(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hello mummies,

Ryan is sick today, I had a rough nite with him, not sleeping well, rolling side to side non stop and crying every now and then.

I had to work, so my mum brought him to doc. At first thot just phelmy and runny nose.

Now dr say he got throat infection and is throwing up too much. If continue, he will be dehydrated. Further, if still sick, need X-ray to determine if fluid has entered his lungs

I feel so bad, that I thot it was just a cold

even planned to only take him to dr after a few days of observation... cuz i oso thot i will be off work next week as this week is my last week at this co.

Talking about insurance, I seriously thinking of getting a health/hospital insurance now. Anyone can recommend and how much is it?

just hv discussion with my AIA agent last wk abt baby insurance, i'm considering of enrol my boi for the education and medical (Health insurance)
which can use our CPF to cover for the premium..)
AIA will pay for all medical bill..
can consider this
hi superddad,
good idea to add a bit of milk, didn't cross my mind :p

hi jesline,
denise used to be same as jia hui lo...can't even let daddy carry for a while. but now things has improved a bit(willing to follow daddy liao) after i told hubby to play & interact with her more...but provided she can't see me lah, once i appear she will make sound.

re: sleeping
recently, she's a terror when it's bedtime. she has always sleeps by herself, no rocking. however, now she refuses to sleep and only wants to play till wee hours and only stop when she feels tired. there's once i tried to pat her to sleep but she just giggle/flip non stop till i frustrated and scolded her. and immediately she quieten down and went to sleep(very unwillingly).
look like my boi like daddy more than mummy lei..
cos whenever i back home..he seem like very excited..kick both legs and hands...
sometimes even like begging to carry him lor..

my wife oso can't understand y he so excited abt daddy's back hm lei..

Re: sleeping,
usually i will let my boi play hard b4 he fall sleep lor..cos he can sleep abit faster & longer after tat..
Have voted for Jordan. He's cute.

My fridge now still have apple and pear puree that I prepared last weekend. Thus, have not bought the banana yet. But I would buy it next week.

Banana is indeed good in terms of no storage and not much preparation required.

You wanted to scrape the apple and give direct? Thought at our bb's age, should steam the fruits first, then puree? Can give direct already hah....

Hi piyo and babyboy,
Hope your child would get well soon.

Hi pupsandcups,
I also never leave him to cry for long. But i try not to pick him up the moment he starting whining. But sometimes, a bit softhearted, I may go over quite fast.

Hi Whitelady,
Aden also. If he had his favourite stuff in his hand, cannot snatch back, else he cried. We a bit softhearted. Did not beat him. Just scold a bit but he still cry. So, give him other thing or make funny faces, then he stopped and smiled.
nvr come back to me yet..
i'm asking my agent to quote me 1st..
anyway is using the CPF to pay for e premium..
so i nvr really ask lor..peiseh..
hi Noe,
long time no see...
too bad i'm not paediatric trained so can't help much. but i would suggested bringing jul to a PD instead if his condition has been persistent even after treatment. i would not compromise by just taking the fever med if temperature keep spiking.

hi butter,
dun feel bad, you didn't want this happen either. the most important thing right now is to nurse ryan back to health right?
<font face="Verdana">Hi Butter8,
Hope Ryan's feeling better already.
Don't feel bad lah, you didn't know either.

Hi Fio,
Yes, long time no see!
Really miss catching up with all of you. It's been heartening reading all our babies' milestones.

Thanks dear. Yeah, agree with you, definitely won't compromise with just taking fever medicine. That's why I took him to see the GP today. However, without any other symptoms that accompany the fever, the doctors won't prescribe any other medicine aside from monitoring.
Haiz ... His temperature has tapered off now (instead of a moderate fever) and that's a good sign since it's in the evening already (usually temperature's higher in the evening if I recall correctly).

Shall keep all of you posted on this.
GP did mention that the recent flu bug's strong and rampant.

Yes yes ... Aviva Myshield. I think that's the one that my dh has just signed all of us up for (usually leave such things to dh).
The boys were with AIA and now switched to Aviva.</font>
Hi Noe,

my gal was having fever also since yesterday as well. up to over 40 degree. keep increasing. Bring her to see PD yest nite. and was given the same medicine that u mention. The PD also give anti biotics..he say in case of serious illness which unable to detect on 1st day of fever. so better take.

this morn, temp was down to normal..but just now at about 3pm, temp increase again to 38+.

The PD also mention about false measles thingy and also mention about vomiting or diarrhoea, and prolong high temp despite medicine given, he say if these systoms appear, have to go back to see him again.can be very serious.

I'm still monitoring her fever, dun know whats the problem.
Hi Babyboy,

Don worry, bb recovery rate is fast. That time Natalie also having bacterial infection and she diarrhoea for more than 10time a day which is real scary AND she don like to drink water. Last for about 5days before I switch to another PD and she recover within 3days!We feel heart pain to see our darlings crying and not growing. But sometime maybe its a passing phrase for them.

How we can prevent and intro cleaniness? Even we do our part, main thing is CAREGIVER also. Mayb this round let ur MIL to know the seriousness and they wil be careful. Like mine, that time can say so 'nice" SEE PD so expensive! Wa kau as if we like to bring bb to PD...

What my PD tel me is bottle sterilise is very impt. After every time feed best to wash and boil in water for 5mins. So if having 4feed a day DO it 4times! Crazy rite? But Take it as a precaution. Highlight to caregiver is the best.

Megan will move on fast okie. We all praying for her recovery too! I not sure about UTI for bb.. butfor adult I do have before can not only due to unhygiene, can be lack of water to pass out residue bah. But now since it happen maybe it can make her more stronger too ah. BB sometime tend to be stronger than us!

Need to check.. how do u all clean bb nose?onc a week or? using wat?

Hi Superdad,
i heard that Incomeshield Plus Rider is better can claim fully. Correct me if wrong. But this premium must pay with cash one
hi mommies

thanks for all the sharing. i also really don wan to leave leon to cry for long, but sometimes all i do is walk to the fridge and he is absolutely frantic. he's not really clingy to just me, but he just simply cannot b left alone. bedtime, he still needs to latch on for a LONG time, and be rocked, it is impossible for him to sleep on his own.

i read from the forum some time ago, to squeeze baby's nose while bathing, which i've been doing rather effectively, as the mucus is soft n runny then.
Hi Fiona/mashi,
I guess whether they are cover by AVIVA MyShield/Incomeshield or AIA Helth Pretigue Shield..i believe they cover all medical bill, except with certain diff rate and charges, and the max pay out per day/visit.

One thing is we are cover by CPF MediShield Plan automatically, but we can chabge it to better plan like wat fiona & I mention the one..which is using our CPF to cover for them..

I would meet up with my AIA agent soon..(but not this 2wks ba..abit busy)..to sign up the plan..would post here to update all again.
Hope Jul get better real soon...Take care...

Seems like a lot of babies falling sick recently...so scary...sigh...

just wondering if it is still on? i have a friend keen to share with us some shoes she has for sale for babies, v cute, i'm sure a lot of you gals will love them.
I think u should look into aviva medishield plan,
its very good and it covers more and even cover some critical illness like Heart attack, stroke, cancer, and so on. As AIA does not cover at all.
Hi, mummies & daddy

Regarding insurance, those that used CPF medisave to pay off the premuim one is not enough to cover the full hospital bills... think for the 1st 3k of the hospital bill, need to pay by cash... so other than insurance plan using CPF to pay, it good to buy other to go along with it so that all bills can be fully claimed.....


i also bought AIA insurance plan for baby.... for health insurance, i bought the Pink of Health Plan B, Child Accidental Shield...
actually i am having the AIA healthshield gold plan A Long ago, Just yesterday, my financial Planner straight away ask me to sign up for Aviva the Myshield plan Cos It covers more.

Plus Now my daughter have a whole LIFE prudential Plan which includes Death,Critical illness,Crisis Cover and savings at $65/mth.

But Financial Adviser says not enough lolz
check wif u all ah, do u start feeding yr bb with breakfast now already? Coz jay still drink milk only for breakfast leh...n PD got say b4 that can feed him breakfast..but he only takes his milk at around 9+ which is his first feed of the day leh...n then 11+ ano 30z b4 his lunch at around 1-1.30pm...ok or not ah? i worried he might be hungry leh
hi piyo & babyboy,

hope megan & keiran are recovering fast and well.

regarding cooling drinks (such as barley water); my dad boiled some "liang teh", with very little sugar 3 weeks ago and gave some to my dd, she's ok with it and drank it.
on sunday, we bought cheng tng and red bean soup, and we gave her a few spoons, she also take.
i feel it's ok to take such things once in a while, cos weather is quite hot some days too.
hi cheers

the thing about cheng tng n all from outside, is i feel it is too sweet and i plan to introduce sweet stuff to baby as late as possible.

so far, i havent fed leon any water yet .. cos i'm breastfeeding, and so far he still poo 1 - 3 times a day, average 2 Xs, so i'm not too concerned about him having constipation.
My mum fed jay pear puree yest and he loved it v much..haha...he cried when there is no more coz we feed him the pear only after his rice cereal...haha...he has never cried b4 for other puree when it is finished...haha...n i think his constipation is better after eating the pear..so i guess fruits does help!! Keeping my fingers cross still that his poo poo will still be normal n not hard hard...
My rachelle oso the same thing, eventhough she is nt latch onto me, bt still need to be rocked lor. Kind of bully me as at mil's plc she kuai kuai just let her lie down in bed n pat backside will do.

How is Jul? din hear frm u for somex, must be bz with ur bbs.

Hi piyo n babyboy,
How is ur bb doing now? Are they getting betta?

Read from books that sweet things is nt recommend for bb (i cant remember till how old). Their reason is no good for their teeth development.

Ur bb sensed that there is some rival aura in ur wife so usually bb will be more cling to others (like dad or grandparent) if their mum is pregnant with lil bro/sis.
hi cecilia
leon needs to latch on to go to sleep period. in that sense, he is still like a baby. what am i saying, he is still a baby :p
i guess it seems physically he is reaching his milestones pretty quickly. he pushes to stand, crawls over obstacles, sits on his own.
but emotionally, he is still like 3mth old hehe.

i was talking to some mommies, think it is just his personality. my friends who see him often say he is an obvious alpha male, v determined. the way he cries in the car to get his way (ie to be carried) it is REALLY as if someone is torturing him.
jay juz started yest to speak some tones instead of nonsencical mumbling...he started saying mamamama n papapapa...haha but the thing is we did not teach him to call me mama n hubby papa..instead it is mummy n daddy...haha..so i guess he is not calling us but instead learning how to say different sounds...he says it when he is playing or wan something...haha...he also been using my body as a prop to try to stand...so funny...but legs still not steady n still wobbly..he still dun noe how to crawl in a coordinated manner leh...will he skip the crawling stage...he only noe how to move in the directions he wan but in his own manner like pushing his butt, using his head or flipping a distance..so scary now for us coz he also crawl over pillows we use to put at the side of the bed as a barrier...hav to watch him every min...i think he is teething too...any signs ah..coz he seems to drool so much more n now wan to bite things all the things n is grumpy and only happy when he is chewing on something leh..also his milk intake has drop...is this usual ah..i thou i saw 2 white spots on his gum recently leh..
i think is due to my mom always let lots of aunties tat chat at downstair to carry my bb ba..
he seem ok for anyone to carry him ard..

but of cos..he noes mummy and daddy la..cos when we ard..he will look at us..like ask us to carry him back lor..but he did not cry for tat la
for jay, he is close to both me n hubby...coz from young, hubby is always v involved wif jay...coz i always remind hubby to spend time wif jay even if he is bz...hubby will bathe, change diapers, feed jay...actually coz both of us r full time working, hence hubby actually do the same things that i do for jay too..except of course i tend to do the things more often than him...i wan jay to be close to both of us and not be clingy to me only...so far it has pay off...
some mummies mention that baby liek daddy more , mine also , he see me , his face black black , then see his daddy , like honey like that , keep kicking legs , and scream happily !

And my baby now hungry , he know how to say " mum mum mum mum ( want to eat ) "
augbaby ,

he only fast in toking , cos he is a super kapo baby ... others , he is slow , he dont really flip fast , dont reaaly sit very steady by himself leh .... haha
Hi Everyone!

I was just mentioning to Augbaby that my Jadelle can finally move forward.. she now aim for the stuff she wants in a limping frog manner: Lift butt high high, tuck in legs underneath tummy, PUSH and tumble forward, then use her arms to push herself facing up and REPEAT!

I bought AIA healthshield for Jadelle.
Still sourcing for educational/ endowment plan... any suggestions? every agent say their stuff is the best.. darn confusing..

baby talking
jadelle is exercising her vocab.. so she can say now.. gagaga, mamamama, papapa, and purse up her lips and make a razzing sound like "buuuuuuuuuuuuu". She can now indicate she wants to be carried by opening her arms liaoz..
but crying is still her main mode of communication!!

now can start to train leon liaoz.. otherwise, he won't be independent emotionally. need to constantly reassure him to be alone..
I had some difficulty with Jadelle last time too.. but now, especially since my MIL help to train her.. she can sit by herself for min 1/2 hr.. of cos, now she can move, it meant she will be crawling all over the place lah..
Hi, Jasmine

regarding educational plan for baby, I bought Investment linked plan(Achiever) from AIA... reason i bought is cos 100% of the premium that i paid is invested in the funds that i had chosed... for other insurers, think they only invested a certain % & the rest will be used for expenses such as management fee, misc fees &etc... although they promised to give a certain % of $$ after 5yr or 10yr (not sure how many yr) think it is not worth it as we r already losing out on the compounding effect... cos a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future....

regarding devleopment... for baby Jia Hui everything at normal pace but when come to eating, she very fast.... saw someone eating, she will wants to eat or else sure fuss or cry.... she only learn how to flip when she is 6mths old... now can sit for a few seconds... as for crawl not yet but she will kick her legs as if she is really crawling but still in the original position.....

this is one of her recent pic that i manage to capture..

dont know where she learns the expression from... but she starts to give us this face after taking her pnemococcal jab...
jasmine maybe i intro you HSBC cos recently i realise that HSBC covers not just 10k 50k, but more then 100k those prudential great eastan they cover very low only.And now a days illness is not just 10-20k can help. becos i bought prudential already so my friend says just stay with it.
hi pups and cecelia,

thnaks for ur concern, i'd read abt the sweet stuff thingy too.
i'm quite alright with it cos she's not been given such stuff on an occasional basis. since it's been only 3 occassions only.
natural sugar frm fruits, sweet potato, etc shld be ok rite?
Dear all mommies an daddies,
How heavy is your bb(AugBB) now?
My bb can sit when she 6 mths plus and now have one teeth coming out already.
<font face="Verdana"> Hi Celine,
I visited Dr Terence Tan in the morning.
Likewise, he's suspecting False Measles (Roseola) too.
He had Jul's urine tested to rule out UTI (test result reports negative).
So what we can do is only to monitor till Friday and if the fever maintains, we will have to return for a blood test.

If it is really False Measles, Jul's fever should break likely tomorrow or the day after followed by the rashes. Jav had this when he was 9 months old too. It's contagious during the period when our babies are having fever.

More info here -> http://www.drgreene.com/21_88.html

Is your girl okay between fever and no signs of other symptoms too?</font>
<font face="Verdana"> Hi Pups,
Thanks much for the prayers.
It's much appreciated.

Hee hee ... I know exactly what you mean.
Jav's an Alpha Male too. Aside from this personality, he's also active every moment except the time he's sleeping.
Really takes lots of energy & attention to take care of him.

Thank you Augbaby.
Yes ... The viruses are getting more stubborn & rampant.

Hi Celine,
Thanks much for your concern.
Jul's still having fever despite the medicine. All we can do now is just to monitor.
Haiz ... I feel helpless.</font>
Baby Jia Hui is sooooo cute with her that expression...simply love it...hee hee...Jay used to make that kind of expression too but he will scrunched up his face and make his mouth n nose like a pig!! I cant stand it...n will also scold him when he makes pig face...after awhile we decided juz to ignore him coz the more we scold him the more often he will make the face...maybe he likes the attention...haha..but jia hui expression is so cute....:p

wow...u perfectly describe the way jay crawl!! Haha..that is y i say he dun noe how to crawl properly still..it is more like he try to launch himself off n push off..haha...

jay took his jab juz b4 the cny n he is at that time 6mths n 1 wk n he weighs 7.8kg at 72cm tall...
<font face="Verdana"> Hi Jesline,
That's a cute shot!

Hi Mashi,
Jul's now 7.5kg at 7 months old.
Ha ha ... He's the lightest amongst his brothers.</font>
Hi augbaby,

Maybe give 1 or 2 oz less of milk for jay in the morning, then half an hour later, feed him 1 or 2 oz of cereals just to let him have the breakfast experience.

That's what I did for Rae. She usually drinks 7oz of milk at 730am, then at 8 or 815am, she will have cereals. Not exactly a full breakfast but good enough for her have the experience so that when they are much older and can go without the morning milk feed, they know they still have to have breakfast.

Hi mashi,

My baby in now 9.4kg.
But hor jay only drink his 1st feed of the day at 9+ leh... n then at 12 he will drink ano 3oz bec lunch is 1+ for him..in bet 10-11+ most of the time he is sleeping or playing...so i am concern if feed him cereal, will he be too full for his lunch later or affect his milk feed at 12...
Any particular reason why you still need to give Jay 3 oz of milk before his solid lunch? You worried that he is too hungry and impatient to take the solid?

bec he gets hungry at around 12 or 12+ only after his first milk feed at 9+...n bec my mum only bk at 12.45 and can feed jay his lunch bet 1-1.30pm hence i hav to ask the maid to feed jay some milk to curb his hunger b4 his lunch lor..
