(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB



hi erin00,

i dun dilute his milk leh... anyway the table is just for guide only as every baby is different... think maybe the height n weight charts may help to see if baby is within range... hope this chart is more user friendly...
Hi erin,
will list down my ger's details after I bring her for the 5 in 1 jab next sat

Ya I agree with you.. carrying our babies only last for awhile coz when they are bigger, they would not want you to carry them even if we wants to... so now whenever she wants to be carried, we just carry even when at night when she wants to be acrried to sleep...

hi jojokoko,
seems like megan is not drinking so much as at 3 months... is your chart for formal milk or it applies to breastmilk as well? but she still poos alot like 2-3 times a day lei...

your charts are very useful thank you! I think megan has crossed over to ard the 50th percentile (estimate since we have not brot her to the PD yet)compared to when she was born she was only lying ard the 5-10% percentile...
hi jokojoko,
i forgot lah. remember there was a mummy who does that. ai yah, want to ask her if everything works well when we dilute the milk. aidan shd be doing well in terms of height and weight. he looks big and chubby in the photo that you posted up previously.

thanks for posting the charts. very helpful. definitely clearer than the ones in the health booklet. think kayden shd be in the 50th percentile for both height and weight now which is gd as he was in th 10 to 30percentile when he was born.
Jayden also seems to be drink quite little for his age leh now, looking at the chart..sigh...

erin, my boy also like yrs, if he dun wan, he will push the teat from one side of his mouth to the other side and smile at me or purposely let the milk drip out..n now he is starting to protest by making loud noises to show he dun wan to drink...I took jayden to see dr loke when he is exactly 3mths old so i guess shld be 12wks ba is it??

Hi timpani,
ya same here..jayden want us to talk to him now and when we left him alone in the room, he will make noises..he wil keep quiet when i start reading to him board books which have words and pic on page..maybe it is bright n colourful and he loves it...he will stop making sounds n stare at the pages...yest i read the entire 4 board books to him 2x and after i stop, he makes noises again and i have to continue..aiyo...:p

actually jayden also dun drink that much..almost same as megan lor...he sometimes only finish 90ml too...but then i recently change his teat for his Dr Brown bottle, n he dun fall asleep anymore when drinking and drink faster..i guess the old teat is for newborn and the hole is smaller...i hope that over time this can help to increase his intake ba...
hi augbaby,
where did u buy the board books? i'm interested. do u need dr. brown's teats? I have level 2 (for 3 months and above). the teats are brand new and still unopened. I bought it earlier but kayden doesn't take well to normal teats. only drink from nuk bottles. now my avent, pigeon bottles (free gifts from steriliser and breast pumps) are just lying unused at home.
AVENT liners

Hi pups,
So far i have no problems with leaks except once when i try to be greedy by putting 200ml in the bag. I have 2 types of avent liners.The 1 i got fm my SIL had a indication outside the bag stating that we shdnt put more than 180ml. The other which i got fm a BP with 100s didnt indicate at all.

Hi augbaby,
My boy is also drinking abt 100ml-120ml breast milk. Sometimes we'll try giving him a 60ml 1st and 30mins later give another 60ml.

Hi jokojoko,
The table u loaded is for babies on formula milk,right?

Btw, there's another measurement for the head circumference,right? Shall we put it in too?

Mummies Nick Baby's Name Height Weight Headcircumference Week/Month
Fiona Denise 60.5cm 6kg 11wk
Augbaby Jayden 64cm 6.235kg 3mth
ningyo Yongjie 62cm 6.8kg 43cm 3mth

Juz to share, the nurse at the polyclinic indicate the percentile for my boy.So mummies can use it as a guide.
Height 62cm - 50%
Weight 6.8kg - 75%
Head circumference - 90%
i juz bought the teats only juz yest..wasted..if not i can buy from u leh...:p Oh i juz bought the board books too only...from century sq, the stretch of space infront of delifrance leading to bata, someone is selling lotsa books, both english n chinese..go check it out..it is cheap too..4sets at $11+..hee hee

My colleague heard on the radio abt this estimate for baby's adult height calculator.
Seems pretty accurate for my case when i used my parents's height.

Boy =[(dad + mum ht in cm) x 1.08]/2

Girl = [(dad ht x 0.923) + mum ht]/2

Eg. Dad = 180cm, Mum=160cm
If baby is boy,adult ht = 183.6cm
If baby is girl,adult ht = 163.07cm
anyway has anyone bb started turning and the head has firmed up already? Coz when we lay jay on his back, he will sometimes turn himself to his side already...so we now am extra careful n use pillows to block..his neck is also firming up alr...can lift his head of my arms when i feed him..Btw how do u bathe yr bb ah...coz i am currently using avent body n hair shampoo and we use 2 tubs, one to bathe him in the soap and then the other tub to rinse him off using water only..but now his neck is firming up, it is diff to bathe him in the round tub wif the body bath..how ah? do u use 2 tubs
hi ningyo,
oh ya hor. i forgot abt the head circumference. keke...

I think the estimate for bb's adult height calculator is pretty accurate for me but not for my sis. My elder sis is almost 15cm taller than me leh.

hi augbaby,
thanks. will go down today to buy the books but kayden is very active. doesn't really want to sit. always must bring him around to look at the things in the different parts of the house. i hope he'll love reading next time.
maybe he gets bored easily n like looking at things..so maybe u can lie him on bed and show him the books..he shld love it..coz it is big n colour...
glad that the charts helps

hi piyo,
believe the table is more for formula milk...

hi erin00,
yup, i rem a mummy who does that... but imho i wont dilute cuz afraid might affect the nutrients contents for baby... or u may consider feeding some water if baby constipates/heaty... but if u are on TBF then dun give water... actually, im afraid aidan might be overweight... he's 6.7kg at 11wks... hopefully will remain in the 50th to 95th percentile next sat...
hi augbaby,
kayden has started turning and the neck is quite firm liao. can raise his head and attempt to sit up. if we hold his hands, he can sit up straight. he's also actively kicking and splashing water now when he's in the bathtub. my dad said he attempted to stand up when my dad wants to turn him over to wash his back. think the tub is abit small now.

I bought johnson milk bath for babies. no need to rinse off so dun have the problems that u r facing.
Hi mommies,
Denise's been acting the same way as your babies, would rather play than drink her milk. When she doesn't want, will also use her tongue to push the teat out or purposely spit or let the milk drip out from side of mouth...

augbaby, mine also starts to protest by making angry noises and even cry fiercely...wa lao i surrender...

She used to have 110-120ml, now she only drinks 60-80ml in the day, but interval has return to 3hrly instead of 4-5hrly(which really freaked me out). But the last feed and first feed can drink around 110-120ml(still sleepy so no distraction...hee).
Hi, erin

your bb poo poo once in five days? is the poo poo still soft when he only poo poo once in 5 days? my baby also got the habit of poo poo once every 3-4 days & once her poo poo is so hard that her skin tear & poo poo with bit of blood & brought her to the GP. she is now poo poo every 1-2days after drinking the medicine...

your bb on total bf or on formula? my bb is on similac & heard from many that it is heaty... my bb is now 3mths old is drinking 150ml-160ml... & i had dilute her milk by putting 2 scoop of powder. previously she is drinking 120ml with 2 scoops of milk powder... she is fine with the dilute milk.

think if u want to dilute your bb milk, u need to do it slowly lor as advised by the nurse in TMC

Mummies Nick Baby's Name Height Weight Headcircumference Week/Month
Fiona Denise 60.5cm 6kg 11wk
Augbaby Jayden 64cm 6.235kg 3mth
ningyo Yongjie 62cm 6.8kg 43cm 3mth
jesline81 Jia Hui 60cm 6.2kg 3mth
hi jesline,
my bb's stools is soft and pasty. brought him to see pd but pd says he's not constipated leh. mine is on similac. pd says there's no palm oil so the stools shd be soft.

so u r the one who dilute ur bb's milk. ur gal's weight gain is ok rite? did the doc say anything? am thinking of diluting a little such as adding 2 scoops of powder to 135ml of water? shd be ok rite? will bb gets hungry within a shorter interval?
Hi augbaby/erin,
you gave me an idea! time to change the teat liao! cos I tried changing some 2 weeks ago and she rejected the bottle so we switched back to newborn teats and so far it's ok.. maybe now it;s the right time to change upwards haa!

my pd would normally measure all three, head circum, ht and wt..

my megan just drank 60+30ml just now. c, she is till not upping her intake...

megan has started lifting her head for a few seconds when we put her on her back 2 weeks ago and she even attempted to crawl or push herself forward.. like caterpillar but she tends to end up sideways whenever we started her of the centre of the bed very farni!recently she is flipping a little so we try some tummy exercises with her everyday
hi fiona,
seems like most of our babies are decresing the milk intake...esp in the daytime..
megan wil kick and wails at my breasts when she dun wan anymore milk... sometimes when she is very hungry she will keep pressing my breasts like helping me to squeeze out more milk for her..
hi augbaby,
do you lie jayden on his back or tummy when you show him the books? megan likes to go gai gai! we wheel her down to the pool and walk walk c water she is very happy and will make baby noises. If we leave her on the bed without entertaining her, she wails! What kind of board books do you show jayden? lotsof pictures?

hi ningyo,
if I based on the ht calcuator, my megan would be taller than me! hahaha!
jayden too..when he dun wan, he will wails at my breasts too..but hor i dun noe how to interpret at times whether is my milk flow too slow n he is still hungry or he dun wan anymore and i still kept on putting my nipple into his mouth..haha..so now i will switch him to the other breast n if he still dun wan, means he is full liao..hee hee...btw how r u coping wif work...
Hi, erin

think there is another mum who also did that.... doc said bb is growing well & healthy... previously when bb is drinking 120ml, she will feed 3-4hr interval now drinking 150ml still the same...

did mentioned to doc that bb was drinking less milk & doc said it's ok... must look at the big pic...doc also mentioned that the amount of milk bb drink as bb get older will increase very slowly unlike the 1-2mths... now, my baby is drinking more at 150ml ....
hi piyo,
kayden is like megan. he likes to be entertained too. can't leave him on the bed without entertaining him.

hi mummies,
kayden will also throw his temper if we insist on giving him milk when he doesn't want. he will wail and kick too.

hi jesline,
thanks. will give it a try to see if kayden will take well to it.
Hi Erin, Catherine & Augbb,

Tks for e concern.. Mood was hell even till now.. BUT I m managing well esp with work distraction & thinking of my litle Nat.

Had v serious talk wit hb. Starting he was reluctant BUT when i was realli so dishearted n not getting any from him, I voiced out separation or divorce n walk into bb room. He told mi at e beginning he wanted a woman n a wife too.. THERE IS NO SUCH THING OF GETTING BOTH. I WILLING TO LET GO.

DEN he told me regretfully he wan this family v much & doesnt know wats going on him lately. STRESS again is his excuse.. DEN i mention counselling. I willing to go wit him face & solve e prob. HE WILLING TOO. esp guys are so egostic. HE willing take this step I do realli hope he is sincere this time.

I am dishearted n no more trust or faith in him. ONI bb nat is my pillar now OR not i will crush my life. Hope things will turn out beta & we are starting a counselling session on next tues.

I jus keep my finger cross.
Lucky bb nat she still good gal, didnt make life difficult for mi hehehe...
Hi mummies, I am new here. Having been reading the posts in this thread on and off, and have gained much knowledge and confidence from your expreiences.

I also have delievered my baby in August, and have just returned to work two weeks ago, now working half day, starting full day next Monday. I have a difficult situation here, not sure whether just i am too paranoid. I used to latch baby on up to one or two times only, coz afraid of baby rejecting bottle when I came back to work. But lately I relaxed a bit, and just latch him on when I am at home (too lazy to do the washing/sterlising and pump). What we noticed is that baby fusses more before his sleep/nap, cries loudly as if he was squeezed hard. My husband interpretation is that he may be missing the breast when I am not around, and suggests that I should latch on less often, or even give up latching on totally so that he can forget about the breast. This interpretation is not really convincing to me though, coz baby is not rejecting bottle all the time, except for one time he cried hard when fed a bottle from me.

For the working mummies, do you have the same problem here, ie. baby fusses more during the day when fed from bottle instead from breast?

I see latching on as a form of bonding, but the attachment to me may not be a good thing for baby as he is taken care of by in PIL when i am working. The thought of baby may be missing me and my breast actually breaks my heart. I was once thinking of giving up work entirely and take care of baby myself. But then I might just be too paranoid.
hi erin00,

i've also let aidan look at board books... his grandpa will read and show him the pictures to keep him entertained when maid & i were cooking... and he just lie on his playpen throughout the 1.5-2 hrs...
great to heard that. at least u knock his head hard to wake him up.hopefully counselling can help both of you and help him manage his finance.

If you can give up work entirely and take care of baby yourself, I think you should do it.

Does baby fuss after latching on too? Or only after bottle feeding? Does he sleep/nap immediately after feed? In any case, you can only latch baby on 1/2 time now, ie. after work. So you'd already have reduced the number of times for latch on per day.

I think it's sadder to deprive baby of latching on. I noticed my boy looks different when he's latching on for milk compared to bottle feeding. More shiok, I think. :p
Hi Leia,
Thanks for the reply. I canot give up my job because of financial reasons. Baby does not really fuss after bottle feeding. He just fussed more these days, esp. before his nap/sleep. He usually does not sleep immediately after feed, will need to cry and then can fall asleep. At day time, when he cried for sleep, I will pick him up, walk a bit, and then put him down into his bouncer and push the bouncer back and forth, he can then sleep. But when I am not around, PIL will not hold him for long, so he will cry for longer before his nap. At night, my hubby hold him and let him cry in his arms. He will settle down after about 10 to 20 minutes of crying. We tried different methods for the night sleep, but other methods will take normally 1 to 2 hours to work, eg. breastfeed/walk him. Is it normal that some baby will need to vent out before they can fall asleep?
Hi Luckstarmum

Mine is like that as well. She will cry cry abit before sleeping. It also happens when i carry her. During the day time, my mil will put her in sarong and once she is in there, she stops crying. During the night, i will carry her to walk around. She will cry less than 5 mins. Ther e are few times that she will cry longer because she is feeling hot. I got to stand in front of a fan then she will not crying.
megan so cute...help mummy squeeze...hehehe

i dunno the exact amt for the rotavirus vaccine bcos paid by hubby, but my total bill is 219+ which includes the 5 in 1 jab done in PD clinic. Any mummies here know how much it cost?

well...i used to latch Denise on & off but mostly she's on EBM, until recently she's showing signs of rejecting my breasts, will cry & wail when i wanna latch her, so i just gave up the idea of direct latching. To me, i do not feel that it is of utmost importance to direct latch my gal, although she's on total EBM, she's still getting all the nutrients and she's really bonded to me, bcos we as mother can be very hands on with babies in many other ways...so no worries ;)
Mummies Nick Baby's Name Height Weight Headcircumference Week/Month
Fiona Denise 60.5cm 6kg 11wk
Augbaby Jayden 64cm 6.235kg 3mth
ningyo Yongjie 62cm 6.8kg 43cm 3mth
jesline81 Jia Hui 60cm 6.2kg 3mth
kelly Edward 64cm 6.8kg 3mths, 7.2kg at 3.5mths
So many posts today!!

The playyard will be delivered to me tomolo, perhaps sat you can take a look liao! hee. . .

Jayden's not taking his usual 150ml after taken the 5-1 Jap le. Nowadays very very very difficult to feed liao, he will stop at 80ml and refuse to drink. Then we feed again 5 mins later. But he will just cry once he saw the milk bottle! So the whole feeding process can take up to 1 hour! ai. . .

you sound so happy that you have successfully lengthen the feeding hours. 180ml to Jayden is still a far target!!
hi jesline,
thks 4 ur compliment. i dun find my edward big. i tik he's average sized. ningyo's yongjie also another big bb. u shld c skyblue's kayden or bbnmum's vytoz. those 2 boys r BIG.

u joining us tis sat?
hello there,
been MIA... nice to see all of your babies growing well...
my bb not yet seen doc for jabs yet, so dunno his weight... will update in 2 weeks :p

my boy has been reducing his usual 120ml... some mornings only 70 - 80 ml, nite time feed also dont really finish...
should i be worried?
i thot maybe just going thru a change.
u got burp ur bb? maybe when he stop drink u burp him again after burping u see he wan to drink or not. normally i let my ger drink about 60ml and i to burp her she will scream but i continue burp her once she burp she continue her milk again. now i have increase her milk to 130ml.

btw if baby tummy got wind they also will not want to drink milk. try after every diaper changing massage bb's tummy with lu yi you. so that they can pass out the wind.
I got burp him le. Maybe as what you said his tummy got wind, I try to give me ridwind later and apply ru yi you. Hope this can solve his drinking pbm. Thanks!
Hi, kelly

not able to make it this sat as got to stay at home to wait for delivery of our new TV set.... old TV set spolit....

if yr bb is average size... then think mine is very small size... haiz... what is your bb weight when he is borned? your bb must be growing very well ..... how much your bb drink per feed?
edward's birth weight 3.2kg
i dunno how much he drinks cos he drinks fresh fr e breasts. he rejects bottle so cant bottle feed him 2 find out. e last time when he drink fr bottle at 2mths, he drank abt 100ml

join us next time if u can ya...
hi cocomo,

happy cuz last time he usually cries for milk in ard 2 hours (sometimes 1.5 hrs)... and also now only need to wake up once in the night so it's a good improvement lor...

hi jesline,

fyi, my pd quoted me $105 per dose (need to take two doses)... bb will be taking his next sat...
Hi cocomo,
I also burp megan after 1st intake of say 60ml then continue with next additional milk. Sometimes while bfg, when she wails and hits my breasts, i will burp her. Once I hear the burp sound, she will guai guai suckle if i put her on the breast again. If I feed EBM, I will put a lil gripewater in and mix and give it to her... it helps!

your edward is huge...when you see megan then you will know what is below average
hi mummies,
what do you do with your babies during their waking hours? Sometimes I play with them until I dunno what todo liao... any ideas?

hi mummies who pumped milk at work,
in what amounts do you split your expressed milk into? 60ml? 90ml? 40ml?

Hi Timpani,
I dont know, it may sound too paranoid. I just cannot stand baby crying, seems that my tolerance level is very low, compared to my husband and PIL. But so far I have to admit that let bb cry for a while seems to be the fastest method for him to fall asleep, sadly to say that.

Hi Fiona,
One more reason that I dont really want to give up direct latching is that I have gotten plugged ducts a few times previously, and baby helped to clear it out as pumping didnt help.
