(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Jesline,

Oh.. Maybe can meet up once od these days for two babies.. hee hee
I went for the late rota virus and just finish the last dose yesterday. Next mth or maybe when she is 1 yr old then bring Reina for her pneumoccocal jab

i'll just try try the sippy cup with her, see what's her reaction...

think for the first swim will bring denise to our nearby pool, at least can just rinse then bathe back home..

you started porridge alrdy...me still so slow, trying to give cereal daily but haven't take over 1 full meal yet. i'm gonna prepare own baby food by this week...jia you! also heard that the Tiger thermo flask is good but ex loh...

ya... received it yesterday.... thanks alot..

yes... can arrive to meet one of these day with me, babyboy & u.....

r u a SAHM or FTWM??
jesline, the 1st of aug babies meeting up? hehe, sure let me know when...

super dad/piyo,
let me know when is the breakfast arrangement and what time...ya, would think that we will be busy taking turns to eat while mummy or daddy carry baby...

Tiger & Zojirushi flasks - checked them out last sat, and zojirushi (elephant)was having a promo..its cheaper then tiger and has more compartments...not too sure if the promo has ended though...
hi cocomo,
just checked my mail. did not receive ur pm. can resend again?

hi augbaby,
ya, u r fast. i'm just like fiona. still haven't fully replace a milk feed yet.
hi mommies

about feeding, i read somewhere up till baby is 1 years old, breast or formula milk should still be baby's main source of nourishment (think i read 80%). introduction of solids is to prepare them for the next phase, where they should be familiar with chewing and swallowing... so im not in a big hurry.

right now, i feed him fruit with bb rice cereal n bmilk, but after eating, he'll still wanna top up with a feed. he's tried apple, banana, pear and avocado, his fave is avocado i think
Hi piyo ,

Ya , my photographer id David from foto u .. shoot quite alot of photo ... i think his photography skill are really good ... =)
u also bought ur baby to him ?
yo mummies,
i was going to prepare pumpkin for denise and bought a small one which i saw in ntuc, when my mil saw it she said the small one is for "bai sim"(pray), i should get those ready cut in slice. did i make a mistake?
Piyo - thanks for the arrangement but I have to opt out for the aquaduck trial class this sat. Hubby think Suntec will be too crowded this weekend. Keep me posted when there is a next one. thanks.

. Nick: Rain
Baby's name: Reina Ang

2. Nick: Butter8
Baby's name: Ryan Tan

3. Nick:
Baby's name:
fiona, erin,
ya i started jay on rice cereal for lunch n porridge for dinner but it has not fully replaced a milk feed leh...dun noe y but after his cereal my mum will still feed him abt 2 oz ebm n he will drink and after dinner my mum will again feed him with 3oz ebm and jay will also drink..so i guess he does not take eno cereal or porridge to replace his milk feed fully now still...i also dun noe wat to do leh..whether shld i increase his cereal and how do i know when he does not need milk anymore??Any mummies can advise?? Fiona, for me i bought the slice of pumpkin from cold storage...
aug baby,

how much solids Jayden taking now per meal time? PD say must be 1 bowl leh.. then will fully replace milk.. can feed him until he don't want?
augbaby, jasmine,

I don't think now baby should replace the solid with milk feed now fully leh, Still got to drink milk. Cos now at this stage is just let them try on solids and let them get use to it. But milk are still most important.

Charlotte cannot take Rice cereal cos she will have rash, so i stop and consult PD that i can directly feed her fish porridge instead. don't have to be rice cereal.

So i ask my mum to feed her fish porridge. My mum feed her Half a small bowl to charlotte and wait for 1 hour later then feed charlotte 5-6 oz of milk. so charlotte will be still have 5-6 feeds of milk a day.
Hi mummies
Have u all started on porridge?? My FIL catches fish as a hobby, so he was asking can feed baby fish or not?? I was thinking to intro pork first then fish at 9mths. Is my understanding wrong?? So far Kayden tried banana, pear, apple, peach pumpkin. (Continue for 3days to check for allergy). His favourite is peach. His main is still his milk and lunch time is cereal. BTW r u all feeding cereal once or twice now?? I think now intro fruit is quite good..
b4 6mths he poos every 3 days once now he poos every alternate day. Long time never post his photo liao. Share some of his photo with all.
not every type of fish can be fed leh. My mum says "Nor hee" (Don't know how to spell) She says this fish is the best one.

btw intro fish first pork can be later. Cos fish has most Protein and DHA.
hi honeyhaven,
jay has started on porridge since cny that wk...we started him on fish porridge first and then after that slowly intro carrots and yest potatoes into his fish porridge..so far he is ok with it..think i wont intro pork so soon..He takes porridge for dinner and rice cereal for lunch..rice cereal he has taken it for abt more than a mth alr n tried pumpkin and apple so far only...hav puree mango and will b letting him try mango after the 3days feeding of fish n potato porride to monintor for allergy...but then i am now stuck wif not knowing wat other things shld i intro to him for his rice cereal..any mummies got suggestions? i wan to start him on veggies instead of all fruits only..
Hi Cathering and augbaby
How u cook the fish porridge?? Someone told me cook the porridge first. The fish cook separately in the boiling water. Puree the cooked fish and add the cooked fish in the porridge. Is that how u do it?? Blur mummy. Haizzz.
hihi, i see not many can make if for aquaducks in the end, if not enuf pax, then let me know if wanna cancel - I am ok..

I see u organizing tumbletots? Where and when! can count me in then? pai seh hehehe

oh and our babies can celebrate joint birthday!!!
Maybe Ryan will fall for Megan hehehehe I see she is very popular with the boys

hope to meet up soon so our babies can meet ...


talking about cereal, after feeding 2 feeds of cereal (not really big portion), my boy now, started to wake up in the middle of nite for milk.
how ah?
he takes last feed at 9pm and still wakes at 12am and 5.30am for milk.
anyone baby stil like this?
could my mum be feeding too little in the day? but i think my boy if dun wan to eat, cant force.
you can first boil the water with ikan bills, Extra the soup from the ikan bills and cook with the porridge. after which u can steam the fish or boil the fish then add into the porridge and use small fire to slow cook the porridge until the porridge looks thick instead of watery.

my mum says with ikan bills the porridge more tasty. Anyway Ikan bills is good for baby also.

another way is u can put in slow cooker.

if you wan u can add the fish only when u feeding or u wan the porridge to be more tasty then add into the porridge.
charlotte still wake up around 4-5 am for milk feed if she sleeps at around 8pm or 9pm. i think is normal.
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested in baby jumper gym in Bukit Batok.
I have talk to the person in charge. They can give us 10% on the programmes fees if we have 3 babies.
The new terms starts in April on the weekends.

I will post more information once I receive emails from them
Hi Mummies,

The Little Crawlers 1 (< 9 mths)
Registration Fees: $40 (one-time)
Sch T-shirt: $10
Refundable Deposit: $100
Term Fees: $350 (10 lessons)
If you can gather at least 3 babies (weekend)/ 4 babies (weekday) we'll give a 10% discounts on the term fees for everyone. The new term will
start on 7/8 April.
I need the baby's name, dob, 1 parent's name & tel.
Hi Catherine,

I am doing the same thing as what your mum did to the porridge. My gals loves it very much. But she only can finish 3 scope of table spoon.
Normally I give my gal rice or brown rice cereal in the afternoon and porridge at dinner.
But at the same time, I still give them milk. My gal drink 180ml. I use 60ml for the cereal. After finishing the cereal, I give her the rest of 120ml of milk. she can finish it.
Hi mummies, i don't know if this is true. My mum say we should not start baby on fish yet...otherwise got bad breath?? anybody hear this before??
hi Butter,

My ger wake up for nite feeds also. She cannot sleep early which i dun know why. She sleep at ard 11pm, then wake up 3am, then 7am.
My mum is very tired taking care of her. She cannot sleep thro the nite. I have a friend whose baby can sleep from 8pm to 8am. Really envy her.

sometimes my ger 1am also dun wan to sleep. even if she din sleep alot in the day, nite time she also very energetic....how ah........
Hi Julie,

I am not sure.. But I saw in a magazine that not to let babies hv fish before 1st yr in case bbs are sensitive to it.

But I gv my gal fish when she is 6th mths..

I have one question, my SIL told me to give my gal egg yolk now to see she is sensitvie to it anot. she say gv half boiled egg yolk.. Can we gv bb halfcooked food?
Hi Celine,

You are not the only one.

My ger sleep at 11pm also. Wake at at 4-430am for milk. Seh wake up at 7 or 8am for another feed also..

My mum and myself also quite tire
Hi Rain,

Its not advisable to give babies egg yet. esp half boiled one. Can be dangerous. Wait for the baby to go for the next pd/poly clinic check up, when they give the approve sign, then try egg. Egg should be the last food they try.
Hi Celine,

It is all about,
Music and Movements
Photographic Memory
Speed Reading
Eye Training
Chinese Words/Poems
Encyclopedic Knowledge
Hi Celin,

Thank you, I will call my my PD and ask.

Bcos my SIL is telling me that dunno at what age they have to go for a jab and this jab is egg based. So hv to let them try to see if theya re sensitive to that anot.. **puzzled**
Hi Rain,

Its the one in bukit batok u mentioned? For weekends, what is the timing? how long is the duration per session? Have to see if can fit inside schedule.
my bb also sleep v late around 11+ to 12..but usually he will like sleep at 10+ n i will juz carry him for a dream feed at 11+ so his milk feed can last him thruout the nite...last time he will also wake up at 3+ for a feed but when we feed him his usual of 4oz..he only like drink 2oz or a little more..hardly finish his usual feed..so i think one of the mummy mention to me that maybe bb is not reali hungry but more like wake up n dun noe how to go bk to sleep...so i monitor n tried to pet him or at least carry him to our bed to sleep n pet him back to sleep n it works lor...so u see if u can try that lor..
hi rain,
I think that is the jab at 18mths. i only know shd only introduce egg after 1 yr old. introduce egg whhite last.
thanks, i'll go look for the pumpkin in cold storage or wet market...and in regards to replacing milk feed with cereal or porridge, like jasmine said can feed until jay doesn't want. but i also think it's better to wait till abt a yr old then replace milk with solid.

only give your baby egg after 1 yr old, there's no such thing as try like what your SIL said(anyway how did she come to have such idea??)My gal can even be allergic to egg eventhough she was on breast milk, so i have to abstain from all egg & its products. and i even came across a little boy in GP clinic had major allergic reaction(whole face and body swollen) when the nanny fed him egg...
Hi, Rain

Maybe can meet during our Mar gathering at Smlow place.....

Hi, Celine

me too faced the same problem as u when baby is abt 2mths old.... got to wake up every 2hrs to feed her also very tired.... but now she is sleeping at abt 10pm & will sleep thru till morning at abt 7am...

what we do last time is to not let baby sleep at around 5-6pm... & will play with her till her next round of milk feed which is at abt 8-9pm & then after feed, she will sleep till 12-1am for her last feed.... my hubby's friend taught us to do this so that baby will be able to differentiate Day & Night... & after trying it for abt 1-2 weeks, baby can sleep thru the night...

Now baby is 7mths plus.... feed her with milk in the morning, at noon porridge,3-4pm milk feed, 6pm porridge & milk feed & follow by her last feed at 9-10pm...
Thanks to all mummies for the advice.
I will try on my ger and see how.
if it works, then my mum will not be so tired taking care of her.
Hi Celine,
Where is yr bb sleep..?baby cot..?
sometime it might due to he is too cold or too hot for bb..
I found tat most bb sleep well in e net, either manual or electrical swing type..
mine too sleep at bb cot..but i just blow swing fan to him..try not to wear those thick material shirt and short..tis will help too..but after midnite, may nd to cover with blanket if weather getting cold by den..
Hi Celine,

Yes. in bukit batok. The weekday classes in in Tue and Wed at 8pm.. I think quite rush.

For weekends, if we can gther enough babies, we can propose the timing.

Hi superdad,

my ger use to cry alot in the middle of the night. After i on aircon for her, she wake up at only 1 time in the nite for milk.
