(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Yo Mummies,
You can contact this guy if you want to install 3G camera. Marcus Ang at 90214231. My HB said you can try to ask him buy the camera, mayb cheaper. But think you better check the price first.

Wah sei! Juz went out today, come back log in got so many postings...so happening leh! hahaha

hi cj, chrys, leia, piyo,
My gal also very impatient when she's hungry, behaves like your babies too, pulls away from nipple(real painful!)then wailed loudly. And of course i chided her in the same manner like you mommies lor...haiz

hi catherine,
i've did everything you mentioned like burping in btw feed when bb pause her feeding, burp very successful but my gal very stubborn(juz like me keke), will keep her mouth shut tight tight so can't put the teat back in...hee

And i agree with kelly regarding the feed on demand thingy since baby's no longer a newborn, now my gal decides on her schedule since we can't force feed her. Will give her when she starts giving hungry signals rather than feed her at fixed interval.

It's better to feed fresh ebm, immune properties are destroyed in frozen milk. You can consider feeding half frozen, half fresh daily.
Thanks for the comments. I decided to start giving her 180 ml when she reached 2 mths old after reading Mrs Wong's book that said could give 2-3 mth old baby 180 ml each feed at 5 feeds a day. My girl seemed quiite happy to take it tho she doesn't always finish completely each time. But she seems less hungry and can last longer in between feeds. That's when she started sleeping through the night too. She's not keen on waking up in the middle of the night to feed tho I kacheow her. She's abt 6 kg now at 11 wks 2 days. Getting even chubbier so figured she's getting enough milk.
Hi mummies,
No time to reply..was down wif flu virus yest..sigh...hubby spread to me..now both of us need to wear mask when talking to jayden and feeding him...Regarding the ebm, what i do is the ebm that i pump daily, i will store them in the fridge coz i read that by freezing the ebm, some of the immune properties will be destroyed so i try to let jay drink "fresh" one..I will store all my ebm for max about 4days in the fridge thou the breastfeeding mothers support group recommend 48hrs which is 2 days if storing in the fridge but i talk to the conselors and they mention that actually most mummies can store the ebm in the fridge for abt 3-4days...so for example, my fridge now have milk pump out on Mon the 30 oct. So if today dun consume then i will throw away. But usually this wont happen coz if i see that there is still a large quantity of Mon milk left over on wed etc, then i will freeze the Mon batch of milk. I will continue to feed jay the ebm i pump out on Tue, 31Oct, Wed, 1Nov milk etc..so like piyo, first in first out...so i dun defrost my ebm as there is eno for him to drink on a daily basic from my fridge... Hope i dun confused all of u with my explanation...

Hi erin,
Ya i heard from kelly her story abt Dr Ceceilia already...so scary..i most prob will bring jayden to Dr Loke instead since her clinic is also v near my place..I will be making an appointment wif Dr loke for jay 5 in 1 jap for 11nov, sat lor...How abt u leh?
hi piyo,

mine different... my bb at times poos right after i changed his diaper! so wasteful right... gotta change again.. think he feels good that the diaper is dry so got mood to poo poo...

re feeding and sleeping:
ya, thats why i feed aidan before he cries... to prevent him from crying out loud if his hungry calls are not met sooner...

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. 1330 to 1400
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, maid & aidan (sorry, i cant go out w/o maid...
hi zshih,

i read ms wong's book too... thats why im now slowing increasing the intake... bb currently on 150ml but sometimes cant finish, only 120ml... and it can only last 2-3 hours in the day... prob will start 180ml over the weekend and see if it can last for 4 hours (which never happens before)... the longest bb sleeps so far is 6 hours in the night... so i do not have the luxury to sleep thru the night as bb starts his sleep ard 7pm...
Hi mummies,

1) Selling at $9 - Opened, PAMPERS BABY DRY DIAPER - M (6-11KG) 39 PCS (red pkg)
FairPrice: $11.90 (BN 42 PCS)

2) Selling at $10 - BN unopened PAMPERS BABY DRY DIAPER - L (9-14KG) 38 PCS (red pkg)
FairPrice: $11.90

If take both, $18.

Self-collect at yishun. Pls PM me.
LEIA > yupz, thks for yr reply.. will give ntuc a try..currently using nepia, good but kinda ex...

my boy finishes ALL 120ml each feed and has an interval of about 3hrs plus before next feed...going to increase to 150ml

and boy going for jap later at 2pm ...

boohoo...got thermometer and fever pads all ready...
LEIA > yupz, thks for yr reply.. will give ntuc a try..currently using nepia, good but kinda ex...

my boy finishes ALL 120ml each feed and has an interval of about 3hrs plus before next feed...going to increase to 150ml

and boy going for jap later at 2pm ...

boohoo...got thermometer and fever pads all ready...
oops double entry...
btw, MUMMIES ... i just noticed that am dropping alot of hair....help.... anyone with the same problem.???
hi, would like to join in for the gathering:

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. 1330 to 1400
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, maid & aidan (sorry, i cant go out w/o maid
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
hi babyboy,

doesnt happen to me yet but noticed my boy's hair dropped quite a bit thou...

mummies, does it happen to your bb too?
hi augbaby,
i'll be bringing my boy to dr. lee tmr afternoon for the jab but i won't be signing up the package. got no choice. dr. loke is not available on sat afternoons and i have to work on these 2 sat morns.

hi babyboy,
i'm dropping a lot of hair too. so worried that i'll be botak. went for a haircut b4 starting work and they recommended me hair tonic. have not used it yet. will try soon. if good, i'll post the brand on the net.
hi augbaby,
oh icic..no wonder..coz i manage to make an appointment wif dr loke on sat morning...think after kelly incident, i am apprehensive abt going to dr lee already..somemore it has been a long time since we weigh jayden weight n length..u cant wait till u r not working on sat morning then bring kayden to dr loke?

Think my front part of my hair is dropping..my fringe is like getting lesser..
think i need to change my parting already to another side...
at tis moment baby need to suckle if u bottle feeding best is let baby have pacifier if u breastfed baby do not need pacifier at all.
its ok to let baby have pacifier once baby fall asleep they will have it out themself. thats why dun worry about baby having pacifier is not gd.
hello everyone

long time no post as ive been busy, jus started half day work..

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. 1330 to 1400
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, maid & aidan (sorry, i cant go out w/o maid
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
hey hey, I'm coming to the gathering too. Is it a pot luck session? Wat must we bring? So excited. Hee...can someone pm me whenever there's update on the gathering. Too busy handling two on my own. Seldom log in

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. 1330 to 1400
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, maid & aidan (sorry, i cant go out w/o maid
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and zac (will update if hubby and noah are tagging along a not?)
Hi mummies,
my gal seems to be rejecting milk whenever she is sleepy although it's her feeding time. I would think that she is actually hungry but just too tired. she will cry really loud & very cham. i think all my neighbours can hear her crying..

she's like crying out "i dont wanna drink milk milk. dont disturb me. i just wanna zzzzZZZZ.." these always happen in the morning. yesterday nite feeds (ard 2am & 5am) also like that. i kind of worry tt she's not feeling well. but she can still smile, poo, play normally everyday leh..

so now, i will just let her sleep if she really dont wanna drink. scare she's not drinking enuf leh..meanwhile she's on 4oz every 3hrs.

can mummies advise me ?...
hi hi,
I can make it too
Eh, the gathering only 0.5hr? 1330-1400???

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. 1330 to 1400
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, maid & aidan (sorry, i cant go out w/o maid
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and zac (will update if hubby and noah are tagging along a not?)
8) Piyo, Megan and hubby
hi babyboy, erin, augbaby,
hair dropping have not happened to me yet but may be coming cos I heard it's about the 4th months that hair's droppping...

Megan's hair is dropping though and has a lot of those dry scalp coming off like dandruff... is that cradle cap? any babies experiencing that too?
ur ger same as mine lor, i always carry her around to feed so that she will forcus on other things and drink her milk. no matter how ur ger will still want to drink her milk cos she is hungry. maybe u try feed her 4oz 4 hourly at certain period my ger also drink 4oz 3 hrly but not she change her own timing to 4oz 4 hourly.
u can use baby oil to wipe away the dry scalp, mine also like this previously i use baby oil to wipe it away everyday and not its ok already. baby oil will help prevent ur baby scalp to dry use once u see the scalp is dry again.
What kind of baby oil you use for your baby? brand? when to apply? Jayden also has cradle cap now, doctor prescriped one for me but it contains steroid so I only use once.

No la, its starting from 1:30pm.

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, maid & aidan (sorry, i cant go out w/o maid
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and zac (will update if hubby and noah are tagging along a not?)
8) Piyo, Megan and hubby

No need to bring anything. I can provide food.

Yo, mummies,
Any suggestion what to eat? Gimme some idea le then I will prepare. . .
how abt preparing simple snacks fr old chang kee/polar/prima deli/bengawan solo? 1st u must confirm how many adults going then u prepare e amt of food. not too much hor...i tik e mummies'll b busy chatting away then 2 eat e stuff. shall we pay u a lil? feel very bad 4 u 2 pay everything.

augustmum, smlow,
can confirm if ur older boys tagging along? if yes, i'll bring gabriel. he'll love 2 play wif e bigger gor gors

my hubby will be joining... he said why other mummies can do w/o maid, i cant.. said i "mei you yong"...

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, hubby & aidan (maid TBC)
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and zac (will update if hubby and noah are tagging along a not?)
8) Piyo, Megan and hubby
aiyo, no need to pay me la. ok will prepare some snacks then. look fwd to meet you gugs that day!!!

I cant go out without my hubby/maid as well. I will rather stay at home!!!

Would hv loved to come for the gathering... but I got exams that afternoon...
Will have to wait for the next one... *sigh*
hi jojokoko,
actually i also can't do without maid also... but I wanna spend family time w/o maid tagging along so die die also force myself

hi cat,
Thanks! i am using baby johnson oil to do away with the cradle cap thingy... it's clearing up!

hi cocomo,
need us bring drinks or anything? let us know how much to pay you k.. thanks for offering your place
hi mummies,
will not be able to join u liao. kayden's cough got a bit worse so i did not bring him down for the jab yest. will most prob be bringing him down next sat. so sorry abt it. missed the gathering again. sigh...

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2)Piyo, Megan and hubby
3)kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, hubby & aidan (maid TBC)
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and zac (will update if hubby and noah are tagging along a not?)

hi augbaby,
i'll most prob bring kayden to dr. loke's clinic next sat at abt 12.15pm. p1 orientation next wk and the management hasn't inform us who will be involved yet. perhaps, i would be able to see u at the clinic.

hi cocomo,
heard from my technician that i would most prob be unable to see kayden from sch. thanks for pming me ur contact no.

hi jokojoko,
i also "mei yong". can't cope with hubby too.
guess a lot of us are still not confident abt bringing baby out for long hours. dun worry. u r not alone.
Hi, augbaby

U can buy the teat puncher from Kiddy palace.... just bought one from there.... the brand is Farlin cost about 7.90... can ask the sales girl there to help u to find the teat puncher....

can be use for all type of teats at stated in the packaging... had just punch a hole in my avent teat.... the teat puncher come with 3 different size for 3-4mth, 6 mth & the third one has a much bigger hole....
hi cocomo,
me another one hopeless without HB or maid. hehe.. will try to join u mummies for this gathering, but SUBJECT to Kaefer recovery from cough, cos dun wan to spread to anyone.

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2)Piyo, Megan and hubby
3)kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, hubby & aidan (maid TBC)
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and zac (will update if hubby and noah are tagging along a not?)
8) CJ, Kaefer and Hb ( we r attending if Kaefer recovers fr cough )
Hi Cocomo,

Hubby's not coming...he's shy...btw, let us chip in some food...feel bad...you will be so busy before, during and after the gatheringi


Most likely will take noah along but really scare he will disturb the other babies...he will be attending My Gym in the morning so he may be very high due to lack of sleep and after play... If so, I will have to leave him with Daddy so he can nap...

Update on gathering....

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2)Piyo, Megan and hubby
3)kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, hubby & aidan (maid TBC)
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and two children, Noah and Zac
8) CJ, Kaefer and Hb ( we r attending if Kaefer recovers fr cough )
Hi Cocomo,

I'll be joining the gathering with my gal only, hubby going in to office will only pick me up after that. And pls do let us contribute for the food...or else very paisei leh...can PM me your address? Thks!

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2)Piyo, Megan and hubby
3)kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, hubby & aidan (maid TBC)
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and two children, Noah and Zac
8) CJ, Kaefer and Hb ( we r attending if Kaefer recovers fr cough )
9) Fiona & Denise

Nat also having it after 1mth plus. NOW she is shedding off alot. PD told me to use olive oil. Normally i will apply it before her bath for 30mins & bath her. After bathing I will use a v soft comb n do it carefully scrabbing off e flakes slowly. Normally cradle cap takes abt 3-4mths to go away.

HI lala,
How much is bb drinking now?
For my case, Natalie is drinking 3.5oz every 4hrly lo. she had her last feed at abt 10pm, den she sleep ard 1030-5/6am in e morning. Sometime i see her fidgeting in her bed BT after awhile she sleep again. I seen frm book bb starting from 2mths can sleep more than 7hrs in e nite without feeding.. maybe ur darling is awaken by dreams n trying to get to sleep instead to be awaken for milk.. U try to pat her soothing her to sleep. If awhile later she still fidgeting could show she need feed.. IM consider lucky, cos whenever NAt need a feed she SUCK her thumb so loud n she don cry.. jus making some noise.. YEAh feeding her liao..

WOw gathering liao! Been sometime i log in also.. Too bad i cant make it cos this weekend gg for a frd full mth! Seems this mth every weekend is tight up wit wedding & full mth n birthday etc (nephew 1yr birthday on 19nov).
Hope to catch up wit u all any gathering arranged another time...
hi mummies, thanks for consoling me... now still thinking to bring maid anot... :p

aidan still cant sleep more than 6 hours leh... now already 11 wks+... always hungry... tried to increase to 180ml but he cant finish so i stick back to 150ml... in the night can last 4-6 hours but daytime sometimes less than 2 hours hungry liao... so i feed another 90ml or 120ml... his feeding is so erratic in the day so the milk amt also varies accordingly... ai yo, dunno what to do with him... really envy those mummies whose bb feeds 4hrly...
Yo mummies,
Dun worry abt the food la. Anyway just snacks rite? Will just go Bangawan Solo and Old Chang Kee to buy lo. Not trouble at all. I got maid to do the washing so no worries also! Or anyone need more heavier food? Please let me know ya.
you aidan damn 'sat' ya, 9-10 feeds!! Jayden is drinking 150ml now and only takes 7 feeds a day, the most he wake up twice at night then take 8 feeds.

my maid washed Jayden's beanspout pillow!!! She sop the whole pillow, together with the pillow case in the water!! ..... *pengz*

This weekend I feel so strange why Jayden keeps crying after his feed (130ml) and he will sucks his finger. I then gave additional 30ml and he finished it. Then my maid told me for the past 1 week he has been like that and she tot he wanna zzz so everytime after feed will die die pat him to sleep and then Jayden will wake up 2 hours later and cry again. But my maid will entertain him till 3 hours then feed him!!! wah piang, I damn 'xin tong' my boy was sturved in the past one week!!
hi cocomo,

haha... but not every feed 150ml lah... per his record book, his total milk intake a day is between 1100ml - 1300ml... is it about the same as Jayden? btw, how old is Jayden now?

uh oh, there goes the beansprout pillow...

if during the day ur son is hungry two hourly try feeding him water first its ok to feed him water. maybe hhe is just want some water or so..
