(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Cocomo,
can try add prune juice into water...and me & wife will ensure my maid at least gv him 500ml water a day..sometimes more den this...cos once he take in solid food...they poo very hard..

Hope yr bb can poo nxt...

Seem like all parent will smile all e way when e kids poo...no matter wat smell is it..haha...
Hi everyone,
sigh, JAdelle's cough got worse.. it started with juz cough.. now i can hear phelgm in her lungs and throat. Last night, after latch on, she cried and cough and then vomit out the milk with lots of mucous..

Now me on 1 day leave to see how.. I had already brought her to PD liaoz, but he gave a cough syrup that loosen the mucous and an oral drop for runny nose & blocked nose.. What else can i do ah?
hi cj,
hb also took some photos.


Wah! bubbles. let's burst them quickly.


hi megan mei mei, play with me ok. if not, i'm going to cry soon.

Hi jasmine,
kayden was like this two weeks ago. vomitted out milk too. was rather shocked at first but he seems happier after vomitting out the milk with the phlegm. dunno how to help too. i just elevate his pillow by adding towels below so he can breathe better. hope she'll recover soon.

hi fiona,
have voted for denise.
just feed her the medicine and wait for her to recover, it took my girl two weeks to recover so be patient.

now my girl sick again lucky still got medicine from previous. lucky no phelgm now only dry cough and flu.
Hi kelly, erin, jas, fiona,
Ya hubby was saying that maybe we shld try and then chiong all the way so that all the nite feeding n all be over all one short and then i can slim down..coz like slim down already and then a yr later try again n then put on weight again...haha...kelly, anyway gabe was how old when you conceive ed ah? is it tough to handle another child when u r preggy and hav to carry gabe when yr tummy is starting to be bigger etc...i cant imagine how i can do that lor...
my boy just rolls himself around and kicks and anyhow swings himself, pretty dangerous, now when put in cot, he will pull anything he gets his hands on to help him move... if being carried he will just dive in the direction he wants us to go or look at things. he really doesnt understand danger or wat is falling.

i think i better quickly join in some of your outings or some classes with babies :p my boy may only be used to adults.. and dunno how to react to other babies kekeke

When is next outing or event, how to meet some of you soon

augbaby/kelly/cocomo...mummies talkin about 2nd one...
for me i think piglet too soon for me... dunno but my gynea said i need to wait a while at least a year before i even try again.. maybe my body not so healthy..
is there any good animal year again to try kekeke
cow good not ?
denise thanks auntie erin!! ;)

i haven't decide on the time too, was thinking around 1-2pm, u let me know ok? i pm u my no.

u no worries lah...u are one of those who got "slim genes", have a few more also no prob! hahaha...
hi jasmine,

luckily jadelle fell on ur HB.
last fri, i was taking my shower and my girl was playing on our bed with my HB when he dozed off. and she fell off while crawling ard...and there was a small "baluku" at the side of the forehead.
we monitored her for a day and she's all fine now.
Hi Butter8,

That sounds really dangerous!!....maybe becos he is a boy that's why he is not afraid n he must be a very active bb.


my girl had constipation problem at ard 3 mths old and when i brought her to my PD, she said poo with blood is quite a serious thing (her poo was hard but without blood), so i think if ur bb still hv not recover, it will be better that u bring him to ur PD.
hi fiona ,

got ur number , i also not sure what time i go , cos my baby still not feeling well , and i scare the fair will have alot of people ... but i wanted to go .. hope my baby will get well faster ..
do u mean 50ml or 500ml? IMO, 500ml (abt 17oz) for an infant below 1yr old is a lot. our bbs r supposed 2 consume between 500-800ml of milk now (depends if e bb takes 1,2 or 3 solids feeds). if ur bb drinks 500ml, then how much milk can he drink? when ur boy drinks so much water, dun drink enuff milk bcos slightly full fr e water, how 2 b bah bah? is ur boy taking solids now?

wat's ur boy's PD's view abt tis? i did ask my boys' PD abt water intake n her view is max 2-3oz per day for bbs drinking FM. if bbs on TBM, no water is fine.
Jay today's poo quite soft and no blood liao. He only poo once ytday with bit of blood. Since your PD mentioned this quite serious then I think play save beta bring Jay to see PD tomolo. Thanks!

I think 500ml is a lot!! I only give Jay drink abt 1-2OZ after each solid feed (He's taking 2 solid meals now). Where can I get the prune juice? what's the brand name? how much to give?
kelly, cocomo..
Har...not sure is it too much for him...but seem like he like to drink water lei..hehe..

can get the prune juice from Cold Storage, Henzt..Ard $1.50 per bottle..
Yes,like kelly, i usually dilute it with water (abt 50% water) although it mention can directly let e bb drink it..but i feel tat e taste is still strong..

I mean is whole day intake..
usually wake up in e morning he can take 3~4oz(100ml)..and every 1~2 hrs feed him wif some water again and again lor..
And his FM as usual, take in 200ml every 3~4 hrs day time, and 4~6 hrs nite time..
Hence he can poo within 2days..
His current height is 70cm and 8kg..
when/where is e nxt gathering har..?
think of join in...but need to see how's Sophia progress..if no sickness sign...hope it shd be gone by den...dun wan to miss out e bb gathering for Dickson mah....

I just realize one of e bb parent just shifted to my blk at Jln Rumah Tinggi(bt merah area)...wat a small world..haha
my boy just started to take solids(3~4 tea spoon per day onli), but he seem dun like the Nestle brand cereal, he like the other type, but too bad finish liao, as mention most of the time i add the cereal to e FM..
I nvr ask e PD how much shd a bb take in water per day..but fr e bb guidance book...it say bb shd take more water if they drink FM..and he urine quite a lot as well...guess tat's how they expell those excessive water ba...
Hi, cocomo

my baby last time also poo poo with blood... got so scared & worried & bring her to see doc but doc told me not to worry cos her skin had tear cos of the hard poo poo & the doc showed me where is the tear of the skin & asked me to apply some cream on it & also give some oral medicine for baby to drink so that the poo poo that she pass out will be soft.... & baby is ok after a few days....

if baby poo poo is hard, can try sweet potatoes..as it really help.... now my baby poo poo once or twice everyday once i started her with porridge..... did feed her Heinz cereal & resulted in very hard poo poo so stop giving it to her....
kayden is the last bb in the last pics rite? hee hee...he is cute..anyway where u bought the outfit for him ah? v cute leh..i like..:p
hello everyone..

i bought a can of nestle rice cereal with milk yesterday... is it ok to feed our baby this? its stage 1... i am just wondering wat type of milk is in it?
i tried 3 teaspoon with my boy this morning and he loves it... he likes better then Heinze..
hi cocomo,
my baby also had a little bit of blood in his stools during his 1st month. doc at polyclinic says any blood in the stool is not usual so must see doc to ensure that there's no blockage in his intestines. kayden is like jia hui. a tear in the anus. just let him drink more water.

hi augbaby,
ya, he's the last one in the pic. bought the outfit from eoutlet (one of the overseas sprees).

I bought my gal the pigeon mucus suction to suck out her mucus. She feel much betta aft that. If nt she cant take her milk (as in cry n followed by vomit).
Hv u take jay to c pd tday? Hope is nt serious...

Wah.. ur bb can take so much water ah per day. Gd hor.. My pd oso mentioning to giv more water for my gal as she take FM (but din ask her specifically should take how much per day)

White lady,
Hope ur bb get well soon.

how do you use the mucus suction? I try to do for my boy but nothing comes out.
now my boy is very naughty, when he sees me put into his nose, he uses both hands to push me away. I cant even get it near him now..
my girl same too cant even touch her nose if touch her nose she will scream.

so i never use the suction one. but pigeon got one which u put the suction on ur bb's nose and the other end u put in your mouth and suck it seems to be quite good.

thks.. but Jadelle have the same issue.. she scream and push away my hands.. and cry and cry.. my heart breaks when i see her so xin ku.. i now using the bulb nasal aspirator.. quite ok but like limited suction ability.. so maybe i will get the pigeon mucous one and try..
Cat, jasmine, butter,
My gal oso until now still cry when she saw the suction but really no choice lei hv to suck it out. Xin ku lar see her cry but even more xin thong c her vomit out all her milk. I am using the one which cat describe out it is more useful rather than the traditional type. Mucus come out a lot lor...
Wow..frm the pics..seems like the babies r enjoying themselves.

Can i ask if ur babies hv constipation..does the PD give out those medicine for the baby to eat to let them poo ?

Anyone has recommendation of babyslings ? Anyone heard of this brand Patapum ?

Are babies in SG more prone to cold & cough ? coz im afraid mine will be very weak when she goes back...
i find it diffcult to suck so i nv use just drip the nasal drops which given.

after first my mil ask me to suck from my ger's nose i find it so unhygenic with my saliva. then she say she suck, i told her don't need she got the nasal drops can help one. don't know she got germs or not so dirty one.then i was thinking how come dun have this kind of suction. but suddenly saw it at kiddy palace haha.
I realise that there is other mummy named Katherine here. So, I changed my name to CrispyApple so as not to confuse everybody here.

Hi Fiona,
Denise is so cute. Have voted for her too.

Hi SuperDad,
Your boy sure drink a lot.

Mine is drinking FM and his milk intake is around 700 ML per day. Water intake only 10 - 20 ML. Not even 1 oz. He's taking 2 solids a day - 1 around 11 am and 1 around 4 pm.
hi mommies,
do your babies reduce their milk intake during teething? denise does drink lesser than usual and even eating cereal which used to be her favourite doesn't really appeal to her now...can see she lost some weight, so "xin tong"...
I brought Jay to see PD just now, lucky nothing big deal, PD said anus tear so drink more water and give more fruits. Heng ah. . .

Will go get the prune juice for Jay. Thanks!

I also staying at Jln Rumah Tinggi!! Which block you staying and who;s the other mummy you know staying there as well? I know babyboy staying there also!!

I dun realy like nestle le, find it too sweet.

So sorry I forget to post the DVD to you! Sorry sorry sorry x100. . . my hubby will post out tomolo/friday.
superdad....yr neighbour here! got 3 aug babies staying at rumah tinggi area..hehe...and yes, what a small world!! : )

fiona,my boy didnt reduce his intake of milk, instead he is drinking more now...currently have 2 bottom teeth, and half way thru his top "dracula' teeth....maybe yr denise is just going thru a phase of drinking less...maybe thru alternative food and brand?
Hi all , saw that u all have bought ur baby for the gym sesison ? I MISS OUT ... so sad ...

can i have more info on that , like wher is the place , and how much is it ? i thinking of bringing my baby there too !
white lady
e promo 4 e free gymboree trial ended yesterday, 28feb.

will reply 2 ur posting by 2day. i writing a long story 4 u n i've been busy wif both boys.

edward pulled himself 2 stand on tues nite, exactly at 7.5mths old. i was chatting on e phone n he suddenly stood up while holding onto his FP toy. i was so shocked n he didnt stand for long, mayb 2-3secs only.

looks like edward's gonna skip crawling, juz like his gabe gor gor. ever since tues nite, edward has been trying 2 pull 2 stand at every opportunity n thus he has hurt his head (as in fall backwards n knock his nead) a few times liao. he cant grip well or adjust his body, allowing him 2 stand, tat's y fell easily. so me very 'bo eng', need 2 watch him every sec.

was juz telling husband tat edward most likely will walk by 11-12mths old. gabe walked when he was 14mths. in e past mth, very hard 2 carry edward. he often wanna literally jump out of our arms, 2 join gabe in his activities (b it sitting down playing wif toys or gabe was walking around, doing stuff). very dangerous act of his n we need 2 hold him tight & close 2 us.
pai seh...havent got a chance 2 search 4 e knee guard. it's right on top of my wardrobe so kinda need my husband's help 2 do so. will look 4 it 2day (1mar) 4 u.
Hi Kelly ,

OMG , end yesterday ? haha ... so did u went for the trail ? was it good for baby ? by the way , where is the place ?
white lady
i didnt go 4 e trial cos cant make it.
IMO i feel tat it's gd 4 bbs. my elder boy went b4.
there r a few gymboree outlets in s'pore, namely at serangoon gardens, tanglin mall n parkway parade.
mayb e few mummies who attended e trial can answer ur queries?
ok thank kelly ...

will try to find more info ... thank so much...

and ur baby can try to stand at 7.5 month , wow ....

for me , mine will only try to stand when he is in walker ..... =)
May i knw where can i buy those bottled puree fruits & fruit juice for baby ? Does NTUC sells them ?

Hw to get to knw if Gymboree has free trial ?
i started planning 4 #2 when gabe was 7-8mths old. despite TBFg, my menses came back when gabe was 6mths old. like ur husband, my husband has e same tots. juz hv a #2 quickly n get it over n done wif. anyway, when old folks c u wif 2 kids of such close age gap, e universal phase they'll say is "it's tough in these 1st few yrs but 2 kids grow up tgt so it'll b 'si-nang' 4 u later on"

wat e old folks said makes sense n it's also partly me & my husband's decision 2 hv kids wif <2yrs age gap. i dun like a big age gap cos i cant imagine gabe being 3-4yrs old n i hv 2 go thru all tat nappy-changing, washing & sterilising bottles, BFg all over again.

husband n i tried for abt 6-7mths then i preggie. by then gabe was 14mths old when i knew i was 5wks preggie. i was still BFg then n based on gynae's strict instructions, i had 2 wean gabe off. it was VERY TOUGH cos gabe never drank fr a bottle since he was 2mths+ n he dun fancy FM. tat again is another long story on how i wean him off

as 4 BFg during pregnancy, it all depends on e mummy. it's perfectly fine 2 BF while being preggie BUT ur gynae need 2 assess ur condition. 4 me, my gynae didnt allow me 2 BF bcos gabe was a premature bb, who popped at 35wks (my water bag burst). i was intending 2 BF gabe thru my pregnancy but my gynae said NO NO cos he feared tat my BFg may bring abt contractions in e womb. so bo pian, i stopped BFg then. i still remmeber e date when i stopped.

it was indeed tough in e 1st & last trimester cos i was puking, very tired in e 1st trimester (like all mummies lah). right when i weaned gabe off in early dec, it was also when he started 2 walk independently (as in able 2 walk without holding pp's hands - u'll understand wat i mean by tis when time comes 4 jay 2 walk). so lagi more siong cos gabe suddenly had like newfound freedom 2 explore e hse n everywhere we go (i not e type 2 stay home on wkends and wkdays). the worst is bcos u r preggie, ur kid can sense it (according 2 old folks lah) n bcomes more clingy, more ley chey 2 handle, more difficult. it was true. no fun at all in e 1st trimester.

it was a breeze in e 2nd trimester. i dun feel tired, had lotsa energy n i was still bringing gabe out almost every other day fr mon-fri n bringing him 2 activities on wkends. of course tummy was growing so it became kinda difficult 2 carry a 10kg+ tod. i've learned 2 carry him sideways n i used e sling when i go out wif him.

in e last trimester, rather siong cos belly rather big (edward's a bigger bb than gor gor) n gabe was more active. i even brought him 2 a term in GUG (abt 8wks) n handled him thru out the 1.5hrs class (tat was a killer cos gabe couldnt sit still in e class n i had 2 run after him in e class - wait til u send jay 2 such classes, u'll understand y it is tiring 4 a preggie 2 run after a cant-sit-still toddler. hard 2 explain how e class mechanics works)

thru out my pregnancy, i had 2 toilet train gabe (tat is bend down 2 clean up his pee/poo puddles, change him, etc), make sure he gets his 'education' by learning stuff, handle his nite feeds, bathe him, etc - aiya basically handle him like usual lor.

in conclusion, tiring BUT definitely worth it. esp when i c boys playing tgt now n each of them bringing me unlimited amt of joy, sorrow n pain everyday.

pai seh, very lor soh

Hi cocomo,
The last time I told you Megan did not poo for 5 days, I gave her barley water (no sugar), plain water regularly and she finally pooed on the 6th day! very worrying I understand! a friend of mine also recommended prune juice but baby type which you can get from gerber brand or mashed bananas..

Last week when I went to see the PD, I ask for suppository in case she dun poo again then can stick it into the anus and makes it easier for baby to poo. You can ask for that from your PD.

hi mummies,
I took quite a number of pics during the trial too but have not downloaded to the pc so have not post. Will post some soon... The trial was fun huh? we should go for more... the next would be the aquaducks trial this sat. Will post the details later...

Hi Kelly,
Ed sure is very fast!!! My Megan is still trying to creep or crawl still although she loves to stand with someone holding her instead of sitting...

When you were trying for no.2, was it difficult to trace when your ovulation is coming based on discharge?
