(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

piyo - i think got one tiny little compartment on top...if you know what i mean...

Ok..for those interested in the jar, i will try to go over to isetan during lunch and check it out. Maybe can let me know how many...so if have i will go buy ok?

hi piyo,
the tiger jar is 1 big compartment, and a snack box on top.

sorry to say but the isetan private sale only for one day and the tiger jar only got 200 sets.
emm...seem like some mummies would like to try for 2nd bb har...

me a bit step ahead liao..
let join in lei...more fun mah..haha

I found new toy for my bb...he like it so much..can't stop play on floor...it's milk bottle cap..haha....
he can hold it..knock it..push it..throw it..and chase after it..haha....(buy lot of toys for him...seem not interested for him...wat a waste..)
hi augbaby,
my menses is usually long like 35 days but regular. after reading your post think i better go buy a kit later. been feeling very cranky lately also, but it may be PMS la...
icic..well if yrs is regular like mine is that time and u say u already miss yr mense by 1 wk, then ya best to go test so u can set yr heart at ease lor...for me also...i cant wait that time till i miss my mense coz i got strong feeling n hence go test n reali +ve but the 2nd line is v light lor..but still can see got 2 lines..haha..anyway if u reali preggy, how ah? u got think abt it? going to keep or not?
cool..i was still wondering wat yr statements means..congrats to u n yr wife!! Have a safe 9mths ahead for yr wife...
i've been thinking...about so many things...haiz
if bingo then sure keep bcos hubby loves kids but not take care hor...aiyo now whenever i think of the possibility of being pregnant again, i get all nervous. I still have phobia from all the vomitting and not to mention, the more than 20 hrs of labor.. that is enough to kill me hahaha...

and i had a very bad episode of contraction postnatal, it's just like going through labor again, broke out it cold sweat for 2 hrs...so scary.

what about you leh?
thx fiona,
yup...today will go for check up..
at 1st feel shock and loss oso...now just accept it...not sure can cop wif tat not...

now aredi pensan wif e 1st 1 liao..everyday wake up so earli lei..

but den think of it...really gotto "siong" for tis few yrs lor..after tat can "eng eng" liao..

as my mum said...may be we feel not much stress lor...tat's y so fast kena e 2nd 1..haha
haha..that is wat my hubby was saying to persuade me as well..he say chop chop good and siong for these 2 yrs too and then can eng eng liao n let the 2 kids grow up together...haha..men...

me also like u leh..scare of going thru the whole birth process again leh but jay is already taking so much of my time n energy and i cant imagine having to take care of him, rock him to sleep if i am preggy...scary to me leh...but my hubby also like yrs, love kids n he wan the 2nd one to be only 1 yr apart...gosh...but he does help out taking care of jay quite a bit..he will bathe him n feed him etc so still ok ba...
Hi, SuperDad

congrat to u & wife.... feels so happy for u....

ya, that's true.... my mother, mil & other relatives also said faster have a few more kids although it wil be siong but u will be "eng eng" when they grow up....
thx all..
actually not in our plan lei..just tat kena..den hv to face it lor..

my wife sickness gone liao..initial stage..me "chia lat"...gotto tolerate wif her short temper..haha...but tat's part ofo my duty oso..haha
hope so lor...

luckily my boi not so cranky at nite lor..nd not to carry to sleep, only nd pat pat will fall sleep...

somemore at nite is my maid wake up to milk e baby lor..we wake up only if we are not too tire lor..

but guess e 2nd 1..we nd to take care ourself liao..haha...if not my maid will flat off..
Hi Superdad,
congrats!!!! Always happy to hear someone preggie!How many weeks liao?

Hi jesline,
how about next week?

Hi Julie & mummies,
I saw the elephant one got a few containers and can keep for 6 hours.... selling $50+ in taka.. if the sale no more liao maybe I am fated to get that one:p
emm...abt 12wks aredi..due Sep
13th mth apart..

tat's y my wife "nag" me for few wks...
i cos her cannot wear nice nice liao..
gotto go thru everything again..
but luckily her delivery is very smooth for e 1st 1 lor..3 push...baby out liao..
hope tat this 1 can be e same lor..haha
hi jesline,
okie on!

Hi Superdad,
very good leh! the siblings will be about 1 yr apart!!! think of the positive side, it's good!

Hi rain and fiona,
you 2 go test! we wait for your good news???
Hi Superdad
Congrats to you, yr wife and your baby. He is going to be gor gor soon.
Just curious. How your wife's company react when they know that she is preggie again??
she work at very small company at Toa Payoh..somemore her 2 bosses all got 3 children..
in fact is they encourage my wife to quickly hv nxt one..haha..guess very difficult to find tis type of bossees..wow!!
ya yr wife is v v lucky...i cant even imagine if i were to be preggy again, how will all my colleagues react..sigh...
ya lor..tat's wat i told her oso.
one of her coliq preg oso..due July..
den she due Sep..
haha...they got only less than 10 staff in office lei..not sure how they can cop wif this..
guess they will get temp staff to support ba..
hi superdad,

congrats to you and ur wife!!
at least when the next one comes, feeding, diapering, etc is still fresh in our minds.
so when is she due??
mine is sept.
piyo - the promotion at Isetan finished liao. So better go grab the elephant brand one in Taka. The same Tiger one is selling at $65 at Tangs.
For mummies thinking of the next baby, after the fire pig this year, it will be earth rat followed by earth ox, which are actually good with the fire dog.
the element 'earth' regardless whether it is rat or ox is good with fire dog. So, mummies has 2 good years to plan for the next one.
No wonder u plan so fast, to fit into the 'zhu peng kou you' idiom har...

Yours oso zhu peng kou you??? BTW, congrats...

Check liao???
Hi mummies,

Wanna check. Can we give barley water to bb of 6+ mths, reaching 7 mth....

Cos' my in-law feels that my son stools a bit hard and want to give him. But I dun know can or not.
hi superdad,
congrats. must take good care of wifey ok? so nice 2 hear the news.

hi piyo,
hope megan recovers soon.

hi cocomo,
so sorry i din see ur sms earlier.

hi fiona,
hope it's good news. remember to keep us updated.

hi crispyapple,
I also gave him more water. only give a little barley water after the 1st 5-in-1 jab.
hi mummies,
re: food jar
ya, need the coupon to get the tiger food jar. I forgot to bring it down yest and couldn't get it. went back to mum's place and then to tampines isetan but dun have. they only have it at isetan scotts and only 200 sets only. now i'm thinking of getting the other one which is in a lunch box bag, with a jar and two containers for dishes. very attractive. it costs $49 but my hb doesn't want me to get it leh.

re: 2nd baby
my 'boss' also encourages me to have the 2nd one as soon as possible. but i'm still hesitant cos though i love kids, i'm not ready yet. also waiting for the earth ox.

Congrates cheers & superdad!
Must be feeling elated again. At least the gap is not far and really 1 whole shot and relax in future.

Looks like all seems to be planning for a 2nd one.. hmm at the moment I stil rule out this option. Don think im really having enough time for natalie so... not a 2nd one bah.

But anyway keep the ball rolling! We love so much to share more little ones and any fun activities and gathering.. though im not so active to it.Will make sure to join in yeah.

Take care have a fantastic weekend with our family and little one!
