(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Please let me know the Venue you want to collect your dvd Sat and Sun i am at SENGKANG Let me know ar...

3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received) Collected
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 English - Total 4 Dvds $14x2 =$28 (Payment received)
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28 (Payment received)
10)cocomo - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
11) jokojoko - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)

The pictures so nice and wen xing!!! Can tell Denise love her brother a lot! I wish Jay can be like Denise as now he like to hit my tummy when I ask him to sayang mei mei

I met Bernard in school today, I asked him how's everything he only answered busy coz lotso things to do. But can tell he is stress as well so I dare not talk further to him.

You hang in there, 4 more days to end your confinement. Did your parents go help you up since they are now so free? Regarding your maid, bo bian la new maid are like that, can ask your mum to train her or not? I am getting new maid as well, no working experience at all! Bernard advice me to get those ex-spore one but agent said better coz they clever liao and worry I difficult to handle. ai. . . at the end I chosen total new one. God bless me!!!

Hee. . . Jay's birthday theme is Barney. I intent to just invite the PG and N1 only so maybe around 30 kids. Really worry I will pop b4 that.

Congrats!! Have your receive your party stuff? I sent out last Sat and sent you an email but no reply from you.
haha, he got his hands full with megan that he hardly carry Nicole.. then at times, he got to take my nonsense...

daytime it's not too bad cos megan is in school (thank god!)that's 1 good decision we made manz.. but I still find myself super busy, cos latch then pump then rest then left so little time for myself then b4 you know it, Megan is back home. parents will really come in and help after my Cl leaves and hubby goes back to work...hope things will work out...

You try to strengthen Jay's immunity during the period you are popping, else if he cant go school then you will feel very stressed out at home..

maid wise,you know how to speak malay not too bad.. we can't so imagine trying half the time to explain "plastic bag", "dry cloth", "wet cloth" to them without even touching theinstructios part..*faints*
ya 4 more days!can't wait but also scared how to handle Nicole alone with this maid when CL leaves.. haiz

Guess I am too late to order right? if can, pls take in my order, if not, its ok. Thanks!

going to pump milk again... come back later
Hi Cocomo,

Thanks. will check with my mum tonight on that.... was on mc yesterday cos the previous night, I slipped & fell when walking down the stairs....luckily everything is ok after scanning....
Take good care, guess the weather has been bad, lots of people are sick, hang in there.


Hannah also watches TV before she sleeps everynight. Its hard for us to establish a no tv routine for her at night cos everytime I travel, hubby will break all routines and go back to the square box as he cannot settle Hannah down for bed. Don't feel bad about this, at least Megan still drinks her milk while watching tv, mine totally refused the last feed, she look so skinny now, no longer chubby girl.
Hi cat,
Just replied you.

Hi Honeyb,
The 1st week my maid left was a nightmare cos Megan refused to drink her night feed.. milk made all gone to waste. She refused to sleep too, keep running ard our bed, rolling here an there.. my hubby was also the one who started the square box.. now even mealtimes also square box... good to know I am not alone :p

RE: Birthday

It will be a small affair this yr... most likely will celebrate this sun, together will zac's bro. Quite sian to celebrate so many birthday in July, so just have one for all.

RE: Before bedtime routine

Thanks to his bro, now zac will also take a book to read before bedtime.


Actually, zac is watching thomas now. He has a very short nap and is super high just now. Jumping on sofa. Feel so exhausted entertaning him for the past 2 hours. Ran out of energy and things to do, so switched on thomas while I take a break surfing net.
Re: Maid
My maid is considered quite good and she has been a very great help around the house such that I'm afraid to lose her. Her contract expires this Sep and she wanted to continue with us. So knowing I'll be on maternity, she agreed to stay on during this period but asked to go back home for 2 weeks during X'mas. I agreed cos its fair to let her go visit her home after being away for 2 years. But I just fear that she may suddenly change her mind when she's home then don't want to come back liao e.g/ her family persuaded her to get married or she just missed home so much.

So besides me taking leave again during the 2 weeks she goes back home, I must also be prepared if she doesn't want to come back to us, then I must quickly get a new maid. I dunno am I worrying for nothing or not leh.

But lately I worry abt all these domestic issues till I can wake up in the middle of the night and lose sleep. Like I worry over which childcare to put Justin, when to enrol him, am or pm session, got school bus or not etc. And hubby can't be bothered by all these cos he's always thinking abt work.

Another frustration I have lately is becos my maid is really so good, hubby tends to push everything to her. When I try to involve hubby with Justin, he'll call the maid. He expects maid to even discipline Justin. Every single little thing, he ask maid to do and blame me if I take on handling Justin myself and gets overtired saying I got maid but dunno how to utilise. Very sian with his attitude cos its like he's shirking his duties as a Daddy. If I want hubby to help change Justin's diaper becos maid is busy in the kitchen, he'll shout for maid, if she doesn't respond quickly, he'll say "Is maid sleeping?" I'm so scared my maid really dun want to come back work for us becos sir is so demanding. Basically everything I ask hubby to help, he'll always tell me "You got a maid right?". Unless he is a in a good mood, then he'll volunteer. You tell me.....how long can i tolerate this kind of attitude?
And becos Daddy simply shirks everything, Justin also rejects him most of the time. Justin always says "Daddy's Car", "Daddy driver", "Daddy working" and "Daddy beat". Sigh, this is what the son sees his Daddy.
hello mummies,

rae's 'reading' menu...'Like Real' haha.

Her sleeping routine = drink night milk + brush teeth + reading. No TV in my room so she's has no option.
Ha, sometimes I think its ok lah, relax abit cos once they start school, with all the homework and tutorial/enrichment classes, they won't have much time for TV already. Aiyo, I threw away so much millk, so wasteful but no choice she just refused, my mum always joke that Hannah knows things are expensive these days and want to help me save milk powder, thats why she eat more during dinner and skip the last milk feed :"(
Hi Catherine,

I can collect the dvd from you on Sunday between 10am and 12pm, can you please PM your mobile number and address to me.

Thank you.
Your words of comfort assure me alot! I trying to hang on lo telling myself let her get use to it esp she is those hardly social n interact around with kids. SHe only nap 1hr at school think still not use and teacher tell mi she doing not bad dare to nap.. some don even wan to nap n keep cry! Praying for better..

I am like you too.. always crying over small issue. Even till now i will too though i m into 6weeks after birth. I hate all these hormones changes and keep asking y women face all these not men ah
I check with my gyane about the bleeding he say womb everything is ok. Not menses cos I just stop BF and still leaking. He say some ppl can bleed for 2mths! Gosh... i remember having Natalie was about 1mth 1week and al cleared... what to do

Lovely pic! I also been trying to catch Nat holding nic again but she refuse... hai headache
My mum also joked that we all so lousy, dunno how to coaz megan to drink milk cos in school, she finishes all, sleeps on her own and even back at my mum's place, holds her own milk bottle and finish all the milk.. *ggrrrr*

Hi Amy,
Rae looks very grown up liao and reading at menu!you just reminded me.. megan also brushes her teeth after milk BUT it's also in front of the TV..
your reading is after milk and brush teeth? how you do it?
Mummeis with kids in CC,
How does ur kid react or how long adjust when start to sleep ther or start full day instead of half day?

Thanks for sharing
Hi augmum,
Next time I will be celebrating Nicole birthday in June and Megan's birthday in August.. good gap else I will end up combining their bday celebrations haha..

augmum and mummies whose kids like thomas the train,
there is thomas the train show during sep hols.. th 15% disc was over 2 or 3 days ago.. but if you all interested still can buy good seats if you buy now... FYI

After she had brushed her teeth, I will ask her to go to the next room to say goodnight to my parents. Then, back to our room, closed the door and starts to take some books out to read. After 15minutes, dim the lights and continue reading as long as she's lying down and looking at the book.

If she rather roams around in the room, I let her be while I still lay down on the bed but stop reading. After a while, she will ask me to read again, then I ask her to go back to sleeping position then I continue to read till she sleeps. I have a very thick Nursery Rhymes book that cab read and read for quite some time.
Some days it can take up to 1 hour but I tried to stick to this routine.

So, after work is like no life sometimes end up sleeping with her, no chance to talk to the #2 inside tummy and apply stretch mark cream.
hi racoon,
I can understand your feelings.. I have exact feelings as you. I concluded "competent maid will make us incompetent". you will feel the hard hit when your maid leaves, be it for short term or long. My maid also does everything sui sui for us till the last day... and now we all miss her so much..last time our maid does everthing for us and megan, cooks for us (we have nice dinners, now i can't depend on this maid), looks after megan - megan is "bai2 bai2 pang4 pang4" under her care, even tie hair also by her (her hair won't be out of place), she spots and applies creams on every insect bite, cuts, bruises on megan's body.. more observant than us... so I can empathise you..

Whether your maid is staying or not, pls learn some impt stuffs from her (like handover list) just in case..then you won't feel so lost. Now, we sort of got used to doing things without her presence but we still miss her.. esp when megan fell recently kena 1 big ba lu ku on her head, I really feel the hit.. if she was here, maybe Megan would not have fallen.. haiz..

so you can imagine when she called back recently to ask how m i, megan and all etc, we were so elated..we know she will be back just dunno when cos hshe needs to settle some family stuffs 1st.. but again, we dun dare pin too high hopes in case disappointed.. you must plan some "hou4 lu4" just in case she dun come back..
some friends scare me that bleeding may be caused by cysts, fibroids etc so I went to see gynae during megan's time. Turn out was menses even though I m on TBF.. so this time I won't be surprised if it comes back quickly again. My bleeding stops ard the 2nd week.. think for csec, gynae clears the blood for us..

Re: cc
I would say about 3 months for megan to truly settle down with minimal crying..matb nat will be faster since she was thr for half day liao but do bear in mind she will need to adapt 2 rimes, 1time half day n then another time full day so gotta b patient with her.

Actually I think I can handle the stuff done by my maid. The more difficult part is preparing Justin's meals cos that has been planned and prepared by my maid solely, although initially was taught by me lah. I just need to take over and know what time to start cooking and how much to prepare, so long never do, rusty liao.

And its also all abt us getting independent too, cos whenever we want to go out, maid just have to ask us what time and go where e.g/ go my mum's place or restaurant etc etc so she knows what to pack and what time to start cooking Justin's porridge.

So in a way, I felt blessed to have a reliable maid, but that really makes us lazy too...haha. And that's why sometimes I tried to do things for Justin myself cos I scare if I get too dependent on maid, I'll forget how to do it when she's now around, then I kenna such sarcastic response from hubby !!!
do you have bookshelves whr u put the books for rae to pick out? I scare dimming the lights n reading lying down would spoil her eyesight so I stop reading at 1 time. Now tv takes over, equally bad.

I only talk tp no.2 when i haf private time with her and that's only at work haha
same same.. things tot n prepared by me were passed on to her now taking them bk beeds recalling n time, minus laziness haha i guess it's timing issue to.. think we cam handke wo her if it's just megan.. she left when i haf nicole so stressed lor... no time to train new maid.

Yap. There a shelf in the room for her books. All the toys are outside the room. So, there's only books for her.

I also have concern about eyesight so try to position the light at the back of us and not dim too low. Anyway, for her, it is not really very focus in the words so think it is still ok.

Talking to #2 during work... this kind of talking need 'mood', at work no mood.
your books mostly colourful pictures with big words? I am going to shift Megan to her room after CL leaves. Have moved her bookselves from living room inside and her toys out of her room so that can change the routine (hopefully), if not would be back to TV :p

You use orange or white lights? I on white lights she super alert won't sleep.

then you play classical music while at work to your no.2

The books are really a variety but mainly those with big words and not too wordy per page. The lighting that I use is fluorescent but with warmwhite tone.(a bit orange but not as orange as halogen) This type of tone is the best for reading than the white light or halogen.
Congrats to both "J" - Jes & Jas ...
wow.. think most of our Aug06 thread mummies had No.2 liao... really will influence ley.. so tempting to have 2nd one but now still a "NO"..haha..
love the second photo tt u mentioned too.. so touching to see jie jie hugging didi..look alike ley..
Piyo, any latest photo of Nicole? haha.. so sweet..
so fast next mth our kids turning 2 liao.. same here will be having Barney theme..having a small Birthday cum BBQ party for my monster.. haha..
denise loves babies alot and esp her didi. you gals trying to make your #1 sayang #2 more,me the other way round. denise can hardly keep her hands off, so i have to be very careful. she will even try to snatch lucien away from me so she can carry...it's a big headache too!

re: maid
i'm going to get another maid afterall, but same like my previous maids will only let them handle housework. i never like the idea of maid taking care of my children or else they think they are indispensable, i rather xin ku now than later if i dun have a maid one day. at least now the only thing is i need to do more work ard the house but patrik and i are used to handling denise ourselves.
re: tv
denise also watches tv the moment she's home from cc till she sleeps bcos it's our own bad habit to switch it on even when we not watching the moment we back in the room...but sometimes she just move ard and doesn't watch.

but she's been very dependent on the pacifier nowadays, think we'll have a hard time weaning her off.
Reading books during bedtime
i also stopped after 1 time, coz i realised tat tat i could heardly read in a dimly lit room. so sherv doesnt hv the habit of listening to stories b4 sleep.. it's more of chatting n singing to her at times. but since i was preggie, i stopped doing tat. i do the reading, singing n chatting in the living room when she was still alert b4 bedtime. at least tat's quality time spent with her...

i also never let me previous handle BB, not even touch her milk bottles n stuff. the only thing she did was the laundry n pour away the bath water after we bathe Sherv. coz my mom is very particular abt cleanliness, so i guess my new maid will also do the same. but with sherv around, think she'll be busy la...

yes, i do agree tat a competent maid will make us incompetent. some maids will think they're indispensable, and start to talk back, aruge their point, show face...etc.

mummies, this will be my first official maid under my name, so i might need some pointers from u experienced employers in the future. it just feels different when i'm the one who goes thru the whole process of employing a maid... =P

Hi mummies,

I asked Justin last night what present does he want for his 2nd birthday and what type of cake does he wants too.

His reply is "Bus Puzzle" and "Bus Cake". I think I can find the "Bus Puzzle" but I have problem with the "Bus Cake" cos most of the cake shop have cake designs with all types of vehicles except bus. Can any mummies who have seen such designs pls help me

You can see how obsessed Justin is with the bus !
Morning Mummies!

So much post to catch up!!

Hi cocomo & Piyo,
Hope both your child's "ba lu ku" is gone by now. kieira had a very bad fall last month and although the ba lu ku is gone, still can see abit of blue black on her forehead

counting down to your confinement liao
Please dun exert too much pressure on yourself re maid, domestic issue and megan. You'll get all stressed up and won't be in tip top condition to handle anything...

RE : Maid Issue
There's always pro and cons of engaging a ex-s'pore or fresh maid. I'm also facing this issue! Current maid say wants to go back after i've just renewed her passport and contract!!! I've totally reliant on her to look after my kids. Now that the 3rd one is popping around early nov, I'll put kieira in full day CC and eldest one starting P1 next year. Hunting for a reasonable CC. When i asked my maid again if she wants to go back, she told me she'll let me know by sept! *faintz & arrgg* That's because the computer course that she enrolled in ends in sept!! But I told hb that i can't wait for her to made up mind and will source for a new maid. HB against the idea and still wants to keep her as kieira is VERY attached to her. Hugged her like koala bear and refused to let go if she never sees her for a few hours. Every time when we reach home, she'll rush in the door and call maid's name!!! I told myself to let go and not to feel jealous but still cannot help it la. Things that i dun like abt her is that she lets my kids wander around the house without keeping watch. That's y, kieira fell down so many times climbing on chairs etc. I did not even utter a single word to reprimand her!!!! becos' i need her to help me jaga my kids while we're working
She used to be more responsible but have become lazy. Rather hide in her room to read or surf the net. Really regretted letting her use HB's old laptop!!! So now also do not know whether to change or persuade her to stay. Haiz....

Re : Birthday Party
Was thinking of celebrating kieira's birthday with family members only. However, HB thinks its unfair to her as my eldest dd always have a party.

Any mummies interested to organised a "August Birthday Bash" for all our kids? Maybe we can plan something together??
HELLO Catherine

Sorry for MIA for so long, have been very busy with work lately. I have PM you about the location to collect my CD. Thank you!
White_lady/ Leia/Amberlyn/cocomo,
I will be going Raffles place on friday to pass to Jasmommy and yogibear If any of you at raffles place me let me know ok?
net surfing is so addictive! why did you allow her to do tat in the first place...? now it's too late to withdraw such benefit or she'll feel deprived liao... think that was a case where a maid used the employer's data to post on some single networking web, and it came out on newspaper last yr i think... so disgusted to find her own bio-data n pic being posted by her own maid!

think apart from calls made to her hometown from my housephone, i will not allow my maid to hv any access to the outside world! as my criteria is a young maid(so it's easy for us to train from fresh), i've decided to treat her like a younger sis, and teach her b4 she learns the bad things from experienced around...

if u feel tat your maid has "changed" then might as well get a new one, so u can start afresh n set new criteria n house rules for her to follow. it's easier to train a new maid than an experienced one which already hv their own set of style of doing things... very hard to change their mindset/thinking.

just my 2cents worth...
Hi Mummies..So many posts...bo time to read man.

Dunno why Gen has been super duper sticky & a cry baby since she was discharged from hospital 2 weeks ago..can get on my nerve coz i cant sleep well & still need to wake up to feed Cornelius milk during wee hours.

Whole day cry & want me to carry her..at nite wake up a few times crying for me. I will be going back to work next week...dunno can handle or not..dun tink i will be able to pay full concentration at work

B'DAY CAKES : Anyway, i will be asking my sis-in-law's auntie to customise Gen's birthday cake (Barney & Friends)in August. She is a homemaker but bakes excellent cakes & pastries & tarts. I have seen her works (she took several pics of those cakes she make), her standard is as good as those sold outside. She also uses more healthy ingredients..homemade cakes are healthier then those sold outside i guess.

She can make 3D cakes as well (i have seen her do Cars & Thomas the Train in 3D form)..just give her the pic then she can do it for you already.

I always look forward to my sis bringing the auntie's tarts & pastries..really good !
Wah your maid damn ho mia!!! You enrolled her in computer course and let her use your old laptop!! Perhaps should ask her to make up her mind by end of this month so that you can get your maid in earlier to train in case she dun wanna continue and you are going to deliver liao.

I have been having BH quite frequently for the past few days, like once every 30 to 45mins. Then when I passed by TMC today just dropped by to ask the nurse if this situation normal. Who knows the nurse insist I stayed to do CTG (this is 3rd CTG I have done in less than 2 weeks!). The CTG shown 3 BH contractions in 1 hour but gynae said it's ok coz just BH and no sign of labour so I can go back. Really hope my BB can 'dong' till Aug!!!

I am not able to pick up at Raffles coz office no longer at RP liao. If there possible for me to pick up at any place near City during weekend?
Same as you I will not allow my maid to access to the outside world and talk to other maid coz dun want her to learn bad things from others and imaging she alone with my kids at home so dunno what she will do lo, unless I have someone at home to monitor her.

Wow, the bus cake looks really nice, but very expensive wor..... Whenever Justin sees double decker bus, he'll get excited and say "big bus". He simply adores this vehicle sooooo much.

I dunno know if I got BH like u leh, but my bb does kick very very hard. She'll use her legs to grace over my tummy walls sometimes making me very ticklish. My problem now is when I sleep at night, the bb's head resting on the V area makes it really painful. At night wake up go toilet, I also must struggle and hold my tummy at the bottom. I'll be doing my 1st CTG during my next gynae visit which is next week.
hi everyone..
wow so much to read here....

yoshi- ur maid can surf net!!! wow

mummies with maids..
maid woes are those i fear most
but I am lucky now I do not need to work for a while so I can do most of the childcare myself. my maid is like the cleaner and sometimes the 'bag carrier' at most... she cant really take care of baby on her own i think. further she is always muddle headed or forgetful.
when i let her go out with grandma she will forget to bring baby bag out.

my current maid the agent say very stupid but kind hearted. so i give her a chance... take the time and patience to train...
at least so far i am blesses she is really kind and also hardworking...
but dun get me started on the silly things she has dun :p

Aug birthday bash
I am game !
I like that bus cake oso. Jay also like bus more than cars. But his flavourite still Barney.

Can it be your BB engaged liao that's why you feel your v area painful? For me, after makan I will feel like my tummy wanna 'pecah' (tear) like that and sometimes when ha qiu will feel tummy pain one. Izit a routine for us to do CTG every week after 37 wk huh? I din do CTG doing my first pregnancy.

During my last checkup, gynae said bb not engaged yet, he told me not so fast engage leh. Yah, I very scare when I sneeze or cough cos tummy will be very painful. Now I just feel my tummy tight and hard all the time, very xin ku, especially when I sit on the floor to play with Justin. I dun think need to do so many times CTG leh. Cos my gyane also did once in my 1st pregnancy and this 2nd time round also once around 37 weeks.
