's blogs

Those who have PM me your blog links (see below), I have already emailed you the consolidated list.


My PD tell me can give barley water. Barley like green bean, red beans... by itself no sugar unless you add sugar lor....

so far i tried, porridge dun turn watery.. we bought the thermos..


barley itself no sugur.. just dun add any sugur will do.. i also give barly to my son.. but very minimum amount and once a week or longer.. i think it should be okie..


yap.. u need to scrap out the peas then puree.. i tried once end up with very little even though i tot i made too muchie.. keekee..


thanks.. need to let him wear diapers?? which type to let him?? scare he poo poo in the pool..
hi kris,
same same! the peas were so little after i scrap out and unpeel the skin.. in the end i pureed frozed peas instead...
re. swim diapers, believe we are using huggies disposable swim diapers... can buy in cold storage, cant find in ntuc...
Hi all ,

my baby just finish his 6 in 1 jab ... and PD mention another type of jabs , pneumococcal vaccination , think need a total of 3 jabs , each cost $200+ .... i will let my baby have this too ... just to check , any mummies also letting baby have this jab ?
thks 4 e list of blogs

thks 4 giving me access. can i pls link jayden's blog 2 my boys' blog?

augustmum, butter8
can i pls link ur blog 2 my boys' blog?
Hi all ,

my baby just finish his 6 in 1 jab ... and PD mention another type of jabs , pneumococcal vaccination , think need a total of 3 jabs , each cost $200+ .... i will let my baby have this too ... just to check , any mummies also letting baby have this jab ?
white lady,
i tik a few mummies listed here a few days ago, how much e pneumococcal jabs cost. it range between $160-$180. if ur PD charges $200+, it's rather ex

FYI, my boys' PD only charges $150 include consultation.
hi mummies,
can i check if ur baby all able to sit steadily w/o support alrdy?

this is baby jayden saying hi to all mummies for the 1st time!
sori to post such a big pic!!! bo bian, i gong gong abt computer 1, can anyone guide me on how to shrink pic? thanks a million..
hi white lady..

will be bringing my boy for that jab next month.. not too sure about the cost though..

hi ling2..

my boy can sit quite steady but sometimes will still fall.. he can sit without support.. but remember, all babies are different in their development.. dun stress yourself and your baby by comparsion... it happened to me once and i think not worth it.. must keep on giving our little love lots of encouragements and loves and hugs..

hi Jokojoko..

hahaa.. i did only once and forget about it.. now just make those simple one.. thanks for the diaper.. will go look for it.. u know roughly how much is it??

Hi mommies..

anyone planning to celebrate the BIG ONE year old celebration for your babies?? do we have to go large scale on this?

Hi CrispyApple,
sori for e late reply..cos no internet at hm..
yes, barley itself contain no sugar..but i guess e taste is too plain for bb..
may be can try dilute prune juice ba..
oh ya..i feed my boi with banana..he luv it very much..can finish whole piece..
notice tat his stools recently not so hard as b4..
thanks all mummies for yr concern..

ya..3 pushes....but inside e room for 10hrs la..haha..hope tat e 2nd will be smooth birth as well..

in fact we nvr protect..how to "zhou shou jiao"..haha..just tat a bit mis-calculation lor..haha

same here..dunno my mom and maid can handle 2 kids not..wif oso worried abt tis..tat's y sometimes she feel very depress abt tis..
Hi Juile
I have used the tiger thermo during the weekend. Brought Kayden to Sentosa. Put his porridge in the thermo. It didn't turn watery. Hope this helps. BTW B4 I went to buy this tiger thermo. I went to this shop to look for thermo. The lady asked me what I want to use the thermo for?? I told her to put baby's porridge. She told me not to buy from her. Hers is from China..can't keep baby's porridge warm. The most 1 to 2 hrs only. She asked me to go to shopping centres and buy thermo from Japan which can keep food warm much longer. Lucky to meet this frank sales asst.
thx, Leia,
Tat's wat i told her as well...
but den not sure can cop with e expenses lor..
nd more budgeting fr now on..

say is easier to gv birth..but seem like still got lot of thing to worry abt...no wonder e birth rate in singapore keep dropping..haha...

Regarding Barley water for baby. I had been giving baby barley water if she never poo poo for 2 days. & it did help her to make her poo poo softer lor.. normally, my mum will cook the barley without putting any sugar & etc so it will be the same taste as plain water. Think it is ok for baby more than 6mths to have barley water as saw in the TMC baby book, it states that if baby got fever, also can give barley water so baby will not be so heaty..

Other than barley water, i also give baby the dong Guo water to drink (those white slices cover with sugar in a packet one) I will put 1 or 2 slices in the cup, then put hot water into it & then leave it till it cool & then pour into bottles & mixed with water for baby to drink. Does help for my baby to poo poo or went she is heaty..
Hi Jesline
I agree on the barley water w/o sugar. However, on those "dong guo" with sugar is it suitable for baby?? The sugar content is it a bit too high for infant??
mine still a bit shaky.

If ur bb cant poo, try fruit. For my case, MIL cook barley w/out sugar as well 2 mixed in the milk. Work for my dd but nt ds as he find the milk taste weird.
Hi, honeyhaven

i will mix it with water till bland.... so not sweet... will test it before giving to baby... so far ok....

but now seldom give baby.... only give when dont have time to boil barley....

would love to link up blogs! How ah hahahaha?
sorry i am new to my online journal.

my boy just started sitting up on his own the past week i belive.. previously i had to help him. now he is always sitting up, even in the middle of the nite...haha

i've been putting him in a high chair w/o props, but other then that i kiasu, havent really let him sit on his own except for in cot, bed or pen.

my boy jayden too been sitting rather steady for a while liao...but i only let him sit on the bed or cot still..coz i still scare he topple...haha..anyway for abt 2-3 wks ago, he has learnt how to sit from his tummy position liao...so he will flip to his tummy n from tummy to sitting position..haha..no worries ya...coz each bb developed at their own pace..as long as bb is happy n healthy ok already..
I have returned the exersaucer but retained the jumperoo. ALso just rented this playyard for Jay to play. He can learn pull to stand by holding to the garden wall.

yup, can link to your blog.

Yup, better to wear diaper, else shi shi and poo poo how?!! I bot the huggies brand's 'little swimmer' from Cold Storage.

Wah. . . no protection huh. . . your intention very obvious!!!! ha. . .

My Jay still topple very often when he wanna turn to other side/back. Dun worry la, as what Augbaby said, each bb developed at their own pace, happy and healthy are the most impt thing.
hi mummies,
i haven't been active in this thread at all, no time to login or read all ur posts. remember the gathering at my place this sat ok.
pls update if u could make it coz diff to find the previous list at the old threads.
thanks. will pm u all my address by wed hopefully, if not thurs ok.

Gathering at queenstown, Sat 24 march after 1pm

1. smlow & family
i cant attend the gathering this sat liao...coz my hubby colleague bb 1mth celebration n is at 1pm...n sun also ano bb 1mth celebrations..this yr got a lot of bb born!!
Hi Mummies & daddy,
Thanks for your concern. megan got UTI and fever was due to UTI. Did urine test and not good and have to bring the urine test for more detailed scanning.. results would only be out this mid week... last friday, apart from doing the test, she has to go thru ultra scan to check on the kidney and bladder c if there are any abnormalities.. I was not there to witness, my hubby was.. megan cried her lungs out..until my hubby also wanna cry liao
PD mentioned most prob is due to her genitals not cleaned properly but can only confirm when the detailed results come out... meantime, she is on antibiotics which should bring her fever down by today.. so far her fever has come down and she is smiling liao now I am worried about the test results...

menawhile also feeling super down, cos din expect the fever to come from UTI and giving her BM also will fall sick and so jia lat somemore haiz

Hi Cocomo,
how much did you rent the play-yard? and what is it called?
