(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


i pm u
just need more info on the contact.. I oso just wan to put on shelf or table... dun like to drill...

Will sms/PM u later when I back home coz did not bring the contact with me.

Already sms u the link, login ID & password. After you have tested pls sms me. Thanks!
Long time never post here but have been following the thread.

Cocomo, i just PM you to ask about the cctv. Really need your help as i wanna to get one as soon as possible. Thanks.

hi mummies,
most of the time, during night, after my gal finished her drink and fall asleep, i can see that she kept licking her figure non stop leh, most of the time can lick until awhile later wake up licking. Do ur also like? Is it becos she nv drink enough?
hi cocomo,
i tried to login from phone but i got a blank screen.. any idea y? i tried on my pc.. neda activeX... this means in office cant use cos i know active x is disabled in my office
any one using NTUC diaperS?

just saw their offer - size M/L & XL going for $9.50. cheap cheap..

anyone can share if its good??
am using ntuc diapers its not bad leh compare using drypers, ntuc brand is better leh... the plastic for sticking is much flexible then drypers.
is the plastic tab the sticky kind like drypers?
or like Nepia - soft type?

i've tried drypers and the sticky tab always get stuck onto my boy's leg when changing diapers...he cant stay still for a moment...
erin, I wouldn't wake the baby up if he doesn't cry. I feel that that would disrupt the baby's ability to sleep through the night.

zshih, i feel otherwise from Catherine. I think your gal is drinking alot in the day, that's why she can sleep through the night. I have read in a book that says that in order for babies to sleep through, they must be "tanked" up sufficiently else they will feel hungry at night. And since your girl is already drinking 180ml which is quite a lot for babies this age judging from mums' feedback here on the quantity, there is no worries that she will be hungry. She is not a newborn anymore so should be alerted when she is hungry. My eldest son also slept through the night, though not quite as long as your girl, at about 3months and when he started drinking 180ml.
its like drypers but its is more flexible i don't think it stick on my ger's leg leh.

yap 180ml is alot for babies lest then 3mths leh.
i follow the milk instructions even if baby 3-4mths the most is consume 120ml-150ml until baby reach 6mths then start to increase to 160ml-180ml.
Hi mummies,

Can share how do u all manage ur ebm?
- Pump out and freeze immediately, when bb wants to drink, thaw the oldest milk?
- Pump out and keep in the fridge, when bb wants to drink give the freshest milk, excess keep in freezer?

I always pump and freeze immediately, and take down from freezer only the amount for 1 day consumption (eg 8 packets) to fridge compartment. After 12hrs, it'll melt, warm up when bb wants to drink. So bb always drink old milk leh.. unless latch on. A mummy told me i should give fresh milk to bb, excess then keep in freezer, dun use oso nevermind.. But if the old milk keep piling up in freezer, after 2mths, it'll be expired and got to throw away?? very wasted leh..

Pl share ur milk management ok?
Hi catherine,
Can share the milk instruction? ie how much should bb drink at different months.. Need it for my own knowledge and assure my PIL, so tat they dun anyhow feed my son. My MIL told me when bb is teething, will drink less, so now must drink more.. got this theory meh.. *hinn*
Hi cocomo,
my bb never bite but ever pull nipple long long once or twice.. haha.. maybe u can pat him and tell him not to bite. BB can sense our message from our expression. Everytime i scold my bb, not fierce, but he sees my facial expression, he'll cry. Even when i "complained" about him to my hb and sis in law, he will look at me and give me a sad and sour face.. like really know i am talking something bad bout him.. so funny.
i agree wif u tat we shld let our bbs sleep thru e nite if they r able 2 do so. my younger boy edward slept thru e nite since 2.5mths old, he started wif sleeping for 7hrs stretch (fr 11pm-6am) then he slowly progressed to 8, 9hrs stretch. now he can sleep for 10hrs thru the nite (fr 10pm-8am).

juz out of curiosity, where did u get e info fr abt waking up bbs 4 milk periodically even during the nite? i checked wif e nurses in MAH and 3 PDs b4. all gave e same advice. in bb's 1st mth, do wake e bb up every 3-4hrs but after bb turned 1mth, take e bb's cue. if e bb wakes up 4/5/6hrs or watever, let baby b.
remember i shared wif u b4 abt "feeding on demand" which applies to all types of milk - EBM, latching on (definitely) and FM

i've shared wif a few mummies b4 tat watever kinda milk ur bb's taking, feed on demand. for me, i never believe in looking at milk tin 4 guidelines. if e milk tin says ur bb shld b drinking 4-5oz now, but he only drinking 3oz. u wont b forcing down e extra 1-2oz down his throat rt? if ur bb can drink 6oz, dun tell me u wont prepare more 4 him?

2 me, ur ILs r ridiculous. if ur boy is drinking 4oz now, juz tell them tat u checked wif e PD (bullshit them lah) n juz feed 4oz. if feed more, bb may vomit & it'll b worse.
hi catherine,

the link is wrong?

they always say he can finish 140ml, but dunno y he can't seem to finish when i feed him, and i only give him 120 to 130ml, as i believe this amount is appropriate for him now. Everytime he'll stop at around 100ml (unless he super hungry), then dun wan already n starts to cry and struggle. My MIL will ask me to stop for 15-30min later then feed again. Sometimes after 30min still dun wan, hv to wait after 1-1.5hr, then he willing to finish up. I dunno y they like to give so much then bb cannot finish, hv to heat up the leftover after tat and feed again. After each heat up, the nutrients will be lesser and lesser..

he drink 2.5hourly in tis pattern. The timing starts from the 1st feed. I rather he drink less and feed more frequently if they want.

I feel so stress when feeding my bb in front of my PIL. Bcos i can't seem to finish feeding my own bb. Last night when i wanted to feed my bb, my MIL said "ask ah gong to feed, ah gong feed then can finish.." Previous me will obey and hide in the room to cry, but last nite i just grabbed the bottle and feed straight away, never obey anymore.. but can't finish of course..
Hi kelly,
Before this we fighting over feeding water. They like to feed my son water. My son never seem to like to drink water. Everytime when i warm up the milk (it takes time), they sim tia when he's crying non stop, so keep feeding him water first, worse bcos when he sense tat it's not milk but water, he'll struggle and cry more. They manage to feed some water in his throat though and end up can't finish drinking the milk. The battle is over n finally they heed my advice and never feed him water anymore (at least in front of me i never see, behind dunno). Maybe bcos of this, they feed him more milk.

I wil endure for tis mth, after tat i'll be taking care my own when going oversea with my hb.

sigh.. talking bout ILs, can talk for few days.. when's the next gathering.. haha.. :p
chrys ur PIL SIAO ar....where got people keep on feeding baby after 15-30mins u got to monitor how much each time ur son drink and how long after he will cry for milk. not happy happy let him drink like.. will make ur son sick one........if he drink milk 2.5 hourly the gv him 2.5 hrly. baby got to sleep leh if baby don't sleep baby will get frustrated and will not want to drink milk cos not enough sleep.
Hi kelly,
I agree with u. Feed on demand. My baby is drinking 180ml with his powder diluted from 3 scoops of milk to 2 and a half scoops. as this prevents him from getting constipation. At least this can last him 3 hrs. Previously drinking 150ml with 2 scoops of milk. He will cry for milk abt 2hrs plus. I takes care of my baby during weekday's nites and fri, sat and sun the whole day. The rest of the days my MIL take care. When I told her last weekend that baby needs to increase to 180ml. I told her that i increase his milk to 180ml during the weekend. She says i very pai si ren let baby drink so much, but i told her that baby after drinking the milk still cry and dun look contented at all. If he is full, my baby will stick out his tongue and push his teats away. Then during the weekday she took over taking care of him and she still feeds him 150ml. He proves her wrong and keep on crying after drinking milk. And she told me abt it when i reached home from work. She says 150ml not enough for him. 2 hours plus he will scream for his milk already. Finally she believes what i say.

HI butter8,
My son is drinking similac infant.
Baby do need some water but not much u can feed ur son like 1/2 oz or just a sip can liao. To prevent ur son to get too heaty.

But of cos not keep feed and feed this is really mad i can tell u.
is ur milk too diluted? by right how many scoop is for how many oz for similac. too diluted baby will not be full at all and will not get enough nutritions leh.

for me i feed my ger 4oz 120ml 4 hourly and every 2 hour in between i will feed her 1 oz of plain water.
i wanna meet u & bb shu nuo b4 u go off...if not, gotta wait til next yr.

i tik pupsandcups suggested abt organising a gathering. i dun mind my plc but quite far 4 everyone. i stay in pasir ris leh. when we meet, then we gossip abt ILs ok? i can bring out my truckloads of it too.
Hi chrys,
When yr son drinks half way and stop. Maybe he wants to burp. That is also what happens to my son. For eg when he was drinking 150ml the last time. He will drinks abt 100ml and stick out his tongue. I will burp him first. After he burps I will continue to feed him the rest of the 50ml and burp again. Even if he dun burp, i also will pat him on his back for 10mins. If my son drinks less than 150m and totally dun want to drink anymore means he got air in his tummy. I will then apply some ru yi oil on his tummy. After a while u can hear him farting. Then his next feed or the feed after next he can finish his 150ml
Thanks for u all for undestanding me.. as am staying w inlaws now temporary, hb's away.. he oso dun like to always hear telling bad things about his parents, he say next time my son's wife will talk bad about me too.

I go pump milk now.. then go home.. write again tmr.
Hi Catherine,
For 180ml should be 3 scoops. But for me I put 2 and a half scoops for 180ml. I dun think is too diluted. I have been doing this since he is 2 mths old. He will be 3 mths on the 8th Nov. Similac infant is quite heaty and he dun likes to drink water. Other than that I gives him gripe water twice a day after his bath. For my son, he will poos every 3days once. Last time, I followed the guidelines which is 120ml for 2 scoops. He doesn't poo for 5 days. So my pd told me to try to dilute his milk. That is why i been doing this pattern up till now.

augbaby just told me yesterday tat better not to freeze the EBM, coz if we put in the fridge, we hv 48hrs to finish it, compared to 24hrs by freezing the EBM..

and also, by freezing it, the fishy smell is strong! @__@ very er xin leh... and oily also.

but mommies, my question then is, if i put in fridge, and bb cant finish after 48hrs, can i freeze it then? or can i freeze it after 24hrs, after i noe bb sure cant finish the EBM in the fridge?

pls advise...
hi tch n kelly,
thanks for ur advice. so i don't wake him up for feed until he cries? but sometimes i see him smacking his lips, raising his feet and banging them onto the cot many times prior to his crying which can be 1 or 2 hours later. i feel bad if i ignore him cos i'm afraid he'll be very hungry. how? u dun have this problem?

hi chrys,
ur mil abit like mine. we can't keep reheating the milk cos there won't be much nutrients left. furthermore, it's not good to keep milk for more than 1 hr because of bacteria buildup. Now i always 'hide' in my room to feed unless my sils are at my place. She doesn't comment now. But i think she did inform my sils that i always stay in room with baby now cos they will tell me not to stay in my room all the time.

hi kelly,
am waiting for the gathering but will not bring kayden along. if the gathering is on either this or next sat, can i join u all in the afternoon as I have to work these 2 sats? thanks. hope to see u gals soon.
hi honeyhaven,
i'm giving similac to my boy too. he used to poo once every 2 days but now poos every 5 days. I'm following the similac guidelines. so ur pd told u to dilute his feed ah? my pd says it's ok as long as his poo is soft and pasty so i din dilute his milk.
Hi all,
I can offer my place for the gathering. I stay Redhill area. Too bad last time last min called off the meet up.
so when can we go over? u throw a date ok?

pai seh, i dunno edward's sleeping pattern cos he sleeps on his own bed in a separate room. husband'll sleep next 2 him on e flr but he sleeps like a pig, wont hear a thing until edward screams 4 milk.
my ger also did the same thing i use pacifier and she will stop moving and continue sleeping. maybe ur boy just need to suck so let him suck pacifier
augbb also told me tat she dun freeze EBM. y huh? my EBM dun hv fishy smell cos i kept it very far away fr e raw food. in fact, my frozen EBM (after being heated up) tastes slightly sweet, pleasant-tasting lor. in fact i've been giving my elder son frozen EBM mixed wif his FM, dated way back in aug/sept. he ok leh, never complain.
This weekend seems a bit rush hor, wat abt next sat?

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill)..
1) cocomo & family
hi catherine,
but i dun want to give pacifier leh. my mum says no good leh. last time very difficult to wean my older sis off and they drool a lot.

hi cocomo,
i wanna go but can only make it later. have p1 orientation. dunno whether i'm involved but most prob have to help out.

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill)..
1) cocomo & family
2) erin

hi leobbsmom,
learnt during antenatal class that u must freeze bm in a separate compartment. dun put together with meat or fish.
What I am doing now is to give Jayden:-
- 2 feeds latch on
- 3 feeds freeze BM
- 2 feeds frozen BM

I will freeze those extra pumped BM into the freezer based on first in first out basis.
Think what leobbsmom mean by fishy is not coz of the fish la. My frozen BM also smell that le. very 'xin' lo. but when I taste it is a bit sweet also. Maybe I dun dare to drink milk so I find it fishy.
What time you think's appropriate to meet? still the same 10:30am? or at 1pm? No experience in organising meetup. hee. . .

no worry, my house door's always open for you and I believe those mummies will still be around one la, sure got lotso things to share and discuss
hi erin00,

aidan also has the same pattern... usually he makes a lot of noises in the night (but not cries) and i will feed him milk... im a light sleeper so once he started noises i cannot ignore leh... tried to ignore before but he continues the noises for more than 5-10mins so i tot it's hungry call.. hence usually gives him his night feeds before he cries... same dilemma as you...
What experience Kelly has? I will bring Jayden for the Jap this Sat le. Dunno will have fever or not??!! Quite worry.

I bought a pack of NTUC diapers to test out recently. Think I prefer Drypers for the elastic backing. Feel that NTUC is cheaper quality than Drypers leh. NTUC uses the same type of sticky tape as Drypers but apparently, it's not as sticky and easier to peel. It does stick to my boy's leg when he kicks though, but not as tough to peel off from his leg compared to Drypers. Can buy 1 pack to test out lah.
how abt fixing it at 130-2pm? 80% of the mummies/bbs will b late.

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill)..
1) cocomo & family
2) erin
3) kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
tis is my experience wif e boys' ex PD - dr cecilia lee at blk139, tamp st 12
i posted tis at another thread (for my elder boy) dated 30oct, 519pm



i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO angry wif the boys ex-PD (yes, it's ex-PD cos i switched 2 a new PD tis morning)

last fri, i brought e boys back 2 e PD (dr cecilia lee) 4 a review. they hv kinda recovered...no more runny nose, coughing but i do seem 2 hear edward's blocked nose occasionally (which could b due 2 his sensitive nose and/or e haze) & they still may hv phlegm in their lungs.

when we got 2 e PD, she said e boys r all ok and offered 2 give edward his 3rd mth jab (overdue) and a rotavirus oral dose. husband & i was kinda surprised but went 4 it. for me, i wasnt too convinced tat e boys are well but decided 2 go 4 it since we r there at e clinic & we can save e time & effort 2 bring them back (anyway, since e PD said they r ok, she wasnt going 2 prescribe any medication 2 treat e 'supposedly' blocked nose & phlegm tat i hear). husband still said i oversensitive and worry too much.

so edward got his jab but i didnt let gabe take e prevanar jab cos i'm very sure tat gabe still has phlegm in his lungs.

edward did developed a slight fever on fri/sat which i diligently fed him e paracetamol. on sat nite, edward started sneezing. on sun, he started coughing too. at nite, he coughed so badly until he vomitted out his milk a few times.

tis morn, i brought edward 2 c dr loke. dr loke told me tat edward still has phlegm in his lungs and she hears a wheezing sound everytime there's a deep breath taken. if i dun bring edward 2 her earlier, it may develop into an asthma attack. dr loke went 2 say tat edward's throat is very sore so antibiotics is definitely required , along wif 4 other types of medication.

after i left dr loke's room, i was SOOOOOO angry. i called husband & complained 2 him, also 2 express 2 him my displeasure tat i was RIGHT abt my boys still being unwell AND tat dr cecilia lee still jabbed edward.

bcos edward was jabbed when he was still unwell, his immune system is kinda down, hence he was more vulnerable 2 e viruses. now he's coughing more badly & mucus flowing everytime he sneezes.

i shld hv trusted my instincts 2 consult a different PD earlier then my edward dun hv 2 suffer 4 so long. i kept changing my mind cos e boys seem well everytime i wanna bring them down & husband felt tat it's betta 2 go back 2 e original PD who knows their condition.

to tik i still recommend tis dr cecilia lee 2 augbb, erin and a few other mummies cos her jab charges are very cheap. luckily tis new PD, dr loke's charges for e jabs also very cheap, same price as dr lee. i wont step into dr lee's clinic ever again.
hi mummies,
wow! I just came bk from shopping at vivo, so many postings liao!

Chrys/Kelly, Leobbsmum, augbaby and erin,
on milk mgmt:
I based on FIFO principle (first in first out). The ebm that I pumped out, I will put them in the fridge for the day. But I will use the oldest date milk which is in the fridge which I have taken out the day b4 to thaw. If my baby drinks a lot for the day and eats into the EBM that I pumped on that day, I will let her drink today's pumped milk (the oldest of today cos I pumped 2-3 times per day) and whatever left from today's ss at the end of the day, I will freeze it in the freezer and store it up. I will then take the oldest ss from the freezer to the fridge side to thaw for next day and the cycle goes on. Is it confusing to understand?

Erin, kelly, TCH and jokojoko,
on feeding and sleeping:
I feed on demand, esp at night when baby sleeps. If she don't wake up, I wont wake her up to drink milk BUT I may at times wake her up for her last feed like 11 plus or 12 plus so that she can sleep through the night (hopefully), if not for 4-5 hours. In the daytime, I aga aga go by her 2-3hours timing of feeding... sometimes b4 she cries but I sense she is hungry, I will let her drink else I would have to manage her "angry wails".

My baby always poos when she feeds so at times must stop feeding, change diaper and continue feeding again... anyone has same prob as me?

my feeding pattern similar to yours except i dun wake him up for last feed if he's asleep. he has slept for 8 hours ( the longest ) on one particular night, but usually he will awake in the midst of sleep to get milk one time. den it will be the next morning between 6 - 8 am.( not fixed)

before 2 months, he used to poo daily in the middle of a feed. after dat, he pooed only once every few days, but past 3 consecutive days, he pooed again. usually, he will stop drinking cos he's too uncomfortable but i do not continue after changing. instead, will wait for next 'hungry' signal to feed.
