(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Rain
Like what Cynthia mentioned, it may be good news too.

Hi Cynthia
Have u gone for the 6 mths' afterbirth checkup at Dr Adrian'c clinic?? I think I have appt with him this mth. Still thinking which day should I go??

Hi Amy
Yesterday I bought cauliflower home. My MIL was commenting the cauliflower very hard, how to let baby eat?? I told her cauliflower belongs to the least allergy category, so can let baby eat. Hmmmm. How u prepare the cauliflower in the porridge??

Hi ladies
When is the next gathering?? Hope I can attend the next one..BTW, last time when we preggie there is this nick wanli. You all remember her or not?? Just wondering how come she never come in already?? Anyone knows..Yesterday my MIL said to baby that u see mummy everyday busy thinkng what type of food to prepare for you and she forgets to take care of herself... Haizzz. Coincidently, I was looking at my wedding and honeymoon photo yesterday. Wow really a lot of difference lah.. I becoming more and more Aunite already..

Hi mummies, anybody use Tiger Food Jar? Anybody know if the 1lit themal stainless steel lunch box can use to store porridge for baby when we go out?
Hi Julie
I just bought Tiger Food Jar for storing porridge or soup yesterday. 0.9L. $65 at OG. I think is controlled price. If u have OG, metro and Isetan card can entitled for discount. All my cards expired liao. So no discount for me.
hi mummies,

my mum also told me not to feed to much 'orange' colour food like pumpkin, papaya and carrot. it will cause their skin to become 'yellow'.

for fish porridge, i will cook the porridge till very soft then add in the fish. once the fish is cooked, i will turn off the slow cooker. cos i will give baby fish also, so don want to cook the fish too long until no taste lor. i am using Pigeon brand bowl with rough surface at the base of it, so before feeding baby the porridge, i will 'grind' the porridge against the rough base to make it more fine. actually bought a blender, but so far never use bcos the quantity is too little to use leh.

my boy only take 1 solid meal a day for lunch. stopped all cereal cos tried Heiz organic and Nestle all causes rashes on him
so mil suggested giving him only porridge and it apprently turned out very well.

ikan bilis is too salty for baby. not too sure abt the japanese kind though

if i want to introduce fruits. when shld i introduce? in between his meals? in the morning or afternoon?
hi pupsandcups,
same here, hv reservations abt getting maid. sometimes even as mothers, we get frustrated when baby not behaving, not sure i can find a maid or nanny who can be tolerant. my baby has been with pat's since jan07. hope everything works out for you.
hi erin
think i'll go down on my own maybe today or tomorrow, as there might be other things i need to get to prep leon for childcare. will chk out the taka sale too.

btw i brought him for his pneumococcal (sp?) jab at kkh yest, he's doing ok

thanks jill, ya i guess it is a matter of time that he'll adjust. i hope he'll b happy
Hi honeyhaven,

I steam the cauliflower and blend into puree. Are you using a blender? If you are, steam the cauliflower for 15minutes then blend them and lastly add into the porriage and mix them.

If you are thinking of boiling together with the porriage, then again are you using a slow cooker or normal pot? If slow cooker, cauliflower (like broccoli and carrot) is harder so they must be cooked in the slow cooker for between 30minutes to 45minutes. When I didnt do the vege puree, my MIL is willing to follow my step by step requirement because I dont want to cook vegetables for too long in order to keep nutrients loss minimal. So, she will cook the rice + fish first for 1 hour then + add cauliflower and cook for 45minutes + green vegetables for the last 20minutes. Then finally, blend them together. Depending on how accomodating is your MIL, for example for my siss MIL, she will just throw in all the things in the slow cooker and cook for 3 hours.

If you are cooking porriage via normal pot, then it will be rice + meat for 30minutes then cauliflower for 20minutes + green vegetables for 10minutes finally blend. My least prefered method because we are using boiling water to cook the vegetables that will result in nutrients loss and always got to watch the fire and stir the porriage.

Hi piyo,

Blender is useful because we dont have to cook the vegetable till until very soft and mash them. It will also be useful for blending of meat.
Hi Honeyhaven,

Was suppose to go but didnt go.. also dono wat to check? Necessary? Will have to pay onself.. hehehe..

Anyone here gone for 6mth check? What is the check on? Care to share...
morning, wow so many posts already!

i just feed the banana fresh, peal and mash and feed.

I have given both types of banana.

is everything ok, how come need PD so urgent?
hi bbmum,

It is recommended that it is more nutritious to eat fruits with an empty stomach which means before meal. So ideally, will be the baby has fruits + cereals for breakfast, or have fruit puree before lunch or dinner. Then, mummies worried that after fruits, baby too full to eat their lunch or dinner, like my MIL. So, she prefers to give fruits after lunch/dinner, and then I asked her to wait for at least half an hour after the food for the baby to digest first, and then feed the fruits.

For me, when I first introduce fruit, I start with 1 fruit cube before lunch and 1 fruit cube before dinner.

Only typing all these, then I realise theres actually quite a lot of factors affecting the weaning process. Like what food to introduce, what is available in the market, how to cook them, cooperative level of care-takers and most importantly, babys response. Cannot feed them when they are too tired, whether they like or dont like the food, allergy, teething etc.

Whatever it is, have patience and things will work out smoothly. And. got to be a bit flexible here and there.
Hi mummies,
if anyone can, mind posting a pic of the hand blender?

hi bbmum,
I am also using the pigeong rough bowl as baby really dun eat alot so until now not sure to get a blender not...

hi pups,
I heard the pneu jab is very painful cos the needle is huge compared to the previous jabs.. is that true?

hi amy,
After putting everything in theslow cooker, do you use the blender to blend the porridge, cauliflower, fish and veg? the porridge so soft liao still need to blend ah?
Hi Piyo,

Hmm i not sure pneu jab needle is different.. cos the PD jus jab in v fast. I think whenever jab bb start to be noti or some cries is normal. For natalie she jus aaaa abit den shut up. Think she like mi THICK SKIN ahah!!!!!

Hmm normally what I do to the porridge is to soak in a bowl for 30mins. I use slow cooker. I didnt put ikan cos scare too salty den future she demand greater taste lo. Sometime i put in carrot to make it sweet. Broccoli i steam it separately. Will serve together porride + fish.

isetan selling the same tiger food jar 0.9L + 500ml vacuum flask @ 40sgd @ today private sale..
I have 1 liaoz, but i bought a second one!
hi piyo,

I still blend because otherwise got to mash which takes a longer time. Plus, I also don't know how to mash green vegetables evenly.
I juz read yr blog again..megan is so cute...hee hee...anyway ah, where u got the book that she is attempting to read in yr blog..the book look so fun n colourful..how much u bought too ah?
i'm driving e Kia Picanto car as well..
Instalment : ~$400
Petrol : ~$150
Parking fee: ~$60+ for open carpark ($90+ for multi storey carpark)
Insurance : ~$800+ per year.(after 50% discount)
maintenance: ~$300 per year
So avrg abt $700 per mth

guess yr sis nd to pay higher insurance, as the premium is base on no. of yrs u own a car, but not no. of yrs u got the license
Pigeon Mag Mag Sippy Cup

I have a qn. When you all say it will not spill, does it mean that even if you turn the cup filled with water upside down, nothing is gonna spill out???
hi leia
i haven't purchased mine yet, but what the lady at the store told me, is yes, it will not spill, and bb has to suck in order to drink from it. but the feedback i got from some other mommies is that it's harder for bb to use these non-spill ones ...
hi amy,
thanks will go shop for the blender today, wait i go shopping with my gf liao hehehe...

hi erin,
Superdad has given you a very detail breakdown of what to expect. Just to add in, your sis need to pay higher insurance like what he mentioned, but if her age is above 28 it will be cheaper, and ladies enjoy lower rate as well compared to men. By the way, now they even take into consideration, area of your living estate. If it is categorize as high accident prone area, road tax will also be higher(very crap hor...) As for the road tax, your choice of car will cost ard 500+ bah...am i rite superdad?
Leia, yes when you turn the cup upside down, the water will not spill out. That's for the sprout for stage two. Not too sure if it is the same for stage three
Hi leia,
tonight I go try turn the mag mag cup upside down then let you know k?

Hi Augbaby,
That is one of the "Colours" book under Ladybird.. cost about a few $ only... A friend of mine got it in Aussie for me but I think in Singapore also haf!

Hi Amy,
thanks fot the pic! I know which one to look out for when I go shopping next time!

Hi Jas/julie and mummies,
is the tiger brand or the zojirushi lunch jar better?

Hi Cyn,
noted...megan got thick skin also won't "tia bah" so hopefully everything goes well when her turn comes
yup..the road tax is ard $600 per yrs..heard tat gov will gv rebate again..but not sure how much rebate la..haha..guess only few 10++ cheaper ba..

Wah..i still dunno ladies got advantage on insurance lei..not fair lei..haha

guess the COE will increase in near future..as gov already mention they will reduce to issue the no. of COE..hence the price may goes up slightly..
hi leia, superdad and fiona,
thanks. will discuss with my sis and dad again. chum liao, with coe increasing and the gst hike in july, sure be more than $700. must reconsider again.
hi rain,
how? have u tested? i had the same worries a few months ago when my menses came late for two weeks.

think abt it positively if u r preggie cos heard from ppl that babies can sense our emotions.

hi honeyhaven,
Ya, can remember Wanli. she din pop in for a long time. guess she's busy.
Is the Isetan pte sales only for today? Need to have the Isetan card or coupon then can buy? I sms u ask if you can help to buy the tiger jar and flask for me. . . no reply

for the leafy vege, I will cook them separately, in a pot of water and then blend it and mix with porridge.


broccoli and cauliflower, steam it then blend. Steaming is the best method with minmal nutrient loss.
re; ikan bilis

I think i will skip this as there are other alternatives to protein. Think baby will have enuff calcium as still on milk.
hi cocomo,
i went to the isetan private sale leh...got the tiger jar which comes with a thermos flask at $40 only...if i know you want then help you buy liao...

i also bought the mag mag sippy cup after hearing all your recommendation, it's a set which come in stage 1, 2 & 3. Cost 17.90 before discount.

but end up i didn't buy the blender bcos didn't see it there, think will stick to using my mil's blender bah...

hi erin/rain,
my menses also late this mth leh, but it's only about a week, feeling kan cheong liao...on one hand, want another bb, on the other, dunno whether i'm ready for 2nd...pengz
wow ... didnt know that the infant care can be quite ex ... lucky i still have my mum to take care of my baby ... but thinking of letting my baby go child care at 2 years old . cos i think , they can learn more things there
Hi Leia,
I tested the mag mag cup last night.. turn upside down no waterspillage... very good!

Hi rain,
You tested liao? what's the results?

Hi Fiona/cocomo,
when is the isetan private sale until?
ha...i also bought the $40 tiger food jar with thermos flask...

For those interested in buying mag mag cup...buy from taka baby fair.. only at $12.90 with 3 sprouts...
avent the spout also same no water spill but must be careful lar cos baby might get choke with water cos the hold is much bigger.
Hi Julie,
How many compartments are there in the tiger jar?
The sale finished liao?

Hi Mummies,
May I know who is babyjay here ah? babyjay sent me an invite to view her blog but the invitation link failed, can babyjay pm me? gam sia!
me too...i rec any invite from babyjay and click the link too n failed....i now worry scarly it is virus then i faint...jas also help me buy the tiger flask and food jar at $40...hee hee....i dun think the sale end liao but the $40 seems like need coupon to buy one leh for members..not sure if have or can buy still...

Is yr mense often regular? Coz if 1 wk late liao n u r worried, u can start testing liao..for jay that time i got a feeling i might b preggy so i actually test on the date that my mense was suppose to come and i am not late yet and it shows a +ve sign...haha...u shld go test instead of worrying mah..
Hi julie,
inside the jar, how many small compartments? or open liao only 1 big empty space?

Hi Mummies,
anyone can help me buy too? or too late liao ?

Hi Augbb,
There is only a few Jays in our thread... i sms cocomo liao! it's her! I was thinking if not her, then maybe Leia liao!
hello mummies...
a panda eye mum here, last nite ryan slept just too early (8pm) and woke up at 5am! ah yo... just wanna play and roll around and make noise... :p notti boi

the jar the jar!!!!
anyone can help me buy!!! so pai seh to ask but i dun get to go to isetan, my silly ulu office near kepple area... no shopping

share with me leh

Mag mug
turned it upside down - no leaking!

where has Dou Dou class? sounds sooo cute!

talking about getting preggy again, after reading here, i suddenly feel like getting preggy again! how ah, miss baby in tummy and oso when they are small...
how long should we wait to make sure our health ok b4 trying again?
i'd never think i am the mummy sort... jialat..
