(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 English - Total 4 Dvds $14x2 =$28 (Payment received)
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28 (Payment received)
10)cocomo - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
11) jokojoko - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56

BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (paid)
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 English - Total 4 Dvds $14x2 =$28 (Payment received)
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28 (Payment received)
10)cocomo - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
11) jokojoko - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
Glad that you share your problems here is a way to relief your unhappiness here. Is time you should move on and actually don't bother what your mum think if you think is right just follow your feeling. you have build your own family take care of your family first esp your boy is still young. is better for him to live in happy enviroment. If you realise your son now is getting to see people, if the person who does not communicate well with his parents he will also dislike tat person. If can try putting him in half day childcare or playgroup let him familiar with others then put him in full. sooner or later he need to go to kindergarden might as well put him in playgroup of halfday care first then slowly intro him into fullday.
Hi jojo,
I really empathise with the situation you're in. What's worst is your own family members ya. I do agree with some mummies here that you can consider putting your son either in full or half day CC. Although it might be really stressful in the begining, but i think its a more condusive environment for him with trained teachers etc.

Hi MH,
I've been thru the same situation. Eldest dd was admitted to hospital 3 times since 3 months old due to acute brochitis. On top of minimising dust free environment, her PD suggested a humidifier in the bedroom.

Have tried crocrodile meat soup, cordyceps soup etc but at this tender age, its really difficult to get them to swallow all these "herbal" concortion leh. When she's abt 2 years+, PD put her on a tablet lung booster known as "singular" meant for everyday usage. As she's older now, I've cut back on her singular as its very ex lor. Cost abt $4+ per tablet. I only use it consecutively for two weeks when I think she's going to get cough or flu. Hope this info helps
you do take care too...hope Gen will be better soon.

i agree with the suggestion of sending your child to childcare. we even sent our less than 2 yrs old to childcare alrdy, it may be hard in the beginning, but it's definitely a more condusive environment like what yoshi mentioned. a child will eventually adapt and even learn to be independent along the way, anyway it beats being sent to your mum's place and learn nothing but fear at the end of the day.

at many times, we as parents have to sacrifice for the sake of our children. nowadays there are many options out there now to support working mothers like us.

You hv my empathy rgdg the situation you're currently in. It is most heart wrenching when the people closest to you are the ones who are making life so difficult for you.

It's good that you hv already given yourself a "deadline" (which I gather is year end) to decide whether to stay put with current or quit and take care of boy yourself. If it's either one or the other, you'd prolly need to ask yourself whether such mental stress which is obviously affecting all of you (you, hb and kid) and your happiness is worth the dough you're bringing home every month, and whether you can cope with 1 salary (make do with less) or perhaps 1.5 salary...

Abt your boy not liking strangers, I think it's impt that you get him socialised properly. Not sure if he has the opportunity to be around other adults and kids, besides your BIL, who is a totally negative demonstration of how nice and kind other adults in general can be. Hv you brought your boy to attend those weekend playgroups where parents can join in? There will be teacher/s and other parents and kids and this may be a good chance to get him used to other adults and kids and teachers, to pave the way for his possible entrance into childcare, be it full day or half day.

If your coy is ok with part time arrangement, ie. work 1/2 day everyday, then you may just be able to put your boy in half day childcare in the morning while you work (that's why I mentioned the 1.5 salary earlier).

I can't say anything more but just hope that you'll be able to discern well in this matter. All the best!
Hi Mummies,
For Asthmatic Kids try to prevent them from taking too much cold drink & Sweets stuff Some veg also got to prevent. As they are too young Till now i never let charlotte touch any sweets stuff like cakes sweets chocolates ice creams. vitagens or yakut is a totally no. Only once a blue moon i close one eyes. let her try abit.

If parents have history of Asthma got to be very careful with you kids having it.

Other then that like what yoshi said Cordyceps soup can help and crocordile meat. Another one can get it is (XIANG BA BANG) I dunnoe whats is the English name can get it at Chinatown, Is very gd for lungs And boots up immunities.
which i always boil it in porridge previously.
Yoshi - Gen is taking singular now..Doc says she has to take everyday for 2mths.

I wish i can be a SAHM coz den i can control what Gen & Cornelius eat,slp etc. I will be going back to work in 2 weeks time & its worrying me. My maid will be handling my kids & my MIL suddenly has difficulty walking & is rather weak..so afraid my maid cant handle the workload of taking care of my kids, housework & my MIL.

My MIL used to give Gen eat several 'gao qi zi' everyday when Gen ask for 'tang tang'(sweets) 7 sunmaid raisins..now she is getting too heaty..i have asked my MIL to stop giving her..but i dunno what else they will give her to eat when im at work...haiz.
do u hv any goose feather-filled pillows on Gen's bed? if u do, pls remove them. Sherv has been coughing for more than a mth now, and my mom has just bought her a humidifier, and I've removed the pillows from her bed. think it helps, coz she's somehow reduced coughing at nite. try not to fill her bed with too many pillows or bolsters or dolls...etc.

another method is to rub RU YI oil on her soles and wear them socks. Vicks is not strong enuff for her soles, so i "upgraded" to RU YI oil, it helps...

how often do u switch on the humidifier? i only ON it 1hr b4 Sherv sleeps.

i heard of this method from the forum :
I will ON it for 1hr, with all the windows closed. then when the dust is humidified, it will fall onto the floor. then i will clean the floor to remove the dust. i heard tat this method works better if the room is air-conditioned. but due to the cough, Sherv cant stand dry-air now. so after tat, i'll open the windows again to air the room. =P

i'm just doing watever i can, in hope to reduce her coughing tat's so disturbing at nite. due to the lack of sleep, i've serious migraine for past 1 week now. my gynae said my migraine doesnt sound normal, and referred me to a nerologist! alamak...i'm scared! also, i've low blood count... sigh... dunno why this preg i'm so weak... =(
this is good for healing coughing or weak babies. my mom just told me tat she bought the powder for Sherv, and it cost $600!!! since she knows wat is good for my girl, i also cant tell her not to buy mah... coz if Sherv is ill, my mom suffers the most coz she sleeps with her at nite. i'm gog to tsf $$$ to her later... it makes me wonder if i still wanna insist on having no. 3 now...

Crocodile meat
i dunno if this is any better than cordyceps, any mummies can advise the price? how long do u feed your kid? just trying to explore remedy for Sherv's cough if cordyceps doesnt work either...
hi, i find cordyceps very good. my elder boy had mild bronchitis earlier this year (during CNY)..and PD put him on nebuliser for 3 days..then followed by oral ventolin and singular. but i didn't administer the singular cos i read somewhere that there might be some side effect on some people..(like headache) and my nephew had tat side effect..anyway..after the episode, i started brewing cordeceys for my boy on a weekly basis..it has been 5mths now..and he has not developed any cough or flu..i'm not saying that the cordecey is a miracle but i guess even if he falls ill, it will not be so serious...tat's my experience...
Baby Brain Dvd,
I had confirm the Dvds will come in on sat.

But for level 1 English there will be a delay of shippment will only be in on wed/thurs
Mummies who only bought chinese and level 2 english dvd Please arrange collection with me.
Hello mummies,

MIA for sometime again.
Felt so tiring been a mum of 2.. sometime even a mom of 1. Natalie is getting more and more out of hand. Cant disclipline her. She throw her anger as she like no doubt how gentle I am to her till I cant take it and beat her hand. She has started out at CC recently. Till now going 1 week she is still not adapting very well! Whenever I bring her over she will cry. Sometime don't even want to come down and walk by herself! I have no choice but to just pass her to teacher and lucky after 5secs she stopped. Why? Cos in her hands have her baobao and teacher carrying her for sometime. I felt bad to teacher though they told me its ok and some toddlers may need 2week-1mth to adjust! Its crazy for me. Though she have been eating ok at school and feed herself. I have start letting her sleep during afternoon as I been puttin her half day till I wish she could be better. She seldom interact with the kids only once awhile and play to herself. I am very worried she is autistic..

Back home she wants me to carry more! And also I cant seem to be really able to do my things. Even cooking once she saw me walk away from her sight she start crying again! Not to mention go Pee... Sometimes at night she is crying too till these 2 days bit better.

Do you all think I should stop her going to school and wait till she is older like sometime next yr? OR should I contd till 1mth and see how it goes? ITS pains my heart to see her keep cry and didnt really interact with other kids. She love music n dance BUT at school she didnt dance to music at all. I am feeling very stressful.. with the newborn and with Natalie behaviour.. sometimes really cant take it wanted to just.. don't know how to say.. even keep quarrel with HB.. he just cant seems to understand no doubt how much I try to tell him and express to him what is happen and he only say LET HER CONTD La and slowly will adjust cos if I were to go back work which planning in progess, MY MIL cant handle 2 and also SHE DON like MAID which HB ALSO DON LIKE! siao siao siao..
hardi and other mummies,

RE: Cordyceps
what is cordyceps in Chinese? How much to use and how to cook? My older boy was also put on nebuliser last week and is often breathless too but pd said too soon to diagnose as asthma.

RE: Humidifier
Humidifier is diff from air purifier, right? We are actually thinking of getting Honeywell air purifier.


It's usually like this for the first few weeks of childcare. My older boy took quite a long time to adjust. He would refuse to go to school then. However, once at school and I was out of sight, he would be perfectly fine.

In addition, kids of their age still cannot play with other kids. They usually just play on their own.

I don't think Nat is autistic cos you mentioned that she could talk and interact. One very obvious sign of autism is no eye contact, even to parents.

You sounded very stressed. Do take care and do seek help from yr parents or in-laws if you are very tired.
Hi Cynthia

Is normal when start sending them to CC. Crisann also like Nat when we started her off to CC. She also wanted me to carry once bk fm school. Even till now and super sticky to me. They really need sometime to adapt. Some child needs a longer time to adapt.

So don't worry and do take care.
Natalie will soon get use to CC dont worry ok?
Is normal for toddler at this age to throw angry at this angry they will throw angry to show unhappiness, which charlotte had been doing it even i never put her in CC. And is normal for Nat to scream or shout for you when you just walk away to kitchen or toilet Ignore her continue going to kitchen or toilet its just awhile and she will be ok. Charlotte can even cry when i just walk out to throw rubbish.

Charlotte had been like this she even cry when going back to with my mum. Just yesterday we went for wedding dinner after that when we going back i say bye bye to her she cried. Charlotte also don't share or play with any other kids She even more selfish she will collect all her toys back from my SIL son.

Is really normal and is part of their growing. Just tell nat to wait there mummy is going to toilet. you can check http://www.mumcentre.com/essentials/babymilestone.htm for more details of their growth is very useful tips.
Hi MH,
My dd took singular everyday for abt a year+. Subsequently, when she got older then i reduce the dosage to 2 weeks every time I hear a slight cough or Flu like systoms. I'm abit Kiasu ...as i find that it helps to prevent the cough or flu from developing.

Hi leobbsmom,
I used the actual cordeceps bought from yu yan san not the powder kind. Its actually very ex lor. Usually i'll just put in abt 2 strands to boil 1 ~ 2 bowls of soup. However, dd always spit out and have a hard time forcing her to drink!

Re : Humidifier
I on it throughout the night. As I also suffer from slight asthma, I find it more soothing to breathe to on throughout the night. My hb cannot sleep without aircon leh. so bo bian. I will also add in abit of essential oil like lemon grass as i find it very soothing
HELLO mummies

Thank you! I agree with all your suggestions. Frankly, it is in me to know which direction I should go. Catherine, you are quite right, I am more bother about what my mum thinks. Guess its high time I should think for my own family.

Yes, I do think of playgroup, but those need a caregiver to be around. I will start slow, put him in for half-day for about 2 weeks, then I will go full-time.

cordyceps in mandarin is dong1 cong2 xia4 chao3. The price of it went up tremendously from 600plus 2 years ago to 1000 now at EYS. If you want to try this, must wait till your eldest boy is fully recover first. And, speak to a physician in TMC clinic first

Quick quick, go out of the house for 20 minutes, find a coffeeshop and 'la' kopi and take a break. Cannot drink, just stir the cup also can be quite therapatic.
Glad you understand what i mean. All Kids starting will not get use to it remember to get Vit C for him before he enter in to CC. Get those Vit C suitable for his able go to pharmacy or NTUC pharmacy they will introduce you.
Hi mummies,
Long time no post liao. I have been very bz for the past 2 weeks and this week is definately a difficult week for me at work, on myself and on Jay.

Work wise not worth mentioning here, too stress coz lotso last minutes unforseen circumstances popped out and messed up my work.

Then on Jay. . . his teacher called on Monday (everytime I see the caller ID display the school name I will feel stress liao coz muz be something happended to Jay again) and told me he fell from the chair and has a bump on his left forehead. So I tot just a small bump and only ask teacher to monitor him. Then when I went to pick him up in the evening I reaised his bump is really HUGE! Like a mini cha siu bao and got bruise somemore. Jay fall sometimes at home straight to the floor but none of it have bump like that! So this round must be a horrible fall in school. I damn heart pain but can't say much to the teacher as kids do fall sometimes. Lucky he has no fever or other symthom after that. His bump and bruise still there till today. sigh. . .

Then on myself, I slipped and fall down on wed when trying to turn back to another table to take some documents. While trying to get up, I knocked my tummy hard onto the sharp edge of the table coz forgotten my tummy big big liao. Was stuned and shocked that time and can only feel sharp pain at the place I kena. Immediately I called my gynae and the nurse told me as long as no bleeding and BB is moving well then should be ok. When I got home I realised my tummy has bruise so decided to see gynae early next morning to play safe.

Gynae had an ultrascan and put me on CTG for 1 hour. Confirmed BB's movement is good and everything should be well. Finally feel release. But was on 2 days MC and rest at home. During these two days I still need to deliver documents for my boss's signatory and work from home. sian...
Try to calm down n relax k? It can be very taxing esp during this period of pregnancy. I was also quite frustrated during then n always find myself clumsy. But everything will be fine. Hope jay's bump will goes off soon.
oh cocomo,
sorry to hear tat u and jay had a rough week... did u rub hard-boiled egg on jay's bump? and apply zambak if he doesnt touch it or the oinment will sting his eyes.

for urself, maybe u need to drink essence of chkn for your alertness. esp now in last trim, we tend to be less alert due to the strain from the baby.

aiyo, hughug* for u and jay ok... do take care and rest well.

i just had lunch, and my throat feels funny liao... sore throat coming... sigh... my migraine still not gone then sore throat is here...

now i really look forward to fri n sat nite when sherv is at my mom's, and i will be able to sleep thru the nite. my migraine is killing me!!
Wow..when kids fall sick...not only parents are tired..the pocket oso burn a hole. Cordyceps so expensive !

I hope Gen grows out of it after taking Singular for the next 2 mths..hv yet to recieve the total bill from KKH..shld be a bomb..lucky got insurance.

When I saw u mentioned "la kopi", i laughed. I remember i'm like u, love to "la kopi". This 2nd pregnancy, I bit more relaxed and really got take coffee liao. I really really agree how therapeutic "la kopi" is...haha.


Must take care hor. We are both at same stage of pregnancy and I'm getting so tired and lethargic everyday. Action also more clumsy and slower. Although this 2nd pregnancy, I put on lesser weight, but I feel more like a pig cos more clumsy and less alert. Plus still got our 1st one to attend to, its really very taxing physically and mentally.


Hugs Hugs, must take care too.
Thanks. I will walk slowly and be extremely carefully from now onwards liao. I did apply Zambak on Jay's forehead and put icepack on after he slept. The bruise and lump now smaller liao but can still see lo.

Did you experience contraction huh? I had that quite often today le. From 10am till now like about 10-12 times liao, but is painless so I think is only BH. How many weeks are you in now?
Dear cocomo,
sounds terrible for u this wk...hang in there and things have started improving alr..glad that u n jay is ok...must take extra care during this time ya....b4 long, yr girl be out liao....
hug jay for me too...

do take care...having n taking care of 2 kids r reali tough n till now i am still learning along the way....u can do it....jay can be v difficult as well but i juz try to talk to him in a reasonable way n try to educate him...thou now i do take a more firm hand wif him since i am hm with him everyday now..have bought a wooden ruler to use as a cane for him....

hope everyone of u r well and take care...not much time to myself thou now i am not working anymore but so far i am enjoying my time as a SAHM with jay n jaz and spend time with them...next wk onwards be a tough wk for me thou as my new maid be here and think the kids n the maid need some time to adjust to each other n gotta train her...juz worry that new maid cannot handle jaz as now old maid knows my own of doing things n how i want things to be done...well hope this new maid will be gd....
Your posting real loonnggg! Just finished reading. I am not staying with my parents or ILs so can't really comment much. But I agree with other mummies that it is better for you to send your son to child care now rather than let him stay with your mom the whole day. I think not only you and your hubby will feel the stress, your son too if he is going to hear the quarelling and argument often. Not good for him tho coz he will develop a false concept on 'home' and 'family'. Rather for him to go school to mix with friends and learn things.

I'm now 35 weeks, EDD is 17th Aug. But gynae said this baby is smaller so may come out earlier so he told me this time must come to hospital immediately on any signs of labour. Makes me really nervous cos my gynae's words are always so accurate one. Think of it, only left 1 mth before EDD so now suddenly must start to prepare for 2nd baby liao like wash the clothes and pack here and there.

This 2nd pregnancy, I only put on 6 kg to date, so much lesser than when having Justin when I put on 12kg. Hubby keep saying I never eat enough but there's only so much I can eat and I never go on diet leh, every pregnancy is just so different.

And, the kopi taste better if it is in neighbourhood kopitiam!! Anyway, I really cannot go without coffee especially in the morning. So, now during pregnancy, I still drink but cut to strictly 1 cup per day. But cut alcohol completely which is another indulgence that I have.

6 kg seems on the light side..You must be too tired so no appetitie, better take all the time after your birth to recuperate.

So, what is racoon and cocomo going to name your princess?


Got your email. It's alright, it's your decision though it will be a joy to see Ed in action again! Post a photo of him here soon.
Your EDD is very close to mine, my EDD is 15 Aug but I booked 8 Aug for c-sect liao. What is your gal's weight at 34 weeks? Thought if smaller will come out later ma?

I control my diet coz BB was 1.9+kg at 32wk then when last week 34wk she only put on 100g. I so gang qiong liao. But when I fall down and went to see gynae on Wed, her weight shot up to 2.4+kg in 4 days. She progress faster than Jay so gynae expect she will be almost same size as Jay (He was born at 3.3kg at 39wk). I always feel that my gal will come out earlier than expected date le, hope will not be July coz I still have tones of works to complete.

I put on 9+ kg liao, last pregnancy 12kg

My gal is abt 2.4kg at 34wks, gynae kept saying she's small and shd be around 3kg at birth. Maybe becos he compared to Justin who was 3.5kg at birth.


No lah, I never take any alcohol.

I have no specific cravings so just eat my 3 normal meals and some tea breaks in between. But weight seems to climb slowly. In fact, this round, I took more sweet stuff but still never put on so much leh. I thought maybe becos I've also been busy with Justin who simply zaps up my energy. But as long as baby grows to a healthy weight at birth, I'm happy loh.

Everyone who sees me all said my tummy very small. But I also big size lah so that makes my tummy even smaller.
my boy weighs 1.7kg at week 30. haha.....also abit on the BIG side. he put on 700g in a mth from the 1kg i put on. it's good tat he's the one who puts on weight, not me! but i dowan a big BB also... =(

i put on 9kg so far at week 30+.

cyn cyn,
dun worry so much and do take good care of urself ok. if nat is really notti, u must discipline her! sherv also getting outta hand, and i cant take it anymore... i'm sure it's not completely due to my fatigue tat i lost my patience on her! she's REALLY nottier and nottier by day!

she's running a slight fever now, and i'm rushing back to see her now. byebye mummies and hv a great wkend hor!! take care all and enjoy...
hi mummies,
next week would be end of my confinemnent..during confinemet cant wait for it to end cos been eating those confinement foods,cannot bath n wash hair, bfg ard the clock,megan asking for attention and being confined to the house.. i tot i was going mad..next week end of confinement, now worried ant handling 2 of them without confinement lady and with a "not-so-helpful" maid

and nicole wants to be carried all the time cham liao la

with CL, i am already so tired. All i wanna do is sleep esp in the afternoon else also scared no milk!I wonder if i would b worse when she leaves cos this new maid is *&^5.. thinking wanna change or tong till my old maid comes back!

I cot this maid doing funny things behind our back that i really dun trust her with megan or/and nicole. I miss my old maid
One night, I asked her to wash n sterilise my pump. When I go to the kitchen, i cot her pouring condensed milk right into her mouth and licking the container.. yucks!

then just b4 i pop, when my hubby went home earlier than expected, she could not be found. guess whr she was? she was sleeping behind my sofa..

and she broke 1of the glass bottles I used to contain my ebm and the tongs I used to pick the sterilised bottles from the steriliser. My old maid used for past 2 yrs also never spoilt. she came 4 awhile spoilt liao.

and she tends to eat things in our fridge (quite alot) and part of my confinement food!that I m worried if she eats part of megan's food too.

I have been so busy keeping tabs on her on top of bfg n other stuff... so vexed..

hi racoon, leo and cocomo,
time flies! soon will be your turns to pop liao!b4 you know, you are holding your bbs in your arms! eat more and rest more now

cyn cyn and leo,
pple told me the 1st kid tends to be very notti when we haf no.2.. and will be worse when we are in confinement.. got to be more patient.. I lose my temper at megan at times too...

hi jojo,
best to place your boy to cc cos he learns more things than staying at home in that env...

hi MH,
wanna tell you that megan is currently on SIngular for 3 months.. been giving her at night and it sort of improves her coughs and all..
me having similar feelings as you, worried about not being able to cope with 2 when confinement lady is gone.

denise has been throwing tantrum at every little thing and even cry for going to take shower, and very often i will snap at her when she hit me while crying for no apparent reason, especially when i'm alone with her. feels like i can control my temper. i can't imagine when lucien cries( his cries very kan cheong ones) and she cries too, think i'll go mad.

think you really need to get this maid changed, she's not trustworthy from the way she does things.
Hi cocomo

Hope both u and Jay is fine. Take care. Me also like u, once the school call i will be v stress. She has kana bump twice. Haiz.....

Hi Piyo

Same as Fiona, think u should change yr maid. If not u sure won't be comfortable.
Yes Cocomo hahahaha... after venting out my frustration then realised it is so long.


Thank you for all the encouragement and guess what happen? Just as my hubby expected, my mum went finding fault with me and openly chased me out of the house. In fact, my hubby has been over this 1 year keep telling me to tolerate. He is expecting this to come. Anyway, right now, I will have to go pack my stuff and slowly move back to my own place. As for my son, I will only pull him out at month end and request whether can I work half day at home bringing him back from the childcare centre. Thinking it will be better to do it slowly by having my hubby to bring him to childcare in the morning and I bring him back in the afternoon. After 2 weeks then put him there full time. Now, need all mummies here for advise, is such arrangement alright? I believe they are sturdy and can adapt very easily. Of course initially he will be looking for his previous caregiver, but over time, he will get over it. I have suggested to my mum 1 week back when our new maid ran away to call my previous maid, whether is she keen to come back. My maid said yes. So I will be calling her secretly to work for me again. Is it safe to get her to bring my son back from childcare? Sad that all have to end this way, but agree with Cocomo that all these will be giving him the false concept of home and family.

What made me angry is, she can actually vent her anger on my son! Today I happened to come home at 8.30pm cause meeting ended at 7pm. Normally I am home by 7 to 7.30pm. When I stepped into the house, I saw that my son has just finished his bathe and was sitting on top of the coffee table and he was as usual so happy to see me and calling me "ma ma". Then my mum went shouting at me that she is not my maid. I kept quiet and just when I turned my back, my son cried so loudly, then realised that she snatched away his things angrily. I quickly go washed my hands and told her angrily I will take over. Then she went to the kitchen and started to slam things here and there and cursing away. In fact, for the past few days, she has been shouting at him and handling him very angrily. After reading what all of you have posted, that I have finally woken up. It is when reading Catherine's post that I should not bother what my mum said, that it finally get to me that I have to stop feeling guilty to think for my own family. It will not be difficult to pick myself and move on. If so many of you can do it, I can do it too. Just that now it is the initial stage of getting over the hurdle to being independent.
Some old folks are ignorant. Is good that you try to put him at cc if you trust yourself you can trust your maid to take care of your boy hours after CC. since u decided to get back your previous maid i believe she can do a good job for you. trust yourself your view. Glad that y9u move on and lead ur own life.
Dont worry about baby though if bit small. I was same like you.. #2 was alot lighter than Natalie. Natalie was a 3.3kg bb BUT Nicole is 2.7kg. Was so upsetting with myself for a start and she was out earlier BUT now after seeing her growing more heavier drinking well I felt just be glad. I also gain about 7kg this round preg. When having #1 is about 8kg too.

You must be careful okie. For me when I was preg I lose count on how much chicken essence i have taken! IT helps alot. Even "paosheng" also in every morning. I was lucky though have fall a few times... maybe i more fats so protect Nicole that time hahaha. Rest well whenever you can.

Its stressful for sure having 2 monster at home. Ya I was really really very very stress and went haywired and blow myself up and keep crying. Though ended confinement but I still tried to eat better esp with ginger and dom. I have stop BF also. Think is the stress and no rest and my MS sudden just cut off! Blame myself very much but slowly let go. As long nicole drinking well & healthy I should be glad..

About Natalie school, I been putting her half day recent. Coming monday is time to put her full day as what the teacher advise. Though she on off make slight improvement. Main I still wish she can start interact with the kids and cry less. Now at home she always throw her temper and very clingy which I feel is resulted from the school. SHe is rejecting going too. Been cracking brain with HB and trying see if getting a maid will help as its too tiring and out of hand for me to handle 2. Morning imagine Nicole is in the sling and Natalie refuse go school I have to carry her. Haha my neighbours saw it say I very "tekong"! Also losing my appetite with all these and wished I can just go back to work... I only hope when Natalie adjusted very well and her temper is not so horrible at home, no more trauma, I shall find a job/career for me to focus and rely on.. I am not cut to be SAHM that y.. losing all the patience.

Pray for better

Thanks for e well wishes and concern
Btw Yogi, do you want to collect you dvds? there are ready for collections

Mummies who had miss out the BP for baby brain dvds if you are interested can order now

English Level 1 will come in on wed/thurs.

Cyn, can try buying twin stroller for 2nd hand so that you don't have to keep carrying nicole.
not to worry with nat she will get use to cc. is just that are you patient enough to let her learn to be independent. don't give in so easily ok?
