(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi mommies!
i took this when we were out yday,


just sent u private mail to ask about your cctv... would like to learn how to set up something for my house. thx

my previous maid oso copy me... my mum was so shocked.. oooh n aahh like me and oso speak with slang at times... it was really weird... my mum found it soo irritating and worried my son next time learn the wrong way to speak from her...

catherine n lala,
i oso lie my boy like this... nice to smell his hair

but my maid go n copy... very angry... sit in my mum's leather chair and let baby lie on her... then face the fan blowing at her direct....
Hi Catherine

I also faced the problem of baby drinking less milk when she is approaching 3mths... everytime i feed her, she will use her tongue to push the teat out & play.... but after about 3-4 days, she is drinking all of her milk once again... maybe u can try to change the teat as i also change my baby milk teat from slow flow to medium flow...

Wah your maid very daring hor!! She thinks she's the mother ar?! My hubby's employee told him her maid can call her to go fetch her from outside giving the excuses that her son doesn't like to take the bus, you say ridiculous or not! So now who's the boss and who's the maid??? I find that maids once they take care of baby, they can come up with lots of excuses not to do other work, such as baby wants me to carry, baby dun like this or that lah...

So i told my hubby and MIL if we're getting a maid, no matter what dun let her handle my baby, just get her to do housework. Rather baby close to grandma than maid right?
hi mommies,

my ger is the opp. she is drinking 3.5 to 4oz every 3hr-ly. she used to drink abt 2.5 to 3oz every 4hr-ly few weeks back.

maybe i used to latch her while i was at home for 2.5mths, and she often fell asleep, tat somehow affected her drinking consumption gua..

really hope she will put on some weight, she is only 5.5kg at week 12 plus.. light rite? but my mom said maybe bb's bone is light, so cant really judge her health base on her weight..
but then I scare those ppl in child care will abuse my boy (eg if he cries then they might beat him or just let him cries le?), ha. . . at least at home I can see and hear from cameras make sure everything's ok lo.
Hi Jesline,
Hehe...yes she sure is chubby. My baby's 10wks 5 days old. Not so sure abt the weight, it was about 6kg last wk, but measured on those normal scale not digital one.
fiona, ya i agree with u... the maids in SG are so lucky! always got chauffered around by their employers! sometimes when i work really late or i go out late, i also take bus home..

but the maid is always fetched around wherever she goes one...super ho mia!! =P
yah lor leobbsmom,
they getting smarter, worse if a few maids get together, they'll start comparing and learnt those funny funny stuff then pattern all come out liao...
exactly...maid in spore is so good life..like mine...everywhere we go also can car to sit..even my parents dun and like wat u say, i also go back hm myself sometimes..plus she get to sit in the front seat too....as i prefer to sit behind wif my boy...

I am using Dr Brown bottle..but i find that my boy is drinking his milk v slow plus he will fall asleep...last time he wont...not sure if it is bec the teat hole is too small..does anyone knows if i can make the teat for Dr Brown bottle bigger? N how do i do it?
augbaby & fiona,
coz my MIL got us an Indonesian maid, so she was fasting last mth rite..and i was still on ML mah..

then i realised tat her fasting schedule very funny one, she will choose the days she wanna fast one leh.. i tot only when women are menstrating then they cant fast rite. coz last time our malay classmates got share with us b4 mah..

first day i tot, "oh, she must be having her period la..." then i cut down her work.. only get her to clean the floor after she ate her dinner lor, since she got no strength ma. so only got her to do light works in the day lor..

then second she said she can eat wor, then third dun eat again, then eat again another day wor! then i also confused liao lor...

then i heard from my MIL that she is choosing her fasting days accordingly to the dishes we have for the day! if she likes the food, then she will tell us, "mom, no fasting today!" coz my MIL will sometimes pack dinner back, and it was western food tat day, it's her favorite, so she will tell my MIL tat she not fasting!

hahahaha.........u tell me if they are smart or wat!!
hi all,

I am wondering if the feeding problem is just a passing phase that seems to affect babies at this age?

My younger was able to finish 150ml few weeks back every 4 hourly. But in recent week, he will keep crying and struggling when he finishes about 90ml. I also thought it could be the teat so I changed it from 1 hole to 2 holes. But the problem persist and his usual problem of having milk flowing out of his mouth got worst. So I suppose 2 holes teat is too fast for him.

I also worry that his drinking is insufficient cos he is only drinking every 4 hourly. He hardly cries for milk unlike his twin bro who must feed 120ml every 3 hourly or sometimes even shorter.

I really hope this phase will pass quickly.t
i juz called robinson and taka, they dun carry teat hole puncher anymore..anywhere else i can get ah? Plus how does the teat hole puncher works ah? Can i use it on any brand of bottles?? Pls help...
augbaby, try kidsmall or kiddy palace. Think i have seen it in kidsmall before and can be using on any teats. It's like a thicker needle that punches a hold in the teats, exactly like how paper hole punchers work.
hi to all aug mummies

i m a dec mummy (edd on 7 dec), 1st time mum. i m desperately looking for a good confinement lady. anyone who has good experience with her cl, pls let me know. many thanks.
Hi Catherine,
Did u mean feeding bb with bottle should be faster than nursing direct?

Hi mummies,

My bb will make some noise at midnight ard 3.30am, before he cries loud, i will carry him and let him latch on. Before i able to pull down the nursing bra, he's already struggling and sucking with his lips and cried very loud. So scared my PIL and everybody in the house will rush in and see wat happen. I always scold him, "can't wait ah, cry wat.."
Then he suck suck for few seconds only, spit out and the milk will smear all over his face, and he cry again very loud.. sigh.. do u all have this similar problem? This happen often, but not always. I suspect he's too sleepy or he rejects my nipple? Also, my breast is too full until shower him with milk, as i always lazy to pump out at 12am if i already pump at 8pm.
Hi Fiona,
Haha.. u very good.. Nowdays i also straight tell what i think what they do is not correct.. I used to keep it at heart then complain to my hb, hb will keep asking me to think on their feet. I would think he always side his parents. My hb will bopian go tell his parents, his parents will think he sided me. He said he always become the "huai4 ren2". So i choose to be the "huai4 ren2", i say direct to them, bcos I am my bb's mother, i have the right to protect him.

For example, i watched how my MIL wipe my son's body 2 days ago. She used wet cloth to wipe his eyes and face, then told bb "wipe once more time ok", then clean the ear hole, neck then clean the eyes and face again.. i faint.. This explains y my boy's right undereye skin has been red and sensitive for the past 1 week since i move to stay with them..

Then come to changing cloth diaper and cleaning of butt. My boy's butt was full of poo poo. My FIL carried my boy above the same pail of water, MIL will use the same face cloth to clean his butt. Immediately the water turn yellowish with many many bits of poo and the face cloth oso stain with alot of poo. She washed the cloth in the same water, squeezed and wiped my boy's legs. I said, the water and cloth is so dirty, how can u still wipe his legs? She said, "jiao3 bu4 yong4 jin3" (legs nevermind). *Faint* I told her she can jus use cotton or wet tissue to wipe away the poo first then wipe, at least already clean. She replied "wash with water cleaner".. i think he more she wipe the more dirty my boy will be. And how can she ensure she really wash the cloth until get rid of all the poo stain for next time use on face?!

Could be fast letdown so your boy have problem coping with the flow ie. cannot swallow fast enough, and so get frustrated. It happened to me before and I think that could possibly be the reason. Too fast, they also make noise. Too slow, they also make noise. My boy also very impatient kind. I always tell him nothing is instant one. Once even funnier, I ask him jokingly "Cry what? It's not the end of the world! Your mother haven't die yet lah. Wait a while, still got milk to drink one. Even instant noodle also take 5mins to cook, so where got things instant one?" Jia lat hor? :D
any mummy supplement wif FM? the FM suppose to be same temperature as our BM (37 degree) right? how to measure the right temperature for the FM? do u use any thermometer or jus guage by hand? can anybody share?
yup, it's wireless. I put one at living room, one at dining room and one in kitchen. You will only need to login to the specific website (just like you login to yahoo) which you have created (Eg, [email protected]) and you can view it from any where. There's a software given which you can view all camaras at once. If you not free then you can also record it and view later. But then first thing is you must connect to internet at home in order for the cameras to run real-time. Not difficult to setup la, I see my hubby just follow the instruction and do it only.
I said similarly to my boy too before!! haha.. i told him: even instant noodle also need 5min, and buying fast food at McDonald also need to queue up and wait.. u just ordered ur milk, so must wait lah..
same here. my boi oso demand instant supply. Wen he is hungry, he will wail non stop. wen he sees mummy, he will pause for a while, but if the milk duzen reach him in few seconds, he will continue until he gets it. HB say his character jus like me, cos wen i m hungry, i MUST eat immediately. kekke...
Your maid good ar...hahaha

Really *faint* when i read about the poo water...my mil know's i'm very particular with cleaniness bcos i always tell them straight like it's better for them to change clothes when back from outside before carrying baby, bcos baby's skin very sensitive and they r so sweaty.

I gave my mil a pack of wet tissue to use but there's once she actually use tissue paper instead when i was not around. End up when i open up the diaper, saw all the tissue papers dried up and stuck on my gal's butt, have to wash then can remove kind, i told her about it the next day, since then she won't anyhow clean.

Then it comes to feeding, last time my gal oftenly merlion so I told her many times to feed my gal properly, dun intro air into her, but she never listens, always hold my gal so upright saying she'll choke...so i asked my hubby, wind in tummy or choke is worse. Since she doesn't listen, i dun let her feed her grandchild lor...see who miserable lah hahaha...so now is really baby on tow wherever i go or i feed before i go out for dinner...

my baby oso behave the same way when she's very sleepy, drink a bit, pulled herself off the teat then started to cry loudly. But no one would dare to come in and bother me, lock your room which has always been my hubby's habit. Even if they knock, dun open tell them you are breastfeeding.
cj, chrys:

And I thought I was the only one with an exceptionally impatient BB! :D

My boy sometimes latch halfway will unlatch and pause for a while, like taking a breather. Then seconds later, he will start wailing, like I'm depriving him of his milk. And then I will shove nipple into his mouth and chide him, "Just now is you ownself dowan one hor..." :p

But I was telling my friend, babies must cry for survival. If hungry also smile smile, pain also smile smile, this world got no babies liao, and the whole human race will also be extinct. Dio bo? :D
hi mummies,
long time no log in. a lot of postings but no time to read through thoroughly. sigh... now back at work. sharing most mummies' sentiments about missing baby.

hi cocomo,
can share how to install cctv? my parents are taking care of kayden. know he's in safe hands but just want to see him at times leh. now sometimes i call back and my parents will let him listen to my voice but not the same leh.
hi fiona,
my baby loves to be carried in that position after the 1st month. everytime will want to be carried in that way and sleep in my arms until he is sound asleep. sometimes, i'll just lean against the sofa and let him sleep so i can get some sleep too.
hi mummies,
forgot to ask. do u wait for baby to cry or wait for baby's signal and give him the night feed? as i mentioned before kayden will make the kissing sound when he wants milk. however, my sil asked me to wait for baby to cry and then give him the night feed. He can be making all the kissing sound at 2plus but only wakes up at about 4 to cry for milk. Question is do i feed him when he makes the kissing sounds or wait for him to cry?
Anyone of your baby bite your nipple when latch on? Jayden always bite me before (when he cries for milk) and after (when he's full then play play) suckle. He not only bite but pull it long long, walau eh damn painful!!!

Actually I dun really know the instalation part coz my hubby's the one install le. But then he just follow the instruction (which come with the cameras) then can already so should be quite easy kua. I PM you my HP no, you can call me any night or weekend when my hubby's in then I ask him to explain to you ok?

Sometimes I called back and ask my maid to carry my boy near to the camara then I talk to my boy.

have been lurking for a bit and interesting to read everyone's different experiences!

does anyone's baby sleep an exceptional amount? my girl can sleep straight through from 8pm to 7 am everyday! She doesn't seem hungry enough to wake up at midnight even tho I will kacheow her by changing her nappy. She's awake quite a bit in the day tho and drinks 180ml every 4 hrs during the day (sometimes more frequently). I sppse it is a blessing cos I get to sleep uninterrupted too but now wondering if it is normal!!! anyone elses with similar experience?
cj, chrys, leia,
waahahaha! I was laffing when i was reading your posts! you know what? my megan is also like that! so our babies are all super impatient! alot of times, I tell her the same thing!"WAIT Lah!! y you so impatient!" then when she got her mouth on my nipple, she will continue to grumble and groan while drinking, like scolding me "y you so slow" haiz.. then sometimes at night, I face the same prob as chrys, also not everytime but at times siao siao suck a few seconds pui out my nipple and esp just when I am experiencing letdown then milk all spray on her haha! then she starts wailing and wants the nipple again... sometimes I so fed up with her, i told her " obigood... you dun wan so milk spray on your face then I gif you nipple you reject not my fault"... my hubby says how can I be so impatient... like that we better stop at 1.. must go tell him some mums are like me too hahaha... he also says this impatient character is inherited from me hymph!
hi fiona,
Thanks for showing me the position! I have been letting megan sleep in almost the same position, with legs more extended every night, on her tummy since 1 month and she sleeps very well in that position, like very secure..we call her "caterpillar" cos her bums will be qiao qiao and when she wriggles and moves her head left to right, like caterpillar!she seems to sleep longer thru the night in this position instead of on her back... but I find it dif to place on our tummy cos mine like caterpillar keeps wriggling!
hi mummies,

re: maids
this is the 4th maid I am having...from while I was preggie till now... I think I am champion liao!if I tell you about my experience about maids, you all will faint! My maid also like to copy but she don't get a chance to copy me cos whatever lovey dovey things I do to baby is behind close doors. She copies my mum though, from actions to cooing at the baby in the same EXACT tone and words...fainted and sometimes when she does something wrong and we correct her, she can give some reasons... too many reasons become excuses... but overall, she is the better among the 4... so smal things I close one eye... wait till I go bk to work and I wil c what happens...

How often do you call back home from work and ask the maid how's our baby.. sometimes when I go out in the afternoons, I call back quite frequently. I wonder is she gets irritated... and what questions you all ask? I think I keep asking the same qns, she can memorise her own answers liao!haiz!
Hi cocomo,
can you pm me the website link? I wanna try from my office system and see got firewall not.... is yours 3G video cam? can watch from 3G phone?I am trying to hook up one based on 3G videocam so that I can access and watch from my own mobile phone...in case my office got firewall...

I wonder how my maid will react if I place a videocam since I did not put any in the beginning... I have a friend whose maid cover the videocam while it was recording and when my friend asked her y she did that, she said she din even though she knew her actions are being recorded.. really wonder what they are thinking sometimes...haiz
wah, so u gonna be blacklisted by MOM if u change maid one more time liao. mine first one still under 'probation', coming to 2 mths. problem is she's not completely hopeless, neither is she good enuf to take care of bb without supervision. last week jus found out she duzen wash the teats wen washing e milk bottles. Fumes...
yah bottle feeding should be faster den nursing.

try to burp ur baby when she stop feeding in between after burping u try and see whether she wants to continue her milk or not. cos normally my ger will make noise when she finish two oz and i burp her after burping she will continue her milk.

its normal for baby to wiggle and make some noise when carrying one ur chest as long as not cry.
i tik u dun bother 2 try...i know ur office sure got firewall 1...how abt viewing fr ur HP? abit leh chey but betta then nothing rt?
Hi CJ,
Ya I know!!!at least you can still give your maid a chance....so dun gif up yet... My 3rd maid is under my ro-in-law's name, so on paper,this 4th maid of mine s actually 3rd one under my name... i really hope I dun need to change anymore cos very tiring to train and retrain!

Hi Cat,
I have yet to get another chance to try out that position on my tummy, will try to do it today...

Hi kelly,
you very bad lei, dun gif me one chance at all:p... ya so i am thinking of viewing from phone... but EX leh!

Yes this is 3G mobile camera, the brand name is D-Link, not the very high end one but still ok la. Hm. . . my hubby said this website (you create it yourself) will not be block by firewall hor coz of xxx (an IT technical term so I also dunno what). Anyway, I can give you my home's website address and you can try if you want. But then just keep it to yourself hor else ppl hack in to see my plc will be no privacy liao
You can ask someone to install for you if you want, I know someone who do parttime and charge for $80 for instalation.
Hi ladies,
Long time never log in.

Hi zshih
My baby also drinking 180ml now. I diluted his milk from 3 scoops to 2 and a half scoop. He drinks every 3 hours. These few days he also sleep very little in the day time. Like 2 to 3 hours in total when i am out for work. When i reached home, i will take over to take care him. These few days he will sleep around 7 plus or 8 plus. Wake up to drinks his milk at 2 am or 3 am. Then continue to sleep to 7 am to 8 am. I think yr baby and mine abt the same sleeping and drinking pattern.
my husband very lazy one... can u share the part-time contact with me? thanks!

I hope to view from office and also from hp.. that way if weekend wanna get away with hubby for coffee can still check check hor? :p

how old is your baby? my boy still on 120ml... sometimes we try to increase 150ml not always can finish...
what kind of formula u using?

how do u make milk powder dissolve properly.. mine, sometimes take a long time to dissolve if not got clumps in the bottle...
if ur baby is sleeping from 8pm to 7am and never wake up for feeding you got to feed her while she is sleeping so that she won't get too hungry. if she is feed 4 hourly. you should wake up and feed her 4 hourly when she is sleeping as well. so that she won't get dehydrated n lost of nutrietions.
NAN Nestle very good very easily dissolve leh even Lukewarm water i just shake a little and its dissolve. my ger also still drinking 120ml only. got to depend on our baby how much they can take.some baby are bring drinker some are not.

for your milk maybe you want to dissolve it in hot water first b4 adding cooled water.
Hi cocomo,
Thanks for the Dlink url. Did you get the DCS-2100 Series Model DCS-2120 Securicam Network Wireless Internet Camera with 3G Mobile Video Support? How much did it cost you for the 3 cams and other misc charges? Is it easy to do our own installation?

Just curious, can the link you watched the video be used for this model DCS-2100G Securicam Network Wireless G Internet Camera as well?

Can you pm me your link? I just wanna try on my office system. If can't means I have to watch via 3G phone liao
Sorry need to clarify, that part time guy only help on software installation (setup), not the hardware drilling type hor. But then for me I just place the camera on table/shelve lo.
You got mail. Mine is DCS-2120 series. You can get that higher end 66 and 53 series if you want, they can move according to the movement, but then. . . EX! Mine approx $300 each.
Hi Cocomo,
You've got mail
So total you spend about $900? i also plan to just put it on table... perhaps I can get one and experiment 1st... keke

Hi Zshih,

Wooh, how i wish I can sleep thru like u. My boy sleep at 11+pm, then would wake up for milk at 4+am. Sometimes when my boy wakes up at 2++am, I give him drink a sip of water that put the pacifier, and he is back to sleep again. Then 4++ he wakes up, and I give him milk.
My boy drinks 90ml on average in the day and drinks 120ml at night.

Last night, my boy was so fierce. The first time i saw his reaction. My 1yr old niece is screaming and making a fuss. My boy stare at her hard(eyes big big) and shouts at her, "ah" 3 times. Didn't know he can act as an adult. Haha.
Here's my boy's latest photo, taken last wk.
