(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi cocomo,
me also excited and nervous abt bringing kayden for his 1st swim. hope he'll enjoy it and yet worried that he might be cranky during the swim cos around his nap time.

also dunno what brand of sun block is suitable for babies leh cos din check out at the departmental stores. perhaps can check with piyo.

hi mummies going for the swim,
may i know who will be accompanying the baby into the water? i finally persuaded my hb to go straight after his work so he can go into the water with kayden. i shy leh to wear swimming costume. dunno can fit in or not. keke...

hi piyo,
have same qn as leia. can wear swim shorts or not for men?
hi mommies going for trial today

anyone has extra swim diaper i can buy from you? i jus realised i don have either .. me been v blur lately, think being SAHM more tiring than working, but i like it
hi cocomo/joko,
is it a phase which they are going through? denise is behaving in the same way too...

hi ling,
u're most welcome! indeed it's very fast.

hi mummies,
do share which sun block is suitable for babies, planning to bring denise to the nearby pool soon.

by the way, if the sun block is waterproof, is it difficult to wash off?
hi Mommies

Any of your babies going thru the phase of screaming? Leon has been screaming, squeeling in excitement a lot these days, i'm wondering if he's gonna be one of those kids always screaming in chinese restaurants ...
I will bring the whole pack of swim diapers, you guys can use mine as well.

Dunno why le? Jay used to be a smiley baby but nowadays not as smiley liao. Sometimes very cranky and ham bao. easily buai song lo.

Dunno why nowadays Jay always dun finish his milk le, this morning only taken 2OZ, but when given him porridge or cereal, he finished all. How huh?!

ha. . . same for Jay also. Scream whenever he's excited! Me so paiseh!!!
hi pups,
yup the screaming phase started quite some time ago, esp when denise gets excited. but recently she toned down a little but if we play too hard, it'll come again. saw in the health booklet it's part of the 6th mth growth, so no worries ar...
i read some where that babies at this age with better recognition tend to want to achieve more than what they body can allow, like wanting to reach out to something in a distance or even stand and walk but can't, so they become frustrated...hee

now i wonder is it due to over stimulation that she cries in her sleep...hmmm

Shared before previously, I'm using California Baby. Bought from drugstore.com. Saw it at some toiletries shop at People's Park for about $40+. Crazy! Cheaper to buy online.


Will be bringing it for the swim later so if you guys need it, can get it from me.


Jadon screeches when he's bored or unhappy... almost never out of pleasure. He chuckles when he's happy. It can get pretty embarassing when we're eating out in some restaurant/foodcourt and he's screeching. Normally will stop when we cary him (entertainment).
hi leia,
i'm using california baby products from www.littledreamers.com.sg, which i think is the only website in sg selling its products. can u take a look and see if the price is reasonable and let me know when u have the time? or else i'll order from drugstore in future...thanks in advance

I've only purchased 2 California Baby products, namely the sunblock and the calendula cream, so I can't comment much.

The website you mentioned don't have the sunblock. For the calendula cream, the current Drugstore pricing is US$9.99. Based on 1.6 exchange rate, shld be about SG$15.98. I think shipping shldn't be more than SG$5? So should come up to abt SG$20. I join the Drugstore spree of a mommy who stays near me so I save on the postage fee. Else gotta factor that in too.

$20 vs $24.50... I think should be quite ok lah... Then again, someone was selling at $14!!??

Gathering @ smlow's place (very near Queenstown mrt) on 24 March, 1pm onwards

1) Piyo, hubby, Megan & maid
2) Kelly (4pm)
3) Adeline
4) Butter8
5) Augustmum, hubby and 2 children
6) augbaby

hi, will prob need someone to bring playmats.... i dun hv any, but if u all dun mind mattresses on the floor then no need to bring playmats

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using the calendula cream as well, it works wonder for my gal's eczema... wow! i just saw the link u attached, $14 is really cheap! Think i'll order to keep stock...thanks again!!
hi mummies who went for the aquaducks,
nice meeting u even though we don't have much time to talk. it was nice seeing the kids enjoying themselves.

almost got a shock when kayden slipped from hb's hands and scolded my sis for screaming (cos I panicked). my younger sis said i was rather fierce when I told my sis off. felt very guilty the whole day leh. sigh... apologised liao but still feel very bad lor. also dunno what to do.

hi piyo,
thanks for organising the aquaducks trial. kayden enjoyed it very much.

hi cocomo,
my sis will download the pics later. where u working? if near raffles place, hb can pass it to u? if not, post to u can?

hi leia,
ur boy can swim very well. he seems very at ease in the water. u bring him swimming very often?

hi mummies,
can't attend the gathering again. have a wedding function to attend to.
hi, aug mums
can i join in the gathering at smlow's hse on 24 mar? sounds so exciting. i didn't have chance to chat much on this thread as not convenient to do so in office and weekends are usually tied up so not much time to log in. but i do read the postings whenever i can - learnt lots from here.

Sorry, din get to say hi to you yes'day. So many unfamiliar faces so was a bit confused. :p

Abt swimming, since the beginning of this year, prolly just 5 or 6 times? He's definitely more comfy in the water now compared to the initial times, and happy to be in there too cos he's behaving like he is in the bath tub. And it was less cold yes'day, so he can lose his wetsuit. :p When I bring him down to the pool in the morning, the water wouldn't be sufficiently heated up yet, so it can be quite cold. And it's usu rather windy at my place too. I feel that the best time to swim is in the late afternoon.
hi leia,
ya lor. i was a bit confused too. asked them who u are then i know.

oic, he's definitely a fast learner. can see his legs kicking the water very well.

that was the 1st swim for kayden and we'll definitely be bringing him for more since he enjoyed it.

thanks for the link. will be getting the sunblock.
My office's at Tuas le & my hubby will be away to Dubai tonight for two weeks so not possible to collect from you at RP. Can you post to me and I transfer the money to you?

Hi Amberlyn,
Welcome u to join us.

Gathering @ smlow's place (very near Queenstown mrt) on 24 March, 1pm onwards

1) Piyo, hubby, Megan & maid
2) Kelly (4pm)
3) Adeline - fruits
4) Butter8
5) Augustmum, hubby and 2 children
6) augbaby
7) Amberlyn
8) Cocomo, hubby, Jay & maid - bangawan solo snacks
can I ask more abt the aquaducks trial? Is it for baby from 6 mths onwards? Where can i find the information? Thanks. I just introduce swimming to my boy (7mth old), he seem to enjoy a lot. So when i see this thread about the aquaducks..so wonder if anybody can share with me? thanks.
hi amberlyn,
think shd be ok cos smlow invited all mummies and i daddy from this thread.

hi cocomo,
can pm me ur add? don't worry abt the postage. nothing much.

hi julie,
think u can check out aquaducks.com.sg or give them a call.
White Lady
Your baby is beautiful!! where did you take the photos? they are v well taken, captured her round innocent eyes.

Lighting not good, but the other day, brought Leon to the beach at Sentosa to take photos heehee, he looks like he's alone there right?

hahahahahaha .....

Thank pupsandcups ,

my baby is not her , is him , hahaha ... he look like girl right , maybe becos of his eyes ... LOL ... took the photo at foto-u =)

Your baby look very stable ! so cute .... mine cant really sit yet ... =)
white lady
oops!! i was wondering actually :p the first picture especially he looks v chio. he's really cute, i like his eyes, close set and round

ya, seems like leon can sit q well, he started to crawl sort of. from sitting, he will go to crawl position, then move forward 2 steps, then go flat heehee.

here's another pic of him, all taken on the same day, we went to the flower fest at sentosa.

pupsandcups ,

ur leon is really cute and can sit very well .. for mine , he just start to flip only ! haha , slow hor ... haha .. by the way , ur leon is born on which day ? maybe he is younger than mine .. haha , leon is a clever boy
leon was born 14 aug, your baby? name please, so easier for me to remember

no lah , these things not about clever or not, one advantage leon has i think is that he's v light, 7kg only!!
Raygen looks so nice in the photos...love those big round eyes!

Leon is really cute, he seems to be smiling all the time. My Denise's also very light around the same weight as Leon, not forgetting she is one of the heavyweight here on birth...lost alot hor

i wanna have a bite!
Hi whitelady,
ur boy very fair and his eyes are really big hor. very nice.

hi pups,
leon is so lucky to have parents like u. bring him to so many places. we seldom go out cos usually have to do housework and accompany mil during weekends and we don't have a car. very inconvenient. he looks just as adorable as usual. very cute.

hi fiona,
denise wants to eat the chocolate huh? my boy also. everything also want to eat. keke... wanted to drink my daddy's coffee too. of course, we don't give him.
hi mummies,
re: intake of milk
Kayden also refused to drink from yesterday. dunno what to do with him. drink a little only. he starts crying when we pop the teat into his mouth and will start struggling. dunno if it's related to teething.

here's one of his pics. trying to read on his own.

here's some pics of the aquaducks trial.


Kayden in his swim wear.


babies getting ready to fall into the pool just like humpty dumpty.


babies kicking the water with parents' assistance.
hi leia,
wanted to buy the california baby products but need to wait for 3 to 6 weeks. i'm thinking of bringing him for a swim next wk. any other brands that i can buy locally?
raygen v handsome lei... like his pic w/turtle. BTW, which studio u r using?

You kind of capturing every moment of leon har...

Dear mommies,
My gal kind of allergy to mamypoko n petpet pampers lei. Frm birth using pampers premium, but cant tahan the prices <haiz>.... Any other brands which is good that u can recommend?
Fiona , Erin00 ,

Ya , raygen eyes is quite big , so lots of people say he look like a girl girl , haha ...

Cecelia ,

Thank .... and i am using Foto-U ....
hi julie,
forgot to add on. ya, it's for 6months and above. dunno if piyo still has the slot for the trial on 10th march. if u are interested, guess u can check with piyo reg the trial.
hi rain,
long time din see u online. very bz?

hi cecelia,
heard from other mummies that nepia and pigeon are good. perhaps u can give it a try.

Very interesting pic of Kayden reading a book. Does he know how to flip the pages?

Abt sunblock, I'm not familiar with other brands. I've seen some at Metro at the children's section, but I don't recall the brand. If you only need it for temporary use, why not try the Super Sensitive Mini-Sampler found here:


Btw, the float which Cocomo's Jayden is using in the pic, I've bought a similar one some weeks ago at Kiddy Palace for $6.90. Looks like a fun thing to have. The pics you've taken during the swim trial is v clear. Will try to post up my videos tonight if I have time.
the aquaducks class looks great?Is there anymore vacancies for 10 March? What time, if its afternoon can count me in?

Other mummies n daddies who attended aquaducks,
your babies look good in those wetsuits... - where to buy?
hi erin,
kayden looks so serious & intelligent reading the book, he can hold it so well!

yah, denise's been trying to taste everything we eat, will snatch leh, but i was really amused at the way she widen her eyes at the 1st sight of the chocolate...haha
