(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hugs for u...I think it is very common for girls to hav UTI...My good friend daughter now juz 1 yr also the same and she has UTI 2x v close to each other somemore b4 she is 1 yrs old...N the reason is that yes, her genitals is not clean properly...so its not yr fault that despite BM, she will fall sick...the test results shld be ok..dun worry..my friend daughter also had to go thru a scan and her kidneys n all is perfectly fine...So i think u jus hav to ask yr maid to be more careful when cleaning her when she poo n esp when she pee...SHld be ok...dun worry too much ya...

hope megan gets well asap. there's no 'solid' proof tat BF bbs dun fall sick. look at edward, TBF since 1.5mths old, still fall sick n has been sick for 3-4x liao.

do get ur maid 2 ensure megan's genitals r cleaned properly. can also give some cranberry juice. dilute it if u like.
Dun be so worry ok, kids do fall sick sometimes, she's a strong gal and I believe she will be fine one. I think last time one of the August baby also has UTI. You gotta take care of yourself as well so that you have energy to take care of her and play with her when she recovered. Kelly's right, BF baby can also fall sick. My Jay was hospitalised last time for 4 days! Dun worry k.
let's look at e bright side...this is how we learn, and how our baby learn as well....
We need to be more stronger than anyone else to take care of bb...cos we cannot go down..
hope yr Megan will getting well soon..

Ya..just need to keep our baby dry and clean all time if possible..
may be can let yr bb wear napping during day time..its more "tong feng" ba..
Cannot be $200 one! So far the price indicated by mummies are from 150-180. Mine is ard 160 also. Total need 3 Japs for bb below 1 year old and 1 afetr 1 year old. I signed up package for rota + pneumo.
hi piyo,
don't be too upset. glad she's smiling now. i had that when i was young too. doc only says that if it's left untreated, then it'll be serious. remember to get ur maid to clean from front to back and to give megan more water or cranberry juice. it'll help to clear the toxic.

hi cocomo,
the playyard looks very interesting. jayden looks so happy and busy in the playyard.
hi whitelady,
ya, it's pretty ex. my pd charges $150 for jab and consultation. I'll be bringing him soon. Din want to bring him early but my colleague's boy just had pneumonia. guess i better bring him for the jabs.
hi piyo,
dun feel upset ok? remember when we were young, we do fall sick too...just tell your maid to pay more attention to megan's hygiene. that's why until now i still insist on bathing denise myself. can't even trust my maid and mil to do it...
hi, piyo

dont be upset. Megan's result will be ok.... must take care of yrself too... Megan needs u most now...
must cheer up....

maybe can try to give Megan bath in the morning & night time ...
HI mummies,
so many posts, cant catch up..managed to skim thru only..

Cheers & Amy - thanks for the PD contact and the url link...

i needed the PD contact urgently as my boy was sick last wed - vomitting and fever. rushed to PD only to find out it was a bacterial infection.

PD suggested to admit him to hospital as he was losing alot of water and was taking much in either....2nd option was to take the medication & let Keiran rest....we went for 2nd option...
He was better on thursday.

Vomitting & diahorrea on Friday again...this time rushed him to TMC's PD, again PD said the same thing - let him recover naturally...
PD said that he needs at least a week to recover fully..so we are monitoring the situation...

And how does Bacterial infection come about? Cleanliness & hygiene plays a part in this. Spoke to my mil on how WE could improve so that Keiran doesnt fall sick again, but she is so stubborn and refuses to accept the certain things we should do...

Iam so fed up and angry cause it hurts so much to see my boy fall sick and become so lethargic each time. BTW, he has fallen sick 3times in 3mths since mil started taking care of him.

very angry & upsest mummy to Keiran...

and to Superdad, didnt dare bring Keiran near to your Dickson cause didnt want to spread the germs when we saw you at the car park yesterday... hope we didnt appear to be anti-socials.... : )
tat's ok..guess keiren will be more stronger after this..i guess bb more easier to fall sick after 6mth as they nd to depend on their own immune system..after awhile, it shd be back to norm...

Dickson seem like having some bad habit recently..he like to lick on the floor..tat's make us worry too..
HEY! Superdad!
CONGRATS...ya, i must be abit slow...but was reading up on the archives!
hahhaa...Happy for you & Sylvia....hehehe...
if only i knew yesterday, i gong xi you 2 already!! :p

After bath at 9.00 - 9.30 am, Aden would have his 2nd milk feed and went to bed. Thus, I don't think I've the chance to give him water at this time interval. Think my next trick is to feed him thru cup. See if he would accept. I did try feeding thru spoon. It worked. But he drank until very messy.

Fiona, looks like my bb can be friends with your bb. Same category. Don't drink water type.


I did give banana before. And fruit puree. But these are given during weekends cos'weekdays we got work. And I never store fruit puree in freezer cos' I have an impression that it is fresher to eat immediately after preparation.

But last week, I prepare apple and pear puree and store in freezer. We request my in-laws to feed Aden during weekdays while we are at work.

And congrats for your 2nd bb.

Think I would leave it to my in-laws if they want to feed barley since Jesline mentioned TMC bb book got mentioned can give for bb more than 6 months.

Actually don't feel Aden constipation very serious. During weekends, when I clear his poo, looks ok, not very hard. And he got poo approximately every 2 days. But cos' Aden is my in-laws first grandchild, so, quite a number of times, they are very "gan cheong". Sigh... Can't blame them lah...

Cocomo, the playyard looks so fun... Looks so tempting to rent it for Aden too... But wait my hb would nag at me again....
thx..babyboy & crispyapple..
now me & Sophia mood is a bit "mix" lei..
excited abt e 2nd bb..but worry for e 2nd bb as well..very complicated feeling lor..

i feed my boi with fresh banana..cut it into half..den use baby spoon to feed him directly..
no storage require..
hi crispyapple,
yup our babies same cat one

just now i tried giving her a few more mouthful of water in between feeding her cereal, but soon she found out and refused to open her mouth again! but a few sips better then none...

hi superdad,
i did that with the banana too...i'm going to scrape the apple and give her direct as well...
to avoid bacterial to transpass avoid bring baby to over crowded places now adays alot of sickness, esp baby immune system is weak best is let baby stay at home. and also hygien purpose do clean all toys as they now like to put anything into their mouth.
hi piyo,babyboy,
hope dat megan n Keiran r feeling well now. u must be v worried urselves. actually we as parents will feel v worried if our precious little ones fall sick, especially they r so young and cant tell us wher it hurts/ feel uncomfortable.

hi mummies,
i encourage all to buy hospitalization insurance for our babies since their tendency to fall sick is quite high. Especially if they running fever, PD may suggest warding for observation and we also want to set our mind at ease cos high fever is no joke for babies. Haha, can this be considered 'spouse's occupation hazard' but no lah, not promoting anything here n also ther r others in the same trade, not to promote anything hor just to share my view.
My Jay was hopitalised 4 days due to baterial infection last time. He diarrhoea up to 12 times for the first day and once something in, immediately out tha kind lo. Took him 12 days to recover. Hope Kieran will recover soon.

I agree with you. Lucky I bot the insurance one month after Jay was born and when he was hospitalised, I was fully reimbursed total bill and on top of that Jay earned $1200 income as well. Of course I prefer not to earn this kinda money if possible la! ha. . .
Wah, jay 'earning' money .. keke.. can save up for his education use in future . yup, we buy for peace of mind la, we dun hope to profit.

u still awake tonite? me going zzz now, hopefully bb sleep thru tonite without needing his milk. definitely gonna rent some toys soon for Kaefer after looking at Jayden play so happily.
hey piyo
just said a little prayer for megan. these little soldiers are tougher than we think ya? you take care of yourself too, and don't worry too much or be hard on yourself, megan will be well in no time.

recently, leon is SOOOO active, he's been crawling and pushing to stand against just about anything. it is fun to see him progress, but at the same time, getting more tiring. any mommies their baby going crazier and crazier in the car? cos leon is, he really goes hysterical. cos i drive alone, i cant help much, its torture for both of us. lately we been going out to cafes, malls, parks, just the 2 of us, i really love it
thanks CJ & cocomo..keiran is feeling much better yesterday..still abit lethargic..

Cocomo, check with you - which pd does yr jay go to?

catherine, sadly to say - ive been cleaning, scrubbing everything i see that comes into contact with keiran. if only i could do the same to the PILs.
dont be sad, i can understand PILs who are not helping also will cause the problem. Anyway its also help baby to be more stronger to fight with bacterial.
Hi cocomo
Can share with me which hospitalisation insurance did u buy for your baby?? I spoke to my agent to give me some info before CNY, but up till now still no news from him. Urghhhhh.
hope keiran gets well soon....ya i guess we as parents can only do so much...If in laws dun listen also cant do much abt it..sigh...

wat type of bananas did u give zac? the montel del big type or small small one?

yest jay constipated...he cried when he trying to poo and its painful...heard that we can feed bb prune juice but wat type of prune juice shld we give bb and is there any other types of fruits that can aid disgestion itself? Prefer to feed jay wif fruits instead...think he is too heaty...sigh...
Hi, augbaby

understand how jay must have feel when he constipated..... Jia Hui also constipated last sunday & her poo poo is very hard & saw how hard she tried to poo poo out & even cried.... everytime, i will talk to her & hold her hands & then she will try her best to poo poo out.....

heart really pain when saw her in pain.... try to give jay more water or barley water as it helps
thanks augbaby...yeah, my mil can even tell her son this 'I've done my best' after my boy was sick.
make the urge to become a SAHM even stronger.

keiran used to be quite constipated and he is the Dont-Drink-Water kind....so i tried a few things - barley water, prune juice - i bought the Gerber one (dilute it with water)which helps a whole lot & tastes better than Heinz, Fruits - i gave him papaya, the Hawaiian papaya, the small kind...

Keiran cried when he pushed his poo out, until there was blood...since then he doesnt have much difficulty...
hi augbaby..
dun take those very big banana..it will cos "wind" in stomach..
take those "slim and abt a 4~5 inch length" type..which redish meat inside..

mommies, can i ask you how long you guys leave your baby to cry? leon is VVV clingy, is like i cant even go toilet without him throwing a fit, i dunno if he's been too spoilt in that sense to date. really dunno how to 'train' him or should i b training n disciplining at this early age.
hi augbaby/babyboy/jesline,
my gal hasn't constipate yet but i foresee it's gonna be a problem since she doesn't drink water at all, any idea if i should add some flavor into the water to make her drink?

hi pups,
talking about clingyness, denise behaves exactly the same as leon from 3 months onwards, i can't even pee or poo in peace until i get constipation...haiz.

what i did was, started by asking permission to go toilet and reassured her i'll be back, and return as fast as i could. slowly i lengthen the amount of time to return to her while occupying her with toys. or i put her on the bumbo or mattress on the floor outside the toilet and continue to call and play peekaboo with her while doing business(have to multi-task..hahaha)

but i never leave her to cry for long yet i dun pick her up the moment she whine(not cry), so it's a process we got to train our baby to learn to accept...

i believe babies at this age understand what's discipline alrdy, bcos when i tell denise off sternly(bcos she's throwing a tantrum), and raise my hand and said beat beat, she will stop misbehaving. and when she's nice i'll praise her while showering her with lots of hugs and kisses.

mommies, can i ask you how long you guys leave your baby to cry? leon is VVV clingy, is like i cant even go toilet without him throwing a fit, i dunno if he's been too spoilt in that sense to date. really dunno how to 'train' him or should i b training n disciplining at this early age.
thanks fiona

ya i also bring leon to sit outside the toilet with me, jus wondering if this is normal :p so far leon doesnt understand when i'm fierce, maybe my voice just ain't stern, cos he will smile at me. i have to always sit with him at his level on his mat, otherwise he'll bound to cry, unless he's in super good mood, like when he jus wakes up, but lasts 30min at most.
even right now im typing he's fretting away v jialatly ...
Hi Fiona,
perhaps u can add little FM in e drink lor..
cos whatever flavor u add in to e drink..
once the use to e taste it's more diff to kick off later..
guess more fruits might be better if yr bb can take it..
Hi, pupsandcup/fiona

Jia Hui also very clingy to me..... everytime, when i go to mil house to see her after work, she will smile once she saw me & will want me to carry her..... so i will carry her & play with her..... there is a few times where i get daddy to carry her & went to the kitchen to wash my hands.. once i am out of her sight, she cried no matter how daddy distracted her so i went back & told her that mummy going to the kitchen to wash hands & will carry her after that & she is ok after telling her that.....

agreed with Fiona that baby now should know displine... also never leave her to cry.....

everytime after feed, i will put her on baby cot & let her play with her musical toys.. & tell her that mummy going to wash milk bottle & will be back.... sometime it works but sometime it dont....

there is once where after her mid night feed, she dont want to sleep after putting her in the sarong & daddy needs help from me so i told her that mummy going to help daddy & ask her to sleep or wait for mummy... & after helping daddy, when i went back to the room, she is already sound asleep as normally she needs us to rock her to sleep....
Hi mummies , i also feel that we should tech our baby now , my baby will get naughty sometimes , when he snatch something , like a remote control , and we snatch back , he will cry and cry , and i will beat his hand , to let him know , if not , he will be very naughty in future ...
Hi ,

i would like to bring my baby to swimming , and i need to buy those swimming diaper isssit ? is like normal diaper or must buy at kiddy placa those ? and baby can swim for how long in the pool ?
Ya...i also put baby on bumbo chair just outside the toilet and talk to him....

White lady - you need to buy those swimming diaper, which can be found in supermarket. I have tried the Huggies...but quite ex, about a dollar a piece.
my baby had constipation when I switched him from Similar Stage one to Stage Two..then I decided to try new brand. So far I started him on Dumex Mamil Gold 2, no problem. In fact, I noticed that he drink more and and finished his milk....so not sure if this is growing sprout or the milk powder???

Mummies any comments?
Jay's PD is Dr Ang Ai tin at TMC. Previously is Edmond Koh at Tiog Bahru but I dun really like him coz he very the ya ya lo. His clinic always pack (maybe not much PD at Redhill/Tiong Bahru area) so everytimes he will rush us one lo, very 'fu yan' type.

I am very lazy type lo, Kelly gave me some insurance infor (comparison of insurances by diff co.) but I have not meet with other insurance agent. But I have a very very good insurance agent from AIA, so I get from him lo.

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Hi Mummies,
I have been glancing through the postings but hardly the time to sit down and type through my thoughts.

Popping in to ask for some of your advice -
Jul's been having fever (38.8) since yesterday. I have been giving him Paracetamol throughout the day & switched to Brufen last night as the temperature didn't drop after.
Even after taking the medicine, his fever maintains at moderate temp of 37.7.
I just took him to GP (not my usual GP though) but his ENT are clear. We left the clinic with only more Paracetamol and Brufen Suppositories.

Has anyone of you encounter this before?
The other possibility is False Measles which Jav had when he was 9 mths old.
Fever will break on Day 3 before the dots appear.
I will take Jul to PD on Thurs if I don't see dots tomorrow.
Meantime, would appreciate if anyone of you can shed some light.

Hi Pups,
All my boys are clingy to me.
Jul's like that now too. He surpasses his brothers. No one can carry him for long (15 minutes max and a little longer if he's distracted by toys).
And yes, I will place him in his rocker or walker when I bathe or do my business in the toilet.
I don't leave them to cry out loud though.
Whining for attention yes.
However I know that's personal as some parents are comfortable with teh crying out method (Baby Centre is sharing a few articles on this recently).

Congratulations Superdad, Cheers & Erin!
(I hope I glimpsed correctly.)
Am always delighted to hear of friends expecting their babies.</font>
