(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


becos u only feedy ur son milk thats why he reject water.
mine also in first plc rejecting water but now she is ok with her water each time i feed her.

i was like you i never feed my ger water at all only milk. her feed was suppose to be 3 hrly, but sometimes she gets hungry 2hrly. so i just feed and feed her milk, until one day she never pass motion regularly then i start feeding her water to reduce her heatiness. after that she start to change her time from 3hrly to 4hrly. can u imagine from 4oz 3hrly to 4oz 4hrly. now i only feed her the most is half hr earlier, never 2 hrs or 3hrs.

if like after two hrs she still not sleeping i will feed a some water and she will fall asleep.

my colleague told me that if its not time for baby's feeding best is feed baby some water.

sometimes baby just need some sucking and not milk or water thats why i don't mind introduce my girl pacifier.
hi cat,

thanks for your advice. ok, i'll try to feed him water... hopefully he'll drink... btw, how much water to give then? i guess i need to train him...
hi cat,

just talked to my maid.. she also said the bb she took care in phil also drank milk 4-hrly, in between drink water... so i told her we must start "training" aidan... oops, now he making noises liao... wish me luck!

one more thing dun feed him more then 1 oz of water if not he won't drink his milk. and dun feed him water immediately after milk he will vomit out let him rest 1-2hrs then drink.

i'm reading catherine & jokojoko's posts wif interest. as i dun feed edward water and edward's on TBFg so i cant really share much but i'm wondering tis.

if ur bb is hungry (as in she fusses 4 milk b4 her supposedly feeding time), if u feed her water, wont it fill her up & restrict her milk intake = growth? bcos bbs have growth spurts at different times (those mentioned in e net not exactly accurate), mayb ur bb is growing thru a growth spurt and wanna drink milk every 2hrs, instead of its original 3hrs.

i personally saw a bb fussing outside and her frien said 2 the mummy, "ur bb looks like she wants milk. y dun u feed?" e mummy replied, "i only allow her 2 drink milk every 4hrs so gotta wait for 1/2hr more". i was like, "huh? it's only 30mins, can u juz feed her?" the frien & e mummy continued pushing e bb in e pram while e bb's fussing away, suckling her fingers. i walked away feeling very puzzled.

i also understand y mummies feed water when their bbs drink FM cos FM tend 2 more heaty cos it's gd 2 drink water, juz in case bb constipate. my concern is only abt drinking water sometime b4 e supposedly milk feed.

i spoke 2 a nurse b4 in a PD clinic. she told me tat it's best 2 feed bb water, 1/2-1hr after each milk feed. she also said it's not advisable 2 feed b4 milk cos it may fill e bb up & reduces e bb's milk intake.

mummies, wat's ur take on tis?

hv u ever wondered tat ur bb's drinking 4oz every 3hrs to 4oz every 4hrs is bcos she drank water so she dun feel hungry, tat's y stretched to 4hrs.
nope cos during at night she can sleep 4 hrs after every feed without drinking water so do you think its becos of the water that stretched the time? i don't think so. If its not time for her milk she die die also won't drink she will scream and scream and scream. but after feeding water 2 hrs later she can continue drinking her milk.

and yes the nurses are right do not feed baby b4 each milk feed if not baby will reduces their milk intake. but after 1-2hrs milk feeding then its ok. like i say if ur baby suppose to drink milk every 4hrly but within two hrs and its not time yet they cry and cry again but by right the milk can last ur baby for 4hrs should u just feed baby some water or just feed milk? so for just one sip of water or 10ml-20ml its ok as water does not fill up baby at all.

btw i read somewhere that over feeding baby milk also not gd will cos baby to have some sickness i can't remember.
Hi all mommies,
How are you? Me struggle... n struggle (with office work, housework n mum's duties) din have time to log in haiz....

Abt water feeding, my gal is getting water if she fuss before feeding (under my mil's care... cant really change her thinking point as she insisted that water is a must). I did ask my pd, its ok to give water as long as bb dun reject milk. But if bb on BM, it is no need to give water.
I dun think i can join u all for gathering..Jayden is down with flu n cough..sigh..me n hubby pass to him one...so heartpain..i have taken leave this whole wk to take care of him...he now has to postpone his 5 in 1 jab till he is well...
Anyway he is 3mths today and he weight 6.235 and length is 64cm..
Obesity & Infant Overfeeding
by Cynthia Epps, MS, IBCLC
At a recent London meeting between World Health officials and doctors from the International Obesity Task Force, they found target weights on current pediatric growth charts for two to three years olds to be 15% to 20% too high. Since child development growth charts in widespread use are largely based on studies of formula-fed children from more than 20 years ago, the growth tables used to chart your baby's development may be inaccurate. The researchers added that overfeeding of babies could explain in part why childhood obesity is on the rise, and the current generation of adults is the fattest ever. Dr Prakash Shetty, head of nutrition planning at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, echoes the WHO concern. "If you look at energy requirements of children who are exclusively breast-fed, they are much lower that those of formula fed infants.

So whats a new mother to do? A simple understanding of how a baby takes milk from the breast can help moms who are breast and/or bottle-feeding. When taking milk from the human breast, the newborn infant stimulates a let-down reflex in the mother. This means the milk is delivered to the infant in a sequence of servings that approximately fit the small size of the babys stomach. Each serving triggers a swallow reflex in the baby. After the mother releases the milk, the flow tapers off to drops, during which time the infant breathes and flutters the tongue, which triggers another let-down or serving. When a baby is introduced to the bottle, the flow of milk falls into his/her mouth continuously, in response to gravity. The babys swallow reflex is stimulated, almost continuously. Observations of this swallow reflex were, and still are, frequently misinterpreted as hunger in newborn infants receiving formula feedings. Hence, bottle fed babies tend toward over-feeding.

Knowing how to recognize when your baby is satisfied can also lower the chances of overfeeding. The breastfed baby will slide off the breast and release the nipple when satisfied, and lie back, in a deeply relaxed pose. When bottle-feeding, the flow is regulated by the caregiver. Counting up to 25 swallows, then withdrawing the nipple, and offering your clean finger for the baby to flutter and breathe, mimics the breastfed pattern of regulating flow. Feeds will take longer, but your baby will have a chance to self-regulate in a similar fashion to the breast fed model.

Most parents, many grandparents, and some doctors still assume all crying to be a feeding cue. But there is a logic concerning crying in relation to the timing of your feeds. Whether on the breast or bottle, if your baby is gaining over 1 ounce/day, fussy anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes after feeds, crying and chewing on his/her hands, and/or sleeping less than 2 hours, this is more commonly a sign of stomach gas, abdominal cramping or relatively normal newborn digestive distress. Your baby will stretch his/her legs straight out, stiffen the abdomen, pull those little hands up close to the face in tight fists, close those tiny eyes and wail, often growing very red in the process. Witnessing such distress in your new infant, without having a clue as to what is causing it, can send even the calmest mother into panic. Yet, rather than feeding in response to this crying, you might try various soothing/comforting techniques, combined with burp holds and swaddling to settle your baby. First, use a good swaddle that keeps your babys hands/arms tucked in. Then hold your baby against your chest, facing out, with the head just under your chin. Anchor your baby across the tummy with one hand, and gently bring those stiff legs up into bent knees with your other hand. Your baby may suck or flutter on your thumb or knuckle. This is a normal response to help release the pressure in his/her abdomen. Bounce up and down, rock side to side, and add a repetitive shush sound. As the stomach spasms release, the suckling will subside, your baby may burp, pass gas or stool, and then melt delightfully in your arms. Happy feeding!

Cynthia Epps, MS, IBCLC, is a metabolic nutritionist and board certified lactation consultant in the Los Angeles area. In her private practice, she specializes in lactation consults, transitioning to solids, and gentle weaning.

2006 Los Angeles Family Magazine
Infant overfeeding
Pediatrics for Parents, May, 1993 by Becky Pata

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Often a mother will relate the following scenario. Her young infant wants to nurse almost continuously, he screams (as if in pain), sleeps very little, is gassy, and inconsolable most of the time. She questions her milk supply. Is it rich enough or too rich? Does she have enough milk? Other well intentioned people also have ideas about what is wrong with the baby. Could he have colic, is the mother too tense, did she eat something the baby did not like, is the baby allergic to breast milk, or many other ideas. One of the most overlooked causes for this behavior is overfeeding.

Milk supply is determined by the baby. The more the baby nurses, the more milk the breasts will produce. Mothers are encouraged to nurse the baby anytime he shows hunger; this is nursing on demand. This allows the infant to control how much milk is produced and usually ensures adequate nutrition. Occasionally an infant will want to nurse so much that the mother has an overabundant milk supply.

The baby who ingests an unusually large amount of milk brings many problems on himself. His stomach becomes overly distended during a feeding. The stomach empties into the intestines quickly. An empty stomach makes the infant feel hungry again soon (an hour after a feeding is common). The fast delivery of a large amount of milk to the intestines increases the speed that the milk moves through the digestive tract, causing the infant to have cramps and more frequent stools. These stools can occasionally be green, but they are not foul smelling which would suggest infection.

A mother with an overabundant milk supply will have a strong Milk Ejection Reflex. This reflex causes the milk to move from high in the breast, where it is produced, to the nipple where the infant can obtain it. This is also called letdown. With a strong reflex the milk comes out of the nipple very fast. Milk can even spray from the nipples. This fast flow is difficult for the baby to handle. He gulps, sputters and gags while he is nursing. Thus he swallows more air than the average baby. The additional air and milk cause gas, pain and crying.

One would expect the overfed infant to be overweight, and often this is true. Infants can gain a pound a week. However, if the milk moves through the intestines too fast for the nutrients to be absorbed, the infant will gain weight unusually slow. These stools contain large amounts of undigested milk.

The key factors that suggest overfeeding are the infant's stool output and an assessment of the mother's milk supply. A well nourished infant under eight weeks old should have two to three yellow stools daily. An overfed infant can have more than six stools daily. Stool output patterns are highly individualized however, so this cannot be the only factor used to detect overfeeding. The mother's milk supply can be assessed in several ways:

* When the infant is nursing the mother may spray milk from the opposite nipple. While this is normal in the first two weeks of breast-feeding it can suggest overfeeding at later times.

* During breast-feeding, the mother can express milk using a quality breast pump to get an idea of how much milk she has. However, depending on the type of pump used, the time of day, and the mother's technique with the pump, she may not give as much milk to the pump as she usually gives to the baby. Therefore, this cannot be the only assessment used.

* A good indicator of oversupply is the infant's reaction when his mother has a Milk Ejection Reflex. An infant should be able to handle the flow of milk easily.

It is important to note that an overfed infant may not have all of these symptoms, but he will have most of them.

An infant does not enjoy nursing if he is being overfed. If the situation is not resolved he will spend less time at the breast. He will nurse only when desperately hungry. The mother usually thinks he is weaning himself. He can slowly become dehydrated and lose weight. At this point, even if the overabundance is corrected and the infant can get adequate nutrition from the breast, he will probably wean soon after the introduction of other foods because he has not learned to get pleasure from nursing. An intervention should be made as soon as overabundance is suspected.

Overfeeding is treated by reducing the mother's milk supply. The baby should nurse from only one breast during one feeding. This advice may sound strange. How can an infant be content with only one side when he cries after an hour when he takes both sides? When nursing on only one side, the infant will receive more hindmilk. This is the milk that comes out of the breast last. Hindmilk is higher in fat content and higher in calories. This tells the body it is full. Also with less milk there will be no stomach distension. The milk passes through the digestive track at a normal speed. The infant does not have cramps and more of the milk is absorbed.

If this does not reduce the supply enough, the nursing routine can be altered even more. The infant should be offered only one breast during a three hour period, no matter how often he wants to nurse during that time. For example, from 12:00 to 3:00 only nurse on the right breast, from 3:00 to 6:00 only nurse on the left breast, and so on.

Milk will remain in the breast that was not nursed on. As frequent emptying tells the body to increase the milk production, milk remaining in the breast, along with less nipple stimulation, will tell the body to decrease production. The mother will feel that her breasts are full. If she becomes uncomfortably full, she can express a small amount of milk. However, if too much milk is expressed her supply will increase.

There are a few feeding techniques that can be used to reduce the amount of air that the infant swallows. When the infant starts to struggle with the fast flow of milk he should be removed from the breast. The milk can then be allowed to flow into a washcloth. When the flow slows doen (after 1-2 minutes), the infant can resume nursing. With the fast flow over, the infant should be able to nurse with ease. This may need to be done several times during a feeding. The infant may also be held in a more upright position during the feeding. This will keep any swallowed air at the top of the stomach where it can be burped easily. The infant should be burped several times during the feeding to keep swallowed air from going into the intestines. Finally, hold the infant upright for thirty minutes after a feeding to allow any remaining air to be burped up.

With these changes in the feeding routine it may take from several days to more than a week for the overfed infant to make changes in his behavior.

Most infants do well continuing with nursing on one breast per feeding. If the infant seems hungry after completely nursing on one breast (to receive the hindmilk) the mother can always offer the second breast. If the mother wants to try going back to using both breasts during a feeding, she can reintroduce this routine slowly by offering both breasts for one or two feedings a day. Then raise the number of feedings using both breasts slowly over the next several days. She should be aware of any signs of overfeeding and change the feeding routine according to the infant's behavior.

Limits on breast feeding should only be used for an infant who is having difficulties. Most infants do not stimulate an overabundance of milk. Limiting a baby who does not have problems could lead to underfeeding.

Overfeeding can be successfully managed if it is recognized early. Contact a local Lactation Consultant for an individualized assessment before changing any infant's feeding routine.
i guess, u as the mummy will know ur bb best. it kinda makes sense 2 feed a bb a lil water in tat 4hrs stretch. even an adult will b thirsty in 4hrs.

thks 4 e 2articles. read until hei hei chuan. very informative but e 2nd article is dated May1993. rather outdated leh.
Hi all mummies

I have been mia for quite some time. Just back to work. Very hectic.

Anyway, may i ask if your bb's stools are foul-smelling? My bb's stools stink and it is greenish in colour. She only poos once a day.
Im going through another bad patch of my life..
I am sure happily having my little nat arrive BT yet things happen again from my husband.

Since pregnant, i gave him a chance after he getting involve wit gal.. i thought things will be beta when little nat arrive BT im wrong. IT happens again. I just discovered. Actually I have been suspecting all e while.. N my suspscion is proven since this morning! He send e wrong sms to mi instead to his "woman"!

Dono.. now i like hell! I trying to sort out my tots now.. even wanted to kill myself! I cant accept again. I ask him e reason he say is stress. I suggested counselling to him alot of times i don mind gg together cos i wanted to work it out BT he not willing.

I dono wat else i can try to do. Little nat is my pillar.. I jus wanted to try get things sort out today.. one whole day ..
I guess u should let someone help u take care of little nat and spent sometime with ur husband to sort out the matter. may i know u taking care of nat urself or ur mil or mom help u take care? you don't get so stress ok.. nat needs you.
i can chat with u anytime if u need someone to talk to. msn: [email protected]
hi cat, kelly,

thanks for sharing your views re feeding water... don't worry, i'm not substituting his milk intake with water as i've slowly increased his milk intake to 180ml so as to maintain the same milk amt he drinks a day... will feed him some water as he is on formula milk only... as cat mentioned, the water has not affected his milk intake so sud be ok... anyway, i only fed him less than 1oz water to quench thirst only... will definitely feed him milk if he's really hungry (cant help it.. "sim tia")...
Any baby already had their 5-1 Jap? I brought Jayden to take on saturday, he is still having slight fever le, how huh? Shd I bring him back to see PD again? normally how many days will the fever gone?
hi cocomo

i brought my ger for her 6-in-1 jab weeks ago and her fever lasted half a day only.

You shld bring ur boy to the PD since it persisted for so many days. what is his temperature now ?
His temp abt 37.8-38C. Will bring him to see PD later. My maid dun on fan/aircon and yet gave him long sleeve shirt and pant sleep on matress. . . aiyo think too hot liao!!!!

Yesterday morning my maid sprayed 'sheltox' coz mozq and closed all doors and windows (baby's room), intent to let baby sleep in that room at night!!! DAMN IT think she used half of the bottle coz ALL things inside that room STINK, even the bedsheet and pillows!! Until now still got little bit of smell. I really cannot tahan but to 'screw' her last night. Then today at 5:10pm I ask her to bathe Jayden, she said wait for a while then I told her better bathe now coz going to rain and she replied OK. At 5:22pm I saw her still playing with baby then asked her what she waiting for, she said need to wait till 5:30pm coz routine, so still have 8 mins to go. DAMN IT... I really wanna vomit blood liao. Dunno what to do with her really!!!
hi cocomo,

in the meantime sponge him and change into light clothing... if possible let him stay in aircon room, it helps...
hi cocomo

jokojoko is right. if the bb is wearing too thick clothing, it may affect his temp.

my ger was 37.7 when i gave her paracetomol.

so what did the PD says ?
Thanks! Jayden's temp was 37.2 just now so we decided not to bring him to PD, if tomolo morning fever again then will bring him to see PD liao.
Yo mummies,
Anyone interested to get play yard for your baby? I have got 3 sets from a BP which was now closed (as I cant get someone to share other 1.5 sets - just nice for a single bed/play mat). Pls see attached for details:-


If anyone interested pls let me know asap. Will try to see the supplier can send to your house if not gotta pick up from my house liao.
Hi Cocomo

Can i join for the gathering? But I will be late, say abt 2.30pm - 3pm.

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2)Piyo, Megan and hubby
3)kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, hubby & aidan (maid TBC)
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and two children, Noah and Zac
8) CJ, Kaefer and Hb ( we r attending if Kaefer recovers fr cough )
9) Fiona & Denise
10) bbnmum , hb , Vyeoz & Vytoz
hi mommies,
realise that the back of my baby's head is getting flatter and flatter ! dont know what to do, he doesnt like to sleep in cot so whole day in car seat

any suggestions / advice?
Hi cocomo,
Which items r u referring to? I see so many pic in the link..

Hi Jill,
For me i actually let my boy sleep on a special pillow that has a hole in the middle..it is baby safe and can be bought from kiddy palace..this is to prevent bb head from being flat coz bb lies in 1 position...
The first one at lower row. someone taken up the extra one already. If you interested can wait for new BP. I bought a bumper playmat for Jayden as well, just nice to put inside this play yard. Later when they can craw that time can throw all the toys inside this play yard for him to play!!! If you interested in playmat can see this thread:-


website for the play mat is:-

hi augbaby,
so u went to dr. loke in the end. I am bringing him to dr. lee for convenience's sake. i'm working on these 2 sats and hubby working on the sat after that. dr. loke is not available after 12.30pm so no choice la. dr. lee is available on sat 2 to 4pm. will see how lor. just hope kayden's case will be ok like my colleague's son.

did u buy the netted bouncer? hope u haven't buy cos it seems a little small for kayden now.
hi cynthia,
hope things will work out for u. take care and stay positive.

hi cocomo,
hope ur baby is feeling better! I'm also worried about kayden getting a fever after the jab. Some ppl say to give 1 teaspoon of barley water (without sugar) to baby the night before. My cl told me to boil old ginseng and to give 1 teaspoon on the night before. dunno whether i shd do that.
hi mummies,
those who went for the 3rd month jab, will the pd tell u the percentile for bb's weight and height? I find the graphs in the Health Booklet are not 'user-friendly' as the markings on the scale are quite wide.

Can we share bb's weight and height here?

for my case, my GP did not tell me the percentile for bb's weight & height? think it depend on the pd as my friend's pd did mentioned to her her bb percentile for weight & height...

me too find that the health booklet graphs not user friendly as the scale is wide & not so clear...

hey you gals have the same prob with avent liners? i jus started a new pack, and only used like less than 20, and 3 bags have leaked, jialat leh ..
hi erin,
Denise just had her 1st 5 in 1 jab as well as the rotavirus vaccine last nite, been checking her temp, so far no fever but has to monitor for 48hrs. She weighs 6kg and height is 60.5cm at 11wks old.

hi pups,
i dun have problem with the avent liners but i heard ppl mentioning it'll leak so i double bag juz in case...
Hi erin,
Nope, in the end i din buy the bouncer. Ya i went to dr loke and i like her v much..i like the way she talks to jayden...but then must wait rather long...thing i will stick to dr loke..she is nice..I also find the health book guidelines for weight difficult to read..

Okie, i shall start wif jayden weight n height here..at 3mths exactly, he is now 6.235kg n 64cm...dr loke says he is not over weight... i got no prob with avent liners..started on my 2nd pack and so far only leak a little once only...rest is ok..i double bag it thou
hi cocomo,

rem i said earlier aidan has 9-10 feeds per day? well, after i increased his milk intake to 180ml yesterday and he had 7 feeds and today 6 feeds only!! haha...

sigh, who is using ameda? my pump seems to have broken down, i dunno what the problem is but it sounds fine, looks fine, but its just not pumping, there is no suction!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really need my pump all the time and i dunno what to do, anyone using ameda knows what is wrong? sigh its driving me nuts!

can PM me .. or call my mobile, 9839 6386, sigh im so desperate i don mind listing my number publicly .. SIGH!!
does anyone knows what quantity a 3mth old bb shld be drinking now? Jayden seems to be stuck at 100ml to 110ml leh..cant increase his milk since he cant even finish it...plus nowadays he is getting cranky and needs to be carry till he fall asleep..tired...today since 4+am he refused to sleep till juz fall asleep
Hi pupsandcups,
did you check the valves? sometimes the valves may have been torn and hence does not allow the suction to get thru. You may need to change the valves in this case.

or did any water get into the tubes?
Hi jojokoko, augbaby and cocomo,
your babies seem to be drinking a lot compared to mine. She is still drinking bet 90-100ml.. in fact sometimes she only drinks about 60-90ml in the daytime
mine too. she is sleeping lesser and lesser. Keeps wanting ppl to talk to her or want to be carry. As for her intake, it depends on her mood, varies from 100-120ml every 3 hours.
Hi mummies,
I list down the height and weight so we can refer and have a rough estimate of how our child is compared to other babies of the same age ok?

Mummies Nick Baby's Name Height Weight Week/Month
Fiona Denise 60.5cm 6kg 11wk
Augbaby Jayden 64cm 6.235kg 3mth

I will add in mine this sat after bringing kayden down for the jab.
Hi mummies,
kayden also seems to be drinking very little. during the day, he usually drinks 80ml to 100ml now. but if he wants to play, he can stop drinking at 60ml or even less. just smile when the teat is in his mouth. refuse to suck. haiz...
he drinks more at night especially when the interval is around 4 or 5hrs. That's when he can drink 130 to 150ml. really worried about his milk intake but can't force him to take more. He will struggle and push the milk bottle away.

augbaby and timpani,
I read from kkh juniors newsletter that one of the reasons why babies cry and want to be carried is because they are afraid of loneliness. My colleagues said to enjoy it while our babies want to be carried. They said that once they start walking, even if we want to carry them, they won't want us to cuddle and carry them.

hi jokojoko,
oh dear, if i follow ur chart, kayden seems to be drinking very little. are u the one who dilute the milk (150ml with 2 scoops of powder)? I dunno whether to dilute his milk cos he seems to poos only once in 5 days.
