(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Cocomo and Erin,
Can you make it for the trial this sat? I was thinking if you can't, maybe Erin can take your place for this sat and we will cancel the 10th march trial since no one is signing up for that timing?

let me know ya?

Hi mummies going for the Aquaducks trial,

paiseh, I a bit short memory... there are some babies' nammes whom I dunno who the mother is, can you all Pm me your contact details? gam sia!

Pls reach there earlier, preferably b4 2.30pm so that we have some time to get ready b4 the trial then we can maximise the time there ya?

Btw, anyone of you has sunscreen4 babies? can borrow??? and do rem to let your babies wear swimming diapers k

Venue of the trial: Suntec ower 2. Pls go to Level 4 via the Lift Lobby T5...

3RD MAR SAT 2.30PM (max 6 babies)

1. Baby's name: Megan Tay
DOB: 15 Aug 06
Mummies contact no : Pls PM me.

2. Baby's name: Leon
DOB: 14 Aug 06

3. Baby's name: Jayden Gow
DOB: 02 Aug 06

4. Baby's name: Hannah Lim
DOB: 21 Aug 06

5. Baby's name: Jayden Chia
DOB: 6 Aug 06

6. Baby's name: Jadon
DOB: 29 Aug 06

10TH MAR SAT 2.30PM (max 6 babies)

1. Baby's name: Kayden Tan
DOB: 4 Aug 06

2. Baby's name:

3. Baby's name:

4. Baby's name:

5. Baby's name:

6. Baby's name:

Hi piyo,
ok. can swop then if cocomo can't make it. not sure if cheers and jasmine are considering the one on the 10th. u might want to check with them?

I don't have any sunblock for babies. is it possible for me to get a little from one of u? cos wasteful to buy a tube cos i seldom bring him to swim.

can check with u whether the area for bathing babies is in the ladies' bathing area?
hi jasmine,
din know abt the ttc gathering. only know the one u sms me. so are there 2 ttc gathering this month? me blur blur.
Hi Fiona,

My baby did drink milk and eat much less during her teething period. Her daily's milk and cereals intake dropped by almost half. This lasted for around 7 - 10days then she resumed back t her usual intake.
hey gals,


when do you guys wanna gather again? next is smlow or kelly's place? let's meet up soon! i can suggest my mom's place, condo, the function room, but it's far in the west, upp bkt timah, n i know most of u stay in like east or sembawang/sengkang.
Hi gers,

Supposedly after smlow's place would be Kelly's place and then my place...but I dun mind going to any of your place... cos mine can wait haha! when ah? mid Mar?
you can get al sorts of baby bottled foods here at Giant, NTUC, Cold Storage etc.. I usually buy from Giant or shopn save, depending where I happen to be.

my boy reduced his milk intake when teething, and we kept wasting milk, cuz when I make his usual 180ml, he sometimes only drinks 60ml or at times even doesnt want any at all.. wasted alot of milk powder :p

i guess, my boy is now used to some tasty food, since i gave him banana which is sweet... so if cereal is tasteless he eats less? further, my mum mixes the plain cereal with the bottled puree fruit or porridge with carrots, all a bit sweet ya...

i dun mind your area hehehe

hope to attend one of the gatherings hehe my boy needs to meet other babies
hi jasmine,
in that case, i go jo's place ok. will not be going for the united square gathering then.

hi mummies,
re: food intake
kayden seems to be taking the same amt of milk like last time (700+ml) with the exception of 1 solid feed per day. am thinking of increasing to 2 solid feeds this weekend.

re: types of food
have tried rice cereal, pumpkin and potato. kayden seems to prefer bland food. he doesn't like pumpkin or potato. spits them out. sigh... will be trying apple puree today and pear puree next week.
thanks for the story abt how u cope when preggy...My FIL kept on telling me to hav 2nd one n hubby dun mind but i am reali concern that i have to split my time bet Jay n the bb..n i dun noe if i will hav eno love for the 2nd bb if i reali try...Jay is now going thru so many diff stages n it is so fun to spend time wif him and experience he learning to crawl, walk subsequently...N i am concern if i reali try for a 2nd one, then i have to pass either jay or the bb over to the maid to take care coz it will not be easy to take care of both myself and i am super not willing to let the maid take care of jay...i juz feel that either one of them will suffer coz they will not be able to have my full attention n love..Sigh...Also i cant imagine going thru the MS in the 1st tri and when tummy bigger, not being able to carry jay etc...
hmm think i am not ready for a 2nd bb...somemore jay is now so young still..maybe when he is abt 1yrs plus then i will consider again...

Piyo, n rest of the mummies going for the aquaducks...
I also dun have sunscreen..but is the pool area going to be under the sun? Coz if yes then 2+ seems like a reali hot time for swimming leh..coz i brought him to see during cny wk at 2pm n its reali hot...also is there facilities to bathe the babies? Not easy to bathe them propertly leh..think can only rinse them n bathe property when we get hm...

Jay loves pumpkin but he seems to dislike apple puree leh..dun noe if it is too sweet for him...coz when i feed him the apple puree wthout mixing, he will make a kind of weird face expression like he dislike it..i tasted the apple puree and it is rather sweet maybe bec after steaming, the natural sweetness comes out..any other veggies/fruits can i add into his rice cereal ah...is the pear those chinese pear that has green skin??
hi augbaby,
re: 2nd one
I have the same concerns as u. hence, most prob trying to have the 2nd one when he's 1 yr plus or 2 yrs old.

just fed him apple puree. keke... have the chance to feed him today cos i'm on course. course only starting at 2.30pm. he made weird faces too when i fed him but he still swallow it. i added some plain water to it after giving him a few mouthfuls and he seems to be more able to take it.

i'll be giving him the one with the green skin next wk.
hi mummies,
long time didn't login, i was away for during CNY for 1 whole week. so fun to be back home with my parents & relatives

this month's gathring at my place rite?
how abt 24 march? anytime after 1pm.
venue: queenstown.
pupsandcups, piyo
hi-5 i was also tiking of gathering cos 2day is 1mar liao mah...hee! hee!

24mar sounds fine 2 me but hor...i can only b there abt 4pm cos gabe has classes til 315pm.
Hi Augbb and other Aquaducks mummies,
I just called Aqauducks again... The lift lobby is somewhere near the Nike shop. I asked for sunscreen is cos I am KS... although it's an outdoor pool, they have an area which has shelter/shadow overcast by the tall office buildings of suntec so not to worry. For bathing facilites, they have both male and female bathign facilities and a common one (paerhaps for babies) but anyhow, they mention that the bathing facilities are quite nice

If it happens to rain that day, we can re-arange for another trial... I will sms you all on that day if it really rains... and I am thinking if it really rains, then we wil take the following week 10Mar 2.30pm timing. How about that? then I dun cancel that timing 1st

Augbb, Erin and butter,
I was about to ask if anyone's babies make weird faces when they taste apple puree cos megan does that too! and like she dun really like lei... hahah so most babies are like that! My mum says maybe it's too sweet or sour?

smlow, I am fine with the timing and venue too!
count me an baby in... I should be not working already by then.

can PM me the contact details and address - thanks!!!

every new food i give him, i love to see the facial expression.
yah it's such a waste of milk hor esp the EBM, so when she can't finish, i'll mix into the rice cereal to feed her and hope she'll take it...by the way denise can't stand the teething gel, twice i rub just a teeny bit on her gum and she threw up...pengz >_<

it must have been hard work taking care of the elder one while pregnant with another bb...i was thinking of whether i should go ahead and try for the 2nd one now, but denise is kicking so hard at my tummy whenever i carry her(she's really strong), i started to worry about how to go about coping...and she's taken care of solely by me now, really doubt my own ability to take care of 2 babies...

denise makes funny face when given apple pureed too, so i tried, it does taste a little sourish maybe that's why...haha
hi whitelady,
are you working? i was thinking whether to attend the baby fair tmr instead, bcos sat is bound to be crowded the very difficult to move around and view stuff...what do you think?

yupz, u can opt to turn up for both ttc gatherings or choose the one @ jo's place. she will sms u the add later on..
It is on 10th march..

any mummies going to bb fair?
Hi smlow,

The date should be fine. Checked with hubby first. Currently very busy with packing and renovation. If I'm still in one piece, will be there

Gathering @ smlow's place (Queensway) on 24 March

1) Piyo
2) Kelly (4pm)
3) Adeline
4) Butter8
5) Augustmum, hubby and 2 children


Think, I may not need the guards anymore. Thanks. Zac has another new way of moving on fours now - straighten his legs and bottom high up. Dunno why he's so weird...
Gathering @ smlow's place (Queensway) on 24 March

1) Piyo, hubby, Megan & maid
2) Kelly (4pm)
3) Adeline
4) Butter8
5) Augustmum, hubby and 2 children

Hi Augustmum,
I know you sold your house liao! where are you moving to? so exciting!

My Aden also made weird faces when given apple puree too. He looked like the food not nice like that. I also tried it and feel that it a little sourish and very sweet.

I also given him potato mash. Also same face at the first try. But better than apple puree. Cos subsequent tries, he's ok with it.

These are the only 2 food I prepare for him, beside bb rice.

My next target is to prepare carrot porridge. Dun know if he would like.
Can i knw the otr time when u all had the swimming gathering at Leia's plc..where did u all buy the swim diaper ? I went to NTUC fairprice website but cant seem to find it.

actualy my flat was sold one day after the dec gathering

Moving to yishun, near mrt station again. have many coffee shops (think 6), marts, dry market,shops, police station and community center near my place, all within 5-10 min walk

Only thing is only neighbourhood pri. schools there. Dunno should worry or not since I should be able to teach the kids myself. However, would prefer a mission school cos taught in one myself and like the emphasis on character building.
Fiona ,

Hi , i am working ... so cant go on friday , and my baby still not feeling very well , so i think i will give this baby fair a miss ... Cos this sunday , i will be bringing my baby for photo shoot , so have to let him have many many rest ....

If u go on fri , do update me if the fair is nice , if nice , maybe i go with hubby .. baby at home =)
Hi cocomo/babyboy..
OIC..me staying same blk as babyboy (blk 9)..
emm...may be nxt time can plan for breakfast at market liao..haha..
Hi Augustmum,
If you are affliated to the mission school you studied, your kids can go in right? which school you in ah?

Hi superdad/babyboy and cocomo,
I am also staying near your vicinity and always go to the bt merah hawker centre to eat lei! the porridge there is always long q! maybe we should plan for mini breakfast gathering there?
emm...ya lor...onli tat day saw yr hb...looks very familar...den start to chat awhile..
but usually i'm back hm quite late lor..7++

sometime no time to play wif bb oso...cos he sleep liao..haha..onli can play wif him over e wkend..

e FM is Enfalac FL...going to change soon (6mth++ FM)..not yet decide yet wat brand to buy..

Ya..sure can be arrange to hv breakfast at ABC market..
yah, hub told me he saw u & sophia ...
what's yr boy's birthday?

my boy is on similac follow on now, and i usually order in bulk so i thought if same FM then can share, thats why i was asking....
smlow gathering,
pls include me as well...

Piyo n rest of the mummies,
okie.we shall see u at the aquaducks trial tom..yeah...:p
my bb DOB 26th Aug..

Guess 2nd stage i would try on S-26 FM..see if he can adopt to tat not..

Now he is teething oso..less FM intake..
just started to let him take cereal wks ago..
hope sooner no need to wake up at nite liao..wow!
Hi Piyo,

My apologies! Just got to know that there's some last minute arrangements and I won't be able to bring Hannah to the swim trial liao, thanks for helping to organize thou.

You can take my slot for tomorrow.

Thanks for organizing the Gymboree trial class, it was pretty fun.

Leia and Pups,
Nice to meet you there! My girl was quite cranky that day but I think she will like it once she starts crawling.

Just to share with you, BabiesnCream at Great World City is offering 50% for their Positive Babies trial class now, usual price is at $26.25 per session bf GST. Check out their website if you are interested.

Positive Babies:
A fun-filled session with laughter combining yoga, singing, music, drama, dances, toy play & positive affirmations for you and baby.

Concentrates on empowering mums/ dads / caregivers with choices and tools on how to relax, connect, enhancing communication with yourself and babies.
Hi Honeyb/erin/Augbb,
pity you can't join us. Will see wach other next gathering k

erin, so confirmed you taking over Honeyb place? cocomo will be coming

Augbb, ya see ya tomorrow and dun forget to bring xtra diapers for Megan haha!

Hi babyboy,
Actually, I frequent both you talking about, including ABC and the recently renovated one just nearby Redhill MRt, you know where?
piyooo, yup know where...my ILs frequent ABC market very very often...U are staying near us? Lengkok bahru?

just went to baby fair - not much things & its the usual fair..bought a few cleaning liquid for bottles at pureen booth, cheap , nothing much other than that.... mother & baby subscription going at the normal rates with goodie bag...

I din study in a mission school, but taught in one instead.

Our church is affiliated to Anglo Chinese but it's too far and we cannot afford the houses nearby
My pri. school is Henry Park but nearby houses or flats, in Clementi, holland etc, all very ex.
hi piyo,
ya, confirmed going tmr. can wear normal shorts and T cos it's in baby pool rite? my hb not going leh and i'm not comfortable with wearing my swimwear yet. my spare tyre still there leh.
yo. . . count me in if you guys arranging for breakfast.

You stay nearby oso ya? Tot yours at Telok Blangah? Think I very jia lat, I have not flash the card since CNY. ai. . .

Yeah. . . so excited abt tomolo's swim trial, hope Jay like it and. . . not cry not sleepy! Dunno why nowadays he very ham bao

Sunblock: Tell me which one to buy, where to buy and I try to get one then you mummies can use mine, no need to buy.
went to the baby fair too..agree with babyboy that it's the usual stuff. i bought pureen diapers to try, it was going at $16.50, $32, and $45 for one, two, and three packets respectively, regardless of size. Can mix the size, like 2 medium and 1 large.

hi cocomo,
aidan also very ham bao this whole week... woke up in the middle of night and cried... dunno whats wrong with him...
